• 11 advanced Android split-screen tricks
    Its fascinating to see how few people actively use some of Androids most useful features.I had such a revelation around the platforms long-standing split-screen option this month. With Google working to expand Androids screen-splitting system and make it even more flexible with an upcoming Android version, I decided to ask the smart and savvy readers of my Android Intelligence newsletter how often they actually tap into that Android-exclusive advantage.And the survey saaaaaaaaaaays: A staggering 57% of folks rarely to never rely on Androids split-screen option, while 19% didnt even know such a thing existed. Just 6% said they use it once or twice a week, meanwhile, and a meager 5% almost every day.Honestly, it shouldnt be surprising. Androids split-screen system has always been an out-of-sight, out-of-mind sort of thing, and unless youre using a recent Android tablet or folding phone, you really have to know where to look to find it let alone realize it exists.But my goodness, can it ever be a handy efficiency-enhancer to wield. And beyond the basic act of splitting your screen in half and interacting with two apps at the same time, Androids split-screen system holds some splendidly advanced options for pushing your productivity to powerful new heights.My friend and fellow tech-sorcery adorer, prepare to be enlightened.[Psst: Want even more advanced Android knowledge? Check out my free Android Shortcut Supercourse next to learn tons of time-saving tricks for your phone.]Android split-screen trick #1: The split slideUp first is an easy one to wrap your mind around. Once youve got two apps open together on your favorite Android device and if you dont know how to do that yet, pause for a moment and start here for the 101-level steps take note: You can slide your finger up and down (or side to side, if your device is in a landscape orientation) on the line between the two sides of your screen to change the spacing and see more of either app in the split. srcset="https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?quality=50&strip=all 900w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=292%2C300&quality=50&strip=all 292w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=768%2C788&quality=50&strip=all 768w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=679%2C697&quality=50&strip=all 679w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=164%2C168&quality=50&strip=all 164w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=82%2C84&quality=50&strip=all 82w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=468%2C480&quality=50&strip=all 468w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=351%2C360&quality=50&strip=all 351w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-adjust-size.webp?resize=244%2C250&quality=50&strip=all 244w" width="900" height="924" sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px">See more, see less: With a simple slide in Androids split-screen mode, you can adjust as you see fit.JR Raphael, IDGIf you slide your finger all the way down (or to the side), meanwhile, youll exit Androids split-screen mode entirely and go back to seeing just a single app at once.Android split-screen trick #2: The tab grabTypically, when youre starting up a new split-screen, you select two different apps from your recently used app list to get things going.But little-known fact! you can also select two different tabs from the Android Chrome browser and then view and even scroll through em side by side simultaneously.This ones a little tricky to find, but once you know the trick, its actually quite easy:First, open up Chrome.Then, fire up a split-screen between that and any other app, using the standard Android split-screen shortcut. It doesnt matter what other app you choose, as well override it a moment.Now, in the Chrome half of your screen, tap the three-dot icon in the upper-right corner and select New window.Alternatively, you can open any web page in the initial Chrome view and press and hold your finger onto any link within that page then, in the menu that pops up, find and select the Open in other window option.And hey, how bout that?!Two Chrome apps side by side in a split whatll they think of next?!JR Raphael, IDGYouve now got two Chrome tabs together on your screen, and you can change em or interact with em in any you want. You can even move tabs from one side of the screen to the other, if youre really feeling saucy.Android split-screen trick #3: The email divideSimilar to Chrome, Googles official Gmail app for Android has its own crafty way to create a split-screen using multiple views from a single inbox.This one works a wee bit differently, and its even easier to pull off:First, open up Gmail and start a new email draft.Now start a new split-screen from there. (You know the fastest way to do that by now, right?!)Thatll put your new message draft on the first half of the screen. And you should then see your Gmail inbox view as an available option for the other half or, if youre on a Samsung device, be able to find and select Gmail from the list of other choices to get to that same spot.Email in multiple panels, thanks to Androids split-screen system.JR Raphael, IDGAn active draft and your inbox or any other email on-screen together doesnt get much more convenient than that.Android split-screen trick #4: The split-screen redoIn more recent Android versions, anytime youve created a split-screen between two apps, you can then find and return to that same exact setup with both those same apps in the same split-screen position even after youve moved away and shifted your focus elsewhere.Just look in your recent apps overview yknow, the thing you get to by swiping up about an inch from the bottom of the screen and stopping, with Android gestures, or by tapping the either square-shaped or three-vertical-line icon at the bottom of your screen, if youre still clingin to the old legacy three-button nav approach and you should see any recently accessed splits there and ready to return to with a couple quick taps. srcset="https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?quality=50&strip=all 900w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=292%2C300&quality=50&strip=all 292w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=768%2C788&quality=50&strip=all 768w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=679%2C697&quality=50&strip=all 679w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=164%2C168&quality=50&strip=all 164w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=82%2C84&quality=50&strip=all 82w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=468%2C480&quality=50&strip=all 468w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=351%2C360&quality=50&strip=all 351w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/android-split-screen-recents.webp?resize=244%2C250&quality=50&strip=all 244w" width="900" height="924" sizes="(max-width: 900px) 100vw, 900px">You can find recent screen-splits in the Overview area on recent Android versions.JR Raphael, IDGAndroid split-screen trick #5: The instant splitYou dont have to rely on your Android screen-splitting history to