• Trump rescinded a half-century of environmental rules. Here’s what that could mean.
    If you pick through Donald Trumps parade of executive orders upon taking office on January 20, youll discover many that revoke orders made by Joe Biden. But in one, Trump dug even further back: He revoked an executive order issued by Jimmy Carter in 1977, nearly half a century ago.Carters order gave the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), a branch of the White House, the authority to issue binding regulations governing how federal agencies must comply with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Trump, by revoking it, takes away that power from the CEQ.This may seem rather technical, but Trump in effect set off a process that could lead to very meaningful changes in the way the federal government handles environmental reviews for everything from oil pipelines to solar farms to highways to light rail systems to national parks. NEPA is a law that governs federal agencies, telling them how and when to review the environmental impacts of federal projects. It is enforced, however, through private action: Individuals, companies, environmental groups, and so on can sue federal agencies for failing to conduct sufficient NEPA review, and courts can and do demand more review in response, delaying or killing the underlying project under review.To the laws advocates, this provides a powerful method for conservationists and average citizens to fight back against polluting projects near them; the Natural Resources Defense Council calls NEPA the environmental Magna Carta, citing cases where its protected communities from water-contaminating drilling projects, or blocked oil pipelines that enable greenhouse emissions. To critics, including business groups generally skeptical of regulation but also many renewable energy developers whose projects are often subject to NEPA, the law causes pointless delays to beneficial projects, including ones necessary to building the clean energy needed for rapid decarbonization, and must be reformed if the US is to tackle climate change seriously.Trump, of course, does not care about climate change. He made that much clear when he paired his NEPA order with an executive order blocking all offshore wind turbines and any onshore turbines built with public funds or on public lands, and his Department of Interior followed it up a few days later with an order suspending permits for all renewable energy projects, including solar in addition to wind. Trumps skepticism toward NEPA reflects the much older skepticism that business and extractive industries have always had toward the law. But given the new anti-NEPA turn among some climate advocates, its worth asking what exactly his changes will mean for the buildout of solar and other renewables.Its too early to say for sure, but some people in the pro-renewables, anti-NEPA camp are hopeful. I think its probably the right move if you want to move really fast and deploy clean energy resources or any kind of energy resources, Eli Dourado, chief economist at the Abundance Institute and a leading NEPA critic, told me.A more skeptical read is that Trumps order raises more questions than answers. One thing energy developers crave is certainty, especially from the government, and if nothing else, the order creates a huge amount of uncertainty as to the future of NEPA and environmental review. How NEPA works, and how Trump changed itNEPA is one of the first federal environmental laws, passed in 1969, before the Clean Air or Clean Water Acts and before the Environmental Protection Agency was even created. As initially drafted, it had little teeth, beyond stating the opinion of Congress that there should be productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment. But Lynton Caldwell, an adviser to Sen. Scoop Jackson (D-WA), added what would become the laws most important provision: a requirement that federal agencies consider the environmental impacts of any major action they undertake and produce a detailed statement laying out those impacts.Under the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946, which governs how federal agencies make and revise rules and adjudicate administrative decisions, people with standing (usually those who might be harmed by a rule or federal action) have the right to challenge executive agencies in court. Environmental groups soon realized that they and their supporters could use this ability to challenge federal agencies for failing to follow NEPA.NRDC, in its list of NEPA Success Stories, gives the example of a proposed land exchange between the US Forest Service and a lumber company in Washington state. Citizen groups and the Muckleshoot Indian Tribe challenged the idea, and a court ruled that the Forest Service violated NEPA by failing to consider an adequate range of alternatives and by neglecting to analyze the cumulative impacts of the proposed exchange. This forced the Forest Service to redo the analysis; the swap went forward, but in NRDCs view, with a better design that protected old-growth forest and culturally and recreationally important public lands.Federal agencies are just like you or me: They hate getting sued. So setting clear standards for what NEPA review of projects should look like