• TikTok Shop is outperforming Shein and Sephora among US shoppers online
    TikTok Shop is now a more popular online retailer than Shein and Sephora among Americans.TikTok Shop first launched in September 2023.A new consumer trends report found that 45% of surveyed Americans have bought something on TikTok.TikTok Shop has surpassed retail giants Shein and Sephora in the online battle for US shoppers.A 2025 consumer trends report by Coefficient Capital and The New Consumer's Dan FrommerTikTok Shop launched in September 2023, making it a relatively new online retailer compared to its peers. However, the consumer trends report said 80% of surveyed Americans who use TikTok at least once a month are aware of TikTok Shop, signaling the retailer's growing reach.That reach has helped TikTok overtake retailers like Sephora, Shein, and Qurate in US consumerSephora and Shein are two popular online retailers in the United States, especially with younger generations like Gen Alpha. Qurate Retail Group owns and operates six retail brands, including QVC. The company sells items online through its brands.Sephora helped its parent company, LVMH, achieve record-breaking sales in 2023, reaching $10 billion in revenue across North America. Shein made $2 billion in profits that year. Although Qurate's third-quarter earnings report said revenue decreased by 5%, it generated $152 million in operating income.A March Financial Times report cited three sources who said TikTok had reached $16 billion in sales in the United States. It's unclear how much the TikTok Shop has made since its 2023 launch, but the company said in its 2024 economic report that the app drove $15 billion in revenue for small businesses in the United States.The consumer trends report said 45% of surveyed Americans purchased "fashion, clothing, and accessories" from TikTok Shop. Beauty and personal care items came second at 44%. Surveyed TikTok users also indicated purchasing electronics, home goods, food, toys, books, and more from the online shop.TikTok has led the growth of social media shopping apps in the United States in recent years. TikTok's Chinese parent company, ByteDance, likely wants to replicate the success of its sister app in China, Douyin, which drives hundreds of billions in sales annually, often through influencer livestreams.Despite its rising popularity with content creators and shoppers alike, TikTok faces a potential federal ban in the United States next month.In April, Congress passed the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act. The law gives ByteDance until January 19 to divest from TikTok or face a ban in the United States. On December 6, a federal appeals court upheld the ban as constitutional.Lawmakers worry that the Chinese government could compel the app's Chinese ownership to manipulate content for propaganda or leverage the personal data of millions of Americans.Ahead of the potential ban, TikTok launched a "limited-time offer " promotion this week, allowing users to earn $50 in TikTok Shop credits to recruit a new user. Users can earn up to $350 in shop credits in total.Representatives for TikTok, Shein, Sephora, and Qurate did not respond to a request for comment from Business Insider.
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  • My family voted for Trump. How can we talk about politics without ruining the holidays?
    Your Mileage May Vary is an advice column offering you a new framework for thinking through your ethical dilemmas and philosophical questions. This unconventional column is based on value pluralism the idea that each of us has multiple values that are equally valid but that often conflict with each other. Here is a Vox readers question, condensed and edited for clarity.My parents and siblings are all highly religious, living in a Southern state. My wife and I have both moved away as well as left our religion, so obviously that has led to some changes in values. Nowhere has that been more obvious in this recent election cycle than with abortion.Nearly all my relatives chose to vote for Trump this election, and limiting access to abortion is one of the major reasons why. For my wife and I, its mind-boggling how they can be fully aware of how many women are being harmed and even killed by these new restrictions and just brush it off by saying, Well, I do think there should be SOME exceptions, and then vote for people who do NOT think that, without any tension whatsoever. It almost feels like the only way they could be persuaded to care was if somebody close to them was the victim of one of these laws.Well be home to see them around Christmastime, and we are still struggling with navigating the dynamic. How do we interact like everything is fine with them while knowing that their values are so diametrically opposed to ours? That they are completely fine with dramatically increasing human suffering to check a religious box? I do love my family, and theyve never taken their beliefs out on us in the Youre going to hell! kind of way, but I still have trouble wrestling with this and trying to act like we can just gather up ethical issues in a box called politics and never talk about it. Any advice?Dear Tongue-Tied,Right now, your family members are not morally legible to you. What I mean is that youre having trouble understanding how they could possibly vote the way they did. Its mind-boggling, as you put it. But I want to suggest that its mind-boggling in part because youre making two core assumptions. The first assumption is that their values are so diametrically opposed to ours. The second is that they are completely fine with dramatically increasing human suffering. These assumptions are sticking you with a dilemma: You dont know how to talk to your relatives about their choice to vote for Trump but it also feels wrong to just hold your tongue. Have a question you want me to answer in the next Your Mileage May Vary column?Feel free to email me