• Secure By Demand: Key Principles for Vendor Assessments
    Steve Cobb, CISO, SecurityScorecardDecember 26, 20244 Min Read Tero Vesalainen via Alamy StockIn today's interconnected world, the software supply chain is a vast network of fragile connections that has become a prime target for cybercriminals. The complex nature of the software supply chain, with its numerous components and dependencies, makes it vulnerable to exploitation. Organizations rely on software from numerous vendors, each with its own security posture, which can expose them to risk if not properly managed.The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) recently published a comprehensive Secure by Demand Guide: How Software Customers Can Drive a Secure Technology Ecosystem to help organizations understand how to secure their software supply chains effectively. With both vendors and threat actors increasingly leveraging AI, this guide is a timely resource for organizations seeking to more effectively navigate their software vendor relationships.Importance of Securing the Software Supply ChainSupply chain attacks, such as the infamous Change Healthcare and CDK Global breaches, highlight the critical importance of securing the software supply chain. It represents a significant risk to every organization given that a single vulnerability can have a domino effect that compromises the entire chain. These attacks can have devastating consequences, including data breaches, operational disruptions, regulatory penalties, and irreparable reputational damage.Related:CISA's guide serves as an excellent foundation for organizations needing to implement a robust software supply chain security strategy. These best practices are particularly valuable for public companies required to report material cyberattacks to the SEC. The top three takeaways for organizations are:1. Embracing radical transparency: CISA urges vendors to embrace radical transparency, providing a comprehensive and open view of their security practices, vulnerabilities, methodologies, data, and guiding principles.2. Taking ownership of security outcomes: Vendors must be accountable for the security outcomes of their software. By having visibility into both their own security posture and that of their vendors, organizations can identify vulnerabilities and take corrective actions.3. Make security a team effort: Ensure that the organization's security objectives are clearly defined and communicated to all employees. Cybersecurity should not be treated as an individual responsibility but rather as a company-wide priority, just like other critical business functions.Mastering Vendor AssessmentsRelated:Recent research from SecurityScorecard found that 99% of Global 2000 companies have been directly connected to a supply chain breach. These incidents can be extremely costly, with remediation and management costs 17 times higher than first-party breaches. To mitigate these risks, organizations must prioritize thorough vendor assessments. Vendor assessments can be time-consuming, but they are just as important as ensuring your own company's security. Several key processes to consider include:Conducting regular vendor assessments: First and foremost, a vendor assessment doesn't work if you only do it once in a blue moon. Continuously assess the security postures of your vendors to ensure that they comply with industry security standards and that their software does not expose your organization to vulnerabilities. This includes conducting regular security audits, reviewing vendor security practices, and assessing their incident response capabilities.Demand secure-by-design products: Make "secure by design" a non-negotiable. Prioritize vendors who embed security into every phase of the product life cycle, ensuring it's a core consideration from development to deployment, not an afterthought.Implement strong vendor management policies: Develop a comprehensive vendor management policy that includes onboarding procedures, continuous monitoring, and guidelines for security expectations throughout the vendor relationship. This policy should outline the security requirements that vendors must meet and establish clear communication channels for reporting and addressing security issues.Related:Ensure limited access and privileges: Operate on a principle of least privilege with vendors. Grant them only the minimum access and permissions needed to fulfill their tasks. Overprovisioning access can widen your attack surface significantly. Implement robust access controls and conduct regular reviews to ensure only authorized personnel have access to sensitive systems and data.Monitor for vulnerabilities and weaknesses: Actively monitor for new vulnerabilities in software provided by your vendors. Utilize automated tools to detect vulnerabilities and respond swiftly to reduce exposure. Stay informed about emerging threats and industry best practices to ensure your organization is prepared to address new challenges.Securing the Future of the Supply ChainThe supply chain breaches at Change Healthcare and CDK Global demonstrate the devastating consequences of