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  • How To Build A Multilingual Website With Nuxt.js
    This article is a sponsored by HygraphInternationalization, often abbreviated as i18n, is the process of designing and developing software applications in a way that they can be easily adapted to various spoken languages like English, German, French, and more without requiring substantial changes to the codebase. It involves moving away from hardcoded strings and techniques for translating text, formatting dates and numbers, and handling different character encodings, among other tasks.Internationalization can give users the choice to access a given website or application in their native language, which can have a positive impression on them, making it crucial for reaching a global audience.What Were MakingIn this tutorial, were making a website that puts these i18n pieces together using a combination of libraries and a UI framework. Youll want to have intermediate proficiency with JavaScript, Vue, and Nuxt to follow along. Throughout this article, we will learn by examples and incrementally build a multilingual Nuxt website. Together, we will learn how to provide i18n support for different languages, lazy-load locale messages, and switch locale on runtime.After that, we will explore features like interpolation, pluralization, and date/time translations.And finally, we will fetch dynamic localized content from an API server using Hygraph as our API server to get localized content. If you do not have a Hygraph account please create one for free before jumping in.As a final detail, we will use Vuetify as our UI framework, but please feel free to use another framework if you want. The final code for what were building is published in a GitHub repository for reference. And finally, you can also take a look at the final result in a live demo.The nuxt-i18n Librarynuxt-i18n is a library for implementing internationalization in Nuxt.js applications, and its what we will be using in this tutorial. The library is built on top of Vue I18n, which, again, is the de facto standard library for implementing i18n in Vue applications.What makes nuxt-i18n ideal for our work is that it provides the comprehensive set of features included in Vue I18n while adding more functionalities that are specific to Nuxt, like lazy loading locale messages, route generation and redirection for different locales, SEO metadata per locale, locale-specific domains, and more.Initial SetupStart a new Nuxt.js project and set it up with a UI framework of your choice. Again, I will be using Vue to establish the interface for this tutorial.Let us add a basic layout for our website and set up some sample Vue templates.First, a Blog page:<!-- pages/blog.vue --><template> <div> <v-card color="cardBackground"> <v-card-title class="text-overline"> Home </v-card-title> <v-card-text> This is the home page description </v-card-text> </v-card> </div></template>Next, an About page:<!-- pages/about.vue --><template> <div> <v-card color="cardBackground"> <v-card-title class="text-overline"> About </v-card-title> <v-card-text> This is the about page description </v-card-text> </v-card> </div></template>This gives us a bit of a boilerplate that we can integrate our i18n work into.Translating Plain TextThe page templates look good, but notice how the text is hardcoded. As far as i18n goes, hardcoded content is difficult to translate into different locales. That is where the nuxt-i18n library comes in, providing the language-specific strings we need for the Vue components in the templates.Well start by installing the library via the command line:npx nuxi@latest module add i18nInside the nuxt.config.ts file, we need to ensure that we have @nuxtjs/i18n inside the modules array. We can use the i18n property to provide module-specific configurations.// nuxt.config.tsexport default defineNuxtConfig({ // ... modules: [ ... "@nuxtjs/i18n", // ... ], i18n: { // nuxt-i18n module configurations here } // ...});Since the nuxt-i18n library is built on top of the Vue I18n library, we can utilize its features in our Nuxt application as well. Let us create a new file, i18n.config.ts, which we will use to provide all vue-i18n configurations.// i18n.config.tsexport default defineI18nConfig(() => ({ legacy: false, locale: "en", messages: { en: { homePage: { title: "Home", description: "This is the home page description." }, aboutPage: { title: "About", description: "This is the about page description." }, }, },}));Here, we have specified internationalization configurations, like using the en locale, and added messages for the en locale. These messages can be used inside the markup in the templates we made with the help of a $t function from Vue I18n.Next, we need to link the i18n.config.ts configurations in our Nuxt config file.