• Monopoly GO: All Upcoming Events (March 12, 2025)
    Peg-Es Deluxe Drop went live in Monopoly GO yesterday, giving players the chance to win exclusive cosmetics, including new emojis, shields, tokens, and signature dice. Those who hit all the required milestones in this Deluxe Drop can add the Emerald and Golden Roller dice skins to their collections. Its a limited-time event, so make sure you put in your best efforts to win these prizes. To help you make the most of this event, this guide goes over all Monopoly GO events planned for March 12, 2025, along with the best playing strategy for today.
    0 Yorumlar ·0 hisse senetleri ·52 Views
  • PlayStation Store Mega March promotion starts March 12
    PlayStation Store welcomes a new promotion tomorrow: Mega March! For a limited time*, you can enjoy discounts across a variety of games on the storefront, including the likes of Dynasty Warriors: Origins, Diablo IV and many, many more.Get a preview of just some of the game deals below, then head to PlayStation Store when the promotion goes live to see the full list and find out your regional discount.13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim60 Seconds! ReatomizedAce Attorney Investigations CollectionACM Deluxe EditionAEW: Fight ForeverAFL 23Alaskan Road TruckersAlien: Isolation The CollectionAliens: Dark DescentAngry Birds VR: Isle of Pigs (PSVR2)Another Crabs TreasureAO Tennis 2Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney TrilogyArcade Game Series: Pac-ManArranger: A Role-Puzzling AdventureAssassins Creed III RemasteredAssassins Creed IV: Black FlagAssassins Creed Odyssey Deluxe EditionAssassins Creed Odyssey Gold EditionAssassins Creed Origins Deluxe EditionAssassins Creed Origins Season PassAssassins Creed Rogue RemasteredAssassins Creed SyndicateAssassins Creed Syndicate Season PassAssassins Creed UnityAssassins Creed Valhalla Meteor ExpansionAssassins Creed Valhalla Ragnarok EditionAssassins Creed Valhalla Deluxe PS4 & PS5Assassins Creed: The Ezio CollectionAsterigos: Curse of the Stars Deluxe EditionAstral AscentBatman: Arkham VRBayonetta & Vanquish 10th Anniversary BundleBee SimulatorBen 10Beyond the Dawn Ultimate EditionBipedBloodborne Complete Edition BundleBloodRayne 2: ReVamped PS5BloodRayne: ReVamped PS5Builder SimulatorBus SimulatorBus Simulator 21 Next Stop Gold EditionCall of Duty Ghosts & Season Pass BundleCall of Duty: Advanced Warfare Digital Pro EditionCall of Duty: Black Ops 4Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies Chronicles EditionCall of Duty: Infinite Warfare Digital Deluxe EditionCall of Duty: Modern WarfareCall of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign RemasteredCall of Duty: Modern Warfare RemasteredCall of Duty: WWII Digital DeluxeCall of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Standard EditionCall of Duty: Modern WarfareCaptain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions Deluxe EditionCartel TycoonCat Quest III: The Fur-tastic TrilogyCATAN Console EditionCatherine: Full BodyCities: Skylines PlayStation 4 EditionCities: Skylines PS5Clock Tower: RewindCode VeinCode Vein Season PassCollege Football AFB BundleConstruction SimulatorContra Anniversary CollectionContra: Operation GalugaCore KeeperCrash Team Racing Nitro-FueledCrysis Remastered TrilogyDarkest DungeonDarkest Dungeon IIDarkest Dungeon: Ancestral EditionDarkest DungeonDaymare: 1994 Sandcastle PS5Dead by Daylight: Donut ChapterDead Cells: DLC BundleDead Cells: Return to Castlevania BundleDead Island 2 Expansion PassDead Island 2 Main GameDead Island: Definitive EditionDead Rising 