at sigal.samuel@vox.com or fill out this anonymous form! Newsletter subscribers will get my column before anyone else does and their questions will be prioritized for future editions. Sign up here!So consider this: Just as your tongue has taste buds, your mind has moral taste buds. Thats according to social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, who co-developed moral foundations theory. His research suggests that people in different political camps prioritize different moral values. Liberals are those whose moral taste buds make them especially sensitive to the values of care and fairness. Conservatives are those who are also sensitive to the values of loyalty, authority, and sanctity. Its not like some of these values are wrong and some are right. Theyre not actually diametrically opposed to each other. Theyre just different. And each one captures a dimension thats important in human life. So, when were trying to communicate with people across the political aisle, its best not to assume that theyre morally bankrupt or completely fine with dramatically increasing human suffering. Maybe theyre operating on the basis of moral values, just as we are, but the values that are salient for them are not the ones that are most salient for us.Haidts research suggests that we should enter into these conversations with genuine curiosity what are the moral values behind the opposing political views? and a recognition that others values have worth, too. You may not be a conservative, but I imagine you still feel that theres some value to loyalty, say, or sanctity. Its helpful to get in touch with that, because people are much more receptive when they sense that youre trying to find shared moral ground than when youre just trying to win an argument. To be clear, attuning to the underlying values of the other person does not mean you have to end up agreeing with their position on, say, abortion. Nor does it mean you slide into moral relativism, believing that every position is equally worthy. You can recognize the validity of the underlying moral value even as you dispute the particular way that the person is expressing that value in the world. The Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor offers some language for thinking about this. In his book The Malaise of Modernity, he writes that we need to undertake a work of retrieval, [to] identify and articulate the higher ideal behind the more or less debased practices, and then criticize these practices from the standpoint of their own motivating ideal. In other words, instead of dismissing this culture altogether, or just endorsing it as it is, we ought to attempt to raise its practice by making more palpable to its participants what the ethic they subscribe to really involves.Taylor is in favor of trying to persuade others of your views. But he says you need to be very clear about what level your persuasion is operating on. Its a mistake to attack the underlying value, because theres nothing actually wrong with it. Instead, you should be trying to show what it would look like to honor that value properly and fully.Since you mentioned abortion is a particular sticking point in your family, lets take that as an example. As someone on the liberal end of the spectrum, Im guessing youre in favor of abortion rights in large part because you believe in a persons autonomy over their own body and you want to prevent harm to the pregnant person, whether physical or psychological (care, or preventing harm, is one of Haidts classic liberal taste buds). That makes a ton of sense! At the same time, maybe you can also see how someone else may be focused on another value, like the sanctity of life. (Sanctity, or the idea that something is so hallowed that we want to protect it, is one of Haidts classic conservative taste buds. He notes that although its often invoked by the religious right, its not exclusive to that camp. Im thinking of a sign I saw at a Black Lives Matter protest: Black lives are sacred.) Maybe the sanctity of life is not your top value, and maybe you disagree with your relatives about when life truly begins. But regardless: Attuning to the underlying value which is relatively easy to relate to, because life really is precious! makes the other position morally legible.Recognizing that doesnt mean the argument is over. Its here that the real argument, the one we should be having, actually starts. Because if your family members believe that a fetus is a life and therefore deserves moral concern, they still have to weigh that against the claims of the pregnant person, who definitely represents a sacred life and whose needs definitely carry moral weight. The beauty of framing the conversation this way is that were no longer locked in an either/or either youre right or I am but suddenly were in a both/and. We want to prevent harm and we want to protect life. Having moved beyond the fight over values, we can now discuss the real question that should be occupying us: What would it look like to give both values appropriate consideration? For example, I could argue that I should be free to choose whether to carry a pregnancy to term, not because Im 100 percent certain that a fetus deserves zero moral concern, but because Im 100 percent certain that I do deserve moral concern, and I want to prevent harm to myself, and I am best placed to know what the consequences of childbearing would be for me. In other words, I can grant the possibility that theres something in their view worth weighing, but point out that its outweighed by the certainty on the other side of the scale a certainty that their own values commit them to caring about. If they vote for politicians who thoroughly oppose abortion, theyre not acting according to their stated values. A word of caution from Taylor: Dont expect that youll successfully change your relatives minds. It would be naive to assume that people are swayed by argumentation