• The frustrating reason were not saving more kids from malaria
    Malaria kills more than a thousand children every day. Measures like antimalarial medications and insecticide-treated bed nets, which stop infected mosquitoes from transmitting the disease-causing parasite to people while they sleep, have saved millions of lives at a relatively low cost. Yet despite these interventions, which reduced mortality by about 29 percent, over 430,000 children died from malaria last year. With the recent approval of two new malaria vaccines, RTS,S and R21, we have the opportunity to make another leap in the fight to eradicate malaria. Malaria can be deadly for people of all ages, but its especially life-threatening for young kids: Over 75 percent of malaria deaths happen in children under 5. For now, malaria-endemic countries like Cameroon, Burkina Faso, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are focusing vaccination efforts on infants, who are already brought into clinics for routine shots anyway. Over the past year, 10.2 million doses were delivered to children across 17 countries. (So far, neither vaccine is approved for adults.)The shots are largely paid for by Gavi, an international organization that uses donations from rich governments and philanthropies to subsidize lifesaving vaccine rollouts in countries with a gross national income per capita below $1,810 about 2 percent that of the United States.Last summer, Gavi announced its goal to raise $9 billion to fund immunizations from 2026 to 2030, with over $1.1 billion of those funds earmarked for new malaria vaccines. Thats enough to save around 180,000 childrens lives over the next five years. But we could theoretically save many more. A new paper by the Center for Global Development (CGD) estimates that 800,000 more child deaths could be avoided between now and 2030 if Gavi buys and distributes as many vaccines as manufacturers can make. Though manufacturers say they have over 100 million doses ready to go, Gavis plan would buy only a fraction of them. To buy all of the currently available doses and put them into the field now, Gavi would need to triple its $1.4 billion malaria vaccine budget.CGDs proposed strategy to buy and distribute as many doses as possible today, and trust that manufacturers will replenish their supply quickly goes against conventional wisdom about vaccine rollouts. Gavis current strategy is to gradually ramp up R21 vaccinations, prioritizing the most vulnerable children first, while only distributing as many doses as can be stably purchased in the long run. By doing so, Gavi hopes to balance the urgent need to save lives with the importance of maintaining a sustainable vaccine supply. This is how most vaccines are introduced, including the first Covid vaccines in the US: quickly get them to the people who need them most, then ramp up to bigger populations slowly enough that suppliers can keep up. Scott Gordon, head of Gavis malaria vaccine program, said that the success of a vaccine rollout largely depends on how ready a country is to get those shots into arms. Both available malaria vaccines require at least three doses to work, which means giving a person one shot isnt enough. Clinics have to make sure people come back. But other global health experts argue that now is the time for a more aggressive approach, to take advantage of the opportunity presented by these new vaccines.We suddenly have a tool where we can save lives at fairly low costs, said Justin Sandefur, senior fellow at the Center for Global Development and co-author of its new paper. He argues that shying away from the most ambitious vaccine rollout possible costs too many lives to justify: Logistically, bureaucratically, and politically, this is the kind of thing that we know how to do.Choosing the right vaccine will give countries more bang for their buckThe RTS,S and R21 vaccines are very biologically similar. Both vaccines target the same protein on the surface of malaria-causing parasites, teaching the body to attack the parasites before they make it to the liver and cause an infection. The RTS,S vaccine, which was recommended for use by the World Health Organization in 2021, is about 56 percent effective much better than nothing, but short of the WHOs 75 percent target. Last December, the WHO also prequalified the R21 vaccine, which performed about 20 percent better at preventing severe malaria than RTS,S in its clinical trials. Prequalification is essentially approval: It means WHO believes R21 is safe, effective, and ready to be sold to UN agencies. Effectiveness aside, R21 is much cheaper: $3.90 per dose, versus $10 per RTS,S dose. Because R21 particles are more densely packed with malaria protein antigens than RTS,S, a single dose of R21 can be much smaller than a single dose of RTS,S. Some other chemical differences also make R21 simpler to manufacture than RTS,S. As it currently stands, Serum Institute of Indias production capacity for R21 is nearly seven times greater than GSKs production capacity for RTS,S. In fact, Serum Institute has already made 100 million doses, and it says it has the capacity to make even more. So, R21 is more effective, much cheaper, and theres loads more of it than RTS,S. 1Day Sooner, a nonprofit focused on high-impact infectious disease studies, argues that R21 should be rolled out as quickly as possible, in addition to RTS,S. Demand for the vaccine is high among parents in malaria-endemic countries who are well aware of the danger to their children. But so far, its been hard for clinics to ensure parents bring their babies back for all four doses they need. Many people, in African countries and elsewhere, are hesitant to get themselves and their children vaccinated against anything at all. But demanding poor parents in rural areas to travel long distances to get to a clinic not once, but four times creates extra logistical hurdles. Ghana, for example, used a combination of strategies to get people to return for all their shots, including sending text reminders and making vaccinations part of regular checkups at local clinics. While public health experts considered the rollout an overall success, Ghana still struggled with monitoring and logistics. With these challenges in mind, Gavi plans to ramp up R21 vaccinations gradually, to avoid overwhelming health care systems and to make sure the vaccine supply remains stable in the long run.Phase 3 clinical trials suggest that three doses of the R21 vaccine work about as well as four doses, the last of which would be administered as a booster shot a year after the first three. But protection offered by only one or two doses seems to deteriorate relatively quickly without the final shots, according to some preliminary field reports. Experiments havent specifically tested the efficacy of getting one or two doses yet, but while even a single dose may reduce malaria risk relative to getting no shots at all, existing evidence suggests its nowhere near as effective as a full four-dose course. It comes down to a couple of major strategic questions, neither of which have clear answers. First, would more lives be saved by fully vaccinating fewer people, or by partially vaccinating more people? In either case, organizations still have to decide whether to buy and use up all the doses that Serum Institute has to offer, potentially trading lives saved in the short term for supply stability lost in the long term, or to proceed with a more gradual rollout. The problems with Gavis current vaccine rollout planDespite R21s advantages, Gavi isnt accepting applications from countries who want to update older requests for RTS,S to request R21 instead. The situation is baffling, Sandefur told me: The groups strategy seems to be standing