The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak 2 Review Darkest Before Dawn
Over several years, Falcoms Trails series has faced a recurring danger of jumping the shark. The most notable example is from the finale of Cold Steel 4 and how it proved just how impermanent some consequences could be. Then again, the developer did bring things back with Trails through Reverie, which offered a much-needed epilogue to the Erebonian saga while setting up threads elsewhere. This culminated in the fresh start of Trails through Daybreak, which ventured to the Calvard Republic for the first time in the series.New characters with different lifestyles and luxuries yet beset by their own dark pasts and worries accompanied an all-encompassing underworld, corruption, red tape, and new threats. The new engine, with its sleeker visuals and the combat changes, didnt hurt either."Without getting into too many spoilers, the story also introduces a time-looping element, where players can return to previous plot points and make different decisions."Much of that carries over into The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak 2, though the urgency of the series overall plot feels diminished. The characters and their developments still shine while the combat feels sleek and the pacing brisk, but be prepared for a story that will inspire a fair number of huh?s without contributing much to the bigger picture.Occurring roughly a year after the first games events, Arkride Solutions is seemingly on more comfortable footing. That is until Elaine of the Bracer Guild informs Van of a mysterious crimson beast rampaging through Edith, committing massacres seemingly at random. Its resemblance to the Grendel is far from a coincidence and thus, Van and Elaine team up to track it down.Of course, the crimson beast known as Grendel Zolga and its identity is only one of the core mysteries permeating the sequel. What is it after? Who is the accompanying AI? Theres also the matter of Almatas legacy, an unknown item or treasure of sorts that remained after the organizations downfall. And darn it if there isnt a mysteriously enigmatic masked individual to deal with, Ouroboros members and their subordinates, or even more newcomers to the cast.Without getting into too many spoilers, the story also introduces a time-looping element, where players can return to previous plot points and make different decisions. Theres even a visual timeline highlighting the branching nodes. As novel as this is for the series and as excited as I felt, having enjoyed visual novels like Raging Loop the time-looping doesnt really work in the same way. Its a plot contrivance that becomes severely overdone in some of the worst ways while diminishing some of the bigger stakes."Theres a certain warmth and familiarity in reuniting with beloved allies, aided by the (mostly) natural flow of the writing and conversations."Even without it, the story proves problematic in other ways. It wouldnt be that big of a deal if it furthered the series overall narrative, but thats sadly not the case. However, not everything in Trails through Daybreak 2 is completely throwaway, thanks to the characters. Theres a certain warmth and familiarity in reuniting with beloved allies, aided by the (mostly) natural flow of the writing and conversations.Hearing Van banter with just about anyone is a treat, and actor Damian Haas does an even better job this time around, shifting between sarcasm and concern without skipping a beat. Amanda Lee is also great as Agns, balancing the cutesy and serious with equal aplomb.Several other examples include Skyler Davenport as Mare (which sounds even more eerily like March 7th than before), Brittany Cox as Judith the list goes on. Even Swin and Nadia feel more compelling than ever, even if some interactions can overplay the latters quirks. Its a shame that their talents feel somewhat wasted in whats essentially a filler arc.Those who can vibe with the sequels atmosphere will find plenty to keep them busy. The story is split between two routes and parties across different locations that eventually converge. You take up various activities like a new card game, fishing, and hacking trials. Aside from the lame tailing mini-game, side quests present a few interesting tales and interactions, even if some can veer into absurdity. The LGC Alignment also returns, though its far less important than the previous game and ends up feeling superfluous."Though the Garten itself can underwhelm, with the limited objective variety and familiar layouts, it is a fun addition, especially for combat lovers."Above all, theres the Mrchen Garten. The latter is a virtual space which has suddenly been taken over by an unknown individual for unknown reasons. Its thus up to Van and the crew to take it back (at the behest of the Marduk Company, of course). The Garten consists of various floors with branching routes that you can select. Each area has different objectives, like smashing X number of objects or defeating Y number of medium-sized foes before you get a reward and the way forward opens.If you want to stick around and fully clear the floor while exploring for treasure, thats also possible. The final node culminates in a boss, and while I would have liked the choices of nodes to factor in a bit more, these encounters can get genuinely challenging if you waltz in unprepared.Completing runs in the Garten provides Shard Tokens, which can be spent on the Mystic Cube. Its a gacha-style system not unlike that seen in Trails into Reverie (but without the prospect of additional unlockable characters). You can still earn Sepith and Quartz alongside unlockables like alternate outfits, hairstyles and BGM to play on different occasions in the Garten.Skill Gems are also doled out from the Cube, and during exploring for powering up different characters Crafts within the activity and even unlock stat bonuses within separate tiers. Though the Garten itself can underwhelm, with the limited objective variety and familiar layouts, it is a fun addition, especially for combat lovers."And yet, Trails through Daybreak 2 doesnt feel like more than the sum of its partsIt could have been so much more narratively, cheap gimmicks notwithstanding."Speaking of, battles in Trails through Daybreak 2 follow many of the same tenets as its predecessor. Attack enemies on the field in real-time and stun them, then activate Shards to begin turn-based combat. Attack weaknesses with Arts, unleash Crafts, boost to increase damage (and unlock S-Crafts for use), stand near allies to activate follow-ups with the SCLM, etc. Field battles allow for wielding Quick Arts and swapping to another character after dodging an enemys attack for a counter-blow.It does add some more variety, especially when dealing with weaker enemies. There are also EX Chains, which can activate fancy double-team attacks where two characters unleash their Crafts. Overall, its a solid combat system, even if it can get repetitive in terms of tactics, and the Quick Arts dont feel nearly as impactful as Id like.Presentation-wise, the visuals suffer a few of the same issues as its predecessor on PS5. Anti-aliasing at a distance doesnt look too sharp, and there is noticeable pop-in. Performance is improved, though some dips are noticeable during the more over-the-top S-Crafts. The art direction remains solid, especially the character models, and its backed by some pretty good music. The moody tones while roaming the streets of Edith, fast-paced beats and the violin play during combat it all comes together pretty well.And yet, Trails through Daybreak 2 doesnt feel like more than the sum of its parts. If youre a fan and you must be to keep track of everything thats happened thus far, even with the multitudes of recaps the gameplay, characterization, presentation, and side content can be enjoyable. It just could have been so much more narratively, cheap gimmicks notwithstanding.This game was reviewed on the PS5.
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