• How To Use The Asset Library in Blender (Free Asset Packs)
    Asset browser basics, How to add assets and create an asset library in blender, Just drag and drop assets to any scene, Blender 4.2 TutorialAssets:Medieval props: https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/l/ulfkzi?layout=profile Nature pack: https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/l/joGTC?layout=profile My 3D Assets(Free & Paid)https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/ https://www.artstation.com/chuckcg/store?tab=digital_product https://blendermarket.com/creators/3d-models Portfolio https://www.artstation.com/chuckcg How to create the water shader https://youtu.be/hJPwE6dKg2c How to use the water shader https://youtu.be/7WZMYZyuosQ How to create landscapes https://youtu.be/cDPgOjvujZ8 How to create rocky surfaces https://youtu.be/g9T3vDtTAPk Music: Samba Isobel by Kevin MacLeod
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  • How I made a Fishing Village with the Water Shader Addon in Blender
    Eeasily create environments in blender, with the water shader addon and the pre-made assets included in the addon, blender 4.2.FREE Water shader Addon: https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/l/sxbcnw?layout=profile Bagapie https://blendermarket.com/products/bagapie-assets Medieval Props https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/l/ulfkzi?layout=profile How to create the water shader https://youtu.be/hJPwE6dKg2c How to use the water shader https://youtu.be/7WZMYZyuosQ How to create landscapes https://youtu.be/cDPgOjvujZ8 How to create rocky surfaces https://youtu.be/g9T3vDtTAPk My 3D Assets(Free & Paid)https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/ https://www.artstation.com/chuckcg/store?tab=digital_product https://blendermarket.com/creators/3d-models
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  • Free Water Shader + Assets For Blender
    How to customize the water shader in blender, create beautiful water scenes with this addon, The full version includes PBR assets, fantasy architeture, terrains and rocks for your environments.Water shader: https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/l/sxbcnw?layout=profile My 3D Assets(Free & Paid)https://chuckcg.gumroad.com/ https://www.artstation.com/chuckcg/store?tab=digital_product https://blendermarket.com/creators/3d-models More Blender tutorialsMake Rocky surfaces in blender https://youtu.be/T6_YINbocEk Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/tutorial-assets-84982377 #3d #blendertutorial
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  • The Best Martial Arts Movies Based On Real-Life Martial Artists
    Two things that really make martial arts films great are the action-packed fight scenes and the unique stories, but the best ones of them all are those that are based on real-life martial artists. These kinds of movies don't just showcase brilliant combat skills, but they also give viewers the chance to look into the lives of the iconic and legendary figures who paved the way in the world of martial arts.
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  • Pokemon TCG Pocket Free to Play Vs. Pay to Win Controversy Explained
    Pokemon TCG Pocket stormed onto the scene in October, immediately garnering huge player numbers. However, the translation of a card game into a mobile game has led to Pokemon TCG Pocket taking on certain traits that some players are calling pay-to-win.
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  • How to Consume High Rarity Cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket (Special Shop Ticket)
    Pokemon TCG Pocket adopts a typical gacha game approach by overwhelming players with multiple currencies: Poke Gold, Shop Ticket, Premium Ticket, and Special Shop Ticket. And with so many similar yet distinct currencies, its easy to get confused. But dont worrywe've put together a detailed guide to explain Special Shop Tickets and the only two ways to acquire them. Even better, this guide will also help you learn how to consume rare cards!
