• Sega Considering Launching Game Subscription Service Similar to Netflix
    Sega COO and recently appointed president Shuji Utsumi has said that the publisher is considering a Netflix-esque gaming subscription service for its games. The gaming industry has been transitioning to a more streaming-esque service, and Sega appears to be considering the same thing. Many gaming companies have also transitioned to providing games via a subscription service, as seen with Microsoft and Sony's own services.
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  • Gaming Education at College (6) - Stumbling Blocks of Higher Education
    Gaming education at college is a fantastic way to bridge the gap between entertainment and learning. By incorporating gaming into the curriculum, students can develop critical thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving skills in an engaging environment. Many colleges now offer programs focused on game design, development, and even e-sports management, reflecting the industry's growing importance. For students needing extra help in related areas like economics, resources such as
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  • Game Dev Digest Issue #260 - Effect Breakdowns, Networking, and more
    This article was originally published on GameDevDigest.com
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  • Pokmon Go December 2024 Community Weekend event guide
    Pokmon Go is hosting its yearly December Community Weekend event, allowing any players who missed out on previous Community Days throughout 2024 to catch up and get another chance at finding any shines they may have missed.The event features every Pokmon that was part of a 2024 Community Day and Community Day Classic. There are even 2023 Community Day Pokmon up for grabs as part of 2 km eggs.The event takes place on Sunday, Dec. 21, and Saturday, Dec. 22, and the spawns will go on throughout both days from 9 a.m. until 9 p.m., but from 2-5 p.m. each day, there will be set featured Pokmon available at a higher rate, allowing you to try hunting specific ones easier.Below, we list all the available spawns for the Pokmon Go December 2024 Community Weekend event, along with the available bonuses.Pokmon Go December 2024 Community Day Pokmon listThe following Pokmon will be available during the Community Day weekend. All have the chance to be shiny and you can see what they all look like throughout the rest of this guide.PokmonDayBellsproutSaturdayChanseySaturdayGoomySaturdayRowletSaturdayLittenSaturdayBounsweetSaturdayMankeySundayPonytaSundayGalarian PonytaSundaySewaddleSundayTynamoSundayPopplioSundayPorygonBoth days (rare spawn)CyndaquilBoth days (rare spawn)BagonBoth days (rare spawn)BeldrumBoth days (rare spawn)SlowpokeBoth days (2 km eggs)Galarian SlowpokeBoth days (2 km eggs)PoliwagBoth days (2 km eggs)TogepiBoth days (2 km eggs)WooperBoth days (2 km eggs)Paldean WooperBoth days (2 km eggs)TimburrBoth days (2 km eggs)AxewBoth days (2 km eggs)ChespinBoth days (2 km eggs)FennekinBoth days (2 km eggs)FroakieBoth days (2 km eggs)GrubbinBoth days (2 km eggs)NoibatBoth days (2 km eggs)Saturday Community Day Pokmon spawnsThe following Pokmon will be the focused spawns from 2-5 p.m. in your local time on Saturday, Dec. 21:BellsproutChanseyGoomyRowletLittenBounsweetSunday Community Day Pokmon spawnsThe following Pokmon will be the focused spawns from 2-5 p.m. in your local time on Sunday, Dec. 22:MankeyPonytaGalarian PonytaSewaddleTynamoPopplioCommunity Day Classic Pokmon spawnsThese Pokmon will spawn on either day, with a heightened chance to find them in the last ten minutes of each hour between 2-5 p.m. in your local time:PorygonCyndaquilBagonBeldum2023 Community Day 2 km egg PokmonPokmon from the 2023 Community Days will be available from 2 km eggs:SlowpokeGalarian SlowpokePoliwagTogepiWooperPaldean WooperTimburrAxewChespinFennekinFroakieGrubbinNoibatDecember 2024 Community Weekend special movesEvolving any of these Pokmon from Saturday, Dec. 21, at 9 a.m. until Sunday, Dec. 22, at 9 p.m. in your local time will give them the following special moves:Poliwhirl Poliwrath: CounterPoliwhirl Politoed: Ice BeamWeepinbell Victreebel: Magical LeafPonyta Rapidash: Wild ChargeGalarian Ponyta Galarian Rapidash: Wild ChargeSlowpoke Slowbro or Slowking: SurfGalarian Slowpoke Galarian Slowbro or Galarian Slowking: SurfQuilava Typhlosion: Blast BurnChansey Blissey: Wild ChargeTogetic Togekiss: Aura SphereWooper Quagsire: Aqua TailShelgon Salamence: OutrageMetang Metagross: Meteor MashPorygon2 Porygon-Z: Tri AttackGurdurr Conkeldurr: Brutal SwingSwadloon Leavanny: Shadow ClawEeletrik Eelektross: Volt SwitchFraxure Haxorus: Breaking SwipeQuilladin Chesnaught: Frenzy PlantDelphox Braixen: Blast BurnFrogadier Greninja: Hydro CannonSliggoo Goodra: Thunder PunchNoibat Noivern: BoomburstDartrix Decidueye: Frenzy PlantTorracat Incineroar: Blast BurnBrionne Primarina: Hydro CannonGrubbin Charjabug: Volt SwitchCharjabug Vikavolt: Volt SwitchSteenee Tsareena: High Jump KickMankey Primeape: Rage FistPrimeape