in the way of its own vaccination goals.Gavis goal is to help vaccinate at least 50 million children against malaria by 2030. Combined with other tools like bed nets, insecticides, and antimalarial medication, Gavi estimates malaria vaccines could reduce the burden of malaria on poor countries by up to 92 percent.At its current pace, Gavis rollout plan will require a decade to fully vaccinate everyone whos eligible. GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Serum Institute, the makers of RTS,S and R21, theoretically have the combined capacity to produce as many as 115 million vaccine doses per year. Thats enough to fully vaccinate 25 million children right now. If Gavi bought and distributed every available dose, it would meet its 2030 goal in just one year, and save about 300,000 kids who might otherwise die. By gradually incorporating RTS,S and R21 vaccines into their regular slate of vaccines, countries can harness the health care infrastructure they already have available and deliver shots at routine checkups. Vaccinating all infants also means everyone will eventually be vaccinated against malaria. But focusing on getting everyone protected in the long run sacrifices the opportunity to save more lives in the short term. Vaccinating infants maximizes the number of lives saved per shot, but focusing exclusively on infants now, despite the vaccines being approved for children up to 5 years old, will leave many kids unprotected.Gavis long-standing view is that having multiple vaccines on the marketplace inspires competition, which helps them get better procurement prices, adds to the challenge. This would make sense if they were paying for a cheaper less-effective vaccine to drive down the cost of a better, more expensive vaccine. But theyre doing the opposite, Sandefur said, by purchasing a vaccine thats not better than R21 but costs significantly more. Several countries that originally requested RTS,S have since asked Gavi to switch to R21 to lower their end of the bill. At first, Gavi was hesitant, but they have since started to direct R21 to richer countries that can pay more of their share, saving RTS,S for poorer countries who wont have to pay more.The new vaccine does reportedly have some skeptics, however. In conversations that informed their latest analysis, the Center for Global Developments experts said they heard the same thing again and again: Gates hates this vaccine. But why would the Gates Foundation, which spends millions upon millions of dollars vaccinating the Global South, not like an effective vaccine that could save hundreds of thousands of lives?Its not that the Gates Foundation is snubbing malaria vaccines as one of Gavis biggest donors, Gates is helping to fund the R21 rollout. But rather than put all its eggs in the R21 basket, its also investing in self-replicating vaccines and monoclonal antibodies (like the one my colleague Dylan Matthews tested in a human challenge trial earlier this year). Philip Welkhoff, director of the Gates Foundations malaria program, said, We should work to save as many lives as possible with existing tools and resources including these vaccines while continuing to innovate to develop the next generation of tools which will be required to end malaria for good. The problem, though, is that these next-gen vaccines are still years away. Withholding decent vaccines while waiting for better ones could result in thousands of preventable deaths. One monoclonal antibody treatment, called L9LS, is undergoing phase 2 clinical trials, and results are promising so far. However, Welkhoff estimates that this treatment is still at least five years away from being widely available, much less affordable. The risk of regret from underspending on vaccine rollout today, the Center for Global Development states, far outweighs any risk of regret from spending too much.Gavi has budgeted $1.4 billion to vaccinate 52 million children by 2030. According to the Center for Global Developments calculations, it would need another $2 billion to vaccinate all infants in malaria-endemic countries, and another $1 billion on top of that if it also vaccinated toddlers under three. But Gavis only got so much money, Sandefur said. Theyre not actually sure theyre going to get the money that theyre banking on, much less the extra $2 to 3 billion it will take to save the maximum number of lives.The big thing stopping an ambitious vaccine rollout in the Global South is money. Getting a full multi-dose vaccine regimen to people is challenging enough in rich countries; remember Covid? Its much harder in countries like the DRC, where the government spends as little as $2 per capita on health (the US spends about $12,500). Vaccines cost more than the doses themselves. Getting shots in arms requires basic supplies like syringes and alcohol wipes, keeping vaccine doses refrigerated, and training clinicians in far-flung clinics all of which cost money. Then countries have to pay for community outreach programs. Its just like in the US, said Sandefur. Youre going to have to win the public debate about this being a good thing for the community to embrace.Even if Gavi rustles up enough money to buy every available dose of the R21 vaccine that Serum Institute has available, Sandefur said its not clear that theyve budgeted for the spending you would need to actually do the rollout. Sandefurs impression, after visiting the DRC in September, is that all of this data-crunching is a bit academic. Were all sitting there trying to work out numbers, he said, and I think the country just has a demand to go big.Nigeria has the largest malaria burden in the world, and may want these vaccines more than anyone. Nigeria only misses Gavis income cutoff by a couple of hundred dollars per capita, but its been hovering just above that line for enough years that per Gavis pricing system theyre expected to pay more for new malaria vaccines than they currently spend per child on health care. So, theyre not buying them. Every year that Nigeria cant afford vaccines, 95,000 children under 5 could die. Given numbers that stark, the Center for Global Development is urging Gavi to bend its eligibility rules enough to give Nigeria more support.Where will the money come from? In a dream scenario, Gavi could simply ask Elon Musk to fork over 0.5 percent of his wealth to fill its $2 billion funding gap. But since hes busy cozying up with President Donald Trump and planning a $2 trillion federal budget cut in the US, that seems unlikely.More realistically, Sandefur suspects the money will come in bits and pieces, almost certainly, if it comes at all. Im not sure that it will.Some of it will need to come from stepped-up contributions from rich countries like the US and the UK. This March, Gavi will co-host a pledging summit with the European Union and the Gates Foundation in an attempt to raise at least $9 billion. The guest list includes government leaders from wealthy countries, vaccine manufacturers, and private company executives. Support for the program is more bipartisan than most things in the current political landscape, which is good. But Western countries generally dont treat the fight against malaria with the same urgency as they treated the Covid-19 pandemic. In order for Gavi to hit its funding goal, rich countries like the US and the UK will all need to donate more than they have in the past. The Global Fund, which invests in anti-malarial treatments like bed nets, doesnt currently fund the new vaccine rollout. Theyre very worried that malaria vaccines are going to come and steal their malaria budget, Sandefur said. New dual insecticide-treated bed nets are cheaper than a full four-dose vaccine regimen, making them a great, cost-effective tool in areas where