• This smart baby monitor with dual mode and enhanced alerts from Momcozy will give new parents peace of mind
    The Momcozy 5-inch Dual-Mode Smart Baby Monitor is a great choice for parents who want to keep an eye on their little ones. It's packed with features including motion and cry detection and temperature monitoring, so you can be certain that your baby is in good hands when monitored by Momcozy.
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  • NYT Connections hints and answers for Saturday, March 1 (game #629)
    Looking for NYT Connections answers and hints? Here's all you need to know to solve today's game, plus my commentary on the puzzles.
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  • Beetlejuice: VFX Breakdown by BUF
    Where art meets invisibility, the VFX in Beetlejuice Beetlejuice by BUF showcases a masterful blend of technical precision and creative storytelling. The seamless visual effects subtly enhance the films eerie and whimsical world, ensuring that the supernatural elements feel both immersive and believable.A key highlight of BUFs work is their approach to Monica Belluccis enigmatic allure, proving that the most powerful effects are often the ones you dont notice. Through expertly crafted digital enhancements, set extensions, and atmospheric effects, BUF maintains the films signature aesthetic while elevating the surreal charm of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.The post Beetlejuice: VFX Breakdown by BUF appeared first on Vfxexpress.
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  • Behind the Scenes of The Witcher 4 Cinematic Reveal Trailer
    Get an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the making of The Witcher 4 Cinematic Trailer, where CD PROJEKT RED and Platige Image combine their expertise to bring this epic vision to life.As the next chapter in the acclaimed franchise, The Witcher 4 is an upcoming single-player open-world RPG from the creators of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. This behind-the-scenes journey explores the artistry and technology that went into crafting the cinematic reveal, focusing on early concept art, motion capture, and cutting-edge CG animation.With Ciris return at the heart of the trailer, Platige Images world-class VFX and animation team meticulously shaped every detail, ensuring a visually stunning and immersive experience. Witness the evolution from initial sketches to fully realized sequences as The Witcher IV takes its first steps toward redefining the RPG genre once again.The post Behind the Scenes of The Witcher 4 Cinematic Reveal Trailer appeared first on Vfxexpress.
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  • Why kindness is the key to high performance at work
    Graham Allcott has written six books, including the global bestsellerHow to Be a Productivity Ninja. He is the founder of Think Productive and has privately coached prominent international business leaders.Whats the big idea?Kindness, empathy, and psychological safety at work are not just fluffy, hippie ideas. They are key drivers of outstanding performance. Kindness is a practice that requires strength, skill, and intentionality. With it, every team can create an environment of abundant wellbeing, innovation, and growth.Below, Graham shares five key insights from his new book,KIND: The Quiet Power of Kindness at Work.Listen to the audio versionread by Graham himselfin the Next Big Idea App.1. Kindness and empathy build trust and psychological safety.High-performing teams are built on trust and psychological safety. Kindness is one of the fastest ways to build this high-performing environment.Trust allows people to take risks, admit mistakes, and remove micromanagement and other forms of due diligence. In a team, psychological safetyfeeling able to take interpersonal risksleads to high performance. When a team is psychologically safe, people raise the alarm if they spot a problem and share the risky idea that might drive innovation. They tell hard truths but are also more open to feedback for improvement. They feel seen, heard, and part of a bigger picture.All the research points to psychologically safe, people-driven business as being more successful. Psychological safety leads to greater productivity, engagement, retention, well-being, creativity, innovation, and happiness. Kindness and empathy arent just moral nice-to-haves. Theyre strategic advantages for building a culture of psychological safety where the work matters because the people doing it matter.2.Niceandkindare not the same.Kindness often gets bad press, or people might even say theres no place for kindness at work. Kindness is often considered weak or a quality of pushovers. But this is because people confuse being kind with being nice.Niceoften is a bit weaknice cultures often focus on keeping the peace but shirk the responsibility to tell the truth or call out bad behavior. On the other hand,kindcultures focus on truth and grace. Nice is about telling people what they want to hear. Kind is about telling people what theyneedto hear.Imagine youve been in a meeting, and a colleague delivered a presentation to the group. It didnt go well. At the end of the meeting, your colleague asks you for feedback. At this moment, we face a choice. The nice option is that we tell a white lie to keep the peace:it was good; you did well. We are shirking the truth to keep the peace.Kind is about telling people what theyneedto hear.The kind route would be to invest 20 minutes the following day to go through some quick feedback. We can offer difficult and uncomfortable truth, but from a place of love. The result is that they can learn and improve. It takes real strength to choose kind over nice in that moment. Its inconvenient (it takes time), its brave (because you have to put your relationship with that person at risk to help them improve), and its skillful (because delivering the