• How to concept a game scene in Blender
    Video game artist Kay Tang shares the process behind creating a grimly unnerving sacrificial scene from her personal universe.
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  • Bilzzard Won't Patch Diablo 4's Helpful Bug
    Usually bugs are either game-breaking, amusing, or incredibly inconvenient annoyances for players. However, Diablo 4's latest bug has proven to be both beneficial and popular. So much so that Activision Blizzard has already indicated that it won't be releasing a fix for the duration of the game's fifth season, Season of the Infernal Hordes.Via Kotaku, Diablo 4 allows players to upgrade their gear with Legendary Tempering recipes each season. Essentially, that system allows players to decide which affixes they want to attach to their gear. It was only introduced in the fourth season of Diablo 4, and it was supposed to reset the recipes for Season 5. However, the bug has allowed all of last season's Legendary Tempering recipes to remain in place. That's made leveling a lot easier than in the past.Although Season of the Infernal Hordes launched today, sharp-eyed Diablo 4 players noticed the bug right away. Once the word got out, Bilzzard eventually had to respond to it. And fortunately, the company doesn't plan to do anything about it. Global community development director Adam Fletcher confirmed that the bug wasn't intentional before adding that the company is "letting this one slide."Continue Reading at GameSpot
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  • Stardew Valley Player's Dog Accidentally Sabotages New Marriage In-Game
    A Stardew Valley player who recently wed in-game found themselves in trouble with their new wife thanks to their pet dog. The humorous moment is only possible due to a recent update to Stardew Valley, and could theoretically happen to anyone in a similar circumstance.
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  • Retaliate is an Arcade Space Shooter with a Unique Twist!
    2024 In the crowded genre of shoot 'em up games, it's rare to come across one that truly stands out. Enter "Retaliate," the latest offering from the indie developer Romans I XVI Gaming. Originally released on Roku, Retaliate has been re-imagined from the ground up, embodying the developer's ultimate vision. Now available on Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox, Retaliate promises a fresh and exhilarating experience for both seasoned arcade enthusia
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  • Meet the Maker: High School Student Develops Robot Guide Dogs With NVIDIA Jetson
    High school student Selin Alara Ornek is looking ahead using machine learning and the NVIDIA Jetson platform for edge AI and robotics to create robot guide dogs for the visually impaired.The project, called IC4U, is one of seven robots Ornek has created to date, including a school aid robot, named BB4All, that can help prevent bullying with real-time notification and health-monitoring capabilities.About the MakerA high school senior from Istanbul, Turkey, Ornek has always had a passion for the intersection of AI, social good and robotics. Shes a self-taught robotics developer in building IC4U, she used the Jetson Developer Kit as a sandbox to explore and experiment.She is a member of AI4ALL, a nonprofit program with the mission to make AI more diverse and inclusive, and the New York Academy of Science. A global presence in the robotics scene, shes been recognized at the European Youth Awards and Women in Tech Global Awards events. She placed first in the 2021 Istanbul Bosphorus Robot Cup and third at the 2023 OpenCV AI Competition.Her InspirationOrneks inspiration for creating IC4U came from a trip to France, where she saw a guide dog assisting its owner. Her late dog, Korsan, was also a key source of inspiration.I started to think about if a visually impaired person lost their dog, not only would they lose their best friend, but their eyes, Ornek said.The project was built to offer the visually impaired a companion not limited by aging and health.Her Jetson ProjectOrnek initially used ultrasonic sensors located in IC4Us eyes to detect obstacles. But after attending the 2021 World Summit AI as a panelist, she decided to develop new AI applications for the robot dog thatd enable it to mimic a real one.The ultrasonic sensors only offered object detection from directly in front of IC4U, and Ornek wanted to expand detection to the robots entire surroundings.The solution was using sound sensors located in the robots ears. IC4U can turn toward a sound and process visual information gathered by an integrated ZED 2i Wide-Angle 3D AI camera, which captures a wider range of visual data and helps detect information such as the size and speed of an object.To power the ZED 2i camera and for high-quality image processing, I used an NVIDIA Jetson Nano developer kit, Ornek said. I was so impressed with the ZED 2i cameras performance that I didnt want to limit its use to a simple object-recognition task.She began to think of other ways that IC4U could assist a visually impaired person. IC4Us improved data processing from high-resolution sensors, powered by Jetson, enables it to detect city objects such as stop signs, traffic light colors and the denomination of paper money.In addition, Ornek used the Jetson Nano to add a shopping feature to IC4U via web scraping from publicly available resources, aiming to one day expand it by partnering with online retail stores.Back to SchoolIn the long run, Ornek hopes to deploy IC4U for use in smart cities and spaces continuing her exploration of AI applications with next-generation platforms like Jetson Orin.This fall, shell begin studying computer science at the University of British Columbia on a full scholarship, as a recipient of the Karen McKellin International Leader of Tomorrow Award. She strives to encourage other youth, especially girls, that technology is fun.Students and educators with a valid accredited university or education-related email address can sign up to purchase the Jetson Orin Nano or Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit at a discounted rate. U.S.-based students and educators can visit Sparkfun to sign up for their discount residents of other countries should check their eligibility (login required).Learn more about the NVIDIA Jetson platform and NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Jetson AI courses and certifications.