2Dead Rising 2: Off the RecordDead Rising 4: Franks Big PackageDead Rising Deluxe RemasterDEATHLOOP Deluxe EditionDemeoDEMON SLAYER : KIMETSU NO YAIBA THE HINOKAMI CHRONICLESDemon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba The Hinokami Chronicles Core Add-on BundleDemon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba The Hinokami Chronicles Ultimate EditionDemons Souls Digital Deluxe EditionDeus Ex: Mankind DividedDiablo IV Base Game BundleDIGIMON SURVIVEDiRT Rally 2.0: Game of the Year EditionDishonored Definitive EditionDishonored: Death of the OutsiderDOOM 3DOOM Eternal Deluxe Edition PS4 & PS5Dragon Age: Inquisition Deluxe EditionDragon Ball XenoverseDragon Ball Xenoverse 2DRAGON BALL Z: KAKAROT Legendary EditionDragon Quest Builders 2Dragons Dogma 2 DeluxeEditionDragons Dogma: Dark ArisenDreamWorks All-Star Kart Racing (BASE GAME)DREDGEDREDGE The Pale ReachDying Light HellraidDying Light: The Following Enhanced EditionDYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINSDYNASTY WARRIORS: ORIGINS Digital Deluxe EditionDysmantleEnd of Zoe_PS5ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the KnightsENDER MAGNOLIAExoprimal_PS5Extra Content Shop All Access Voucher PS4 & PS5 (PS5)Fallout 4FANTASIAN Neo DimensionFar Cry 4Far Cry 5Far Cry New Dawn Ultimate EditionFar Cry 6 Game of the Year EditionFAR CRY6 Standard EditionFear the SpotlightFINAL FANTASY CRYSTAL CHRONICLES Remastered EditionFinal Fantasy IX Digital EditionFinal Fantasy VIIFINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTHFinal Fantasy VII RemakeFINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE & REBIRTH Twin PackFINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE INTERGRADEFinal Fantasy VIII RemasteredFinal Fantasy X/X-2 HD RemasterFinal Fantasy XV Royal EditionFINAL FANTASY XVIFirst Responder Police Firefighting BundleFist of the North Star: Lost ParadiseFive Nights at Freddys VR: Help WantedFootball Manager 2024 ConsoleFor Honor Standard EditionFor Honor Ultimate EditionForspoken Digital Deluxe EditionFRONT MISSION 2: RemakeFunko Fusion + Bob Ross BundleG.I. 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Mania DLCVALKYRIE PROFILE: LENNETH (PS4/5)VENDETTA FOREVERVirtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown Main game & DLC PackVisions of ManaVisions of Mana Digital Deluxe EditionWaltz of the WizardWarhammer 40,000: BattlesectorWarhammer 40,000: Chaos Gate DaemonhuntersWarhammer 40,000: DarktideWarhammer 40,000: Darktide Imperial EditionWarhammer 40,000: Darktide Imperial Edition ContentWarhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin Ultimate EditionWarhammer: Chaosbane Slayer EditionWarhammer: Vermintide 2Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Careers & Cosmetics BundleWarhammer: Vermintide 2 Ultimate EditionWelcome to ParadiZe Zombot EditionWild Hearts Karakuri Edition BundleWinter Games 2023Wolfenstein: The Two-PackWorms Battlegrounds + Worms W.M.DWRC 2023 (PS5)WRC 7 FIA World Rally ChampionshipWRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship PS4WRC 9 FIA World Rally Championship PS5WRC Generations The FIA WRC Official GameWW2 Rebuilder PS5Yakuza: Like a Dragon Legendary Hero Edition PS4 & PS5Yakuza: Like a Dragon PS4 & PS5Ys IX: Monstrom Nox (PS5)Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (PS5)Ys X: Nordics Digital Deluxe EditionYs X: Nordics Digital Ultimate EditionZone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner Mars*PlayStation Stores mega March promotion runs from March 12 at 00:00 AM PDT / GMT / JST until March 26 at 11:59PM PDT / GMT / JST.