malaria transmission rates are relatively low. At their current efficacy rates, neither available vaccine can replace tools like antimalarial drugs and bed nets. But vaccines should be treated as an extra line of defense, on top of other things like insecticides and first-line drugs. At least temporarily, Sandefur suggested that the Global Fund help Gavi pay for the vaccine rollout. (The Global Fund did not respond to a request for comment.)This is also an opportunity for everyday folks to step up and help fund the rollout of existing vaccines not just innovative pilots and technical assistance at the margins, Sandefur said. Lets buy some vaccines, guys.Malaria has long been a target for effective altruists, because its a massive problem with several existing, low-cost solutions. Open Philanthropy, a foundation that does rigorous research to guide charitable giving, helped fund the clinical trials that got R21 recommended by the WHO. But while two of the top four charities listed by GiveWell, a nonprofit focused on cost-effective, high-impact charity, support malaria prevention efforts, neither buy vaccines directly. Sandefur thinks this should change.You can fix this with a shot, he emphasized. Lets go ahead and do that.Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More: Future Perfect
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  • Down to Earth, Voxs project on the biodiversity crisis, enters its 4th year
    As Down to Earth enters its fourth year, the urgency surrounding the global biodiversity crisis has never been more apparent. When we launched this project in 2021, our mission was clear: to bring the complex issues surrounding biodiversity into the public eye in a way that was both accessible and compelling. Since then, weve dug deep into the forces threatening the natural world, from deforestation and habitat destruction to the cascading impacts of climate change. Our reporting has been featured by the national Climate Desk collaboration, shared by popular national radio and broadcast programs, and has been cited in government reports that help inform policy. Vox is one of the nations few mainstream newsrooms that is committed to covering biodiversity. Along the way, weve showcased the wonder of nature its complexity, vibrancy, and immense value while making the case that biodiversity isnt just a concern for ecologists; its something that impacts every single one of us.Mar Hernndez for VoxIn the years that have passed since we launched Down to Earth, the biodiversity crisis has deepened. Over a million species face extinction, ecosystems such as the Amazon rainforest are tipping into collapse, and climate change is playing an increasingly influential role in the decline of biodiversity. The need for informed conversation and urgent action has never been more pressing. Protecting biodiversity isnt just about saving the animals and plants we love; its about securing the foundations of human life itself our food, water, medicine, and climate stability. The need for robust, thoughtful, and accessible reporting on these issues is clearer than ever.This year, were excited to build on our coverage. We will tell stories that explore big ideas in the environmental movement; spark wonder and celebrate the incredible species with which we share the planet; connect news and emerging research to real-world stakes; and explain how animals and ecosystems are changing under human influence.Mar Hernndez for VoxAt Down to Earth, our mission is to make biodiversity more mainstream and make it a central part of the conversation were all having about the future of our planet. We believe that understanding the natural world doesnt have to be daunting or depressing. Thats why we approach every story with the same down-to-earth, approachable, and conversational style that Vox is known for. Whether were diving into complex scientific research or telling the stories of the species and ecosystems most at risk, we want you to feel like youre right there with us, learning and exploring together. Were here to make this conversation as engaging and accessible as it is urgent.With the support of the BAND Foundation, were poised to explore conservations most pressing questions today, with the expertise of environmental correspondent Benji Jones leading the charge. Well also feature contributions from a diverse range of freelance writers, all bringing fresh perspectives and stories.Mar Hernndez for VoxIn our next chapter of Down to Earth, youll continue to find stories that not only inform but also inspire action. From the unseen heroes of the natural world the enigmatic species that provide essential services to humanity to the big-picture investigations into predator restoration and the environmental policy decisions shaping our future, were committed to giving you the full picture.As we move forward, our goal remains the same: to help you understand why biodiversity matters why its worth protecting and to connect the dots between the natural world and the broader, urgent challenges facing humanity. The crisis is real, but with awareness, action, and engagement, we can still save so much.Mar Hernndez for VoxYouve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More:
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  • Nintendo Switch 2 release date window accidentally leaked by publisher
    Be sure to register for the London event if you want to try the Switch 2 early (YouTube)Publisher Nacon says it has Nintendo Switch 2 compatible games and accessories ready to launch this summer.For as short as it was, the official reveal for the Nintendo Switch 2 did confirm quite a few exciting details, including the existence of a new Mario Kart.However, the really juicy information is still to come, in a Nintendo Direct on April 2. While the main draw will be all the new games Nintendo has hidden up its sleeves, itll hopefully have a release date to share as well.In the meantime, French publisher Nacon, in a statement about the companys latest earnings, appears to have helped narrow down when you can expect the Switch 2 to launch.When is the Nintendo Switch 2 expected release date?Nintendo hasnt said when the Switch 2 release date is, beyond a vague 2025 window. However, Nacon has said it expects the console to arrive in the first half of its 2025/2026 fiscal year.That period covers April to September 2025, with Nacon listing the Switch 2s launch as one of the positive factors that will support its business during that timeframe.This doesnt appear to be guess work on Nacons part either, since the company admits to having compatible games and a full range of accessories in preparation, suggesting these will launch in that April to September period too.Although, its unclear if Nacon is referring to Switch 2 exclusives or games made for the original Switch that will run on Switch 2 through backwards compatibility.Fittingly, this continues the trend of others sharing info about the Switch 2 before Nintendo does. After all, a lot of what was shown in that reveal trailer had leaked online months prior, including what the console actually looks like.More TrendingThis window does line up with Nintendos plans to let people try the Switch 2 at dedicated public events. These are currently scheduled to run through April to the beginning of June, so the idea that Nintendo is aiming for a mid-summer launch is perfectly believable even if thats unusual timing for a console.This does beg the question of what Nintendo has in store for Switch owners in the interim. It launched a remaster of Donkey Kong Country Returns just last week and a Xenoblade Chronicles X remaster will follow suit in March.Aside from that, it also has Pokmon Legends Z-A and Metroid Prime 4, but neither of them has an exact release date. Such details will hopefully be shared in February since both a Pokmon showcase for Pokmon Day (February 27) and a regular Nintendo Direct for the original Switch are rumoured to be on the way. If there is a Direct in February, Metroid Prime 4 news is a shoo-in (Nintendo)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Skin Is In, Grab the Manscaped Dome Shaver Pro at a Steal and Grab Life By the Bald