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    By TREVOR HOGGImages courtesy of Arcadia Motion Pictures, Lokiz Films, Noodles Production and Les Films du Worso.It was a pleasant surprise when the Spanish-French co-production Robot Dreams, which deals with themes of loneliness, companionship and people growing apart without a word of dialogue was nominated for Best Animated Feature at this years Academy Awards. Masterminding the adaptation of the graphic novel by Sara Varon was live-action filmmaker Pablo Berger (Blancanieves), who decided to try the world of animation, and in the process of doing so came up with some imaginative dream transitions. One transition in particular occurs when the Coney Island-stranded Robot is covered by snow, falls out of the frame, gathers himself and turns the image around to reveal a Hollywood set that resembles something out of The Wizard of Oz.A background of Coney Island where a major narrative turning point occurs.That is also one of my favorite scenes, Berger laughs. Jean-Claude Carrire, my favorite writer of all time, once said, Theres only one rule in cinema. You have to surprise the audience. I like the idea that whenever I write the script its almost like a Weeha! and I let myself go. In Robot Dreams, I brought a lot of references and inspirations from The Wizard of Oz to Buster Keaton and Busby Berkeley. I mix it all together. One of my favorite animators, Osamu Tezuka, is the king of breaking the fourth wall, and its also a homage to him. The aspect ratio had to be taken in consideration to effectively accomplish the visual gag. We were thinking about the previous shot so we could trick the audience. It should feel like a surprise, so we had to reduce the aspect ratio to be able to do that surprising effect, Berger remarks.I love the idea in animation that with just two circles and one dot you have an eye and with a single line you have a mouth, and how many things you can express with just one line. And how, with the mouth, Robot can teach the bird to fly; we worked a lot on that one. In the first storyboard, he did it with the eyelids going up and down, but then we realized it wasnt so clear. Suddenly, we decided to do it with the mouth.Pablo Berger, DirectorStoryboards are a major part of the filmmaking process. Even for my live-action films, I spend a year doing the storyboards. Especially when you make an animated film, the storyboard is the treasure map, Berger explains. Every single shot, the angle, size and duration are already planned. In a way, before the animation started, we had the film already finished. We made it with a small team five people working for a year and a half to make a rough animation. Every shot is clear. Of course, then you can do small changes when you begin to do the animation. The source material broke the fourth wall in way that worked within the confines of a comic book panel. Notes Berger, In the graphic novel you just see Robot getting out of the square, but it gave me an idea that I wrote in the script. When I started doing the storyboards, I had to decide where to put the camera for every single shot. Once you get animators and animation directors, they can bring you things. Animators are like actors and can propose certain actions.Research went into depicting areas of New York City during the 1980s such as Chinatown.Grunts and groans replaced actual lines of dialogue by the characters. I had great support from the voice director, who was also the voice of Dog, Ivan Labanda, Berger explains. All of the big Hollywood films that have young characters are dubbed by him. For us, it was important to have a little giggle or laugh. It was a different kind of acting, but in our case it was pleasurable. I was not alone doing this. Ivan cast a group of his friends to do it, which became a little ensemble. With six actors, we created all of the voices, grunts, laughs, screams and little noises. For example, during the sledge race in snow, the Anteaters had to make specific noises. It was definitely hard work, but we also had a fun time doing it.Nuances, such as cheese from the macaroni splattering against the glass window of the microwave, had to be meticulously orchestrated yet feel accidental. You have to realize, Im a live-action director, Berger notes. If directors have one superpower, we can close our eyes and see our film finished. However, in live-action, there are so many accidents that the film changes completely from what you were thinking about. In animation, the final film comes close to the dream, so I can feel my fingerprints in every single frame. Of course, Im working with a big team of artists, but I was involved with every single detail that happens because what you have to realize is, first you do the storyboard followed by layout, rough animation and then final animation; there are so many steps that you can make small adjustments.There are dream sequences in the film, with this being the background for the Flowerland, which resembles something out of The Wizard of Oz.An interesting creative choice was not to give Robot mechanical actions. The trending topic nowadays is