• Google says a technical issue caused some users Maps Timeline data to be deleted
    After weeks of some Google Maps users reporting that their Timelines had been wiped of all the places theyve visited, as spotted by 9to5Google earlier this month, Google has confirmed that some users data was deleted and is, in some cases, unrecoverable. In a statement to The Verge, Google spokesperson Genevieve Park said, We briefly experienced a technical issue that caused the deletion of Timeline data for some people. Only users who had backups turned on will be able to restore their Timelines, according to the statement.Google recently switched to on-device storage for Timeline data, and backups dont appear to be on by default. To enable them, you have to go into Your Timeline in the Maps app and update the settings from the cloud icon there. The incident caused some users to lose years worth of location history. And while some who had backups enabled prior to the issue have said they were able to restore their Timeline data, others on Reddit said they werent able to get it all back even after importing their backups.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/apps/google-says-a-technical-issue-caused-some-users-maps-timeline-data-to-be-deleted-214358403.html?src=rss
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  • This laptop has a horizontal rollable display that extends to 18 inches, and I can't wait to try it
    A business laptop with a rollable twist, expanding seamlessly from 14 to 18 inches for enhanced productivity and immersive multitasking.
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  • More 128TB SSDs on the way, but they won't be cheaper: Key maker of NAND flash controllers says 128TB SSDs are shipping
    Silicon Motion launches 128TB SSD RDK, setting new benchmarks in AI-driven storage with cutting-edge QLC NAND and PCIe Gen 5 performance.
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  • PS5 Slim 3D-Printed Enclosure Turns Your Game Console Into A Groot-like Enchanted Forest Prop
    Although its giving major Zelda vibes, this outer enclosure for the PS5 Slim somehow complements the futuristic console perfectly. Its an oddly cute combination of rustic and futuristic, making it look like some magical prop in a fantasy woodland setting thats hiding a power-up inside it. Designed by Holoprops, the enclosure features unkempt wooden planks, tethered together with metal strips and rivets.The aesthetic feels distinctly Groot-ish, or reminds me of the mask that Stanley Ipkiss wears to turn into The Mask. The planks are quite crooked to the point of endearing, and theres even a PS logo on one side and the action buttons logos on the other side, as well as tufts of grass on the inside, all created using 3D printing.Designer: HolopropsThis custom enclosure wraps your PS5 in a modular shell that feels lovingly carved from the world of Genshin Impact or Hyrule. Planks of faux wood, medieval metal accents, mossy growths, and ornamental medallions come together like a prop straight out of a fantasy set designers fever dream. Yet beneath the illusion, the build is all about smart design. Every piece is separate and print-friendly, optimized for folks using single-color 3D printers. Want mahogany with dark steel? Go for it. Prefer birch with bronze trim and lush green tufts? Youre only limited by your filament collection and your imagination.The craftsmanship here is clever. No supports are needed during printing, which is always a quiet victory in the 3D printing world. The design respects airflow, so your PS5 wont overheat while youre deep into Elden Ring or grinding in Final Fantasy XIV. Even the whimsical grass elements are detachablebecause lets face it, some days youre vibing full-on Rivendell, and some days you want your setup to lean clean and tactical.The medallions might tempt fate with their PlayStation insignia, but Holoprops has your back with a merchant-safe version that steers clear of IP drama. The base design, in all its fantasy flair, stands strong on its own. Theres a sense that this wasnt just made by someone who likes 3D modelingit was made by someone who understands what gaming means on a deeper level. That its not just about performance specs and pixel counts, but the world-building, the escapism, and the joy of surrounding ourselves with objects that reflect the stories we love.For a generation raised on cartridges and cheat codes, theres something deeply satisfying about turning the sleek minimalism of the PS5 Slim into a tactile, almost organic object. Its like giving your console a soul, or at least a new lore page in your mental codex. It invites you to imagine the PS5 as a treasure chest in a forest clearing, especially with the PS5 Slims blue backlight shining through the wooden planks for extra effect!The PS5 Slim Wood Box enclosure doesnt have a price per se, although you can download it for free by becoming a member of Holoprops channel on thangs.com. For $8 per month, youre entitled to as many as 4 downloads, which means you can browse through the other props like crystal cluster-inspired controller stands, or this gorgeous Japanese cloud-inspired Nintendo Switch dock!The post PS5 Slim 3D-Printed Enclosure Turns Your Game Console Into A Groot-like Enchanted Forest Prop first appeared on Yanko Design.
