Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow: everything we know so far
Table of ContentsTable of ContentsWhat is the story of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow?Who is in the cast of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow?When does Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow come out?Who is directing Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow?When will Supergirl begin filming?Are there any posters for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow?How will the Supergirl film tie in with the DCU?DC Studios new cinematic universe continues to expand with the production of Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.This upcoming DC Universe blockbuster will show Supermans cousin, Kara Zor-El, traveling the stars to fight evil in her first solo film since the 1984 movie starring Helen Slater. As a result, plenty of comic book fans are excited to see the iconic superhero in a modern comic book film that has frankly been long overdue. With the movies premiere less than two years away, heres everything that fans need to know about Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is based on writer Tom Kings comic book miniseries of the same name. According to Variety, the story follows Supergirl as she travels across the galaxy to celebrate her 21st birthday with Krypto the Superdog. Along the way, she meets a young woman named Ruthye and winds up on a murderous quest for revenge. As in the source material, the quest will show Supergirl helping Ruthye hunt down a villain named Krem of the Yellow Hills, who is responsible for the death of the latters father.Recommended VideosFollowing the reboot of the DC Extended Universes timeline in The Flash, Alcocks Supergirl will also have a very different history than Sasha Calles version of the character. Specifically, while Calles character grew up imprisoned in a Russian laboratory, Alcocks character will follow the comic and instead has her grow up on a chunk of the destroyed planet Krypton, where she is forced to watch everyone from her home planet die around her. Despite these changes, Supergirls story remains even more tragic than her cousin Kal-Els, which should make for a unique DC film.As an origin story for Kara Zor-El, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow will have crucial characters in Karas life appear in the film. It will also stay Tom Kings Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow by including characters that debuted in the comic.Heres a brief overview of the films confirmed cast members and their characters so far:Milly Alcock as Kara Zor-El/SupergirlMatthias Schoenaerts as Krem of the Yellow HillsEve Ridley as Ruthye Marye KnollDavid Krumholtz as Zor-El, Supergirls fatherEmily Beechman as Alura, Supergirls motherFormer Aquaman actor Jason Momoa is also expected to make a cameo appearance, except he has been recast as the alien bounty hunter Lobo. Its unknown if his character will play a role in the main story or if he will debut in a post-credits scene. While Lobo never appeared in the source material, Tom King revealed to /Film that his original pitch for the story had Lobo and Supergirl joining forces in the vein of the novel, True Grit. This implies that Lobo will become an ally of Supergirl at some point in the film.Likewise, Krypto the Superdog is expected to appear as one of Supergirls allies in the movie. This comes after the superpowered canines upcoming debut as the Man of Steels loyal pet in 2025s Superman.Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is scheduled to premiere on June 26, 2026, which should make it one of the biggest movies of the summer.Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow is being directed by Craig Gillespie, who previously directed popular films such as I, Tonya, Cruella, and Dumb Money, as well as three episodes of Pam & Tommy. Additionally, the films screenplay has been written by Ana Nogueira, who will also write the upcoming Teen Titans film set in the DCU.Principal photography for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow began on January 13, 2025, in the United Kingdom. Filming will also take place in Iceland, with the production expected to last at least until May 2025.James Gunn announced the commencement of filming with a behind-the-scenes photo of Alcock in a Tweet on X. Said picture shows the actor sitting in a chair with Supergirls symbol printed in red on the back. She is also depicted sitting in what appears to be a bar set, which likely references a panel from the comic the movie is based on. With the photo recreating Supergirls first scene in Kings comic book, Gunn hints at how close the films story will be to the source material.No posters have been released for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow. Since filming for the movie has only just begun, it is too early for DC Studios to start releasing promotional materials for the film. However, Supergirls popularity amongst fans and the excitement surrounding Gunns 2025 film Superman has ensured there is already considerable hype for this follow-up film.Warner Bros. Pictures/DC / Warner Bros. Pictures/DCSupergirl: Woman of Tomorrow will be the second film that takes place in James Gunn and Peter Safrans DCU. The movie will premiere following Alcocks first appearance as Supergirl in 2025s Superman. Its unknown if the story will take place before or after Superman, but the Man of Steels role in the comic suggests the latter.