Eternal Strands Is a Remarkably Fresh Action-RPG Woven from Familiar Threads
PublishedJanuary 27, 2025 Eternal Strands launching into Game Pass today doesnt so much draw from its influences as treat them like some kind of thought experiment. What if, in a Monster Hunter game, every piece of armour could be made out of every kind of material (each one subtly changing their stats), and boss monsters had miniature puzzles built into their design? What if Shadow of the Colossus titans could appear in any environment, offering new challenges depending on where you are, and what the weathers like? And what if a BioWare RPG turned your spell wheel into a way not just to attack enemies, but alter the world around you?These are, of course, very big comparisons. Eternal Strands is the debut game from a small developer (albeit one with some very impressive experience in its ranks), and its more compact than the games its referencing. But this brand-new action RPG brims with ambition, fizzes with ideas, and invites you to experiment as much as its developers have.You step into the greaves of Brynn, who you might term a spellsword a seasoned warrior with the ability to use elemental magic, whos recently joined a travelling band of explorers, enchanters, smiths, and researchers. Their aim is to enter a long-closed kingdom, The Enclave once the worlds home of magical innovation, its now left in ruin after a still-misunderstood cataclysm. It promises many of the hallmarks of a fantasy action-RPG magic, monsters, mysteries but it quickly reveals itself to be presenting with some much less familiar ideas. Magic is at the heart of this world, and magic provides the most immediately surprising bit of game design in Eternal Strands. Far from simply being attacks, or traversal mechanics, the three elements of magic you can access are deeply simulated. Cast a fire spell, and flames will spread across vegetation, or leave stone walkways superheated, damaging those who pass through. Ice can be used to hold enemies in place, or cool a now-flaming area. Telekinesis allows you to pick up and move practically anything that isnt nailed down, or pull them into an orbit you create. Once youve understood these, you can start combining them a favorite combo of mine is attaching what amounts to a gravity well to an enemy, filling it with fire, then detonating the original spell to cause enormous explosions no hand-to-hand combat required.Each strand of magic becomes a means of truly affecting the world around you which means youre constantly left thinking about how to use your spells, long after you first unlock them. Youll discover that cold will uncloak enemies using active camouflage, or that you can rip the shields away from robotic guardians left wandering The Enclave. As a marker of how deep this goes, I only realised around 5 hours into the game that the ore-filled rocks Id been smashing for materials could be heated by flame spells first, effectively smelting the loot inside. If I smashed them after heating, the materials inside became more valuable. This attention to detail turns totally innocuous bits of environmental detail into useful, reactive pieces of design taken as a whole, Eternal Strands turns something as fundamental as video game magic into a tool and a toy. And magic is far from the only system Yellow Brick is tinkering with. The games setting is split into multiple zones, each an open world in miniature, filled with blueprints to unlock for new equipment, changing weather conditions, alterations based on whether youre entering during night or day, major and minor objectives, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. These areas are built outwards and upwards in a nod to the recent Zelda games, Bryn can climb almost any surface, meaning looking above you is as important as seeing whats on the horizon.But core to each area is the Great Foes they hold. From flying drakes to building-sized automata, these are titanic bosses left to wander each area. Theyre your biggest combat challenge, as well as the means for unlocking and upgrading your spells each one is tied to a specific ability, meaning youll need to defeat all the Great Foes multiple times to unlock and then fully upgrade each spell.The brilliance of the Great Foes is that theyre far more than a dangerous healthbar each one acts like a puzzle in itself. One automaton boss requires you to climb across its gigantic body, unlatching armor plates before attacking specific body parts. A drake can fly away and attack you from the safety of the skies but you can ice up its wings to keep it bound to ground level (at least until the next gout of flame).When youve defeated a Great Foe once, youll unlock a codex entry covering not only its lore, but offering clues as to how to beat it without grinding down its HP. Instead, you can find ways to tear out the magic that powers it (effectively an insta-kill) and offering another layer of puzzle. That drake, for instance, will only offer up its magic while its airborne, and when