Annihilape: Rage FistPaldean Wooper Clodsire: Mega HornDont forget to evolve your Pokmon featured in 2023 and 2024 Community Days during December #PokemonGOCommunityDay! pic.twitter.com/VGPJs4bYB1 Pokmon GO (@PokemonGoApp) December 16, 2024December 2024 Community Day bonuses and perksAlmost all of these bonuses will be available from 2-5 p.m. in your local time on both days:Doubled Stardust for catching PokmonDoubled XP for catching Pokmon1/2 hatch distance for eggs placed into Incubators during the eventDoubled candy for catching PokmonDoubled chance for level 31+ trainers to get XL candy from catching PokmonIncense lasts three hoursLure Modules lasts three hoursOne additional special tradeStardust cost halved for tradingThe trade-based bonuses will be active from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. in your local time.
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  • Here Are All the Ways to 'Ping' a Lost iPhone
    If you're reading this article, chances are you've lost your iPhone and googled in search of help. I feel your pain. You don't know whether you left it at the restaurant after dinner, whether it was stolen, or whether it's hiding between your couch cushions. Worse yet, if your iPhone is set to silent, you can't even call it to find it. There is a way to force it to make noise, though, no matter what settings are enabled: You just need to ping it. What does it mean to "ping" an iPhone?Depending on how involved you are with iPhones and Apple products, you may or may not be familiar with pinging. It's not Apples failed attempt to turn iTunes into a social media platform (yes, that really happened)I'm talking about making your iPhone play a high-pitched tone, no matter where it happens to be. Pinging is the preferred method for finding a missing iPhone in your immediate area because it doesnt matter if the phone is on silent or not. Plus, we dont always have access to another phone to call ours in these types of emergencies. Unless youre with a friend, or you have the nerve to ask a stranger to use theirs, you cant call your phone without your phone. So, pinging it is. Apple makes it easy for those in the Apple ecosystem to ping their iPhones. In fact, it offers three different methods for doing so. Check out all three below, and pick one the next time your iPhone goes missing. How to ping an iPhone using Find MyThe Find My app isnt just good for pinging iPhones. Since it tracks the location of many of your Apple products, you can likely see the phone on the map as well. After jumping into Find My, you might be able to tell where the phone is without needing to ping it at all. However, if you already know your iPhone is in your house, you just dont know where, thats where pinging comes in handy. If you have an Apple device connected to the same Apple ID as your iPhone, you can launch Find My there. Just search for "Find My" on either your Mac or iPad to open the app. If you don't have a connected Apple device with you, you can log in to icloud.com and choose Find My from here. Either way, choose your iPhone from the list, and tap Play Sound to ping it. (If you're using the Find My app on Mac, you'll need to right-click your iPhone or click the (i) that appears on map in order to find this option.) At first, your iPhone will simply vibrate. After a few seconds, however, it will begin to play a high-pitched sound. This sound will continue to play until your iPhone is foundor you stop the sound through Find Myso keep that in mind.Note: If you're a part of a "Family Sharing" group, one of your family members can actually ping your iPhone for you. Family members can see the connected devices of all other members of the groupeven if they don't have the device's location. Following the same steps, they can select your iPhone from the list, then choose Play Sound. How to ping an iPhone with your Apple WatchIf you have an Apple Watch, you can use it to ping your iPhone. Its certainly much faster to tap a button on your watch instead of reaching for Find My, so, if you have one of Apples wearables, I recommend you use it first. The option to ping your iPhone lives in your Apple Watchs Control Center. To access it, press the side button on your watch. (If running an older version of watchOS, swipe up from the bottom of your watch face). Either way, tap the button that features an iPhone with sound waves. This will ping the iPhone, but only for a few seconds, unlike Find Mys never-ending ping. Theres a hidden feature to this Apple Watch button, though. If you hold it down instead of tapping it, your iPhones LED will flash, as well. That way, if its speaker is a bit muffled, you can also rely on the flash to help locate your phone. How to ping an iPhone using SiriIf you dont have an Apple Watch, Siri is another quick way to find a lost iPhone (or anything, really). Just fire up Siri on one of your connected Apple devices, and ask it to find the device youre looking for. For example, you could ask Siri on your Mac to ping your iPhone, or you could ask your iPad to ping your Mac.