became necessary soon after it was passed. In 1977, Carters executive order gave the job of setting these standards to the Council for Environmental Quality, a section of the White House that had actually been created by NEPA in 1969. CEQ would be tasked with developing regulations that other agencies the EPA, the Department of Transportation, etc. have to follow in doing their NEPA reviews.And that, indeed, is how the process has proceeded for decades now. Agencies can and do approach NEPA differently, with some being more lenient than others. But their review processes were governed by regulations that had to be consistent with CEQs regulations, and ultimately by courts that could determine that the processes were insufficient, forcing the agencies to do years more of analysis and sometimes delaying projects considerably. Those court determinations were always ultimately based on the text of NEPA itself, but informed by prior court rulings, as well as CEQs rules.Trumps EO revokes the 1977 order giving CEQ authority to issue these regulations, and instructs the chair of CEQ to, within 30 days, propose rescinding all regulations the Council has issued to date. In lieu of these binding regulations, the Council is supposed to (also within 30 days) provide guidance as to how agencies should conduct NEPA reviews going forward. This creates something of a paradox, notes John Ruple, a law professor at the University of Utah and until last year senior counsel to CEQ under Biden. President Trump ordered CEQ to propose rescinding CEQs NEPA regulations, but there does not appear to be a way for CEQ to do that since rescinding a regulation requires an agency to go through the rulemaking processand Trump just told CEQ that it no longer has rulemaking authority, Ruple explained. I dont know how CEQ can do what he directs.This focus on CEQs regulations is probably in part due to a recent court case, Marin Audubon Society v. Federal Aviation Administration (2024). The case involves a conservation group in California challenging the FAAs environmental review of proposals to conduct aerial tours of national parks. In November, two of three judges on a panel of the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in the case that CEQ lacked the legal authority to issue NEPA regulations, because NEPA itself did not explicitly give it that power. That sowed no small amount of uncertainty about the status of CEQ and NEPA, and the Trump EO seems clearly meant to back up the judges determination that CEQ not promulgate these kinds of regulations.There are some immediate concerns that come to mind with Trumps EO. One is that there isnt a chair of CEQ: Its a Senate-confirmable position and Trump has not even nominated someone to it yet. It seems doubtful that the role will be permanently filled anytime soon; it took until April 2021 for Bidens chair to be confirmed by the Senate, and Trump didnt have one until two years into his term. In lieu of a formal chair, theres an acting chair, but having a temporary official propose a comprehensive overhaul of a half-centurys worth of rules in less than a month is a tall order.What Trumps EO meansTo some NEPA skeptics, rescinding CEQs regulations opens up a world of possibility where the Council, and the agencies it advises, can embrace a different approach to environmental review, where fewer projects rise to the level of needing a concise Environment Assessment (EA) or a long, involved Environmental Impact Statements (EIS).Thomas Hochman of the Foundation for American Innovation laid out a few ways this could work in a blog post. Without those binding regulations in place, agencies are free to adopt much narrower definitions of terms like significance and major federal action, trim back their alternatives analyses, and treat factors like environmental justice or greenhouse gas emissions as optional rather than mandatory considerations, Hochman writes. For instance, if NEPA review is required in cases where major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of human environment are involved, then agencies could decide that, for instance, projects that the federal government provides only limited funding for are not major Federal Actions, or that certain small activities do not significantly affect the quality of the human environment. Repealing the EO creates a lot of opportunity but also a bunch of uncertainty and ultimately itll come down to implementation and some court fights, Aidan Mackenzie of the Institute for Progress agreed.Other experts I spoke to were not so sure. The NEPA law itself lays out how environmental review must proceed, and if an agency decided to adopt different interpretations of words like major and significant than it had used previously, it could be opening itself up to a lot of litigation risk. Suppose the FAA decides it doesnt think, say, the aerial tours of a national park in the Marin County case are likely to have a significant impact on the quality of the environment. All it takes is one judge to agree with a litigant that the impact is significant for that decision to send the FAA into years of legal struggle, delaying the underlying project in the process. CEQs regulations were meant, at least in part, to create a uniform set of standards that agencies could avoid