Image: Nintendo LifeEditor's note: As the headline suggests, this article discusses late-game spoilers for Pokmon Legends: Arceus.Ask me what my favourite thing about Pokmon Legends: Arceus is, and I can give you a non-exhaustive list. Being able to catch Pokmon without engaging them in battle. Having actual, proper sidequests with rewards. Shiny hunting is actually fun and relatively easy! And oh gosh, help, Im being chased by a hulking great Steelix 40 levels higher than my team and theres nothing I can do except run.Subscribe to Nintendo Life on YouTube799kWatch on YouTube That last point is probably the biggest reason I love Legends: Arceus so much; theres always an imminent sense of danger and adventure lurking around every corner. Hisui is not meant to be a safe and cosy space like other Pokmon settings, and that feeling carries right through the entire game, even to its gauntlet of final bosses.While your goal is to document the Pokmon of Hisui, calm the Noble Pokmon of the region, and fill out the Pokdex, youre also helping people understand what Pokmon are. All of that means youll have to brave and battle the toughest Pokmon out there. And while the credits might roll after you tame all the Nobles and catch Dialga and Palkia, this isnt the end of the game. Look, its called Legends: Arceus not Legends: Palkia.Nope, these Legendaries are not the endgame Images: Nintendo LifeOne significant friend you make along the way is Volo, a merchant from the Ginkgo Guild who loves nothing more than history. And hes the impetus to solving some of the worlds biggest mysteries. He scours ruins and follows you throughout the game, deeply interested in your actions and the various Plates you end up collecting. And, after the credits roll, you and Volo team up to gather the rest of the Plates, ancient tablets with historical writings which, crucially, are linked to Arceus.Its here that Volo reveals hes totally been using you. Hes already summoned Giratina, and its the reason all the Noble Pokmon have been going crazy and why youre stranded here. And with Giratina, he wants to draw out Arceus and recreate the world. Hmmm, Ive not heard that from any JRPG villain before.This is the set-up for what is one of the series toughest battles, and each phase challenges your mastery of Legends: Arceus many tools. Have you been maintaining your teams levels throughout the game? Have you mastered their moves using Mastery Seeds so you can use Strong and Agile Style attacks? Have you been giving your Pokmon Grit to boost their Effort Levels and, in turn, permanently boost their stats? And, when you get to the very, very final stage (which youll have to work for), how good at dodging and throwing are you?Image: Nintendo LifeVolo is no pushover, and his team reflects that. His resemblance to Cynthia, the Sinnoh regions champion, isnt a coincidence. His team is largely composed of the same mons Cynthia uses in Pokmon Platinums post-game: Spiritomb, Roserade, Togekiss, Lucario, Garchomp, and (in place of Milotic, missing from this game) Hisuian Arcanine, each at level 68.The fight was really just a battle of attrition...Bring your best moves out, swap, heal if you need to, and strike when you can.Its an extremely solid lineup, covering all types of weaknesses, and this is likely the first team of six youve had to face all game.I looked at my own team as the battle started and Spiritomb sat opposite, taunting me. At least, unlike my kid self, I could use a Fairy-type move. But with Decidueye out, I didnt have any weaknesses Spiritomb could likely exploit, so I stuck it out. Then came Togekiss, a Pokmon with extremely high health and an Air Slash that one-shotted my starter. Ouch.The fight was really just a battle of attrition, as many Pokmon battles are. Bring your best moves out, swap, heal if you need to, and strike when you can. And luckily, I had counters to basically everything only Garchomp, after my Mamoswine was KO-d, was a mild threat. But Braviarys immunity to Ground-type helped there.Images: Nintendo LifeEventually, the battle of ideals of learning to live with the world and with the Pokmon as they are now, versus the desire to change and remake everything wasnt over yet. Volo had a seventh Pokmon up his sleeve: Giratina.With two Pokmon unconscious and a third below half health, I was thrust into another battle without time to heal. Is one Legendary Pokmon easier to deal with than a team of six? Oh, you know the answer to that: No.I had to at least bring Decidueye back to full health, but Id forgotten to pack my Max Revives, so I had to settle for sacrificing Braviary as I got my Starter Pokmon back to half health with a Revive and some Potions. Fortunately, Shadow Force is only decently powerful, with its main benefit increasing the chance your team wont hit Giratina.Using that to my advantage, I chipped away at the Legendarys health as I brought Decidueye up to full health, and unleashed some Agile and Strong Style Leaf Blades and Psycho Cuts. It probably helped that Giratina wanted to use Earth Power a lot, which is totally useless against Decidueye.Images: Nintendo LifeSo I managed to wrangle my way through in decent-ish fashion, before another phase kicked in. This was more of the same, but as the cherry on top of an excellent iced cake of endurance, it was a much-needed victory lap. Was this the end of the game, though? Of course not. As brutal, tiring, and rewarding as that fight was, there was still one more obstacle waiting for us: Arceus.I had the Azure Flute and I proved to Volo I was worthy, but Id completely forgotten that I had to complete the Pokdex. So cue me scrambling around the regions, checking my dex, talking to Laventon, and forcing my Pokmon to love me so I could fill in all the gaps just so I could walk up the sparkly staircase and face the ultimate challenge.Now I could prove myself to the Pok God, the Alpha Pokmon, in the ultimate Noble battle. Remember what I said about dodging? You need that here. And you need to be near-perfect at it.Image: Nintendo LifeArceus is frustrating and challenging but also incredibly rewarding to take on. I dont love the Noble fights, which involve dodging large Pokmon by rolling and running, then throwing balms to calm them down. Theyre a little clunky and the camera is not my best friend. And with Arceus, both of those things bit me on the arse multiple times.But youre fighting 'God', for goodness' sake. Youre fighting the Pokmon which all other Pokmon come from. Youre proving yourself after documenting every Pokmon in the Hisui region. You got this far surely you can overcome this?Images: Nintendo LifeLegends: Arceus is all about overcoming challenges, about documenting a new world, taking on things youve never seen before, and engaging in new mechanics. Its also about proving that people and Pokmon can live in harmony, which culminates in you beating the person who wants to remake the world in his image and the very Pokmon that created said world. It is the most JRPG Pokmon has ever been, and even with its wrinkles, the game is so much better for leaning into the mysteries, danger, and hope that an unfamiliar world brings. And now I have the Alpha Pokmon at my side (read: In my Pastures).Legends: Z-A has a pretty tall task to match that marriage in gameplay and themes, though it does maintain one of those throughlines the attempt at people and Pokmon living together. I dont think Ill get to fight 'God' again, and I dont think the challenge of Arceus will be matched, but I do think Ill be able to build a world where harmony exists, just as I paved the way with Arceus.Image: Nintendo LifeWhat do you think of Legends: Arceus' final gauntlet? Have you completed the Pokdex and caught the titular 'mon? We're getting Scarlet and Violet vibesAll details, updates, release dates, and moreRelated GamesSee AlsoShare:00 Alana has been with Nintendo Life since 2022, and while RPGs are her first love, Nintendo is a close second. She enjoys nothing more than overthinking battle strategies, characters, and stories. She also wishes she was a Sega air pirate. 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