neglecting software supply chain security. These attacks can result in billions of dollars in losses, months of operational disruption, irreparable damage to reputation, legal ramifications, regulatory fines, and loss of customer trust. Moreover, recovery efforts, such as forensic investigations and system restorations, require substantial resources.Collaboration is important in any industry, but in today's age of increasing nation-state threat actors and even individual hackers in their parent's garage, collaboration and information sharing among cybersecurity professionals is vital. By aligning with Secure by Demand principles, utilizing continuous monitoring, and implementing a culture of transparency, organizations can strengthen their defenses and significantly reduce the risk of supply chain attacks.About the AuthorSteve CobbCISO, SecurityScorecardSteve Cobb is SecurityScorecards chief information security officer bringing more than 25 years of leadership consulting surrounding IT infrastructure, cybersecurity, incident response, and cyber threat intelligence Prior to SecurityScorecard, he was a senior security engineer with Verizon Managed Security and a senior escalation engineer with Microsoft.See more from Steve CobbNever Miss a Beat: Get a snapshot of the issues affecting the IT industry straight to your inbox.SIGN-UPYou May Also LikeWebinarsMore WebinarsReportsMore Reports
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  • This international surveillance project aims to protect wheat from deadly diseases
    When Dave Hodson walked through wheat fields in Ethiopia in 2010, it seemed as if everything had been painted yellow. A rust fungus was in the process of infecting about one-third of the countrys wheat, and winds had carried its spores far and wide, coating everything in their path. The fields were completely yellow. Youd walk through them and your clothes were just bright yellow, he says. Hodson, who was then at the UNs Food and Agriculture Organization in Rome, had flown down to Ethiopia with colleagues to investigate the epidemic. But there was little that could be done: Though the authorities had some fungicides, by the time they realized what was happening, it was too late. Ethiopia, the biggest wheat-producing nation in sub-Saharan Africa, lost between 15% and 20% of its harvest that year. Talking with farmersthey were just losing everything, Hodson told MIT Technology Review. And its just like, Well, we should have been able to do more to help you. Hodson, now aprincipal scientist at the international nonprofit CIMMYT, has since been working with colleagues on a plan to stop such losses in the future. Together with Maricelis Acevedo at Cornell Universitys College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, he co-leads the Wheat Disease Early Warning Advisory System, known as Wheat DEWAS, an international initiative that brings together scientists from 23 organizations around the world. The idea is to scale up a system to track wheat diseases and forecast potential outbreaks to governments and farmers in close to real time. In doing so, they hope to protect a crop that supplies about one-fifth of the worlds calories. The effort could not be more timely. For as long as theres been domesticated wheat (about 8,000 years), there has been harvest-devastating rust. Breeding efforts in the mid-20th century led to rust-resistant wheat strains that boosted crop yields, and rust epidemics receded in much of the world. But now, after decades, rusts are considered a reemerging disease in Europe. Thats due partly to climate change, because warmer conditions are more conducive to infection. Vulnerable regions including South Asia and Africa are also under threat. Wheat DEWAS officially launched in 2023 with $7.3 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (now called the Gates Foundation) and the UKs Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. But an earlier incarnation of the system averted disaster in 2021, when another epidemic threatened Ethiopias wheat fields. Early field surveys by a local agricultural research team had picked up a new strain of yellow rust. The weather conditions were super optimal for the development of rust in the field, Hodson says, but the teams early warning system meant that action was taken in good timethe government deployed fungicides quickly, and the farmers had a bumper wheat harvest. Wheat DEWAS works by scaling up and coordinating efforts and technologies across continents. At the ground level is surveillanceteams of local pathologistswho survey wheat fields, inputting data on smartphones. They gather information on which wheat varieties are growing and take photos and samples. The project is now developing a couple of apps, one of which will use AI to help identify diseases by analyzing photos. Another arm of the system, based at the John Innes Centre in the UK, focuses on diagnostics. The group there, working with researchers at CIMMYT and the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research, developed MARPLE (a loose acronym for mobile and real-time plant disease), which