those kinds of lawsuits by following. If they break with those standards, agencies could put themselves at risk.NEPA lays out the things that agencies have to consider in fairly exacting fashion, said Alex Mechanick, who until January 20 was senior counselor to the administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office on Management and Budget, and thus a top White House official dealing with regulatory issues. Its not clear to me how much juice they can get out of efforts to reduce burden via just weakening regulations, because those regulations could be held to be inconsistent with the statute.One big question here is how exactly courts will respond to the fact that CEQ regulations are no longer binding. One plausible answer is that they dont respond at all: Theyre still required to hold agencies accountable to the text of NEPA, and the last half-century of regulations provides them with a known method of determining whats compatible with NEPA and what isnt. Courts could look at CEQs current regulations and say, All right, regardless of what Trumps EO does, we find this direction persuasive to us in interpreting and understanding requirements under the statute, Ruple told me.Dourado at the Abundance Institute was more optimistic that the change would have meaningful effects: Its a clean way to undo a lot of built-up procedure all at once to say that we dont even have the authority to make these rules, and therefore we can just rescind them. But he of course agrees that ultimately, the agencies are bound by the NEPA statute, which has actually gotten somewhat more detailed in recent years. The Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, the spending deal that Biden and House Republicans struck that year, included changes to the law that set page limits for environmental reviews and time limits for their authoring, but also laid out in more detail than NEPA had before exactly how reviews should proceed and what factors they should include. By getting more specific, the law gave regulators less wiggle room to change course than they might have previously had.You cant avoid legislationUltimately any serious changes to the law will have to come as part of another legislative package. That isnt unthinkable in addition to the 2023 changes, Biden signed a bill in October limiting NEPA reviews of chip manufacturing plants, so Congress is capable of passing bipartisan NEPA reform but its probably not doable on party lines. Budget reconciliation, which lets Senate Republicans pass some legislation with 50 votes, probably isnt usable for permitting reform. That means any package will need Senate Democratic support, and while a comprehensive bipartisan package on permitting reform came close to passing in December, it died over disagreement about the NEPA reform portion.If Trumps NEPA order has an ambiguous effect, at best, on the speed of renewable build-out, the wind executive order has a clearly negative one. Ironically, the order itself relies on NEPA: It calls for increased federal review of offshore and onshore wind projects for environmental impacts, and because most wind projects need federal permits and/or subsidies, most projects are subject to these new requirements. The rule also uses federal authority over coasts to block offshore wind projects entirely. Industry groups are declaring that it could block more than half of existing wind projects in the US.Onshore wind is roughly tied with solar as the cheapest per-megawatt source of electricity in the US, cheaper even than natural gas (if not as reliable the wind doesnt always blow). Offshore wind, which took a harder hit in the order, is significantly more expensive, and faces other challenges, like the Jones Act, which bans foreign-built ships from traveling between US ports. Because the US does not build ships capable of installing offshore wind itself, in practice projects have to sail from Canada or other neighboring countries all the way to, say, New Jersey, to install turbines.On the plus side, projections suggest that solar is getting cheaper faster than wind is, meaning that wind buildout might be comparatively less important for decarbonization going forward, and the Trump EO is less destructive than it looks at first glance. But these forecasts can be badly wrong, and its hard to sugarcoat Trumps decision to block buildout of one of the cheapest clean energy sources there is, whatever the ultimate effects of his NEPA EO are. Moreover, the Department of Interior action this past week targeted solar just as much as wind.Put it all together, and its hard to avoid the boring but important conclusion here: Trump is not doing much of anything that will make clean energy easier to build in the near term, and is doing several things that will make it harder.Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More:
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  • PS Plus February 2025 reveal time confirmed for PS5 and PS4 gamers
