• A new Supreme Court case would force the government to create religious public schools
    The Supreme Court announced on Friday that it will hear two cases that are likely to revolutionize the relationship between church and state, at least in the context of public schools. Both cases, known as Oklahoma Statewide Charter School Board v. Drummond and St. Isidore of Seville Catholic Virtual School v. Drummond, seek to force state governments to pay for religious public schools. They involve a planned public charter school in Oklahoma, which will be run by two Catholic dioceses. According to the Oklahoma Supreme Court, the school, known as St. Isidore, says it will derive its original characteristics and its structure as a genuine instrument of the church and participate in the evangelizing mission of the church.The state supreme court ruled that it is unlawful for the state to fund a religious public school. In its decision, the state court said that the ruling stemmed both from longstanding federal constitutional principles protecting the separation of church and state and the Oklahoma Constitution, which forbids the use of public money ... for the use, benefit, or support of any sect, church, denomination, or system of religion.It is likely, however, that the US Supreme Courts Republican majority, which has ruled that states must fund religious education in some contexts, will extend those previous decisions to require Oklahoma to fund this religious school. That would likely mean that nearly every state will have to fund public religious schools similar to St. Isidore, a scenario that would fundamentally alter public education in the United States. While the Court has supported some government funding of private schools in the past, it has never endorsed a public religious school.The Court said in Carson v. Makin (2022) that states need not subsidize private education, and that states may provide a strictly secular education in its public schools. But Carson also held that, when a state offers vouchers to help families pay for private education, it cannot disqualify some private schools solely because they are religious.In the St. Isidore cases, both the school and Oklahomas charter school board essentially ask the Supreme Court to extend Carson to charter schools which, unlike the private institutions at issue in Carson, are public schools that are subject to significant state control. As Oklahomas Supreme Court explained in its opinion, charter schools in that state are subject to the same academic standards and expectations as existing public schools. They must comply with the same rules that govern public schools on school-year length, bus transportation, student testing, student suspension, and financial reporting and auditing.They also must comply with other rules that apply to all public schools in Oklahoma, including the requirement that they must be equally free and open to all students as traditional public schools.Currently, charter schools exist in 45 states plus the District of Columbia. An extension of Carson would force these states to decide whether to shut down all of their existing charter schools, or to keep them and start funding schools like St. Isidore they would no longer be allowed to host charter schools if those schools were exclusively secular.Realistically, states that already have a significant number of charter schools are unlikely to shut them down. Few elected officials will want to deal with the political backlash that will come if they close existing charter schools that already serve thousands of students. That will leave these states with only one other choice: Allow religious public schools to open in their state.How did we get to this point?For many decades, the idea that Oklahoma is allowed to fund a religious school much less that it is required to do so was considered anathema to the Constitution. As the Supreme Court said in Everson v. Board of Education (1947), no tax in any amount, large or small, can be levied to support any religious activities or institutions, whatever they may be called, or whatever form they may adopt to teach or practice religion.Those days are now gone. Carson is quite clear that, at least in some circumstances, states are constitutionally required to fund religious education. The Court, in other words, has turned Everson completely on its head.In the now-dead regime, when the Court closely policed the boundary between church and state, the Constitutions command known as the establishment clause that there shall be no laws respecting an establishment of religion was understood to protect three values that often come up in the context of public schools. The first was a pluralistic value system that sought to, in the words of Allegheny County v. ACLU (1989), preclude[s] government from conveying or attempting to convey a message that religion or a particular religious belief is favored or preferred. As Justice Sandra Day OConnor wrote in an influential concurring opinion in 1984, when the government endorses one religious belief over another, it tells nonadherents that they are outsiders, not full members of the political community while simultaneously telling adherents that they are insiders, favored members of the political community.But this concern that the government should not tell nonbelievers and members of minority faiths that they are outsiders in their own community is dead in the Roberts Court. In Kennedy v. Bremerton School District (2022), the Courts Republican majority repudiated its past precedents warning about government endorsements of religion. It appears that the government is now free to actively promote one religious faith over another.The second