Dezeen School Shows: a vehicle with an integrated drone system used to promote agriculture is included in this School Show fromMoholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME).Also included is a toothbrush designed to self-sterilise and lamps which are 3D-printed and inspired by wind and gravity.Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME)Institution: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME)Course: Design MATutors: Panni Pais (head of MA programme, assistant lecturer), Balzs Pspk DLA habil. (university professor, director of the academy, MA programme lead) and Mnika Viola Nmeth (programme manager)School statement:"The mission of the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design (MOME) is to provide answers to the pressing challenges of the 21st century with design-based learning, research and applied mastery. We see our mission as serving our communities, spreading design consciousness and contributing to the sophistication of the local and regional economic and cultural ecosystems."The Design MA at MOME prepares socially sensitive and forward-thinking product designers to tackle global challenges through two specialisations: Strategic Product Innovation and Smart Mobility. The Strategic Product Innovation specialisation focuses on creating human-scale products and services that address cultural and societal needs while integrating sustainability and business strategies. The Smart Mobility specialisation explores innovative solutions for future transport systems, emphasising sustainable, circular and socially responsive mobility design."Both pathways offer hands-on learning through collaborative projects with market partners, where students develop critical, creative and experimental approaches to design. By mastering research methodologies, strategic thinking and cutting-edge design tools, graduates are equipped to redefine the future of design with an expertise-driven and environmentally conscious mindset."MOME has introduced a unique, future-focused approach to addressing the challenges of our environment, society, time and wellbeing in a rapidly changing world. Rooted in sustainability and innovation, its MA programs equip students with the tools and knowledge to design meaningful, future-ready solutions through thematic challenges, hands-on projects and interdisciplinary collaboration."These programs encourage students to explore creative ways to build resilient and inclusive ideas, spaces and objects while redefining the role of design in global transformation."International scholarship opportunities are available to support talented individuals worldwide, inviting them to join Hungary's leading art and design university."Fly trambyBotond Levente Kiss"The designer's masterwork is a vehicle concept that combines tram and cable car elements, utilising existing railway infrastructure."It functions as a tram within the city and transitions to a cableway system to access less easily reachable suburbs."The concept enables rapid network development by leveraging the cableway system's quick installation and cost-effectiveness."The project also won the Best of the Best category of the 2024 Red Dot Design Awards."Student: Botond Levente KissCourse: Design MATutors: Andrs Hnfalvi, Dniel Rupper and dm MolnrGekko (Gecko)byBlint Elek"The automotive industry is developing more products, both physical and digital, for the shared mobility market."The designer's masterwork is a playful mobility service presented with a specially designed vehicle."His goal is to showcase a more personalised and expressive side of shared mobility."Student: Blint ElekCourse: Design MATutors: Dniel Ruppert, Andrs Hnfalvi and Mt KoroknaiThere is something new under the sun loungerbyBalzs Kisgyrgy"Is it still possible to create something entirely new? In their masterwork, the designer created an experimental collection of objects using components from the widely recognised city park bench."Their goal was to develop as many novel, surprising, humorous, or absurd variations as possible, approaching the pursuit of originality and the design process with a critical mindset."The completed variations are presented through various mediums, including drawings, photographs and models, culminating in an exhibition."Student: Balzs KisgyrgyCourse: Design MATutors: Dniel Lakos and Dvid SmilYT Industries E-Enduro 2035byAndrs Gbor Teket"Reimagining the Future of Enduro Cycling: the course aimed to envision the future of Enduro cycling, projecting forward to 2035."The designer's concept introduces multiple innovations compared to current electric Enduro bikes, from drivetrain to control systems."Traditional chain drives and derailleurs are replaced by a belt drive and an integrated gearbox, ensuring quieter and more reliable performance."An onboard compressor and adjustable inverted suspension allow the bike to adapt its suspension stiffness to varying terrain conditions."Frame-integrated storage units enhance usability for extended rides and touring, while