alone. He writes that human life is fundamentally dialogical, meaning that we form our identities through our conversations and relationships with others, not just through rational thinking. That means we have to consider the context your relatives are in. Since theyre in a religious community in a Southern state, the vast majority of their social circle may oppose abortion rights. If they dont have access to a community that makes a pro-abortion rights position seem praiseworthy, it may feel psychologically threatening for them to entertain that position. Your relatives are also, like the rest of us, living in a certain technological climate. News media and social media algorithms push some content at them and suppress other content. If theyre flooded with conservative content, it may be extremely hard for you to make a dent.Thats okay. Its not your job to successfully change their views on abortion you ultimately dont have much control over that, given that their views are conditioned not just by values or reasoned argumentation but also by the social and technological web theyre embedded in. Your job is to show up as your full, loving self. Being your full self means that you dont just hold your tongue. But when you feel yourself tempted to let loose some harsh or judgmental words, you might run your tongue over the roof of your mouth as a way to remind yourself: You have moral taste buds and they do, too. If you feel like youve situated yourself in that truth and, from that place, you want to open a discussion with your relatives about their votes, go for it. But its also highly possible that you, like so many of us in this highly polarized country, could use more practice with the first part. If thats the case, feel free to just practice that this holiday season and enjoy some loving time with your family. Bonus: What Im readingThe experimental philosopher Joshua Knobe has a short and sweet blog post on what actually succeeds at changing society. One approach is to try to change peoples belief or explanatory theory about something. Another is to try to change community norms. The latter takes way longer, but Knobe thinks it might be the only thing that works.The journalist Shayla Love is doing retrieval work of the kind I think Charles Taylor would like in her recent Atlantic article about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and the wellness industry. The history of wellness suggests that the best way to defuse Kennedys power is not by litigating each one of his beliefs, she writes, but by understanding why the promise of being well has such lasting appeal. She argues that wellness captivates us not by empirically proving its truth but by meeting certain psychological needs.Writing this column prompted me to look at the work of Columbia Law Schools Jamal Greene this interview will give you a good taste who argues that America has a very weird way of thinking about rights. We recognize few of them, but the rights that we do recognize are considered unassailable and absolute. I think that prevents us from having both/and conversations where we talk about how to weigh competing rights or values. Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More:
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  • Monument Valley 3 review the best new video game on Netflix
    Monument Valley 3 no innovation but plenty of fun (Netflix)The Christmas special for video games on Netflix is a new sequel to mobile classic Monument Valley and its just as beautiful and mesmerising as ever.Netflix was originally in the business of posting rented DVDs to their customers, replacing an arduous journey to Blockbuster Video with a leisurely stroll to your local postbox. It was the later pivot to streaming video that proved to be their masterstroke, annihilating competitors and inspiring a dreadful new generation of streaming services from seemingly absolutely everybody, so that now you have to spend a small fortune on subscriptions to be allowed to watch everything.As a way of holding onto customers who might otherwise switch to Disney+, Amazon Prime, Paramount+, or any of the plethora of smaller offerings, Netflix started adding video games to its offering. When Google briefly flirted with games, a fundamental misunderstanding of development cycles meant their grandiose plans failed to pay off as quickly as anticipated, leading Google Stadia into the same graveyard as so many other abandoned Alphabet projects.The Netflix approach has been different. Rather than starting from scratch, with a scattering of partners, they applied the philosophy that worked so well in TV and film, by licensing games from existing developers en masse. Instead of chasing triple-A titles they instead went after mobile, and rather than settling for any old rubbish studios had knocking about, their focus has been on quality; and thanks to private equity financing, that wasnt at the expense of quantity.That means their current line-up includes Braid, Anniversary Edition; GTAs 3, San Andreas, and Vice City; Dead Cells; Into The Breach; Blooms TD 6; Kentucky Route Zero; and Immortality. Sure, theres a bit of chaff mixed in with all the classics, but its a superbly curated list, and considering most people turn up for the TV, feels effectively free.This weeks addition to their roster of champions is Monument Valley 3, the latest iteration of a franchise thats enjoyed monumental and deserved success. With so many games released every year, theres a real discoverability problem in mobile, so games that cut through to the degree Monument Valley has, usually have something special about them.In the third instalment, the premise remains unchanged. You control Noor, a little stick figure with a pointy hairdo. Tapping a point on the screen gets her to walk towards it. The object is to pilot her towards specific floor pads or doorways to progress, but generally those points are in unreachable parts of