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  • Guardian Arkveld weakness, location, and strategy in Monster Hunter Wilds
    Monster Hunter Wilds wouldnt be complete without a flagship monster. Guardian Arkveld is a central piece in the main story, and a recurring face to smack that presents a challenge each time.While youll get a taste of the fight before the actual confrontation, you should prepare accordingly, learning what to expect and how to act against the new monster. This guide covers the Guardian Arkveld weaknesses and resistances so you can prepare accordingly, where to find it, and the best strategy to defeat the signature monster in Monster Hunter Wilds.Guardian Arkveld locationYoull first encounter Guardian Arkveld in Chapter 3, during The Faithful Keepers main mission. The definitive fight wont take place until the Broken Chains mission. As such, all you need to do to unlock the monster is progress through the main questline.Guardian Arkveld only roams around the Wyveria biome. At the time of publication, there isnt a High Rank version of Guardian Arkveld only Arkveld and its tempered variant.Keep in mind that in Monster Hunter Wilds, tracking monsters isnt really a prominent feature. Except for a few first-time exceptions, you can use the Environment Overview screen to see if your target is roaming around the map. If not, exploring its corresponding biome(s) for a few minutes usually does the trick youll see a notification on screen announcing its appearance. Worst case scenario, you can speak to Alma and post a hunt for it. For better or worse, the process of finding a monster is much more streamlined now. If you find tracks or other monster residuals on the ground, you can loot them for materials.How to prepare for Guardian ArkveldGuardian Arkveld is part of the main story of Monster Hunter Wilds. As such, its encounter is likely to fit your Hunter Rank at that corresponding moment. Since the encounter occurs during a main mission, youll be thrust into the fray after the introductory cutscene. As per usual, whenever youre asked if youre ready to depart, make sure that youre carrying regular and mega potions with you. If youre short on the latter, take a lap around the biome and loot any honey you come across.In addition, dont forget to eat you can use the portable BBQ to grill a meal. Increasing your health and stamina is essential, as Guardian Arkveld packs a punch. Investing in offense is a good strategy for this encounter, and you can find some recommendations in our list of best food buffs.For later encounters, carrying a few Dragon Pods will be beneficial if either you or one of your teammates have a ranged weapon with Dragon Ammo, even better. In terms of armor, invest in the set with the highest defense available for you at that point in the game, regardless of resistances.Guardian Arkveld weaknessGuardian Arkvelds recommended elemental attack is Dragon. This includes Dragon Ammo, Dragon Pod, Dragon Attack, Critical Element, and Charge Master, in addition to your own weapons properties.You can find a breakdown of Guardian Arkvelds elemental weaknesses and resistances below:Effective status effectsPoison: 2 starsSleep: 2 starsParalysis: 2 starsBlastblight: 2 starsStun: 2 starsExhaust: 1 starEffective itemsFlash Pod: EffectiveSonic Bomb: No effectShock Trap: EffectivePitfall Trap: EffectiveAs for the creatures weak points and breakable parts, Guardian Arkvelds weak point is its Chainblades (x2), which are also breakable. In addition, its Head can also be broken, and its Tail can be severed.Before diving deep into combat strategy, heres the breakdown of Guardian Arkvelds weak points:PartSeverBluntRangedFireWaterThunderIceDragonHead3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starTorso2 stars2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starLeft Wing3 stars3 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starRight Wing3 stars3 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starLeft Chainblade3 stars3 stars3 starsNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectRight Chainblade3 stars3 stars3 starsNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectLeft Leg2 stars2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starRight Leg2 stars2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starTail3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starFor details about what to expect in terms of attacks and general behavior, the following section has you covered.Guardian Arkveld attacks and strategyGuardian Arkveld has one major trick up its sleeve, and it uses it constantly. The chainblades on both sides of its body are the main event, and you can expect all sorts of attacks surrounding them.Whenever youre at a distance from the monster, it will likely try to use the chainblades to close the gap. This is indicated by Arkveld turning its head slightly and raising its arm before slamming the ground. Be careful, as this move is usually followed up by a similar attack with the other chainblade. If you managed to dodge the first, prepare to evade again shortly after. Theres a short window after each attack in which you can potentially target a wound, but its best to just avoid altogether and reposition yourself instead.One attack that youll see often also involves the chainblades, but in a slightly different manner. If its chainblades start glowing white and Arkveld does a small jump while standing in place, it means its about to do a vertical swipe using both arms. Youll do good to memorize this move, as its a go-to for the creature. There is a kinder variant in which it only uses one arm for a weaker attack, but in general, expect the heavy one just in case.Arkveld makes use of the rest of its body in a more regular