truth with grace takes a skilled communicator). But when everybody operates like that, no one fears feedback, people grow, and the teams performance and work output continuously improves. Being too nice can be a weakness, but being kind is pretty badass.3. Challenging the Business Baddie narrative.Kindness drives performance. It also lowers stress levels and improves physical well-being. And its free. So, why isnt there more kindness? Whats holding us back?If you look at portrayals of business and work in theatre, fiction, and media, what youll find everywhere is the business bastard archetype. Back to Shylock and Ebeneezer Scrooge, right through toShark TankandThe Wolf of Wall Street, were taught that those who treat people badly are the ones who succeed. Upon reading the biography of Steve Jobs, I witnessed many founders thinking that if they shouted at staff during their all-hands meeting, theyd build the next Apple.In the book, I debunk the idea of dog-eat-dog success. The majority of successful leaders, statistically, are likable. But reasonable people doing a great job, being kind, and inspiring loyalty along the way produce less interesting stories than an evil genius. From Warren Buffett to Jacinda Ardern to Brian Chesky at Airbnb to the kind managers and leaders that you know, there are remarkable leaders whose warmth and kindness set the tone for success.The business bastard narrative keeps us locked into a scarcity mindset, whereas kindness rewires our brains toward abundance. We need to move away from the self-talk that says there isnt enough time, or there isnt enough, or that we are not enough. We need to replace that self-talk with talk of abundance:I am enough. There is enough.When we see the world through this lens, then kindness is much easier.4. Kindness is a verb.A lot of what we see online regarding kindnessthe#be kindhashtag, social media memes, virtue signallingis people adopting kindness as part of their identity. Theres no such thing as a kind person or an unkind person. There are just kind or unkind actions. All of us have the capacity to be kind or unkind.Kindness isnt something you are, its something you do. You are as kind as your last kind act or as unkind as your last unkind act. When we see kindness as a verb, not a noun, we recognize the importance of seeing kindness as a practice.There are no prizes for just having the thought.Kindness happens in the gap between having the idea to make someones day andactuallymaking someones day. There are no prizes for just having the thought. Its the action that counts. The more we see kindness as a practice, the more we spot the gap when it happens. Its that tiny moment when you spot an opportunity to be kind. Youre on a train, and someone needs your seat more than you do, or youre in a meeting, and theres a tiny window of time to say something kind about a colleague. Act in that moment, and you make their day. Ponder for a couple of seconds too long, and the agenda moves on, and the moment is gone. Learning to leap into that gap rather than be held back by our own resistance is kindness.To notice more opportunities, it helps to slow down. The biggest source of accidental unkindness is busyness. When we reduce busyness and increase presence, it increases empathy, and we build stronger relationships with those around us.5. Kindness starts with you but doesnt end with you.I created 8 Principles of Kindfulness at Work. The first of these is thatkindness starts with you. When we think about kindness, often our first thought is external: who needs our help? How can we be kind to a stranger? But the uncomfortable truth is that we have to start with self-kindness. Most of us are wired to treat others better than we treat ourselves. We think of self-care as somehow self-indulgent. But practicing self-kindness signals to others that self-kindness matters, and they can follow your example.It also helps us move our self-talk away from scarcity and toward abundant thinking. For the kindness it inspires in others, being kind to yourself is a radical act of generosity. Kindness starts with you. The people who are kinder to themselves find it easier to be kind to others.But of course,kindness doesnt end with you. In the coffee shops of Naples, they have a tradition calledcaff sospeso. It basically means suspended coffee and its a pay-it-forward model. Theres a jar on the counter of the coffee shop and when I order my coffee, I tell the barista that I also want to order a caff sospeso. When I do that, the barista gives me a suspended coffee ticket and I put it in the jar. Then, the next time someone comes in and doesnt have their wallet or money, they take out the ticket and claim a free coffee.Its a wonderful example of the power of a single, kind act to create a ripple effect. I feel good and get that helpers high, the barista feels good about where they work, the customers who witness it are inspired to do something kind, and then someone claims it, and everyone gets to witness the act of kindness all over again. Theres a lot of research that talks about how many ripple effects can come from a single act of kindness.All the coffee shop owner really did was find a jar and writecaff sospesoon it! They literally created a vessel for kindness and, in doing so, made it easy to be kind. Thatskindfulness. The idea that we can create vessels for other people to be kind. We can, in our work, make it easy for other people to be kind.Whether its instigating a thank you card for someone, or taking a few moments in a team meeting to ask everyone to say something they value about the person to their left, we can all create the vessels for kindness. Think about your own work: whats the equivalent of that jar at the coffee shop? How canyoube a vessel for kindness, and make it easy for everyone around you to be kind?Thisarticleoriginally appeared inNext Big Idea Clubmagazine and is reprinted with permission.