value system that used to animate the Courts establishment clause cases is a ban on government actions that seek to coerce someone into religious activity. This rule against coercion still plays some role in the Roberts Courts cases. In Bremerton, for example, the Republican justices agreed that the government may not coerce anyone to attend church, and that it may not force citizens to engage in a formal religious exercise.It is unclear, however, whether the Court will still enforce this ban on coercion against the subtle forms of coercion that sometimes arise in public schools, or whether it will read this ban narrowly to prohibit only laws and policies that directly force children to participate in someone elses faith. In Lee v. Weisman (1992), for example, the Court split 5-4 on how to apply this anti-coercion principle to school-sponsored prayer. In Lee, a public school invited a rabbi to deliver a prayer at its graduation ceremony. Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy concluded that such a ceremony subtly coerces students into participating in that prayer.The undeniable fact, Kennedy explained, is that the school districts supervision and control of a high school graduation ceremony places public pressure, as well as peer pressure, on attending students to stand as a group or, at least, maintain respectful silence during the Invocation and Benediction. Such pressure, though subtle and indirect, can be as real as any overt compulsion, as it leaves a young nonadherent with a reasonable perception that she is being forced by the State to pray in a manner her conscience will not allow.Four justices, however, joined a dissent by Justice Antonin Scalia, which mocked Kennedys concern about subtle religious coercion as precious. According to Scalia, the only kind of religious coercion forbidden by the Constitution is coercion of religious orthodoxy and of financial support by force of law and threat of penalty. So, as long as a public school does not actively punish a student who refuses to participate in a prayer or other state-sponsored religious exercise, it is free to host that prayer.Its unclear where each of the current justices will fall on this divide between Kennedy and Scalia. But the Bremerton opinion, which cites favorably to Scalias Lee dissent and which suggests that James Madison only understood the Constitution to prevent one or multiple sects from establish[ing] a religion to which they would compel others to conform, suggests that the Courts Republican majority prefers Scalias approach.Finally, the Courts religion cases have historically warned against discrimination among different religious faiths. As the Court said in Larson v. Valente (1982), the clearest command of the Establishment Clause is that one religious denomination cannot be officially preferred over another.In theory, the Roberts Court still honors the principle that the government may not discriminate among faiths. Indeed, Carson was rooted in the Republican justices belief that a state that pays tuition at secular private schools but not religious ones is engaged in discrimination against religion.In practice, however, the Courts Republicans have not always enforced this rule against religious discrimination rigorously, at least when politically disfavored faiths are involved. In Dunn v. Ray (2019), for example, the Republican justices ruled that Alabama may execute a Muslim inmate without his imam present, even though the state permitted Christian clergy to be present during a Christian inmates execution. The Court has since backed away from its decision in Ray, but that case and others suggest that the Republican justices may not be as zealous in protecting Muslims religious liberties as they are in protecting Christians.Where do we go from here?Realistically, if the Republican justices are determined to end the Courts concern with pluralism, and read the bans on religious coercion and discrimination narrowly, no one can stop them. The Republican Party doesnt just control the Supreme Court, it controls all three branches of the federal government, at least for now.Similarly, if the Republican justices are determined to greenlight religious public charter schools, no one will prevent them from doing so.Yet, while the St. Isidore cases seem likely to end whatever vestiges remain of decisions like Everson and Allegheny County, a great deal will still hinge on whether the justices enforce the rules against coercion and discrimination rigorously.Imagine, for example, a community that is overwhelmingly Lutheran. In a world where public religious schools like St. Isidore are allowed, it is likely that a Lutheran charter school will soon open in this community, and the Lutheran parents in this community may all choose to send their children to this new Lutheran school.Now imagine that a family from some other faith lets say a Hindu family moves into this community. Because the overwhelming majority of their neighbors attend the Lutheran school, that school is likely to be well-funded. Its size will also allow it to take advantage of economies of scale, which will mean that the Lutheran school will be able to offer enrichment programs and advanced placement classes that a smaller school might not be able to afford.Meanwhile, while there may still be a secular public school in this community, if only a small handful of students attend this traditional public school, that school will most likely lack the resources of the Lutheran school, and will offer an inferior education.The Hindu family, in other words, will not be coerced into sending their children to the Lutheran school in the sense that they will be tossed into jail if their kids go to the