• Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 preview: Ambitious historical epic leaves strong first impression
    Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 sees Warhorse Studios hit their stride right out of the gate, promising a fascinating adventure right from the jump in a charming but grumpy worldTech16:25, 14 Jan 2025The game is frequently stunning(Image: Warhorse Studios)Open-world RPGs are all the rage these days, but they can feel a little sterile for my tastes. Sure, your Dragonborn can throw fire from their hands in Skyrim and The Witcher's Geralt is endlessly charming and grumpy at the same time, but neither of them have to worry about how badly they smell when approaching NPCs in town.That honor is reserved for Henry of Skalitz, the relatively reluctant protagonist of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 and its prequel. A man in need of a regular bath, food, and sleep, hes a not-so-special star of what could end up being a very, very special RPG that stands out thanks to having dirt under its proverbial fingernails.Our dynamic duo have plenty of chemistry(Image: Warhorse Studios)Kingdom Come: Deliverance came out in 2018 (time is a flat circle and all that), and marked Warhorse Studios' first game. As far as ambition goes, a historically accurate open world RPG is certainly a bold decision for a fledgeling studio, but the game was well-received and seemingly successful enough for the team to expand.And, expand they did the studios head count has grown, and so has its ambition. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has two huge maps to explore, and packs in a level of flexibility that makes the whole thing feel just as much like an immersive sim as it does anything else.The early hours, which Im allowed to discuss as part of a preview, absolutely flew by. Henry is serving as a bodyguard-come-bestie to a nobleman, Sir Hans Capon.The two joust verbally and physically in the games beginning, and with some fantastic writing, performances, and facial capture, its easy to believe their friendship despite its awkward standing between levels of social standing.Throw in an adorable canine companion and youve got a trio Im looking forward to spending hours with although that feels like a tough ask in these tough times in 15th century Bohemia.Getting around without a horse can be pretty slow going(Image: Warhorse Studios)As with the first game, much of the selling point of Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 is in its historical accuracy and array of systems that, for some, will feel a little too restrictive.Hunger and sleep systems are in play, and the setting lends itself to some nifty quirks like crossbows that take an age to reload, or needing to put on a hood under your helmet. These are all felt in gameplay, as is the aforementioned hygiene that can draw unwanted attention if youre not careful enough to wash your hands or go for a bath every now and then.Being based in the UK, theres also a pleasing sense of familiarity to proceedings. Yes, were not in Bohemia, but Kingdom Come Deliverance 2s rolling fields and dusty trails are far more recognisable than the checklist of snow, desert, and other biomes more fantastical RPGs offer. Theres a sort of understated beauty to its mundanity thats rooted in my own familiarity.Its also a very pretty game. The way light bounces off the lake at a campsite you stay at early on, or on the faces of your merry band of bodyguards is a huge step up from the first game.Its not without its foibles, with some frame hitching on cutscenes on PS5 Pro, some texture pop-in and a weird bug that had one of my cohorts shield constantly flickering in and out during one scene, but given the scale of its world its easy to forgive.Combat feels a tad janky, but that could just be me getting used to it(Image: Warhorse Studios)In some ways, Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 feels akin to a classic Bethesda RPG like Skyrim in how it hands you a bunch of systems and lets you make your own fun with them.Upset the townsfolk? Theyll drive you out. Get caught sneaking? Prepare for a fight. Its all stuff weve seen before, but it feels so much grander in scope thanks to the impressive visuals and more grounded setting. Theres no putting a bucket on an NPCs head so you can rob them blind here, and like the best in the genre, the best stories are the ones you make yourself.An early-game choice lets you opt in for a combat, stealth, or conversation-focused early stats package, and I picked the latter, using my charisma and smarts to talk my way out of trouble.Ill touch more on combat in my full review, but suffice it to say it has a genuine learning curve. Thats no bad thing, and Im enjoying it, but as with any first-person melee system theres an element of feeling like a drunk boxer circling an equally p****d opponent.Its not often an RPG like Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 comes around, and if it continues as it has done from this heartwarming, wholesome opening, I think it could be one of the years most special titles.Article continues belowPreviewed on PS5 Pro. Preview access provided by the publisher. _RECOMMENDED
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  • Games Inbox: What will the first Nintendo Switch 2 games be?
