• Portal Spell VFX - Unreal Engine 5
    Hello everyone, Its been a long time since I posted here.Sharing my latest VFX made in Unreal engine 5 Niagara.Inspired from very talented artist Yuyuan Lin ArtStation - Yuyuan LinIll be very happy if you follow me on Artstation ArtStation - Giorgi Gedianidzehttps://www.youtube.com/embed/V6XyELuzTW0 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
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  • Venira Vedlej inky
    Venira Vedlej inkyVenira Vedlej inkyPedevm den ped odbrem a v den samotnho odbru je poteba si dt pozor hlavn na tun, smaen a jinak nezdrav jdla, kter mohou J st na z klad doporuen ho p jmu b lkovin (nebo o nco v ce) je skvlou prax pi p prav na darov n plazmy. Pomoc t to v ivov kalkulaky mete urit, kolik gram b lkovin potebujete, a pot splnit tato doporuen do 24 hodin ped schzkou. Dostaten p jem tekutin je dleit pro udren objemu krevn plazmy, co pom h udret zdravou koncentraci erven ch krvinek. Omezen konzumace alkoholu a kouen Tyto zlozvyky mohou negativn ovlivnit tvorbu erven ch krvinek a zpsobit jejich pedasn rozpad. Co j st ped odbrem? Jak jsou p padn rizika? Vrnostn program; Kde darovat. Co se z plazmy vyr b ? K emu se plazma pou v ? Ped kadm odbrem drce prochz vyetenm a posouzenm aktulnho stavu. K lb covidu-19 je plazma zpravidla vyuiteln zhruba dva a Co j st a nej st 24 h ped odbrem krevn plazmy? Jsou vhodn brambory, tstoviny, r e, knedl ky nebo kroupy? Co jitrnice, tlaenka, jelita, prejt a kvarky? Co fyzick aktivita a pitn reim? tte v ce na t to str nce. Den ped odbrem a v samotn den odbru krevn plazmy si napl nujte vyv en j deln ek, dodrujte pitn reim a vyhnte se tun m a ml n m v robkm. Sepsali jsme pro v s pehled vhodn ch a nevhodn ch potravin a nav c nkolik tip na chutn recepty. Ped odbrem krevn plasmy doporuujeme j st / p t:Do pitn ho reimu tak nepat alkoholick n poje tm se naopak ped odbrem radji vyhnte. Aby se zamezilo kolapsu pi samotn m odbru, ml by b t d rce v dobr psychick i fyzick kondici (nedoporuuje se odbr po velk n maze, po non smn, atd.) Objednvn NOV ON-LINE! 1 den dietnj strava dostatek tekutin, nept alkohol k odbru nechodit nalano, dietn sndat, nejst nic tunho, ped odbrem Jak prob h odbr plazmy; Kdo me darovat? Co j st ped odbrem? Jak jsou p padn rizika? Vrnostn program; Kde darovat. D rcovsk centrum Chodov; D rcovsk centrum ern Most; D rcovsk centrum Zli n; ekli o n s; Blog. Novinky z Europlasmy; Zaj mavosti nejen o plazm; P bhy na ich d rc; O n s. O Ped odbrem krevn plazmy je poteba upravit jdelnek. Ped odbrem doporuujeme alespo 12 hodin nejst tun jdla (nap. smaen pokrmy, tun masov Za ty roky u vm, e ped odbrem nesmm jst nic tunho. Zrove je zapoteb, abych byl ped odbrem pln najezen a napit. Napklad Jst a pt rozhodn mete dokonce muste. Den ped odbrem a v den odbru zvyte pjem tekutin na 23 litry denn. Strava v tomto ase by mla bt lehk a Cara Plasma s.r.o. IO: DI: CZ. Spisov znaka: C veden u Mstsk ho soudu v Praze Ped odbrem krevn plazmy byste mli ide ln j st vyv enou stravu bohatou na iviny. Doporuujeme se ve va em j deln ku zamit na n zkotun j dla bohat na protein, p padn na celozrnn produkty, ovoce a zeleninu s dostatkem vitam n a miner l.co nejl pe j st a p t ped odbrem krevn plazmy? P prava na odbr plazmy za n ji den pedem. Vyhnte se tun m j dlm, alkoholu a vypijte cca 3 litry tekutin (vodu, miner ln vodu, ovocnou vu, ovocn aj). Ped odbrem plasmy doporuujeme j st potraviny s ni m obsahem tuku. Co konkr tn mete nebo nemete j st, se dozv te ve Stravovac m a pitn m reimu. Mu ped odbrem plasmy kouit? Co jst, nejst a pt ped odbrem. 24 hodin ped odbrem je nezbytn nutn z vynechat jdelnku tun jdla a nept alkohol. Nen dobr hladovt. Doporuujeme Nejd ve pitn reim: Den ped odbrem je dobr vyp t minim ln 3 litry tekutin. Pokud m te v ce nE 80 kg, tak radji 3,5 litr. Do pitn ho reimu se v ak nepo t k va ani ern, zelen a jin aj. V den odbru z le na denn dob. Pokud darujete r no, vypijte alespo 0,75 1 litr, pokud odpoledne, tak kolem 2 [ ] To, co j te den ped odbrem a v den odbru, ovlivuje Va i krevn plazmu. Mjte na pamti, e v den ped odbrem a v den odbru je dleit, abyste se vyhnuli tun strav. Tun j dla mohou zpsobit, e Va e plazma bude chylozn (= plazma, kter obsahuje velk mnostv tukov ch bunk). venira vedlej inkyDarov n krevn plazmy nen opedeno tajemstv m a pesn v te, do eho jdete. Jak odbr prob h, co byste ped n m mli j st, zda jsou s odbrem plazmy spojen njak rizika a spoustu dal ch informac jsme pro v s srozumiteln a pehledn sepsali v n sleduj c m l nku. Pro darovat krevn plazmu Ped odbrem krve nebo jejch sloek nen vhodn 24 hodin pedem pt ve vtm mnostv alkohol a jst odbru krve/plazmy a nejmn 2 dny ped dalm odbrem. Pokud se chyst te na odbr krevn plazmy, den ped odbrem a v den odbru doporuujeme zv it p jem tekutin na dva a ti litry, j st lehkou netunou stravu a dn se naj st, co je z rove prevence proti nevolnosti. Libov erven maso, drbe a mosk plody jsou dobrou volbou. Tofu, fazole, quinoa a oka jsou vak vynikajcmi zdroji nehemu nebo eleza z Co jst ped odbrem: Den ped odbrem a v den odbru zvyte pjem tekutin cca 2 3 litry. V tomto ase konzumujte lehkou netunou stravu. Tsn ped 1) Podmnkou