get back to a favorite app split in a jiff. A clever little app called Be Nice makes it as easy as can be to create custom one-tap shortcuts for starting up specific pairs of apps in a split on demand just like opening any regular ol individual app on your device.Ive got a quick n simple guide thatll get you up and running with it in no time.Android split-screen trick #6: The split saveIf youve got a large-screen Android device be it a tablet or an expanded foldable phone with Android 15 in place, you can actually accomplish something similar without any third-party add-ons.Take a peek at this tip and start saving your own on-demand app pairs for ongoing use.Android split-screen trick #7: The slide splitSpeaking of tablets and foldables, if youre rockin such a plus-sized device and youve got a reasonably recent Android version on it, you can spin yourself into a split in a split-second simply by summoning the taskbar in the Android large-screen environment.Just swipe up gently from the bottom of your screen to get the taskbar to appear, then drag an icon from that area up into your main screen space.See? srcset="https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-taskbar.webp?quality=50&strip=all 600w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-taskbar.webp?resize=289%2C300&quality=50&strip=all 289w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-taskbar.webp?resize=162%2C168&quality=50&strip=all 162w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-taskbar.webp?resize=81%2C84&quality=50&strip=all 81w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-taskbar.webp?resize=463%2C480&quality=50&strip=all 463w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-taskbar.webp?resize=347%2C360&quality=50&strip=all 347w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-taskbar.webp?resize=241%2C250&quality=50&strip=all 241w" width="600" height="622" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px">Splitting your screen the simple way with the taskbar on a large-screen Android device.JR Raphael, IDGWhee!Android split-screen trick #8: The Keep 2-in-1 specialAlso specific to large-screen Android environments is a nifty little trick that lets you create a split-screen view right within the Google Keep Android app without having to rely on the standard system-level screen-splitting feature at all.Just open up any note inside the app, and as long as your screen is wide enough, youll see the note show up alongside your main note list. And then, from there, you can press and hold your finger onto the line separating the apps two panels the note list and whatever individual note youre actively viewing and slide your finger in either direction to change the panels sizes. srcset="https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-google-keep-panels.webp?quality=50&strip=all 600w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-google-keep-panels.webp?resize=300%2C289&quality=50&strip=all 300w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-google-keep-panels.webp?resize=175%2C168&quality=50&strip=all 175w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-google-keep-panels.webp?resize=87%2C84&quality=50&strip=all 87w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-google-keep-panels.webp?resize=499%2C480&quality=50&strip=all 499w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-google-keep-panels.webp?resize=374%2C360&quality=50&strip=all 374w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/google-pixel-9-pro-fold-google-keep-panels.webp?resize=260%2C250&quality=50&strip=all 260w" width="600" height="577" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px">Slide, slide, slippity-slide: Google Keeps built-in screen-splitting on a larger Android device.JR Raphael, IDGWho knew?!Android split-screen trick #9: The Calendar crackFrom Keep to calendar, the Google Calendar Android app has a similarly sneaky bit o screen-splitting sorcery built right in for larger Android devices.In Calendar, you can trigger a split by tapping on a specific individual event from within a calendar view. Thatll cause your screen to divide and the event to appear alongside the full calendar interface again, on a larger-screened Android gizmo only and just like with Keep, you can then press and slide your precious fingie along the line between those panels to adjust each sides size. srcset="https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/android-gesture-actions-google-calendar.webp?quality=50&strip=all 600w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/android-gesture-actions-google-calendar.webp?resize=300%2C290&quality=50&strip=all 300w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/android-gesture-actions-google-calendar.webp?resize=174%2C168&quality=50&strip=all 174w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/android-gesture-actions-google-calendar.webp?resize=87%2C84&quality=50&strip=all 87w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/android-gesture-actions-google-calendar.webp?resize=497%2C480&quality=50&strip=all 497w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/android-gesture-actions-google-calendar.webp?resize=373%2C360&quality=50&strip=all 373w, https://b2b-contenthub.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/android-gesture-actions-google-calendar.webp?resize=259%2C250&quality=50&strip=all 259w" width="600" height="579" sizes="(max-width: 600px) 100vw, 600px">The Android split-screen slide, Google-Calendar-style.JR Raphael, IDGPretty handy and weve got two easily overlooked Android split-screen tricks left yetAndroid split-screen trick #10: The floating web windowIn addition to the snazzy Chrome tab screen-splitting tricks from a second ago, you can also pop any web page out into a floating window that then sits atop anything else youre doing on your device like a more versatile sort of split-screen setup, in a sense.This one requires a helping hand from a third-party app called, fittingly enough, Float Browser.Ive got a complete guide to getting it up and running in a minute or less.Android split-screen trick #11: The PiP splitLast but not least is a final native Android feature for splitting your screen in an unconventional but effective way at least, for certain specific scenarios.Its Androids picture-in-picture system, which makes it easy to keep an actively playing video or even a Google Maps navigation visible on your screen while you also go about other tasks.In apps that support the function, you can start a picture-in-picture view simply by heading back to your home screen while a video or navigation is playing (though some apps, like YouTube, do have certain restrictions in place for when the feature can be used).From there, you can even whip out some advanced Android gestures to change the boxs size and do all sorts of other interesting stuff with it.And there ya have it: 11 excellent ways to make the most of Androids split-screen framework. Use your newfound power wisely and as with any splits, be sure to do plenty of gentle stretching. Up next: Get six full days of advanced Android knowledge with my free Android Shortcut Supercourse. Youll learn tons of time-saving tricks for your phone!