Hodson describes as a mini gene sequencer about the size of a cell phone. It can test wheat samples for the rust fungus locally and provide a result within two to three days, whereas conventional diagnostics need months. The beauty of it is you could pick up something new very quickly, says Hodson. And its often the new things that give the biggest problems. The data from the field is sent directly to a team at the Global Rust Reference Center at Aarhus University in Denmark, which combines everything into one huge database. Enabling nations and globally scattered groups to share an infrastructure is key, says Aarhuss Jens Grnbech Hansen, who leads the data management package for Wheat DEWAS. Without collaborating and harmonizing data, he says, technology wont solve these problems all on its own. We build up trust so that by combining the data, we can benefit from a bigger picture and see patterns we couldnt see when it was all fragmented, Hansen says. Their automated system sends data to Chris Gilligan, who leads the modeling arm of Wheat DEWAS at the University of Cambridge. With his team, he works with the UKs Met Office, using their supercomputer to model how the fungal spores at a given site might spread under specific weather conditions and what the risk is of their landing, germinating, and infecting other areas. The team drew on previous models, including work on the ash plume from the eruption of the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull, which caused havoc in Europe in 2010. Each day, a downloadable bulletin is posted online with a seven-day forecast. Additional alerts or advisories are also sent out. Information is then disseminated from governments or national authorities to farmers. For example, in Ethiopia, immediate risks are conveyed to farmers by SMS text messaging. Crucially, if theres likely to be a problem, the alerts offer time to respond. Youve got, in effect, three weeks grace, says Gilligan. That is, growers may know of the risk up to a week ahead of time, enabling them to take action as the spores are landing and causing infections. The project is currently focused on eight countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia in Africa and Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Bhutan in Asia. But the researchers hope they will get additional funding to carry the project on beyond 2026 and, ideally, to extend it in a variety of ways, including the addition of more countries. Gilligan says the technology may be potentially transferable to other wheat diseases, and other cropslike ricethat are also affected by weather-dispersed pathogens. Dagmar Hanold, a plant pathologist at the University of Adelaide who is not involved in the project, describes it as vital work for global agriculture. Cereals, including wheat, are vital staples for people and animals worldwide, Hanold says. Although programs have been set up to breed more pathogen-resistant crops, new pathogen strains emerge frequently. And if these combine and swap genes, she warns, they could become even more aggressive. Shaoni Bhattacharya is a freelance writer and editor based in London.
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    For a solid fiber choice in Tampa, Frontier is your best bet. But if Frontier isnt available, there are other great options.
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  • Grunn was the best vehicle for reliving childhood fears this year
    Games of 2024: Grunn was the best vehicle for reliving childhood fearsBeing a weed.Image credit: Eurogamer/Sokpop Collective Feature by Lottie Lynn Guides Editor Published on Dec. 26, 2024 Growing up I was afraid there was something living in our garage. I can't tell where this fear came from. I can't even tell you what my child self thought it was - the exact creature was boringly undefined, labelled simply as 'Very Bad' (and it certainly didn't help that my Dad kept one of his old wetsuits hanging from the rafters like a piece of eternally damp shedded skin).All I know is when I was sent outside to grab something from the freezer one night, I found myself paralysed by a sense of wrongness. It chased itself down my nerves, gluing my feet to the ground and making my fingers clench around the garage key. A second before life had been about completing the usual two minute chore before dinner. Now a set of jaws were grazing my neck.I did not want to go inside the garage. It was the worst idea in the world. If I didn't though, I would just be sent back out again.Watch on YouTubeSqueezing my eyes shut, I slammed the key into the lock with my right hand, lifting it slightly to prevent it from sticking, while my left gripped the doorframe. I kicked the door open after unlocking it before sending my left hand groping in the dark for the light switch. I half suspected a beastly claw to rip it off, which was why I was fine sacrificing my non-dominant hand. All that came, however, were blotches swirling across the insides of my eyelids from the light hitting my face. Still, I risked taking a couple of steps inside before peeking open one eye. Better to be eaten unseen.Of course, the only thing amiss was the wetsuit slowly swaying back and forth from its rafter perch. Everything else was as it should be. From the smell of rust to the burgundy paint stains on the floor. Despite this display of normalcy, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched by hungry eyes. Quickly I grabbed what I needed and ran back into the house, never once glancing up into the small attic space above the door Mice. Always mice. A perfect trim. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Sokpop CollectiveMy 'Fear of the Garage' did eventually ebb away. The garage has stayed the same since I was a child, except the wetsuit has a companion now, and I've grown to have new adult fears. Like global warming and dropping my phone down a drain while playing Pokmon Go (Seriously, what do I do if this happens? Call the council? Open the grate myself? Accept this is the end and evaporate?). I'll never have to experience a silly childhood fear again. Right?Wrong. Thanks video games.From the moment you begin Grunn, everything feels a little out of step with reality. There's a bathroom which defies the laws of physics by being bigger on the inside, grass that makes the world look like you've been smoking it rather than cutting it and a garden gnome. Never trust a garden gnome.The gentle task of gardening, however, quickly pulled me in, making the existence of anything spooky completely slip my mind. After all, it's hard to remember there might be monsters lurking around the corner when you're trying to trim a perfect hedge. It's for this reason, though, that I was fully unprepared for the moment that Grunn's ghostly undercurrent properly rose to the surface. Some patches of grass make the colours go all oversaturated for a moment. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Sokpop CollectiveEarly on you can bash a hole through a wooden fence to access a back room in the garden. It's an action I'm sure every professional gardener performs on a regular basis, but unlike the lush, overgrown area behind me, this rear little patch of land felt rather unwanted. Sure, the scattered collection of flower pots and bushes proved someone had been trying to cultivate life here, but there was also a car. A car which physically couldn't enter this area. Its presence grew even stranger when I found a hammer decorated with suspiciously red strains inside its boot.The unwanted feeling was slowly transforming into foreboding. An evolution which completed when I opened the nearby door. Ominous key is ominous. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Sokpop CollectiveThe room beyond looked normal enough: stone floor, nearby sink, drain with a strange smell. Everything you'd traditionally find in the bridge between a home and the outside. What worried me, however, was the shiny key I could see hanging on the far wall. A trap if ever I saw one. I knew - just knew - the moment I picked that key up something would appear behind me. I could feel it in my bones. It was as inevitable as my desire to discover what the key opened was inescapable.Mentally prepared, I walked across the room and picked up the key. I turned around. Nope. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Sokpop CollectiveDominating the doorway was a man. He was leaning casually as if he was a friend dropping by for a quick hello, but his neck was far too long. It stretched into the room, threatening to grow even closer. The moment my brain registered what I was seeing, and I heard the loud, violent piano clang accompanying the sight of him, Mr. Long Neck slammed the door shut.I may have, ever so slightly, fallen out of my chair. Dude. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Sokpop CollectiveOld Stretchy Neck didn't make this his only appearance. I ran into him while exploring the church, and he even stopped by my shed for a late night visit. Left me a severed hand as a present. Lovely. I may have even spotted him watching me in the hedge-maze-within-a-hedge and hanging out by a tree near the ferry. None of these visits hit as strongly as the first time I saw him though. When, for a slither of time, I returned to being a child shivering in a garage convinced a creature was about to tear me open.
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  • GTA 6 trailer 2 release on December 27th speculation grows after supposed Rockstar response