darovn je dobr aktuln zdravotn stav v ppad ponajcch pznak virzy, pi nachlazen, rm, kali, dunosti, ztrt ichu, pi co j st ped odbrem krevn plazmy? Jak se chovat ped odbrem krevn plazmy, co j st a co naopak nej st se dotete v na em l nku Jak se chovat ped odbrem krevn plazm y. Pokud chcete m t v e pod kontrolou, tak si mete pe st tak n podrobn popis, co j st a nej st ped odbrem plasmy.Ped odbrem si dejte lehkou sn dani a hodn pijte vodu, ovocn vy, aje a naedn dusy. D rci krevn plazmy by mli j st kad den potraviny s vysok m obsahem b lkovin a mal m obsahem tuk. Kad odbr bez v jimky doprov z laboratorn vy eten krve d rce a odebran plazmy. Za t m plstolet se uskutenily des tky milion odbr krevn plazmy ron. Podle ady studi pravideln darov n plazmy nijak neohrouje zdrav d rc. Bl e nap klad rozs hl nmeck studie SIPLA. Strava vhodn 24 hodin ped odbrem plazmy. peivo tmav i bl, chlb marmelda, med mln vrobky s nzkm obsahem tuku (do 1,5 %) jogurty Naopak vodu si mete d t i r no ped odbrem, ne v ak dus i ml ko. Minim ln v druh plce dne ped odbrem byste se nemli nadmrn nam hat, samozejm pokud nen c lem zji tn va eho zdravotn ho stavu pi zv en z ti to se t k sportovc. Co to vlastn znamen stedn proud moi? Ped odbrem nekonzumujte alkohol ani kofeinov npoje. Co bych ml/a jst a pt po odbru plazmy? Po odbru si u ns mete odpoinout u lku kvy K odbru krve se dostavte s platnm prkazem totonosti obansk prkaz (cestovn pas), prkazka zdravotn pojiovny. Co jst ped odbrem? k odbru krve za Hl dejte si pitn reim (3 litry den ped odbrem a v den odbru v z vislosti na ase odbru 0,5 3 litru). Vpich ihned po odbru pevn stlate palcem. Zbyl mi prsty si zespoda podp rejte loket.Tmto drobn m probl mm v ak mete pedej t, pokud pravdiv odpov te na v echny ot zky pi vy eten ped odbrem a pokud budete db t na doporuenou ivotospr vu i pitn reim. Nejastj p inou n hl nevolnosti bhem odbru b v u d rc dehydratace. Pacient je pouen, e odpoledne a veer ped odbrem m vynechat tun j dla. Pokud lze vynechat l ky, m je pacient vynechat 3 dny ped odbrem, jinak je nutno uv st pod van l ky na dance. O vysazen medikace mus vdy rozhodnout l ka. R no ped odbrem nem trpt zn. Jak prob h odbr plazmy; Kdo me darovat? Co j st ped odbrem? Jak jsou p padn rizika? Vrnostn program; Kde darovat. D rcovsk centrum Chodov; D rcovsk centrum ern Most; D rcovsk centrum Zli n; Recenze; Blog. Novinky z Europlasmy; Zaj mavosti nejen o plazm; P bhy na ich d rc; O n s. O Mnoho lid se dotazuje, zda je mon pt kvu ped odbrem plazmy. Rady odbornk jsou v mnoha aspektech shodn, jako informace podvan ped odbrem krve. Den ped odbrem byste mli vypt alespo 2-3 litry tekutin (kva a aj se nepotaj). Alkoholickm npojm se radji vyhnte pln. Ped odbrem doporuujeme Npoje: voda, minerln voda (ochucen i neochucen), ovocn vy a dusy v rozumnm mnostv, ovocn aj, ppadn npoje doplujc elektrolyty.plazmy za rok, tj. max. 15 l plazmy za rok. Pi jednom odbru se odebr Ped odbrem krve nebo jejch sloek nen vhodn 24 hodin pedem pt ve
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  • Innovative Use of Natural Light in Modern and Minimalist Architecture
    Craig Adderley via PexelsNatural light is the cornerstone of modern and minimalist architecture. Modern architects and designers use natural light innovatively to enhance spatial dynamics and blur the lines between interior and exterior environments. However, lights often take on a sculptural quality in minimalist spaces. This is because such spaces focus on simplicity and the essence of materials.The embracement of natural light in architectural design goes beyond aesthetics. It plays an important role in reducing reliance on artificial light and enhancing energy efficiency. Below are a few ingenious ways of using natural light in modern, minimalist architecture.Large Windows and Open SpacesLarge windows and open spaces are key defining features of modern architecture. They embody the design principles of openness and harmony with the natural environment. These features combined create a seamless connection between indoor and outdoor spaces. Natural light can easily flood interior spaces, creating a sense of expansiveness within a home.Large windows in modern architecture are primarily floor-to-ceiling glass walls. These expansive windows dissolve solid boundaries between indoor and outdoor environments. Additionally, they provide views that extend beyond walls in urban homes and buildings in scenic areas. This is especially beneficial to minimalist architecture with little decor.Open floor plans are also key components of modern design. They often accompany large windows to maximize light flow throughout the space. Removing walls and unnecessary divisions creates a continuous flow that spreads light throughout the entire interior. Properly using large windows and open spaces will enable architects to create aesthetically pleasing and sustainable spaces.Skylights and AtriumsArchitects can also bring natural light into spaces using skylights and atriums. These elements channel light from above, making them perfect for homes in densely populated areas or buildings where large exterior windows arent practical. Skylights also allow