AI and robots, but we started this film over five years ago, Berger observes. This robot is a metaphor for a friend, lover or companion. It doesnt have any chip inside. There is no software. Its like gears, wheels, bolts and springs. We wanted to do an old-style robot from the 1950s. It was also inspired by Hayao Miyazakis Laputa: Castle in the Sky. Introducing motion meant that some of the character designs had to be altered. Daniel Fernandez designed the characters, but then it was important when Animation Director Benot Froumon got involved. Initially, Robot was much rounder in the character design, but then early on Benot said, We need more rough edges so we can make it more 360. The designs at the end had to be approved by the animation director because hes the one who is going to have to animate.The interior of a Radio Shack where robot companions are on display.One of the clever moments is when Robot teaches a chick to fly through the motions of his mouth. I love the idea in animation that with just two circles and one dot you have an eye and with a single line you have a mouth, and how many things you can express with just one line, Berger reveals. And how, with the mouth, Robot can teach the bird to fly; we worked a lot on that one. In the first storyboard, he did it with the eyelids going up and down, but then we realized it wasnt so clear. Suddenly, we decided to do it with the mouth. Its a collaboration. The director gets the credit of the film, A Film by Pablo Berger; however, I had Benot Froumont, Sylvain Chomet [French writer and animator], Tom Moore [Co-Founder of Cartoon Saloon] and Art Director Jos Luis greda, who has made amazing films. You feel like you have good players next to you, and they helped me in the making a lot of the decisions.[T]here are so few animators in the world nowadays who know how to draw and create in 2D. Most animated films are using 3D. I also believe that when you want to create something new, you have to look to the past. I dont think you always have to look forward. Hand-drawn animation still has so much to offer to animation. We can talk about Spider-Verse animated movies, which use 3D, but theyre doing an old style so that it looks like 2D. Why not?Pablo Berger, Director2D animation was chosen over a 3D style. As a kid growing up in the 1960s and 1970s, everything was hand-drawn animation, Berger states. Robot Dreams takes place in the 1980s and is based on a graphic novel. For me, it was important that when people watch the film, they have to feel like its a graphic novel that is alive. We did not have any doubts thinking about 2D or 3D. 2D was definitely much more complex to find a team because there are so few animators in the world nowadays who know how to draw and create in 2D. Most animated films are using 3D. I also believe that when you want to create something new, you have to look to the past. I dont think you always have to look forward. Hand-drawn animation still has so much to offer to animation. We can talk about Spider-Verse animated movies, which use 3D, but theyre doing an old style so that it looks like 2D. Why not?A color script for the sequences when Dog receives his robot companion delivery and when he and Robot do a rollerblade dance in Central Park.In the first draft of the script, it was already September [September Song by Earth, Wind & Fire] because I needed a song that Dog and Robot could roller-dance to in Central Park. The producers were not happy in the beginning because music rights are expensive, and if you want one of the most popular songs in pop history it was an expensive song. But it was worth every penny that we spent. Definitely, the music was key. When you dont have dialogue, music becomes the voice of the characters.Pablo Berger, DirectorThe growing popularity of adult animation has led to a hybrid approach to animation. There is this amazing software called Blender, and you can combine with 2D, Berger remarks. You can get the best of both worlds. One of my favorite animated films in recent years is I Lost My Body, which has 2D and 3D, but you dont notice it. Whatever works to tell the story. In order to get the television screen to illuminate the face of Dog, some digital compositing was needed. The good thing about doing a 2D hand-drawn film now is you can use digital compositing software and different ways to provoke color correction. You use visual effects elements in a 2D world because in the end youre doing compositing as well.Exploring the different times of day for street exteriors.Along with making the transition to animation, Berger had to set up a pop-up studio called Lokiz Films, which has 100 animators working in Madrid and Pamplona. We were going to make this film with Cartoon Saloon, and suddenly we are not, Berger recalls. And its my first animated film. We had to make this big decision. I thought I was Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, Lets put a show! Lets make a pop-up animation studio. That was the hardest thing. We looked for animators all over Europe. It was the time of COVID-19. We didnt want to work remotely. It was mandatory that the