// nuxt.config.tsexport default defineNuxtConfig({ ... i18n: { vueI18n: "./i18n.config.ts" } ...});Now, we can use the $t function in our components as shown below to parse strings from our internationalization configurations.Note: Theres no need to import $t since we have Nuxts default auto-import functionality.<!-- i18n.config.ts --><template> <div> <v-card color="cardBackground"> <v-card-title class="text-overline"> {{ $t("homePage.title") }} </v-card-title> <v-card-text> {{ $t("homePage.description") }} </v-card-text> </v-card> </div></template>Lazy Loading TranslationsWe have the title and description served from the configurations. Next, we can add more languages to the same config. For example, heres how we can establish translations for English (en), French (fr) and Spanish (es):// i18n.config.tsexport default defineI18nConfig(() => ({ legacy: false, locale: "en", messages: { en: { // English }, fr: { // French }, es: { // Spanish } },}));For a production website with a lot of content that needs translating, it would be unwise to bundle all of the messages from different locales in the main bundle. Instead, we should use the nuxt-i18 lazy loading feature asynchronously load only the required language rather than all of them at once. Also, having messages for all locales in a single configuration file can become difficult to manage over time, and breaking them up like this makes things easier to find.Lets set up the lazy loading feature in nuxt.config.ts:// etc. i18n: { vueI18n: "./i18n.config.ts", lazy: true, langDir: "locales", locales: [ { code: "en", file: "en.json", name: "English", }, { code: "es", file: "es.json", name: "Spanish", }, { code: "fr", file: "fr.json", name: "French", }, ], defaultLocale: "en", strategy: "no_prefix", },// etc.This enables lazy loading and specifies the locales directory that will contain our locale files. The locales array configuration specifies from which files Nuxt.js should pick up messages for a specific language.Now, we can create individual files for each language. Ill drop all three of them right here:// locales/en.json{ "homePage": { "title": "Home", "description": "This is the home page description." }, "aboutPage": { "title": "About", "description": "This is the about page description." }, "selectLocale": { "label": "Select Locale" }, "navbar": { "homeButton": "Home", "aboutButton": "About" }}// locales/fr.json{ "homePage": { "title": "Bienvenue sur la page d'accueil", "description": "Ceci est la description de la page d'accueil." }, "aboutPage": { "title": " propos de nous", "description": "Ceci est la description de la page propos de nous." }, "selectLocale": { "label": "Slectionner la langue" }, "navbar": { "homeButton": "Accueil", "aboutButton": " propos" }}// locales/es.json{ "homePage": { "title": "Bienvenido a la pgina de inicio", "description": "Esta es la descripcin de la pgina de inicio." }, "aboutPage": { "title": "Sobre nosotros", "description": "Esta es la descripcin de la pgina sobre nosotros." }, "selectLocale": { "label": "Seleccione el idioma" }, "navbar": { "homeButton": "Inicio", "aboutButton": "Acerca de" }}We have set up lazy loading, added multiple languages to our application, and moved our locale messages to separate files. The user gets the right locale for the right message, and the locale messages are kept in a maintainable manner inside the code base.Switching Between LanguagesWe have different locales, but to see them in action, we will build a component that can be used to switch between the available locales.<!-- components/select-locale.vue --><script setup>const { locale, locales, setLocale } = useI18n();const language = computed({ get: () => locale.value, set: (value) => setLocale(value),});</script><template> <v-select :label="$t('selectLocale.label')" variant="outlined" color="primary" density="compact" :items="locales" item-title="name" item-value="code" v-model="language" ></v-select></template>This component uses the useI18n hook provided by the Vue I18n library and a computed property language to get and set the global locale from a <select> input. To make this even more like a real-world website, well include a small navigation bar that links up all of the websites pages.<!