Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Ambitious historical epic leaves strong first impression
Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 sees Warhorse Studios hit their stride right out of the gate, promising a fascinating adventure right from the jump in a charming but grumpy worldTech16:25, 14 Jan 2025The game is frequently stunning(Image: Warhorse Studios)Open-world RPGs are all the rage these days, but they can feel a little sterile for my tastes. Sure, your Dragonborn can throw fire from their hands in Skyrim and The Witcher's Geralt is endlessly charming and grumpy at the same time, but neither of them have to worry about how badly they smell when approaching NPCs in town.That honor is reserved for Henry of Skalitz, the relatively reluctant protagonist of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and its prequel. A man in need of a regular bath, food, and sleep, hes a not-so-special star of what could end up being a very, very special RPG that stands out thanks to having dirt under its proverbial fingernails.Our dynamic duo have plenty of chemistry(Image: Warhorse Studios)Kingdom Come: Deliverance came out in 2018 (time is a flat circle and all that), and marked Warhorse Studios' first game. As far as ambition goes, a historically accurate open world RPG is certainly a bold decision for a fledgeling studio, but the game was well-received and seemingly successful enough for the team to expand.And, expand they did the studios head count has grown, and so has its ambition. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has two huge maps to explore, and packs in a level of flexibility that makes the whole thing feel just as much like an immersive sim as it does anything else.The early hours, which Im allowed to discuss as part of a preview, absolutely flew by. Henry is serving as a bodyguard-come-bestie to a nobleman, Sir Hans Capon.The two joust verbally and physically in the games beginning, and with some fantastic writing, performances, and facial capture, its easy to believe their friendship despite its awkward standing between levels of social standing.Throw in an adorable canine companion and youve got a trio Im looking forward to spending hours with although that feels like a tough ask in these tough times in 15th century Bohemia.Getting around without a horse can be pretty slow going(Image: Warhorse Studios)As with the first game, much of the selling point of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is in its historical accuracy and array of systems that, for some, will feel a little too restrictive.Hunger and sleep systems are in play, and the setting lends itself to some nifty quirks like crossbows that take an age to reload, or needing to put on a hood under your helmet. These are all felt in gameplay, as is the aforementioned hygiene that can draw unwanted attention if youre not careful enough to wash your hands or go for a bath every now and then.Being based in the UK, theres also a pleasing sense of familiarity to proceedings. Yes, were not in Bohemia, but Kingdom Come Deliverance 2s rolling fields and dusty trails are far more recognisable than the checklist of snow, desert, and other biomes more fantastical RPGs offer. Theres a sort of understated beauty to its mundanity thats rooted in my own familiarity.Its also a very pretty game. The way light bounces off the lake at a campsite you stay at early on, or on the faces of your merry band of bodyguards is a huge step up from the first game.Its not without its foibles, with some frame hitching on cutscenes on PS5 Pro, some texture pop-in and a weird bug that had one of my cohorts shield constantly flickering in and out during one scene, but given the scale of its world its easy to forgive.Combat feels a tad janky, but that could just be me getting used to it(Image: Warhorse Studios)In some ways, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 feels akin to a classic Bethesda RPG like Skyrim in how it hands you a bunch of systems and lets you make your own fun with them.Upset the townsfolk? Theyll drive you out. Get caught sneaking? Prepare for a fight. Its all stuff weve seen before, but it feels so much grander in scope thanks to the impressive visuals and more grounded setting. Theres no putting a bucket on an NPCs head so you can rob them blind here, and like the best in the genre, the best stories are the ones you make yourself.An early-game choice lets you opt in for a combat, stealth, or conversation-focused early stats package, and I picked the latter, using my charisma and smarts to talk my way out of trouble.Ill touch more on combat in my full review, but suffice it to say it has a genuine learning curve. Thats no bad thing, and Im enjoying it, but as with any first-person melee system theres an element of feeling like a drunk boxer circling an equally p****d opponent.Its not often an RPG like Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 comes around, and if it continues as it has done from this heartwarming, wholesome opening, I think it could be one of the years most special titles.Article continues belowPreviewed on PS5 Pro. Preview access provided by the publisher. _RECOMMENDED