Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube796kOur fingers are crossed that Switch 2 will usher in a brave new era for Star Fox come on, it's been almost 10 years but, if McCloud & co. are still otherwise engaged, at least we know that one of the series' imitators will be making an appearance on the new hardware.2023's FUR Squadron wore its Star Fox inspiration proudly on its sleeve, with its neon, airborne animal rail shooting sharing more than a little DNA with the classic Nintendo series. Its sequel, FUR Squadron Phoenix, was announced early last year and developer Raptor Claw Games has this week confirmed that it is coming to Switch 2.Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube796kWatch on YouTube The dev has teased that the first FUR Squadron will be playable on the new Nintendo hardware thanks to the console's backwards compatibility in the past, but the latest tweet specifically states that the sequel is "Coming to PC and Switch 2 this year". Hey, it's another title to add to the list.What's more, it looks rather good. Much like its predecessor, this is an on-the-rails shooter where you command a fleet of anthropomorphic pilots through a series of space assaults. This one promises a roguelike game structure, skill trees, unlockable conversations through the crew's "friendship" system and more.You'll find a rundown of the game and a handful of screenshots from its Steam page below:A new chapter of the FUR Squadron saga:- Meet the FUR Squadron! They will make you a true ace pilot, hone your skills before it's too late! Featuring a roguelite structure with skill trees that unlock abilities and stats.- Showcasing intricate, dynamic, and captivating landscapes and environments. Huge bosses and fleets of enemy ships, on space, air and sea.- Shiny new weapons, offering more than just conventional guided projectiles. Get ready to wield a colossal power beam, multi-missile barrages, and a powerful nuke strike!- "Friendship" system with other characters, allowing for unlocking conversations and support skills. Our FUR Squadron pals are suiting up to have your back. Support can be summoned for reinforcement.Images: Raptor ClawMuch like the Switch 2 itself, we don't have a precise release date for this one just yet, though the dev has confirmed that it'll be landing on the upcoming Nintendo hardware at some point "this year". A free demo is currently available on Steam, so you can take a closer look while we wait for more info.We'd expect the next major drop of Switch 2 news to come in the 2nd April Direct, for which Nintendo revealed specific timings last week. It's time for Switch 2Rad, dudeWhat do you make of FUR Squadron Phoenix? Will you be picking it up on Switch 2? Do a barrel roll in the comments.[source x.com]Related GamesSee AlsoShare:02 Jim came to Nintendo Life in 2022 and, despite his insistence that The Minish Cap is the best Zelda game and his unwavering love for the Star Wars prequels (yes, really), he has continued to write news and features on the site ever since. Hold on there, you need to login to post a comment...Related ArticlesDon't Worry, Nintendo's Thinking About Affordability With Switch 2 PricingThough no official price will be revealed for nowNintendo Reconfirms Release Windows For Major Upcoming Switch Games... and the Switch 2!Latest 'Video Game Maps: SNES' Book Dives Into Zelda, Kirby, Mega Man And MoreAdd to cart(ography)