• Marvel Rivals tier list for season 1
    The Marvel Rivals tier list is proof of an inherent truth: not every hero (or villain) is built equally. In the competitive shooters season 1 (which added two characters, two maps, a battle pass, and skins), every character is technically viable, but there are some who are obviously more powerful than the rest.Below, weve compiled a tier list showing the current Marvel Rivals meta (as of the release of season 1), giving each character a rank from best of the best (S-tier) to avoid at all costs (F-tier). Read on for the full Marvel Rivals tier list for season 1.Complete tier list for Marvel Rivals season 1Season 1 of Marvel Rivals sees the game in quite a healthy spot, with only six characters falling in C-tier or below. For a game with 35 heroes (soon to be 37, when the Thing and Human Torch join the roster in late February), youre hard-pressed to find a bad one.While the tier list above (which we constructed in Tiermaker) showcases a general view of the season 1 launch, weve broken down each rank in tables below, including brief explanations for why each character belongs in the tier weve placed them.Finally, its worth noting here that tiers can look different at different ranks, with some high rank heroes barely being played in low ranks, and some low rank dominators falling off significantly at higher elo levels. As its still early in season 1, this list is likely to change within a week or so, as the meta wont cement for a few more weeks.S-tier characters in Marvel Rivals season 1As a rule, S-tier heroes are those that you should absolutely know how to play if you main their given role. Understanding how your Team-Up abilities work with all of these heroes is crucial to success youll be seeing a lot of them in your games.CharacterRoleWhy they're S tierDoctor StrangeVanguardDoctor Strange is one of the hardest-to-kill heroes in Marvel Rivals, and is exceptional at shielding his allies from big blasts. Paired with his unique portal and extremely powerful ultimate, he's a hard pick to beat for top tank.Hulk/Bruce BannerVanguardHulk is extremely mobile and very difficult to kill in Marvel Rivals. He's a menace in the backline with massive damage and is able to protect his own supports with shields.Luna SnowStrategistLuna Snow has the best healing ultimate in Marvel Rivals, making all combat stop the moment she hits it. On top of this, she has great healing, damage, and stuns.MantisStrategistMantis both helps her team deal loads of damage with her boost and keeps them healthy with heals over time. Paired with the second best healing ultimate, she's a great choice.HawkeyeDuelistHawkeye requires accurate aim, but he's the only hero capable of regularly one-shotting squishy targets. That alone is enough for a top rank.HelaDuelistHela is one of the most consistent damage dealers in the game if you're capable of hitting your shots. She can take down target after target and has some great Team-Ups.Iron ManDuelistOn his own, Iron Man is a great hero who can dish out lots of damage, with a powerful ultimate that can shut down Luna Snow. But paired with his Hulk Team-Up, his damage is unmatched.PsylockeDuelistPsylocke is able to dive into the backline of the enemy team to get kills or attack from range, which makes her very versatile. Her ultimate is also extremely powerful and can shut down objective areas.StormDuelistStorm has one of the most powerful ultimates for a duelist in the game, and can guarantee kills or an empty objective zone. Paired with her quasi support abilities and season 1 buffs, she's become a menace overnight.A-tier characters in Marvel Rivals season 1Generally, A-tier heroes are great. Theyre not the best heroes, nor do they come out on top in the. meta, but theyre extremely solid. All of these are heroes that anyone should be thankful to have on their team, but likely wont catch a ban as you reach the higher ranks.CharacterRoleWhy they're A tierMagnetoVanguardMagneto is the definition of a consistent tank. He's very hard to kill when he's playing selfishly, but can extend some of that safety to allies to make them much tankier during big moments.GrootVanguardGroot can technically do more damage than any other tank in the game with his powerful walls. But his real value is as a frontline beast with a ton of health and powerful crowd control.Adam WarlockStrategistAdam Warlock is a very technical strategist, capable of dealing big damage and keeping his allies alive. His normal play is great, but his ultimate is capable of swinging entire games on its own.Cloak & DaggerStrategistCloak & Dagger offer very powerful heals and some pretty decent damage, all in a relatively easy-to-play package. They were good at launch, but their buffed ultimate in season 1 helps kick them up a