-- components/select-locale.vue --><template> <v-app-bar app :elevation="2" class="px-2"> <div> <v-btn color="button" to="/"> {{ $t("navbar.homeButton") }} </v-btn> <v-btn color="button" to="/about"> {{ $t("navbar.aboutButton") }} </v-btn> </div> <v-spacer /> <div class="mr-4 mt-6"> <SelectLocale /> </div> </v-app-bar></template>Thats it! Now, we can switch between languages on the fly.We have a basic layout, but I thought wed take this a step further and build a playground page we can use to explore more i18n features that are pretty useful when building a multilingual website.Interpolation and PluralizationInterpolation and pluralization are internationalization techniques for handling dynamic content and grammatical variations across different languages. Interpolation allows developers to insert dynamic variables or expressions into translated strings. Pluralization addresses the complexities of plural forms in languages by selecting the appropriate grammatical form based on numeric values. With the help of interpolation and pluralization, we can create more natural and accurate translations.To use pluralization in our Nuxt app, well first add a configuration to the English locale file.// locales/en.json{ // etc. "playgroundPage": { "pluralization": { "title": "Pluralization", "apple": "No Apple | One Apple | {count} Apples", "addApple": "Add" } } // etc.}The pluralization configuration set up for the key apple defines an output No Apple if a count of 0 is passed to it, a second output One Apple if a count of 1 is passed, and a third 2 Apples, 3 Apples, and so on if the count passed in is greater than 1.Here is how we can use it in your component: Whenever you click on the add button, you will see pluralization in action, changing the strings.<!-- pages/playground.vue --><script setup>let appleCount = ref(0);const addApple = () => { appleCount.value += 1;};</script><template> <v-container fluid> <!-- PLURALIZATION EXAMPLE --> <v-card color="cardBackground"> <v-card-title class="text-overline"> {{ $t("playgroundPage.pluralization.title") }} </v-card-title> <v-card-text> {{ $t("playgroundPage.pluralization.apple", { count: appleCount }) }} </v-card-text> <v-card-actions> <v-btn @click="addApple" color="primary" variant="outlined" density="comfortable" >{{ $t("playgroundPage.pluralization.addApple") }}</v-btn > </v-card-actions> </v-card> </v-container></template>To use interpolation in our Nuxt app, first, add a configuration in the English locale file:// locales/en.json{ ... "playgroundPage": { ... "interpolation": { "title": "Interpolation", "sayHello": "Hello, {name}", "hobby": "My favourite hobby is {0}.", "email": "You can reach out to me at {account}{'@'}{domain}.com" }, // etc. } // etc.}The message for sayHello expects an object passed to it having a key name when invoked a process known as named interpolation.The message hobby expects an array to be passed to it and will pick up the 0th element, which is known as list interpolation.The message email expects an object with keys account, and domain and joins both with a literal string "@". This is known as literal interpolation.Below is an example of how to use it in the Vue components:<!-- pages/playground.vue --><template> <v-container fluid> <!-- INTERPOLATION EXAMPLE --> <v-card color="cardBackground"> <v-card-title class="text-overline"> {{ $t("playgroundPage.interpolation.title") }} </v-card-title> <v-card-text> <p> {{ $t("playgroundPage.interpolation.sayHello", { name: "Jane", }) }} </p> <p> {{ $t("playgroundPage.interpolation.hobby", ["Football", "Cricket"]) }} </p> <p> {{ $t("playgroundPage.interpolation.email", { account: "johndoe", domain: "hygraph", }) }} </p> </v-card-text> </v-card> </v-container></template>Date & Time TranslationsTranslating dates and times involves translating date and time formats according to the conventions of different locales. We can use Vue I18ns features for formatting date strings, handling time zones, and translating day and month names for managing date time translations. We can give the configuration for the same using the datetimeFormats key inside the vue-i18n config object.// i18n.config.tsexport default defineI18nConfig(() => ({ fallbackLocale: "en", datetimeFormats: { en: { short: { year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric", }, long: { year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric", weekday: "short", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", hour12: false, }, }, fr: { short: { year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric", }, long: { year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric", weekday: "long", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", hour12: true, }, }, es: { short: { year: "numeric", month: "short", day: "numeric", }, long: { year: "2-digit", month: "short", day: "numeric", weekday: "long", hour: "numeric", minute: "numeric", hour12: true, }, }, },}));Here, we have set up short and long formats for all three languages. If you are coding along, you will be able to see available configurations for fields, like month and year, thanks to TypeScript and Intellisense features provided by your code editor. To display the translated dates and times in components, we should use the $d function and pass the format to it.