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  • Apple's New AirPods Max Are a Worse Deal Than the Old Model
    We may earn a commission from links on this page.If you walk into an Apple Store today, an employee will happily sell you a new pair of AirPods Max for $549. That's a big ask for any consumer-grade wireless headphones, even with the "Apple tax" that comes with the AirPods name. What's most egregious to me, however, is that money you spend today gets you an arguably worse overall experience than Apple's previous AirPods Max generation. New does not mean betterThere are actually two different models of AirPods Max, although it's quite difficult to tell them apart. The latest model, which Apple released in September, hardly changes a thing from the originals, which dropped at the end of 2020. The only advertised differences are a few new color options, and, more importantly, the addition of USB-C, replacing the Lightning port on the original models. That's a much-needed change that comes as Apple ditches its proprietary Lightning port for USB-C on its suite of products. Other than that, however, these headphones are effectively the same: They pair the same way, have the same (excellent) sound quality, and are compatible with the same Spatial Audio features. If you're a wireless-first person, you won't notice a difference, unless you go to charge the headphones.That changes if you're someone who likes to use their AirPods Max to their devices via wired connection, though. As reported by 9to5Mac, you cannot connect your USB-C AirPods Max to your iPhone, Mac, iPad, or any other device of your choosing. It appears that, for these headphones, when Apple says wireless, they mean wireless. It's not so shocking if you're coming from another wireless-only pair of headphones, but it is jarring for those of us with a first-gen AirPods Max. (I know it is for me.) These models do support a wired connection, so long as you use a Lighting to 3.5mm audio cable. Wires still have a place in 2024Again, you might not see the big deal if you're a wireless-only person. But, to me, it's the principle: The "new" AirPods Max loses a featurea useful featurefrom the original AirPods Max, for seemingly no reason. That Lighting to 3.5mm audio cable means you can use your AirPods Max with devices that require a wired connection, like a record player or a live audio interface. It's also required if you want to listen to lossless music in Apple Music, since Bluetooth has a limit to the quality you can transmit over. (That said, Apple says the Lightning to 3.5mm cable can't be truly lossless, so you still need a dedicated wired headphone for true lossless.) What's more, the original AirPods Max are usually much cheaper than the newest option. As of this article, you can get the Lightning AirPods Max in blue for $399 on Amazon. The blue AirPods Max with USB-C are $130 more. Look, I love the dream of USB-C, where you can charge all your devices with one cable. But is it worth $130 to leave your Lightning cable at home? I don't think so.
