Baldurs Gate 3 devs officially shift full attention to their next game as CEO teases the story aint over
You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereLarian Studios Baldurs Gate 3 is one of the most ambitious and celebrated RPGs of all time, and it deserves every ounce of popularity. With the game managing to still decimate player counts in 2025, BG3 is a game that could live forever.However, following the release of Patch 8 this month, Larian is done with major updates to BG3 as the studio plans to bid Faerun adieu. While more Baldurs Gate 3 content could release, especially considering past games owned by Wizards of the Coast saw additional DLC by new devs, Larian is mostly done.Baldurs Gate 3 devs put full attention to new projectIn a post on Twitter, Larian Studios CEO Swen Vincke commented on an amazing video telling the tale of Larian. Dubbed From Bankruptcy to Baldurs Gate 3, the spectacular video goes through the history of the game developer and touches on some of its lowest points.While commenting on the video, Vincke teased that Larian is far from done. The studios next project wont be ready for many years, but the CEO still wants fans to stay tuned.Got me all nostalgic it really has been a[n] incredible journey so far, Vincke said. But the story aint over yet. Stay tuned. Going to try to skip the dark night of the soul moment though if you dont mind.In a separate statement to VideoGamer by Larian, it was confirmed that the team is now fully committed to the studios next project. While some minor support for BG3 is still in place for bug fixes and managing the games modding portal, the bulk of the studio is now acitvely developing its next game.Swen and the team[s] full attention is focused on crafting their next title, VideoGamer was told as Larian moves to a media blackout for the foreseeable future.Preliminary work has already been done on Larians next RPG as graphics engineers quickly moved to fix the biggest technical issues with Baldurs Gate 3. While the studio hasnt revealed what their next game will bealthough many are hoping its a return to Divinityone thing is certain: it isnt Baldurs Gate 4.Subscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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