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  • Philips Hue Secure doorbell accidentally leaks via an iOS app
    Signify is seemingly close to launching its own Philips Hue video doorbell, following a leak in the company's own iOS app.Philips Hue Secure Camera [left], and the iOS app leak for its doorbell - Image Credit: HueBlogSignify's Philips Hue collection covers a lot of smart home devices, with the list chiefly consisting of lights and security cameras. While it doesn't currently have a video doorbell in its imaging collection, that could change within a matter of months.Revealed by HueBlog, the Hue app for iOS was updated in March to include an option to register devices by QR code, with there also an option to add hardware without the QR code too. It's this latter option that confirmed the existence of the device. Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
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  • Assassins Creed Shadows Guide The Best Early Skills For Naoe and Yasuke
    Assassins Creed Shadows has an extensive skill tree for each of its two heroes Naoe and Yasuke. It will prove to be quite a task to decide which skills to work towards, especially in the early game.This guide is a listing of the best early skills for Naoe and Yasuke in Assassins Creed Shadows.NaoeNaoe initially has some difficulty tackling mobs and large enemies, so the following skills should help mitigate that.Eagle VisionKnowledge Rank 1Hold a button to highlight enemies around you.A no-brainer, this skill will make it easy for you to see exactly what you are up against, considering how easily Naoe can be overwhelmed by enemies in numbers.Hidden BladeKnowledge Rank 1Press a button to Assassinate regular enemies and remove Health Segments.Unlock this ability to one-shot most targets, and then build on its efficacy with other skills in the tree.KunaiKnowledge Rank 1Throw a Kunai that deals 400% damage. Headshots on unsuspecting enemies will remove 1 Health Segment.These throwing knives will eventually be able to one-hit kill most targets, so get them early and work on improving their effectiveness.Tool ProfessionalKnowledge Rank 1Increase damage with Tools by 3%.Start enhancing the damage dealt by your tools, specifically Kunai, so that you can eventually max it out by rank 3 at 18%.Larger Tool Bag IKnowledge Rank 2Increase maximum capacity for all tools. +1 Kunai, +1 Shuriken, +1 Smoke Bomb, +1 Shinobi Bell.Having more gadgets at your disposal is always good, especially Kunai.Double AssassinateKnowledge Rank 2While using a Tanto, Naoe can Assassinate two targets standing close together with a single attack.Being able to assassinate multiple enemies that are near enough to each other can greatly help when outnumbered, which will be more often than not.Reinforced BladeKnowledge Rank 3Hidden Blade can now be used against large enemies.Initially being unable to assassinate large enemies, Naoe will now be able to dispatch them with ease.EviscerateKnowledge Rank 3Strike an enemy, dealing 75% ability damage and pushing them away. Half as effective on large enemies.An exceptionally heavy attack, good for fast takedowns of medium to large enemies.Cyclone BlastKnowledge Rank 3Swing the Kusarigama in large circles around Naoe, dealing 8% ability damage per hit and pushing back struck enemies.When Naoe finally gets mobbed, this area-of-effect move will force enemies back, giving her some breathing room to either continue attacking or escape entirely.Hidden HandKnowledge Rank 4Sheath your Tanto and extend the Hidden Blade in its classic form to perform an Assassination while in combat.Another anti-mob skill, hidden hand should come in handy to quickly dispatch at least one enemy, and even things out a little.YasukeYasuke is excellent at crowd control, but will be on the receiving end of a lot of damage himself in open combat, so the following skills will help with restoration and dishing out even more damage.VigorKnowledge Rank 2Increase Yasukes Adrenaline Chunks by 1.Yasuke is going to need all the adrenaline he can get as he leans heavily on his abilities, so increasing the number of adrenaline chunks is top priority.PaybackKnowledge Rank 3Deal 3 powerful strikes to a single enemy, each dealing 35% ability damage and restoring 10% Health.A restorative skill that returns health to Yasuke as he slices and dices his way through enemies while simultaneously tanking damage.RegenerationKnowledge Rank 1Restore 1% of Yasukes maximum Health when killing an enemy.Slaying enemies will restore a tiny bit of Yasukes health initially, and as much as 6% by rank 3 of this skill.Crescent StrikeKnowledge Rank 1Jump to an enemy and swing the Naginata in a large arc in front of you, dealing 25% ability damage and pushing them back.One of the best anti-mobs available to Yasuke, dealing massive damage as well as giving them some air time, while clearing the space around him.Far ReachKnowledge Rank 1Enemies hit by the tip of a Naginata take 15% more damage.A bonus anti-mob skill that deals even more damage to enemies that are struck while at a particular distance.Crushing ShockwaveKnowledge Rank 3A downward strike that deals 90% ability damage, disables the targets, and staggers all enemies in a 3 meter radius.Basically a ground strike type manoeuvre that deals direct damage to targets, disabling some of them, and even indirectly stunning those that are merely in range.Clear MindKnowledge Rank 2Time slows down around you for 10 seconds while aiming.If you are having trouble finding heads to target, or just need that extra breathing room, this skill will slow things down long enough for you to line things up just right.Reload SpeedKnowledge Rank 3Increase Teppo Reload Speed by 2%.Being able to reload your hand cannon just a bit faster will eventually pay off by rank 3 with an increase of 9%.Explosive SurpriseKnowledge Rank 3Throw a gunpowder pouch and automatically shoot it to create an explosion that deals 35% ability damage.Practically a grenade, this skill handles the targeting of a thrown bag of explosives, detonating for heavy damage to those caught in the blast radius.Those are the best early skills to get for both Naoe and Yasuke in Assassins Creed Shadows.