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  • Five Ways to Stop Your House From Getting Dusty so Quickly
    I am constantly battling dust: I live in an old home in a city with less-than-stellar outdoor air quality, and I have a dog who sheds a lot. Dusting feels like a constant chore that I can never get ahead ofand not only is a layer of dust visually unappealing, it can also exacerbate asthma and allergies for some people. Unfortunately, minimizing dust in your house requires both prevention and regular maintenance. But staying on top of the problem ultimately leads to less work and fewer impacts on both cleanliness and health down the line. Regularly maintain your filters and ventsOne of the best ways to mitigate indoor dust is to stay on top of the systems that allow dust to enter and move around your home. You should change your HVAC filter every three months at a minimumevery one to two months if you have pets, live in an area that is dry and dusty, or are affected by wildfire smokefor both the efficiency of your system and the effectiveness at filtering out air particles. Check your filter's Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values (MERV) rating: a lower rating will catch less debris and may need to be changed more frequently, while a higher rating will collect smaller particles (but may reduce performance). While you're at it, clean any fans, vents, and filters that move air in and out of (and around) your home, such as your dryer vent, bathroom exhaust fans, and HVAC vents and grills. You can give these a quick surface vacuum on a regular basis for maintenance, but if you haven't cleaned them in awhile (or ever), you may need to remove vent covers and deep clean the motors or ducts. Run an air purifierAir purifiers suck air in, filter out particulates like dust and pollen, and blow the clean air back outand you don't have to do anything except plug it in. You can get an air purifier with the main goal of reducing dust in your house, though these devices may also help people who have allergies and asthma. Make sure you get an air purifier with a pre filter and a HEPA filter plus a carbon filter for odors and gases. We've tested a number of smart air purifiers (some of which also have other functions like heating and cooling) that we recommend. Vacuum frequently and thoroughlyVacuuming your floors regularly (every few days) can cut down on dust buildup throughout your house. If you have a lot of space or limited time, a good robot vacuum can do this work for you. However, you should also be vacuuming furnitureboth hard and soft surfacesas well as curtains and blinds, where pet dander and dust can quickly accumulate. Don't forget to vacuum or dust less visible areas, such as baseboards, ceiling fans, door frames, shelf corners, under beds and other furniture, and the space behind appliances. Use our favorite hacks to level up your dusting, and consider using a dust-repelling spray on hard surfaces once the dust is gone. Your regular cleaning should also include washing sheets and towels, which collect dead skin, bacteria, and dust mites. Launder everything at least every two weeksmore often if you sweat a lot or allow pets on your bed. Keep windows closedThis is most important if the outdoor air quality is poor, such as during wildfire season or high-pollution days. But keeping your windows closed in general can help minimize dust, pollen, and other particles from easily floating into your home. Leave shoes at the doorShoes are the quickest way to track mud, dirt, and dust into and through your house, even if it's not visible. Set up a bin or shelf at the door to collect and store shoesyou could even leave them outside if you have a covered area where they'll be safe from the elements.
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  • Star Trek: Lower Decks ends on a new beginning
    Spoilers for The New Next Generation.When Starfleet said it had dispatched the Enterprise to help the Cerritos close the rift, I was worried. Lower Decks has spent the last four years stepping out the shadow of its more famous predecessor. Its grand finale didnt need a focus-pulling cameo from any of the Next Generation cast (or even a subtle one from Steven Culp). Mercifully, none came, and we got one last chance to spend half an hour with the Cerritos crew on their last ride. For now, at least.The length of the Previously On sequence was clue enough this was going to be an overstuffed episode. In fact, it felt as if creator Mike McMahan set himself the task of resolving every plotline in one episode. You can imagine some of these would have been addressed in some future episode had the show not been canceled. But even with a slightly longer runtime, the episode moves far too fast for you to really savor it.As usual, the Cerritos is the only vessel close enough to deal with the fallout from last weeks episode. On the way to close the rift, the crew meet Maah and Malor, who are fleeing a fleet of Klingon warships led by Relga, Dorg and Barghs sister. The fleet chases the Cerritos to the rift which is pumping out waves of dimension-hopping uncertainty. That sets up a wonderful scene where the Cerritos is remade in different ship classes as it pushes toward the center of the rift.All of this unfolds while Rutherford fights both with his implant and his general distaste for the Cerritos. Tendi and TLyn are battling for supremacy as the senior science officer on the ship, and Boimlers still using his alternate selfs diary to advance his career. A normal half hour show can accommodate an A and B story; here were down to G or H, at least. Given a lot of the fun of this show is just in spending time with these characters, its a shame their farewells are rattled through as boxes ticked off on a list.There are