Hi! My name is Tobias and Im currently doing my final year of the Bachleors program in Game Development at Stockholms University.I just finished off doing a game project with 9 other game-dev students as a part a course where I was the only VFX-Artist. I will be uploading my work on artstation during the upcoming weeks and i would really appriciate any feedback. Portfolio link:https://www.artstation.com/tobiasbostromThe game was made during a 7 week period and its a small turnedbased-rpg where the enviroment is a mix between 2D and 3D.The game will be released on itch in the upcoming weeks but if you wanna try it out you download it out here:drive.google.comDreamBound_Game.zipGoogle Drive file.There will be some more stuff/polish added before we release it on itch as well as some small bug fixes. Give it a try and tell me what you think!