Destiny 2's Exotic vendor, Xur, is back again this week here's how to find him, what he's selling, and whether we recommend his offerings before he vanishes againTech16:45, 10 Jan 2025Updated 17:04, 10 Jan 2025What is Xur selling this week?(Image: Charleen Bougourd/Bungie Inc.)Destiny 2 is seeing declining player numbers, but at least Act 3 of the second post-Final Shape Episode is here.I's Friday, and that means we're off to take our strange coins to Xur to buy exotic weapons and armour for our Guardians to tear through the new Slayer's Fang Exotic Mission with.This year's Final Shape expansion mixed things up for the tentacle-faced NPC, meaning Xur can now sell a much more varied list of items, and he's only ever found in one spot. Luckily for you, we'll cover where he is, and what he has, for December 10 - 14.Here's what Xur is offering for Guardians this week in Destiny 2(Image: Bungie Inc.)While Xur used to appear in multiple places, hopping between planets, he can now be found at Destiny 2's main social space, The Tower.Head to Cayde's ramen shop, and down the alley next to it to find Xur. He only appears from 5PM GMT/ 10AM PDT/ 1PM EDT on Friday to 5PM BST/ 10AM PDT/ 1PM EDT on Tuesday .Struggling to find him? Check out our screenshot below for his exact location on PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.Here's where Xur can be found post-Final ShapeAs of 5PM GMT/ 10AM PDT/ 1PM EDT, Xur is selling:Acrius Catalyst - 71 Strange CoinsTrinity Ghoul Catalyst - 71 Strange CoinsMechaneer's Tricksleeves (Hunter) - 41 Strange CoinsAn Insurmountable Skullfort (Titan) - 41 Strange CoinsChromatic Fire (Warlock) - 41 Strange CoinsExotic Class Item - 41 Strange CoinsThe Xurfboard (Skimmer/Sparrow) - 97 Strange CoinsHe was also selling these weapons:Hawkmoon (with Snapshot Sights) - 23 Strange CoinsThe Huckleberry - 23 Strange CoinsSunshot - 23 Strange CoinsThe Wardcliff Coil - 23 Strange CoinsDestiny 2's famous exotic seller, Xur, is back again.(Image: Bungie Inc.)Xur will also sell materials, including Engrams, via the More Strange Offers section, while he also has the following Legendary Weapons which cost 17 Strange Coins each.Ignition Code (Grenade Launcher)Scathelocke (Auto Rifle)Stochastic Variable (SMG)Contingency Plan (Scout Rifle)Sailspy Pitchglass (Linear Fusion Rifle)Eleatic Principle (Machine Gun)Quickfang/Crown-Splitter/Eternity's Edge (Class Swords)As of the Final Shape expansion, Xur has his own reputation system, similar to what you've likely seen with the Gunsmith and other vendors.By ranking up his reputation rank, you can earn the following from him:Rank 4: Enhancement Core x 7Rank 7: Enhancement Prism x 3Rank 10: Exotic Engram x 2Rank 13: Ascendant ShardRank 16: Ascendant AlloyReset Rank: Exotic CipherOnce you've reset the rank, these change to the following:Rank 4: Enhancement Core x 3Rank 7: Enhancement PrismRank 10: Exotic Engram x 2Rank 13: Enhancement Core x 5Rank 16: Enhancement Prism x 2Reset Rank: Exotic CipherArticle continues belowFor the latest breaking news and stories from across the globe from the Daily Star, sign up for our newsletters.