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereGrand Theft Auto 6 is not just the most anticipated game of 2025, its quite possibly the most highly-anticipated release of all time. Everyone is desperate to see more of the return to Vice City starring Lucia and Jason, but Rockstar have been an extremely cruel mistress by just ghosting the communitys wishes. Now there is massive speculation that the GTA 6 trailer 2 will release on December 27th, and the theories have only continued to escalate following a supposed response from Rockstar. Right now the release of Grand Theft Auto 6 is still pegged for sometime in 2025. Rumors of a delay have been debunked, yet gamers still remain sceptical of it coming out within the next 12-months. When it does eventually come out, the unfortunate news is that it will only be available on PS5 and Xbox at launch as Take-Two have explained why it is not releasing day-one on PC. Everyone is praying that GTA 6 does come out next year, and the community is also hoping that trailer 2 does release on December 27th. GTA 6 trailer 2 release on December 27th theories There are a bunch of theories online that the Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer 2 will release on December 27th. The theories seem to originally stem from a picture posted on X by a Rockstar employee. Rockstar Games Mission Designer, Reckope, posted an image of a Rockstar goodie bag on December 19th. While the picture looks completely unremarkable, eagle-eyed fans noticed several links to the number 27 on a piece of paper underneath the coffee table. Image credit: @Reckope on XFollowing on from this image, a bunch of other weird coincidences involving the number 27 have been spotted by fans. For instance, the community noticed that the 27th video on Rockstar Games YouTube channel has the name Jason in the title. In addition, in the GTA 6 trailer from over a year ago, the number 27 is written on the window of a pink car at exactly 27 seconds. Fans also noticed that Rockstar Games Instagram account has exactly 27 posts. Image credit: Rockstar GamesThe Instagram is particularly interesting as fans noticed Rockstar deleted an Instagram post before publishing their Christmas message to Red Dead Online players. This kept the published posts to 27 instead of moving up to 28. Fans have taken this as a response to the 27 theory from Rockstar, with players divided between whether it supports the theory or if its just a simple troll from the developer. Image credit: Rockstar GamesFortunately, we only have to wait a little bit longer to see if the GTA 6 trailer 2 does actually release on December 27th. Its not confirmed to be happening nor have Rockstar explicitly commented on the theory, so wed highly recommend not getting your hopes up. For more GTA 6, Take-Two has promised the game will be really great on all platforms, including the Xbox Series S. Grand Theft Auto 6Platform(s):PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series S/X, Xbox Series XGenre(s):Action, Action AdventureSubscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • Most requested Fortnite skins leaked to return soon
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereFortnite has hundreds of skins in its catalog that have been released over the years in the game, whether as part of a seasonal Battle Pass or within the Item Shop. These skins are either original characters created by Epic to fit with the seasons lore or some are based on popular collabs.Among the collabs, gaming skins are some of the most sought after since fans get to play as their favorite video game character in Fortnites looped island. There are rare gaming skins like Kratos, Master Chief, and even Nathan Drake that players have adorned each time theyre released in the shop.But nothing beats the popularity of League of Legends characters Jinx and Vi as their skins were released in Fortnite to celebrate the release of the Arcane animated series on Netflix. However now that the series has come to an end after two seasons, players had been requesting the return of those skins back in Fortnite.While there wasnt any news lately about a possible return on the Fortnite skins, the latest leaks have suggested theyre ready to return soon.Fortnite leak reveals Riot Co-Founder pushing team to bring back Arcane skinsAccording to the latest leaks by data miner ShiinaBR, Riot Games co-founder was asked about a possible return of Arcane skins in Fortnite, to which they replied, Its on us (that they dont return). We only did it for the original launch of Arcane.Arcane skins are likely to make a comeback soon. Image by Epic Games.The post shared by ShiinaBR received widespread reception from fans who started slamming Riot for their statement and pleaded to bring back the skins. Soon enough Shiina shared another update where the Riot co-founder commented, I will talk to the team about Arcane skins in Fortnite, not sure what we can do if anything, but I will look into it.This move was enough assurance for fans who have been waiting for the return of Arcane skins. One such fan wrote, They should also consider giving us more skins like Ekko and Mel and Cait and season 2 styles for Vi and Jinx.Another chimed in, Cause Riot doesnt really let limited-time skins return ever so if the skins come back its a miracle. While the date of return for Arcane skins hasnt been confirmed or leaked as of yet, fans are still hoping for them to return while Winterfest is underway. FortnitePlatform(s):Android, iOS, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series S/XGenre(s):Action, Massively Multiplayer, Shooter9VideoGamerRelated TopicsSubscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • Marvel Rivals currency will wipe after every season, making dailies useless