form. If youre attacking its face, itll try to bite you, sometimes repeating the action in quick succession. Other times, itll use its claws in conjunction with the chainblades, almost as if it were holding a dagger that it drags through the ground. You can expect at least one movement with the tail, although it doesnt occur as often, where itll try to hit you if youre close to its rear end, rotating in place.For the most part, youll encounter tiny variations of the aforementioned attacks throughout the whole fight. One in particular thats worth keeping in mind is Arkveld using both chainblades for a ground slam. It covers a large area when doing so, but if you manage to dodge it, use focus mode to aim at the blades. Youre likely to see an attack opportunity. Its not quite like targeting a wound, but it can incapacitate the monster if struck on time.Throughout the fight, its key to focus on weak points as much as possible. The chainblades, as deadly as they are, are also its weakness, so try to counter attack them whenever possible. The head isnt an easy target, but its one you should be focusing on when the opportunity arises. If the tail is proving to be a nuisance, remember that you can sever it.Alongside the usual wound control and dodging the chainblades as much as possible, remember to use traps. The key is to try and get the monster to ground as often as possible to make it easier to attack. If its spending a long time in the air, set up a trap and bait it toward you. If you can time a dodge just right, theyll hit the trap instead.Guardian Arkveld dropsIf youre wondering what the Guardian Arkveld drops in Monster Hunter Wilds are, you can find a handy list below:Low Rank materialsMaterialAvailability/ProbabilityFrequencySourceGuardian ScaleTarget rewards (x1/20%). Broken part rewards (x1/100%). Wound destroyed reward (x1/45%). Carving (x1/50%)4 starsHeadGuardian PeltTarget rewards (x1/20%). Broken part rewards (x2/100%). Wound destroyed reward (x1/43%). Carving (x1/30%)4 starsChainbladesGuardian BloodTarget rewards (x1/10%). Wound destroyed reward (x1/12%). Carving (x1/20%). Carving severed part (x1/100%)3 starsTailNourishing ExtractTarget rewards (x1/30%)3 starsN/ATough Guardian BoneTarget rewards (x1/20%)2 starsN/AIf youre looking for other creatures to fight in Monster Hunter Wilds, our monster list provides a full rundown of every encounter, while we have specific guides for Doshaguma, Lala Barina, Gore Magala, Nu Udra, Jin Dahaad, Rey Dau, Zoh Shia, and Ajarakan.
    0 Yorumlar ·0 hisse senetleri ·48 Views
  • Zoh Shia weakness, location, and strategy in Monster Hunter Wilds
    The culmination of Monster Hunter Wilds is at the hands of Zoh Shia. This monster is the definition of a final boss, and a fitting end to the Low Rank section of Capcoms latest entry in the hunting series. Its a spectacle that towers over the likes of Jin Dahaad in scale, and one you should prepare yourself for accordingly.If youre stuck at the very end of the first half of the campaign, dont fret. This guide covers the Zoh Shia weaknesses and resistances so you can prepare accordingly, where to find it, and the best strategy to defeat it.Zoh Shia locationYoull first encounter Zoh Shia in Chapter 3, during the Monster Hunter main mission. Thats the very last mission before you reach the end credits and hit High Rank. As such, all you need to do to unlock the monster is progress through the main questline.At the time of publication, Zoh Shia is only available during that mission. Theres no High Rank version, nor the option to repeat the Low Rank encounter. There are no specific monster parts as drops, either. It literally is a one-time thing, at least for now.Keep in mind that in Monster Hunter Wilds, tracking monsters isnt really a prominent feature. Except for a few first-time exceptions, you can use the Environment Overview screen to see if your target is roaming around the map. If not, exploring its corresponding biome(s) for a few minutes usually does the trick youll see a notification on screen announcing its appearance. Worst case scenario, you can speak to Alma and post a hunt for it. For better or worse, the process of finding a monster is much more streamlined now. If you find tracks or other monster residuals on the ground, you can loot them for materials.How to prepare for Zoh ShiaZoh Shia is part of the main story of Monster Hunter Wilds. As such, its encounter is likely to fit your Hunter Rank at that corresponding moment. Since the encounter occurs during a main mission, youll be thrust into the fray after the introductory cutscene. As per usual, whenever youre asked if youre ready to depart, make sure that youre carrying regular and mega potions with you. If youre short on the latter, take a lap around the biome and loot any honey you come across.In addition, dont forget to eat you can use the portable BBQ to grill a meal. Increasing your health and stamina is essential, as Zoh Shia packs a punch. Investing in defense is a good strategy for this encounter, and you can find some recommendations in our list of best food buffs.Carrying a few Dragon Pods will be beneficial if you have a ranged weapon with Dragon Ammo, even better. Zoh Shia weaknessZoh Shias recommended elemental attack is Dragon. This encompasses Dragon Ammo, Dragon Pod, Dragon Attack, Critical Element, and Charge Master, all in addition to your own weapons properties.You can find a breakdown of Zoh Shias elemental weaknesses and resistances below:Effective status effectsPoison: 2 starsSleep: 2 starsParalysis: 2 starsBlastblight: 2 starsStun: 1 starExhaust: No effectEffective itemsFlash Pod: No effectSonic Bomb: No effectShock Trap: No effectPitfall Trap: No effectAs for the monsters weak points and breakable parts, Zoh