You don't have to share all of your Wi-Fi with visitors. Image: AmazonWe may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more When you have new visitors to your home, requests for the Wi-Fi password are likely to come in sooner rather than later. Such is the importance of staying online at all times in the modern age.Theres nothing wrong with giving out access to your Wi-Fi network to friends and relatives, but there are reasons to be cautious. It enables your guests to connect to everything else on the network, from printers to security cameras, and it can start to cause congestion for your own devices.This isnt to say your guests are untrustworthy, but its usually best to err on the side of caution when it comes to internet securityespecially if youre hosting a big group of people that includes some you dont know very well.This is where a guest network comes in. Its a separate network, just for guests, and it means your main Wi-Fi network is reserved for your use only. Everyone who visits can get connected to the web, and you dont have to worry about what they might be accessing.Set up a guest network on your routerEero devices let you set up guest networks. Screenshot: Eero Many modern routers and mesh network systems come with guest network capabilities built right in: Theyre smart enough to set up a secondary Wi-Fi network, which appears under a separate name and has a separate password. This network appears alongside the main one whenever a device tries to get online.Every router model handles guest networks differently. We cant go through all of the different variations here, but if the feature is available, you should be able to find the option somewhere prominently in the router settings. Head into the settings through the routers companion app on your phone, or through a web browser (a quick web search or the router documentation should tell you how to do this).As an example, Amazons Eero range of routers and mesh systems offers guest network capabilities. If you open up the Eero app for Android or iOS, then head to the Settings tab, you can tap Guest network to configure it. With Eero devices, you can set up the name and the password for the network, and turn it on and off.The app even comes with options for sharing your guest network Wi-Fi details easilyyou can tap the buttons at the bottom of the configuration screen to send the login information via a message or QR code. Your guests can then connect in just a few seconds.Different routers offer different guest network featuresyou may be able to limit upload and download speeds, for example. As the Eero app explains, your guests will be able to get online, but they wont be able to access your streaming devices, smart speakers, and other connected gadgets.Install a second router for a guest networkYou can invest in an inexpensive secondary router like this Tenda AC1200 model. Image: Tenda If your current router doesnt offer a guest network feature (or even if it does), theres another option. You can plug in an additional router to one of the Ethernet ports on your current router, and use it to set up a secondary Wi-Fi network that operates independently.This is ideal if you have an older router lying around not doing anything, but you can also invest in a new modelit doesnt have to be particularly expensive or capable, because its only for guest use. Something like the Tenda AC1200 Smart Wi-Fi Router ($31) or the TP-Link AC1200 Archer A54 Wi-Fi Router ($35) will do the job without breaking the bank.With the router powered up, connect an Ethernet cable from the internet port on your second router (often labeled WAN or Internet), to a spare wired port on your original router (often labeled LAN). Your original router will automatically handle the job of feeding internet access to the second device, as and when needed.You can then go through the setup process for the second router just as you would if you were setting it up as your main one. This is now usually done through a mobile app; you may well see a QR code for it on the router or in the instructions that came with it.As part of the setup process, youll be asked to specify a name and password for the guest Wi-Fi network youre creating details youll then give out to family and friends. As these visitors wont be on your main Wi-Fi network, which will still run as normal, theyll be more limited in what they can do.