    You can trust VideoGamer. Our team of gaming experts spend hours testing and reviewing the latest games, to ensure you're reading the most comprehensive guide possible. Rest assured, all imagery and advice is unique and original. Check out how we test and review games hereNetEase Games has bad news for Marvel Rivals players grinding out dailies for Chrono Tokens. Used to unlock items in a seasons battle pass, Chrono Tokens can be earned every day, despite there being a very limited battle pass.While players wrestle with some botched aiming, many have expressed issues with progression. To make matters worse, NetEase has revealed that Chrono Tokens will not transfer between seasons.Marvel Rivals Chrono Tokens will be wipedRevealed in an official blog post on Christmas, NetEase confirmed what currencies will be transferred across seasons.Chrono Tokens, which can be earned through in-game missions, will be wiped at the end of a season. This means that every new battle pass must be earned through their season.As players can purchase Chrono Tokens in Marvel Rivals with real money, NetEase has announced that it will be adding a rule to make sure that currency isnt thrown away. However, the developer explains that its all a bit complicated.For players who own the premium battle pass, Chrono Tokens will now be automatically redeemed for items as a season ends. While battle passes never expire, the Chrono Tokens earned via that period will, so the game will now automatically use excess credits to redeem items.As a season ends, should surplus Chrono Tokens linger and the Battle Pass remain incompletely redeemed, the system shall automatically claim remaining items in the default sequence until there are not enough Chrono Tokens to redeem any further, or all items have been redeemed, NetEase explained. After the new season starts, youll get an in-game mail with what you got via this automatic redemption. Its still best to manually redeem your items before the season ends, but if you miss any, the system will help minimize any Chrono Token losses.Nevertheless, fans have expressed their distaste at the removal of earned currency as it makes daily missions useless once a battle pass is completed. Players who completed the games initial battle pass and are still playing to complete daily missions will now have their earnings taken away.However, its worth noting that Chrono Tokens appear to be the only currency affected by the seasonal shift. Any Lattice or Units earned through a season will remain after a season ends but, even so, players are upset.Once the daily and weekly missions are completed, there isnt much point in playing matches afterwards, one player said. So theres no point farming daily/weekly/monthly challenges after the pass is complete? asked another.Players have dubbed the removal of earned Chrono Tokens as unmotivating as theres little incentive to play when the reward is taken away.For more Marvel Rivals news, read about the teams plan for cross-progression or listen to our interview with game director Thaddeus Sasser.Marvel RivalsPlatform(s):macOS, PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series XGenre(s):Fighting, ShooterSubscribe to our newsletters!By subscribing, you agree to our Privacy Policy and may receive occasional deal communications; you can unsubscribe anytime.Share
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  • 19 of the Most Popular Products Purchased by AD Readers in 2024
    All products featured on Architectural Digest are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.Since shopping online and writing about shopping online is very much what we do, we were very interested to see what trends AD readers were into in 2024 and what your purchases might tell us about you. Unsurprisingly, some of the top products you purchased in 2024 were both practical and designed to delight. Much like 2023, you continued to upgrade your bedroom setup, turned your space into a smart home, splurged on some living room furniture, and even embraced the holidays with faux Christmas trees. But a few categories in particular had us all adding more things to the cart: namely sleep, furniture, and kitchen appliances! Read on for more details on 19 of the most popular products shopped this year.Jonathan Chaise Sectional Sofa1/19Castlery Jonathan Chaise Sectional SofaThe Jonathan Chaise Sectional that commerce director Rachel Fletcher tested was a standout for 2024, marking its third year on our bestsellers list. She told us that the sofa has held up like a dream, and while the sectional was originally an aesthetic purchase, the comfort level matches its looks.Branch Ergonomic Chair2/19Branch Ergonomic ChairIts clear you were also looking for more when it came to your home office setup this year, which is why Branchs Ergonomic Chair was an AD reader-approved pickup. This mesh office chair looks as good as it feels, says contributor Terri Williams, who took the chair for a spin. Noting her favorite part of the design, Terri told us, The mesh weave is breathable, and the seat cushion is made of high-density foam for a comfortable experience, even over long periods of time.Outer Teak Armless Chairs3/19Outer Teak Outdoor Armless