its horns have been smashed off but it can easily knock you off its back when fully mobile. So, youll need to target the horns and just a single wing enough to leave it able to fly, but unable to perform more difficult maneuvers in order to get your prize. Combine the fact that Great Foes can appear in any area, and can even react to the weather conditions in different ways, and each boss becomes a thrill to fight multiple times across the length of the game. And thats to say nothing of the rare loot they drop.Like the Monster Hunter series, progression in Eternal Strands isnt tied to XP, but the gear you wear. Youll find blueprints for new armor and weapons on your travels but the key change here is that any material can be used to build any equipment. One type of ore might boost your swords attack, but weigh more, slowing you down. The thread you choose to make your gloves out of might increase your heat resistance, but make you far more susceptible when stepping into an unexpectedly frozen zone. In a lovely touch, every material comes with a different visual aspect the same bow can look very different, depending on what youve chosen to make it from. Of all of Eternal Strands innovations, the fact that it makes the RPG staple of scattered loot not only useful, but interesting, might be one of its most impressive.And behind all of this restless tinkering, this game also offers a gently fascinating, surprisingly relaxing experience. As you explore, youll build relationships with your party back in the main hub area. Sure, you can relentlessly complete main objectives and push the story on, but equally you might want to complete some side tasks to hear more from your bands blacksmith, or simply ignore objectives altogether go loot hunting, secret finding, or boss killing. Theres no real pressure put on you to progress, meaning your route through the game is effectively self-directed I spent multiple hours simply gathering materials to make a metallic red suit of armor, simply because I wanted to. That became an exercise in relaxation, rather than a desperate grind something I wouldnt normally associate with the genre.Eternal Strands emerges as a game that pulls from so many familiar places, but comes together feeling vibrantly new. Experiments like this so often feel interesting, but remind you that the established way of doing things is there for a reason. Instead, this game offers a pointer for where the action-RPG could go.Eternal Strands launches today for Xbox Series X|S, PC, and cloud, and is available with Game Pass. It is also an Xbox Play Anywhere title, meaning when you buy it through the store on Xbox or Windows, its yours to play on Xbox and Windows PC at no additional cost, and your game progress and achievements are saved across Xbox and Windows PC. Eternal StrandsYellow Brick GamesGet it nowEternal Strands is the debut fantasy action-adventure title from Yellow Brick Games, a new independent studio founded by industry veterans. THE WORLD IS YOUR WEAPONAt the heart of Eternal Strands beats a revolutionary new system for gameplay interactions: heat spreads, cold chills, and real-time destruction allows for unprecedented reactivity in combat. Hurl burning tree trunks at enemies with telekinetic, snap nearby trees to block opposing fire, or channel raw telekinetic force to rip boulders from the ground. WEAVER OF MAGICWear the Mantle, a magical cloak that channels raw magic into raging flame, chilling ice, and telekinetic force. Combine your growing array of powers with enchanted weapons and armor crafted from slain enemies to create a custom look and style. Block incoming attacks with a wall of magical ice, lash out waves of flame from a massive two-handed blade, or toss enemies off a cliff with raw force. STAND AGAINST GIANTSFace gigantic adversaries and defeat them through a mix of sword, spell, and mobility. Leap onto and climb their massive forms to attack from different angles. Shatter armor or slice at weak spots to diminish their protection. Use ice to pin limbs of a towering foe, arcane flames to burn their fur, or catch lobbed projectiles and turn their attacks back upon them in battles that will leave scars upon the land. UNSTABLE CLIMATE TO MASTEREnhance the effectiveness of your ice abilities during a flash freeze to open up new paths. Use a heatwave to start a wildfire and watch it spread towards enemies as it consumes the tinder-dry trees and grass around it. A WORLD RICH WITH SECRETSExplore the wilds, the capital city of Dynevron, and the secrets beneath as every surface is climbable. Magical abilities can create bridges, burn barriers, or launch Brynn across the world. The next-generation physics system encourages and rewards player creativity in exploration as much as combat. As the Enclaves secrets unfold, return to base camp to consult with a rich cast of characters. Each are keen to discover the mysteries of what happened to this lost bastion of power and knowledge. A realm of mystery, opportunity, danger, and wonder: the Enclave awaits.