• Praise Kier for Severance season 2! Lets discuss.
    yes! do it, Seth! Praise Kier for Severance season 2! Lets discuss. Marching bands? Mammalian Nurturables? An ORTBO? Yup, Severance stays weird. Nate Anderson Mar 25, 2025 4:32 pm | 0 Credit: Apple Credit: Apple Story textSizeSmallStandardLargeWidth *StandardWideLinksStandardOrange* Subscribers only Learn moreSeverance has just wrapped up its second season. I sat down with fellow Ars staffers Aaron Zimmerman and Lee Hutchinson to talk through what we had just seen, covering everything from those goats to the show's pacing. Warning: Huge spoilers for seasons 1 and 2 follow!Nate: Severance season 1 was a smaller-scale, almost claustrophobic show about a crazy office, its "waffle parties," and the personal life of Mark Scout, mourning his dead wife and "severing" his consciousness to avoid that pain. It followed a compact group of characters, centered around the four "refiners" who worked on Lumon's severed floor. But season 2 blew up that cozy/creepy world and started following more charactersincluding far more "outies"to far more places. Did the show manage to maintain its unique vibe while making significant changes to pacing, character count, and location?Lee: I think so, but as you say, things were different this time around. One element that Im glad carried through was the shows consistent use of a very specific visual language. (I am an absolute sucker for visual storytelling. My favorite Kubrick film is Barry Lyndon. Ill forgive a lot of plot holes if theyre beautifully shot.) Season 2, especially in the back half, treats us to an absolute smorgasbord of incredible visualsbifurcated shots symbolizing severance and duality, stark whites and long hallways, and my personal favorite: Chris Walken in a black turtleneck seated in front of a fireplace, like Satan holding court in Hell. The storytelling might be a bit less focused, but it looks great. So many visual metaphors in one frame. Credit: AppleTV+ So many visual metaphors in one frame. Credit: AppleTV+ Aaron: I think it succeeded overall, with caveats. The most prominent thing lost in the transition was the tight pacing of the first season; while season 2 started and ended strong, the middle meandered quite a bit, and Id say the overall pacing felt pretty off. Doing two late-season side quest episodes (Gemma/Mark and Cobel backstories) was a bit of a drag. But I agree with LeeSeverance was more about vibes than narrative focus this season.Nate: The "side quests" were vocally disliked by a subsection of the show's fandom, and it certainly is an unusual choice to do two episodes in a row that essentially leave all your main characters to the side. But I don't think these were really outliers. This is a season, for instance, that opened with a show about the inniesand then covered the exact same ground in episode two from the outies' perspective. It also sent the whole cast off on a bizarre "ORTBO" that took an entire episode and spent a lot of time talking about Kier's masturbating, and possibly manufactured, twin. (!)Still, the "side quest" episodes stood out even among all this experimentation with pace and flow. But I think the label "side quest" can be a misnomer. The episode showing us the Gemma/Mark backstory not only brought the show's main character into focus, it revealed what was happening to Gemma and gave many new hints about what Lumon was up to. In other wordsit was about Big Stuff.The episode featuring Cobel, in contrast, found time for long, lingering drone shots of the sea, long takes of Cobel lying in bed, and long views of rural despair... and all to find a notebook. To me, this seemed much more like an actual "side quest" that could have been an interwoven B plot in a more normal episode.Lee: The side quest I didnt all mind was episode 7, Chikhai Bardo, directed by the shows cinematographer Jessica Lee Gagn. The tale of Mark and Gemmas relationshipa tale begun while donating blood using Lumon-branded equipment, with the symbolism of Lumon as a blood-hungry faceless machine being almost disturbingly on-the-nosewas masterfully told. I wasnt as much of a fan of the three episodes after that, but I think thats just because episode 7 was just so well done. I like TV that makes me feel things, and that one succeeded.Aaron: Completely agree. I love the Gemma/Mark episode, but I was very disappointed with the Cobel episode (it doesnt help that I dislike her as a character generally, and the whole Cobel invented severance! thing seemed a bit convenient and unearned to me). I think part of the issue for me was that the core innie crew and the hijinks they got up to in season 1 felt like the beating heart of the show, so even though the story had to move on at some point (and its not going backhalf the innies cant even be innies anymore), I started to miss what made me fall in love with the show.Lee: I get the narrative motivation behind Cobel having invented the severance chip (along with every line of code and every function, as she tells us), but yeah, that was the first time the show threw something at me that I really did not like. I see how this lets the story move Cobel into a helper role with Marks reintegration, but, yeah, ugh, that particular development felt tremendously unearned, as you say. I love the character, but that one prodded my suspension of disbelief pretty damn hard.Speaking of Marks reintegrationI was so excited when episode three (Who is Alive?) ended with Marks outie slamming down on the Lumon conference room table. Surely now after two catch-up episodes, I thought, wed get this storyline moving! Having the next episode (Woes Hollow) focusing on the ORTBO and Kiers (possibly fictional) twin was a little cheap, even though it was a great episode. But where I started to get really annoyed was when we slide into episode five (Trojans Horse) with Marks reintegration apparently stalled. It seems like from then to the end of the season, reintegration proceeded in fits and starts, at the speed of plot rather than in any kind of ordered fashion.It was one of the few times where I felt like my time was being wasted by the showrunners. And I dont like that feeling. That feels like Lost. Kind of wish they'd gone a little harder here. Credit: AppleTV+ Kind of wish they'd gone a little harder here. Credit: AppleTV+ Aaron: Yes! Marks reintegration was handled pretty poorly, I think. Like you said, it was exciting to see the show go there so early but it didnt really make much difference for the rest of the season. It makes sense that reintegration would take timeand we do see flashes of it happening throughout the seasonbut it felt like the show was gearing up for some wild Petey-level reintegration stuff that just never came. Presumably thats for season 3, but the reintegration stuff was just another example of what felt like the show spinning its wheels a bit. And like you said, Lee, when it feels like a show isnt quite sure what to do with the many mysteries it introduces week after week, I start to think about Lost, and not in a good way.The slow-rolled reintegration stuff was essential for the finale, though. Both seasons seemed to bank pretty hard on a slow buildup to an explosive finale setup, which felt a little frustrating this season (season 1s finale is one of my favorite TV show episodes of all time).But I think the finale worked. Just scene after scene of instantly iconic moments. The scene of innie and outtie Mark negotiating through a camcorder in that weird maternity cabin was brilliant. And while my initial reaction to Marks decision at the end was anger, I really should have seen it comingouttie Mark could not have been more patronizing in the camcorder conversation. I guess I, like outtie Mark, saw innie Mark as being somewhat lesser than.What did you guys think of the finale?Nate: A solid effort, but one that absolutely did not reach the heights of season 1. It was at its best when characters and events from the season played critical momentssuch as the altercation between Drummond, Mark, and Feral Goat Lady, or the actual (finally!) discovery of the elevator to the Testing Floor.But the finale also felt quite strange or unbalanced in other ways. Ricken doesn't make an appearance, despite the hint that he was willing to retool his book (pivotal in season 1) for the Lumon innies. Burt doesn't show up. Irving is gone. So is Reghabi. Miss Huang was summarily dismissed without having much of a story arc. So the finale failed to "gather up all its threads" in the way it did during season one.And then there was that huge marching band, which ups the number of severed employees we know about by a factor of 50xand all so they could celebrate the achievements of an innie (Mark S.) who is going to be dismissed and whose wife is apparently going to be killed. This seemed... fairly improbable, even for Lumon. On the other hand, this is a company/cult with an underground sacrificial goat farm, so what do I know about "probability"? Speaking of