    As a great philosopher once said (OK, it was my dad), there are very few perfect heads in the world, the rest are covered in hair. He was ahead of his time instead of reaching for pharmaceutical or even surgical remedies for baldness, more and more men are embracing the clean look. Even that needs maintenance, however, and Manscapeds Dome Shaver Pro is designed to give you the smoothest look free of nicks, cuts, or burn.See at ManscapedManscaped has mastered the very specific art of taking care of that downstairs grooming for men, and now they have brought their expertise a little further north. The Dome Shaver Pro is specifically designed for the unique contours of your head, which is where shavers and razors designed for your face or body fall short. Its on sale for $130 right now at Manscapeds site.Hug That CurveThe Dome Shaver Pro has a blade pad containing 5 Triple-Track Blade Heads in a curved configuration, meant to hug the natural curve of your head so all five stainless-steel blades are in close contact with your scalp. Manscapeds FlexAdjust technology lets those blades move independently and adjust to the shape of your head as they work.Those five double-track rotary blade heads each contain ultra-thin .10mm foils, are driven by a 9,500-RPM motor that keeps them moving with tremendous speed to give you more smooth cutting action with each pass. That combined with the SkinSafe technology of the Dome Shaver Pro works to keep your head as nick-free as possible.Running the Dome Shaver Pro over your head is quick and comfortable. The lightweight shaver has an ergonomic handle that fits neatly in your hand, and you can use it in the shower or at your sink or anywhere else its waterproof and equally effective wet or dry.Fast Charging, Long LifeThe Dome Shaver Pro can run up to 90 minutes on a single charge, and recharging it fast and easy via a USB-C connection or even wirelessly. Maintenance is a cinch, with a magnetic blade pad that detaches for cleaning or changing and a hair chamber that catches the clippings so they can be easily disposed of.Bald has always been beautiful, but now its quicker and easier than ever to maintain. Manscapeds Dome Shaver Pro comes with a protective cap and travel case, and it has a travel lock feature to prevent it from buzzing while in your luggage or carry-on. The Dome Shaver Pro is a $130 buy-once solution for keeping your head smoothly shorn for years on end.See at Manscaped
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  • Peeing Can Be Contagious for Both People and Chimps
    By Ed Cara Published January 21, 2025 | Comments (0) | Chimpanzees at the Kumamoto Sanctuary holding orange slices. Kumamoto Sanctuary It looks like humans arent the only ones who occasionally go the bathroom in groups. A study out this week shows that peeing can sometimes be contagious among chimpanzees, too. Scientists at Kyoto University in Japan led the research, which was published Monday in the journalCurrent Biology. They observed captive chimpanzees living at the Kumamoto Sanctuary for hundreds of hours, noticing that when one chimp decided to pee, others would often follow suit. This phenomenon might be shaped by the social hierarchy of our primate cousins, the researchers say. As is often the case in science, lead researcher Ena Onishis inspiration to conduct this study came unexpectedly. While observing a group of captive chimpanzees as part of a different research project, I noticed a tendency for individuals to urinate at the same time. This resemblance to certain human behaviors piqued my curiosity, Onishi, a doctoral student at the Kyoto University Wildlife Research Center, told Gizmodo. In Japan, there is a specific term called Tsureshon (), which refers to the act of urinating in the company of others. Starting from there, I developed my research question, wondering if this might be one of the contagious phenomena, like contagious yawning or contagious scratching, and decided to investigate whether contagious urination existed. Onishi and her team studied the Kumamoto Sanctuary chimpanzees for more than 600 hours, ultimately documenting 1,328 urination events. They found that the chimps generally tended to pee more often after a fellow chimp had just peed. But there were certain patterns to this contagious urination.For one, a chimp was more likely to pee if they were closer in proximity to the original leaker (the researchers classified three levels of proximity: within arms reach, within 3 meters, and more than 3 meters). But social class also appeared to influence the odds of a chimp peeing after another. [We] found that lower-ranking individuals were more likely to follow others in urinating. This further supports the idea that urination has a contagious and socially influenced component in chimpanzees, Onishi said. By contrast, the researchers found no evidence that a chimps social closeness to another affected their odds of contagious peeing.The findings are based on a small sample size of a single chimp population, so more research will be needed to confirm whether this is a widespread behavior among chimps everywhere, including those in the wild. And at this point, the researchers only have hunches as to why contagious urination might be common to chimps. Its possible that the behavior promotes group cohesion by ensuring that chimps are more likely to have the same shared physiological state, for instance, Onishi said. The act of positively mimicking a fellow chimp might also itself strengthen bonds between them. Or group peeing could have emerged as an anti-predator strategy, since it might reduce the risk of other animals tracking the chimps through dispersed urine odors. Whatever the reason, the researchers have plenty of peeing-related mysteries left to uncover.There are so many things wed like to learn in the future. For instance, we want to observe other chimpanzee groups to explore how social factors like sex, familiarity, and age might influence contagious urination, Onishi said. Were also curious about how this phenomenon plays out in natural settingssuch as whether it serves as preparation for long-distance travel. Since people will sometimes pee together due to their closeness with one another, there do seem to be some inherent differences in the nature of group peeing between humans and chimpanzees, the researchers say. And that raises the question of whether other primates have their own unique version of contagious urinationanother question that the researchers hope they and others can explore.Apes have a wide variety of social structures and dynamics, study researcher Shinya Yamamoto, who is studying the evolution of sociality in humans and other animals at Kyoto University, told Gizmodo. These differences may also influence their decision to urinate and its contagious nature in social contexts, which should be one of the targets of future studies.Daily NewsletterYou May Also Like By Isaac Schultz Published January 7, 2025 By Ed Cara Published January 3, 2025 By Ed Cara Published July 22, 2024 ScienceBiology Some Chimpanzees Have a Bone in Their Heartand Some Humans Might, Too By George Dvorsky Published June 10, 2020 ScienceBiology Zoo Chimps Doing a Conga Line Could Teach Us How Humans Evolved to Dance By Ed Cara Published December 13, 2019 ScienceBiology How Does a Chimpanzee Eat a Tortoise? By Smashing It Like a Coconut By George Dvorsky Published May 23, 2019