the level when you begin.Your job is to slide and rotate different parts of each level to clear her path and, like an M. C. Escher drawing, when 3D objects meet on the 2D plane of your phone screen Noor can traverse them, ignoring the impossibility of those broken perspectives. Its a process thats not at all intuitive, requiring pleasurable minutes of trial and error as you grab and swivel different pieces of scenery in search of a viable route.Accompanied by an ambient soundscape, each tap you make or element of the level you rotate makes its own distinct and sonorous tone, adding to a sort of minimal, Philip Glass style soundtrack thats at least partly of your own making. Its an especially rewarding game to play wearing headphones, the deep bass notes and tinkly treble creating an almost hypnotic effect with the gradual unfolding of each puzzle.Levels are formed from a mix of organic features and dramatic architecture, the rumbling as bits of it move and swivel, mixing with the sound of the surrounding water and subtle background bird and animal calls. Especially with noise cancelling switched on, it really transports you, its whimsy and tactile puzzling proving surprisingly captivating for something on such a small screen.More TrendingHowever, going back to the first game, as we did while writing this, its surprising just how similar the two experiences still are. The original Monument Valley arrived fully formed and apart from a few new bits of window dressing, this second sequel remains the same highly rewarding, beautifully drawn and mesmerisingly soundtracked set of puzzles.Once again the difficult it pitched just right, requiring a bit of experimentation or a brief pause to consider, but never holding you up for more than a minute or two, and very rarely even that long. Instead, its a digital walk in the park, a peaceful and lovingly constructed piece of escapism that amounts to a couple of hours of light puzzling.Anyone letdown by the comparative brevity will be relieved that its end screen promises seasonal stories due in the coming weeks. Surely episodic gaming, something that never really took off for traditional titles, is a potentially winning match for a subscription TV service. Either way, and despite the relative lack of innovation, its a delight to have more Monument Valley to look forward to.Monument Valley 3 review summaryIn Short: A brief new slice of Monument Valleys unique and minimally drawn perspective-bending puzzles, with the promise of more to come.Pros: Looks and sounds beautiful. Puzzles that test you just enough to be interesting and a sprinkling of, minor, fresh ideas.Cons: Not for those who like their puzzles taxing, and it remains very similar in content and looks to both previous instalments.Score: 7/10Formats: iOS (reviewed) and AndroidPrice: Included with Netflix subscriptionPublisher: NetflixDeveloper: Ustwo GamesRelease Date: 11th December 2024Age Rating: 4+ Monument Valley 3 no additional charge (Netflix)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralExclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Its official: Astro Bot is the most overrated game of 2024 Readers Feature
    Its official: Astro Bot is the most overrated game of 2024 Readers FeatureGameCentralPublished December 15, 2024 9:00am Astro Bot the best game of 2024? (Sony Interactive Entertainment)A reader argues that Astro Bot did not deserve to win Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2024 but that its sequel may be a contender.I might never have made it over to L.A. to see E3, as Id always wanted to, but I feel staying up till 4am to watch The Game Awards, when Ive got to get to work at 8am the next morning, offers a similar level of exclusivity. In that few people are as stupid as me, as to want to do it.I almost didnt, actually, as last years really wasnt worth the effort and if it hadnt been for the rumours of this being a good one, I wouldnt have bothered. Im still not quite sure what the two big holy s*** moments were meant to be, but I felt there were quite a few reasonably surprising ones (very when it came to kami 2) and I was satisfied by the end of it.Not only did we get a lot of interesting and unexpected game reveals but almost all of them showed gameplay and the only main one that didnt, The Witcher 4, had the excuse of being years away and making an important point about who the main character is (Im not going to spoil the surprise if GC wont). But overall: 9/10, would watch again not the same one, but certainly next year.As everyone knows, the game award part of the showcase is a surprisingly small part of the overall event, with more than half the winners being announced and forgotten almost before you realise theyre being talked about. I sometimes wonder why they bother with the award aspect at all, but they do make a fuss about some of them, especially the Game of the Year award.Like many, I felt there was no obvious favourite this year, with my personal preference being Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. I wouldnt have objected to any of them winning, although I have not played Black Myth: Wukong or Balatro, but I really didnt feel Astro Bot was Game of the Year material.Its a good game, that I enjoyed, but for me its not really any more than an 8/10. Its just too derivative of 3D Mario games, while at the same time having much simpler gameplay, which makes it much more repetitive even though its much shorter than any comparable Nintendo game.I would put Astro Bot: Rescue Mission several notches above it, as the novelty of VR managed to compensate for the rampant copycatting. Im also not sure I didnt enjoy Astros Playroom more too. It certainly had better songs and I felt the integration of PlayStation cameos was much better. The way the cameo characters worked made more sense in context and the final battle was a lot more fun (admittedly it did use up the best possible idea for a final