    PS5 and PS4 players, the time is almost here as Sony is going to reveal the PS Plus monthly games for February 2025 here's all we know so far about when you'll find out what's newTech10:25, 27 Jan 2025Updated 10:25, 27 Jan 2025PlayStation Plus is bringing more new games to Sony console owners(Image: Sony )Sony's PS Plus got off to a mixed start in 2025. While some fans were torn on the Essential games, the Extra lineup made up for it with God of War Ragnarok and plenty more.Still, it's all about what's next and as we approach the end of January, we expect some PS5 and PS4 owners are already looking to the next lineup of games. The good news is, you don't have long to wait to find out.The bad news is, you won't be playing for a little while yet let us explain.Deathstroke marks the final DLC character (Image: Rocksteady Studios)As far as monthly games go, Sony tends to stick to a familiar reveal cadence where it announces games on the PlayStation Blog and its social media channels at 4:30 PM UK time on the last Wednesday of every month.That means we should know what we're playing on January 29, but we won't be playing until the first Tuesday of the month so you'll need to wait until February 4.That also means you only have until February 4 to add the current games to your library. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered is a fantastic racer where you can play as a street racer or a cop, performing slick powerslides and employing gadgets. It has a really unique 'Autolog' leaderboard system, too, so you're always competing against your friends even when playing solo.The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe is the latest and greatest version of the 2013 indie hit that's still so beloved more than a decade on. It's not prettier, but it adds fresh choices and secrets to an adventure that was already unmissable.Article continues belowFinally, the headline addition is Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League. Much maligned at launch, the game now has an offline mode which means it's a fun third-person shooter set in the DC Comics universe. It undeniably disappointed at launch, but with all of its new characters added before developer Rocksteady moves onto other things, it's well worth checking out if you're a fan of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. Still not convinced? Read my opinion piece from last month.For the latest breaking news and stories from across the globe from the Daily Star, sign up for our newsletters.RECOMMENDED
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  • GTA 6 fans spot huge gameplay change for one of series' most iconic features
    GTA 6 could see a huge shakeup of the classic 'Wanted' system, as fans speculate that cops won't chase the player down if they haven't got a clear description of a suspectTech10:10, 27 Jan 2025Updated 10:10, 27 Jan 2025GTA 6 will be the biggest game of the year, unless it slips to 2026(Image: Rockstar Games)GTA 6 fans are convinced the second trailer is just days away, but that hasn't stopped them watching the first one frame-by-frame and digging for data since it dropped in December 2023 (more than an entire year ago!).Some analysts have tipped Rockstar's latest crime epic will 'save' the video game industry (unless President Donald Trump proposes changes), and it could shake up one of the long-running series longest-standing features.As spotted on Reddit, one fan has speculated that the game's initial trailer has already shown us GTA 6's revised 'Wanted' system, but we just missed it first time around.Over on Reddit, one user recently dug through the first trailer and spotted a moment where Jason and Lucia, the game's two protagonists, are fleeing the scene of a crime and drive right past a police car."I just realized that this part of the trailer is showing off the new Wanted System," the poster speculated."The cops must not have a description of the suspect so they just drive by Jason and Lucia here who are fleeing the scene of the crime the cops are headed to."Commenters noted the similarities to prior gameplay leaks that point to a Red Dead Redemption 2 style system where wearing a mask would help conceal a player's identity, and that police in GTA 6 will get descriptions of vehicles.It sounds intense imagine driving past a patrol car knowing full well they could get the vehicle description through at any moment, or desperately running to switch vehicles when the call comes in.We're yet to hear much about GTA 6 as Rockstar has been radio silent since the game's first trailer.Article continues belowParent company Take-Two Interactive holds its earnings call at the start of February, so we'll hopefully find out whether the game is still on track for a 2025 release or if it's slipped to 2026.For the latest breaking news and stories from across the globe from the Daily Star, sign up for our newsletters.RECOMMENDED
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  • Xbox games will be on Nintendo Switch 2 confirms Microsoft as Doom rumoured