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  • Revisiting The Order 1886, 10 Years After Its Release
    Sony has been delivering hit after hit with a steady stream of quality first-party releases, and while some continue to bash the homogenization of these cinematic action adventure games fans have been lapping them up without pause. The Japanese gaming giant has built its reputation on this very format of games, and this is a big reason behind Sony securing a win over Microsoft during the PS4 generation.So if fans absolutely adore such kinds of games, how is it then that a game that represents the pinnacle of cinematic flair infused with linear gameplay is remembered as one of Sonys biggest flops of the last generation? We are, of course, talking about developer Ready at Dawns 2015 release The Order 1886.With a Metacritic score of just 63 and underwhelming sales figures, its no surprise that The Order 1886 didnt exactly resonate with fans when it was first released in 2015. But was it a game that was ahead of its time? Was it actually deserving of the criticism that players bestowed upon it back then? And most importantly, how does it hold up against the pool of current AAA releases and trends? With this feature, we try to find out exactly that as we revisit The Order 1886 more than 10 years later.Undoubtedly, The Order 1886s biggest drawing factor is the visuals. The technical wizards over at Ready at Dawn have brought their A-game to the field, and the results remain astonishing. The Order 1886 looked better than almost any game on the market upon its release, and it surprisingly holds up to this date. It offers a unique mix of technical tapestry intertwined with great art direction, resulting in a crisp image with a lot of personality.The Order 1886 can really seat you in its world, all thanks to a thick layer of atmosphere that can confidently stand toe to toe against the best games of this generation. Thick volumetric smoke trailing from chimneys, impressive clouds, large draw distances, and highly detailed textures all come together to create a very convincing look of Victorian London that you can gawk at for hours upon hours on end. In a similar vein, The Order 1886 also impresses with its character designs.Every character model has been created with painstaking attention to detail, right from the dense skin meshes to physically based materials for rendering and realistic animations to go along with it. Nailing that element of the presentation was also quite important because The Order 1886 has a lot of slow sections where you have to just leisurely stroll across cobbled streets and alleyways or sit through minutes of conversations in cutscenes.On the gameplay side, The Order 1886 presents a rather simple suite of mechanics. In between exploration and exposition, you have to fight groups of enemies using your long-range weapons. Each firefight is a rapid exchange of hiding behind pieces of cover, shooting in short windows, and then waltzing back to cover to heal up your wounds. It works on a functional level, but there isnt much depth to these mechanics which becomes a major point of frustration as you progress further and further into the story.The Order 1886 doesnt pull many tricks out of its sleeve to make the combat interesting, which is sad because there is definitely some potential that could have been squeezed out of this set of mechanics through elements like varied enemy designs. You can see such glimpses of hope during one-off fights with aggressive monsters that force you to play differently, but such cases are too far spread out to really make any difference in the grand scheme of things.Apart from getting new weapons, The Order 1886 doesnt feature any character progression systems where you could use skill points to unlock any new abilities. The monotonous loop of dancing between cutscenes, exploration, and firefights can start to grow old quickly, making it all a rather underwhelming experience as you crawl through to the end credits.And what makes this whole ordeal more baffling is the fact that The Order 1886 takes only six to eight hours to roll the credits. Again, we are not going to have a long argument about the game length and the economics of the experience but just the feeling of being exhausted by the mechanics in such a short-lived game is not something thats positive in my book.But the silver lining to it all is that the story is worth seeing through to the end credits. In addition to just looking great, the characters are also well-written which makes them interesting to notice as new conspiracies and plotlines start to come into the picture. The narrative