notch.Invisible WomanStrategistInvisible Woman can pump out a lot of healing and control the battlefield with her various crowd control moves. Even better, her invisibility makes her difficult to lockdown and kill.Rocket RaccoonStrategistRocket Raccoon is able to automatically revive players with his B.R.B. device, which is a very powerful effect. Paired with decent healing and decent damage, he's a great pick when the S-tiers are unavailable.Black PantherDuelistBlack Panther is both fast and consistent, which is what you want in a duelist. He's also much easier to play than most of the other duelists.MagikDuelistMagik is both slippery and great at dealing with multiple backline targets at once. This makes her a real menace for duelists and strategists, and she basically requires a tank to help their team deal with her.NamorDuelistNamor and his pets can deal massive amounts of damage from afar, rivaling characters like Hela. But what makes Namor so great is his immunity bubble, which lets him survive divers.Star LordDuelistStar Lord can dish out a lot of damage in a short amount of time, and he's very fast. That's a potent combo, and paired with his ultimate, it makes him a great choice for duelist players.Winter SoldierDuelistWinter Soldier is best known for his ultimate, which he can repeat multiple times to wipe teams. However, his hook and powerful primary fire make him a menace even while charging his ultimate.WolverineDuelistWolverine is the ultimate tank buster character, and is able to abduct high health targets and kill them away from their team. He strikes fear into the hearts of all tank mains.B-tier characters in Marvel Rivals season 1The B-tier heroes bring a lot to the table, but are situational and niche. Some of these heroes can be A- or S-tier in the right situation, but they just arent of the same caliber as the heroes above them in a general setting.CharacterRoleWhy they're B tierPeni ParkerVanguardPeni Parker is a very potent tank in the right situation. On defensive maps, she's able to hold the zone better than almost any other character.ThorVanguardThor is a fantastic bully tank, and can deal massive damage if he's given the support he needs to survive the enemy.VenomVanguardVenom is a highly mobile dive tank, and is able to quickly reach the backline. He doesn't deal a ton of damage, but acts as a powerful distraction for his enemies.LokiStrategistLoki is a lot of work to get right, but in the right hands, he is nearly impossible to kill and pumps out a lot of healing. His ultimate is also the best in the game, as it allows him to mirror any other character.Iron FistDuelistIron Fist has extremely high burst potential and is very slippery. He does take a bit of practice to fully understand, but a good Iron Fist can destroy your backline in seconds.Moon KnightDuelistMoon Knight has a ton of area damage, making him capable of wiping and entire team if they're not careful. His Ankhs are easy to shutdown, but theyre on a low enough cooldown that hes always getting decent damage out.Squirrel GirlDuelistSquirrel Girl is a very simple character, but her explosive nuts deal a lot of damage with very little effort. Her reworked ultimate in season 1 is also quite strong and can hunt down enemies.The PunisherDuelistThe Punisher is the shooter character in Marvel Rivals, and is able to shred through enemies with his two guns. His kit is a little limited, but he has what he needs to succeed in most situations.C-tier characters in Marvel Rivals season 1The C-tier heroes are ones that just dont seem worth playing when you compare them to the other options. However, theyre still playable, and viable on some teams or when used by certain players. You could really surprise the enemy team with a C-tier pocket pick, but youd probably be better off learning a better hero altogether.CharacterRoleWhy they're C tierCaptain AmericaVanguardCaptain America doesn't have much of an identity in Marvel Rivals. He's able to bully the backline fine, but he struggles to protect his team in the process.Jeff the Land SharkStrategistJeff has decent support capabilities with his normal kit, but the lack of a good healing ult really hurts him. Even so, his ultimate can win games if enemy players aren't paying attention.Mister FantasticDuelistMister Fantastic is a hybrid damage dealer and tank, but he's a bit too hybrid at the moment, so he isn't great at either role.D-tier characters in Marvel Rivals season 1Heroes in the D-tier are, quite frankly, pretty subpar. Not so bad that youre going to automatically lose if you have one on your team, but bad enough that you should probably be picking a better option.CharacterRoleWhy they're D tierScarlet WitchDuelistScarlet Witch does very low damage over time, even if that damage is reliable because it