animators had to come to Madrid or Pamplona. It was absolutely hell!Also, a pipeline was being created from scratch. The first time I heard the word pipeline was in animation because we dont use that term in live-action, Berger reveals. Pipeline? What is a pipeline!? Someone explained to me the animation pipeline, and I went, But this doesnt work for me! It was hard work to create a pipeline that worked for me. For me, the scenes had to be truthful, good acting, and I had to see them in continuity. I couldnt think about a shot; in animation and visual effects we talk about the shot. For me, it had to be beats of 30 seconds or one minute to approve.Examining what the interior of Dogs apartment will look like under various lighting conditions.Not having to convert the methodologies of an established animation studio was beneficial. At the beginning we thought it could be suicidal to create a studio, but after three or four months of fighting we realized, This is working. Were doing things our own way, Berger states. We created our own pipeline. Although I love Cartoon Saloon and have been in Kilkenny, I know if we had done Robot Dreams with them, it would have had a Cartoon Saloon-like style, which is great, but this gave it a unique personality; we created our own style of animation. Benot Froumont worked on The Triplets of Belleville as an animation director, so the spirit of Sylvian Chomet is in the film. And Benot also worked with Tom Moore on The Secret of Kells, so he knew Cartoon Saloon as well. Definitely, Benot brought a lot of knowledge, and his style is in the film.Central throughout is the song September by Earth, Wind & Fire. In the first draft of the script, it was already September because I needed a song that Dog and Robot could roller-dance to in Central Park, Berger explains. Then I realized, what if this song becomes the theme of the film? It was great to have that decision so early on. The producers were not happy in the beginning because music rights are expensive, and if you want one of the most popular songs in pop history it was an expensive song. But it was worth every penny that we spent. My producers spoiled me, and were able to put it into the budget. Definitely, the music was key. Not only the diegetic music like September but also Alfonso de Vilallongas [Composer] created a beautiful, jazzy, original soundtrack with strong melodies of piano. I could say that Robot Dreams is musical. When you dont have dialogue, music becomes the voice of the characters.Conceptualizing the anatomy and shape language for Dog.New York City in the 1980s is a principal cast member. Without a doubt, New York is the third protagonist of the film next to Robot and Dog, Berger remarks. But in the graphic novel, New York is not there. Its just an American city. For me, to make New York a protagonist was key. I did a masters in film at NYU, then continued to live in New York for 10 years. This was my love letter to New York, and you cannot have New York without New Yorkers! What a better metaphor than to have a jungle of animals representing all New Yorkers. Sometimes with animated films, the characters in the background dont move, but for me every single character in the background had to be doing something and dressed in a specific way. They have to have personality. Thats a good thing about animation. You can watch an animated film many times because theyre so rich in details. For people who love Robot Dreams, its worth to see it a second time just looking at the characters in the background!There are some dark moments with Robot getting a leg chopped off and his head severed. I realized early on in the process that although it was an animated film, this was no different from my live-action films, Berger states. Instead of using a camera, I was using artists who were drawing. The tone connects with my previous films. All of my films are tragic comedies; there is humor but also a lot of drama. I love that my films are filled with emotion. I love to think that Robot Dreams is a roller-coaster ride of emotions. Like in real life, there is drama. I hope that Robot Dreams will move people in many deep ways and they can have an emotional connection with the story. Drama is a big part of Robot Dreams.Experimenting with a selection of poses for Robot and Dog for a variety scenarios.Inspiring the visuals was the source material. The graphic novel by Sara Varon has what is called ligne claire in French, which means clear lines, Berger notes. Its an aggregate style from French and Belgium comic books. The colors are solid and the palette is stylized. It was important to get the New York colors, the buildings and streets, and the colors of the cars. It was also inspired by the research to have an 1980s feeling in the film. It had to be like candy. The film had to be very appealing visually, so the color is a big protagonist as well. Close-up shots are part of the visual language. I made a film called Blancanieves, which didnt have dialogue. When you have to tell the story with images, you need numerous close-ups. Robot Dreams is filled with close-ups and dollies, but what you need is