pacing is on point, but the aforementioned monotony of gameplay does mar those strengths down by a significant margin.In all of totality, The Order 1886 presents a rather curious case. It definitely had a lot of potential to be something different yet worthwhile, but most of that potential was turned to waste by account of the developer leaning too much into the cinematic aspect of the presentation; perhaps to its own fault.You see, The Order 1886 was released at a time when open-world games and multiplayer-centric titles were all the rage, and the market wasnt really generous to such smaller-scale experiences that only lasted for a handful of hours in exchange for a full retail price. But jump to the current gaming landscape, the recent revival of the AA market and subscription services like Game Pass or PS Plus have allowed developers to create such smaller-scale experiences to better degrees of success.We have seen plenty of games with similar runtimes and simple mechanics garner mainstream success in the market lately, and Hellblade: Senuas Sacrifice comes to mind as an example. We have even seen games that have entire mechanics built around monotonous tasks such as Death Stranding, which also has plenty of awards to its name. So why does The Order 1886 fail when other titles that have similar traits tend to succeed?A big reason why that is the case is the developers insistence on adapting flaws from a different medium of entertainment, and not taking full advantage of what video games have to offer. The Order 1886 tries so hard to create a cinematic experience, right from capping its frame rate to 30fps to adapting a different aspect ratio to crafting linear ghost train rides and much more. But what makes video games so special and different from other forms of entertainment is the interactivity it has to offer.Player agency is thrown out the window, and the only semblance of freedom you have in The Order 1866 is to choose which enemy to down first, and what weapon to use for the deed. Environments arent reactive, level design is extremely linear, the mechanics dont have much depth and all of that leaves player interactions feeling half-baked as a result. As it stands, The Order 1886 remains a cautionary tale for developers to not blindly fall into tropes and imitate others to a point where you take their flaws as strengths.Of course, Ready at Dawn cant be completely held at fault either. As per a recent interview with MinnMax, the developer had to deliver the game within strict deadlines which resulted in cut corners and unfulfilled ambitions. The same interview also revealed plans about a more ambitious sequel that was pitched to Sony, which makes sense considering the many loose narrative threads left by the original but it was allegedly passed on due to the commercial failure of the first game.It would have been an incredible sequel, I can tell you that for a fact, studio co-founder and developer Andrea Pessino. We pitched the sequel to Sony regardless of [the critical reception] and, in a way, its better that they passed because if we thought we were going to be screwed before, man, with the sequel, we would have signed our life away.According to Pessino, dealing with Sonys exorbitant demands and strict deadlines would have made lives difficult for anyone on the project but they wanted to do it regardless. Its an interesting prospect, though not one that will come to fruition anytime soon.We were not in a position to negotiate a reasonable contract; they could have done whatever. But we wouldve taken it because we wanted a chance to redeem the franchise. All of the groundwork was really, really good, I can tell you that for a fact. There was so much there that just needed to be built on, he said.To conclude however, The Order 1886 is a game that has a few strengths but they end up being outnumbered by the design flaws making it an experience that doesnt have much to show for it except the pretty visuals. Even considering how smaller-scale games have come to be successful in the modern AA market, The Order 1886 doesnt really stack up against contemporaries making it an ultimately disappointing experience. Its definitely worth a shot just to see the concepts and ambitions of the developer, but dont expect to be blown away by the whole ordeal. In terms of rating, I would like to rate it a 6/10 in 2025; a fairly enjoyable but a flawed game.Note: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of, and should not be attributed to, GamingBolt as an organization.
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  • Gradually then suddenly: Is AI job displacement following this pattern?