secular school. But families want their children to succeed. And the Hindu family is likely to decide that they have no choice but to send their kids to the religious public school which will offer their children a superior education.Worse, what happens if the Lutheran school only admits students who share the schools religious faith? Will the Supreme Court enforce the ban on religious discrimination? Or will it effectively rule that Hindu children in this neighborhood must attend a separate and unequal public school?For that matter, what if a religious public school excludes some students because of traits unrelated to their faith? Could a religious public school forbid gay students from attending, for example? Or could it expel a boy if it learns that, after school hours and in the privacy of his own home, that boy kissed another boy?The whole point of the pluralistic theory of the Constitution announced in cases like Allegheny County is to ensure that all Americans stand on equal terms with their government, regardless of their faith. That theory is now dead, and the Republican justices appear eager to replace it with a rule that will further atomize Americans based on their religion.It remains to be seen whether, if instituted, a new, more segregated approach to public schooling can still ensure that everyone in a community has access to the same quality of education.Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More:
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  • EA is hinting at original 00s The Sims games making a comeback this week
    How retro (EA)Next week marks the 25th anniversary of The Sims and EA is rumoured to be celebrating the occasion by bringing back the first two games.EA really struck gold with The Sims 4. Despite being over a decade old, its continued popularity has ensured there will never be a Sims 5, with the publisher ditching sequels in favour of constant updates.Thats not to say there wont be further Sims games. At the moment, The Sims developer Maxis is putting together a more multiplayer-focused spin-off dubbed Project Rene, but that still feels like its years away.Whats not years away, however, is a pair of Sims re-releases, with leaks suggesting that two classic entries will finally be playable again on PC.Next week marks the 25th anniversary of The Sims franchise, specifically on February 4. So, EA has been drumming up hype for the occasion by teasing something for the original The Sims game and its immediate sequel, The Sims 2.A short video posted to the official Sims X account depicts the iconic Sims green diamond, with a mouse clicking on a menu prompt that reads time travel and causing the diamond to revert to its appearances in the first two games.In addition, the new header image on the account shows a much older character model standing in front of the prompt wheel seen in The Sims 2.In case these blatant teasers werent enough, a Kotaku report outright says that EA intends on bringing The Sims and The Sims 2 back to PC by the end of the week.Both games will be available as digital downloads and are expected to come with all their expansion packs as well. Theres no mention, though, if these will be remastered in any way or if the games will come to consoles.More TrendingThis will be a big deal for diehard Sims fans, since those first two games have been inaccessible for years. The Sims 2 was taken offline over a decade ago and the first game never saw a digital release.Even if you managed to find a physical copy of the original Sims, you wouldnt be able to play it on modern PCs without a disc drive and fan-made patches.Its difficult to imagine most Sims 4 players dropping the game in favour of older, arguably outdated versions. In fact, according to a Maxis blog post, The Sims 4 will be getting a bunch of free content as part of the anniversary celebrations, including a limited-time event that offers exclusive 00s inspired items.That said, nostalgic fans will no doubt be thrilled theyll be able to more easily revisit the older games on current hardware. Especially as the original game is the only entry, other than the defunct The Sims Online, to be directed by series creator Will Wright. The old games may be coming back, but EA still wants you playing The Sims 4 (EA)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • New God Of War rumour says Sony is casting for an Egyptian setting
    Egypts been a top pick for the next God Of War for years (Sony)The future of God Of War remains unclear but a trip to Egypt is still the best bet for Kratos next outing.There have been plenty of signs already that Santa Monica Studio has begun work on its next God Of War project, but officially theyve said nothing about it or its setting.However, the studio has ruled out another Nordic themed entry, with 2022s God Of War: Ragnark and its DLC epilogue concluding that particular saga. So, any subsequent game will have to pit Kratos against a new pantheon of gods.A popular theory amongst fans is that the series will head to Ancient Egypt and if the latest God Of War rumour is true, thats exactly whats happening.The new rumour comes courtesy, not of any of the usual gaming sources, but from DanielRPK, who more commonly shares rumours and insider info on movies.That said, he has dabbled in gaming related rumours before. Last year, for instance, he said Capcom is planning another remake of the first Resident Evil game for 2026. Theres no sign so far thats true but, since its not his usual subject purview, he may have mistaken it for Resident Evil Zero which has recently been rumoured by other sources.In a recent Patreon post (shared by X user Visceral), DanielRPK claims that Sony is currently casting Middle