doesn't require aim. When paired with an ultimate that's powerful but very easy to counter, she just doesn't bring enough value to a team.Spider-ManDuelistSpider-Man is capable of dishing out a lot of damage and destroying a backline, but he takes so much more work than any other dive character in the game for no additional benefit.F-tier characters in Marvel Rivals season 1Heroes in the F-tier are bad and you shouldnt play them. And while you should never flame your teammates in games like Marvel Rivals, you should be concerned if someone picks one of these heroes, as its a little too close to playing 4v5.CharacterRoleWhy they're F tierBlack WidowDuelistBlack Widow can't one-shot targets, she struggles to have awareness around here because she's forced into first-person, and her ultimate is worthless. Black Widow requires a lot of buffs or a rework in order to even be viable for all but the best players. For moreMarvel Rivalsguides, heres a list of all knowncodes, allTeam-Up abilities, allmaps and modes, and a look at the gamesroadmap.
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  • How to Reverse Sear the Best Steak of Your Life
    I used to hate cooking steak at home for one big reason: the smoke. I rent an apartment in Brooklyn, which means I have to deal with a close and sensitive smoke alarm. But even without the threat of a piercing siren, steak was always one of those sometimes foods that ended up making more of a mess than I care to clean up. That is, until the concept of reverse searing entered my life, and changed everything. Now I can make myself a perfect steak, and you can too.What is reverse searing?Searing is the classic way to prepare a steak: simply pop it in a screaming hot pan and sear it until its done. Reverse searing is the catchy phrase for baking a roast low and slow in a conventional oven, and tossing it in a hot pan afterward to get some nice color on the outside. The steak effectively cooks almost completely in the oven; you pan-sear it simply for the glorious browning and flavor the process brings.You can reverse sear (almost) any steakYou can use this method for almost any type of steak or roast. You can reverse sear rib-eye steaks, filet mignon, New York strip steak, or a pork tenderloin. The only caveat is thickness: It's hard to reverse sear anything thinner than an inch thickbetween the baking and searing, a thin cut of meat will likely cook past the medium-rare point before you can catch it. Try to aim for steaks and roasts that are an inch and a half or thicker. Reverse searing is totally worth itReverse searing helps the steak to brown more evenly than simply pan searing. Searing a steak over high heat will cook the protein fibers on the outside much more rapidly, shrinking the outer layer and causing the middle to bulge, and that warping of the meat makes it hard to get an even sear. Searing is primarily to add flavor, so an uneven sear actually minimizes flavor.Reverse searing cooks the meat gently and slowly. Most often, you'll start the process with an oven set to 225F or 250F, and leave the steak in there for 20 to 50 minutes, depending on how you like your steak (and a few variables I will discuss later). Slow cooking allows the meat to warm up and heat through more evenly, keeping its shape nice and flat. The best part, if you ask me? No smoke. There is no opportunity for scorching when using this cooking technique. Well, not yet anyway. (You do sear it briefly at the end, but its for no where near as long.) Moreover, its lower stress: Cooking this way allows you to do other things in the kitchen while the steak cooks away in the oven, and you can use a probe thermometer every 10 minutes or so to see how its coming along. If you have a terrible habit of overcooking your steak, this method nearly guarantees you wont overcook it.The right way to reverse sear a steakA dryer surface sears better, so the evening before you're ready to cook, pat your steak with some paper towels and let it sit on a wire rack over a sheet pan in the fridge overnight. If you forget to do this, you can simply do it in the morning for a few hours. Worse case scenario (which has certainly happened to me several times), just pat it dry before you put it in the oven. 1. Preheat your ovenSet your oven to 250F. Place a wire rack over a sheet pan. There wont be much that drips off the steak, but elevating the meat allows the warm air to flow around all sides. Credit: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann 2. Set your target temp and bake the steakThoroughly season your steak and place it on the wire rack. Youre aiming for an internal temperature 10 to 15 degrees below the target finished temperature. Consider that the steak will sear in a hot pan, and also experience carry-over cooking.Here's a