    Many technological shifts have coincided with economic downturns. Will 2025 be the year AI not only augments jobs but starts to replace them?Read More
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  • Achieving Critical Reliability in Instruction-Following with LLMs: How to Achieve AI Customer Service Thats 100% Reliable
    Ensuring reliable instruction-following in LLMs remains a critical challenge. This is particularly important in customer-facing applications, where mistakes can be costly. Traditional prompt engineering techniques fail to deliver consistent results. A more structured and managed approach is necessary to improve adherence to business rules while maintaining flexibility.This article explores key innovations, including granular atomic guidelines, dynamic evaluation and filtering of instructions, and Attentive Reasoning Queries (ARQs), while acknowledging implementation limitations and trade-offs.The Challenge: Inconsistent AI Performance in Customer ServiceLLMs are already providing tangible business value when used as assistants to human representatives in customer service scenarios. However, their reliability as autonomous customer-facing agents remains a challenge.Traditional approaches to developing conversational LLM applications often fail in real-world use cases. The two most common approaches are:Iterative prompt engineering, which leads to inconsistent, unpredictable behavior.Flowchart-based processing, which sacrifices the real magic of LLM-powered interactions: dynamic, free-flowing, human-like interactions.In high-stakes customer-facing applications, such as banking, even minor errors can have serious consequences. For instance, an incorrectly executed API call (like transferring money) can lead to lawsuits and reputational damage. Conversely, mechanical interactions that lack naturalness and rapport hurt customer trust and engagement, limiting containment rates (cases resolved without human intervention).For LLMs to reach their full potential as dynamic, autonomous agents in real-world cases, we must make them follow business-specific instructions consistently and at scale, while maintaining the flexibility of natural, free-flowing interactions.How to Create a Reliable, Autonomous Customer Service Agent with LLMsTo address these gaps in LLMs and current approaches, and achieve a level of reliability and control that works well in real-world cases, we must question the approaches that failed.One of the first questions I had when I started working on Parlant (an open-source framework for customer-facing AI agents) was, If an AI agent is found to mishandle a particular customer scenario, what would be the optimal process for fixing it? Adding additional demands to an already-lengthy prompt, like Heres how you should approach scenario X would quickly become complicated to manage, and the results werent consistent anyhow. Besides that, adding those instructions unconditionally posed an alignment risk since LLMs are inherently biased by their input. It was therefore important that instructions for scenario X did not leak into other scenarios which potentially required a different approach.We thus realized that instructions needed to apply only in their intended context. This made sense because, in real-life, when we catch unsatisfactory behavior in real-time in a customer-service interaction, we usually know how to correct it: Were able to specify both what needs to improve as well as the context in which our feedback should apply. For example, Be concise and to the point when discussing premium-plan benefits, but Be willing to explain our offering at length when comparing it to other solutions.In addition to this contextualization of instructions, in training a highly capable agent that can handle many use cases, wed clearly need to tweak many instructions over time as we shaped our agents behavior to business needs and preferences. We needed a systematic approach.Stepping back and rethinking, from first principles, our ideal expectations from modern AI-based interactions and how to develop them, this is what we understood about how such interactions should feel to customers:Empathetic and coherent: Customers should feel in good hands when using AI.Fluid, like Instant Messaging (IM): Allowing customers to switch topics back and forth, express themselves using multiple messages, and ask about multiple topics at a time.Personalized: You should feel that the AI agent knows its speaking to you and understands your context.From a developer perspective, we also realized that:Crafting the right conversational UX is an evolutionary process. We should be able to confidently modify agent behavior in different contexts, quickly and easily, without worrying about breaking existing behavior.Instructions should be respected consistently. This is hard to do with LLMs, which are inherently unpredictable creatures. An innovative solution was required.Agent decisions should be transparent. The spectrum of possible issues related to natural language and behavior is too wide. Resolving issues in instruction-following without clear indications of how an agent interpreted our instructions in a given scenario would be highly impractical in production environments with deadlines.Implementing Parlants Design GoalsOur main challenge was how to control and adjust an AI agents behavior while ensuring that instructions are not spoken in vainthat the AI agent implements them accurately and consistently. This led to a strategic design decision: granular, atomic guidelines.1. Granular Atomic GuidelinesComplex prompts often overwhelm LLMs, leading to incomplete or inconsistent outputs with respect to the instructions they specify. We solved this in Parlant by dropping broad prompts for self-contained, atomic guidelines. Each guideline consists of:Condition: A natural-language query that determines when the instruction should apply (e.g., The customer inquires about a refund)Action: The specific instruction the LLM should follow (e.g., Confirm order details and offer an overview of the refund process.)By