    Metroid Prime 4: Beyond almost certainly a cross-gen game (Nintendo)The Wednesday letters page tries to imagine a modern Donkey Kong reboot, as one reader asks about the bugs in The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion remake.To join in with the discussions yourself email gamecentral@metro.co.ukDemo gamesOK, so there doesnt seem much doubt that the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal is going to be on Thursday. Almost every source seems to agree, so unless Nintendo decides to be petty and change it just because theyve been found out (which I wouldnt put past them) we are going to know what the console is and what it does this week. But what of the games?Weve been warned not to expect too much in terms of reveals for them, so what will be the first one to be shown off? They cant just have a blank screen and unlike with the original Switch there arent any big name cross-gen games, that we already know about, that they can show.Theres Metroid Prime 4 but thats not really very casual friendly and theres Pokmon Legends: Z-A but would you trust a Game Freak game to show off the technical abilities of your new console?So surely weve got to get at least a glimpse at some new games. My prediction is a Zelda: Breath Of The Wild remaster, with lots of comparison shots, and a new Super Mario. Ive heard the theories of Mario Kart 9 but while I agree its overdue, I dont know how you make it look sufficiently different that its the first thing you show off for the new console.OnibeeWithin budgetRegarding Switch 2 price, 350 isnt too far off the mark for me either. Ive been working on the theory that 500 should be enough to get the console, a carry case, a Pro Controller, and get started on the new version of Nintendo Switch Online.Switch has lasted a long time. Im ready to upgrade at this point and a few choice titles within the release window (3D Mario, enhanced Metroid Prime 4, an interesting indie maybe?) would have me struggling to show any sort of adult restraint.David M.Bug mandateIm down for a The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion remake but is it really going to be a full remake, not by Bethesda? Wont that be kind of embarrassing when it ends up being the only Elder Scrolls game that isnt riddled with bugs? No offence to the originals, they were classics, no doubt about it, and that was when Bethesda were smaller and had less money.But even Starfield was buggier than the average game, and that was a massive improvement from before. So for a remake of Oblivion, which barely worked on the PlayStation 3, to suddenly being bug free is going to be quite the transformation. Or will Bethesda mandate that Virtuos have to put a certain amount of bugs in there? Maybe they say they have to stop the bug testing phase early!Im half joking but at the same time it will be quite the transformation or not, depending on what they do.LawgiverEmail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukDownload onlyRE: reader DuckOfDeath82 questions about Netflix Gaming. I am a regular user of the service. I believe the reader is under the wrong impression that the games are streamed. They are not. You download the games just like any other mobile app. So, the performance largely depends on your device.I, too, discovered some games on there that have long been in my watch list. In my opinion, the best ones are the ones making good use of the touch interface: Golden Idol, Arranger, Paper Trail, Storyteller, but you will see plenty of action games as well. I am currently playing Spiritfarer, which is not an action game by any means, but I certainly struggled with the platforming parts.Ali KThe one that got awayThanks for the belated Tactical Breach Wizards review, although Im sad that theres no planned console release.If you have time/interest in another game I dont think you covered last year, I can highly recommend Nine Sols. The elevator pitch is very clearly Hollow Knight meets Sekiro but as it does what says on the tin, I have zero complaints.The art is great, the characters are interesting (if a little overly talkative) and its often brutally hard but nearly always fair. Getting the true ending was undoubtedly one of my proudest gaming achievements. Even if you dont write about it, Im sure youll enjoy playing it.RichardGC: We did have that on our list, but it managed to slip the net. Well see if we get any spare time for it.Anniversary yearI have high hopes for the Xbox secret game annoucement, which I am sure is going to be ruined when it turns out to be a Ecco The Dolphin reboot or something else boring. But there does seem a non-zero chance that it could either be Persona 6 or Resident Evil 9, which I would be all for.Such big numbers at the ends of their name makes them sound like yearly sequels but theyre both going to be 30 years old next year, so theyve actually been very restrained. I suspect that also hints at when they might be out too, so a reveal this year makes plenty of sense (although, I admit, it probably is a bit early at this point).For Resident Evil 9 Im hoping for a return to third person and the classic gang of characters. Im hoping the success of