    Xbox games will be on Nintendo Switch 2 confirms Microsoft as Doom rumouredAdam StarkeyPublished January 27, 2025 12:01pmUpdated January 27, 2025 12:01pm The Dark Ages might be going portable (Microsoft)Microsofts gaming CEO has confirmed Xbox games are coming to the Nintendo Switch 2, as he refuses to rule out Starfield for other platforms.Xboxs pivot towards becoming a multiplatform company may have accelerated over the past two years, but the origins of this shift began a few years prior.In hindsight, the key turning point was Ori And The Blind Forests arrival on the Nintendo Switch in 2019. This was the first Microsoft-published game on the console, which led to Banjo and Kazooies inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate signifying a new kind of relationship between the two companies.Weve seen other Xbox games arrive on Switch since then, including Ori And The Will Of The Wisps, Grounded, and Pentiment. So given that, and how key the idea of bringing Call Of Duty to Nintendo formats was during their campaign to buy Activision Blizzard, its no surprise to hear Xbox is planning to support the Nintendo Switch 2 in a significant way.Speaking in an interview with Gamertag Radio, Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer said he congratulated Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa following the consoles reveal.I was exchanging emails with Furukawa-san, the CEO of Nintendo, Spencer said. I gave him a big congrats and said my old eyes appreciate the larger screen.Thats a very different tone to the leaked email in which Spencer previously spoke about his desire to buy Nintendo and how, in his opinion, their future exists off of their own hardware.Nintendo, their innovation, and what they mean in this industry I just always applaud the moves that they make. They did a little flash video, and I know well get more detail over time. Im really looking forward to supporting them with the games that we have, and I just think theyre such an important part of this industry, said Spencer on Gamertag Radio.He added: Its hard with whats publicly out there now for everybody to get their [heads] around it, but who would ever bet against the success of that team? They are just masterful in what they do, Switch is a massive success, and I think Switch 2 will be as well.Xboxs support of the Switch 2 is entirely expected and Spencers comments might give credence to recent rumours that Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Microsoft Flight Simulator, and Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition are all coming to the platform.Another insider, eXtas1s, who is known for Xbox Game Pass leaks, has claimed Doom: The Dark Ages is defintely coming to the Switch 2, but the port is being deliberately held back from being shown to prevent any leaks about the consoles power.The two previous Doom titles both came to Nintendo Switch, so it would make sense for the next game to arrive on the Switch 2. The big question is how well it will run, with Doom: The Dark Ages being (currently) exclusive to the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S.Theres a chance Starfield is in the pipeline as well. In an interview with games journalist Destin Legarie, Spencer was asked directly if he could solidify whether Bethesdas space role-playing game will remain exclusive on Xbox for the time being.No, Spencer replied. Theres no specific game theres no reason for me to put a ring fence around any game and say this game will not go to a place where it will find players and have business success for us.What we find is were able to drive a better business that allows us to invest in a great game line-up like you saw, thats our strategy. Our strategy is to allow our games to be available. Game Pass is an important component of playing the games on our platform. But to keep games off of other platforms thats not a path for us, it doesnt work for us.Spencers comments reiterate his prior no red line stance when it comes to putting Xbox games on other platforms, but this practically confirms some kind of port for Starfield is in the works, whether for PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch 2, or both.If Xbox is set to support the Nintendo Switch 2 in a big way, this raises questions around what Microsofts plans are for its own handheld device. Spencer previously confirmed an Xbox handheld is being prototyped, but its unclear if it will similarly be a hybrid console.More TrendingHowever, the discussion does seem to confirm that Nintendo has instructed its third party partners not to reveal any games yet probably until the Nintendo Direct planned for April 2. Xbox is downplaying the box (Microsoft)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Gears Of War: E-Day and Oblivion remake are out sooner than expected says rumour
    Could we really see the new Gears Of War this year? (Microsoft)After a solid Developer Direct from Microsoft, two Xbox games that werent mentioned are still rumoured for this year.Its still early days, but 2025 could very well be a banner year for Microsoft and the Xbox brand, if last weeks Developer Direct showcase is anything to go by.Aside from announcing a new Ninja Gaiden from PlatinumGames and sharing an exciting demonstration of Doom: The Dark Ages, every game shown off during the showcase was confirmed to be out this year.Combined with previously promised games like Fable, it looks like we could be seeing a Microsoft published game almost every month. Especially if two other major releases also drop this year, as has been rumoured.The first of these is the alleged remake of Bethesdas The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. Rumours of its existence first emerged in 2023, but theyve picked up in the last month, with suggestions its aiming for a 2025 launch.In his own rundown of