which, how do we feel about the Goat Revelations (tm)? This is Emile, and he must be protected at all costs. Credit: AppleTV+ This is Emile, and he must be protected at all costs. Credit: AppleTV+ Lee: Im still not entirely sure what the goat revelations were. They were being raised in order to be crammed into coffins and sacrificed when things happen? Poor little Emile was going to ride to the afterlife with Gemma, apparently, but, like why? Is it simply part of a specifically creepy Lumontology ritual? Emiles little casket had all kinds of symbology engraved on it, and we know goats (or at least the ram) symbolizes Malice in Kiers four tempers, but Im still really not getting this one.Aaron: Yeah, you kind of had to hand-wave a lot of the stuff in the finale. The goats just being sacrificial animals made me laughOK, I guess it wasnt that deep. But it could be that we dont really know their actual purpose yet.Perhaps most improbable to me was that this was apparently the most important day in Lumon history, and they had basically one security guy on the premises. Hes a big dudeor was (outtie Mark waking up mid-accidental-shooting cracked me up)but come on.Stuff like the marching band doesnt make a lick of sense. But it was a great scene, so, eh, just go with it. That seems to be what Severance is asking us to do more and more, and honestly, Im mostly OK with that. This man can do anything. Credit: AppleTV+ This man can do anything. Credit: AppleTV+ Nate: Speaking of important days in Lumon history... what is Lumon up to, exactly? Jame Eagen spoke in season 1 about his "revolving," he watched Helena eat eggs without eating anything himself, and he appears on the severed floor to watch the final "Cold Harbor" test. Clearly something weird is afoot. But the actual climactic test on Gemma was just to see if the severance block could hold her personalities apart even when facing deep traumas.However, (as Miss Casey) she had already been in the presence of her husband (Mark S.), and neither of them had known it. So the show seems to suggest on the one hand that whatever is happening on the testing floor will change the world. But on the other hand, it's really just confirming what we already know. And surely there's no need to kidnap people if the goal is just to help them compartmentalize pain; as our current epidemic of drug and alcohol use show, plenty of people would sign up for this voluntarily. So what's going on? Or, if you have no theories, does the show give you confidence that it knows where it's going?Lee: The easy answerthat severance chips will somehow allow the vampire spirit of Kier to jump bodies foreverdoesnt really line up. If Chris Walken's husband Walter Bishop is to be believed, the severance procedure is only 12 years old. So its not that, at least.Though Nates point about Helena eating eggsand James comment that he wished she would take them rawdoes echo something we learned back in season one: that Kier Egans favorite breakfast was raw eggs and milk.Aaron: Thats the question for season 3, I think, and whether theyre able to give satisfying answers will determine how people view this show in the long term. Ill admit that I was much more confident in the shows writers after the first season; this season has raised some concerns for me. I believe Ben Stiller has said that they know how the show ends, just not how it gets there. Thats a perilous place to be.Nate: We've groused a bit about the show's direction, but I think it's fair to say it comes from a place of love; the storytelling and visual style is so special, and we've had our collective hearts broken so many times by shows that can't stick the landing. (I want those hours back, Lost.) I'm certainly rooting for Severance to succeed. And even though this season wasn't perfect, I enjoyed watching every minute of it. As we wrap things up, anyone have a favorite moment from season 2? I personally enjoyed Milchick getting salty, first with Drummond and then with a wax statue of Kier.Lee: Absolutely! I very much want the show to stick the eventual landing. I have to go with you on your take, NateMilchick steals the show. Tramell Tillman plays him like a true company man, with the added complexity that comes when your company is also the cult that controls your life. My favorite bits with him are his office decorations, franklythe rabbit/duck optical illusion statue, showing his mutable nature, and the iceberg poster, hinting at hidden depths. Hes fantastic. I would 100 percent watch a spin-off series about Milchick. Mr. Milchick's office, filled with ambiguousness. I'm including Miss Huang in that description, too. Credit: AppleTV+ Mr. Milchick's office, filled with ambiguousness. I'm including Miss Huang in that description, too. Credit: AppleTV+ Aaron: This season gave me probably my favorite line in the whole seriesIrvs venomous Yes! Do it, Seth! as Helena is telling Milchick to flip the switch to bring back Helly R. But yeah, Milchick absolutely killed it this season. Devour feculence and the drum major scene were highlights, but I also loved his sudden sprint from the room after handing innie Dylan his outties note. Severance can be hilarious.And I agree, complaints aside, this show is fantastic. Its incredibly unique, and I looked forward to watching it every week so I could discuss it with friends. Heres hoping we dont have to wait three more years for the next season.Nate AndersonDeputy EditorNate AndersonDeputy Editor Nate is the deputy editor at Ars Technica. His most recent book is In Emergency, Break Glass: What Nietzsche Can Teach Us About Joyful Living in a Tech-Saturated World, which is much funnier than it sounds. 0 Comments
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  • No cloud needed: Nvidia creates gaming-centric AI chatbot that runs on your GPU
    DIY AI No cloud needed: Nvidia creates gaming-centric AI chatbot that runs on your GPU Nvidia's new AI model runs locally on your machine instead of in the cloud. Ryan Whitwam Mar 25, 2025 4:15 pm | 4 Credit: Andrew Cunningham Credit: Andrew Cunningham Story textSizeSmallStandardLargeWidth *StandardWideLinksStandardOrange* Subscribers only Learn moreNvidia has seen its fortunes soar in recent years as its AI-accelerating GPUs have become worth their weight in gold. Most people use their Nvidia GPUs for games, but why not both? Nvidia has a new AI you can run at the same time, having justreleased its experimental G-Assist AI. It runs locally on your GPU to help you optimize your PC and get the most out of your games. It can do some neat things, but Nvidia isn't kidding when it says this tool is experimental.G-Assist is available in the Nvidia desktop app, and it consists of a floating overlay window. After invoking the overlay, you can either type or speak to G-Assist to check system stats or make tweaks to your settings. You can ask basic questions like, "How does DLSS Frame Generation work?" but it also has control over some system-level settings.By calling up G-Assist, you can get a rundown of how your system is running, including custom data charts created on the fly by G-Assist. You can also ask the AI to tweak your machine, for example, optimizing the settings for a particular game or toggling on or off a setting. G-Assist can even overclock your GPU if you so choose, complete with a graph of expected performance gains. Nvidia on G-Assist. Nvidia demoed G-Assist last year with some impressive features tied to the active game. That version of G-Assist could see what you were doing and offer suggestions about how to reach your next objective. The game integration is sadly quite limited in the public version, supporting just a few games, like Ark: Survival Evolved.There is, however, support for a number of third-party plug-ins that give G-Assist control over Logitech G, Corsair, MSI, and Nanoleaf peripherals. So, for instance, G-Assist could talk to your MSI motherboard to control your thermal profile or ping Logitech G to change your LED settings.The promise of on-device AIAs PC manufacturers fall all over themselves to release AI laptops, Nvidia has occasionally reminded everyone that computers with real GPUs are the ultimate AI PCs. There just hasn't been a lot of opportunity to take advantage of that, leaving most AI tools running in the cloud. Nvidia previously released the general purpose ChatRTX app, but G-Assist is focused on gamers, who are more likely to have powerful GPUs.Nvidia says G-Assist relies on a small language model (SLM) that has been optimized for local operation. The default text installation requires 3GB of space, and adding voice control boosts that to 6.5GB. You also need to have a GeForce RTX 30, 40, and 50 series GPU with at least 12GB of RAM. The more powerful the GPU, the faster G-Assist runs. Support for laptop GPUs will come later, but few of them will be fast enough for G-Assist. G-Assist system info. G-Assist runs on your GPU instead of the cloud, but you're probably also using that GPU to run your game. We tested this with an RTX 4070, and interacting with the model caused GPU usage to spike noticeably. Running inference on the GPU to generate an output from the model is slow, and it can also cause game performance to tank. Outside of games, G-Assist is much faster, but you'll want a very powerful GPU if you intend to use this regularly.G-Assist is slow and buggy enough that you probably won't want to rely on it right now. It's still faster to tweak most of the system and game settings yourself. However, it is an interesting step toward running AI models on your hardware. Future GPUs might be fast enough to run games and language models simultaneously, but for now, it's just a fun experiment.Ryan WhitwamSenior Technology ReporterRyan WhitwamSenior Technology Reporter Ryan Whitwam is a senior technology reporter at Ars Technica, covering the ways Google, AI, and mobile technology continue to change the world. Over his 20-year career, he's written for Android Police, ExtremeTech, Wirecutter, NY Times, and more. He has reviewed more phones than most people will ever own. You can follow him on Bluesky, where you will see photos of his dozens of mechanical keyboards. 4 Comments