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  • Europa is chill its story isnt
    At the risk of being entirely unrelatable: You know that music they play at the spa? That synthy, spaced-out soundscape type of stuff that isnt exactly music, but isnt exactly not music? The sort of playlist you can find if you take a wrong turn from your favorite lo-fi playlist? Chord after relaxing chord, interspersed with birdsong, rain sounds, or crackling fire? Well, Europa is that, but in video game form at least when it comes to its gameplay.Europa, developed by Helder Pinto and Novadust Entertertainment, is a game mostly about gently floating through cel-shaded environments to soothing piano and electronic music. You play as Zee, a humanoid boy who uses a Zephyr backpack to fly through serene landscapes riddled with overgrown ruins and cutesy robots. In its opening hours, Europa feels like it ought to have been titled Beautiful Vista Simulator, as it shuttles you from overlook to stunning overlook, panning the camera out to show off the games painterly aesthetic and surprising scope. If you liked the opening of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Europa does that kind of epic zoom-out every 30 minutes or so. (Only a slight exaggeration.)Taken on vibes alone, Europa is a relaxing experience bordering on the meditative. Challenge is absent here. Many enemies can be disabled with a hug. Puzzles are perfunctory and quickly dispatched. You cannot die. If you are looking for a challenge, look elsewhere. Europa trades in difficulty for the joy of movement as the player explores the nooks and crannies of a gorgeous, if largely empty, world. Besides Zee, that world is populated only by assorted fauna (deer, rabbits, foxes) and an arks worth of robots. And its the latter population that introduces the games most obvious conflict: a sharp contrast between its aesthetic and its narrative.Theres no shortage of post-apocalyptic games. Europa, for all its chill trappings, is another entry in that genre. Humans have colonized Europa, one of Jupiters moons, transforming it with AI-produced terraformers into something inhabitable. But not all is well with the mission for a second home for humans. The game is narrated by an old man writing to his son, and you spend your time collecting the pages of his diary, reassembling the story of what happened before you set out on your Europan adventure a story, as it turns out, thats fairly dark. As the game progresses, it becomes clear that humanitys flaws came along with them to Europa, the terraformers having long ago decided to revolt against their creators, deeming humanity antithetical to their directive to create an ecologically sound environment. That conflict spills over into outright war, as humanity abandons the ground and takes to a refuge in the sky.Without spoiling anything, I will say that, by the conclusion of Europa, the game makes a definitive statement on the conflict between human life and the environment. Yet the questions posed by Europas story chiefly, should humanity be given a second chance at sustaining a planet if theyve failed and failed again to do anything but destroy wherever it is they call home? stand in contrast to the experience of playing the game, which is sublimely chill and, as Ive written, almost entirely devoid of conflict.In the brief three to four hours it takes to complete the game, you will encounter landscapes unbothered by industry or greed, reading page after page about how humans, even in our desperate flight from a ruined Earth, brought our warlike inclinations to what shouldve been a utopia. In its narrative, Europa explicitly asks the player to consider whether we, as humanity, deserve a Europa. My own answer, watching the clouds roll over verdant hills dotted with unbothered creatures both biological and technological, was, frankly, no. We had our shot. Let them have a go at it. Let someone else have a chance if weve wasted our first and second. Let the world reclaim the world and see if a newer, gentler order might arise.I dont think the developers would agree with me on this point, but I find it fascinating that the game allows for this reading. Europa has some drawbacks as a game: The camera can often fight you midflight, some sound effects still feel like placeholders, and the periodic deactivation of Zees ability to freely glide through the air (as a means of adding challenge) just doesnt work that well, as its no fun to be able to fly and then be told to walk. And, again, if you are looking for a challenge, seek greener pastures (though good luck finding greener pastures than Europas).Yet, while Europa is not a game I can recommend without some reservations, what I admire most about it is its unwillingness to square the circle of its gameplay and narrative dissonances. Having seen where the story lands, I can safely say the contrast is not unintentional on the part of the developers. And while I do find myself personally bristling at the more hopeful inclinations, I admire the fact that, to the end, Europa asks you to decide for yourself what you think of all this. Its a brave game that gives over such thematic decisions to its player rather than beating them over the head with a desired interpretation. Europa might be the spa music of post-apocalyptic games, but its relaxation asks a deeper question: Do we deserve a greener world? And, if not, how might we change ourselves so that we fit into that greener utopia of which weve dreamed so long?Europawas released Oct. 11 on Nintendo Switch and Windows PC. The author played on PC using a download code provided by Future Friends Games. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. You can findadditional information about Polygons ethics policy here.