Resident Evil 4 remake means that theyll be keeping the cheese and not trying to make it too serious anymore, which I am all for. I also really want to see the return of Wesker, who is sorely missed at this point.As for Persona 6, Im less certain what to wish for. I wouldve said getting rid of the turn-based combat but after Metaphor: ReFantazio worked out so well Im not sure. I think it is best to make it action-based though, just to ensure some evolution and prevent the series getting complacent. Id also like to see a significant improvement in graphics, which Metaphor didnt really have.DonjoTranscendent filmmakingThe Until Dawn movie is coming out in April and theyre only just now showing 30 seconds of footage? Yeah, Sony has zero faith in that film. No doubt they were spooked after everyone hated on the remake, although I cant imagine what else they were expecting.That said I do like the idea of the plot behind the movie and David F. Sandberg is a decent director, so the movie could actually be good. Which begs the obvious question: has a video game movie ever been better than the game its based on? The only possible contender I can think of is Five Nights at Freddys but Ive not played the games or seen the film, so I cant really commit.AlgoFrenemies reimaginedSo it seems that a new Donkey Kong game, that is also possibly a new 3D Mario game, is the only faint glimmer of a clue we have for Nintendos first party plans (beyond Mario Kart 9 being logical, although I dont think theres been any actual rumour of it).Ive been trying to think of what that looks like and my theory is that it will have nothing to do with the Donkey Kong Country games, or probably any previous game except the original. As GC pointed out in their review, Donkey Kong Country is a pretty weird way to interpret the character, that doesnt have anything to do with the original game. Its just an animal mascot platformer, plain and simple (whether its good or not isnt really the issue).So I think Nintendo will try and go back to the original and reimagine what a modern Donkey Kong game means from that. I imagine DK being bigger and a lot of climbing up the sides of buildings and actively throwing barrels a lot. Maybe a competitive game with Mario, where youve both got different objectives but you cross paths and can focus on nobbling each other or trying to get things done on your own.Then maybe you could team up for bosses, with the winner of previous stages getting some kind of special ability or bonus. Im just making stuff up, I dont know anything about making games, but that sort of direction makes sense to me.Or to put it another way, if what they actually announce is just Super Mario Odyssey 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns Again then well know that maybe something is up.FocusInbox also-ransIm betting that the secret Xbox game is Ninja Gaiden 4. The series is quite well known in America and I bet Microsoft think of it as their franchise, because it was on the original Xbox. Im open to it being good but it has been a long time since the series meant anything to anyone plus it doesnt sound like itd be any of the original developers working on it.HorusAm I the only one that hates Ecco The Dolphin? That game was so hard for no reason. I hated it as a kid and it was the only new game I had for six months, so I had no choice but to play it.The BishopMore TrendingEmail your comments to: gamecentral@metro.co.ukThe small printNew Inbox updates appear every weekday morning, with special Hot Topic Inboxes at the weekend. Readers letters are used on merit and may be edited for length and content.You can also submit your own 500 to 600-word Readers Feature at any time via email or our Submit Stuff page, which if used will be shown in the next available weekend slot.You can also leave your comments below and dont forget to follow us on Twitter.ArrowMORE: Games Inbox: Are modern video games too long?GameCentralExclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Say Bye to Just BMI: Experts Call for a Major Shift in How We Measure Obesity
    By Ed Cara Published January 14, 2025 | Comments (1) | Experts say other body size measurements, such as waist circumference, should be used alongside BMI to diagnose obesity. Iryna Veklich via Getty Traditional conceptions of obesity might be in for a radical shift. In a new report published this week, a widely-supported group of scientists is pushing for substantial changes in how obesity is diagnosed and classified. Over 50 obesity experts from across the globe conducted the report, as part of a commission backed by The Lancet. Among other recommendations, the group is calling for body mass index (BMI) to be phased out as the sole criteria for diagnosing obesity. They also argue that obesity should be categorized into two distinct types, depending on how much harm a persons condition is likely causing them. The commissions specific goal was to establish objective but nuanced criteria for diagnosing obesity. Currently, obesity is diagnosed strictly by a persons BMI, which is calculated using a persons weight and their height. People with a BMI over 30 are considered to have obesity, with