daylight to penetrate directly from above, making them mostly used in living rooms, kitchens, and other rooms where wall space for traditional windows is limited.Flooding interior space with natural light reduces the need for artificial lighting, enhancing the rooms overall ambiance. Skylights benefit minimalist architecture, introducing warmth and subtle shadow play without the need for decorative elements. Here, light can be used as an integral design feature.On the other hand, atriums are large open spaces within buildings that extend across multiple floors. Though traditionally used in public buildings, atriums are now used in modern residential and commercial buildings. Opening up a central area allows natural light into the structure, illuminating hallways and surrounding rooms.Guggenheim | Juan Domenech via UnsplashGetty Center | Little Dragon via UnsplashNatural Lights as a Sculptural ElementNatural light in modern architecture provides more than illumination. It can be used as a sculptural element that transforms spaces. Architects can add texture and dimension to simple space forms by creatively manipulating light and shadows. Directing and controlling light strategically can shift the character and mood of the space. It also enhances the visual and emotional experience for house occupants.One innovative technique for introducing natural light into hard-to-reach areas is the use of sun tunnels. These tubular skylights are designed to capture and channel sunlight from a roof-mounted dome into the rooms below. They perfectly fit modern and minimalist architecture, which focuses on enhancing the flow of natural light. Architects can use them to illuminate spaces without disrupting the clean and simple interior lines.Architects can also use natural light to draw attention to specific architectural features. Directing light into key structural elements like the staircase or accent walls creates focal points. Using lights as a sculptural tool shapes how people move through and experience the space.EndnoteNatural light does more than illuminate interior spaces in modern architecture. It can shape experience and connect household members to nature. Careful manipulation of light has become a defining architectural style. Windows, skylights, and creative light direction allow architects to expand the ways in which natural light can transform spaces.Leave a comment
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  • Dchelette Architecture, France
    With a number of rammed earth projects under its belt, the Paris-based practice is championing the use of biobased materials in French constructionDchelette Architecture was shortlisted in the AR Emerging awards 2024. Read about the full shortlist hereOn a quiet residential street in BoulogneBillancourt, a suburb on the outskirts of Paris, a new building interrupts the rhythm of plaster, stone and concrete facades. Unornamented yet elegant, its monolithic russet wall is made of rammed earth blocks, an unusual sight in Frances urban fabric. This is the Quatre Chemines social housing block by Dchelette Architecture, a Parisian practice founded in 2019 by brothersister duo Philibert and Emmanuelle Dchelette.Built with careful attention to craft, the fivestorey apartment block is contemporary and full of light, despite its earthy exterior. A timber structure sits behind the facade, and inside, eight compact onebedroom units are accessed by a central stair and lift core. The ecological sensibility of the project extends to a shared roof allotment, and a back garden overlooked by balconies built into the timberclad rear facade.The stratified rammed earth feels at once archaic and novel. A shopfront at street level is built from solid pale limestone, a nod to the long history of stone construction in Paris. Despite the buildings rough materiality, the facades Haussmannian proportions allow it to weave seamlessly into the streetscape. The rammed earth has been chamfered along one window edge, allowing more daylight to enter the streetfacing living rooms.The construction process was not without its challenges. Companies able and willing to work with rammed earth are few and far between, making local sourcing difficult. The prefabricated blocks for Quatre Chemines were made in Lyon, several hundred kilometres from Paris and not truly local, the architects concede. Yet using readymade blocks streamlined the construction process, and was a necessity after Dchelettes first rammed earth endeavour. This threestorey house in the 18th arrondissement was built in situ, and took six months to complete. In contrast, Quatre Chemines took just three weeks to assemble. The result is a 500mm solid wall that is indefinitely reusable, durable and beautifully textured in granular striations.Confident in their ability to build standalone facades, the practice is now designing three housing blocks incorporating loadbearing rammed earth walls in the Montvrain ecodistrict, east of Paris. We have to build with the climate, with material on hand nearby, says Philibert Dchelette, noting that French regulations require buildings to reduce their embodied carbon by more than 33 per cent between 2022 and 2031. More ambitiously, in 2023s COP28, the country set a goal to reduce building sector emissions to nearzero by 2030.Though Dchelette is among the first Parisian practices to embrace rammed earth in housing projects, the architects are not limited to pis. Currently, they are working with straw bale construction for a project in central Paris. Propelled by the urgency to build differently, the practice is part of a movement to reimagine material cultures in France and beyond. Their ambitions are to extend into public and cultural sectors, pushing the limits of biobased design.
