Life Moves QuicklyIf you can believe it, The Sims turns 25 next month, and a "very special" Behind The Sims celebratory video that's coming next week should help clue us all in on what's nextProbably safer to not get your hopes up too much, though.Image credit: Maxis / Electronic Arts News by Oisin Kuhnke Contributor Published on Jan. 12, 2025 Not to make you feel old or anything, but The Sims is turning 25 this year, and there's a livestream on the way to show you what's in store for the series.I'm very sorry to all the millennials out there reading this thinking "there's no way The Sims could be 25 years old, it was only yesterday I was removing swimming pools and drowning people in The Sims 2" because the truth is you're 35 and time is an unstoppable force. With the existential dread out the way, let the good times begin! Because earlier this week, the official Sims Twitter account announced that there's a new Behind the Sims livestream on the way, and it's an extra special 25th anniversary stream. "A very hoople Behind The Sims is coming!" reads the announcement post. "Tune in Jan 14, 9 AM PT as we kickoff the celebration of 25 years of The Sims!"Watch on YouTubeThat's literally it in terms of details, no teases for what specifics could be shown, nothing about any of what's coming to The Sims 4, so you'll just have to wait and see what the livestream shows off. There's a pretty broad range of things it could go into, like Project Rene, a still yet to be properly, formally revealed project that isn't actually The Sims 5 after all. It's also possible we'll hear more about that live-action Sims movie that Margot Robbie is producing, though considering that was technically only officially announced recently, it still might be early days, so if it does show up I wouldn't expect anything more than a director confirmation, or perhaps first bit of casting.To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Sims livestreams are a bit notorious for disappointing fans, so with such a big anniversary you better cross your fingers that it's a bit more than just "look at this cool new chair coming to the game!"