chart with target temperatures that the center of your steak should reach before you sear it in a pan. For reverse searing, aim for the temperature above and remove your steak from the oven. Credit: Allie Chanthorn reinmann I like my steak around medium which is about 140F. I subtracted 15 degrees, and aimed for 125F -ish. It took me 45 minutes to get to 122F, with two temperature tests after the first 25 minutes. There are variables to keep in mind. How thick is your steak? Was it fridge-cold or room temperature? My ribeye was one-and-a-half inches thick, and still chilly from the fridge. After 25 minutes, it had just reached the internal temperature fit for a rare steak, about 102F. My advice is to keep in mind the thickness of your steak and check on it after 10 minutes for a thin steak (around an inch and a quarter thick), and after 20 or 25 minutes for a thicker one (an inch and a half or more). Once you have an initial reading, you can adjust the cooking time from there. Credit: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann 3. Sear in a hot panOnce your target internal temperature has been reached, remove the steak from the oven. Heat a frying pan, or cast iron skillet on medium heat until its very hot, which usually takes a few minutes. Sear the steak on all sides with a knob of butter, for about one minute per side. Serve immediately. Credit: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann If its your first time reverse searing, you might be dismayed by how ugly and gray your steak looks out of the oven. Hang in there. Once you sear it, youll understand what its all about. Reverse seared steak has great flavor and looks beautiful. Although you miss out on some nice pan drippings, to me the benefits outweigh the missing fond. So say goodbye to scorching, and hello to a more relaxing, better steak experience.
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  • What to expect at the Samsung Galaxy S25 Unpacked 2025 event
    Samsungs big Galaxy S25 launch is right around the corner. The first Galaxy Unpacked event of 2025 is confirmed for January 22 at 1PM ET in San Jose, CA, where Samsungs Next Big Thing (to borrow a 14-year-old marketing slogan) will be revealed. What exactly will be on tap? Well, apart from a few sure bets and some likely leaks, only those sworn to a blood oath under an NDA know for certain. But here are the most likely products and features well see.Galaxy S25, S25+ and S25 UltraGalaxy S24 UltraSam Rutherford for EngadgetMuch like Apple reveals its latest iPhones at its first fall event, Samsung typically launches its mainline Galaxy S flagships at its first Unpacked shindig of the year. You can bet the farm that there will be Galaxy S25 phones at this event. And given Samsungs recent trend of launching three tiers of flagships standard, Plus and Ultra you can bet well see that again. (Samsung could technically change the brand names, but the three-layered lineup is practically guaranteed.) Theres even an FCC certification (first spotted by 91Mobiles) to dispel any doubts.The degree of certainty falls sharply once we dig into the phones features. A subtle redesign with rounded corners, flatter edges and thinner bezels appears likely based on a leaked video posted to Reddit and images from reputable tipster Ice Universe. But this isnt expected to be the generation where Samsungs hiring of a former Mercedes-Benz designer will lead to drastic aesthetic changes.Android Headlines also posted plenty of pictures of the purported Galaxy S25, S25+ and S25 Ultra that confirm the relatively minor redesign. The site also claims the screen size for the Galaxy S25 and S25+ are unchanged from last year at 6.2 and 6.7 inches, respectively. The Ultra gets an ever-so-slightly bigger display at 6.9 inches.QualcommAt least in the US, the phone is practically guaranteed to use Qualcomms Snapdragon 8 Elite processor, which the chip-maker revealed in October. (Qualcomm even listed Samsung among the companies launching devices with that processor in the coming weeks.) Like just about every flagship processor these days, the Snapdragon 8 Elite is built for on-device generative AI, which aligns with Samsungs Galaxy AI blitz in recent models.We dont know whether the company will split its S25 processors between Snapdragon (US and other markets) and Exynos (everywhere else), but Ice Universe has claimed it will be all Snapdragon this generation. That would be a good thing, given whats often a glaring performance and battery life disparity favoring Qualcomm.Samsung is rumored to stick with last-generation OLED displays (made with M13 organic materials) instead of the brighter and more efficient M14 OLED panels used in the iPhone 16 Pro and Google Pixel 9. Logic suggests Samsung would want its best homemade screen