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  • Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 and Indiana Jones and the Golden Circle Made Microsoft $465 Million in December
    While several gaming companies saw profits as well as losses throughout 2024, Microsoft seems to have had the best performance in publishing titles for the year. According to VGC, a report from data firm Ampere revealed that, thanks to the sales of games like the latest Call of Duty and Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, Microsoft was the biggest game publisher across PC, PlayStation and Xbox.The report cites Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 as being one of the key contributors to this success, bringing in 38 million monthly players in November. The report also credits the fact that Microsoft has been focusing on bringing its first-party titles to platforms other than Xbox as well, with 64 percent of the Microsoft titles being bought came from PlayStation players buying Call of Duty.According to Ampere, Microsoft is followed by Electronic Arts, which made $366 million in December 2024, compared top Microsofts $465 million. EAs performance was credited to the latest entry in its early line-up of football games, EA Sports FC 25.Aside from publisher stats, Amperes report also revealed data on free-to-play titles. Fortnite took the lead in this regard, with a cumulative 30 million hours being spent in the game on Christmas. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 also saw quite a bit of play on Christmas, with 20 million cumulative hours.Other new releases, the report cites four key titles published by Chinese companies that had large player bases in December: NetEases Marvel Rivals, the Tencent-published Path of Exile 2, Papergames Infinity Nikki, and Tencents Delta Force. Path of Exile 2 has reportedly generated $148 million through its pay-to-access Early Access release, as well as its microtransaction shop. Marvel Rivals, on the other hand, is estimated to have 29 million monthly players.The growing global scale of major Chinese publishers adds a new dynamic to the console and PC gaming markets, and inevitably means added competition in what is already a hyper-competitive industry, said Ampere research director Piers Harding-Rolls talking about the performance of these titles in December.When it comes to hardware, however, Microsoft is trailing behind quite a bit. Even the current-gen Xbox Series X/S isnt selling at the same rate as the Xbox One did, according to a recent report by Circanas Mat Piscatella. The report did indicate, however, that console sales have been on a downward trend for all companies, with 2023 having been a better year for hardware sales than 2024 was.Considering the success that Microsoft has seen as a game publisher recently, here are our thoughts on what we can expect to see from the company on the gaming front in 2025.