Eastern actors for for an unknown AAA game. However, he adds that its likely to be the next God Of War that explores Egyptian mythology.While plenty of fans have responded to the rumour with excitement, it must be noted that even if DanielRPKs claim about Sonys casting efforts are true, its not guaranteed to be for a new God Of War.Plus, a sequel set in Egypt is a very safe guess. Part of the reason why its such a popular theory is because that was the original setting for the 2018 game, as confirmed by director Cory Barlog.The rumour also doesnt line up with a previous one (which also came from a movie leaker) that the next God Of War will be more of a half-sequel in the same vein asUncharted: The Lost LegacyandSpider-Man: Miles Morales.Its possible that rumour was alluding to the Valhalla DLC that dropped a couple of months later or that there are currently two God Of War games in production. That may make sense if you assume a full sequel probably wouldnt be out until the PlayStation 6 launches, but a half-sequel could arrive sooner.More TrendingThere have also been rumours of the original Greek God Of War games seeing a remaster but thats never been substantiated.Santa Monica Studio is also rumoured to be working on a new IP, although theyve already had one sci-fi project cancelled in the past. The studio employs over 250 staff, which is enough to work on a AAA game and a smaller title, but not necessarily two big ones.Fans were apparently meant to be getting a God Of War live service game, but the project was cancelled earlier this month. However, this was in development at Bluepoint Games, the studio responsible for the Demons Souls and Shadow Of The Colossus remakes.Theres nothing to indicate Santa Monica was ever involved, so any progress made on its projects shouldnt have been impacted by its development and subsequent cancellation. There are quite a few references to Egypt throughout the Norse saga, like this one boss fight where he wields a pair of khopesh (Sony)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.ArrowMORE: God Of War review the redemption of KratosGameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Narwal Freo Z Ultra Review: Better Eyes, Weaker Muscles
    The Narwal Freo Z Ultra is the first robot vacuum and mop combo with dual RGB cameras, meaning its got a pair of eyes that see in color, much like we do. It also features AI chips to improve decision-making and object recognition, so it should better identify locations that need cleaning and improve object avoidance. It vacuums, mops, and lives in a dock that self-empties the robot and cleans the mops. All of that sounds promising, and it does some things quite well I wish it were better at the actual cleaning part. Narwal Freo Z Ultra The Freo Z Ultras improved vision and object recognition shows a lot of promise, but the vacuum still chooses inexplicable and inefficient routes, and it just doesnt clean as thoroughly as youd want. Pros Cons Narwal Freo Z Ultra Review: Design and Features Brent Rose Lets start with the basics. At a glance, the Freo Z Ultra looks much like any other high-end robot vacuum. Its a round bot about 14 inches in diameter and roughly 4.5 inches tall. Up top is a LIDAR turret (not unlike youd see on a self-driving car), which helps with room scanning and object recognition. In front are the aforementioned dual RGB cameras. Underneath, toward the front, you have two spindly sweeper arms that help direct debris under the robot; in the middle is the vacuum inlet with a roller brush, and toward the back are two spinning mop pads. You can also attach an included baseboard cleaner to it, which is effectively a fluffy duster that you stick on the side of the robot so it can wipe low, vertical surfaces. The base station is roughly 17 inches wide, 15 inches deep, and 18 inches tall. It takes proprietary 2.5L bags that Narwal claims will last you up to 120 days before you swap it, depending on how dirty your place is. It has two large, removable water tanks (one for clean water and one for dirty water) that are easy enough to empty or refill. It also has a separate cube where you can install a detergent cartridge. On the top lid is a small touch panel with some basic commands youll probably never use because the app and voice commands (via Google/Siri/Alexa) are much more convenient. The robot and base look sleek and modern. The base can also clean the robots mops with temperatures reaching 167 degrees Fahrenheit, which should be enough to kill most bacteria, and then it air dries the mops, too. The setup is pretty easy. You pull everything out of the box, attach the mops, plug the base in, fill the fresh water tank, push the bot into its base to charge, and then pair everything with the app. After sorting through some connectivity issues and firmware updates, I hit the button to scan my apartment, accomplished quickly and efficiently, mapping my whole floor plan in about 7 minutes. The map it created, though, needed some work. It correctly identified a bed and a couch, but it split my whole (one-bedroom) apartment into two big rooms. Luckily, it was straightforward enough to edit that in the app. I created dividers for the bedroom, bathroom, hallway, living room, dining room, kitchen, and entryway. That way, if just one room needed to be cleaned, I could tell it to clean that specific room. Narwal Freo Z Ultra Review: Performance Brent Rose The cleaning, however, could use some work. The default profile is to clean the whole apartment, vacuuming and mopping as it sees fit, so I thought Id start there. I hit the button on my app, and the base station announced that it was making electrolyzed water, which I guess cleans better than