Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Review Third Times (Barely) the Charm
When DonkeyKong Country Returnsoriginally launched for Nintendos Wii console back in 2010, it benefitted from a lot of circumstances that made it an instantly beloved classic it was the firstDonkeyKong Countrygame in about a decade and a half; it was near the start of the 2D platformer resurgence, before an era where the genre got oversaturated due to a glut of releases from the burgeoning indie sector; it launched before multiple critically acclaimed 2D platformers that raised the bar for the genre came out, such as Celeste,Super Mario Bros. Wonder, andDonkeyKong Country Returnsown follow up,Tropical Freeze.All of this, plus the fact that it really was a great 2D platformer, madeReturnsa successful return to form for the franchise. However, the context of that original 2010 release, and for this 2025 release ofDonkeyKong Country Returns HD, couldnt be more substantially different. In addition to everything listed previously, this is also now thethirdrelease for this game (it also got a 2013 re-release for the 3DS). It is the most expensive this game has ever been (the Wii version cost $50, the 3DS version cost $40. This Switch release is $60). While the Switch version consolidates and touches up content from the Wii and 3DS versions, it adds no new content or modes. And, perhaps most perplexingly, in many regards, the game feels technicallyworsethan the original standard definition 480p Wii release, missing several graphical effects and flourishes that added panache to the games excellent stylistic presentation.This makesDonkeyKong Country Returns HDa curiously conflicted release, because the core productisgood. Its held up well. It isntgreat, to be clear at this point there are several other, better 2D platformers you can pick up on the Switch alone for a whole lot cheaper. That makes this a bit hard to recommend, because very honestly, who is this release for? What was the projected audience for this? To be sure, there are probably millions of new players who never played the original release or the 3DS version (which itself is over a decade old at this point), for whom having a version of this game readily accessible is a good thing. But assessing it on those merits, this is not a great release. Its a poor remaster and overpriced considering the relative quality.All of which makes it tempting to pretty much write the entire release off. But thats where we come back toDonkeyKong Country Returns HDstill being legitimately good. Retro Studiosnailedthe movement and game feel, two absolutely paramount qualities in any platformer, and they did it so well thatReturns stillstands out as one of the best playing platformers even today.Donkey Kongs heavier controls can take a while to get used to, but once players get into the rhythm of using his momentum to chain jumps, rolls, and attacks together, the game enters an almost rhythm game style.Its intensely satisfying to complete the perfect run of aReturnslevel, or to manage to grab an out of the way collectible, especially becauseReturnsis ahard game. While this release does maintain the 3DS versions Modern Mode, which is supposed to sand off the rough edges as far as the difficulty goes, said Modern Mode isntgreat. It does give you more health and expands the items you can get for yourself at the in game shop to make things easier for yourself, but the game still expects full stage memorization and twitch response from the player. At most Modern Mode buys a bit of a buffer to make a few more mistakes than usual, but as far as optional easy modes in Nintendo platformers go, Modern Mode is surprisingly withholding. Tropical Freezes Switch re-release added an optional easy mode too (in the form of Funky Mode), which gave players not only more health but a whole lot more moves as well.Of course, thats assuming youneedthe easy mode to get through the game in the first place. If youre an experienced player, then as mentioned, there are few things in platformers as satisfying as pulling off a level completion inReturns. And even beyond the Modern Mode, the game gives you options to scale the difficulty to your liking. You have Diddy Kong, who acts as a power up forDonkey Kong in single player mode and augments his move set with his own. You have the aforementioned in game shop, that still sells a bounty of power ups to use and stack and make the game comfortable to play for yourself, even in the Normal Mode. And in the absolute worst case, the game supports co-op too (with player 2 taking control of Diddy), which can help make things easier as well.All of which is to say, while the difficulty is rougher compared to the options provided by other modern games in the genre, including, again, its own follow-up, its not really a dealbreaker, even for less experienced players. The game will definitely be a challenge, and adjusting difficulty is suboptimal compared to other points of reference, but it still gets the job done.Aspects other than the gameplay are a mixed bag too. The originalReturns was a stunner, but as mentioned, there are several graphical downgrades in this release that definitely blunt the impact of how it looks a fair bit.So, were left with an extremely weirdrelease.Returns HDis undoubtedly worth playing in that its a good game still; but it seems to be far too overpriced for what it is, and the game having very changes made since its last re-release over a decade ago means that it doesnt have as many modern quality of life features that can help it appal to a more expanded audience. Simultaneously, it being thethird release of the game, means that enthusiasts are unlikely to bite it, especially at that price and with those shortcomings.But if youdoend up falling within whatever demographic this release does end up being for, youre in for a good time. Whether youre returning to this game for a replay, or coming to it for the first time,DonkeyKong Country Returnsis a very good platformer, and the SwitchHDrelease is, on pure technicality if nothing else, the best way to play it. I guess thats good enough for now.This game was reviewed on the Nintendo Switch.
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