a lot of shots to make the film feel alive. Its a combination of how I make films and the needs of a dialogue-free film.Doing a version of a 2D turntable for Robot.A critical component in making the shots feel alive are the New York characters that populate the background.One of the more complex shots is Dog and Robot walking down the street with various New Yorkers going about their daily lives.Without a doubt, New York is the third protagonist of the film next to Robot and Dog, But in the graphic novel, New York is not there. Its just an American city. For me, to make New York a protagonist was key. I did a masters in film at NYU, then continued to live in New York for 10 years. This was my love letter to New York, and you cannot have New York without New Yorkers! What a better metaphor than to have a jungle of animals representing all New Yorkers.Pablo Berger, DirectorOne of the most complex shots is the first time that Robot and Dog walk on the street together, Berger states. There is a long wide shot that is almost 10 seconds of traveling, and you see Robot and Dog, the Boar dancing; there are so many characters at the same time, and we have cars. Also, to find how Robot walks was one of the first things we did. Maybe the next time, if I do a live-action film I would even do an animatic, a moving storyboard.Originally, the animation was going to be done by Cartoon Saloon, but director Pablo Berger had to create a pop-up studio called Lokiz Films.Great attention was paid to the timing of the eye movements to achieve the proper comedic and dramatic tone.Dog takes a break while assembling his newly-acquired robot companion.Robot Dreams was not made for a specific demographic. Its for cinephiles, Berger notes, for people who want to go to the movies every weekend and have a fun time, and for kids. Its a film that does not exclude audience members. Its made of different layers, and every type of audience will get a different layer. That is what made this film unique for me. Being an Academy Award nominee was something to treasure. It was a great adventure. It was fantastic to go to the Oscars and meet other fellow directors. I even got to meet the great Steven Spielberg. I chatted with him. That was my Oscar!
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  • Castlevanias Dracula, Trevor Belmont join Dead by Daylight Aug 27
    There have been many firsts for Dead by Daylights Killer Design team in recent years. The introduction of a third-person camera for a smaller Killer. A Killer with AI-controlled guards. A Power that consists of multiple different spells. Finding new ways to inflict pain and suffering remains an exciting challenge, and the arrival of Castlevanias Dracula introduces yet another innovation: shapeshifting.The vile denizens of the woods serve The Dark Lord, and he can take their forms as he chooses. Players can cycle between his Vampire form, his Bat form, and his Wolf form, with each one excelling at a different role.Vampire form is Draculas base form, with the Flaming Pillar being his primary means of damaging Survivors. The attack can even traverse through obstacles, including Pallets and Windows. Wolf Form offers a third-person perspective and reduced mobility, but increases your efficacy at hunting and tracking. Bat Form is Draculas most stealthy form, with no Terror Radius and a snappy teleport ability.Game Designer Jason Guzzo was tasked with bringing the legendary character into The Fog, and designing a Power that honored Draculas otherworldly abilities. The Castlevania team at Konami Japan were equally thrilled to see their iconic character come to life in-game, providing their knowledge and expertise at every step.Shapeshifting is a vital and unique part of the Dracula experience, explains Guzzo. Its part of who he is, and its not necessarily something people focus on.Once the team decided on the Powers direction, it was time to make it functional in-game. Of course, the unprecedented nature of Draculas abilities presented a few design challenges, particularly with the animal forms. Not to mention the fact that it would mark the first time this version of Dracula transformed into a wolf. Luckily, the Castlevania team was quick to give their seal of approval.There are limitations while designing animal characters, explains Guzzo. A bat can fly, but due to the balance of Dead by Daylight, it cant fly over low obstacles. Unfortunately, thats a concession we had to make. It takes some getting used to, but we must abide by our internal rules. Having a character that can fly over any obstacle would be entirely game-breaking.Building on the foundation laid by previous Chapters, which featured the arrival of a quadruped character (Alien) and a third-person Killer camera (Chucky), the design Team worked fleshing out each of Draculas three forms.Each form is basically a micro-killer, and we wanted players to use them however they liked, without needing to change if they dont want to, continues Guzzo. On the Survivor side, we wanted facing Dracula to feel like a boss fight, where he can be anywhere at any moment with a tool to use against you.The