Chair (Set of 2)It seems that several of you were in the mood to upgrade your outdoor furniture this year, and one brand stood out among the rest: Outer. Were not surprised: the companys top-of-the-line outdoor furniturelike this teak chair set featured in our articleuses weatherproof technology that ensures each piece is built to last in the long run.Coway Airmega 250 Smart Air Purifier4/19Coway Airmega 250 Smart Air PurifierYour Amazon Prime Day spending habits told us you also loved this Coway air purifier that uses a a four-layer filtration system and can clean spaces of up to 930 square feet.California Design Den Luxury 4 Piece King Size Sheet Set5/19California Design Den Luxury Sheet SetFrom the look of things, our readers spent a lot of time upgrading their sleep setup this year. Whether it was because we were all investing in a good nights rest or because the time for a refresh had come, many of you gravitated to this sheet set from California Design Den, which commerce editor Audrey says proved to be cool and airy on warmer nights and particularly cozy in cooler temperatures.6/19National Tree Company Pre-Lit 'Feel Real' Artificial Downswept Christmas TreeThough Christmas and Hanukkah are still on the horizon, holiday spirits seem especially high in 2024, which could explain why this handsome faux Christmas tree was a bestseller (again!). Its the perfect item to have in your holiday arsenal for years to come (after all, it wont ever dry out). Were especially drawn to this simple yet elegant look-alike that even has twinkle lights built into the branches.7/19Quince European Linen Duvet CoverWe love Quince for our home good needs, and apparently you do too. If you like a softer, more utilitarian bedspread, Quince is a winner, contributor Elise Portale said in her review. The linen is ridiculously soft from the moment you take it out of the package, and it comes at a price that you really arent going to find elsewhere for the same quality.8/19Brooklinen Down Alternative ComforterAnother comforter that Clevers readers were seemingly obsessed with this year was this eco-friendly design from Brooklinen. Social manager Rebecca Grambone gave it her stamp of approval when she reviewed it for Sleep Week. If youre like me and always on the hunt for the perfect mix of cool and comfort with their sleep setup, definitely give this a try, she says.9/19Nectar Premier HybridNectars mattress received high praise from senior digital features editor Nick Mafi, who revealed the Premier Hybrid from the brand surpassed his previous bed. My biggest concern was that I would take the time and energy to get a new mattress and regret my decision, which would mean I would have to go through the whole process again, he mentioned in his review. Luckily, that didnt happen, and Ive been very happy with the mattress.10/19Boll & Branch Signature Hemmed Duvet SetReviewer Erika Owen told us that this Boll & Branch duvet cover is especially great for hot sleepers and doesnt sacrifice style. The color options are also super luxe. I tested the Mineral Blue, and it adds a sophisticated pop of color to my space.Norby Henge Sofa Bed11/19Article Norby Henge Sofa BedYou were delighted (again) by Articles sleeper sofa in particularthe Nordby, which reviewer Mackenzie Chung Fegan described as attractively priced and easy to convert.12/19Parachute Organic Cotton Fitted SheetI try a lot of bedding in this line of work, and the more I do, the more I appreciate ethical and organic production, says commerce director Rachel Fletcher. It was clear AD readers followed suit when searching for their own bedding, since Parachutes organic cotton bedding was a popular pick.13/19Signature Design by Ashley Jarreau Modern Sectional Sleeper SofaThis Signature Design by Ashley Jarreau sleeper sectional was also particularly popular this year. Reviewer Stewart Savin described it as a no-frills option that will work seamlessly with most decor styles. Perfect for smaller spaces, Stewart told us the very comfortable sofa is also a great makeshift workspace: I spent many days working from home on this couch when COVID first hit.14/19Zinus Shawn 14-inch SmartBase Mattress FoundationThis bed frame has nearly 80,000 ratings, 4.7 stars on Amazon, and costs less than $200. Considering the price, the ease, and the comfort, I would recommend this bed frame to anyone needing one ASAP, says senior digital design editor Zo Sessums. Zo also pointed out the frame is a great option to store in a closet for guests, or even if youre staying somewhere temporarily and want a bed frame without committing to an investment piece.Levoit Ultrasonic Humidifier, Whisper Quiet15/19LEVOIT Ultrasonic Humidifier, Whisper QuietContributor Terri Williams told us this Levoit is one of the best humidifiers for most people. Its filter-free (meaning no replacement costs), can hold 1.5 gallons of water, and has a 50-hour run time before the tank needs to be refilled. With the ability to cover large rooms (up to 753 square feet), the device can functions as either an ultrasonic cool mist humidifier or a warm mist humidifier, meaning its versatile enough to