Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (25th January)
Pokntial earnings"Now I am the (re)master"Ollie Reynolds, Staff WriterIm still making my way through the Halo franchise on Legendary. Im on Halo: Combat Evolved at the moment and Im about to enter oh lord... The Library. Pray for me.Otherwise, Ive still got a couple of games on the go for review purposes (so look out for both of those next week!) and Im still dabbling in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild here and there. Im not even progressing the story or anything, its just nice roaming through Hyrule and hoarding a bunch of apples.Have a good one!Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube794kJim Norman, Staff WriterI'm honestly not sure what my plans contain at the moment a feeling I will look back on fondly when the summer/Holiday releases start to consume my every waking moment. I recently returned to my Pokmon Emerald playthrough and I'm still having a wonderful time with it, 20 hours in. Marvel Rivals is still dominating more than a little of my time, and Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake continues to cast a hard stare my way every time I open my Switch. Maybe this will be the week I do more than stare back at it. Maybe.That said, after returning to Pokmon Snap this week, I've really got a hankering to 'snap 'em all' (that didn't sound as sinister in my head) and 100% this N64 beauty again. Watch out for incoming shells, Mankey.Gonalo Lopes, ContributorThe Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom continue to delight with very clever dungeon designs, while mankind stares at the brink of annihilation in the Freespace 2 end game. Perhaps this is a good excuse to start a Babylon 5 marathon (something I do quite often). Further Smugglers Run: Warzones progress while giving proper attention to weekly Switch releases: Tails of Iron 2: Whiskers of Winter, Tales of Graces f Remastered (my physical copy ran late), DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou, Strania -The Stella Machina- EX and (at long last) Guilty Gear -Strive-!My game of the week is The Lord of the Rings: War in the North. I almost went for a rerun of Wiis Aragorns Quest after a recent NL top Lord of the Ring games list, but I instead went for one of the unplayed games. I also just realised Nolan North voices the Dnedain ranger character, so WB Games missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime glorious opportunity to brand their name War in the North with Nolan North. Elendil would be proud.Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube794kGavin Lane, EditorI played a little Sutte Hakkun to grab some screens and it grabbed me almost instantly - looking forward to diving into that. Otherwise, it's a little more Arco and some N64 games on NSO to soothe the soul. Dipping into Pokmon Snap this week led me to fire up a couple of ol' reliables, although the input lag was messing up my Z-button landings in 1080. Yes, definitely the lag and not being out of practice. I just need to w- work my body some more to get used to it.Kate Gray, ContributorIt's me, the erstwhile resident NL games-that-require-note-taking liker. And I'm back with another one of those, of course: The Roottrees are Dead! A detective game that requires honest-to-goodness actual detective work, in the form of googling people's names and then printing off pictures of them and then sticking them on the wall with pins and red tape! And so soon after finishing Rise of the Golden Idol! We truly are in the golden age of games-that-make-me-sharpen-my-pencil-a-lot. Unfortunately, much like Her Story, this one requires a keyboard so I don't think it'll come to Switch. Maybe Switch 2 is more of a peripherals console? We can only hope.Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube794kFelix Sanchez, Video ProducerThis weekend, my plan is to play Donkey Kong Country Returns HD. I'm two worlds in, and even though I'm not completely hooked, I'd love to see how this game progresses. I'm also making my way through Professor Layton and Pandora's Box on my DS Lite, and I feel like I'm nearing the end game. Yesterday, I finally finished a really hard chess puzzle which had gotten me stuck for a while... haha... ha...That's what we have planned for the weekend, but what about you? Let us know in the following poll which games you're planning on booting up over the next couple of days.What are you playing this weekend (25th/26th January)? (29 votes)Related GamesSee Also