severe obesity seen as having a BMI over 40 (some parts of the world use lower BMI cut-offs to account for population differences in the average size of residents). Though BMI is an easily obtained and trackable measurement, however, it often fails to convey the whole picture, the commission experts saya critique that plenty of other public health experts have expressed in the past. The harm associated with obesity is primarily caused by having excess body fat, and BMI can sometimes fail to adequately correlate with that. A very fit person could have high BMI but low body fat, for example, whereas someone with so-called normal BMI could be carrying a risky amount of body fat. The distribution of excess body fat can differ from person to person, too, as can the health risks associated with that fat. Too much fat around a persons waist or around vital internal organs like the liver and heart tends to be more dangerous than excess body fat in the skin underneath our arms or legs, for instance.The experts arent calling for doctors to completely abandon BMI as a tool for diagnosing obesity, but rather for it to be used alongside other bodily measurements. These include measuring peoples waist circumference, their waist-to-hip ratio, or their waist-to-height ratio. Medical professionals should use at least two body size measurements for diagnosing people suspected to have obesity, the researchers say, and one other measurement besides BMI. Alternatively, doctors can instead collect a direct measurement of a persons body fat, such as by conducting a bone density test, commonly known as a DEXA scan. People with very high BMI (over 40) can still be assumed to have excess body fat, they added. If implementedpeople with obesity (a BMI near or at or above obesity) should have at least one more measure of body size (e.g. waist circumference in most cases or DEXA if available) to confirm accurate detection of excess body fatthis would confirm one has indeed obesity, and is not just, for instance, a muscular person with high BMI, Francesco Rubino, an obesity researcher at Kings College London and chair of the commission, told Gizmodo in a email.Rubino and his commission are also recommending that doctors group obesity into two broad categories: preclinical and clinical obesity. Having high body fat alone might not negatively affect your health, the experts note, so theyve created a list of criteria (18 for adults, 13 for children) for identifying when someones obesity is likely causing other bodily issues. Someone who has obstructive sleep apnea, severe knee pain, or poor cardiovascular health suspected of being linked to their excess body fat would be classified as having clinical obesity, for instance, while someone with obesity but no signs of abnormal organ function would be classified as having preclinical obesity.A reframing of the clinical effect of obesity is warranted, to explain how obesity can be both a risk factor for other diseases and a direct cause of illness. The definition of clinical obesity therefore addresses a gap in the characterization of obesity as a direct cause of ill health, and can be an effective way to address widespread misperceptions and bias that misguide decision making among patients, healthcare professionals, and policy makers, the authors wrote in their report, published Tuesday in The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. People with preclinical obesity may still be at higher risk of health problems in the future, but the distinction allows for more personalized obesity care, Rubino says. Whereas people with clinical obesity should be immediately treated with effective treatments to reduce their weight, which can include newer drugs like semaglutide (the active ingredient in Ozempic and Wegovy) or bariatric surgery, doctors can use a less intrusive approach with someone who has preclinical obesity, depending on their level of risk. These strategies may be as simple as suggesting monitoring over time and lifestyle changes aimed at feasible weight loss for people whose risk is low (even modest weight loss can go a long way to prevent diseases associated with obesity), or include more active forms of intervention should the risk be assessed as particularly elevated (due to other factors in addition to obesity itself, like family history, abdominal disposition of fat, other conditions, an extreme weight, and especially the combination of the above), Rubino said.The groups recommendations are ultimately just that. But their conclusions are being widely endorsed by health-related organizations across the world76 in total, including the American Heart Association in the U.S., the Royal College of Physicians in the UK, and the World Obesity Federation. There are still important big questions left to be answered about the nature of obesity, such as the exact prevalence of preclinical to clinical obesity (under the current BMI-only definition, more than 1 billion people worldwide are thought to have obesity). But according to report co-author Robert Eckel, an endocrinologist at the University of Colorado School of Medicine, the new guidelines should go a long way in helping both doctors and people living with obesity. The intent of our work was to optimize and individualize patient diagnosis, and risk vs. care, he told Gizmodo. We think this characterization will benefit patients, health care providers, and health care to follow.Daily NewsletterYou May Also Like By Ed Cara Published January 12, 2025 By Ed Cara Published December 23, 2024 By Ed Cara Published December 17, 2024 By Margherita Bassi Published December 8, 2024 By Ed Cara Published November 26, 2024 By Ed Cara Published November 19, 2024