<!-- pages.playground.vue --><template> <v-container fluid> <!-- DATE TIME TRANSLATIONS EXAMPLE --> <v-card color="cardBackground"> <v-card-title class="text-overline"> {{ $t("playgroundPage.dateTime.title") }} </v-card-title> <v-card-text> <p>Short: {{ (new Date(), $d(new Date(), "short")) }}</p> <p>Long: {{ (new Date(), $d(new Date(), "long")) }}</p> </v-card-text> </v-card> </v-container></template>Localization On the Hygraph SideWe saw how to implement localization with static content. Now, well attempt to understand how to fetch dynamic localized content in Nuxt.We can build a blog page in our Nuxt App that fetches data from a server. The server API should accept a locale and return data in that specific locale.Hygraph has a flexible localization API that allows you to publish and query localized content. If you havent created a free Hygraph account yet, you can do that on the Hygraph website to continue following along.Go to Project Settings Locales and add locales for the API.We have added two locales: English and French. Now we need aq localized_post model in our schema that only two fields: title and body. Ensure to make these Localized fields while creating them.Add permissions to consume the localized content, go to Project settings Access API Access Public Content API, and assign Read permissions to the localized_post model.Now, we can go to the Hygrapgh API playground and add some localized data to the database with the help of GraphQL mutations. To limit the scope of this example, I am simply adding data from the Hygraph API playground. In an ideal world, a create/update mutation would be triggered from the front end after receiving user input.Run this mutation in the Hygraph API playground:mutation createLocalizedPost { createLocalizedPost( data: { title: "A Journey Through the Alps", body: "Exploring the majestic mountains of the Alps offers a thrilling experience. The stunning landscapes, diverse wildlife, and pristine environment make it a perfect destination for nature lovers.", localizations: { create: [ {locale: fr, data: {title: "Un voyage travers les Alpes", body: "Explorer les majestueuses montagnes des Alpes offre une exprience palpitante. Les paysages poustouflants, la faune diversifie et l'environnement immacul en font une destination parfaite pour les amoureux de la nature."}} ] } } ) { id }}The mutation above creates a post with the en locale and includes a fr version of the same post. Feel free to add more data to your model if you want to see things work from a broader set of data.Putting Things TogetherNow that we have Hygraph API content ready for consumption lets take a moment to understand how its consumed inside the Nuxt app.To do this, well install nuxt-graphql-client to serve as the apps GraphQL client. This is a minimal GraphQL client for performing GraphQL operations without having to worry about complex configurations, code generation, typing, and other setup tasks.npx nuxi@latest module add graphql-client// nuxt.config.tsexport default defineNuxtConfig({ modules: [ // ... "nuxt-graphql-client" // ... ], runtimeConfig: { public: { GQL_HOST: 'ADD_YOUR_GQL_HOST_URL_HERE_OR_IN_.env' } },});Next, let's add our GraphQL queries in graphql/queries.graphql.query getPosts($locale: [Locale!]!) { localizedPosts(locales: $locale) { title body }}The GraphQL client will automatically scan .graphql and .gql files and generate client-side code and typings in the .nuxt/gql folder. All we need to do is stop and restart the Nuxt application. After restarting the app, the GraphQL client will allow us to use a GqlGetPosts function to trigger the query.Now, we will build the Blog page where by querying the Hygraph server and showing the dynamic data.// pages/blog.vue<script lang="ts" setup> import type { GetPostsQueryVariables } from "#gql"; import type { PostItem, Locale } from "../types/types"; const { locale } = useI18n(); const posts = ref<PostItem[]>([]); const isLoading = ref(false); const isError = ref(false); const fetchPosts = async (localeValue: Locale) => { try { isLoading.value = true; const variables: GetPostsQueryVariables = { locale: [localeValue], }; const data = await GqlGetPosts(variables); posts.value = data?.localizedPosts ?? []; } catch (err) { console.log("Fetch Error, Something went wrong", err); isError.value = true; } finally { isLoading.value = false; } }; // Fetch posts on component mount onMounted(() => { fetchPosts(locale.value as Locale); }); // Watch for locale changes watch(locale, (newLocale) => { fetchPosts(newLocale as Locale); });</script>This code fetches only the current locale from the useI18n hook and sends it to the fetchPosts function when the Vue component is mounted. The fetchPosts function will pass the locale to the GraphQL query as a variable and obtain localized data from the Hygraph server. We also have a watcher on the locale so that whenever the global locale is changed by the user we make an API call to the server again and fetch posts in that locale.And, finally, lets add markup for viewing our fetched data!