Shia has no weak points. Its Head, Wings (x2) and Forelegs (x2) can be broken, and its Tail can be severed.Before diving deep into combat strategy, heres the breakdown of Zoh Shias vulnerable limbs:PartSeverBluntRangedFireWaterThunderIceDragonHead4 stars4 stars4 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 starsHead (Crystalized)3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starNeck2 stars2 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 starsTorso2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starLeft Foreleg3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starRight Foreleg3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starLeft Wingarm4 stars4 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 starsRight Wingarm4 stars4 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 starsL Wingarm (Crystalized)3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starR Wingarm (Crystalized)3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starLeft Hind Leg2 stars2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starRight Hind Leg2 stars2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starTail2 stars2 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 starFor details about what to expect in terms of attacks and general behavior, the following section has you covered.Zoh Shia attacks and strategyThe fight is somewhat similar to Jin Dahaads in the vein that Zoh Shias body has a protective layer ice in this case that youll have to progressively break down. The key factor here is that the crystals regenerate over time, so you need to punish the exposed area as promptly as possible.Whenever the head is exposed, brace yourself for a plethora of fire attacks. These are easy to prepare for, as youll see the red glow coming from a mile away. Keep in mind that Zoh will continue to use ice attacks with its hands, though, so thats two elements to keep an eye out for. That said, the head will be exposed to greater damage than usual, so try to reciprocate when you have the chance.Elsewhere, Zoh Shia will constantly make use of the terrain to attack in large areas. A move youll see often is one telegraphed by the creature lifting one of its hands, and then placing it on the ground, causing a path of ice toward your direction that explodes after a brief pause. Theres a variation in which it uses both hands, and then drags them to its sides to cover a larger area.Zoh Shia has a plethora of special attacks. As per usual with monsters of its size, youll do well to carry earplugs to prevent the strong roar attack from immobilizing you. The same applies to dragon wind pressure, which can be countered with the windproof skill.Thats not all. There are certain phases during the fight when the whole arena will be affected by powerful moves. The first has Zoh Shia flying and taking a stance far from you, creating cracks on the ground that can deal damage if you dont dodge in time. Then, multiple rocks will appear, and all the while, the monster will spit fireballs. In this instance, take cover behind any of these structures and point upward with the camera to see if theres any upcoming projectile. Once you know youre safe, hop on your mount and head to the opposite side of Zoh Shia, in an area thats just outside of the main arena ground, as the ground is about to become covered by molten lava.Eventually, Zoh Shia will lose its protective layer to introduce its latter phase, in which itll also produce lightning strikes on top of fire and ice attacks. As daunting as the prospect is, you will already know what to expect by this point in terms of general movements. Its always best to go around Zoh Shia when its attacking to try and sneak in a few attacks while its stuck in an animation. Throughout the fight, its key to focus on weak points as much as possible. Technically, the monster has none, but remember that its Head, Wings, and Forelegs can be broken. Its unlikely that youll get the time to sever its tail, so Id recommend focusing on the forelegs and wings primarily.In terms of elemental attacks, youll have to watch out for fireblight, which temporarily causes your health to deplete, and thunderblight, which temporarily makes you easier to stun. Evading repeatedly will remove either condition, or you can use a nulberry. In terms of skills, you can counter fireblight with fire resistance and blight resistance, and both thunder resistance and blight resistance will be of help around thunderblight.Alongside the usual wound control and dodging fire as much as possible, you wont be able to use traps during this fight, as none of them will have an effect on Zoh Shia. Good luck!Zoh Shia dropsAs it stands, Zoh Shia doesnt have an armor set or weapon, so you wont be seeing monster-specific parts as drops. Rather, the drops are Guardian-related.If youre wondering what the Zoh Shia drops in Monster Hunter Wilds are, you can find a handy list below:Low Rank materialsMaterialAvailability/ProbabilityFrequencySourceGuardian ScaleTarget rewards (x1/15%). Broken part rewards (x2/100%). Wound destroyed reward (x1/50%). Carving (x1/50%)5 starsL/R ForelegsGuardian PeltTarget rewards (x1/15%). Broken part rewards (x2/100%). Carving (x1/30%)5 starsL/R WingarmsGuardian BloodTarget rewards (x1/20%). Broken part rewards (x1/100%). Wound destroyed reward (x1/50%). Carving (x1/20%). Carving severed part (1x/100%)4 starsHead, TailNourishing ExtractTarget rewards (x1/30%)3 starsN/ATough Guardian BoneTarget rewards (x1/20%)2 starsN/AIf youre looking for other creatures to fight in Monster Hunter Wilds, our monster list provides a full rundown of every encounter, while we have specific guides for Doshaguma, Gore Magala, Lala Barina, Jin Dahaad, Nu Udra, Rey Dau, Guardian Arkveld, and Ajarakan.