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  • National Athletics Centre Transforming Budapest's Rust Belt into a Vibrant Community Space
    National Athletics Centre Transforming Budapest's Rust Belt into a Vibrant Community SpaceSponsored ContentSave this picture! Rka BohusThe National Athletics Centre in Budapest marks a significant milestone in urban regeneration and architectural innovation. Located on a former industrial site along the Danube, this transformative project revitalizes a neglected brownfield into a vibrant hub for sports, recreation, and community engagement. Designed by Marcel FERENCZ, architect at NAPUR Architect Ltd., with landscape design created by S-TR and several hundred pieces of furniture from VPI Concrete, the Centre is a cornerstone for connecting North Csepel to the city and fostering urban development.Save this picture!A transformable and inclusive spaceThe National Athletics Centre is more than just a sports stadium; it is a dynamic space adaptable for various uses. Initially serving as the centerpiece of the 2023 World Athletics Championships, the glowing blue sports ring stretching across the Danube's horizon, symbolizing the proximity of water and the triumph of sport, stands on the riverbank as an iconic element of urban structure, radiating calm and dignity to its surroundings.The architects and landscape architects approached the project with a strong focus on creating a dynamic, multifunctional public space that promotes community engagement and sustainability. They prioritized integrating elements that foster interaction, relaxation, and recreation, ensuring that the design harmonizes with the surrounding environment. They aimed to design a space that serves both athletes and visitors, contributing to the city's cultural and social fabric.Save this picture!Save this picture!A legacy beyond professional sportsPost-championship, the Centre transitioned into a hub for non-sporting activities. The temporary upper tier of seating could be removed, transforming the structure into a community-focused facility and creating a roof garden with spaces for recreation, education, relaxation and social interaction. The recreation lane provides space for high quality concrete seating furniture with shrubs and perennials in concrete planters.The surrounding park, complete with running tracks, a playground, street workout areas, skatepark, and green spaces, ensures year-round public engagement with many bicycle racks and concrete benches. The venue features a sandy beach, sports fields, a dog park, and outdoor lounges, fostering a sense of community.The National Athletics Centre exemplifies the potential of urban design to bridge gapsgeographically, socially, and environmentally. With its innovative architecture, community focus, and sustainable infrastructure, it sets a precedent for future projects in Budapest and beyond.Save this picture!Connecting the district of CsepelKey infrastructural developments, including the planned pedestrian and bicycle Cable Bridge, integrate the site into Budapest's broader urban fabric. This bridge can connect the southern Ferencvros area with North Csepel, facilitating seamless movement for pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally, riverside promenades, cycling paths, and docks enhance connectivity, linking the northern and southern stretches of Budapest's Danube embankments.Save this picture!Furniture supporting the project's goalsVPI Concrete's innovative furniture plays a crucial role in realizing the National Athletics Centre's ambitious goals of transforming Budapest's former industrial zone into a dynamic, community-focused public space. These pieces, crafted from high performance concrete, seamlessly blend functionality with aesthetics, enhancing the user experience across the venue. With their help, the centre becomes an inviting, adaptable environment that encourages active lifestyles. They support the venue's transformability, accommodating large sports events while seamlessly transitioning into a flexible community hub.While browsing the Architonic catalog, we came across several standout products from this project: ASTRO waste bins for general, recyclable, and dog waste, support the site's commitment to sustainability. Chess tables foster community interactions. KAVICS sculptural seating elements and HANA concrete benches provide a tactile and inviting place to rest. PLANTA B planters are movable concrete planters filled with trees and shrubs that bring greenery to urban settings while allowing flexibility in spatial arrangements. RELAXA sun loungers are perfect for the beach and recreational areas, these ergonomic loungers invite relaxation. VEL mobile bicycle racks can be moved according to the venue's needs, and they promote eco-friendly and healthy transport providing secure parking for cyclists.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Explore more fascinating concrete projects and discover VPI Concrete products here.Image gallerySee allShow lessCite: "National Athletics Centre Transforming Budapest's Rust Belt into a Vibrant Community Space" 21 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1025410/national-athletics-centre-transforming-budapests-rust-belt-into-a-vibrant-community-space&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • 2025 Color Trends in Architecture: Embracing Earth Tones and Vibrant Hues
    2025 Color Trends in Architecture: Embracing Earth Tones and Vibrant HuesSave this picture!Lucida Restaurant and Bar / Shahira Fahmy Architects. Image Nour El RefaiUnlike the 2024 Color of the Year selections, the 2025 picks reveal more commonalities among the colors chosen by major paint industry leaders. Each year, designers and enthusiasts from various fields gather within companies worldwide to reignite the conversation about color and its connection to contemporary culture. For the 2025 forecast, earth tones seem to be the big winners: Pantone's Mousse Chocolate is joined by cinnamon, brown, and burgundy shades from Benjamin Moore, Graham & Brown, Behr, and C2 Paint. Companies like AkzoNobel, Valspar, and Comex opted for more vibrant colors to celebrate optimism and joy, while Sherwin-Williams and Jotun didn't limit themselves to a single color. Instead, they introduced entire palettes centered on tranquility and relaxation. These concepts appear to be the guiding themes for 2025.Benjamin Moore: Cinnamon Slate 2113-40Save this picture!The subtlety of these qualities is reflected in Benjamin Moore's color choice for 2025. The cinnamon hue combines the deep tone of brown with a heathered plum shade, resulting in a color with a low light reflectance value. It is a restorative color, chosen to evoke concepts of balance and reaffirmation. This shade is accompanied by a palette of ten other essential colors, designed to pair with textured materials or neutral tones in shared interior spaces. Related Article Different Ways of Applying Color to Furniture Graham & Brown: EldertonSave this picture!The English company Graham & Brown has chosen a classic color for this year, inspired by the elder tree. It is a dark brown with a neutral tone whose main appeal lies in its timelessness. Directly inspired by nature, the color complements a wallpaper design that celebrates British heritage, featuring intricate details of ancient buildings and trees.C2 Paint: C2 Raku #549Save this picture!C2 Paint's Color of the Year 2025 also draws on tradition with earthy tones. Raku is inspired by Japanese tea ceremonies and their centuries-old ceramic techniques. The color sits between a deep chocolate brown and a full-bodied wine burgundy. The