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    Oshigome Base / HAYATO KOMATSU ARCHITECTSSave this picture! Toshiyuki YanoKure, JapanArchitects: HAYATO KOMATSU ARCHITECTSAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:140 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2023 PhotographsPhotographs:Toshiyuki Yano Lead Architects: Hayato Komatsu More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. The site is located in the mountains of Kure City, Hiroshima Prefecture, with a reservoir called Honjo Suigenchi to the east and Niko River leading to Kure Bay in front of it. To the west are a series of mountains centering on Mt. Ege, and at the foot of the mountains, old and new houses stand side by side along the contour line. The owner, who has been running a construction company in the area for a long time, had a strong desire to create a building that would contribute to the local community, and in addition to the functions of office and residence, he wanted the building to serve as a "meeting place" for the community.Save this picture!Save this picture!First, the roof was manipulated to create a connection between the environment and the architecture, and the various rooms were arranged accordingly. The roof is not limited to one direction but is integrated by the overlapping of two roofs: a grass-roofed shed to create a green continuity from the reservoir to the mountain range, and a main roof to block direct sunlight from the south and to catch strong winds blowing from the lower reaches of the river. The rooms on the lower floor are protected by deep eaves and the plants are raised from the ground, opening them up to the landscape.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!In order to extend the function of a construction company, a multi-purpose room was placed so that it is connected to the garden on the first floor. By moderately adjusting the line of sight through plantings rather than a wall, the lively atmosphere of the users is brought to the community. The multipurpose room is planned as a place to support various activities of local people and also as a disaster prevention center. The grass roof of the shed not only reduces the heat load inside the building but also opens the building to the local community in early spring when the riverside is lined with cherry blossom trees. The plan is to add a "meeting place" to the work and residence using the entire building.Save this picture!We believe that a place that contributes to the community is a place where the people who live there can gather frankly and that it has a semi-public character similar to the gardens of the old private homes. In addition to its function as a gathering place, the building will also serve as a venue for events that take advantage of the owner's professional skills, which will bring about multi-generational interaction and gradually add color and vibrancy to the town. We hope that the garden will become established as a "community garden" while living here and supporting the architecture of the area.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessAbout this officePublished on January 15, 2025Cite: "Oshigome Base / HAYATO KOMATSU ARCHITECTS" 14 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1025718/oshigome-base-hayato-komatsu-architects&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Unreal Engine 5 - Segmented Health bar Widget
    Project Files: https://www.patreon.com/posts/120021011 .In this unreal engine tutorial, I am going to show you how to make a segmented health bar widget. Here, the health bar will be created with a progress bar component and we are going to make a custom UI material that allows us to modify the number of segments and gap between 2 segments to be used with the progress bar. CodeLikeMe Third-Person shooter series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNTm9yU0zou4HL7SAyIQoCqJRJ5QeQAl8 // ! https://www.patreon.com/codelikeme Patrons will have access to project files of all the stuff I do in the channel and other extra benefitsJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClb6Jh9EBV7a_Nm52Ipll_Q/join Like my facebook page for more content : https://www.facebook.com/gamedevelopersclub/ Follow me on twitter : https://twitter.com/CodeLikeMe2 Follow me on reddit : https://www.reddit.com/user/codelikeme #CodeLikeMe #unrealengine #ue5 #indiegamedev
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  • Chornobyl Dogs Have Genetic Differences but Not From Disaster Mutations