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  • Competition results: Winner of Armenias Gyumri market contest revealed
    Mooradian Studio has won an open international contest for a new US$9 million culinary school within the historic market of Gyumri, ArmeniaThe London firm was unanimously chosen ahead of rival bids by New York-based SO-IL teamed with Bollinger Grohman engineers and STOHA, and Russian practice KET. The contest received a total of 150 entries.The two-stage competition organised by the TUMO Centre for Creative Technologies and Lyon-based Institut Lyfe sought proposals to create a new unique culinary ecosystem in the centre of the historic city, which was devastated by an earthquake in 1988.The project due to complete in 2027 aims to revitalise the citys now demolished historic food market and create a new culinary school in its centre with surrounding restaurants and shops that are symbiotic with the market and the school.Mooradian Studios winning concept, the Civic Farm, will transform over 7,000m in the historic city of Gyumri into a unique culinary district featuring a public culinary garden, food market, restaurants, and a culinary school. The practiceThe design fuses earthquake-resilient stone construction with Armenian craft techniques and includes a canopy made from reclaimed steel sourced from Gyumris Soviet-era factoriesa nod to both sustainability and heritage.Marie Lou Papazian, chief executive of TUMO, said The Mooradian Studio design stands out for its innovative organisation of the projects main functions, establishing a flexible and mutually reinforcing balance around a civic core.Its repurposing of local materials not only reduces the projects carbon footprint but also cultivates a distinctive architectural expression.The studio previously won the competition entry prize in the 2024 AR Future Projects awards.Mooradian Studios winning concept to transform the historic market of Gyumri, ArmeniaThe competition launched in July four years after IND Architects of Moscow won an earlier international contest to revamp Gyumris nearby 7.2ha Friendship Park.Formerly known as Alexandropol and later Leninakan, Gyumri is the second-largest city in Armenia, with around 120,000 inhabitants. The settlement was devastated by a large 6.8-magnitude earthquake in 1988 which left many buildings in ruins and thousands of people homeless.Key aims of the latest project include delivering a new facility to promote an emerging culinary scene within Gyumri which results in a permanent exchange with local products, vendors and restaurateurs, putting students in direct contact with food, farmers and foodies.The contest focused on the citys abandoned former market which was devastated by the 1988 earthquake resulting in traders moving to nearby street sides and has yet to fully recover. The site is located southern part of Gyumri, close to Freedom Square and on the main boulevard which links together all of the citys main public spaces and attractions.Mooradian Studio has teamed up with environmental designers Atmos Lab, structural engineers Webb Yates and stonemason Pierre Bidaud to deliver the project. The civic farm and orchard will be designed in collaboration with Mark Emil Hermansen, director at Noma, Copenhagen and founder of Empirical.Studio founder Aram Mooradian said: This project is an incredible opportunity to set a new standard for sustainable, earthquake-resilient construction in Armenia a place where stone is cheaper than concrete.By partnering with Webb Yates and Pierre Bidaud, we aim to create not only a market and culinary school but also a platform for local builders and craftsmen to learn, innovate and develop skills.The winning design responds to Gyumris cold, sunny climate and uses traditional local black tuff stone to limit reliance on mechanical heating and cooling. Photovoltaic (PV) arrays and ground source heat pumps will meanwhile ensure the space remains functional year-round.Steve Webb from Webb Yates said: The structural scheme was developed with the goal of creating a low-carbon development in terms of both embodied and operational carbon that responds to the local conditions in Gyumri.Additional local consultants include architects Zanazan and food ethnographers Karine Bazeyan and Grigor Aghanyan. Pre-fabrication is expected to begin by the end of next summer.
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  • Free email services are costing you more than you think