<!-- pages/blog.vue --><template> <v-container fluid> <v-card-title class="text-overline">Blogs</v-card-title> <div v-if="isLoading"> <v-skeleton-loader type="card" v-for="n in 2" :key="n" class="mb-4" /> </div> <div v-else-if="isError"> <p>Something went wrong while getting blogs please check the logs.</p> </div> <div v-else> <div v-for="(post, index) in posts" :key="post.title || index" class="mb-4" > <v-card color="cardBackground"> <v-card-title class="text-h6">{{ post.title }}</v-card-title> <v-card-text>{{ post.body }}</v-card-text> </v-card> </div> </div> </v-container></template>Awesome! If all goes according to plan, then your app should look something like the one in the following video.Wrapping UpCheck that out we just made the functionality for translating content for a multilingual website! Now, a user can select a locale from a list of options, and the app fetches content for the selected locale and automatically updates the displayed content.Did you think that translations would require more difficult steps? Its pretty amazing that were able to cobble together a couple of libraries, hook them up to an API, and wire everything up to render on a page.Of course, there are other libraries and resources for handling internationalization in a multilingual context. The exact tooling is less the point than it is seeing what pieces are needed to handle dynamic translations and how they come together.
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  • The New Work Project Harnesses the Beauty of Beige for Co-Working
    While this may be an unpopular and perhaps brazen assertion, there is merit to working in-office. Communal work areas enhance social interaction and productivity, especially when theres a shared sense of purpose among members. For some, working from home presents a new set of challenges or may even lead to resentments toward their formerly personal territory. But as the pendulum swings back and forth from pre- to post-pandemic professional habits, it appears to be finding equilibrium where workers have flexibility to shift their schedule and their sense of place. The New Design Project, a Brooklyn-based interior design firm, has its finger on the pulse with their expansion of The New Work Project as it welcomes fresh spaces ELEVENTH and The Annex into the fold in Williamsburg.Situated alongside the existing establishment TENTH, their original co-working space circa 2017, ELEVENTH builds upon what the previous concept started while adding contrast for a dramatic shift in ambiance. Guests move through a day lit corridor from black, stark whites, and cool grays into that which is awash in creamy colors for a kaleidoscope of beige that is far from banal.Complementing the warm, neutral palette is an earthy signature scent and plenty of opportunities to commune with nature. There is a heightened focus on health and wellness in the workplace, say Fanny Abbes and James Davison, the creative director and co-managing partner of the New Project Group, respectively. To support this, we incorporated plants and other greenery, and installed large oversized skylights to complement other sources of natural light and provide a strong connection to the outside world. This central volume provides the through line hosts the most public spaces with varying degrees of private rooms distributed around the perimeter.The Gallery is adjacent, comprising eight dedicated, open-air stations situated under a pair of vertical chandeliers in polished nickel. Bronze glass privacy screens provide a bit of intimacy for each desk where members have additional accoutrement like an adorable table lamp, comfortable chair, and mobile cabinet.Light floods The Lounge where a cluster of chic, semi-circular breakout booths upholstered in a luscious, dark-chocolate brown velvet bask in its glow. Accompanying them are custom tables, rugs with corresponding playful poufs, and decorative lighting in polished nickel. Something of a forum, the venerable central space is framed by an arched accent wall with wallpaper by Eskayel. Additionally, custom