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  • Here's a look at 9 ultra-rich members of Congress
    When many Americans think of Capitol Hill, the image of well-heeled politicians often comes to mind.Sure, you don't have to be a multimillionaire to win a congressional race, but having an abundance of wealth doesn't hurt. That's especially the case for candidates who can self-fund, which allows parties to divert critical dollars to nominees in competitive races.While every lawmaker isn't rich even as some have leveraged their profiles to attain lucrative book deals there are many members who have net worths of at least $1 million.And then there are the lawmakers who are considerably wealthy, even by congressional standards.Here's a look at some of the richest members of Congress:Sen. Rick Scott of FloridaScott, who easily won reelection to a second term in November 2024, was a cofounder of HCA Healthcare and Solantic. Graeme Sloan for The Washington Post via Getty Images Scott a former two-term Florida Republican governor who won a second term in the Senate in November 2024 was a cofounder of both the Columbia Hospital Corporation and Solantic.The corporation merged with HCA in 1994, which created Columbia/HCA, a highly-recognizable operator of hospitals and health care facilities. (It's now known as HCA Healthcare).The senator has a reliably conservative voting record on Capitol Hill.Business Insider estimates Scott's net worth to be at least $296.3 million. Quiver Quantitative, a firm that tracks lawmakers' stock trades and estimates their total net worths, estimates that Scott is worth roughly $550.7 million.Rep. Kevin Hern of OklahomaHern cofounded a community bank in Oklahoma. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images Hern, the current chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee, has served in the lower chamber since November 2018.The congressman, who was once a manager at McDonald's, would eventually own 18 franchise locations in the Tulsa metropolitan area. He was also the cofounder of Firstar Bank, a community banking institution.BI estimates that Hern is worth at least $64.7 million. Quiver Quantitative's live estimate pegs Hern at $109.4 million.Rep. Darrell Issa of CaliforniaIssa has long been one of the wealthiest House members. Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images Issa has represented parts of the San Diego area for more than two decades, with stints in the House from 2001 to 2019 and from 2021 to the present.An ex-chairman of the powerful Oversight Committee during much of former President Barack Obama's administration, BI estimates that Issa is worth at least roughly $309.4 million. Quiver's estimate is slightly lower at $234.7 million.The GOP congressman amassed much of his fortune from vehicle anti-theft products.According to his disclosure, Issa has an investment account worth over $50 million. He also has a line of credit at UBS tied to the account, but nothing was borrowed from it in 2023.Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of CaliforniaPelosi led the House Democratic Caucus for 20 years. John Lamparski/Getty Images Pelosi, who has served in the House since 1987, rose through the ranks to become the first female speaker in US history in 2007.When Democrats lost their House majority following the 2010 midterms, Pelosi stayed on as the party's leader in the lower chamber. She went on to reclaim the speaker's gavel in 2019, and Democrats retained control of the chamber until 2023.BI estimates that Pelosi is worth at least $50.9 million, while Quiver Quantitative places her at $285.05 million.Pelosi has drawn criticism over the years for enacting stock transactions where she and her husband, Paul Pelosi, have made significant profits.In 2021, Pelosi pushed back against pursuing a stock-trading ban for members when questioned by BI, but later said she'd consider such proposals. (A Democratic-backed bill never came up for a vote in the 117th Congress.)Sen. Mark Warner of VirginiaWarner has been seen as a pro-business Democrat throughout his political career. Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images Warner, a former Virginia governor now in his third term in the Senate, was a cofounder of the Capital Cellular Corporation in the late 1980s and made his fortune through early investments in the cellular telephone business.BI estimates Warner's worth at least $131.1 million, while Quiver estimates his worth at roughly $245.4 million.The Democratic lawmaker currently serves as the vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee and also sits on the Banking, Budget, Finance, and Rules committees.Rep. Dan Goldman of New YorkPrior to Goldman's election to Congress, he served as an assistant US attorney for the Southern District of New York. Drew Angerer/Getty Images In 2022, Goldman, an heir to the Levi Strauss & Co. fortune, catapulted to the top of a crowded Democratic Party primary to represent New York's 10th Congressional District. He went on to easily win the general election race that year.Goldman ranks as one of the House's wealthiest members. BI estimates he is worth at least $158.1 million, while Quiver estimates that the Levi Strauss heir is roughly $183.6 million.The congressman previously served as an assistant US attorney for the Southern District of New York and was lead counsel in President Donald Trump's first impeachment trial.Sen. Pete Ricketts of NebraskaRicketts and several members of his family are part owners of the Chicago Cubs. Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post via Getty Images Ricketts, an ex-Nebraska governor and current US senator, is the son of billionaire businessman and TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts.Ricketts also a part owner of the Chicago Cubs alongside several members of his family is worth at least $79.4 million. Quiver estimates he is worth about $172.9 million.Rep. Suzan DelBene of WashingtonBefore coming to Congress, DelBene was an executive at Microsoft. Andrew Harnik/Getty Images DelBene has deep expertise in the world of tech, having served as an executive at Microsoft before jumping into politics and winning her first House race in 2012.The congresswoman, who currently chairs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, is worth at least $70.9 million. Quiver estimates she is worth roughly $126.3 million.Sen. Dave McCormick of PennsylvaniaMcCormick won a hotly-contested Senate race in November 2024. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images McCormick, the former chief executive of the hedge fund Bridgewater Associates, first sought the GOP nomination for US Senate in 2022 but narrowly fell short to celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz. (Oz went on to lose to Democrat John Fetterman.)Two years later, McCormick won the Republican Senate nomination and a highly-competitive general election race against Democratic Sen. Bob Casey Jr., an institution in Pennsylvania politics.McCormick is now a freshman senator, and he's among the body's wealthiest members. According to BI's estimates, McCormick is worth at least $123 million.A note about our methodology: Business Insider calculated lawmakers' net worth based on their most recent financial disclosures. Members of Congress only have to estimate broad ranges over their assets. BI's estimates are based on the combined value of the lowest range of these estimates minus any liabilities lawmakers might have. Lawmakers are not required to report the value of their residence.Based on this conservative approach, BI's estimates will likely be significantly less than others, including Quiver Qualitative's. Unlike Quiver, BI did not calculate the live value of lawmakers' stock holdings. Quiver's live estimates are as of March 25, 2025.