    Tech Free email services are costing you more than you think Easy steps to lock down your privacy by using a secure email service Published November 24, 2024 6:00am EST close Free email services are costing you more than you think Email services often come with hidden costs to your privacy. These days, data breaches and privacy concerns are rampant, so choosing the right email service is crucial.While free email providers may seem convenient, they often come with hidden costs to your privacy.Let's explore why secure email services are becoming increasingly important and how you can make the switch to protect your personal information. A person typing on a laptop (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)The hidden costs of free emailFree email services may not charge you money directly, but they often monetize your data in other ways. These providers typically engage in data collection and analysis, which can lead to targeted advertising and tracking of your email activity.As a result, they create comprehensive user profiles that can compromise your privacy and increase your vulnerability to cyber threats. Users often find themselves inundated with ads tailored to their interests, while their sensitive information remains at risk of misuse. A person typing on a laptop (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)Benefits of privacy-focused email servicesSecure email providers offer several advantages over their free counterparts. One of the most significant benefits is enhanced encryption, which provides better protection for your communications. Unlike many free services that collect and sell user data to third parties, privacy-focused providers do not engage in such practices. They offer an ad-free experience and give you greater control over your personal information. This means that when you choose a secure email service, you are investing in a platform that prioritizes your privacy and security.Steps to switch to a secure email serviceSwitching to a secure email service involves several steps that can enhance your online security. First, you should research and choose a provider that meets your needs by comparing features, pricing and user reviews. Once you have made your selection, create an account with your chosen service; many offer a free tier to get started. After setting up your account, it is essential to enable encryption by following the provider's instructions.Next, you can import any existing emails from your old account using the provider's import tool. Informing your contacts about your new email address is also important to ensure seamless communication moving forward. To further enhance security, enabletwo-factor authentication on your new account to add an extra layer of protection. Finally, take some time to familiarize yourself with the new interface and features offered by your secure email service.WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)? A person typing on a laptop (Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson)The value of investing in privacyWhile paying for an email service might seem unnecessary at first glance, it is an investment in your privacy and security that can yield significant benefits over time. By choosing a subscription-based model, you support the development of privacy-focused technologies that prioritize user interests over advertising revenue. This ensures that the service remains accountable to you rather than marketers or corporate investors. Investing in a secure email service also provides peace of mind, knowing that your communications are protected from prying eyes.GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERETop choice for safe email solutionsWe've narrowed down our top choices to protect your privacy, whether you want to keep your existing email address or create a new and completely safe one. To find out more about upgrading the security of your email, head over toCyberGuy.com/MailKurt's key takeawaysIn an era where digital privacy is increasingly under threat, taking control of your email communications is a crucial step toward safeguarding your personal information. Secure email services offer a robust alternative to free providers, ensuring that both personal and professional correspondence remains confidential. Although there may be a small financial cost involved in switching to a secure email provider, the long-term benefits to your privacy and security are invaluable.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPWhat are your thoughts on the importance of email privacy, and have you considered switching to a secure email provider? Let us know by writing us atCyberguy.com/ContactFor more of my tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading toCyberguy.com/NewsletterAsk Kurt a question or let us know what stories you'd like us to coverFollow Kurt on his social channelsAnswers to the most asked CyberGuy questions:New from Kurt:Copyright 2024 CyberGuy.com. All rights reserved. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on "FOX & Friends." Got a tech question? Get Kurts free CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at CyberGuy.com.
