• Minecraft Atom Zombie Smasher IRL
    I wanted to combine Minecraft with Atom Zombie Smasher, so here's the trailer for that IRL video! I couldn't have done it without the help of some truly dedicated and skilled people:Thanks for Patrick W. Crawford for his incredible zombie animations! You can find Patrick's channel, Moo-Ack! Productions, here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDuckCowWebsite - http://theduckcow.com/Twitter - https://twitter.com/TheDuckCowThanks as well to Jesse Cornett for providing his outstanding voice over! You can find him at PleromaProductions: http://pleromaproductions.wix.com/pleromaproductionsas well as on Chilling Tales for Dark Nights: https://www.youtube.com/user/chillingtaleswiTwitter - https://twitter.com/jessecornett667SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/pleromaproductions-llcSpecial thanks also to Morris, Ben and Adam for helping me shoot the slow motion shots in the middle of the road. I couldn't have done it without you!Special Mention: I watched this fine gentleman's video to help me build the helicopter at the end. Thanks, Luizzapped! : https://youtu.be/3o7pP1LZpCo
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  • PhotoScan Guide Part 3: Natural Environment Scanning
    In Part 3 of our PhotoScan series, we're looking at natural environments!I use Agisoft PhotoScan, but most of these techniques will apply to all photogrammetry software.Christoph Schindelar: https://www.youtube.com/user/Schindelar3Dhttp://3dvisual.at/Nicolas Brunet (aka 1k0): https://vimeo.com/n1k0http://1k0.blogspot.com/Andrew Trice's GoPro Lens Profile Correction video: https://youtu.be/Tis_UVwRalcPaul Illsley's guide to GoPro and PTLens: http://www.paulillsley.com/GoPro/Airphoto/Grass Essentials by Andrew Price: http://www.blenderguru.com/product/grass-essentials/Blending Nature by Derek Goff: https://cgcookiemarkets.com/blender/vendor/derekg1080/"Stale Mate" by The Jingle Punks"Ripples" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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  • Titanfall Vs Hulkbuster: Subscriber Poll
    Which would you like to see in a video: Titanfall Atlas mechs or Iron Man's Hulkbuster? Or both in the same video?! Vote by commenting below!Check out iPisoft's site here: www.ipisoft.comClick here for Hulkbuster model by JoesHouseOfArt: http://joeshouseofart.deviantart.com/art/Iron-Man-Hulkbuster-AoU-MH-for-XNALara-XPS-529037401"Local Forecast - Elevator" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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  • How To Create Your Own HDRI Map Using A Chrome Ball
    I'm back with a new and better guide to shooting your own HDRI maps1 I'll show you how to use chrome balls to save time and money, while still getting very good results!Try my HDR files for yourself! - http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/78093Visit Gleb's channel for tons of great lighting techniques and more! https://www.youtube.com/user/GlebAlexandrovAaron Dabelow's fantastic HDR Photoshop guide - http://youtu.be/NLO3gMV2vpAMusic: Aurea Carmina by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/Truck model is from the awesome DMI site: http://www.dmi-3d.net/
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  • Team TitanFallout Fortress - The Movie
    What happens when you combine characters from Team Fortress 2, Titanfall and Fallout? Team TitanFallout Fortress, of course! Get ready for the biggest blockbuster of the century!This video was really just a simple test of some video game models we downloaded and rendered in Blender. Nothing's moving yet, but in a future video we'll be trying our hand at adding motion capture using iPisoft and xbox kinects!If anybody actually reads these description boxes, let me know. I swear I've been asked over 20 times what the song in the Happy Wheels video is, even though it's clearly marked in the description!Music in this video: Helios by Audiomachinehttp://www.audiomachine.com/Check out http://tf3dm.com/ for the models featured and more!
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  • PhotoScan Guide Part 2: Turntable Tutorial!
    Part 2 of our PhotoScan guide focuses on scanning objects with a turntable!We're using Agisoft PhotoScan in this tutorial, but these principals apply to photogrammetry software in general.Agisoft forums: http://www.agisoft.com/forum/Visit our Facebook page for high resolution, textured renders of the scans featured in this video! https://www.facebook.com/ClassyDogFilmsOr!Check out our post on Blender Artists' here: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?355510-3D-Scans-Turntable-Renders"Supernatural" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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  • PhotoScan Guide Part 1 - Getting Started with Basics
    Here's part 1 of a 4 part guide to PhotoScan! In this video, we focus on some basic principles that will improve your scans, and help you avoid problems many beginners run into. Three more in-depth tutorials are coming next month!Be sure to check out Ten24's website: http://www.ten24.info/as well as their scan store! It's awesome!: http://www.3dscanstore.com/Music:"Take You Home" by Silent Partner&"Skull Fire" by Jingle Punks
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  • VR Cinema for the Oculus Rift
    This is our first test in VR cinema. To view this video on the Oculus Rift, just download VR Player (http://vrplayer.codeplex.com/), load up the video file and set Projection to "Sphere".We want to hear your thoughts! How could the experience be improved? Let us know! Future videos will feature full HD and 30 fps.The city environment is "The Backstreets" by Stonemason. Find more of his work here: http://www.daz3d.com/stonemasonTitanfall model can be found here: http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/atlas-titan-8028.htmlMusic is "Life Chronicles" by Audiomachine. Visit them here: http://www.audiomachine.com/
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  • BONUS VIDEO - 1,000 Car Drop
    As a bonus video for passing 1,000 subscribers (and especially for our Blender fans) we wanted to simulate 1,000 cars dropping! To be exact, it's 1,002 cars, but who's counting?"The End of Mankind" by Per KiilstofteCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 LicenseThe environmental map used in this video was created by Maciek Plewa - You can find it here: http://macsix.deviantart.com/art/Anvil-Spherical-HDRI-Panorama-Skybox-416317312
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  • 1,000 Subscriber Celebration!
    Thank you to everyone for helping us reach 1,000 subscribers! To show our appreciation, we decided to make a video! Enjoy seeing us try (and fail) to light 1,000 candles on a cake! Plus, see us try (and fail) to shoot John with 1,000 paintballs!If we make it to 10,000 subscribers, we'll make a new suit, rent some quality guns and hit John with 10,000 paintballs! Let's do it!Utopia (instrumental) by YACHT is licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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