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  • Every couple from 'The Bachelor' universe that's still together
    Grant Ellis and Juliana PasquarosaGrant Ellis and Juliana Pasquarosa in 2024. Anne Marie Fox/Disney/Getty Images Grant Ellis proposed to Juliana Pasquarosa during the March 2025 finale of "The Bachelor."It's been something of a tough season for Ellis, who was a fan-favorite when he appeared on Jenn Tran's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2024, but he pulled through and found his happily ever after (at least, for now).Joey Graziadei and Kelsey AndersonGraziadei and Anderson. John Fleenor/Disney/ABC Joey Graziadei proposed to Kelsey Anderson during the March 2024 finale of "The Bachelor."Graziadei has become a fan-favorite lead in this long and storied franchise since he came in second on Charity Lawson's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2023.In fact, his Fantasy Suites episode was the most-watched episode of the show since the 2022 finale of Clayton Echard's season, according to Variety.So, many people were delighted to see him propose to Anderson on a beach in Tulum and to watch her say yes.They confirmed during "After the Final Rose" that they are still engaged, and have since moved to Los Angeles after Graziadei won "Dancing with the Stars."Dotun Olubeko and Charity LawsonLawson and Olubeko in November 2023. Emma McIntyre/Variety/Getty Images Dotun Olubeko got down on one knee and proposed to Charity Lawson, as fans saw on the "Bachelorette" finale in August 2023.Lawson, who appeared on Zach Shallcross' season of "The Bachelor" earlier in the year, proved herself to be a steadying presence on a show usually filled with drama."The Bachelorette" viewers saw Olubeko and Lawson develop a strong relationship, grow as a couple, and eventually get engaged in Fiji."We're not really trying to have a super incredibly 17-year length engagement," Lawson told People following the finale. "We obviously came here to find love, and we have successfully done that."Tessa Tookes and Joey KirchnerTookes and Kirchner in 2022. CityTv Tessa Tookes, who appeared on Clayton Echard's season of "The Bachelor," found love on "Bachelor in Paradise Canada" in 2022. She married Joey Kirchner in September 2024.Tookes, who was eliminated during week two of Echard's season in 2022, provided viewers with a franchise first during the season two finale of "Bachelor in Paradise Canada": She became the first woman to propose to a man on the show when she asked Kirchner (first seen on season one of "Bachelor in Paradise Canada" in 2021) to marry her.Speaking to Yahoo Canada about her decision, Tookes said, "I know my love for Joey. Even if he declined, I'd still feel really good about making that call. And women can propose." She added, "It felt really good to do something that's never been done before."According to an Instagram post by Tookes, the two wed in September 2024 in Ontario.Zach Shallcross and Kaity BiggarZach Shallcross and Kaity Biggar in January 2024. James Clark/Disney/Getty Images Fans watched as Zach Shallcross successfully proposed to Kaity Biggar in March 2023.After a very dramatic final week as the lead, Shallcross who originally appeared on Rachel Recchia and Gabby Windey's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2022 got down on one knee in Thailand and proposed to Biggar during the finale, which aired in March 2023.That month, Shallcross told People, "Right now, the main emphasis is living together in Austin, getting to know each other more and more, and just see how things go. There's no rush."In July 2023, Biggar posted on Instagram that the two are "officially roommates" in Austin together, and are still together in 2025 they even set a wedding date for later this year.Serena Pitt and Joe AmabilePitt and Amabile in December 2021. Rich Polk/E! Entertainment/NBCUniversal/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images Serena Pitt and Joe Amabile got married (again) in Charleston in September 2023 after meeting on the seventh season of "Bachelor in Paradise."Throughout the entire seventh season of "Paradise," there wasn't a stronger couple than "Grocery Store Joe" Amabile (originally from Becca Kufrin's season in 2018) and Pitt (from Matt James' season in 2021). Even though Amabile's "Paradise" ex, Kendall Long, showed up at the proposal, nothing could shake their relationship.They left the beach engaged in fall 2021, and just over a year later, they got married at a New York City courthouse with "Paradise" castmate Natasha Parker as a witness. The couple posted footage from their courthouse ceremony to Instagram in October 2022 and wrote in the caption that they still planned to have a wedding the following September.Shortly after getting married, they told People: "We still plan on having a big wedding next fall that we are already planning, but with everything being so public in our relationship, having a private moment just the two of us felt so special and intimate."In September 2023, they got married again, this time in front of their friends and family with "Paradise" bartender Wells Adams officiating.Kenny Braasch and Mari PepinBraasch and Pepin in January 2024. James Clark/Disney/Getty Images Kenny Braasch and Mari Pepin wed in November 2023, after having a rocky time in "Paradise."After starting off strong, Pepin, who was on Matt James' season in 2021, decided that she wanted to be able to date other people. Braasch, from Clare Crawley and Tayshia Adams' season in 2020, then started pursuing castmates Demi Burnett and Tia Booth.However, Pepin soon decided she wanted Braasch back, and they got back together. He even proposed at the end of the season.As People reported, the two got married in Puerto Rico in November 2023.Becca Kufrin and Thomas JacobsKufrin and Jacobs in June 2022. Dara-Michelle Farr via Getty Images Becca Kufrin and Thomas Jacobs broke up, but they later rekindled their romance off-screen. Now, they're married, and Kufrin gave birth to their first child in September 2023.After getting dumped on TV by Arie Luyendyk in 2018, Kufrin went on to star in her own season of "The Bachelorette" that year. She confirmed on an episode of her podcast, "Bachelor Happy Hour," that her relationship with the winner, Garrett Yrigoyen, ended in 2020.Then, when Kufrin appeared on "Paradise" in 2021, she was hesitant to date Jacobs, who had appeared on Katie Thurston's season earlier in the year and was portrayed as one of the season's villains. However, the two built a solid relationship during the show, until Kufrin called things off during the "Paradise" finale.The two reconnected off-screen and began dating. In May 2022, they revealed on Instagram that they'd gotten engaged and, as Kufrin wrote in the caption, "in the ultimate plot twist," she proposed to Jacobs.In October 2022, Jacobs returned the favor and proposed to Kufrin. "We are so excited! It's time we can finally start wedding planning," Kufrin told People at the time.Kufrin announced her pregnancy in April 2023. In September 2023, the two confirmed the birth of their son, Benson, on Instagram. The next month, they tied the knot.Noah Erb and Abigail HeringerAbigail Heringer and Noah Erb in December 2022. Paul Archuleta/Getty Images Noah Erb and Abigail Heringer got married in October 2024.Heringer, from Matt James' season in 2021, and Erb, from Tayshia Adams' season in 2020, went on the first date of their season of "Paradise" and they were together for the entire season, with a few hiccups along the way.In the penultimate episode of the season, Erb decided that he was simultaneously falling in love with Heringer anddidn't think she was "his person." They left Mexico separately.But like Kufrin and Jacobs, the two reconnected post-"Paradise," which they confirmed during the reunion in October 2021.The two announced on Instagram in August 2023 that they were engaged, accompanied by a caption that referenced Taylor Swift's song "Lover." They wed 14 months later in Oklahoma.Chris Conran and Alana MilneConran and Milne in December 2021. Paul Archuleta/Getty Images Chris Conran and Alana Milne got kicked off "Paradise" together in 2021. They got engaged in March 2024.Conran, who was eliminated on night one of Clare Crawley's season in 2020, was originally dating Jessenia Cruz of Matt James' season in 2021, but that changed when Alana Milne, also from James' season, entered the beach.The two quickly decided to pursue a relationship, leaving Cruz in the dust. In turn, everyone on the beach ganged up on them and claimed that they'd been dating pre-"Paradise," a claim they both denied.After the cast essentially told them that none of them would speak to the couple if they stayed, they left separately.But then Conran and Milne were spotted hanging out together, and Milne confirmed the relationship on her Instagram story, posting a photo of the two kissing captioned, "Paradise is wherever I'm with you." Conran reposted and wrote: "3 months of no cameras or producers."In March 2024, the duo posted on Instagram confirming their engagement.Dylan Barbour and Hannah GodwinBarbour and Godwin in June 2022. Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images After a rocky start, Dylan Barbour and Hannah Godwin made it through season six of "BIP." They got married at a French estate in August 2023.Barbour (from Hannah Brown's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2019) made it clear that he was only there for Godwin who was left blindsided on Colton Underwood's season of "The Bachelor," also in 2019 during the first episode of season six of "Paradise" in 2019. However, she needed a little more time to explore things with Blake Horstmann, a runner-up on Becca Kufrin's season of "The Bachelorette."Horstmann had even flown down to Alabama to visit her before the two began filming for "Bachelor in Paradise," a fact that was withheld from the rest of the cast (and the viewing public) until the fourth episode.But Godwin chose to stick with Barbour, and the two got engaged on the finale, which aired in September 2019. They married in August 2023.Dean and Caelynn BellDean and Caelynn in December 2022. Steve Granitz/FilmMagic/Getty Images After meeting on "Bachelor in Paradise" in 2019, Dean Bell (ne) Unglert and Caelynn Bell (ne) Miller-Keyes wed in September 2023.When Unglert, who was on Rachel Lindsay's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2017, left "Paradise" early, Miller-Keyes was devastated. But he returned to say he had made a mistake and asked Miller-Keyes to leave Mexico with him to figure out their relationship.This wasn't a complete surprise, as E! News reported in July 2019 that the two were dating, but fans finally got to see how their relationship unfolded during an episode of "Bachelor in Paradise" that aired in September 2019.Miller-Keyes, who made it to hometown dates on Colton Underwood's season in 2018, left behind her rebound guy, Connor Saeli, from Hannah Brown's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2019 to join Unglert in his much-discussed van.In October 2022, a source told People that Unglert and Miller-Keyes were engaged. That month, Unglert also spoke about the proposal during an episode of his podcast with fellow "Bachelor" alum Jared Haibon. A few days later, Unglert confirmed the news on his Instagram.They married in September 2023 at a Colorado mountain resort outside Aspen and changed their last names to Bell, Unglert's mother's maiden name.Kevin Wendt and Astrid LochLoch and Wendt in August 2018. Paul Hebert via Getty Images Kevin Wendt and Astrid Loch started dating during "Bachelor in Paradise" in 2018. They're now married with two kids.Known affectionately by their fellow "Paradise" contestants as "Mom and Dad," the cast was shocked when the most solid couple of the season broke up on the last day of "Paradise" during season five in September 2018.Wendt, straight off a stint on "Bachelor Winter Games" in 2018, copped to still being affected by his split from ex-girlfriend Ashley Iaconetti (who appears elsewhere on this list). Loch, from Nick Viall's season of "The Bachelor" in 2017, was blindsided.The two were brought together again during the reunion episode. They got engaged in August 2019 and welcomed their son August in November 2021, People reported. They married in October 2022.In February 2023, Loch shared that they were expecting their second child, and their son, Nash, was born in October.Arie Luyendyk and Lauren BurnhamBurnham and Luyendyk in July 2018. Presley Ann/Getty Images Arie Luyendyk and Lauren Burnham got engaged on the "After the Final Rose" special after Luyendyk shocked the world by dumping Becca Kufrin on TV. They're now married with three kids.Luyendyk first appeared on the eighth season of "The Bachelorette" in 2012, competing for the love of Emily Maynard. He eventually became the runner-up.In 2017, ABC made the surprising move to bring him back for the 22nd seasonof "The Bachelor," where viewers watched him propose to Kufrin.Soon after the proposal, however, Luyendyk decided he had made a mistake and contacted Burnham, the runner-up from his season, before breaking up with Kufrin while the cameras were rolling, making for a controversial moment in Bachelor Nation's history.Luyendyk and Burnham began their relationship anew, and he proposed to her on the live "After the Final Rose" special, which aired after the finale in March 2018.They had a destination wedding in Hawaii in January 2019, People reported, and their daughter, Alessi, was born in May of that year.They later welcomed twins Lux and Senna in June 2021, and are expecting their fourth child this year.Raven Gates and Adam GottschalkGates and Gottschalk in September 2019. Raymond Hall/Getty Images Raven Gates and Adam Gottschalk found love on season four of "Bachelor in Paradise." They got married in April 2021 and now have two kids together.Gates quickly became a fan favorite while she was a contestant on Nick Viall's season of "The Bachelor" in 2017. After finishing in second place, she made her way to Mexico for "Bachelor in Paradise" that August where she met Gottschalk, who had been a contestant on Rachel Lindsay's season of "The Bachelorette" earlier that year.In June 2019, they shared matching Instagram posts announcing their engagement. Gates revealed on social media that they postponed their May 2020 wedding due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but they finally married in April 2021, as she shared on Instagram.Their son Gates was born in January 2022, and their son Max was born in July 2023.Jordan Rodgers and JoJo FletcherRodgers and Fletcher in 2020. John Fleenor/ABC/Getty Images Jordan Rodgers proposed to JoJo Fletcher during season 12 of "The Bachelorette." They got married in May 2022.After Fletcher, first seen on Ben Higgins' season in 2016, sent Robby Hayes home, she accepted a proposal from Rodgers on the "The Bachelorette," which aired later that year.Years later, Fletcher and Rodgers are still together. In fact, in August 2019, Rodgers "re-proposed" to Fletcher, complete with a new ring, as Fletcher shared on Instagram. In May 2022, after six years together and two postponed wedding dates, Fletcher and Rodgers married at a California winery.The couple also had a reality series on CNBC, "Cash Pad," where they partnered with "homeowners hoping to turn their properties into ideal short-term rentals," according to the network.They also hosted the competition show "Battle of the Fittest Couples" from October to December 2019 on the Paramount Network, and another competition show, "The Big D," on USA from June to August 2023.Jared Haibon and Ashley IaconettiJared Haibon, Ashley Iaconetti, and their son Dawson in January 2023. Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic/Getty Images Jared Haibon and Ashley Iaconetti's love story began in 2015. They married in August 2019, and now have two kids.In 2015, Haibon and Iaconetti competed on Kaitlyn Bristowe and Chris Soules' seasons of "The Bachelorette" and "The Bachelor" respectively, and met during the second season of "Bachelor in Paradise" in 2015. At the time, Iaconetti was smitten, but Haibon wasn't as interested.According to a 45-minute video the couple released on Iaconetti's YouTube channel abouthow they fell in love, Haibon realized he had to make his move when Iaconetti returned from "Bachelor Winter Games" in 2018 with a boyfriend (Kevin Wendt).Their relationship was made Instagram-official in May 2018, and Haibon proposed just a few weeks later, as E! News reported. The couple married in Rhode Island in August 2019, with a number of Bachelor Nation members in attendance at their wedding, as People reported at the time.In March 2021, they announced their move to Rhode Island on Instagram and opened Audrey's Coffeehouse and Lounge in South Kingstown.Their son, Dawson, was born in January 2022.In January 2024, Iaconetti and Haibon announced that she was pregnant with their second baby. Their son Hayden was born in July.Jade Roper and Tanner TolbertTolbert and Roper in November 2019. Paul Archuleta/Getty Images Jade Roper and Tanner Tolbert met on "Bachelor in Paradise" in 2015 and got married eight months later. They welcomed their third child in November 2020.Tolbert was originally on Kaitlyn Bristowe's season, while Roper was on Chris Soules' season of "The Bachelor," both in 2015.But now, "Janner," as they're known, are the gold standard for "Bachelor in Paradise" couples. They were the first in the spinoff's history to get engaged and actually get married there had been a few false starts with other couples and they have been making it work ever since their finale aired in September 2015.They had their issues which were shown on their season of "Marriage Boot Camp" in 2016 but they worked through them.Their first daughter, Emerson, was born in August 2017. Their son, Brooks, was born in July 2019, after Roper gave birth in her closet, which she shared on Instagram. And in November 2020, they welcomed their third child, Reed.In August 2023, Roper shared on Instagram that she was experiencing "a missed miscarriage," and said her unborn son's heart had stopped though her body hadn't "released the pregnancy yet.""I've been carrying him with so much pride and cherish every moment still left with part of him, but it has also been equally as challenging and devastating," she wrote.Sean Lowe and Catherine GiudiciGiudici and Lowe in December 2018. Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Sleep Number Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici remain the sole winning "Bachelor" couple to get married. Giudici gave birth to their third child in December 2019.Lowe is the only "Bachelor" lead (season 17, 2013) who has stayed with the winner of his season both Jason Mesnick and Arie Luyendyk returned to the runners-up of their seasons. Lowe had previously appeared on Emily Maynard's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2012.As People reported, Lowe and Giudici had their first son, Samuel, in July 2016, two years after their televised wedding in 2014. Their second son, Isaiah, was born in June 2018.Their third child, a daughter they named Mia, was born in December 2019.Chris Siegfried and Desiree HartsockHartsock and Siegfried in August 2018. Earl Gibson III/Getty Images for WE tv Chris Siegfried proposed to Desiree Hartsock on season nine of "The Bachelorette." They got married in 2015 and had their first child in 2016, their second in January 2019, and their third in November 2024.Hartsock originally appeared on Sean Lowe's season of "The Bachelor" in 2013, but she was sent home. Her season of "The Bachelorette" was especially controversial she was broken up with by Brooks Forester during the second-to-last week of the show, who many considered to be the frontrunner. Some fans believed Hartsock was settling when she accepted Siegfried's proposal back in August 2013.Despite the controversy, Siegfried and Hartsock got married in January 2015. Their son, Asher, was born a year later. In July 2018, the couple told Us Weekly that they were expecting their second child, Zander. He was born in January 2019.Also, in 2018, the couple appeared on "Marriage Boot Camp," a show where couples confront the marital issues they're facing. They decided to stay together and work on their relationship.In May 2024, Siegfried announced she was pregnant with their third child. Their son, Noah, was born that November.Joan Vassos and Chock ChappleVassos and Chapple in December 2024. Jesse Grant/Getty Images for iHeartRadio Our very first "Golden Bachelorette" Joan Vassos got engaged to Chock Chapple during the season finale that aired in November 2024.Vassos had appeared on "The Golden Bachelor" to compete for Gerry Turner's heart, but she had to exit in week three due to a family emergency. In May 2024, she was named the star of the first season of "The Golden Bachelorette."Chapple was a frontrunner throughout the season, so it wasn't a big surprise when he got down on one knee and proposed.According to social media, the two are still together and planning to move to New York City.Holly Durst and Blake JulianJulian and Durst in 2011. Rick Rowell/Disney General Entertainment Content/Getty Images Studios; Greg Zabilski/Disney General Entertainment Content/Getty Images Holly Durst and Blake Julian have the distinction of being the only successful couple from the short-lived spinoff series "Bachelor Pad." They have two kids.Durst and Julian met during the second season of "Bachelor Pad" in 2011. Julian was fresh off Ashley Hebert's season of "The Bachelorette," and Durst had last been seen on Matt Grant's season in 2008. Julian's proposal was announced during the season finale.The two got married in June 2012.In July 2019, Durst posted an Instagram video detailing their 7-year struggle with infertility, IVF, miscarriages, and surrogacy.In September 2019, Julian and Durst revealed on Instagram thatthey had adopted a baby, Poppy.Then, in January 2023, they announced the adoption of their son, Knox.Jason Mesnick and Molly MalaneyMesnick and Malaney in January 2024. James Clark/Disney/Getty Images Jason Mesnick proposed to Melissa Rycroft on the finale of his season of "The Bachelor," but revealed on "After the Final Rose" that he was still in love with runner-up Molly Malaney. They celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary in 2024.Mesnick was originally on DeAnna Pappas' season in 2008. He proposed to Rycroft, dumped her on "After the Final Rose," and immediately asked Malaney if they could resume their relationship in March 2009, which they discussed during an interview with People that month.Malaney and Mesnick were engaged later that year in October 2009, Mesnick confirmed to Us Weekly, and were married just a few months later.Now, they're one of the few "Bachelor" success stories, even if their love story didn't start off in the most conventional way. They had their daughter Riley in 2013.Things worked out for Rycroft, too. After the breakup, she reunited with her ex, Tye Strickland. They got married in 2009, and have three kids.Trista Rehn and Ryan SutterSutter and Rehn in January 2024. James Clark/Disney/Getty Images Trista Rehn was the very first "Bachelorette" and set a high bar for the franchise she's been with the winner of her season, Ryan Sutter, since 2003.Just uttering the words "Trista and Ryan" around a "Bachelor" fan will send them on a trip down memory lane. The year was 2003, and Trista was the very first "Bachelorette," after getting sent home as the runner-up of the first season of "The Bachelor."Rehn chose Sutter in the finale, and he proposed. Their wedding was televised (the first of the franchise) and shown as a miniseries called "Trista and Ryan's Wedding" in December 2003.Rehn also appeared on the first season of "Dancing with the Stars" in 2005, and the couple appeared on "Marriage Boot Camp" in 2014. They're still married, live in Colorado, and have two kids, Max and Blakesley.Brendan Morais and Serene RussellBrendan Morais and Serene Russell. Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images Brendan Morais and Serene Russell shocked "Bachelor" fans when they hard-launched their relationship on Instagram in March 2025 there hadn't been any speculation about their relationship at all.It's been a minute since either was on TV, but here's where you know them from: Morais was initially on Tayshia Adams' season of "The Bachelorette" in 2020, but left because he wasn't ready to propose.He then controversially appeared on "Bachelor in Paradise" in 2021 although he spent the beginning of the season pursuing Natasha Parker, it was revealed he was basically killing time until Pieper James (from Matt James' season in 2021) walked on the beach. They dated for a while but eventually broke up at some point in 2023 or 2024.Russell first appeared on Clayton Echard's season of "The Bachelor" in 2022. That same year, she traveled to Mexico for season eight of "Bachelor in Paradise" and got engaged to Brandon Jones (Michelle Young's season of "The Bachelorette," 2021). They broke up in 2023.It's unclear how Morais and Russell met, but the two seem to be going strong.Brayden Bowers and Christina MandrellBowers and Mandrell in January 2024. Eric McCandless/Disney/Getty Images Brayden Bowers proposed to Christina Mandrell in January 2024 on live TV. They eloped in Nashville in December.Bowers, of Lawson's season, might have been eliminated from "Bachelor in Paradise" after failing to secure a rose, but he was still able to find love within the franchise.During the finale of season nine of "Paradise," which aired in December 2023, it was revealed that Bowers has been dating Mandrell, from Shallcross' season, for the last few months."Beyond the cameras and reality show drama, Brayden (aka MY BOYFRIEND!) and I found something truly special," Mandrell wrote on Instagram.On the red carpet of Turner and Nist's televised wedding in January, Bowers got down on one knee and proposed to Mandrell, who accepted, as seen on Instagram. They surprised fans later that year by eloping, per People.Anna Redman and Chris BukowskiBukowski in 2019 and Redman in 2021. Paul Archuleta/Getty Images Anna Redman and Chris Bukowski announced their relationship on Instagram in March 2022.Redman and Bukowski, both Chicago residents, made their relationship Instagram-official in March 2022, with Redman captioning a series of photos "hard launch." They moved in together a few months later.While these two never interacted on-screen, they're both "Bachelor" alums. Bukowski has famously appeared on multiple seasons, including Emily Maynard's season of "The Bachelorette," season three of "Bachelor Pad," and three seasons of "Bachelor in Paradise." He unsuccessfully attempted to join Andi Dorfman's season of "The Bachelorette" as well.Bachelor Nation reported that Bukowski got engaged to Katie Morton on his last appearance on "Paradise" in 2019, but they broke up a few months later, according to a since-deleted Instagram post.You might remember Redman from her controversial appearance on Matt James' season of "The Bachelor" in 2021 when she spread rumors that a fellow contestant was "entertaining men for money." She later briefly appeared on "Bachelor in Paradise" later that year.According to an episode of Joe Amabile's podcast "Clickbait," Amabile and his wife, Serena Pitt, introduced the two.Jordan Chapman and Corrinne JonesChapman and Jones in November 2021. Hatnim Lee/Getty Images Jordan Chapman and Corrinne Jones never appeared on-screen together, but they found love in Bachelor Nation.Chapman and Jones, from Clayshia's season in 2020 and Matt James' season in 2021, respectively, made their Instagram debut in September 2021.They got engaged in September 2024.It's unclear how exactly they met since they never overlapped on our TV screens, but Bachelor Nation is well-connected.Mike Renner and Olivia MillerRenner in 2018 and Miller in 2022. Craig Sjodin/ABC/Getty Images; Ricky Middlesworth/ABC/Getty Images Mike Renner and Olivia Miller are Bachelor Nation's self-proclaimed "most irrelevant" couple. They got engaged in July 2024.If you remember either of these former "Bachelor" contestants, you're a true super-fan. Renner, a sports analyst, was eliminated during week three of Becca Kufrin's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2018. Miller, a stylist, is a more recent contestant, appearing on Zach Shallcross' season of "The Bachelor" in 2023, but she was sent home during night one.They hard-launched their relationship in June 2023, according to Bachelor Nation, by calling themselves "Bachelor Nation's most irrelevant couple." Just over a year later, in July 2024, Renner proposed to Miller.Peyton Wright and Chris LambtonWright and