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  • How to stop someone from tracking you on your phone
    close 'CyberGuy': How to stop someone from tracking you on your phone It's easier than you think to check for tracking software on your device. Tech expert Kurt Knutsson offers you some tips to help stay secure. How would you feel if someone were spying on your every move, possibly listening to your conversations, and maybe even accessing your personal data without your consent? Would you even know if that were happening to you? We recently received this intriguing email from Marybeth of Wilmington, Delaware:"Is there a way to determine if someone has installed tracking software on your phone?- Marybeth, Wilmington, DE"This is such a great question, because the last thing you want is for the wrong person to know your every move. Sharing your location with people from your cell phone should happen with your consent and only with people you trust, not creeps who have found sneaky ways to track you.Detecting tracking software on your phoneFirst, lets answer Marybeths question right off the bat. Yes, there are some ways to determine whether someone has installed tracking software on your phone. Here are some signs that you can look for:HOW TO CHECK THAT YOU'RE NOT ACCIDENTALLY SHARING YOUR LOCATIONCould someone be tracking me on my cellphone?The truth is that, yes, your phone can be tracked. Sometimes, unsavory characters will find ways to hack into your device to see where you're going. Other times, you might have apps on your phone that are tracking your location in the background without you even realizing it.Whatever the case may be, there are ways that you may be able to tell when someone has hacked into your device and is tracking you.Common signs someone has hacked into your device and is tracking youStrange or inappropriate pop-ups: Nonstop pop-ups, especially bright, flashing ads or X-rated content, are a big indicator that your phone has been compromised.Texts or calls not made by you: If you notice texts or calls from your phone that you didnt make, you may have had your phone hacked.Higher than normal data usage: If your phone behavior has stayed the same, and your data usage has skyrocketed, its time to investigate.Apps you dont recognize on your phone: If you notice new apps popping up once you already own the phone, there may be malware involved.Battery draining quickly: If your phone use habits have remained the same, but your battery is draining more quickly than normal, hacking may be to blame.Seeing an orange or a green dot appear: These orange or green dots would show up at the top of your phone screen, indicating that someone could be listening to you or recording you. To find out more about this, click here.What to do if you think you've been hackedIf you think your phone has been hacked, there are some steps you can take to address it.Contact law enforcement for assistance if you think you've been hacked and believe that that hacker is tracking your locationWe recommend letting your contacts know that your phone has been hacked and that they shouldnt click any suspicious-looking links they may have received from you.You can also delete any suspicious apps that came from a third-party source (in other words, not the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store)You can also check for any unauthorized GPS tracking by reviewing the list of apps that have access to your location. Signs your phone may have been hacked: Green or orange dot appears, strange or inappropriate pop-ups, unusual data usage, texts or calls not made by you and quick battery drainage. (CyberGuy.com)What can I do to prevent my phone from being tracked?The good news is that although your phone could be tracked, there are plenty of steps you can take to significantly reduce the risk of this happening. Here are some of my best tips for you to follow.1. Use antivirus softwareKeeping hackers from tracking your devices can be prevented if you have good antivirus software installed. Not only can antivirus software block malware that can track you, but it will also prevent you from clicking on any potential malicious links in the first place that would allow hackers to gain access to your personal information..2. Use a VPNConsider using a VPN to protect against who can track you and identify your potential location on websites that you visit. Many sites can read your IP address and, depending on their privacy settings, may display the city from which you are corresponding. A VPN will disguise your IP address to show an alternate location.3. Don't use a public WiFi networkIf you're not using a VPN, then you should definitely not be using a public WiFi network. This is one of the easiest ways for a hacker to break into your device and start tracking your location, because you have little to no protection. Scam hotspots historically are easily identified by generic names like "Free WiFi" to lure people to connect to their networks. Cybercriminals have gotten savvier by using similar names of popular legitimate hotspots.This is a huge reason why having a VPN is so important because it will give an extra layer of protection that will make it much harder for a hacker to break into your phone. For