regular water? Theoretically? Maybe? It glowed and looked cool, anyway. Once the mops were all saturated, the robot left its dock and went straight to a carpeted corner of my bedroom. It then meandered for a bit without mopping or vacuuming. It just kept turning itself around in a corner by my bed. Eventually, it started vacuuming and did some weird zigzag pattern that didnt make much sense to me. It went back and vacuumed that spot again later, seemingly without reason.It also mopped one section of the floor near my bathroom sink, then went back and vacuumed it, which is the opposite order in which it should do that. Then it moped it again. Then vacuumed it again, then mopped it again. Mind you, there was no discernable dirt or debris in this spot. It just got kinda obsessed with it, and mind you, this is still before it had gone into my kitchen or cleaned the living room or anywhere else. The pattern it chose to clean my apartment seemed almost comically inefficient. I will say that it did a fairly decent job of cleaning areas once it got to them. It picked up a lot of hair and dirt from my bare floor, and it did a pretty good job of getting sand off of my medium-pile carpet, too. It was nice and quiet, too, which I appreciated. The mops did a nice, quick job of cleaning up some spilled milk on my kitchen floor. But when I laid down my infamous Snack Gauntlet (made of Goldfish crackers, pistachio shells, some pub mix, a few Tic-Tacs, and some dry, ground oregano leaf), it did just okay. It tended to choke on the pistachio shells and disgorge them elsewhere. Sometimes, it would catch the Goldfish cracker, but other times, it would smash it and spread the debris around the floor. I found a few almost-whole Goldfish on the other side of my apartment from where Id left them. It did well with the Tic-Tacs but had a hard time with the oregano, especially on my hardwood floor. There was just so much left on the floor after it thought it was done.For a comparison, I tested it against the Roborock Qrevo Curv. The Roborock formed a much more efficient cleaning pattern and appeared to be much more powerful. It made quick work of the snack gauntlet, missing just one Goldfish, but the oregano and everything else was all gone. I also found that the Roborock mops are much closer to the edges than the Narwal. One of the Roborocks mops extends outwards to clean under small overhangs. In contrast, the Narwal has to get right next to the wall and do a little 90-degree wiggle to get its mop toward the edge. Not only does that make it a lot slower (youd be slower, too, if you had to stop and wiggle every few seconds), but there were spots where the Narwal left three-inch gaps between the wall and where it cleaned. Not great. Brent Rose Brent Rose Brent rose Brent Rose Brent Rose Brent Rose Brent Rose The one place the Narwal beats the Roborock is in object avoidance. It seemed to put its binocular vision to use and did a much better job of avoiding hazards Id laid out for it, such as the odd slipper or sock, which the Roborock was prone to sucking up and dragging around. The Narwal could use its AI to correctly identify and avoid charging cables when encountering them on the bare floor, which was more than the Roborock could manage. However, it did still suck up a couple of charging cords when it encountered them on my patterned rugs. I suspect the camera needs more contrast (which the bare floor provides). It also did a good job of navigating through the maze of table and chair legs in my dining room. It wasnt quick, but it always made its way in and out. Brent Rose One weird thing is this bot goes back to its dock to clean its mop a lot. It seemed to go and mop a section of my floor (maybe 3-foot by 5-foot) and then go back to clean the mop before returning to the same area. Not only does this make cleaning take a lot longer, but it goes through water quite quickly. Midway through cleaning my apartment for the second time, it alerted me that the base was out of fresh water. Sure enough, it was dry, and the dirty water tank was full. But my apartment was pretty clean, and only 161 square feet of hardwood wasnt covered by rugs. I could see that the water wasnt very dirty, either. I thought this thing was supposed to be able to go four months without maintenance, but when I looked at the fine print, it only mentioned that there was no need to change the vacuum bag. Again, the Roborock was much more efficient, allowing me to go through several cleanings before dealing with the water.I did like that the robots AI could recognize when a spot was still dirty and needed more cleaning, and it would generally go back and handle it, but ultimately, when it was done, it was almost never as clean as the Roborock left it. Its app also doesnt give you as much granular control, and the baseboard cleaner, while clever, made it harder for it to get back into its dock. Sometimes, it would take five attempts before it could dock itself, and, as I mentioned, it tries to dock itself constantly. This all adds up to a slower, clumsier-seeming robot. Narwal Freo Z Ultra Review: Verdict Ultimately, theres a lot to like here. It does a pretty decent job of cleaning, and because its object avoidance is so good, it might be a better choice if you have a pet prone to accidents. Unfortunately, Id just tested the Roborock Qrevo Curv, and Narwals Freo Z Ultra doesnt clean quite as well, costing nearly the same (the Narwal is $1,500, while the Roborock is $1,600). During testing, I often wished for the best of both worlds. It would be unbeatable if I could put the Freo Zs vision and obstacle recognition on the Qrevo Curves efficiency and power. For now, though, Im sticking with the Roborock.