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  • This Highly-Rated Sony Speaker Is at Its Lowest Price Right Now
    We may earn a commission from links on this page. Deal pricing and availability subject to change after time of publication.At $144.95, down from a steep $349.99, the Sony SRS-XG300 is at its lowest price ever, according to price-trackers. Thats a massive drop for a speaker that bagged PCMags Best Speaker of the Year 2022 and its Editors Choice award. Plus, free shipping is included for everyone, and if you're a Prime member, itll be at your doorstep in a day. Sony packed this one with plenty of features, starting with its IP67 rating, which makes it fully waterproof and dust-proof. Poolside splashes, a bit of dust at the beach, or just a rowdy party setupthis outdoor speaker is equipped to handle it all. It also has a built-in USB-A port that lets you charge your phone in a pinch and an aux input (so you're not stuck with just Bluetooth). It's claimed to have 25 hours of battery life, but like all speakers, that depends on how loud you go. Sony SRS-XG300 $144.95 at Amazon $349.99 Save $205.04 Get Deal Get Deal $144.95 at Amazon $349.99 Save $205.04 When it comes to sound, you get two front-facing woofers and tweeters that push out a frequency range of 20Hz to 20KHz, with passive radiators (with LEDs around them for a little extra flair), adding a deep low end. If you want to dial up the thump even more, a Mega Bass button lets you do just that without distorting, even at higher volumes. However, while the highs stay crisp, the mids reportedly take a bit of a backseat (something to consider if youre into detailed vocal clarity). Its Bluetooth 5.2 support keeps the connection stable, and with support for AAC, LDAC, and SBC codecs, streaming quality is solid. Android users also get Google Fast Pair for quick setup, but theres no AptX support, which might be a letdown for those looking for top-tier wireless audio. On the plus side, if you have other Sony speakers, you can sync them for a multi-speaker setup via the app. Speaking of apps, the SRS-XG300's companion app gives you a bit of EQ control, though its pretty basic, and you can't save custom presets (but at least it remembers your settings), notes this PCMag review.If you're considering alternatives, you might want to check out the JBL Charge 5 ($119.95, down from $179.95).
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  • Windows Has a Hidden Package Manager
    Installing a bunch of applications at once on Windows can be annoying. You need to find the installer packages, download them, then run them all, one after another. It requires spending a bunch of time clicking though menus and checking boxes. But you don't have to live this way. Linux users have long used package managers to accomplish this with far greater easeas have some Mac users. Using a package manager, you can type a single command to install as many different applications as you want. And, it turns out, Windows comes with a package manager. It's called Winget. You can try it right nowjust open PowerShell, which you can find in the start menu or by right-clicking the Windows logo and clicking "Terminal." Type winget search followed by the application you want to install. In most cases, you should be delivered a list of options. Credit: Justin Pot In the above example I wanted to install Steam, so I ran the command winget search steam. I got a long list of results, mostly because there are a bunch of applications that include the word "steam." The second column, labeled ID, tells me the exact name I need in order to install the package in question. After finding the application I want, I can install it with a command. In this case, I type winget install Valve.Steam and hit enter, and Winget will take it from there. Credit: Justin Pot After I type that command, Winget downloads Steam and automatically runs the installer for me. Note that if you're not using an administrator PowerShell, you will be prompted by to give installation permissions. You can launch PowerShell as an administrator by right-clicking the Windows logo on the taskbar and clicking "Terminal (Admin)". Alternatively, you can use sudo for Windows.That caveat aside, you can use these commands to install any of almost 8,000 applications. And it gets even better, because you're not limited to installing one application at a timeyour command can include as many apps as you want, and winget will install them all. Credit: Justin Pot Bulk install a bunch of programs with hep from winstall.appYou could look up the ID name for every application you want to install as described above, but there's a website that makes the process a lot easier for youwinstall.app. It's basically a directory for Winget that allows you to select as many applications as you want and copy a single command you can use to install them all in one go. Credit: Justin Pot Winget can also run updates, delete programs, and moreWinget can do more than just install applications. You can also use it to update all of the software you've installed using it. First, type winget update to see a list of all the applications that need updates. Next, type winget update --all to install all the listed updates.You can also remove applications using Winget too: type winget remove followed by the package name of the application you want to removefor example, winget remove Valve.Steam.There's a bit more Winget can do, including downloading installers without running them (winget download) and exporting your current list of packages so you can reuse it on another devices (winget export). Learn more by checking out the official Winget documentation from Microsoft.