more information on why public WiFi is not a safe bet, click here. Using a public WiFi network without having a VPN is one of the easiest ways to get hacked. (CyberGuy.com)4. Turn off location settings for certain appsHOW HACKERS COULD HIJACK YOUR TRAVEL REWARDS PROGRAMS AND DRAIN YOUR MILESAs I mentioned before, certain apps on your phone could still be tracking your location even if you have location tracking turned off within your phone's settings. To prevent this from happening, you have to make sure that location services are turned off for each app that you don't want tracking you. Here's how to do it.How to turn off app tracking on an iPhoneGo to your Settings appScroll down and click Privacy & SecuritySelect TrackingA list of apps that you have permitted to track your activity will appear here. You can turn off ones that have no use tracking you by toggling off, like Twitter or Instagram. However, apps that actively use location services like Uber and Door Dash should be left on so that you can be located when using them.How to turn off app tracking on an AndroidSettings may vary depending on your Android phones manufacturerSwipe down twice from the top of the screen to reveal quick settingsTouch and hold LocationTap App permissionFind the apps that use your phone (e.g., Facebook or Instagram) location under:Allowed all the timeAllowed only while in useAsk every timeAllowed all the timeAllowed only while in useAsk every timeTap the relevant app to change the permissionsAnd if you want to learn more about how you can stop sharing your location with others, you can click here.5. Check your Google accountNo, it's not an individual, but you don't want big tech tracking you either. Your Google account could have a history of devices that are tracking you, and Google has been known to collect tons of data about your location history, web and app activity and more. However, you can make sure that your location settings are adjusted so that this doesn't happen without your consent. You can adjust your location settings in your Google Account to help keep you safe. (CyberGuy.com)How to adjust the location settings in your Google account (iPhone)Open the Google appClick on the profile picture icon in the top right cornerClick Google AccountClick Data & privacy in the menu bar at the topScroll down, and select Location HistoryAny devices tracking you will be listed. If you do not want this, select Turn off or Turn off and delete activityHow to adjust the location settings in your Google account (Android)Open the Google appClick on the profile picture icon in the top cornerTap your emailClick Manage Your Google AccountClick Data & privacy in the menu bar at the topScroll down, and select Location HistoryAny devices tracking you will be listed. If you do not want this, select Turn off6. Use a strong passwordYou should make sure that your phone is always locked when you're not using it. Create strong passwords for your accounts and devices, and avoid using the same password for multiple online accounts. Consider using a password manager to securely store and generate complex passwords.7. Enable biometrics and 2-factor authenticationAlong with a strong password, you should also have facial recognition or fingerprint enabled, depending on what your smartphone offers. This prevents unauthorized access to your phone and the installation of tracking apps. Be sure to enable 2-factor authentication or 2FA, which is a security method that requires two forms of identification, as an extra shield that will prevent a hacker from getting into your accounts.8. Keep your phone updatedMake sure you're always checking for software updates on your phone if you don't have automatic updates turned on already. You can do this by going into your phone's settings and checking for software updates. These updates often have important security and bug fixes that can further prevent your phone from being hacked. You should also be regularly checking for updates to all the apps on your phone, as those will get security and bug fixes as well.9. Use a more private browserGoogle is the default browser for tons of people on the internet. However, the tech giant has also been known to keep track of people's data so that it can send more targeted ads. That's why there are some great alternatives for your desktop and laptop browsers as well as your mobile devices that you can use to browse freely without having to worry about your data being taken.Kurt's key takeawaysThe big nightmare that we all want to avoid is having someone tracking our every move. It's an invasion of privacy and can be incredibly scary and anxiety-inducing, so make sure you're following my tips carefully and keeping those criminals out of your business.Should apps that don't need your location even have the option to turn it on? Let us know by writing us at Cyberguy.com/Contact.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPFor more of my tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading to Cyberguy.com/Newsletter.Copyright 2023 CyberGuy.com.All rights reserved. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on "FOX & Friends." Got a tech question? Get Kurts free CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at CyberGuy.com.