boss, but still).But as the night went on, and Astro Bot won most of the awards it was up for, it became obvious it was going to win Game of the Year and that just felt wrong to me. I thought this year had been good for games, but Astro Bot can in no way stand in the same company as games like Baldurs Gate 3 or Elden Ring.Not because its not serious or epic but because its just an existing idea not done quite as well. I get it coming anywhere close to the quality of a Nintendo platformer is a real achievement, but that alone is not reason enough to be throwing around the phrase Game of the Year.Im not bitter about this, I get that some people just didnt like Final Fantasy 7 Rebirths open world sections, and Im not going to say its a perfect game but its my opinion that Astro Bot was already overrated and now I think its even more so. But hey, if it leads to Sony and others making more 3D platformers than maybe its for the best.What I will say is I loved the acceptance speech which turned into a weird love letter to Nintendo, and I suspect was an admission on the part of the director that he knew Astro Bot was still the learner and Mario was the master.There is a serious problem with overrating games though, that I feel is underappreciated, and thats if you start talking about a good but not great game as being the GOAT then suddenly you havent got a proper frame of reference for where to go next. Being better than Astro Bot wont make you a Game of the Year contender itll just make you equal to or better to 8/10.More TrendingI do feel Team Asobi understand this though and I look forward to their next game very much. Maybe that will be a genuine Game of the Year winner, but I dont feel Astro Bot is.By reader Gordo Astro Bot will definitely see a follow-up (Sony Interactive Entertainment)The readers features do not necessarily represent the views of GameCentral or Metro.You can submit your own 500 to 600-word reader feature at any time, which if used will be published in the next appropriate weekend slot. Just contact us at gamecentral@metro.co.uk or use our Submit Stuff page and you wont need to send an email.GameCentralExclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Killed, Butchered and Cannibalized: Archaeologists Uncover Horrific Prehistoric Massacre in Britain
    By Margherita Bassi Published December 15, 2024 | Comments (0) | A Bronze Age skull exhibiting signs of trauma. Image: R. J. Schulting et al., 2024 In the 1970s, archaeologists unearthed prehistoric human remains from a deep underground shaft in Somerset, England. The truth of what really happened to those men, women, and children, however, has only recently come to light. Archaeologists in the UK and Europe have analyzed the Early Bronze Age remains of 37 individuals in England, uncovering evidence of a horrific massacre. Their findings, detailed in a study published today in the journal Antiquity, shed light on the largest known example of interpersonal violence in British prehistory and challenge the idea that Early Bronze Age Britain (roughly 2500 to 1200 BCE) was a period of relative peace. The remains in question include over 3,000 human bones and bone fragments previously discovered in a 49.2-foot-deep (15-meter-deep) shaft at an archaeological site in Somerset known as Charterhouse Warren. The individuals were men, women, and childrenpotentially representing a community, according to the researcherswho were killed, butchered, and likely cannibalized before being tossed into the shaft.A childs mandible, exhibiting cut marks. Image: R. J. Schulting et al., 2024 Led by Rick Schulting from the University of Oxford, the archaeologists found evidence of blunt force trauma to the skull, fractures made at the time of death, and cut marks likely resulting from defleshing. The latter two findings specifically suggest intentionality behind the butchering and cannibalism, according to the study. With regard to the cannibalism, the researchers ruled out funerary rituals and hunger as potential motivators. The death of the individuals was clearly violent, there is no evidence of a fight (so they were likely taken by surprise), and the presence of cattle bones in the same shaft indicate that there was no shortage of food at the time. What, then, could have driven this shocking act of prehistoric violence?Examples of skull injuries. Figure by study authors. Image: R. J. Schulting et al., 2024 Cannibalism may have been a way to other the deceased, the researchers wrote in an Antiquity statement emailed to Gizmodo. By eating their flesh and mixing the bones in with faunal remains, the killers were likening their enemies to animals, thereby dehumanising them. This explanation, however, doesnt clarify the motivation behind the violence as a whole. At the time, Britain wasnt experiencing problematic climate change or other events that might have caused competition for resources, according to the study. There is also no known genetic evidence of ethnic conflict.Ultimately, the findings paint a picture of a prehistoric people for whom perceived slights and cycles of revenge could result in disproportionally violent actions. As a result, the researchers suggest that the conflict may have been caused by social factors and ultimately triggered by offenses such as theft and/or insults. Perhaps the plaguerevealed in the infected teeth of two children by previous researchmay have also worsened pre-existing tensions. Ultimately, the findings paint a picture of a prehistoric people for whom perceived slights and cycles of revenge could result in disproportionally violent actions. This situation is, unfortunately, familiar from more recent times, they wrote.Although direct evidence of violent conflict in Britain between 2500 and 1500 BCE is scarce, the scene of this massacre undoubtedly challenges the suggestion that the time period may have been relatively peaceful. It paints a considerably darker picture of the period