Dark Lords formsDraculas forms break down as follows: Vampire, Wolf, and Bat. Vampire is basically your core form, explains Guzzo. He moves at 4.6 meters per second, making him effective at loops and chases. Hes also got the Flame Pillar, which is one of my favorite Killer abilities to use in the game.The Wolf Form moves a little slower, but you have enhanced senses and a pounce attack, he continues. When Survivors are sprinting, every so often theyll drop a Scent Orb. Those Orbs give you information on the direction theyre going, and collecting them grants you a small speed boost. The idea is to simulate a hunt, where a wolf picks up a trail and quickens its pace.We wanted the Bat to be the most effective traversal form, so it moves very fast 6 meters a second, with extra stealth on top of that, details Guzzo. To compensate, the Bat cant attack or see Survivors, Scratch Marks, and Pools of Blood. The main reason we did this was to balance the endgame, where Bat form was extremely potent at covering both Exit Gates.Bat Form has another cool ability, which allows it to teleport a short distance, including through Vault points and Pallets, explains Guzzo. It also invites players to consider their choices. As a Survivor, downing a Pallet may come back and haunt you when Dracula gains a new teleport spot. Dracula players will have to grapple with the same decision, as losing a potential teleport option can hurt you in the long term.The end result is a dynamic Power that incentivizes exploration while providing an immersive experience befitting The Dark Lord. Its also worth noting that the Castlevania icon was designed with new players and Dead by Daylight veterans in mind.When were working with a beloved licensed character like Castlevanias Dracula, we want the skill floor to be relatively accessible, reveals Guzzo. That way, fans of the franchise can use the Chapter as an entry point to Dead by Daylight and have a fun experience off the bat. We do aim to keep the skill ceiling high, so players who connect with the character can build their skill and find exciting ways to develop it even further.Dead by Daylight: Castlevania launches August 27. The Chapter includes a new Killer, Dracula The Dark Lord, and new Survivor Trevor Belmont.
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  • Heres where you can pre-order DC Versus Marvel: The Amalgam Age Omnibus
    Image: Marvel / DC The hardcover compilation of superhero mashups launches on Oct. 8 Continue reading
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  • Simara Melo Designs a Nature-Inspired Minimalist Home in Praia Brava
    Located in Praia Brava, a beach in the south of Brazil in Itaja, Santa Catarina, this residence is the home of a couple and their three children who longed for open and relaxing living spaces that encouraged their family to spend more time together. The family tapped architect Simara Melo to transform the 5,210-square-foot home to meet their needs through modern and contemporary components.The house underwent a major renovation to enhance functionality and comfort. The complete overhaul changed the existing layout, introducing a new support kitchen and reconfiguring the social areas to create a more spacious environment. Upstairs, the expansion of the primary suite included the addition of a new bathroom and much-needed separate closets for each partner.A focal point of the home is the addition of a potted olive tree, approximately ten feet tall, positioned in the main living room. This natural element adds a sophisticated touch while resonating with the residents love for nature, mirrored in the additional olive trees adorning the outdoor spaces. The complementary garden, designed by Terrao Paisagismo, enhances the homes aesthetic with lush greenery seen through every window.In an innovative approach to lighting, direct fixtures were minimized in favor of indirect lighting, maximizing the effect of natural illumination. A thoughtfully placed wooden bookshelf with niches in front of a sliding glass door further amplifies the play of light and shadows.One of the most challenging aspects of the renovation was the transformation of the staircase leading to the second floor. Initially, the clients considered replacing it entirely. However, Melo proposed a more sustainable solution removing the enclosing walls and updating the existing structure. The outcome was a sleek, contemporary staircase that not only serves its function but also adds a unique architectural element to the home.Central to the design intervention was the integration of living spaces, a deliberate departure from the previously segmented rooms. The interiors now feature a curated mix of materials, with wood playing a pivotal role in meeting the homeowners desire for a warm and inviting ambiance. Larger window frames were installed to flood the interiors with natural light, complemented by efficient air conditioning systems.A cozy den overlooking the main living room benefits from the double-height windows that keep the space light and airy.Photography by Fabio Jr Severo.
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