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    As organizations barrel towards an AI-powered future, many IT teams are making catastrophic mistakes ... [+] that could derail their digital transformation efforts.Adobe StockThe next wave of artificial intelligence isn't just knocking at enterprise doors - it's exposing fundamental flaws in how organizations approach technology transformation. As IT teams race to stay competitive in 2025, they're making mistakes that could significantly impact their digital initiatives.Mistake 1: Mishandling AI Governance Many organizations are mishandling AI deployment by operating without proper guardrails, while employees increasingly turn to unauthorized "shadow AI" applications to boost their productivity. In 2025, we'll see the consequences of this oversight manifest in data breaches, biased outputs, and compliance violations. Organizations are discovering sensitive data being fed into public AI models through unofficial channels, creating massive security vulnerabilities. Forward-thinking IT leaders are already implementing comprehensive AI governance frameworks that cover everything from model selection to output verification while providing approved alternatives to popular consumer AI tools. This isn't just about risk management - it's about building sustainable AI practices that can scale with your organization's growing needs while keeping shadow AI use in check through education and accessible, secure alternatives.Mistake 2: Ignoring Regulatory Requirements IT teams are significantly underprepared for incoming AI regulations. While the U.S. currently lacks comprehensive federal AI legislation, states like Colorado are implementing strict requirements around automated decision-making systems, and the EU's sweeping AI Act will impact any organization doing business in Europe. By 2025, organizations will need to demonstrate their AI systems aren't discriminatory, provide transparency reports for high-risk applications, and comply with complex international requirements. Even existing regulations are being reinterpreted through an AI lens - from biometric privacy laws to consumer protection statutes. IT teams building AI systems today without considering these emerging compliance requirements are creating unnecessary technical debt. Smart organizations are future-proofing their AI implementations by designing for transparency, establishing clear governance frameworks, and building systems that can adapt to evolving regulatory demands across multiple jurisdictions.Mistake 3: Creating Integration Complexity In rushing to modernize, organizations are creating unnecessary technical debt with brittle architectures that span old and new systems. While everyone wants to talk about their latest AI implementation or cloud migration, organizations are drowning in hundreds of point-to-point connections between specialized tools and aging legacy platforms. Smart organizations are taking a hybrid approach, methodically modernizing their core systems while implementing robust integration frameworks that can scale. They're replacing brittle connections with flexible architectures that can adapt as systems evolve. This isn't as exciting as launching the latest chatbot, but building sustainable, maintainable technology ecosystems is fundamental to long-term success.Mistake 4: Neglecting Data Quality Organizations are building AI initiatives without addressing fundamental data quality issues. Their data lakes are more like murky swamps - plagued by inconsistent standards, conflicting formats, and quality issues that render them nearly unusable for advanced AI applications. The problem goes beyond mere technical challenges. Business units are hoarding information in isolated silos, data governance policies are outdated or ignored, and metadata management is often an afterthought. The result? AI initiatives that produce unreliable outputs, models that perpetuate hidden biases, and massive costs in data cleanup and rework. Forward-thinking organizations are treating data quality as a board-level priority, investing in robust data governance frameworks, and building centralized data platforms that enforce consistent standards. They understand that in 2025, the difference between AI success and failure often comes down to the quality of the data foundation it's built upon.Read More: The AI-Powered Citizen Revolution: How Every Employee Is Becoming A Technology CreatorMistake 5: Compromising Security IT teams are compromising security in their push for rapid innovation. The pressure to deliver new capabilities at speed is leading to incomplete security reviews and inadequate protections. This is particularly concerning as cyber threats evolve into hybrid attacks that combine AI capabilities with traditional hacking methods. Automated systems are probing for vulnerabilities 24/7, while AI-powered social engineering attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and harder to detect. Adding to this perfect storm is the looming threat of quantum computing that is forcing organizations to confront the possibility that their current encryption methods may soon be obsolete. Forward-thinking organizations are adopting zero-trust architectures and implementing DevSecOps practices that bake security into every stage of development. They're also investing in quantum-safe encryption and AI-powered security tools that can detect and respond to threats in real time. In 2025, a single security breach can undo years of digital transformation efforts.Mistake 6: Maintaining Outdated Skills Development Organizations are maintaining outdated approaches to skill development and technical training. The technical skills that were cutting-edge six months ago are now baseline requirements, while entirely new competencies emerge almost weekly. This skills gap is particularly apparent in AI and quantum computing, where the underlying technology evolves faster than training programs can adapt. Progressive organizations are taking a radically different approach, implementing continuous learning platforms that combine foundational principles with real-time skill adaptation. They're fostering partnerships with AI vendors, cloud providers, and educational institutions to create dynamic learning environments. The focus has shifted from traditional certifications to practical experience and adaptability - because, in 2025, the most valuable skill is the ability to learn and unlearn at the pace of innovation.The Price Of InactionThese mistakes are already impacting digital transformation efforts across industries. The organizations that will thrive in 2025 are those that recognize these issues for what they are: predictable, preventable problems that require immediate attention. The time to course-correct is now, before these compounding issues create problems too expensive and complex to fix. The choice is clear: address these challenges head-on today, or watch your digital transformation efforts falter tomorrow under the weight of avoidable mistakes.
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