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  • Secondary School Puos dAlpago / facchinelli daboit saviane
    Secondary School Puos dAlpago / facchinelli daboit savianeSave this picture! Gustav WilleitArchitects: facchinelli daboit savianeAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:1185 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2024 PhotographsPhotographs:Gustav WilleitManufacturersBrands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers: KEIM, Casalgrande Padana, Metra, Pellizzari Building, Progress Group, Velux Lead Architects: facchinelli daboit saviane More SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. The project begins from a project competition AWN (Archiworld Network), organized by the Municipality of Alpago in 2018, to contrast the depopulation phenomenon by investing in educational buildings.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The new school develops around the theme of a "covered square", following a primitive idea of settlement, constituted by a volume suspended on four nuclei, which produces a covered space in direct continuity between inside and outside, with the function of a civic center in extracurricular hours.Save this picture!Save this picture!The colored concrete nuclei, which house the service rooms, define the perimeter of the agor, where the functions influence each other in a diffuse laboratory, enlivened by the wooden volumes of the reading room and the front office. The tree-lined pedestrian axis of the masterplan crosses the building, bringing the trees inside the school through the perimeter courtyards, which illuminate the areas for collective use. Classrooms and laboratories alternate on two floors around the agor, with which they are always in contact through windows and sliding walls. The main feature of this place is the visual permeability between the various environments, which creates a sort of internal landscape.Save this picture!Moreover, the project looks for coincidence between form, structure, and material. This is done through an exposed concrete shell made with advanced prefabrication technologies, which do not require further finishing layers and already contain the insulation and system arrangements.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessProject locationAddress:Alpago, 32016, Belluno, ItalyLocation to be used only as a reference. It could indicate city/country but not exact address.About this officeMaterialConcreteMaterials and TagsPublished on January 28, 2025Cite: "Secondary School Puos dAlpago / facchinelli daboit saviane" 28 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1025895/secondary-school-puos-dalpago-facchinelli-daboit-saviane&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Redefining Compact Living: Meet the 40,000 Winner of the Kingspan-Buildner Microhome Competition
    Redefining Compact Living: Meet the 40,000 Winner of the Kingspan-Buildner Microhome CompetitionSponsored ContentSave this picture!Courtesy of BuildnerIn the world of architecture, competitions often serve as platforms for creativity, experimentation, and problem-solving. For Daniel Rojas, Founding Partner of Wandrian Studios, winning the 2023-2024 MICROHOME competition, sponsored by Buildner and Kingspan, was a transformative moment. His project, Urban Residential Pods, addresses the global housing crisis by reimagining vacant office spaces as compact, sustainable homes.Rojas' design strikes a balance between innovation, functionality, and sustainability, offering a glimpse into how architecture can address some of today's most pressing challenges. As the next edition of the competition approaches, Rojas shares insights into his winning project and offers advice to future participants.Visit the MICROHOME competition site for details in the open 2025 edition and to register before the deadline on February 13.Urban Residential Pods: Rethinking Vacant SpacesRojas' winning design proposes Urban Residential Pods, compact living units that fit within repurposed office buildings. Each pod includes essential amenitiesa bathroom, kitchen, laundry station, queen bed, and a flexible living spacewhile integrating semi-private outdoor areas for comfort.One standout feature is the off-site prefabrication system, which allows the pods to be efficiently constructed, transported, and assembled. This approach not only addresses housing shortages but also breathes new life into underutilized urban spaces."This project was a response to two critical issues: the global housing shortage and the growing number of vacant office buildings," explains Rojas. "We aimed to create a practical, sustainable, and affordable solution that could adapt to urban environments worldwide."The Design Philosophy of Wandrian StudiosFounded in 2018 by Rojas and his wife, Kimberly Kolkovich, Wandrian Studios blends expertise in interior design and architecture to deliver creative, functional solutions. "Our goal is to elevate each project by celebrating existing conditions while addressing the client's goals with both creativity and pragmatism," says Rojas. While their work typically focuses on the residential and hospitality sectors, the studio's adaptability has enabled them to explore diverse projects, such as the MICROHOME competition.Tackling the MICROHOME Brief: A Strong ThesisFor Rojas, a key to success in design competitions is clarity of vision. "To win, you need a strong thesis," he explains. The MICROHOME competition's broad brief, focused on sustainability, efficiency, and affordability, encouraged