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  • Bics CEO explains why hes stepping down at 46, and whats next
    Do you know how many pens are in the average American household? The answer is 114and Gonzalve Bich, CEO of Bic, the French manufacturing giant for pens, lighters, shaving razors, and more, is likely one of the few people in the world to know that.Thats because its his job. As the 46-year-old chief executive of the company that was originally founded by his grandfather in 1945, Bich also likely has intimate knowledge of how many disposable razors the typical American uses every year, and how many lighters we burn through as well. But hes also ready to hang it all up at a relatively young age. In December, Bich announced that he would step down by September, and make way for a new CEO to assume the companys reins.And while many business or political leaders are seemingly unwilling to retire, even at much more advanced agesPresident Trump is 78, President Biden was 82 when he left the White House, and Warren Buffett is 94, to name a fewBich, a relative spring chicken, is ready to focus his energy in other areas.From sell more pens to a human expression companyBich tells Fast Company that he feels that age 46 sounded better to try something else and reinvent myself, adding, I did a lot, and I think that there are other opportunities Im equally excited about.I joined this business over 20 years ago as a family member and held a lot of different positions, he says. When I became CEO, I wanted to transform the business and needed to. Bich notes that when he assumed control of the company, nearly everything was trending in the wrong direction, and that interestingly enough, Bic never really had an overarching business strategyso, he set about implementing one, allowing that to be his legacy at the company.We never had a strategy. Every year, it was just grow, but there was no concerted plan to take the organization forward in terms of growth, Bich says. And that in terms of overall goals, he says Bic was merely looking to sell more pens, or open another factory. So, he decided to reimagine the companys verticals; and over the past several years, he was able to turn Bic from being a pen company to being a human expression company.That included strategic acquisitions in some surprising areas, such as the acquisition of Tangle Teezer, a hairbrush company, and Tattly, a temporary tattoo brand. Tattoos are an area that Bich is passionate about, and as Bic digs into the temporary tattoo space, it will offer an expanding range of offerings, including temporary tattoos that can last from a few hours to several weeks.Its that type of diversification thats helped put Bic in a better financial position and helped Bich become more comfortable with the idea of allowing the company to find a successor. Today, if I hit pause on the movie, Bic is a dynamic organization with people who are highly capable and a brand that is closer to consumers than ever, he says.Whats nextLooking ahead, Bich says that he has his eye on a number of potential projects, but his immediate attention will turn closer to home.Specifically, Bich is gearing up for the launch of a foundation thats close to his heart; one that will support projects in and around local communities to help families with autistic childrenwith a focus not only on helping parents but siblings of those children too. Bich, a father of four, has an autistic child, and knows firsthand how difficult it can be for the entire family.I want to help families in our communities go through this differently, with support and structure, he says. But thats not all. I intend to also have professional activities beyond that, he says, though he remains mum on what, exactly, those could be for now.Looking back, though, Bich is bowing out at a time when his company is profitable, diverse, and growing. Im proud of our financial results; we get our investors and stakeholders a very healthy return, he says. The numbers speak for themselves: Bics latest earnings report, released February 19, showed sales and profitability increasing company-wide.As for whats next for the company, Bich says he plans to work with his successor for a smooth handoff, which should be completed in the fall. Succession is absolutely a part of business and a part of leadership, he says.As such, Bich says, he will pass the pen.
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  • The Humane Ai Pin Has Already Been Brought Back to Life
    Humane bricked its pricey gadget on Friday afternoon. A short time later, a hacker got the codes to unlock it and potentially turn it into the true smartphone replacement it was meant to be.
