New Baldurs Gate 3 custom campaign footage takes players back to BG2 with mind-blowing detail
You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereWith modders making massive strides towards custom companions and entire custom campaigns, one modder is close to releasing the first playable slice of their massively ambitious Baldurs Gate 3 mod: Path To Menzoberranzan. Featuring an entirely original story and a new cast, the custom campaign returns fans to Athkatla, the sprawling city from Baldurs Gate 2.Created by a team of modders, the upcoming mod is aiming to release its first playable demo [in] Spring 2025, making full use of the cracked BG3 mod tools that released last year. With new footage showing off more progress of the mind-blowing new mod, its clear were entering a golden age for Baldurs Gate 3.Baldurs Gate 3 custom campaign footageReleased just days ago on YouTube, new footage of the Path To Menzoberranzan shows the player traipsing down the Athkatla Streets. A gorgeous recreation of the classic isometric games locale, the new location is Larian quality in its design with ornate, fully-furnished interiors and intense crowds.Currently sitting at just 2,300 views at the time of wriing, the new footage showcases the best modding work weve seen in Baldurs Gate 3 yet. While some modders work on other custom campaigns that take players to locations from World of Warcraft, or shove Master Chief into the game, this is the first BG3 mod that feels like it could be an official expansion.In a comment on the YouTube video, it was confirmed that every companion in the game will be completely new with their own VAs [voice actors]. Additionally, the custom campaignwhen releasedshould be playable without ruining your current playthrough of the main game.While the new custom campaign will take players to familiar locations from Baldurs Gate 2, the team is clear to state that this is a completely different story. This is not a remake of the now 24-year-old game. Instead, its an entirely original experience.Theres still no solid release date for the custom campaign or its upcoming demo, although that is at least planned to release in Spring. Furthermore, the mod will not be available on console or via Baldurs Gate 3s official mod page as it makes use of the cracked mod tools. Instead, players on PC will have to download it, and other custom campaigns, via Nexus Mods.Nevertheless, this is an incredibly exciting time to be a fan of Baldurs Gate 3. While were not on the level of Fallout London-size fan-made expansions, we are experiencing the start of something brilliant, and I cant wait to see where it goes.Baldurs Gate 3Platform(s):macOS, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox Series XGenre(s):Adventure, RPG, Strategy10VideoGamerSubscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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