the recent Developer Direct, The Verges Tom Warren claimed to have first heard of it himself sometime last year, claiming that Microsoft is aiming for either a late spring or early summer release.Warren refers to it as a remaster instead of a remake, making it unclear just how much of an overhaul it will be especially as the two terms are often confused, even by those in the industry. Assuming Warrens claims about its intended release are accurate, well hopefully get some concrete answers from Microsoft in the coming months.The second game is Gears Of War: E-Day, a prequel announced at last years Xbox summer showcase and the first mainline entry in Microsofts shooter series since 2019s Gears 5.Despite the reveal trailers lack of gameplay or any indication of a launch window, Warren claimed last year that Microsoft was aiming for a 2025 release; a detail he has repeated this month.Its still possible Microsoft will delay it (the fact it hasnt shared a public date suggests it wants to give itself some leeway just in case), but a new Gears Of War would be a strong choice for the second half of the year.Although Microsoft may be antsy about releasing it anywhere near GTA 6, which is expected to drop this autumn and dominate the market. Theres also the danger of it cannibalising sales from Fable, if it also launches in the autumn.More TrendingSpeaking of Gears, there have been rumours of a remastered collection of the older games ever since 2022 and while nothings been explicitly confirmed, some think Xbox boss Phil Spencer has been teasing it recently.This is based purely on Spencer having the replica of the COG medal, gifted with Gears Of War 3s limited edition, on his shelf during a recent video interview. Although that sounds like a stretch, Spencer does have a habit of teasing things via background objects in interviews, up to and including new hardware.Spencer was also spotted playing the Gears series recently, but this could just as easily be him revisiting the games in his downtime.Even if Gears Of War: E-Day misses 2025, Microsoft still has both The Outer Worlds 2 and Fable, two major role-playing games, to round out 2025 with. Neither has an exact release date yet, but theyre likely being saved for the second half of the year. Despite its 2025 launch window, details remain rather light on the Fable reboot (Microsoft)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Foster + Partners Unveils Two New Residential Towers in London's King's Road Park Master Plan
    Foster + Partners Unveils Two New Residential Towers in London's King's Road Park Master PlanSave this picture!Kings Road Park, Fulham. Image Foster + PartnersPhase four of the King's Road Park masterplan, designed by Foster + Partners for St William, has received detailed planning permission. The design, located in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, comprises two residential towers of 28 and 38 stories, a seven-story podium building, and 1.9 acres of new parkland and public open space, totaling 357 new homes. The residential buildings incorporate communal spaces, including a ground-level amenity and a rooftop garden sheltered by a louvered canopy. The towers' slender profiles are intended to complement the existing urban skyline, featuring terracotta paneling in a nod to local architectural styles.Save this picture!A key element of the design is its focus on maximizing natural light and improving connectivity. By reducing the number of towers from three to two and enlarging the floorplates, the development increases daylight penetration into the park by 59 percent. The increased distance between the towers expands the park's area, strengthening pedestrian links between King's Road and Imperial Wharf station.Save this picture!The landscape design, created by Gillespies in collaboration with Foster + Partners, features a community park, public square, children's play areas, and natural habitats aimed at fostering biodiversity. This contributes to the larger six-acre open landscape planned for King's Road Park, which is projected to achieve a 112 percent biodiversity net gain. The apartments themselves are dual-aspect, providing natural light and offering views of both the park and the wider London cityscape. Related Article Foster + Partners BDO Unibank Campus Breaks Ground in Manila, Philippines Responding to St William's brief and working closely with the landscape designers, Gillespies, our design complements the historic urban surroundings and enhances connections with nature, by significantly increasing the amount of green space at the base of the towers and extending the experience of the park onto the podium's rooftop. - Giles Robinson, Senior Partner, Foster + Partners Save this picture!The development's design evolved through extensive consultation with the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Council and local stakeholders, incorporating feedback from pre-submission reviews and pre-application meetings. This collaborative approach aimed to address local concerns and contribute to a design that is well-integrated into the existing urban fabric.Save this picture!Save this picture!In other London-related news, Stanton Williams has been selected to design the Fleming Centre, a research and public engagement facility located on the St Mary's Hospital campus in Paddington. The iconic Barbican Center moves ahead with the first phase of its five-year renewal program, while another Brutalist structure, the Museum of London faces an uncertain future.Image gallerySee allShow lessAbout this authorCite: Maria-Cristina Florian. "Foster + Partners Unveils Two New Residential Towers in London's King's Road Park Master Plan" 27 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1026210/foster-plus-partners-unveils-two-new-residential-towers-in-londons-kings-road-park-master-plan&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Burnt Earth Beach House / Wardle