Lambton in May 2012. David L Ryan/The Boston Globe via Getty Images Peyton Wright and Chris Lambton also never interacted on-screen, but they met through friends from Bachelor Nation.Wright and Lambton were never part of the same show Wright appeared on the 10th season of "The Bachelor" competing for Andy Baldwin's heart in 2007 but was left behind on a two-on-one date. She later appeared on the first season of "Bachelor Pad."Lambton, on the other hand, made it all the way to the final two in Ali Fedotowsky's season of "The Bachelorette" in 2010, and even turned down the opportunity to be the next "Bachelor," he told Boston.com.The two didn't find love on TV, but hit it off when they were introduced to each other by friends from the Bachelor Nation at a golf tournament in 2010, People reported in 2013.They got married in May 2012 and have been together since."I'm so glad Andy Baldwin left me standing there on that aircraft carrier," Wright told People ahead of the couple's first anniversary in 2013."I'm glad it didn't go any further because it wouldn't have worked out."They have two children: a daughter, Lyla, who was born in November 2016, and a son, Hayes, who was born in December 2018.The couple hosted the HGTV show "Going Yard," which ran for two seasons. They also collaborated with HSN on a furniture line called Chris and Peyton by Design.Jesse Csincsak and Ann LuedersCsincsak and Lueders in August 2010. Denise Truscello/Getty Images Jesse Csincsak won the season of "The Bachelorette" he appeared on in 2008 and proposed to DeAnna Pappas, but the two broke up after a few months. His future wife, Ann Lueders, was eliminated on night one of Jason Mesnick's season in 2009.The couple met on a "Bachelor" reunion cruise that Csincsak organized.He told Hollywood 411 in 2017 that he "realized that there were a lot of women who had gone on the show who were also single and could understand what I was going through." Csincsak added that he began inviting past contestants to the reunions he hosted."Ann just happened to come on the first cruise I hosted to Mexico and the rest is history," he said.Csincsak and Lueders married in 2010 while Lueders was pregnant with their first child, Noah.According toUs Weekly, their daughter Charlotte was born three years later, and their third child, Brian, was born in December 2016.Tara Durr and John PresserPresser and Durr in January 2011. Taylor Hill/WireImage/Getty Images Tara Durr and John Presser were both sent home on night one of their respective seasons, and they met on a private "Bachelor" alumni Facebook group.Durr was eliminated after night one of Lorenzo Borghese's season of "The Bachelor" in 2006, and Presser was eliminated after night one of Jillian Harris' season of "The Bachelorette" in 2009.According to People, they met through a private "Bachelor" alumni Facebook group in July 2009 and were engaged by February 2010. They were married later that year, in November, the St. Augustine Record reported at the time.They have a son, Warner, and a daughter, Ellery.
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  • Napster Is Still Worth $200 Million in 2025, for Some Reason
    The original Napster went out of business in 2001 but, despite its short, fiery life and premature, litigation-fueled death, it has soldiered on throughout the years, thanks largely to newer tech companies that are eager to capitalize on the legendary music platforms brand. Case in point: This month, Napster was sold for $207 million to a Metaverse company, Infinite Reality. On its website, Infinite Reality says it sells AI and XR services to companies and governments, including something called iR Studio, which offers users the ability to create a 3D website with no coding skills. What does Infinite plan to do with Napster? The company says it will expand and reimagine Napster, empowering artists with new audience monetization and engagement capabilities, underpinned by iRs immersive technology, AI-powered tools, and audience network. What does that actually mean? The firms press release states that it plans to transform Napster beyond streaming into a social and interactive music platform, leveraging its immersive technology and audience network of digitally native fans. That apparently means that the company is going to allow fans to attend concerts digitally via virtual 3D spaces, and will also give artists the opportunity to sell digital and physical merchandise to fans, according to the Associated Press. Napster rose to prominence as one of the first peer-to-peer file sharing platforms during the early days of the Internet. Co-founded in 1999 by Shawn Fanning and Sean Parker (who would go on to become an early investor in, and then first president of, Facebook), the platform allowed users to share MP3 files of their favorite music. Unfortunately, Napsters freewheeling ways inevitably led to substantial music piracy and, as a result, lawsuits, which ultimately led it to shut down in 2001.Napster was previously purchased in 2022 by two web3 companies, Hivemind and Algorand, which set the platform on a humiliating path towards crypto integration. As such, the music-sharing platform joins a harem of prominent brands that have been resurrected for the purposes of web3 promotion. Other unlucky members of that group include the likes of RadioShack (which was purchased by a crypto company in 2022), GameStop (which famously led to the WallStreetBets fiasco) and Limewire.
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  • Apple Clears Entire Stock of Apple Watch Series 10, Now at a Record Low on Amazon
    Are you searching for an Apple Watch but do not wish to deplete your funds? Look no further! Amazons Big Spring Sale offers great offers on two awesome Apple Watch designs, allowing you to purchase these extremely popular smartwatches at unbeatable costs. The Apple Watch SE 2022 is currently priced at just $169, down from of its original price of $249, and the new Apple Watch Series 10 has dropped to an all-time low of $299, a pretty significant discount from its usual price of $399. This deal even surpasses the previous Black Friday sale when the Series 10 was offered on Amazon for $369.See Apple Watch SE 2022 at AmazonSee Apple Watch Series 10 at AmazonWhich Apple Watch Should You Buy?Apple Watch SE 2022 is a great value-for-money model for those on the lookout for their first venture into smartwatches. Yet, it neither cuts corners with features nor in pricing. The SE 2022 smartwatch comes with the same S8 chipset as in its pricier siblings and hence offers buttery-smooth performance and great connectivity. With a slim design in 40mm and 44mm variations (both are on sale at Amazon), it fits comfortably on all wrists. The LTPO OLED touch screen is exceptionally readable with vibrant colors and up to 1000 nits of brightness, making it easy to read even in extremely sunny conditions.While the Apple Watch SE 2022 may not have all of the advanced health sensors of its pricier siblings, it has more than enough oomph in the area of fitness tracking and safety. It can take your heart rate, monitor your sleep, and even sense a fall. The watch is also water-resistant up to 50 meters which makes it ideal for swimming. 32GB storage is also ample enough to hold plenty of apps and music. The battery is great, with 18 hours of continuous use.On the other hand, Apple Watch Series 10 is the cream of the crop of Apple smartwatch technology: Its sleek looks are thinner than ever before with options for 42mm and 46mm to suit different tastes (both are on sale too). The Series 10 has a stunning LTPO3 OLED touch screen with 2000 nits peak brightness for impeccable visibility under any lighting condition. The expanded display area provides room for more complications and effortless usage of apps.The Apple Watch Series 10 comes equipped with the latest S10 SiP, sporting a 64-bit dual-core processor and 4-core Neural Engine for swift performance and power-saving processing in the device itself. It supports 64GB of storage capacity (double the SE 2022) for saving more applications, music, and photos. The Series 10 also adds the double tap gesture to offer effortless one-hand usage and Siri on-device processing for faster answers.Fitness and health fanatics will appreciate the Series 10s advanced sensors, such as how it can perform ECG tests, track blood oxygen, and its new skin temperature sensor to be more accurate in tracking cycle and sleep. The watch also features the latest safety features, including Crash Detection and Emergency SOS. In terms of durability, Series 10 edges out at an IP6X dust rating, apart from having water resistance at 50 meters like the SE 2022.No matter if you go for the affordable Apple Watch SE 2022 or spend more on the Apple Watch Series 10 loaded with all the features, both provide unbeatable value at their sale prices during this Big Spring Sale period at Amazon. The Apple Watch SE 2022 is a good starting point for anyone entering the Apple Watch environment, and the Series 10 provides the best and newest in smartwatch technology.See Apple Watch SE 2022 at AmazonSee Apple Watch Series 10 at Amazon
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  • Casa da Mata / Marise Calavara Arquitetura