in its best phones especially when its competitors are already using it. But it could stick with the cheaper panels to keep the bill of materials down. Perhaps it calculated that better displays dont make for better generative AI (the obsession of nearly every tech company right now), while the latest Qualcomm chip does.Speaking of AI, expect Samsung to devote a perhaps agonizingly long portion of the event to generative AI features. The hit-or-miss DigiTimes reported last month that the Galaxy S25 series will include an AI Agent that provides personalized clothing suggestions and transport information. What that would look like in practice is anyones guess, but Im not sure I want to know.SamsungThe phones will run Samsungs One UI 7 on top of Android 15. We know this because Samsung said in October that its user experience (based on Android 15) will launch on the next Galaxy S flagships. Its already available in beta for Galaxy S24 phones. Samsung has said that One UI 7 will be its "first integrated AI platform." It added that Galaxy phones "will become true AI companions" that are able to understand natural language derived from speech, images and text.On the camera front, Ice Universe claims (via Android Headlines) its confirmed that only the ultra-wide sensor will see an upgrade in the Galaxy S25 Ultra to 50MP from 12MP in last years model. The leaker says the S25 Ultra will stick with a 200MP main sensor, 10MP 3x zoom and 50MP 5x zoom.Galaxy S24 UltraSam Rutherford for EngadgetSamsung will add the Qi2 wireless charging standard to its new flagships and that comes straight from the horses (aka, the Wireless Power Consortiums) mouth. However, leaker chunvn8888 (aka yawn) says Samsungs phones wont have built-in magnets for Qi2s native MagSafe in everything but name charging. Instead, the leaker says Samsung will sell a first-party case with a Qi2 magnetic ring to enable that. (Gotta move those accessories, baby!)Rumors have buzzed about an alleged Galaxy S25 Slim with a you guessed it slimmer design joining the trio at some point this year. Thats something Apple is also rumored to be working on. However, given the FCC certifications only appear to cover the familiar trio of flagships, that phone (if its in the pipeline at all) may not arrive until later in the year.Galaxy Ring 2, Samsung XR and AR glassesGalaxy RingSam Rutherford for EngadgetDigiTimes reported in December that Samsung would show off (or maybe just tease) the Galaxy Ring 2 and augmented reality (AR) glasses during its January Unpacked event.The Taiwanese publication says the Galaxy Ring 2 will add two more sizes to the nine from the original model, which only launched in July. The second-gen wearable health tracker is said to add new AI features (surprise!) and updated sensors for more accurate measurements. The Galaxy Ring 2 is also rumored to last longer than the current models maximum of seven days.GoogleDigiTimes also claims Samsungs AR glasses which the company has confirmed its working on will look like regular prescription glasses and weigh around 50g. It says the futuristic glasses would use Googles Gemini AI, which aligns with what we already know about Samsungs partnership with Google and Qualcomm on Android XR. But given the lack of supply chain rumors surrounding the glasses, its likely that any mention at the event would amount to little more than a teaser, a la its grand reveal of... a stinkin render for the first Galaxy Ring at Unpacked 2024.We also know Samsung is co-developing an Android XR (extended reality) headset codenamed Project Moohan alongside Google and Qualcomm. The lightweight and ergonomically designed headset will have a state-of-the-art display, passthrough video and natural multi-modal input. Googles renderings show a wearable reminiscent of Apples $3,500 Vision Pro.Project MoohanGoogle / SamsungSince Google only recently began offering a developer kit and API for the platform, any glimpse of it at Unpacked wouldnt likely include an imminent release or deep dive into its hardware.Engadget will have full coverage of Samsungs first Unpacked event of 2025. More to come on January 22!Update, January 13 2025, 12:58PM ET: This story has been updated with purported images and more details on the Galaxy S25, S25+ and S25 Ultra from Android Headlines.Update, January 14 2025, 3:20PM ET: This story has been updated with some more information about One UI 7This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/mobile/smartphones/what-to-expect-at-the-samsung-galaxy-s25-unpacked-2025-event-202024337.html?src=rss
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  • ChatGPT Tasks can start taking over your calendar and remind you to finish your to-do list
    OpenAI releases ChatGPT Tasks feature with reminders and scheduled activities.