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  • Call of Duty 2025 Will Release for PS4 and Xbox One Rumour
    Werefinallyat the point where cross-gen games are becoming increasingly rare, but it looks like the games industry is still not completely done with them. In fact, one of this years biggest releases is allegedly also coming to last-gen consoles.Charlie Intel has claimed on Twitter, citing anonymous sources, that this yearsCall of Dutygame will still also launch for both PS4 and Xbox One, as allCall of Dutygames have done since the beginning of the current console generation.PS4 and Xbox One both continue to enjoy active player bases (the PS4 in particular), especially whereCall of Dutyis concerned, so the series decision to stick with cross-gen releases doesnt come as a huge surprise. That said, those hoping for significant technical leaps allowed by older and outdated hardware no longer being supported are going to have to wait longer.As per a leak last year,Call of Duty 2025is going to be a direct sequel toCall of Duty: Black Ops 2, and will also featured remastered versions of the 2012 titles multiplayer maps. Read more on that through here.Call of Duty 2025 could still release on PS4 and Xbox One, per sources. Supporting last-gen in 2025 is a wild decision, but the game is in development for the old consoles from what weve heard.This may be a reason as to why there cant be two big maps in Warzone at same time. pic.twitter.com/mfkmOR65Fz CharlieIntel (@charlieINTEL) February 27, 2025
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  • Monster Hunter Wilds Capcom Acknowledges PC Tech Issues
    Monster Hunter Wildshas got off to a rip-roaring start, attracting well over a million concurrent players on Steam virtually as soon as it had released. The long-awaited action RPG is, however, facing widespread criticism from PC players regardless.Specifically, the technical condition thatMonster Hunter Wildshas launched in on PC has been called out by many. On Steam, the game currently holds a Mixed user rating, with 48 percent of its 22,000-plus user reviews (at the time of writing) being negative, primarily for the same reason.As youd expect, that hasnt gone unnoticed by Capcom. Taking to Twitter, Capcom has acknowledged the tech issues that many players are facing on the platform and offered a workaround. The company writes, If youre experiencing any initial issues with Monster Hunter Wilds on Steam, please try updating your graphics driver, turning off compatibility mode, and then readjust your settings.Of course, the hope is that fixes for some of the games most pressing technical issues will arrive on priority, though Capcom hasnt yet provided any concrete details on that front. The company did,however, recently confirm that the games Title Update 1 will release in April, bringing new content and features. Read more on that through here.In our review ofMonster Hunter Wilds,we awarded it a score of 8/10, saying, Monster Hunter Wilds is a fresh start for the franchise, even as it channels a respectable chunk of Monster Hunter World. The endgame could use a lot more, but its still a top-tier action RPG with some incredible moments. Read the full review through here.Monster Hunter Wildsis available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.Hunters! If youre experiencing any initial issues with Monster Hunter Wilds on Steam, please try updating your graphics driver, turning off compatibility mode, and then readjust your settings.Thank you all for your patience and support!More details:https://t.co/v6g7UwFXpj Monster Hunter Status (@MHStatusUpdates) February 28, 2025
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  • This AI Paper Introduces Agentic Reward Modeling (ARM) and REWARDAGENT: A Hybrid AI Approach Combining Human Preferences and Verifiable Correctness for Reliable LLM Training
    Large Language Models (LLMs) rely on reinforcement learning techniques to enhance response generation capabilities. One critical aspect of their development is reward modeling, which helps in training models to align better with human expectations. Reward models assess responses based on human preferences, but existing approaches often suffer from subjectivity and limitations in factual correctness. This can lead to suboptimal performance, as models may prioritize fluency over accuracy. Improving reward modeling with verifiable correctness signals can help enhance the reliability of LLMs in real-world applications.A major challenge in current reward modeling systems is their heavy reliance on human preferences, which are inherently subjective and prone to biases. These models favor verbose responses or those with appealing stylistic elements rather than objectively correct answers. The absence of systematic verification mechanisms in conventional reward models limits their ability to ensure correctness, making them vulnerable to misinformation. Moreover, instruction-following constraints are often ignored, leading to outputs that fail to meet precise user requirements. It is critical to address these issues to improve the robustness and reliability of AI-generated responses.Traditional reward models focus on preference-based reinforcement learning, such as Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF). While RLHF enhances model alignment, it does not incorporate structured correctness verification. Some existing models