    After studying the genomes in dogs living close to and around the Chornobyl disaster site, researchers from North Carolina State University and Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health concluded that radiation-induced mutation likely did not cause genetic differences in dog populations living in Chornobyl City and the nearby Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). With these findings in the new study published in PLOS ONE, the research team hopes to better understand how a nuclear disaster may impact populations over time.We have been working with two dog populations that, while separated by just 16 kilometers, or about 10 miles, are genetically distinct, said Matthew Breen, contributing author and Oscar J. Fletcher Distinguished Professor of Comparative Oncology Genetics at NC State, in a press release. We are trying to determine if low-level exposure over many years to environmental toxins such as radiation, lead, etc., could explain some of those differences.Examining Doggy DNAThe study examined the genomes of two groups of dogs living near the Chornobyl disaster site. The researchers found that these two groups showed a dramatic level of genetic differentiation, even though they lived in rather close proximity.In a previous study, the research team analyzed the genomes of over 300 dogs living in the Chornobyl site for genetic variants. They found 391 outlier regions areas of the genome that show variation compared to the rest of the genome in certain dogs. According to the study, the outlier regions contained genes typically associated with DNA repair.With this new study, the research team was trying to determine if these outliers were a result of mutations caused by the fallout of the Chornobyl disaster.Most people think of the Chornobyl nuclear accident as a radiological disaster in an abandoned corner of Ukraine, but the potential adverse health implications are much wider, said Norman Kleiman, senior co-author and professor of environmental health sciences at Columbia University School of Public Health, in a press release. This is due to the many other toxins including heavy metals, lead powder, pesticides, and asbestos released into the environment during the ensuing cleanup and remediation over three decades, said Kleiman.Read More: Have Chernobyl Mutations Rewired Evolution?Zooming In On MutationsThe research team determined that the dogs living in the Chornobyl City area shared similar genomes to dogs living in other outlying areas such as Russia and Poland. Because of this, the team used these dogs as the control group. From there, they began analyzing the two groups on a chromosomal level before going deeper and looking at them from a genome interval, and eventually looking for differences in single nucleotides.Researchers were searching for accumulated germline DNA mutations, or mutations that occur in reproductive cells as DNA is passed from parent to offspring.Think of it like using the zoom function on your phones camera to get more details we start with a wide view of a subject and then zoom in, said Breen in a press release. We know that, for example, exposure to high doses of radiation can introduce instability from the chromosomal level on down. While this dog population is 30 or more generations removed from the one present during the 1986 disaster, mutations would likely still be detectable if they conferred a survival advantage to those original dogs. But we didnt find any such evidence in these dogs, said Breen.Survival GenesAfter completing their analysis, the research team came to the conclusion that the Chornobyl dogs showed no signs of genetic mutation. However, its also possible that selective pressures environmental factors that influence reproduction may have played a part in the genetic variance of these two dog groups.In human terms, this would be like studying a population that is centuries removed from the one present at the time of the disaster, said Megan Dillon, PhD candidate at NC State and lead author of the study, in a press release. Its possible that the dogs that survived long enough to breed already had genetic traits that increased their ability to survive. So perhaps there was extreme selective pressure at the start, and then the dogs at the power plant just remained separate from the city population. Investigating that question is an important next step that we are now working on, said Dillon.The research team is using these findings to better understand how drastic changes to an environment, like a nuclear disaster, can impact the health of both humans and their animal companions over the course of time.As it is certain, given our increasingly technological and industrial societies, there will invariably be other such disasters in the future, and we need to understand the potential health risks and how best to protect people, Kleiman said in a press release.Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:A graduate of UW-Whitewater, Monica Cull wrote for several organizations, including one that focused on bees and the natural world, before coming to Discover Magazine. Her current work also appears on her travel blog and Common State Magazine. Her love of science came from watching PBS shows as a kid with her mom and spending too much time binging Doctor Who.