be used year-round.Premium Down Comforter16/19Quince Premium Down ComforterThis year, you also loved this down comforter from Quince that Zo tested for us. She told us in her review, The price point is incredible for such high-quality bedding.Cocoon by Sealy the Chill Mattress17/19Cocoon by Sealy The Chill MattressAnother mattress that impressed was the all-foam Chill Cocoon by Sealy that contributor Cade Hiser tested. Cade was particularly impressed by how comfortable the mattress was and how easy it was to set up. I can really tell the difference in my sleep and I wake up feeling refreshed and energized, he said in his review.BlueAir Bedroom Air Purifier, Small Room Air Cleaner18/19BLUEAIR Bedroom Air PurifierBlueairs purifier is Energy Star rated to use less energy than the average LED lightbulbsomething AD readers seemed to gravitate toward this year. It also has a three-part filtration system: A fabric prefilter catches large particles like pet hair and dust; the combination particle and carbon filter uses a layer of activated carbon to filter light household odors; while the main particle filter removes airborne particles like pollen, dust, and pet dander.19/19Buffy Cloud ComforterBuffys comforter is the next item on our list of your favorite shopping trends in 2024 (for the fourth year in a row!). Made from tencel lyocell fabric that absorbs moisture more efficiently than cotton, its ideal for warm sleepers or climates. Not to mention, the hypoallergenic material is safe for pets, children, and those with sensitive skin.
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  • EPA approves road construction project in Florida that will use radioactive byproduct | Environmental groups criticize EPA decision on pilot project
    What just happened? The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has granted preliminary approval for a pilot project allowing Mosaic Fertilizer, LLC to construct a road using phosphogypsum a radioactive byproduct of fertilizer production on its property in New Wales, Florida. This decision has sparked concern among environmentalists and raised questions about potential health and environmental hazards. Phosphogypsum contains radium, which decays into radon gas. Both are radioactive and known carcinogens, according to the EPA. Historically, the agency has opposed using phosphogypsum in road construction due to the risks it poses to construction workers and future residents living near such roads.But the EPA claims that public exposure to the road will be limited. However, Mosaic has described this effort as part of a broader initiative to "demonstrate the range of ... road construction designs," suggesting that this could be a stepping stone towards more widespread use of phosphogypsum in road construction.As billions of tons of phosphogypsum accumulate, particularly in states like Florida, the search for solutions remains contentious. While some see potential in repurposing the material, opponents argue it poses significant public health risks.The pilot project involves constructing four test road sections, each 500 feet long and 24 feet wide, using phosphogypsum from the New Wales South stack. These sections will contain up to 50% phosphogypsum by weight in a single 10-inch road base layer. For comparison, four control sections without phosphogypsum will also be built.Environmental groups strongly oppose the EPA's decision. Ragan Whitlock, an attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity, called the approval "mind-boggling," citing concerns about risks to road crews and water quality. Whitlock accused the EPA of caving to pressure from the phosphate industry, potentially opening the door to widespread use of hazardous waste in roads nationwide.Phosphogypsum, a radioactive byproduct of the phosphate industry, is stored in stacks in the U.S., but globally it's finding increasing reuse in various applications.EPA's timing has also raised eyebrows. A request for public comment on the project was issued on October 9, just hours before Hurricane Milton was expected to make landfall in the Tampa Bay area as a Category 5 storm. This timing was particularly concerning given the history of environmental issues associated with phosphogypsum stacks during severe weather events. // Related StoriesIn fact, days after Hurricane Milton struck as a Category 3 storm, Mosaic reported that contaminated water had been discharged from its Riverview site into Tampa Bay due to excessive rainfall. This incident underscores the ongoing environmental challenges associated with phosphogypsum storage.The EPA's decision marks a departure from its 1992 stance, which deemed phosphogypsum use in road construction an unacceptable public health risk. Since then, regulations have required phosphogypsum to be stored in stacks on private land due to its cancer risks and other health hazards from radon emissions.Although the EPA insists the risk from this specific project is "extremely low," critics argue it sets a dangerous precedent for future use of phosphogypsum in public infrastructure.
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