artwork by Abbes adds subtle pops of color to the room as they rest against decorative wall moldings.Twelve private studios for teams of up to ten are furnished with custom floating desks, ergonomic task chairs, keyless locking pedestals, designer desk lamps, open shelves, and built-in closets just behind doors outfitted with smart locks. Whats more, all company signage displayed to delineate rented rooms is typeset using the same typeface and font to eliminate visual clutter from logos that might otherwise be competing.Continuing on, visitors will happen upon three fully ventilated, sound-insulated privacy pods, which provide an ideal escape for a quick call, focused work, or moment of respite, as well as a granite-topped central drink station. Bronze glass and curved forms feature strongly elsewhere lining the paths for circulation as well as conference room walls with a striking custom wallpaper installation by Designtex. Wishbone chairs sit aside conference room tables by The New Design Project, while wall-hung circular mirrors echo local textures.Though physically separate from TENTH and ELEVENTH, The Annex adds to the cultural fabric shared by every proverbial thread running through the post-industrial building. It provides a generous events venue for nearly any occasion comfortably fitting up to 75 guests. The thoughtfully designed interior features historical elements, 14-foot ceilings, exposed brick, and oversized archways.Co-working spaces have historically been susceptible to pomp and circumstance, moreso appealing to exclusivity than actual service to the working community. But meaningful change is on the horizon. Were part of a new breed of boutique-style neighborhood work clubs. Our members appreciate working in spaces that go beyond mere functionality, serving as an extension of their professional and personal brands, Abbes and Davison add. Unlike other co-working spaces that focus on maximizing private office space, we emphasize thoughtfully designed public areas that inspire genuine creativity and collaboration.To learn more about The New Work Project and all of its spaces visit thenewworkproject.com.Photography by Will Ellis.
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  • Wrap Up Summer With ZigZagZurichs Artist-Designed Beach Towels
    Theres no going back and forth about this: ZigZagZurichs new Artist Terry Beach Towel Collection is a must-have for your next summer outing. These 100% cotton towels feature graphic patterns and designs by five talented artists: Neil Keating, Marc David Spengler, Liz Collins, Marlene Dallas, and Laura Schor. Unlike art that can only be admired on walls, these artist-designed towels are durable enough for the beach yet soft for cozying up after a swim.History of House by Neil KeatingLiverpool-based graphic artist Neil Keating is inspired by pop culture and has created works in collaboration with streetwear brands, local musicians, and industry titans like Nissan, Playstation, Dr Martens, Adidas Superstar, and more. His design, History of House, is a nod to the music scene and the evolution of music genres, including Chicago House, Detroit Techno, New York disco, and the origins of Black and Latin LGBT+ music.History of House by Neil KeatingHistory of House by Neil KeatingSandbanks by Marc David SpenglerMarc David Spengler, a visual artist and illustrator who hails from Stuttgart, Germany, is known for his abstract and colorful compositions inspired by graffiti culture. For ZigZagZurichs Sandbanks, he takes us to the shores of Ile dOleron in France where the vibrant beach huts painted by their owners create an artful scene.Sandbanks by Marc David SpenglerSandbanks by Marc David SpenglerCracked by Liz CollinsBrooklyn-based artist and designer Liz Collins shows us that whats Cracked can also be beautiful and unique. Inspired by the fractures of a broken mirror, she transformed this spontaneous pattern into a drawing, embroidery, and now a textile pattern.Cracked by Liz CollinsCracked by Liz CollinsSauvage by Marlene DallasMarlene Dallas unique expression of shapes, structures, and lines is showcased in the Sauvage towel design. This exploration of lines, strokes, and pathways is full of movement and energy.Sauvage by Marlene DallasSauvage by Marlene DallasSwipe by Laura SchorSwiping left or right has become a modern day expression of choosing what you like. Laura Schor, a Swiss textile designer with a love for designing interiors, celebrates her love of color with the Swipe design.Swipe by Laura SchorSwipe by Laura SchorTo get your own terry towel from the ZigZagZurich artist-designed collection, visit zigzagzurich.com.
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