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  • Intel to spin off venture capital arm as chipmaker continues to restructure
    Intel said Tuesday that it plans to spin off Intel Capital, its venture capital wing, into an independent firm.
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  • From jackass to icon: How U.S. political branding evolved
    In a world where personal branding is paramount, individuals are often marketed like products. Nowhere is this phenomenon more pronounced than in politics, where candidates meticulously shape their images to connect with voters. Long before social media amplified the cult of personality, symbols like the donkey and the elephant began defining the identities of Americas major political parties. As campaigns evolved, so too did the methods by which candidates blended personal narratives with political ideologies, creating a seamless fusion of the two.The donkeys association with the Democratic Party traces back to Andrew Jacksons 1828 presidential campaign. Critics mocked Jackson by calling him a jackass, intending the term as an insult. Jackson, however, embraced the label, using the donkey as a symbol of his campaigns tenacity and populist ethos. Decades later, the connection was cemented by political cartoonist Thomas Nast. In his 1870 Harpers Weekly cartoon, A Live Jackass Kicking a Dead Lion, Nast used the donkey to represent divisions within the Democratic Party. Over time, the donkey evolved into an enduring emblem of resilience and determinationqualities the party continues to champion, even though it has never formally adopted the symbol.The Republican Partys iconic elephant also owes its origins to Nasts work. In his 1874 cartoon, The Third-Term Panic, he portrayed an elephant labeled The Republican Vote, representing strength and dignity. The image resonated with the party and its supporters, solidifying the elephant as a symbol of Republican ideals. Much like the donkey, the elephant conveys the qualities the party aspires to projectsteadfastness, reliability, and a sense of enduring power.Red, blue, and the color of politicsInterestingly, the red and blue political divide we now take for granted is a relatively recent phenomenon. Before the 2000 presidential election, there was no consistent color scheme to represent the two major parties. That changed during the contentious recount between George W. Bush and Al Gore, when major news networks adopted a standardized map: red for Republican states, blue for Democratic ones.The weeks-long media frenzy surrounding the Florida recount cemented these colors in the public consciousness. As the nation watched the stalemate unfold, red and blue transcended their role as mere visual aids, becoming powerful symbols of Americas partisan divide. Over time, they have come to embody the ideological identities of the parties they represent, with red conjuring notions of conservatism and tradition, while blue signifies progressivism and unity.The Pepsi generation of politicsPoliticians like John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan leveraged their charisma to excite and motivate voters. However, Barack Obamas 2008 campaign melded charisma with branding and took it to a whole new level.Obamas campaign marked a transformative moment in political branding. With the message of Hope and Change and the unifying chant Yes We Can, Obama energized a generation and redefined how campaigns connect with voters. At the heart of this movement was his iconic logoa rising sun set against a backdrop of red, white, and blue, symbolizing optimism and renewal. The logos sleek, circular design drew inevitable comparisons to Pepsis branding, a similarity even Obama joked about, quipping, It looked like the Pepsi logo.Though the resemblance was coincidental, it highlighted the campaigns innovative appeal to younger voters by marrying traditional political ideals with modern marketing strategies. Obamas brand transcended policy, becoming a lifestyle, an identity, and a powerful promise of a brighter future. It wasnt just a campaignit was a cultural phenomenon.In contrast, John McCains 2008 presidential campaign embodied the timeless qualities of Coca-Cola Classic. A decorated Navy veteran and long-serving senator, McCain represented steadfast values and a deep commitment to public service. Known for his bipartisan approach and willingness to challenge his own party, he was the quintessential statesmanrooted in integrity