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  • My Six Favorite YouTube Channels for At-Home Yoga Classes
    Sometimes, I don't want to go through the rigamarole of heading out to attend a structured yoga classI just feel the urge to stretch and want to do it from the comfort and privacy of my home. YouTube is great in these instances: there are a ton of channels on there where trained yogis offer up guided routines that are easy to follow at home. Whatever amount of time or skill you have (or don't have), here are the ones I recommend. (A few notes: What I look for in YouTube yoga is a mixture of accessibility and tolerability. If I want something really serious, I consider that motivation to go to an in-person class, where I can get guidance from someone in real life. I don't pretend to be a yogi by any means, either. I'm someone who enjoys fitness classes in all forms and spicing up my activities by keeping them diverse. These are the best I've found for my novice skill level and needs.)For straightforward yoga: Yoga With Tim Yoga With Tim offers up 15-, 20-, 30- and 40-minute flows for free and you can subscribe to a paid tier that unlocks longer ones. He isn't ashow do I put this?infantilizing and woo-woo as some others out there, which is nice if you just don't feel like drowning in baby talk. Many of his videos are for "all levels," so you can enjoy a simple vinyasa flow without contorting or stressing yourself. I also enjoy that he's always on a beach or a deck. It's just nice to look at. For quick flows: Boho Beautiful Boho Beautiful offers a little more woo-woo, but it's not cloying. The real benefit of these videos is their varied times. There are a bunch of 15- and 20-minute flows on the channel that help you feel energized, stretched, and joyful in a pinch. A gold standard: Yoga With Adriene Yoga With Adriene is the most famous YouTube channel on this list, and she deserves it. The channel has nearly 13 million subscribers because it's just that good. If anything, the absolute glut of options is the only downside: She has videos for everything from waking up to doing yoga "after a disaster." It might take you some time to pick one, but once you do, she's clear, direct, and inspiring, while still being soft-spoken, so you get the direction you need without any distractions. The "Yoga for Beginners" playlist is a great place to start if you're not sure what to do, as she really does take the time to explain everything you need to know. For specific fitness goals: Yoga With Kassandra Sometimes, the goal of at-home yoga is to leisurely stretch and be mindful. Other times, you may want to lean more toward "workout" than "relaxing." In those cases, try Yoga With Kassandra, where you can get videos that are aimed at increasing flexibility, core strength, endurance, and more. She offers up different kinds of yoga, from the vinyasa you're probably familiar with to yin, which has you holding the poses a lot longer than usual. When you're ready for a challenge: Nicole Wild On Nicole Wild's channel, you'll find a bit more of a challenge. Some of her flows stretch on for an hour and you can choose intermediate and advanced ones, too. There's nothing wrong with sticking with novice videos forever (and, honestly, since you're alone with no teacher to help you if the situation gets sticky, it's not the worst idea) but if you're looking for something a little spicier, go here. I like the production of her videos because it's very easy to see her and exactly what she's doing, but she also gives clear directions that come in handy when you're trying something new. If you want to watch real teaching: Lululemon Interestingly, Lululemon's YouTube channel features free, full-length classesand I do mean classes. A lot of the videos feature an instructor and one or two other people, so you can actually watch the pro guide them. It gives the sense that you're really in a class, which could be helpful for you. Seeing someone correct another person's poses or posture can help you recognize what's wrong with yours and bring some of the benefits of in-person class to your living room.