plenty of wonderful moments, like when Mariner and Boimler go to Freeman and are instantly believed. In-universe, the characters have earned enough trust to be taken at their word and its touching. Its also a sign of how far weve come compared to, say, the days of Shut up Wesley. Or when Rutherford realizes whats wrong and is able to solve the issue by remembering the California Class is Starfleets Swiss Army Knife. Or when Boimler smashes his Padd to protect Mariner, as their friendship is more important than his career.The episode ends with the rift being stabilized, creating a permanent interdimensional wormhole to the multiverse. Starfleet tows Starbase 80 there, with William Boimler tasked with exploring the various dimensions therein. But such a high-profile assignment needs an experienced head, and so Captain Freeman is assigned to take command of Starbase 80. It means Mariner has to say goodbye to her mom, and Freeman goodbye to her dedicated crew of misfits.Ransom takes command of the Cerritos, with Mariner and Boimler acting as joint first officers, at least for now. Rutherford has his implant removed, and its suddenly obvious to everyone how into Tendi he has been all this time. TLyn and Tendi are now happily science besties, sharing the role as the Cerritos heads off to explore new parts of the galaxy. And Ransoms choice of phrase for his warp command is perfectly in keeping with his love of exercise, and no I wont be sharing it here.You can never quite escape Star Trek once its on your CV, and Ive said before this isnt the last time well see the Cerritos crew. Animation doesnt need your actors to stay the same age and we could easily see a revival in a few years or so. McMahan was clear the fifth season was also being used to set up potential spin-off ideas, so theres plenty of scope for more. Which is why Im not going to write an obituary for Lower Decks, it doesnt need one.Still, its mad to think how things have changed since Lower Decks debuted as the goofy wildcard alongside its more august siblings. Discovery and Picard were meant to be reputable shows with Lower Decks little more than the class clown for diehard fans. Both of those turned out to be far less than the sum of their parts, while Lower Decks held the spirit of Star Trek far more effectively than its so-called betters. It was the only one of that trio to emerge with anything close to a coherent legacy, and with genuine affection from fans.Lower Decks knows this, and ends its episode with a celebration of the Cerritos and Star Trek more generally. The show exists as a celebration of the day-to-day work that would never be lionized in those brasher, shoutier, punch-fightier Treks. The USS Cerritos is an island of misfit toys who have gathered together to make themselves and each other that little bit better. Hell, that could be a comment on Star Trek, or its fans more generally, but its great being one of those misfit toys.Cerritos Strong!This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/entertainment/tv-movies/star-trek-lower-decks-ends-on-a-new-beginning-140003832.html?src=rss
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  • DJI evades US ban but has one year to prove its products aren't a national security threat
    The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) spending bill has just been release and it grants DJI a year's grace before it's potentially banned in the US, The Verge reported. It was expected that DJI and rival Autel could be banned by the end of 2024 because of the Countering CCP Drones Act provision. However, the bill gives DJI an extra year to prove to an "appropriate national security agency" that its products don't pose a national security risk in the US.Failing that, the bill authorizes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to place DJI's drones on its covered list for 2026, meaning retailers would no longer be able to import them. It also means that the products (including drones and cameras like the Osmo Pocket 3) would be prohibited from connecting to US networks, and their internal radios would no longer be authorized by the FCC. That would technically prohibit the use of DJI products already owned by consumers, though the US wouldn't likely stop consumers from doing so.In a reply on its Viewpoints blog, DJI said it's "good news" that the ban wasn't included in this year's budget. However, it pointed out that "drones manufactured in China are singled out for scrutiny and the legislation does not designate a specific agency to undertake the required study." The latter point could cause the company harm "simply because no agency chose to take on the work of studying our product," it wrote.The main reason DJI is still alive is through the support of drone enthusiasts and content creators, along with law enforcement and search and rescue organizations. "In the event that a bill like this would go fully through and would potentially ban the use of Chinese drones for public safety, it'd be catastrophic for the public safety drone industry," said Law Enforcement Drone Association spokesperson Brendan Karr in a letter to Congress.However, US representatives believe they're a risk. "DJI drones pose the national security threat of TikTok, but with wings. This Chinese-controlled company cannot be allowed to continue to operate in the US," said Republican Representative Elise Stefanik. "These Chinese-manufactured drones allow for the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, to access data in a backdoor manner and ultimately surveil Americans," added Democratic Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/cameras/dji-evades-us-ban-but-has-one-year-to-prove-its-products-arent-a-national-security-threat-133042749.html?src=rss
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