than many would have expected, Schulting explained. Charterhouse Warren is one of those rare archaeological sites that challenges the way we think about the past, he added. That it is unlikely to have been a one-off event makes it even more important that its story is told, he added.At this stage, our investigation has raised as many questions as it has answered. Work is ongoing to shed more light on this decidedly dark episode in British prehistory, the researchers concluded in the study. While theres nothing we can do about obscure prehistoric atrocities, perhaps we can learn not just from history but from prehistory to stop our own revenge cycles from spiraling out of control more than they already have.Daily NewsletterYou May Also Like By Margherita Bassi Published December 13, 2024 By Margherita Bassi Published December 9, 2024 By Margherita Bassi Published December 4, 2024 By Isaac Schultz Published December 4, 2024 By Isaac Schultz Published December 2, 2024 By Isaac Schultz Published November 26, 2024
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  • The Most Popular VPN in the US Just Slashed Its Price by 82%
    December is famous for its money-saving frenzies, some of which include VPNs. This time, were discussing Private Internet Access, whose savings will melt the ice off your heart.PIA VPN is now 82% off and costs only $2.19/mo. However, this amazing 2-year plan now comes with TWO free months, making for a 26-month plan at only $56.94.The providers December offer still lasts but its time-limited. If youre looking to secure your digital footprint and make yourself a ghost online, its time to act.Get PIA VPN At $2.19/mo While You CanPrivate Internet Access Holiday Discount RevealedThis is going to be a spectacular end of the year. If youre a privacy geek, PIA VPN will surprise you with its all-time-low price. Namely, despite the end of Cyber Week, Private Internet Access continues its exclusive discount, rocking the old 82% offer ready for you.Granted, Private Internet Access isnt flexible price-wise but thats not an issue.The single 2-year plan with 2 free months at 82% is enough to make a grown man shed tears of joy. You can use any of the buttons in this article to go to PIAs website. What then?Nothing choose the plan, pay for it, and register an account.Youre ready to take on the world once you install PIA. Besides, you can protect unlimited devices at two quids, PLUS theres a 30-day money-back guarantee if you end up disappointed.Theres nothing to lose at this point; perhaps a few minutes of your precious time.Why Do People Love PIA VPN?Private Internet Access is vastly popular, especially amongst Reddit users. Its reputation is untainted by catastrophes that befell other providers in the past . This no-log VPN retains its privacy-oriented characteristics, making it a favorite of security enthusiasts and people alike.Also, PIA VPN packs 30,000+ servers in 91+ countries, making it the largest VPN. Users also appreciate its WireGuard protocol, which boosts performance and gives you better speeds. Security is top-notch in this VPN.The provider brings you Multi-hop, MACE for blocking ads, dedicated IPs, an optional antvirus, and much more. Youre really getting a bang for your buck here, and at the given price, PIA VPN is hard to beat.Other features include apps for all devices, 24/7 customer support, P2P and streaming optimization, unlimited bandwidth, and much more.Dont let this PIA VPN 82% off deal slip away because it wont last forever. Once its out of the way, Private Internet Access will revert to the old price. Unfortunately, this price wont be any lower than the current, Holiday-friendly limited-time offer.View at Private Internet Access
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  • UjooHyun Neighbourhood Living Facility / Chun Architects
    UjooHyun Neighbourhood Living Facility / Chun ArchitectsSave this picture! Kim YongkwanCommunity Center, OfficesSeocho District, South KoreaArchitects: Chun ArchitectsAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:400 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2024 PhotographsPhotographs:Kim Yongkwan, Yseo Chun Lead Architects: Yseo Chun More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. The meaning of Ujoohyun is a place where space and time come to life. Ujoohyun is a neighborhood living facility building built on a small 168 m2 plot of land in the Gangnam area of Seoul, Korea. It is also the office building of Chun Architects Firm. The identity of a city is created by so-called intermediate architecture, which exists innumerable times, rather than landmarks. I tried to create the universal difference of intermediate architecture in downtown Seoul through Ujoohyun.Save this picture!Usually, small neighborhood living facilities built by architects in Korean cities tend to become typological. In order to maximize commercial value and presence, they are finished with distinctive materials, and they try to increase the amount of simple walls to stand out. The technique of hiding windows in exaggerated partition walls and making them look separate from the surroundings often appears.Save this picture!Ujoohyun did not want to use simple compliance with the rental income of neighborhood living facilities or exaggerated techniques that are becoming typological. Ujoohyun wanted them to exist in the city with a humble and well-refined appearance. Because it is a small plot, we pushed the limits of volume given by the legal limitations to the limit but focused on the 'spatial story' that can be found within it.