participants to identify specific challenges. Rojas and his team zeroed in on repurposing empty office spaces, a challenge informed by his experience as an architect in New York City."Repurposing office buildings involves unique challengesfloor plate depths, floor-to-floor heights, and ADA requirements, to name a few," he says. "Our strategy was to develop general principles that could apply globally, ensuring flexibility and scalability."Balancing Constraints with Creative VisionThe MICROHOME brief limited designs to 25 m, pushing participants to think creatively about compact living. Rojas approached this constraint as an opportunity. "We developed a modular system that provided basic living components while leaving space flexible for various usessleeping, eating, and relaxing," he explains. "Simplicity and user control were essential."The design also emphasized sustainability, using prefabricated modules constructed with environmentally responsible materials. Inspired by modular office booths, the pods prioritize ease of assembly, transportability, and minimal environmental impact.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The Impact of WinningWinning the MICROHOME competition has been a pivotal moment for Wandrian Studios. "On a personal level, it's humbling to be recognized among such incredible talent," says Rojas. "For our studio, this recognition has brought international visibility and new opportunities. We've even been approached to adapt our design for temporary housing solutions in disaster-affected areas."Rojas adds that the competition has deepened the studio's commitment to sustainability. "Sustainability is now more integral to our practice than ever before. It's not just a featureit's a guiding principle."Advice for Future ParticipantsAs the MICROHOME 2025 competition gears up, Rojas encourages architects to embrace the challenge. "Start with a strong thesis and focus on solving a specific problem," he advises. "Build a compelling narrative and make it concise. And don't underestimate the importance of clear, thoughtful drawings."He emphasizes that even for those who don't win, the competition is a valuable experience. "Competitions sharpen your design process, enhance teamwork, and help you grow as a designer. It's about pushing boundaries and learning from the journey."Join the MICROHOME 2025 CompetitionThe MICROHOME 2025 Competition, organized by Buildner and sponsored by Kingspan, offers a 100,000 prize fund to celebrate innovative, sustainable solutions for compact housing. Open to professionals and students alike, the competition challenges participants to design a modular, energy-efficient microhome with a maximum footprint of 25 m.Key objectives include: Innovation and Functionality: Combining usability, aesthetics, and technology. Sustainability: Incorporating environmentally responsible materials and energy-efficient systems. Affordability: Making microhomes accessible to diverse populations. Adaptability: Designing for various urban, rural, or off-grid settings. Prize Structure: 1st Prize: 40,000 2nd Prize: 20,000 3rd Prize: 10,000 Buildner Student Award: 10,000 Sustainability Award: 10,000 Kingspan Award: 10,000 Competition Details Registration Deadline: February 13, 2025 Submission Deadline: March 18, 2025 Winners Announced: April 29, 2025 Jury PanelFeaturing renowned architects and sustainability experts from firms like Snhetta, Zaha Hadid Architects, and MAD Architects.Redefine Compact LivingThe MICROHOME competition is your opportunity to showcase bold, innovative solutions for compact housing. Whether you're an experienced architect or an emerging talent, this is your chance to gain global recognition and contribute to the future of sustainable housing.VisitMICROHOMEThis article is both a celebration of Wandrian Studios' achievement and a call to action for architects to participate in the MICROHOME 2025 competition. Will you be the next to shape the future of housing?Image gallerySee allShow lessCite: "Redefining Compact Living: Meet the 40,000 Winner of the Kingspan-Buildner Microhome Competition" 28 Jan 2025. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1026193/redefining-compact-living-meet-the-40000-euros-winner-of-the-kingspan-buildner-microhome-competition&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Controlling Edge Cuts #b3d
    Controlling edge cuts in Random Flow to better emulate other art styles.Learn more about the add-ons here: https://www.blenderguppy.com/add-ons Get these tools here:https://gumroad.com/blenderguppy https://blendermarket.com/creators/blenderguppy Become my Patron:https://patreon.com/blenderguppy Follow me:https://facebook.com/blenderguppy https://instagram.com/blenderguppy https://twitter.com/blenderguppy #b3d #blender3d #3dmodeling #3dtexturing #conceptart
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  • Make storage stress a thing of the past with this high-speed flash drive