concepts behind the color include a sense of security, simplicity, and sophistication, with "dynamic undertones of rich mahogany" (also a tree) that make it a chameleon-like hue.Behr: Rumors MQ1-15Save this picture!With a touch of added drama, Behr introduces its own blend of earthy tones and deep burgundy: Rumors, a rich ruby red designed to create captivating spaces when paired with lighter colors. Emphasizing its global influence, the company sets a bold tone for the year with the declaration: "Now is the time to make a statement."AkzoNobel: True JoySave this picture!AkzoNobel took a different path for its 22nd Color of the Year, selecting a brighter and bolder yellow: True Joy. Traditionally associated with yellow, the call is for optimism and confidence in 2025, appealing to creativity and imagination. The recommendation is to cover an entire wall in this color or use it as an accent shade on freeform shapes and surfaces, creating a "splash of feel-good color."Comex: Bamb 237-05Save this picture!Inspired by nature yet driven by a transformative spirit, the color Bamb, chosen by the Mexican company Comex, seeks to evoke a different kind of nature: one with infinite possibilities shaped by technology. This radiant electric green is recommended for pairing with a more neutral tone (Croissant H4-03), particularly in accent applications, to renew energy in interior spaces.Valspar: Encore 8002-45 GSave this picture!Setting the tone for distinction, Valspar selected a blue shade for this year. Encore is an atmospheric blue the company classifies as an anchoring tone, a reference color amidst other tonal curves. This choice accompanies the comeback of blue in interior design, with this ultramarine hue leading the way in evoking confidence and relaxation. The violet undertone of Valspar Encore is amplified under soft lighting, evoking shades of the digital realm and harmonizing beautifully with lavender and fresh green accents.Save this picture!To celebrate the 15th anniversary of its Color of the Year, Sherwin Williams expanded its horizons by curating a complete Color Capsule of the Year. The collection features nine essential neutral colors, ranging from beige and cream tones to a grayish blue, while also incorporating yellow, browns, and mauve. The guiding idea behind this selection was to offer a modern approach to painting with colors that are easy to use: a true celebration of color under the concept of balance.Jotun's Colour Card: NuancesSave this picture!Jotun's 2025 Colour Card features similar tones under the name Nuances: 30 colors across six families (blues, greys, peaches, yellows, beiges, and greens), each with varied shades and an accent color. Standing out within this variety is a clear curation of calm colors and subtle variations designed to evoke the defining small moments of life. The selection is grounded in how color influences our moods, inviting individuals to choose the shades that best suit the environments they wish to inhabit in 2025. Related Article Different Ways of Applying Color to Furniture Image gallerySee allShow lessAbout this authorCite: Antonia Pieiro. "2025 Color Trends in Architecture: Embracing Earth Tones and Vibrant Hues" 21 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1025929/2025-color-trends-in-architecture-embracing-earth-tones-and-vibrant-hues&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Cisco Announces Radical Approach to AI Security
    Cisco Announces Radical Approach to AI SecurityBy John P. Mello Jr.January 21, 2025 5:00 AM PT ADVERTISEMENTQuality Leads That Turn Into DealsFull-service marketing programs from TechNewsWorld deliver sales-ready leads. Segment by geography, industry, company size, job title, and more. Get Started Now. Cisco is taking a radical approach to AI security in its new AI Defense solution.In an exclusive interview Sunday with Rowan Cheung of The Rundown AI, Cisco Executive Vice President and CPO Jeetu Patel said that AI Defense is taking a radical approach to address the challenges that existing security solutions are not equipped to handle.AI Defense, announced last week, aims to address risks in developing and deploying AI applications, as well as identifying where AI is used in an organization.AI Defense can protect AI systems from attacks and safeguard model behavior across platforms with features such as:Detection of shadow and sanctioned AI applications across public and private clouds;Automated testing of AI models for hundreds of potential safety and security issues; andContinuous validation safeguards against potential safety and security threats, such as prompt injection, denial of service, and sensitive data leakage.The solution also allows security teams to better protect their organizations data by providing a comprehensive view of AI apps used by employees, create policies that restrict access to unsanctioned AI tools, and implement safeguards against threats and confidential data loss while ensuring compliance.The adoption of AI exposes companies to new risks that traditional cybersecurity solutions dont address, Kent Noyes, global head of AI and cyber innovation at technology services company World Wide Technology in St. Louis, said in a statement. Cisco AI Defense represents a significant leap forward in AI security, providing full visibility of an enterprises AI assets and protection against evolving threats.Positive Step for AI SecurityMJ Kaufmann, an author and instructor at OReilly Media, operator of a learning platform for technology professionals, in Boston, affirmed Ciscos analysis of existing cybersecurity solutions. Cisco is right, she told TechNewsWorld. Existing tools fail to address many operationally driven attacks against AI systems, such as prompt injection attacks, data leakage, and unauthorized model action.Implementers must take action and implement targeted solutions to address them, she added.Cisco is in a unique position to provide this kind of solution, noted Jack E. Gold, founder and principal analyst at J.Gold Associates, an IT advisory company in Northborough, Mass. Thats because they have a lot of data from their networking telemetry that can be used to reinforce the AI capabilities they want to protect, he told TechNewsWorld.Cisco also wants to provide security across platforms on-premises, cloud, and multi-cloud and across models, he added.Itll be interesting to see how many companies adopt this, he said. Cisco is certainly moving in the right direction with this kind of capability because companies, generally speaking, arent looking at this very effectively.Providing multi-model, multi-cloud protection is important for AI security.Multi-model, multi-cloud AI solutions expand an organizations attack surface by introducing complexity across disparate environments with inconsistent security protocols, multiple data transfer points, and challenges in coordinating monitoring and incident response factors that threat actors can more easily exploit, Patricia Thaine, CEO and co-founder of Private AI, a data security and privacy company in Toronto, told TechNewsWorld.Concerning LimitationsAlthough Ciscos approach of embedding security controls at the network layer through their existing infrastructure mesh shows promise, it also reveals concerning limitations, maintained Dev Nag, CEO and founder of QueryPal, a customer support chatbot based in San Francisco.While network-level visibility provides valuable telemetry, many AI-specific attacks occur at the application and model layers that network monitoring alone cannot detect, he told TechNewsWorld.The acquisition of Robust Intelligence last year gives Cisco important capabilities around model validation and runtime protection, but their focus on network integration may lead to