integrated lights and a bike computer equipped with biometric identification offer significant advancements in safety and functionality."Student: Andrs Gbor TeketCourse: Design MATutors: Andrs Hnfalvi, Dniel Ruppert and dm MolnrAgrohivebyGergely Srady"Intensive agriculture has proven to be unsustainable in its current form."In response to this challenge, the designer's masterwork envisions a trailer and drone system that is designed to transform the process of plant spraying into a sustainable practice by leveraging precision technology."The trailer serves as both a capsule and docking station for the drone, featuring an automated system capable of operating and refilling the drone to provide all necessary resources for its workflow."This system can be remotely operated, minimising direct contact with hazardous chemicals and prioritising safety and efficiency."Student: Gergely SradyCourse: Design MATutors: Andrs Hnfalvi, dm Molnr, Pter Haba and Janka JuhszProtecting Pollinators through design tools by Kitti Butter"The designer's masterwork aims to create and connect suitable habitats for pollinators, thereby enabling their mobility."Based on the principle of functional association, they have designed an informational signage system in which each element actively contributes to habitat creation through integrated nesting sites, plant holders and water sources."The concept focuses on public spaces to ensure widespread implementation and offers versatile placement options."The pilot product family that was initially designed for the MOME campus can now be found throughout the university's district, demonstrating the project's feasibility."Student: Kitti ButterCourse: Design MATutors: Dorottya Fja, Balzs Orlai and Judit BorosOrnamentation and Craftsmanship in Furniture Design byZsfia Zala"In developing their masterwork, the designer aimed to create a piece of furniture that connects to the past by reviving the tradition of ornamentation and becomes human-centred through handcrafted details encouraging its long-term preservation and passing down through generations."The resulting dressing table combines artisanal ceramic details with a mass-producible wooden structure."The furniture's geometric ornamentation is conceptually linked to femininity, with the motif of water an emblem of womanhood reflected in the table's flowing lines."Student: Zsfia ZalaCourse: Design MATutors: Andrs Kerkgyrt, Zsuzsa Kiss-Gl, Attila Hornyi and Kati AnkaiWind light by Dvid Salamon"Wind Light is a unique designer lamp in its category."The design was inspired by modelling the forces of nature: the wind, gravity and molecular interactions."It is the physical embodiment of an intangible digital phenomenon."The lamp is produced as a limited run yet each piece is unique."The designer built it to find out how we can harness the features of 3D-printing to our advantage to create a collectible design object."Student: Dvid SalamonCourse: Design MATutors: Balzs Pspk and Andrs JnosiCuraprox UV Shield by Mt Guthy"Lack of regular and proper sterilisation of your toothbrush can lead to serious oral health issues."After two weeks without sterilising, you can find 80x more bacteria on your toothbrush than in your toilet, or 20x more then on a coin."UV-C lights are often used to sterilise toothbrushes, but in most cases, you have to buy a quite big wall-mounted station that has 4-5 brush slots included, regardless of how many people you live together with."This holder was designed in a modular way, which is suitable for both single users and families."The primary goal of this holder is to separate the brushes entirely so that they can not touch each other and the other one is to facilitate a quick and easy, but still professional cleaning."The UV shield was designed especially for Curaprox's special toothbrushes, which are manufactured with special care."Student: Mt GuthyCourse: Design MATutors: Panni Pais and Andrs HnfalviSailing AheadbyDra Tarcsi"The designer's masterwork offers an alternative for repurposing discarded yet high-quality sailcloths from around Lake Balaton, which are no longer suitable for sailing but remain valuable for other applications."The project aims to raise awareness in Hungary about the potential of reusing sailcloth and to highlight the material's untapped possibilities."The result is a family of indoor and outdoor lamps crafted from sailcloth, repurposing its beneficial properties and giving the material a new, functional role."This initiative not only showcases sustainable design practices but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the versatility of sailcloth."Student: Dra TarcsiCourse: Design MATutors: Anna Pais, Gergely Magyar, Nra Szeles and Emese DobosPartnership contentThis school show is a partnership between Dezeen and the Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest (MOME). Find out more about Dezeen partnership content here.The post Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest presents ten design projects appeared first on Dezeen.