segmenting instructions into manageable units and systematically focusing their attention on each one at a time, we could get the LLM to evaluate and enforce them with higher accuracy.2. Filtering and Supervision MechanismLLMs are highly influenced by the content of their prompts, even if parts of the prompt are not directly relevant to the conversation at hand.Instead of presenting all guidelines at once, we made Parlant dynamically match and apply only the relevant set of instructions at each step of the conversation. This real-time matching can then be leveraged for:Reduced cognitive overload for the LLM: Wed avoid prompt leaks and increase the models focus on the right instructions, leading to higher consistency.Supervision: We added a mechanism to highlight each guidelines impact and enforce its application, increasing conformance across the board.Explainability: Every evaluation and decision generated by the system includes a rationale detailing how guidelines were interpreted and the reasoning behind skipping or activating them at each point in the conversation.Continuous improvement: By monitoring guideline effectiveness and agent interpretation, developers could easily refine their AIs behavior over time. Because guidelines are atomic and supervised, you could easily make structured changes without breaking fragile prompts.3. Attentive Reasoning Queries (ARQs)While Chain of Thought (CoT) prompting improves reasoning, it remains limited in its ability to maintain consistent, context-sensitive responses over time. Parlant introduces Attentive Reasoning Queries (ARQs)a technique weve devised to ensure that multi-step reasoning stays effective, accurate, and predictable, even across thousands of runs. You can find our research paper on ARQs vs. CoT on parlant.io and arxiv.org.ARQs work by directing the LLMs attention back to high-priority instructions at key points in the response generation process, getting the LLM to attend to those instructions and reason about them right before it needs to apply them. We found that localizing the reasoning around the part of the response where a specific instruction needs to be applied provided significantly greater accuracy and consistency than a preliminary, nonspecific reasoning process like CoT.Acknowledging LimitationsWhile these innovations improve instruction-following, there are challenges to consider:Computational overhead: Implementing filtering and reasoning mechanisms increases processing time. However, with hardware and LLMs improving by the day, we saw this as a possibly controversial, yet strategic design choice.Alternative approaches: In some low-risk applications, such as assistive AI co-pilots, simpler methods like prompt-tuning or workflow-based approaches often suffice.Why Consistency Is Crucial for Enterprise-Grade Conversational AIIn regulated industries like finance, healthcare, and legal services, even 99% accuracy poses significant risk. A bank handling millions of monthly conversations cannot afford thousands of potentially critical errors. Beyond accuracy, AI systems must be constrained such that errors, even when they occur, remain within strict, acceptable bounds.In response to the demand for greater accuracy in such applications, AI solution vendors often argue that humans also make mistakes. While this is true, the difference is that, with human employees, correcting them is usually straightforward. You can ask them why they handled a situation the way they did. You can provide direct feedback and monitor their results. But relying on best-effort prompt-engineering, while being blind to why an AI agent even made some decision in the first place, is an approach that simply doesnt scale beyond basic demos.This is why a structured feedback mechanism is so important. It allows you to pinpoint what changes need to be made, and how to make them while keeping existing functionality intact. Its this realization that put us on the right track with Parlant early on.Handling Millions of Customer Interactions with Autonomous AI AgentsFor enterprises to deploy AI at scale, consistency and transparency are non-negotiable. A financial chatbot providing unauthorized advice, a healthcare assistant misguiding patients, or an e-commerce agent misrepresenting products can all have severe consequences.Parlant redefines AI alignment by enabling:Enhanced operational efficiency: Reducing human intervention while ensuring high-quality AI interactions.Consistent brand alignment: Maintaining coherence with business values.Regulatory compliance: Adhering to industry standards and legal requirements.This methodology represents a shift in how AI alignment is approached in the first place. Using modular guidelines with intelligent filtering instead of long, complex prompts; adding explicit supervision and validation mechanisms to ensure things go as plannedthese innovations mark a new standard for achieving reliability with LLMs. As AI-driven automation continues to expand in adoption, ensuring consistent instruction-following will become an accepted necessity, not an innovative luxury.If your company is looking to deploy robust AI-powered customer service or any other customer-facing application, you should look into Parlant, an agent framework for controlled, explainable, and enterprise-ready AI interactions. Yam MarcovitzParlant Tech Lead, CEOatEmcie|Website| + postsBioYam Marcovitz is Parlant's Tech Lead and CEO at Emcie. An experienced software builder with extensive experience in mission-critical software and system architecture, Yams background informs his distinctive approach to developing controllable, predictable, and aligned AI systems.Yam Marcovitzhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/yam-marcovitz/Are Autoregressive LLMs Really Doomed? A Commentary on Yann LeCuns Recent Keynote at AI Action Summit
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  • Today's Wordle Hints, Answer and Help for March 24, #1374
    Here are hints and the answer for today's Wordle No. 1,374 for March 24.
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