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  • Obesity needs a new definition beyond BMI, health experts argue
    SoapboxHealth & MedicineObesity needs a new definition beyond BMI, health experts argueBMI labels some people as having a disease, even if their excess body fat isnt causing harm Obesity could get a new definition and diagnostic criteria thanks to a global commission of health experts.Yaroslav Astakhov/iStock/Getty Images PlusBy McKenzie Prillaman2 hours agoObesity needs a new definition, argues a global group of health experts.For over 75 years, obesity has been called a disease by the World Health Organization. But the label is hotly debated. Some say it helps legitimize obesitys seriousness; others point out that people living with obesity are not always ill.So a commission of nearly 60 health experts has proposed a definition and diagnostic criteria for clinical obesity: a disease where excess body fat harms a persons tissues, organs or ability to do daily tasks. The report, published January 14 in the Lancet Diabetes and Endocrinology, also describes preclinical obesity, when surplus body fat does not affect tissues or organs, but may increase the risk for developing clinical obesity, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers and other diseases.
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  • The scientific reason to cook with simmering rather than vigorously boiling water
    Nature, Published online: 14 January 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00061-yAn energy-efficient lesson for the kitchen that is still relevant 150 years later, and the automation of long-distance communication by telephone or text gathers pace, in our weekly dip into Natures archive.
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  • Cult-Favorite Capcom Fighter Rival Schools Getting An Official Works Artbook Soon
    Rival Schools: Complete Works $40 (was $50) | Releases April 29 Preorder at Amazon While it's been decades since the Rival Schools game, fans have some cool releases to look forward to this year. Not only is the Rival School sequel, Project Justice, appearing in the upcoming Capcom Fighting Collection 2, but the cult-classic Capcom fighting game series is also getting a new Rival Schools: Complete Works art book. The hardcover tome will offer a comprehensive look at the tag-team fighter's visuals and development history when it launches on April 29, 2025. Preorders are now available and discounted to just $40 (was $50) at Amazon. Rival Schools: Complete Works $40 (was $50) | Releases April 29 Like the other Capcom Complete Works books published by Udon Entertainment, the Rival Schools edition collects the artwork of all three Rival Schools games, including key art, character illustrations, development sketches, unused character concepts, and more. Preorder at Amazon The first Rival Schools game, Rival Schools: United By Fate, was released in 1997 and focused on tag team battles between teams of students from various schools. The series has seen two follow-up games since then--a Japan-exclusive update of the first game called Justice Private Academy: Fighting Spirit Diary 2 in 1999, followed by the sequel Project Justice in 2000. The series has been largely dormant since then, outside of a few Rival School character cameo appearances in other Capcom fighting games, which makes the new Complete Works artbook and Project Justice's inclusion in Capcom Fighting Collection 2 later this year all the more exciting.Speaking of which, preorders for the PS4 and Nintendo Switch physical editions of Capcom Fighting Collection 2 are available now at Amazon and include a limited-edition Capcom vs. SNK comic. The collection features eight games, including Project Justice, Capcom vs. SNK 1 and 2, Power Stone 1 and 2, and more.Continue Reading at GameSpot
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  • Best Light Cones for Remembrance (Ice) Trailblazer in HSR
    Players are already familiar with the Remembrance path as a part of the Simulated Universe, particularly for its focus on freezing enemies and controlling the battlefield. Interestingly, with the massive version 3.0 update of Honkai: Star Rail, the Remembrance path becomes available as a playable character path as well. Unlike its primary utility in the Simulated Universe, as a playable path, Remembrance focuses on summoning units to the field, similar to Jing Yuan's Lightning Lord. These summons offer diverse utilities, whether for dealing damage or providing support functions.
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