Pokmon Gos Team Go Rocket is at it again, as part of the Fashion Week: Taken Over event, which runs from Jan. 15-19.As per usual with these types of events, Giovanni and the Team Go Rocket Leaders will be appearing with new line-ups, and youll be finding Team Go Rocket around more frequently. You can use a Charged TM to get rid of Frustration on your shadow Pokmon during the duration of the event. This event is combined with the ongoing Fashion Week event from last week, though it does have some new perks mainly the Team Go Rocket refresh and the addition of Shroodle and Grafaiai to the game.Below, we list all the new perks added as part of the Pokmon Go Fashion Week: Taken Over event, including the Team Go Rocket research you need to complete to find Giovanni.Fashion Week: Taken Over Team Go Rocket Special ResearchFashion Week: Taken Over step 1 of5Catch 15 Pokmon (5 Pinap Berries)Purify 2 shadow Pokmon (10 Pok Balls)Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket grunts (1 Mysterious Component)Rewards: 1,500 XP, 500 Stardust, Wooper (fashionable) encounterFashion Week: Taken Over step 2 of5Catch 20 Pokmon (5 Pinap Berries)Purify 5 shadow Pokmon (10 Great Ball)Defeat 6 Team Go Rocket grunts (3 Mysterious Components)Rewards: 2,000 XP, 1,000 Stardust, Croagunk (fashionable) encounterFashion Week: Taken Over step 3 of5DefeatTeam Go Rocket leaderArlo (2,500 XP)Defeat Team Go Rocket leader Cliff (2,500 XP)Defeat Team Go Rocket leader Sierra (2,500 XP)Rewards: 2,500 XP, 1,500 Stardust, 1 Super Rocket RadarFashion Week: Taken Over step 4 of5Find theTeam Go Rocket Boss(10 Hyper Potions)Battle the Team Go Rocket Boss (10 Ultra Balls)Defeat the Team Go Rocket Boss (6 Max Revives)Rewards: 3,000 XP, 2,000 Stardust, Absol (fashionable) encounterAfter defeating Giovanni in battle, youll get the opportunity to catch shadow Palkia.Fashion Week: Taken Over step 5 of5Claim reward! (1,500 Stardust)Claim reward! (1,500 Stardust)Claim reward! (1,500 Stardust)Rewards: 6,000 XP, 5,000 Stardust, 3 Fast TMsPokmon Go Fashion Week: Taken Over Collection ChallengeCatch the following Pokmon for a reward:GothitaStunkyMareanieSneasel (fashionable)Croagunk (fashionable)Wooper (fashionable)Absol (fashionable)Rewards: Trubbish encounter, 5,000 StardustPokmon Go Fashion Week: Taken Over event Field ResearchThese tasks have a chance to appear from spinning PokStops during the event:Defeat 1 Team Go Rocket grunt (1 Mysterious Component)Purify 3 shadow Pokmon (1 Fast TM or 1 Charged TM)Pokmon Go Fashion Week: Taken Over boosted spawnsThe following Pokmon will spawn more frequently during the event:Wooper (fashionable)Sneasel (fashionable)Absol (fashionable)StunkyCroagunk (fashionable)GothitaMareanieThe spawns as part of the original Fashion Week event will continue to be boosted.Pokmon Go Fashion Week: Taken Over 12 km eggsThe following Pokmon can hatch from 12 km eggs:LarvitarSandilePawniardVullabyPanchamSalanditShroodleVaroomPokmon Go Fashion Week: Taken Over event raid targetsThe following changes to theraid schedulewill take place as part of the event:Shadow one-star raidsShadow three-star raidsNidoran-FElectabuzzNidoran-MMagmarTotodileWobbuffetRalts