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!We tried to find a three-dimensional space that is possible on each floor, which is difficult to experience in ordinary neighborhood living facilities buildings in the city of Seoul, Korea. We tried to create a rich interior space with an open space structure that responds to the possible programs that can be contained and the adjustment of light that changes depending on the conditions of each floor in contact with the outside.Save this picture!We approached the architectural achievement that can be implemented from the basement to the 5th floor in detail. The basement is a space that allows light and ventilation and is a 4.5 m studio type that can accommodate various events. For example, it is a space that enables programs such as a small performance hall, lecture hall, photo studio, and workshop.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The small lounge on the first floor and the garden on one side were left open high to play a role of hospitality and public. The second floor, connected to the high-ceilinged lounge on the first floor, is a gallery-type with a long window on the floor, and the third floor is a design office-type with special sidelights coming in through the exterior brickwork. We planned a variety of spaces that respond to programs that can have various neighborhood living facilities. The 4th and 5th floors are places where legal limitations are sublimated into special spaces. The 4th floor has a living room space with a wide terrace overlooking the city, and the 5th floor has a special space with a 5m high ceiling that can increase the change of light by the hour with an open ceiling.Save this picture!The interior is made of exposed concrete and birch finishes that reveal the natural properties of the material, making it an element that conveys an architectural sense of space. The 'variation of space' where architectural devices and details are connected reaches its peak on the 4.5th floor that touches the sky. It sublimates the limitations of the legal diagonal line into a three-dimensional space, giving an inner sense, and opens up the four sides of the city where Ujoohyun meets into different landscapes.Save this picture!Ujoohyun's surface is the result of constant mutual adjustment between the inside and the outside. The windows, which vary in size and finish in dark gray brick, form a neat and restrained exterior that clearly shows a presence while humbly permeating the city's street escape. Wewanted to present such a different kind of architecture.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessProject locationAddress:Seocho District, South KoreaLocation to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.About this officePublished on December 16, 2024Cite: "UjooHyun Neighbourhood Living Facility / Chun Architects" 15 Dec 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1024688/ujoohyun-neighbourhood-living-facility-chun-architects&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Simon SWITCH Building / b720 Fermn Vzquez Arquitectos
    Simon SWITCH Building / b720 Fermn Vzquez ArquitectosSave this picture! Jos HeviaOffice Buildings, ShowroomBarcelona, SpainArchitects: b720 Fermn Vzquez ArquitectosAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:10160 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2023 PhotographsPhotographs:Jos HeviaManufacturersBrands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers: Cosentino, KEIM, Kingspan Insulated Panels, dormakaba, BANDALUX, FSB Franz Schneider Brakel, Interface, BERNADI, Finsa, ICONICO, Porcelanosa Grupo, Puigdellivol, Roca, Schindler, Schco, Simon, Talleres Inox, Tecnocober Lead Architect: Fermn Vzquez More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. The rehabilitation of the old Simon factory to house the new Corporate Headquarters arose from the need to unify the more than 350 employees of the two previous offices under one roof. The project is based on the idea of preserving the existing building from the second half of the 20th century, while introducing elements that highlight the new use, in the centre of Barcelonas technological development.Save this picture!The Headquarters is symbolically named SWITCH, the abbreviation for Simon Worldwide Innovation Talent Community Hub, and a nod to the electrical switch, one of the companys trademark products. The old building is essentially a concrete structure; a frame of porticoes, beams and slabs and a repetitive lattice on the faade.Save this picture!Save this picture!Rehabilitating the building means, to a large extent, bringing this structure up to date. The interventions include the careful repair of lesions, the selective demolition of areas to generate new communication cores and work areas and the demolition and reconstruction of parts in bad condition, following the original logic. The traces of these interventions are not hidden, but can be seen as scars that become part of the building's history.Save this picture!Save this picture!The project highlights the exterior grid, freeing it from its obsolete sills and closures. The new skin is configured by added elements, technological cassettes, inserted between the ribs. An aluminum frame protects and regulates the perimeter of each opening, while the new glazed enclosure allows for high insulation and solar control performance.Save this picture!The lightness and reflections of these elements contrast and enhance the materiality of the concrete. The reconversion contributes to the regeneration of Poble Nou, now transformed into the 22@ district. The building becomes a link between the neighborhoods industrial past and its future: What was once a closed-off factory becomes an extrovert technological hub. The open showroom is located on the ground floor, while the upper floors house the workspaces, which open to the city through the faades new elements that are more than windows; their presence, depth, and play of reflections is complemented by the desire to serve as urban infrastructure, equipped for the installation of ephemeral elements, enhancing participation in events such as the "Llum" light festival.Save this picture!SWITCH aims to be a benchmark for quality workspaces, and an example for the reuse of industrial buildings. It