    Burnt Earth Beach House / WardleSave this picture! Trevor MeinAustraliaArchitects: WardleAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:339 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2023 PhotographsPhotographs:Trevor MeinManufacturersBrands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers: Shade Factor, Assa Abloy, Agape, Alta, Amore Made, Artedomus, Krause Bricks, Light project, Manetti Gusmano & figli, Pickering Joinery, Produzione Privata, Shade Collective, Smeg, Tilt Industrial Design, Timberwood Panels More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. Burnt Earth Beach House replaces a dilapidated beach shack at the end of its operational life in the coastal town of Anglesea in Victoria. It's a multi-generational home that utilizes terracotta in two primary forms - through the exterior brickwork, and internally to line walls and floors and joinery elements. Having owned the property for several years, a deep and specific understanding of who the house was for and how it would be used gave the conceptual design true form. The established Eucalypt to the north of the site provided a focal point for the arrangement of the primary living spaces.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The color and tonality of the cliff edges in Anglesea are expressed in the use of an invented brick. The bricks were developed with brickmaker Klynton Krause, a long-time collaborator. The extensive process involved extrusion and hand tearing the brick surface prior to cutting which exposes a raw, rough-hewn texture. A series of glazing experiments are applied to raw clay before a single firing is revealed in different sections of the building. A single fall of the roof across the plan ends in a low point where a terracotta-clad spout discharges water onto a massive rock. Unglazed bricks blend with green and brown glazed bricks which broadly align with the extensive planting of coastal banksias surrounding the property.Save this picture!Save this picture!The terracotta tiles are sourced from Cotto Manetti in Chianti, Italy with whom John has a close relationship. As terracotta conducts temperature well, the walls and the concrete slab are heavily insulated and sealed to ensure minimal temperature variation. The house is 100% electric with a heat exchange water system, hydronic heating and solar panels. The house is heavily shaded by operable blinds and shutters which modify heat and light into the center of the plan. Spotted gum timber is used carefully in varying formats - recycled (flooring), veneer (joinery) and sparingly as solid (windows and revealed structure in areas). The robust natural materials of the limited palette are durable and will weather to a natural tonality.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The broadly cruciform plan describes view lines and daylight ingress precisely. Facing north, the views are to the Southern Ocean and the surrounding landscape. The governing lines of the plan mark the center point of the 'X' as the island kitchen bench. It is both literally and figuratively the heart of this home. From here all social activity spills out into living and dining areas on the ground floor. The external terraces extend out from the inflected arms of the plan and are set around a broad courtyard. Across two levels a variety of spaces come together for sociability and solitude.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The dwelling works as a haven both functionally and aesthetically, providing a connection for its inhabitants to the landscape and to each other. The materials imbue the home with a sense of place, the surrounding landscape further embeds the home in its context. Terracotta is the element that binds it together in an adaptable home for entertaining and seclusion in all seasons.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessAbout this officeWardleOfficeMaterialsWoodBrickMaterials and TagsPublished on January 27, 2025Cite: "Burnt Earth Beach House / Wardle" 27 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1026191/burnt-earth-beach-house-wardle&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Four lessons COVID taught us about the immune system
    Nature, Published online: 27 January 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00128-wIn the midst of pandemic upheaval, researchers have gained fundamental insights about how the body fends off infections.
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    The unusual burial of a woman and fetus in prehistoric Ecuador may reflect the community's fear of her power.
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