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  • Five Ways to Keep Your Outdoor Space Warm This Winter
    Its easy to love your outdoor space in the warm weather. Its a little more challenging when the temperatures drop and you feel like youre hanging out in the Arctic every time you stand on your deck. If you want to enjoy your deck, patio, or backyard during the winter months, you need a plan to keep the space warm.Insulating curtainsWhen it comes to keeping an outdoor area warm, wind and heat transfer is your enemy. One of the best things you can do is to create an enclosed space out of your patio or deck using cold-weather insulating curtains. A DIY pergola will give you a frame to hang them on (and a roof you can cover as well for maximum coziness), but any kind of simple framing will work, including some simple tension wire affixed to posts.Thick rugsOne reason your outdoor space feels freezing even when its relatively warm and sunny outside during the winter? The ground is ice cold. A good-quality outdoor rug thats water- and cold-resistant will insulate the floor of your deck or patio against the chill, making the whole space seem a bit warmer since your feet wont be turning into ice cubes. Combined with insulated curtains, you can really warm up that outdoor space this way.Heaters The Blue Rooster Prairie Fire Outdoor Chiminea Fireplace $389.00 at Amazon Shop Now Shop Now $389.00 at Amazon An obviousand effectivechoice is to install some heat sources on your deck, patio, or around your backyard space. A few things to consider:Firepits (or chimineas, or permanent fireplaces) are great focal points for your outdoor seating, and can throw a surprising amount of heat. But they often dont have much range, and project heat only towards one side.Propane, natural gas, or infrared heaters can augment the heating situation on your deck or patio or in a backyard seating area. Standing propane heaters can be arranged around the perimeter, and infrared heaters can be hung from pergola roofs or other structures, if available, to maximize temperatures.Your choice of heater may depend on whether you can access electricity or gas in your outdoor space, but propane heaters work perfectly well and can be installed just about anywhere.Heated patio floorsOne way to ensure a comfortable (and impressively fancy) patio space: Install heated floors. Outdoor radiant heated floors will not only keep you a lot warmer in the cold weather, they will also melt off snow and ice to keep the space clear for use. There are two basic kinds of outdoor heated floors: electric and hydronic. The former uses wires under the pavers or flooring materials that heat up; the latter uses warm water piped under the floor.This is a bigger project than just throwing up some curtains and heaters, of course, but if youre going to be installing a patio anyway, its something to consider, as it will make your outdoor space much more comfortable during the cold weather.Party tentIf youve got a backyard but no patio or deck space, a simple way to make the outdoors more comfortable is to pitch a tent. A small party tent can give you an enclosed space that you can outfit with a rug, some furniture, and a heat source that will allow you to enjoy your backyard no matter how frigid it gets back there. MASTERCANOPY Pop Up Canopy Tent 10x10 with Church Window Sidewalls10x10,Black $149.95 at Amazon $179.95 Save $30.00 Shop Now Shop Now $149.95 at Amazon $179.95 Save $30.00 When it comes to heating up a tent, youll want to go with an electric heaterpropane heaters give off fumes, and in an enclosed tent this could be dangerous (and obviously an open flame in a firepit would be a very bad idea). Youll also want to be very careful about where you place your heater. in order to avoid setting your nice new tent on fire.
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  • My Favorite Amazon Deal of the Day: These Bose QuietComfort Headphones
    Bose is a recognized name in audio tech and has been making capable active noise-cancelling headphones since 2016, when the company launched the QuietComfort line of devices. Right now, you can pick up the 2023 model of Bose's QuietComfort headphones for $199, $150 off the original price of $349. This is the lowest price they've reached, according to price-tracking tools, making them a good bet if you're looking to get a high-performance pair of headphones without spending a fortune. Bose QuietComfort Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones, Bluetooth Over Ear Headphones with Up To 24 Hours of Battery L $199.00 at Amazon $349.00 Save $150.00 Get Deal Get Deal $199.00 at Amazon $349.00 Save $150.00 Bose headphones are often found at the top of any roundup of the best headphones on the market and have been consistently praised for years. The Bose QuietComfort lineup in particular excels in comfort (hence the name) and ANC. If those are features you're after, these headphones are worth considering, especially at this price point.Keep in mind that this is the lesser model in the current QuietComfort line. Bose released both the Bose QuietComfort and the Bose QuietComfort Ultra last year. The Ultras are more high-end and include extra functionality, but they retail for $100 more and aren't necessarily the best bet for every userif you don't care about Bluetooth 5.3 versus 5.1, immersion mode (which allows you to hear the audio as if it is coming from different directions), or other extraneous features, you can save yourself some money and go with the basic Bose QuietComfort.These headphones can connect to multiple devices at once, so you can seamlessly transition from one device to the next without repairing. They also offer a transparency mode that lets you hear your surroundings while wearing them, a customizable EQ so you can listen to your music how you like it to sound, and an impressive 24 hours of battery life, according to PCMag's "excellent" review." Also worth noting: They have physical buttons rather than touch controls, which will be a plus or a minus, depending on your preferences.
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