gaps in securing the actual AI development lifecycle, he said. Critical areas like training pipeline security, model supply chain verification, and fine-tuning guardrails require deep integration with MLOps tooling that goes beyond Ciscos traditional network-centric paradigm. Think about the headaches weve seen with open-source supply chain attacks where the offending code is openly visible, he added. Model supply chain attacks are almost impossible to detect by comparison.Nag noted that from an implementation perspective, Cisco AI Defense appears to be primarily a repackaging of existing security products with some AI-specific monitoring capabilities layered on top.While their extensive deployment footprint provides advantages for enterprise-wide visibility, the solution feels more reactive than transformative for now, he maintained. For some organizations beginning their AI journey that are already working with Cisco security products, Cisco AI Defense may provide useful controls, but those pursuing advanced AI capabilities will likely need more sophisticated security architectures purpose-built for machine learning systems.For many organizations, mitigating AI risks requires human penetration testers who understand how to ask the models questions that elicit sensitive information, added Karen Walsh, CEO of Allegro Solutions, a cybersecurity consulting company in West Hartford, Conn.Ciscos release suggests that their ability to create model-specific guardrails will mitigate these risks to keep the AI from learning on bad data, responding to malicious requests, and sharing unintended information, she told TechNewsWorld. At the very least, we could hope that this would identify and mitigate baseline issues so that pen testers could focus on more sophisticated AI compromise strategies.Critical Need in the Path to AGIKevin Okemwa, writing for Windows Central, notes that the launch of AI Defense couldnt come at a better time as the major AI labs are closing in on producing true artificial general intelligence (AGI), which is supposed to replicate human intelligence.As AGI gets closer with each passing year, the stakes couldnt be higher, said James McQuiggan, a security awareness advocate at KnowBe4, a security awareness training provider in Clearwater, Fla. AGIs ability to think like a human with intuition and orientation can revolutionize industries, but it also introduces risks that could have far-reaching consequences, he told TechNewsWorld. A robust AI security solution ensures that AGI evolves responsibly, minimizing risks like rogue decision-making or unintended consequences.AI security isnt just a nice-to-have or something to think about in the years to come, he added. Its critical as we move toward AGI.Existential Doom?Okemwa also wrote: While AI Defense is a step in the right direction, its adoption across organizations and major AI labs remains to be seen. Interestingly, the OpenAI CEO [Sam Altman] acknowledges the technologys threat to humanity but believes AI will be smart enough to prevent AI from causing existential doom.I see some optimism about AIs ability to self-regulate and prevent catastrophic outcomes, but I also notice in the adoption that aligning advanced AI systems with human values is still an afterthought rather than an imperative, Adam Ennamli, chief risk and security officer at the General Bank of Canada told TechNewsWorld.The notion that AI will solve its own existential risks is dangerously optimistic, as demonstrated by current AI systems that can already be manipulated to create harmful content and bypass security controls, added Stephen Kowski, field CTO at SlashNext, a computer and network security company, in Pleasanton, Calif.Technical safeguards and human oversight remain essential since AI systems are fundamentally driven by their training data and programmed objectives, not an inherent desire for human well-being, he told TechNewsWorld.Human beings are pretty creative, Gold added. I dont buy into this whole doomsday nonsense. Well figure out a way to make AI work for us and do it safely. Thats not to say there wont be issues along the way, but were not all going to end up in The Matrix.John P. Mello Jr. has been an ECT News Network reporter since 2003. His areas of focus include cybersecurity, IT issues, privacy, e-commerce, social media, artificial intelligence, big data and consumer electronics. He has written and edited for numerous publications, including the Boston Business Journal, the Boston Phoenix, Megapixel.Net and Government Security News. Email John.Leave a CommentClick here to cancel reply. Please sign in to post or reply to a comment. New users create a free account.Related StoriesMore by John P. Mello Jr.view allMore in Artificial Intelligence
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  • A Strange, Deep Sea Love Story: Anglerfish Fuse Together to Mate for Life
    In the unlit depths of the ocean, where food is scarce, and chance encounters are rarer still, anglerfish have evolved one of natures most bizarre mating approaches. When a male anglerfish finds a partner, he doesnt just court her he attaches to her body, sometimes fusing with her for life. This extreme adaptation, known as sexual parasitism, helps ensure reproductive success in a world where mates are few and far between. And recent research published in Current Biology has taken another step toward unraveling the secrets behind this strange mating strategy. It turns out that the evolutionary innovations that allow anglerfish to thrive in the deep ocean go beyond their peculiar courtship habits. We found that a cascade of traits, including those required for sexual parasitism, allowed anglerfishes to invade the deep sea during a period of extreme global warming when the planets oceans were in ecological upheaval, Chase Brownstein, lead author of the study and a graduate student at Yale, said in a Yale news release. Finding Love in the Deep SeaThe deep sea, also known as the bathypelagic or midnight zone, is Earths largest habitat. With no sunlight, frigid temperatures (39 degrees Fahrenheit), extreme pressures, little food, and vast distances between individuals, its also one of the most challenging places to live. For most creatures, finding a mate here is a near-impossible task.Deep-sea anglerfish (Ceratioidei), however, have adapted to this problem in extraordinary ways. Male anglerfish are tiny sometimes less than one-tenth the size of the females. And when a male encounters a female, he bites her skin and either temporarily or permanently fuses with her, forming an unmatched physical bond. Over time, his circulatory system can even merge with hers, allowing him to provide sperm on demand while receiving nutrients from her body.In some species, such as Haplophryne mollis (which Brownstein calls a particularly gnarly example), multiple males can attach to the same female at once, like living reproductive appendages. This ensures that whenever the female is ready to spawn, she has access to sperm, even in the vast emptiness of the deep sea.The Role of the Immune SystemOne of the most puzzling aspects of this mating strategy is the fusion itself. In most animals, the immune system would reject foreign tissue, making such a permanent connection impossible. But anglerfish have evolved a remarkable solution: Theyve ditched key components of their adaptive immune system. Several genes involved in vertebrate adaptive immunity, the study authors said, were lost prior to the most recent common ancestor of Certioidea. These genetic losses help prevent the females body from rejecting the male as a foreign invader, allowing the two to seamlessly merge. And while the loss of immune function might seem like it should be an overall