and civility.Even amid the heated atmosphere of the 2008 election, McCains character shone brightly. During a town hall meeting, when a supporter disparaged Obama by expressing unfounded fears, McCain famously defended his opponent: No, maam. Hes a decent family man and citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues. This moment highlighted McCains dedication to democratic ideals and respectful discoursea rarity in todays increasingly polarized political landscape. Some may argue McCains vice-presidential running mate, Sarah Palin was more New Coke than Classic.Trump: The red bullDonald Trump redefined political branding by transforming himself into a larger-than-life figure. His slogan, Make America Great Again (MAGA), which was originally used during Ronald Reagans 1980 campaign, became uniquely his own. Combining nostalgia with populism, the MAGA movement promised economic revitalization, stricter immigration policies, and a restoration of American global dominance. By trademarking the slogan and emblazoning it on a range of merchandise, Trump elevated MAGA from a campaign mantra to a cultural and political phenomenon.Trumps brand transcended the traditional role of a candidate, often overshadowing the Republican Party itself. His unfiltered communication style, mastery of media, and rhetoric polarized audiences but galvanized an intensely loyal base. The MAGA movement reshaped the landscape of American politics, inspiring global populist trends and cementing a legacy that continues to influence political discourse well beyond his presidencymaking him the Red Bull, smashing through all norms like the proverbial bull in a china shop.Politics in the age of personalityTodays politicians often resemble TikTok influencers more than traditional policymakers. Campaigns revolve around personal narratives, viral moments, and the power of memes. From Obamas hopeful idealism to Trumps unapologetic populism, the political stage increasingly prioritizes relatability and charisma over substantive policy discussions.This evolution prompts critical questions about the future of governance. Are voters supporting politicians for their policiesor their personas? In an age dominated by branding, its more important than ever to scrutinize the details behind the image. After all, whether youre selecting a product or a president, its wise to look beyond the label.R. Vann Graves, EdD is executive director at VCU Brandcenter.
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  • Terra tile collection by Mosaic Factory
    Dezeen Showroom:handmade in Morocco, the Terra tile collection by manufacturer Mosaic Factory gives a nearly endless choice of ways to bring terracotta into the home.The Terra tile collection celebrates the natural variation in tiles that are handmade from raw earth, with subtle differences in size, colour and surface texture that come together to create a warm and organic aesthetic.The Terra tile collection celebrates the beauty of handmade terracottaMosaic Factory has prioritised flexibility and creativity with the collection, producing over 20 different tile shapes that range from the classic to unusual Arabesque, Moorish, fish, spool and pentagon shapes.There is also a choice of nine different colours, including a pale grey and soft black in addition to the classic burnt orange-browns, and the tiles have one smooth, flat side and one textured, irregular side to give designers options.It is available in a range of different coloursThe Terra collection is made from natural clay sourced from Morocco's Atlas mountains and produced by Mosaic Factory's craftspeople (maalems) in Tangiers, where the tiles are sun-dried and kiln-fired in a process that spans five to seven weeks."We have worked hard to create what we think is the perfect terracotta tile," said Mosaic Factory creative director Louisa Alice. "These tiles are exceptionally durable and will only continue to look better with age."Product details:Product: TerraBrand: Mosaic FactoryContact: info@mosaicfactory.comMaterial: clayColours/finishes: variousDimensions: variousDezeen ShowroomDezeen Showroom offers an affordable space for brands to launch new products and showcase their designers and projects to Dezeen's huge global audience. For more details email showroom@dezeen.com.Dezeen Showroom is an example of partnership content on Dezeen. Find out more about partnership content here.The post Terra tile collection by Mosaic Factory appeared first on Dezeen.
