Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 review - 2025's first Game of the Year contender?
Henry of Skalitz is back with an RPG that stands among the genre's biggest and best find out why you need to play it in our Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 reviewTech20:00, 05 Feb 2025Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is vast and authentic(Image: Warhorse Studios)Do you remember when you first played Skyrim, way back in 2011? Bethesda has arguably struggled to replicate that magic, but the game remains legendary for its commitment to freedom, keeping all of its underlying systems and mechanics as under the hood as possible to help players believe theyre exploring a real world.I mention Skyrim as a touchstone because, like escaping that dragon back in 2011, Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is the closest Ive come to truly feeling lost in a virtual location. And, while Baldurs Gate 3 and The Witcher 3 offer their opinionated viewpoints on what an RPG can be, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is worthy of joining that holiest of RPG pantheons.Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 is a huge RPG(Image: Warhorse Studios)Ive not played the first Kingdom Come Deliverance, but as I mentioned in my preview, this is a world with dirt under its metaphorical fingernails in a way that would make many RPGs run for a hot shower.Warhorse Studios rendition of late medieval Bohemia is brimming with muck. Many of its towns are muddy, its people are filthy, and in one very early cutscene, a main character gets a bucket of faeces thrown over them.Wading through this river of s*** is Henry of Skalitz, the protagonist of the first game who appears to be on the upswing after the horrific events that began his journey. The man who saw his village burned to the ground and his family slain is doing alright for himself, with a role as the chief bodyguard of the entitled but likeable Hans Capon.Deliverance 2 is one of the best-looking games around on PS5 Pro(Image: Warhorse Studios)The two begin the games story on a road trip to deliver a letter in a time of political unrest, and at times feels a little like The Inbetweeners if they rode on horseback. The two have undeniable chemistry together, but its not long before Henry is back to peasant life after a turn of events that involves no small amount of chaos and quick thinking.While Henry has his own history, and a series of motivations that rotate throughout the 127 hours I spent in Bohemia, hes also somewhat of a blank slate. He can become a warrior, or simply enjoy the simple life in many regards.That mundanity may sound less appealing, but theres a staggering amount of detail poured into the kind of things other RPGs would chuck into a menu. Want to brew a potion? Youll need ingredients, a recipe, access to a cauldron, a timer for boiling it, a mortar and pestle for manually grinding its parts, and a bottle to keep it in.Henry can forge his own weapons(Image: Warhorse Studios)The same applies to ensuring you strap on your armour with the correct hood underneath, keep yourself clean (even in this stinky time, the townspeople wont chat if youre covered in blood), and even forging your own weapons.Theres a demand for a players patience and understanding thats rare outside of more obtuse genres like extraction shooters, and Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 delights in making players engage with its systems.The result is a level of immersion that even the genres finest cant attain, with rolling fields and stone walls a pleasing change from the more fantastical ice caves of Skyrim or monster-ridden swamps of The Witcher.Henry is one of the best protagonists in a while, but you can play him how you'd like(Image: Warhorse Studios)My biggest concern in the first dozen or so hours of Deliverance 2 was one of menu diving. Its a lot to take in at first, with items needing to be put in pouches for quick access, food needing to be eaten to stay cognizant, and the small matter of needing to get some rest every now and again.If it sounds oppressive, fear not Warhorse has done a great job of immersing players without its demands hanging like a millstone around their necks. If, like me, you remember Far Cry 2s overbearing Malaria system and were worried youd be juggling too many things to actually have fun, then you can rest easy.There are also a huge number of skills which mean your Henry of Skalitz is likely going to be very different to mine. There are the usual RPG staples like being able to carry more, while others are more flexible.The game often features areas densely packed with NPCs(Image: Warhorse Studios)I invested as many points into conversational skills as I could, and found the game to be much more rewarding while I active roleplayed a more sly Henry who used his sword as a last resort.Im particularly impressed at how often this was an option, too. Many RPGs give a semblance of choice before nudging you into swinging your weapon anyway, and while you wont be able to complete a pacifist run of Deliverance 2, youll be surprised at how often you can sidestep a scrap.Nowhere in the games two (2!) huge, sprawling open-world maps typifies this more than Kutenberg. The city, near Prague and still standing, is approximated with a staggering amount of detail and, according to the devs, historical accuracy. Its absolutely massive, and home to a whole host of opportunities and side quests that could mean you realistically spend hours there and never venture beyond.If you felt bowled over by reaching Baldurs Gate in Baldurs Gate 3, you may actually find your jaw dropping when you reach it.Combat takes some getting used to, but it rewards a cool head(Image: Warhorse Studios)Naturally, a time will come when swords need to be drawn, however, and while I was a little concerned in my earlier coverage about getting to grips with the combat system, Im pleased to say at a certain point it just sort of clicked.While firearms are few and far between (and take an age to reload, thanks to historical accuracy), bows are much simpler but I much preferred getting up close and personal with my foes.Swords have a heft to them, with a series of directions that account for blocking and directional strikes. Time a block perfectly to parry, then follow up with a riposte. Swing too many times, though, and youll be knackered (especially in heavy armour) and you could leave yourself defenceless.This leads to a back-and-forth that always feels dangerous. A single swing wont kill Henry, but it could have dire consequences if bleeding is left untreated, or if it leads to a follow-up attack while hes gassed.Tackling multiple foes is a surefire way to find yourself in the gutter, too. Not because of the targeting, which is pretty smooth, but just because its easy to find yourself surrounded and unable to recover when Henry turns into that zombie from the Shaun of the Dead pub scene and hes being clubbed from every angle.Article continues belowI could write about Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 for another few thousand words, but the short version is that its one of the best RPGs of the last decade, and maybe even beyond.Its commitment to realism means it certainly asks a lot of players, but it more than returns that with a genuinely gripping narrative and flexible RPG systems that make it unforgettable.Reviewed on PS5 Pro. Review code provided by the publisher.