disadvantage, anglerfish appear to compensate in ways researchers dont yet fully understand which has raised intriguing questions related to human immunology and organ transplantation.How Sexual Parasitism EvolvedSexual parasitism didnt evolve overnight. The ancestors of anglerfish dwelled on the seafloor, where they likely mated in more conventional ways. But from about 50 million years to 35 million years ago, during a period of intense global warming called the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), anglerfish began moving into the vast open waters of the deep sea. And although researchers dont know for certain the reasons why anglerfish made this move, Brownstein says he suspects it could have been the species attempt to seek out optimal temperatures for survival. Nonetheless, this transition to the enormous midnight zone brought new challenges, including introducing vast distances between potential mates. Traits like extreme sexual dimorphism (with males shrinking and specializing in finding mates) and the loss of immune system genes allowed anglerfish to adapt to this new environment. These changes worked in synergy to enable sexual parasitism, giving them a distinct reproductive advantage in the sparse and dark waters of the deep ocean.We can't say what the cause was that pushed the anglerfishes into the deep open ocean, says Brownstein. However, we can say that their distinctive adaptation to life in the midnight zone, sexual parasitism, assembled rapidly during this ecological transition. This was possible thanks to features already present in the common ancestor of anglerfish, he said, including an extreme size difference between males and females and an easily changed adaptive immunity. What Anglerfish Can Teach UsToday, there are more than 200 species of anglerfish, a testament to their evolutionary achievement. And anglerfish also illustrate a broader principle in evolutionary biology: Major ecological transitions often drive diversification. By moving from the seafloor to the open waters of the deep sea, anglerfish opened new opportunities for adaptation and evolutionary innovation.The unique approach anglerfish also take to mating is more than just an intriguing oddity; it could offer valuable medical insights. Understanding how anglerfish achieve tissue fusion without immune rejection could lead to breakthroughs in organ transplantation. And their ability to thrive despite significant immune system losses also challenges our understanding of how vertebrates defend against disease, potentially opening new avenues for biomedical research.Having comparative models to understand the evolution and lability of adaptive immunity is always helpful, Brownstein says, not only because it expands our view of the system, but also because it can reveal how the system has been 'broken' in evolutionary time.Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:Britannica. Sexual parasitismBritannica. Paleocene-Eocene Thermal MaximumMonterey Bay Aquarium. Deep-sea anglerfishNational Library of Medicine. Ecological opportunity and the adaptive diversification of lineages
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  • Stop talking to your phone: How to use Type to Siri
    Among the changes ushered in with iOS 18.1, iPadOS 18.1, and macOS 15.1 Sequoia is a new Type to Siri option. This means you can carry on a conversation with Apples digital assistant without having to talk out loud, which is helpful when youre in a quiet library, busy subway car, or anywhere else you cant really use voice control.The ability to type to Siri has actually been available on Apple devices for several years now, but previously it was hidden away in the Accessibility settings and not all that easy to find. Now Apple has given it much more prominence in its operating systems, so typing is just as straightforward as talking. Get the Popular Science newsletter Breakthroughs, discoveries, and DIY tips sent every weekday. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.Everything works the same when youre typing to Siri as when youre talking to Siri, including the new ChatGPT extension, which you can enable from the Apple Intelligence & Siri screen in Settings (iOS and iPadOS) or System Settings (macOS). You can also switch between typing and talking as needed.The new Type to Siri optionsType to Siri enabled on an iPhone. Screenshot: Apple To get the new Type to Siri options on your Apple devices, you first need to enable Apple Intelligence, if you havent done so already: Choose Apple Intelligence & Siri from Settings (iPhones and iPads) or System Settings (Macs), then turn on the Apple Intelligence toggle switch at the top.Youll see a variety of Siri settings on the same screen, letting you set your preferences for how you communicate with the digital assistant. With Apple Intelligence enabled, you can use a combination of typing and talking (even within the same conversation) without having to reconfigure these options each time.On iOS or iPadOS, open Settings, head to Apple Intelligence & Siri, then tap Talk & Type to Siri: Turn on the Type to Siri toggle switch, and you can then double tap at the very bottom of the screen to launch the typing interface, no matter which app youre in. Siri will respond with text too.On macOS, its a little different: Type to Siri is automatically enabled when Apple Intelligence is turned on, so you wont find a separate toggle switch for it. To type to Siri, simply click on the Siri icon on the menu bar, or use the shortcut specified under Keyboard shortcut on the Apple Intelligence & Siri page (by default, you need to press either Cmd button twice).Whether youre using a mobile device or a computer, youll see you can switch back to voice commands with a tap or a click on the microphone icon inside the Siri interface. Enabling Type to Siri wont require you to use the text interface every time you want to interact with the digital assistant.The old Type to Siri optionsThe previous Type to Siri option is still available. Screenshot: Apple As mentioned above, you could already enable Type to Siri as an Accessibility option in iOS, iPadOS, and macOSthough the setting wasnt as easy to get to, and it didnt work quite as fluidly as it does in its updated form. This option remains available if you dont have Apple Intelligence enabled on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac. Or if you dont want the ChatGPT extension.On iOS or iPadOS, open Settings and choose Accessibility > Siri, then enable Type to Sirithe typing input can then be launched with a double-tap on the side button. On the same settings screen, you can set Siri to always respond with text, with voice, or with whichever method youve initiated the conversation with.Voice interactions are still available with Type to Siri turned on. If you head to Apple Intelligence & Siri in iOS or iPadOS Settings, you can still set your device to respond to hey Siri commands even if Apple Intelligence is disabled. You get the older version of Siri, without extras like the aforementioned ChatGPT integration.If youre using macOS, open System Settings from the Apple menu, then choose Accessibility > Siri and enable Type to Siri. Once that option is enabled, to start typing to the digital assistant, click the Siri button on the menu bar or hold down the mic button (F5) on your Mac keyboard (Siri automatically responds with text too).To change the shortcut button, from System Settings choose Apple Intelligence & Siri. As on iPhones and iPads, from the same screen you can enable or disable voice control for Siri too, via the Listen for settingso it is possible to use voice activation for Siri as well as typing out your commands.
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