In this tutorial, we create a simple button UI element in Unreal and Unity using the Rectangle SDF node we created last week. The shader includes standard, pressed, active, and moused-over states. The tutorial also includes the creation of a scale node to add to our library.------------------------------------Here's last week's video that shows how to create the rectangle SDF node:https://youtu.be/fDjEq30dwNM Here's the playlist for the whole series:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL78XDi0TS4lF5ASo3vpUFKenMkhMVeZ5y Shader Book Recommendationshttps://www.bencloward.com/resources_books.shtml ------------------------------Theme MusicPeace in the Circuitry - Glitch Hophttp://teknoaxe.com/Link_Code_3.php?q=1526 Background MusicSpeo - The Little Thingshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvCYuyyLgC0 #UnrealEngine #shadergraph #Unity