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  • How to watch the NVIDIA GTC 2025 keynote with CEO Jensen Huang
    NVIDIA's GPU Technology Conference, also known as GTC, is coming up next week. The event is happening March 17-21 in San Jose, but you can also follow along with all the big developments here at Engadget. We'll have a liveblog for the keynote with CEO Jensen Huang on March 18 at 1PM ET/10AM PT, which is when most of the big news will drop. His speech will also be livestreamed for free.It's a safe bet that you'll hear a whole lot about artificial intelligence during the week, but with all the changes in the computing landscape over the past 12 months, the stakes might be higher for the company to make serious waves at this conference.What to expect at this year's GTCNVIDIA has been going all-in on AI for years now, and that makes it a regular highlight for GTC programming. Last year saw the company unveiling its Blackwell line of GPUs for faster and less demanding computations. We're guessing that Huang will introduce another iteration of Blackwell GPUs with even better specs this time around. NVIDIA is also likely to share updates on its projects in automotive, robotics and quantum computing.But the company is in a very different situation in early 2025 than it was going into last year's conference. NVIDIA is no longer sitting quite so comfortably at the top of the heap. The emergence of DeepSeek's reasoning model caused a plunge for tech stocks, including NVIDIA's, earlier this year. There have been lots of issues related to its latest RTX product launches and splashy tech for AI-generated NPCs in gaming are, unsurprisingly, pretty soulless.Basically, NVIDIA needs a win. This would be the time for Huang to drop something surprising and exciting. Hopefully he delivers.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/computing/how-to-watch-the-nvidia-gtc-2025-keynote-with-ceo-jensen-huang-183038194.html?src=rss
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  • Waymo expands to more cities in the Bay Area
    Waymo is expanding to new (but actually old) territory. The Waymo One service will soon be available in more of the San Francisco Bay Area, specifically Mountain View, Los Altos, Palo Alto and parts of Sunnyvale.The company spent several years testing its self-driving cars in Mountain View, the city where its headquarters is located. According to TechCrunch, Waymo One will be available across 27 square miles of Silicon Valley, in addition to the 55 square miles it covers elsewhere in the Bay Area, including San Francisco.This is the latest in a string of expansions for the company. Waymo has been up and running in Los Angeles and Phoenix for a while. It started offering robotaxi rides in Austin, Texas last week, just in time for SXSW. Miami and Atlanta are also on the docket. Waymo said in January that it planned to test its vehicles in 10 new cities this year, including Las Vegas and San Diego.Well gradually add riders to this new service area over time, as we work to bring Waymo One to more of the Bay Area. Keep an eye on the app if youre an area local. Whos ready to ride? pic.twitter.com/egHh2claxJ Waymo (@Waymo) March 11, 2025 This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/transportation/waymo-expands-to-more-cities-in-the-bay-area-181528776.html?src=rss
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  • Fake jobs and phone calls: How Americans lost $12.5 bn to fraud in 2024
    Americans lost $2.5 billion more money to scams in 2024 than the previous year.
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  • New leak claims Indiana Jones and the Great Circle PS5 release will come in April
    Indiana Jones and the Great Circle is reportedly coming to PlayStation 5 next month.
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