    Casa da Mata / Marise Calavara ArquiteturaSave this picture! Marco LutyHousesBrazilArchitects: Marise Calavara ArquiteturaAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:630 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2024 PhotographsPhotographs:Marco Luty Lead Architect: Marise Calavara More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. Three, a numerical symbol that inhabits the horizon of connections. The forest house, with its three floors, hides among the vegetation while simultaneously opening up to it. Through its recessed glass, the observer contemplates the surroundings, and as they wander, they traverse long patios that connect the interior and exterior simultaneously. On a 12x30 meter plot, with setback requirements and the dream of a construction that encompasses the clients entire program of needs, we faced a challenge that transformed into a production of meanings, textures, and studies.Save this picture!In seeking the proportion of the house to the land, with the lightness of the reinforced concrete structure and delicate proportions to create a connection with the area of native vegetation adjacent to the plot, the effort of rhizomatic thinking was present; we recessed the beams, from which a technical solution emerged. For those outside, it provides the experience of a linear view of the two slabs that seemingly appear in a clean and light cantilever. For summer days, a rooftop pool offers a view of the sunset, glimpsing the ephemeral orange that departs, taking the day with it. What could have become an obstacle in the project brought a solution: the depth of the pool shapes the ceiling of the TV room, with a cozier ceiling height, embracing the house in everyday comfort. Then, in small diagrams on paper on the table, the three fundamental areas that traverse the plot emerged. In the basement, taking advantage of the topography with a three-meter drop: circulation and garage; in the core of the house: the heart, the common area that opens to the side forest; and in a rectangle, the intimate area. Finally, on the rooftop, the leisure area that does justice to the lookout housing the pool, gardens, and the contemplation of freedom.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!How to design something that seems light and at the same time connects with nature? One of the questions that accompanied the entire creative process, and in the end, the work only materialized because of the design of its structure. A staircase that connects all environments, in a sculptural back-and-forth, produced a fascination of concrete, in an intimate sketch between spans. Three. Natural. Hermetic. Now, the architecture has been written, after the drawing, after the technique, after the execution. The poetry embraced the house, as one embraces a love.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessAbout this officePublished on March 25, 2025Cite: "Casa da Mata / Marise Calavara Arquitetura" [Casa da Mata / Marise Calavara Arquitetura] 25 Mar 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1027982/casa-da-mata-marise-calcavara-arquitetura&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Green Screen Effects | 4K 60fps | Chroma Screen Impact VFX Footage for Download
    Green Screen Effects | 4K 60fps | Chroma Screen Impact VFX Footage for DownloadDiscover an impressive collection of Green Screen VFX and Chroma Key Footage in 4K 60fps! This playlist features high-quality VFX assets that are perfect for compositing in your films, videos, and creative projects. With effects from various genres like Fire FX, Smoke FX, and other dynamic elements from Unreal Engine VFX, you can add stunning visual effects to your content effortlessly.Each video includes multiple angles of Chroma Screen footage, allowing you to seamlessly integrate the effects into your scene from different perspectives. These professional-grade assets are optimized for Chroma Key compositing and will save you time on your VFX projects. Key Features:4K 60fps resolution for cinematic-quality visualsMultiple Angles for flexible compositingReady-to-use Fire FX, Smoke FX, and more from Unreal Engine VFXChroma Key (Green Screen) compatible for easy integrationIdeal for filmmakers, video editors, and VFX artistsEnhance your projects with these free downloadable effects and elevate your content. Subscribe for more VFX assets and tutorials!FAB - https://www.fab.com/sellers/CGHOW Whatsapp - https://bit.ly/3LYvxjK Patreon- https://www.patreon.com/Ashif NFT - https://opensea.io/CGHOW Twitter - https://twitter.com/cghow_ If you Liked it - http://bit.ly/2UZmiZ4 Channel Ashif - http://bit.ly/3aYaniw Support me on - paypal.me/9953280644 #cghow #UE5 #UE4Niagara #gamefx #ue5niagara #ue4vfx #niagara #unrealengineniagara #realtimevfxVisit - https://cghow.com/ Unreal Engine Marketplace - https://bit.ly/3aojvAa Artstation Store - https://www.artstation.com/ashif/store Gumroad - https://cghow.gumroad.com/
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  • Chewing gum can shed hundreds of microplastics into your mouth
    It doesn't seem to matter if you chew artificial or all-natural gum, either. Credit: Deposit PhotosResearchers have found yet another potential contributor to the increasing amount of microplastics found in our bodies: gum. According to a pilot study presented during the American Chemical Societys spring meeting, a single piece of chewing gum is liable to release hundreds of polymer particles into our mouths. And while a portion of them are likely ingested by the chewer, improperly tossing your gum can also add to the environments microplastic problem.Experts previously estimated humans eat tens of thousands of microplastic particles ranging between 1 micrometer- and 5 millimeters-wide each year. Much of that comes from plastic packaging and coatings, as well as miniscule polymers that rub off onto food and into drinks. But while a single stick of gum may be small, the average gum consumer chews 160180 sticks per year. Recently, a team led by at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) engineering professor Sanjay Mohanty wondered how much microplastic might come from the habit.To gain an initial understanding of the situation, they asked a single volunteer to test 10 brands of commercially available gumfive with synthetic additives and five with only natural ingredients. While future studies may employ many more participants, the researchers focused on a single person to limit the variations on chewing patterns and saliva.The volunteer then proceeded to chew. A lot.Seven pieces of each gum brand were chomped in succession by the participant for four minutes at time. Researchers then collected saliva samples every 30 seconds, along with a sample taken after rinsing their mouth with clean water. These were then all combined into a single, larger sample. In a second round, the person produced saliva samples at various intervals over 20 minutes to see how much microplastic was contained in a single stick of each gum. From there, the microplastics were counted after staining them red, as well analyzed for composition using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy.Our initial hypothesis was that the synthetic gums would have a lot more microplastics because the base is a type of plastic, Lisa Lowe, the studys co-collaborator and a graduate student in Mohantys lab, explained in a statement. (Yes, certain types of synthetic gum contain petroleum-based polymers.)But if you think switching to an all-natural brand is better for you, think again.Surprisingly, both synthetic and natural gums had similar amounts of microplastics released when we chewed them, Lowe added.Most of the studys gum shed the majority of its microplastics during the first couple minutes of chewing. But while saliva collects a lot of that, the team discovered its actually your teeth that are mostly responsible for dislodging the particles. About 94 percent of the plastic counted was shed by the eighth minute. Knowing this, Lowe recommends chewing one piece of gum as long as possible before moving on to the next stick. Get the Popular Science newsletter Breakthroughs, discoveries, and DIY tips sent every weekday. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.The final tallies indicate chewers can expect an average of at least 100 microplastics per gram of gum, although that number can increase up to 600 particles per gram. Extrapolating this further, a 26 gram piece of gum may release as many as 3,000 microplastics. Multiply that by the average amount of gum chewed annually, that you could be looking at around 30,000 microplastics ingested each year. And given that experts believe people already annually eat tens of thousands of particles, this means regular gum chewers could be receiving a large influx of unwanted polymers thanks to their favorite brands.Unfortunately, the total amount of microplastics from gum is likely much larger. Given the teams available equipment, counting was limited to particles measuring at least 20-micrometers-wideand many microplastics are much smaller than that.Our goal is not to alarm anybody, said Mohanty. But we know we are exposed to plastics in everyday life, and thats what we wanted to examine here.But if you are going to continue chewing, the researchers also took the time to remind everyone to properly dispose of their well-masticated gum.The plastic released into saliva is a small fraction of the plastic thats in the gum, warned Mohanty. So, be mindful about the environment and dont just throw it outside or stick it to a gum wall.
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  • Trump administration sued over huge funding cuts at Columbia University
    Nature, Published online: 25 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00881-yTwo faculty organizations file suit after university makes concessions to Trump officials.
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