attempt to evaluate responses based on coherence and fluency but lack robust mechanisms for verifying factual accuracy or adherence to instructions. Alternative approaches, such as rule-based verification, have been explored but are not widely integrated due to computational challenges. These limitations highlight the need for a reward modeling system that combines human preferences with verifiable correctness signals to ensure high-quality language model outputs.Researchers from Tsinghua University introduced Agentic Reward Modeling (ARM), a novel reward system that integrates conventional preference-based reward models with verifiable correctness signals. The method incorporates a reward agent named REWARDAGENT, which enhances the reliability of rewards by combining human preference signals with correctness validation. This system ensures that LLMs generate responses that are both preferred by users and factually accurate. By integrating factual verification and instruction-following assessment, ARM provides a more robust reward modeling framework that reduces subjective biases and improves model alignment.The REWARDAGENT system consists of three core modules. The Router analyzes user instructions to determine which verification agents should be activated based on task requirements. The Verification Agents evaluate responses on two critical aspects: factual correctness and adherence to hard constraints. The factuality agent cross-checks information using both parametric knowledge and external sources, ensuring that responses are well-formed and factually grounded. The instruction-following agent ensures compliance with length, format, and content constraints by parsing specific instructions and verifying responses against predefined rules. The final module, Judger, integrates correctness signals and preference scores to compute an overall reward score, balancing subjective human feedback with objective verification. This architecture allows the system to dynamically select the most appropriate evaluation criteria for different tasks, ensuring flexibility and accuracy.Extensive experiments demonstrated that REWARDAGENT significantly outperforms traditional reward models. It was evaluated on benchmarks such as RM-Bench, JudgeBench, and IFBench, achieving superior performance in selecting factual and constraint-following responses. In RM-Bench, the model achieved a 76.0% accuracy score with a search engine and 79.3% without, compared to 71.4% from conventional reward models. The system was further applied in real-world best-of-n search tasks, where it improved response selection accuracy across multiple datasets, including TriviaQA, IFEval, and CELLO. On TriviaQA, REWARDAGENT achieved an accuracy of 68%, surpassing the base reward model ArmoRM. Further, the model was used to construct preference pairs for Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) training, where LLMs trained with REWARDAGENT-generated preference pairs outperformed those trained with conventional annotations. Specifically, models trained with this method showed improvements in factuality-based question-answering and instruction-following tasks, demonstrating its effectiveness in refining LLM alignment.The research addresses a crucial limitation in reward modeling by integrating correctness verification with human preference scoring. REWARDAGENT enhances the reliability of reward models and enables more accurate and instruction-adherent LLM responses. This approach paves the way for further research into incorporating additional verifiable correctness signals, ultimately contributing to developing more trustworthy and capable AI systems. Future work can expand the scope of verification agents to cover more complex correctness dimensions, ensuring that reward modeling continues to evolve with the increasing demands of AI-driven applications.Check outthe Paper and GitHub Page.All credit for this research goes to the researchers of this project. Also,feel free to follow us onTwitterand dont forget to join our80k+ ML SubReddit. NikhilNikhil is an intern consultant at Marktechpost. He is pursuing an integrated dual degree in Materials at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Nikhil is an AI/ML enthusiast who is always researching applications in fields like biomaterials and biomedical science. With a strong background in Material Science, he is exploring new advancements and creating opportunities to contribute.Nikhilhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/nikhil0980/This AI Paper from USC Introduces FFTNet: An Adaptive Spectral Filtering Framework for Efficient and Scalable Sequence ModelingNikhilhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/nikhil0980/Transforming Speech Generation: How the Emilia Dataset Revolutionizes Multilingual Natural Voice SynthesisNikhilhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/nikhil0980/How to Compare Two LLMs in Terms of Performance: A Comprehensive Web Guide for Evaluating and Benchmarking Language ModelsNikhilhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/nikhil0980/Researchers from Moonshot AI Introduce Muon and Moonlight: Optimizing Large-Scale Language Models with Efficient Training Techniques Recommended Open-Source AI Platform: IntellAgent is a An Open-Source Multi-Agent Framework to Evaluate Complex Conversational AI System' (Promoted)
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