Twelve Architects delivers FCBSs Hanging Gardens of Basingstoke retrofit
The building, rebranded Plant Basingstoke, has been redeveloped for client Mactaggart Family & Partners by Longstock Capital, and now oers over 19,500m2 of Category A and B multi-let oce and amenity space.The five-storey block, formerly known as Mountbatten House, is considered one of the most important listed modernist buildings in Britain. It was originally designed in 1973 by Peter Foggo and Arup Associates Group 2, working with garden designer James Russell, to be the UK headquarters of paper manufacturers Wiggins Teape.The building and the terraced roof gardens were both separately listed by English Heritage in 2015 for their design excellence and signicance within British modernist architecture and horticulture. The gardens were added to the Register of Parks and Gardens at Grade II.AdvertisementFeilden Clegg Bradley Studios was selected in 2019 to revamp the building, obtaining planning approval and listed building consent for the work, and taking the design up to Stage 3. Twelve Architects has now completed Stages 4-6, including design variations under approval of conditions.In the case of the gardens, Grant Associates designed the landscaping to Stage 4, obtaining planning approval and listed consent in 2019. Subsequently Studio Knight Stokoe obtained planning and listed building consent for an amended landscape scheme in 2024, based on the principles established in the Grant Associates design, and completed the amended detailed design.Inside, a redesigned and expanded entrance and reception area strengthens the visual connection out to the gardens and is marked by a new helical staircase. New double-height spaces have been formed to create vertical connections between oors, which draw more natural light into the plan.Suspended ceilings and nishes have been removed to reveal the buildings distinctive coered slab structure and cruciform columns. The original curtain wall system has been refurbished, improving the buildings thermal performance and the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems have been upgraded.New facilities, including a caf, gym, shower and changing rooms, secure cycle storage and a multipurpose function space have also been incorporated.AdvertisementOutside, access has been improved to the hanging gardens of Basingstoke gardens and roof terraces, with pathways and new seating areas oering spaces for relaxation and reection. The listed landscaping has been adapted to be climate-resilient, regenerative and to foster biodiversity. Over 2,500 new plants have been introduced, alongside 86 new trees, taking inspiration from the original design vision for the gardens to be informal, elaborate, romantic, overowing and tumbling. Much of the existing hardscaping has been restored too, and every original paving element across the garden levels reused.Architects viewTwelve Architects is proud to have played a pivotal role in the transformation of Plant into an incredible, forward-thinking workspace. By preserving its architectural heritage while embracing modern innovations, the team have created an exemplar development that promotes wellbeing and connections. Its wonderful to see how the refurbishment has enhanced natural light, spatial ow and brought tenants closer to nature. With sustainability at its core and a pending BREEAM Outstanding certication, Plant Basingstoke sets new standards for the future of oce design. It has been a privilege to work with such an outstanding team and a client who is truly passionate about delivering remarkable buildings.Robert Shannon, associate director, Twelve Architects & MasterplannersI am immensely proud of the role Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios has played in extending the life of this seminal building designed over 50 years ago by Peter Foggos group 2 at Arup Associates (with whom I worked in the 1980s). The building designs prescience in creating contact with, and access to, nature within all the oce spaces on all levels created a legacy that even now appears forward thinking. Our work focused on preserving the unique character of Foggos original design while creating a framework that balances function with environmental responsibility. Plant Basingstoke now stands as a benchmark for retrotting and regeneration, a space where people and nature thrive in harmony, embodying the values we strive for in every project.Ian Taylor, partner, Feilden Clegg Bradley StudiosLandscape architects viewOur approach in helping to bring this amazing building and series of gardens back to life has been to honour the original vision of seamlessly blending architecture and landscape. This project provided a unique opportunity to not only preserve the legacy of Peter Foggo and James Russell but also to enhance it for future generations. By prioritising nature, wellbeing, and sustainability, as a team weve created an environment that reects the changing needs of the modern workplace while staying true to the building and gardens pioneering spirit.Keith French, director, Grant AssociatesPlant Basingstoke is redening what a workspace can be. By reimagining this nationally signicant building and its gardens, Studio Knight Stokoe has helped to create a transformational exemplar of retrot and reuse. It's a project that respects the original design vision, while meeting modern needs. Here, the connection between people and nature isn't an afterthought it's at the core of everything. The team has used regenerative and biophilic design principles to create beautiful environments that support wellbeing, in every sense. For those who'll work and visit here, Plant Basingstoke oers a daily reminder of nature's importance in our lives. This project goes beyond preserving history or creating oce space. It's about shaping a place that positively impacts people and the environment. Its been a pleasure to be part of the team bringing our clients vision to life.Martin Knight, director, Studio Knight StokoeClient's viewThe project team has captured the original spirit of Plant and delivered an outstanding refurbishment. Plant is a unique building that we are all immensely proud of, and will serve the region for many more years to come. The building is now a perfect example of what occupiers require in terms of design aesthetic, environmental credentials and amenities and the proof is in how well it has been received by the leasing market.Hugo Denee, co-founder, Longstock Capital Source:Studio Knight StokoeProject dataLocation Basingstoke, HampshireStart on site February 2023Completion date October 2024Gross internal floor area 19,515m2Total site area 14,415m2Construction cost UndisclosedConstruction cost per m2 UndisclosedArchitect Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios (RIBA 0-3, 5+ CMT); Twelve Architects and Masterplanners (RIBA 4+)Landscape architect Grant Associates (RIBA 0-4, 5+ CMT); Studio Knight Stokoe (RIBA 5+)Client Mactaggart Family & PartnersDeveloper Longstock CapitalStructural engineer Whitby WoodCivil engineer Whitby WoodM&E consultant Skelly & CouchQS Circle DevelopmentProject manager Circle DevelopmentPrincipal designer CField ConstructionMain contractor CField Construction