    Stack CommerceShareWe may earn revenue from the products available on this page and participate in affiliate programs. Learn more Running out of storage feels like hitting a digital roadblockand its the worst. Whether its work files, favorite photos, or binge-worthy videos, this 1TB dual USB-C and USB-A 3.2 high-speed flash drive on sale for $69.97 keeps your data right where you need it.This all-in-one flash drive is built for versatility. Its dual-interface design means it works seamlessly with USB-C and USB-A devices, so you can transfer files effortlessly between your phone, laptop, smart TV, or even your car stereo. With read and write speeds of 20-30MB/S, it delivers smooth performance, letting you zip through tasks without delays. Store documents, high-resolution photos, or hours of video with its generous 1TB capacityno compromises necessary.Durability is another standout feature. Crafted from premium aluminum, this drive doesnt just look professionalits designed to handle lifes unpredictability. Its built waterproof, dust-proof, and drop-resistant, keeping your data safe no matter where your adventures take you. Whether youre commuting, traveling, or simply juggling a busy lifestyle, its robust build ensures your files are protected.Whats more, this drive keeps things simple. With a plug-and-play setup, you wont need additional software or cables to get started. Just plug it in, and youre ready to go. Its compatible with a wide range of devices, including Android phones, iPhones, iPads, Macs, PCs, and more. Need to move large files between different platforms? This flash drive makes it effortless.Whether youre working on the go or backing up precious memories, you can rest assured your files are safe and sound.Portable, powerful, and reliable, this 1TB dual USB-C and USB-A 3.2 high-speed flash drive is your ideal storage solution, on sale for $69.97 until February 2.StackSocial prices subject to change.Dual USB-C + USB-A 3.2 High-Speed Flash Drive (1TB) $69.97See Deal
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  • Finally, scientists get a penguins-eye-view of the world
    Getting a penguins-eye view of the ocean is now a reality. An international team of researchers have developed PenguCams, an new animal-borne camera system that can help track how much prey they need to eat, where they are finding fish, and how much energy they spend getting to their meals. The unique findingsand foragingare described in a study published January 28 in the journal PeerJ.Animal-borne cameras like the new PenguCams and National Geographics Crittercam can give researchers a view of behaviors they normally could not see. One of those important behaviors is how they interact with their prey. This is typically done by sampling their feces or what is inside the stomachs of dead birds, but this new method will help scientists understand just how much work it is for these penguins to get food. Understanding how an animal hunts and how much prey they need can help understand why they may be foraging for certain prey in certain spots.In the study, an international team of researchers affixed small, lightweight cameras to Humboldt, Tawaki, and King penguins in New Zealand. They then used the known distance between the penguins beak and the camera to determine a correction factora number that adjusts an observed value. The correction factor that the team created is a way to convert the pixel-based measurements in the footage into actual dimensions. It allows scientists to take a still image just before prey is consumed and measure how long or tall it is in pixels. Then, that pixel measurement can be converted into a real-world measurement in millimeters. This allows scientists to estimate just how much energy the penguin is getting from each foraging trip.The team tested video footage using a reference objecta grid with known dimensionsat multiple distances, water salinities, and angles. They then used these findings to create linear models that predict correction factors for distances that were beyond the tested range. This new correction factor takes into account distance traveled, refraction, and distortion to offer a practical tool to estimate size underwater.The study found that the correction factors were significantly different in air and water environments due to the differences in light refraction. However, these factors remain consistent across salt and fresh water, so they can be applied to several different marine habitats in the future.We created a new way to study marine predators through animal borne camera footage, Owen Dabkowski, a study co-author and student at the University of Otago in New Zealand, said in a statement. The correction factor allows measurements to be taken directly from video footage using a simple method. This innovative technique allows energetics of the prey to be calculated which can help explain the decisions made by predators during foraging.[ Related: When penguins divorce, the whole colony is impacted. ]The new method also takes distortion effects in the water and the air to ensure more precise measurements. The team also created a quick-reference table and have example footage demonstrating how the method works in real-world scenarios for other scientists to use.Using the correction factors developed with PenguCams could enable more accurate studies of ecological interactions. Having this data could better inform conservation measures for threatened or endangered species.PenguCams was developed by scientists from the University of Otago, the Tawaki Trust, the Global Penguin Society, the Antarctic Research Trust, and CONICET in Argentina.The post Finally, scientists get a penguins-eye-view of the world appeared first on Popular Science.
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  • Our remote fieldwork taught us how to band together as scientists
    Nature, Published online: 28 January 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-024-03972-4Three early-career researchers thrown together on Sable Island, a treeless island in the North Atlantic, think others can learn from their experiences.
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