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  • Loop Gear SK05 Pro: The Ultimate Multifunctional EDC Flashlight That Is Also A Power Bank
    Carrying a compact flashlight in your EDC kit offers unmatched convenience and preparedness. Whether youre navigating an unexpected power outage or exploring the outdoors, a reliable light source is essential. The Loop Gear SK05 Pro Flashlight stands out as a versatile and powerful tool, designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine. Its compact size and multifunctionality make it an indispensable companion for those who value practicality and efficiency.When adventure calls, the Loop Gear SK05 Pro Flashlight is ready to answer. This compact marvel packs a punch with its powerful beam range and multifunctional capabilities, making it a favorite among outdoor enthusiasts and EDC aficionados. The SK05 Pros spotlight mode is particularly impressive, casting a beam that reaches up to 405 meters. This feature is perfect for those moments when you need to see far into the distance, whether youre hiking at night or searching for something in the dark. The spotlight delivers a stunning 1,300 lumens, ensuring you have ample visibility even in the most challenging conditions.Designer: LOOP GEARClick Here to Buy Now: $104.40 $149.99 ($45.59 off, use coupon code yanko). Hurry, offer ends in 48-hours!For broader illumination, the floodlight mode is your go-to option, boasting an output of 3,060 lumens. This mode is ideal for lighting up large areas, making it perfect for campsite activities or emergency situations where wide coverage is necessary. The combination of spotlight and floodlight capabilities gives the SK05 Pro a total output of 4,360 lumens, providing versatile lighting solutions.The sidelight feature of the SK05 Pro adds another layer of utility with its seven modes and eight color options. This makes it a fantastic choice for use as a night light, camping light, or even a warning signal. The variety of colors and modes allows you to customize the lighting to suit your specific needs, enhancing both functionality and safety.Navigating between the different lighting modes is made simple with an ergonomic dial, allowing for quick and easy transitions. This intuitive design ensures that you can switch settings effortlessly, adapting to changing conditions without missing a beat. The SK05 Pro is engineered for user-friendly operation, making it accessible for both seasoned adventurers and everyday users.Despite its powerful performance, the SK05 Pro remains impressively compact and portable. Its palm-sized flat body is designed for comfort and ease of use, with anti-slip finger grooves providing a secure grip. This thoughtful design ensures that the flashlight is easy to carry and handle, whether youre on a long trek or using it around the house.Beyond lighting, the SK05 Pro offers the added benefit of serving as a power bank. Equipped with dual rechargeable batteries, it provides up to 20 days of battery life and functions as an 8,000 mAh power bank. Each battery can be quickly replaced, ensuring that you have a reliable power source even when recharging is not an option. This dual functionality is invaluable for those who need both light and power on the move.The flashlights robust back clip and magnetic tail cap enhance its practicality by allowing for hands-free use. Secure it to your backpack, belt, or any metal surface for convenient lighting exactly where you need it. These features are particularly useful for tasks that require both hands, providing flexibility and convenience in various situations.Built to withstand the elements, the Loop Gear SK05 Pro is both corrosion and rust-resistant. Its durable construction includes a storage temperature range from -40C to 80C, a 1-meter drop resistance, and an IP68 waterproof rating. These attributes ensure that the flashlight can endure tough environments, making it a dependable tool for any adventure or emergency.Loop Gears commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their 24/7 support service, ready to assist with any concerns. This dedication to quality and service ensures that the SK05 Pro remains a reliable investment, providing peace of mind to users. With its combination of performance and support, the SK05 Pro is a standout choice for those who demand the best.For those who embrace the spirit of adventure and value the practicality of everyday carry items, the Loop Gear SK05 Pro is a game-changing addition to your gear. Its blend of power, versatility, and durability makes it an ideal choice for anyone who refuses to compromise on quality. Whether youre exploring the great outdoors or simply need a reliable light source, the SK05 Pro is the perfect tool to have by your side.Click Here to Buy Now: $104.40 $149.99 ($45.59 off, use coupon code yanko). Hurry, offer ends in 48-hours!The post Loop Gear SK05 Pro: The Ultimate Multifunctional EDC Flashlight That Is Also A Power Bank first appeared on Yanko Design.
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