takes advantage of the original structure, introducing a new space configuration, high-performance facilities and equipment, and turning the roof, now equipped with solar panels, into a green space for the employees. Intelligent management of the building optimizes its efficiency, incorporating digital tools for the shared use of workstations, meeting rooms, common spaces, or access to mobility. The rehabilitation prolongs the life of the obsolete building.Save this picture!The contrast between the old and new elements highlights the structural system while providing an optimal level of natural light, solar protection, and thermal insulation. The result is a building with a low environmental impact due to the reduction in the carbon footprint of existing materials with a long life cycle, the new energy efficiency, and its contribution to urban regeneration. The building has obtained a LEED Platinum certification.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessProject locationAddress:Barcelona, SpainLocation to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.About this officePublished on December 15, 2024Cite: "Simon SWITCH Building / b720 Fermn Vzquez Arquitectos" [Simon SWITCH / b720 Fermn Vzquez Arquitectos] 15 Dec 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1024631/simon-switch-building-b720-fermin-vazquez-arquitectos&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • How to Make Creative Short-Form Video for Social Media | Adobe Creative Cloud
    Short-form video is the key to growth and expressing yourself as a creator on social media in 2024 and beyond. If you want to learn how to capture attention and make your videos binge-worthy, then this is the session for you. Join content creator Tina Lee who has amassed 1M+ followers across platforms with her short-form videos to learn how to edit engaging videos using Adobe Premiere Pro. Tina will show you the key tools she uses to capture an audiences attention and keep it throughout a video. In this session, youll learn how to: Create an engaging visual hook to reel viewers in Use a mask to duplicate yourself Use keyframes to animate your clips Use Text-Based Editing to edit mini vlogs and speed up your workflow Use Enhance Speech to level up your dialogues and voiceovers Subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud: https://adobe.ly/48Y1QJ1 Learn more about Creative Cloud: https://adobe.ly/3RTndnp About Adobe Creative Cloud:Unlocking creative potential goes beyond tools it's about cultivating inspiration, fostering innovation, and mastering artistic expression. On the Adobe Creative Cloud YouTube channel, discover stories, concepts, and trends that ignite your creativity. We are your hub for creativity, connecting you with Adobe channels for detailed tutorials and product insights. Adobe Creative Cloud brings together everything you need to create your greatest work. One membership gives you access to all Adobe professional creative desktop applications, plus new features as soon as they're available. Cloud storage ensures file access anywhere, even on mobile, streamlining concept sharing. Cloud-based services let you build websites, mobile apps, and content for any medium/device. With Behance integration, you can publish your portfolio on your own URL and plug into the world's largest creative community to get inspired, get feedback, and find new opportunities.Connect with Adobe Creative Cloud:Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativecloud LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/adobe-creative-cloud/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adobecreativecloud Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adobecreativecloud/ #Adobe #AdobeYouTube #AdobeCreativeCloud
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  • 3D Texturing Made Simple with Substance 3D | Adobe Creative Cloud
    Join Lead Texture Artist Christina Ryan as she dives into a 3D texturing demo showcasing Substance 3D. This presentation is designed to be highly accessible, perfect for those new to 3D and eager to learn. In this session, youll learn how to: Incorporate Firefly into your 3D workflow to dream up new and exciting materialsTransform simple patterns and designs into beautiful fabrics with Substance 3D SamplerApply your new materials to a model using Substance 3D PainterArrange a simple 3D scene in Substance 3D Stager, and render an image for presentation Subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud: https://adobe.ly/48Y1QJ1 Learn more about Creative Cloud: https://adobe.ly/3RTndnp About Adobe Creative Cloud:Unlocking creative potential goes beyond tools it's about cultivating inspiration, fostering innovation, and mastering artistic expression. On the Adobe Creative Cloud YouTube channel, discover stories, concepts, and trends that ignite your creativity. We are your hub for creativity, connecting you with Adobe channels for detailed tutorials and product insights. Adobe Creative Cloud brings together everything you need to create your greatest work. One membership gives you access to all Adobe professional creative desktop applications, plus new features as soon as they're available. Cloud storage ensures file access anywhere, even on mobile, streamlining concept sharing. Cloud-based services let you build websites, mobile apps, and content for any medium/device. With Behance integration, you can publish your portfolio on your own URL and plug into the world's largest creative community to get inspired, get feedback, and find new opportunities.Connect with Adobe Creative Cloud:Twitter: https://twitter.com/creativecloud LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/adobe-creative-cloud/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adobecreativecloud Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adobecreativecloud/ #Adobe #AdobeYouTube #AdobeCreativeCloud
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