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  • Donkey Kong Country Returns HD Review Third Times (Barely) the Charm
    When DonkeyKong Country Returnsoriginally launched for Nintendos Wii console back in 2010, it benefitted from a lot of circumstances that made it an instantly beloved classic it was the firstDonkeyKong Countrygame in about a decade and a half; it was near the start of the 2D platformer resurgence, before an era where the genre got oversaturated due to a glut of releases from the burgeoning indie sector; it launched before multiple critically acclaimed 2D platformers that raised the bar for the genre came out, such as Celeste,Super Mario Bros. Wonder, andDonkeyKong Country Returnsown follow up,Tropical Freeze.All of this, plus the fact that it really was a great 2D platformer, madeReturnsa successful return to form for the franchise. However, the context of that original 2010 release, and for this 2025 release ofDonkeyKong Country Returns HD, couldnt be more substantially different. In addition to everything listed previously, this is also now thethirdrelease for this game (it also got a 2013 re-release for the 3DS). It is the most expensive this game has ever been (the Wii version cost $50, the 3DS version cost $40. This Switch release is $60). While the Switch version consolidates and touches up content from the Wii and 3DS versions, it adds no new content or modes. And, perhaps most perplexingly, in many regards, the game feels technicallyworsethan the original standard definition 480p Wii release, missing several graphical effects and flourishes that added panache to the games excellent stylistic presentation.This makesDonkeyKong Country Returns HDa curiously conflicted release, because the core productisgood. Its held up well. It isntgreat, to be clear at this point there are several other, better 2D platformers you can pick up on the Switch alone for a whole lot cheaper. That makes this a bit hard to recommend, because very honestly, who is this release for? What was the projected audience for this? To be sure, there are probably millions of new players who never played the original release or the 3DS version (which itself is over a decade old at this point), for whom having a version of this game readily accessible is a good thing. But assessing it on those merits, this is not a great release. Its a poor remaster and overpriced considering the relative quality.All of which makes it tempting to pretty much write the entire release off. But thats where we come back toDonkeyKong Country Returns HDstill being legitimately good. Retro Studiosnailedthe movement and game feel, two absolutely paramount qualities in any platformer, and they did it so well thatReturns stillstands out as one of the best playing platformers even today.Donkey Kongs heavier controls can take a while to get used to, but once players get into the rhythm of using his momentum to chain jumps, rolls, and attacks together, the game enters an almost rhythm game style.Its intensely satisfying to complete the perfect run of aReturnslevel, or to manage to grab an out of the way collectible, especially becauseReturnsis ahard game. While this release does maintain the 3DS versions Modern Mode, which is supposed to sand off the rough edges as far as the difficulty goes, said Modern Mode isntgreat. It does give you more health and expands the items you can get for yourself at the in game shop to make things easier for yourself, but the game still expects full stage memorization and twitch response from the player. At most Modern Mode buys a bit of a buffer to make a few more mistakes than usual, but as far as optional easy modes in Nintendo platformers go, Modern Mode is surprisingly withholding. Tropical Freezes Switch re-release added an optional easy mode too (in the form of Funky Mode), which gave players not only more health but a whole lot more moves as well.Of course, thats assuming youneedthe easy mode to get through the game in the first place. If youre an experienced player, then as mentioned, there are few things in platformers as satisfying as pulling off a level completion inReturns. And even beyond the Modern Mode, the game gives you options to scale the difficulty to your liking. You have Diddy Kong, who acts as a power up forDonkey Kong in single player mode and augments his move set with his own. You have the aforementioned in game shop, that still sells a bounty of power ups to use and stack and make the game comfortable to play for yourself, even in the Normal Mode. And in the absolute worst case, the game supports co-op too (with player 2 taking control of Diddy), which can help make things easier as well.All of which is to say, while the difficulty is rougher compared to the options provided by other modern games in the genre, including, again, its own follow-up, its not really a dealbreaker, even for less experienced players. The game will definitely be a challenge, and adjusting difficulty is suboptimal compared to other points of reference, but it still gets the job done.Aspects other than the gameplay are a mixed bag too. The originalReturns was a stunner, but as mentioned, there are several graphical downgrades in this release that definitely blunt the impact of how it looks a fair bit.So, were left with an extremely weirdrelease.Returns HDis undoubtedly worth playing in that its a good game still; but it seems to be far too overpriced for what it is, and the game having very changes made since its last re-release over a decade ago means that it doesnt have as many modern quality of life features that can help it appal to a more expanded audience. Simultaneously, it being thethird release of the game, means that enthusiasts are unlikely to bite it, especially at that price and with those shortcomings.But if youdoend up falling within whatever demographic this release does end up being for, youre in for a good time. Whether youre returning to this game for a replay, or coming to it for the first time,DonkeyKong Country Returnsis a very good platformer, and the SwitchHDrelease is, on pure technicality if nothing else, the best way to play it. I guess thats good enough for now.This game was reviewed on the Nintendo Switch.
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  • Kollectif launches podcast series on future of architectural profession
    Image credit: KollectifKollectif has launched a podcast series called Autre Perspective, which translates to another perspective.The podcast series is being presented by OOTI, and currently is in the midst of its first season, consisting of five episodes that are approximately 50 minutes in length. The episodes are available on all audio platforms, including SpotifyandApple Podcasts.Kollectif acknowledges that Quebec architects have few platforms to meet, exchange and debate and that many themes are discussed behind the scenes in the industry without being addressed head on.Co-hosted by Kollectifs content manager, Marc-Andr Carignan, and their Instagram manager, architect Grgory Taillon, each episode features a duo or trio of architects who will discuss slightly controversial themes. The first episode looks at architectural competitions, the second at the growing use of AI in architectural offices.The main goal of the podcast is to encourage listeners to think about the future of the profession, debate current issues, and discuss the professional challenges associated with it.To find out more and to listen to the podcast episodes, click here.The post Kollectif launches podcast series on future of architectural profession appeared first on Canadian Architect.
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  • You will find your people
    You will find your peoplePublished inThe Medium BlogSent as aNewsletter3 min readJust now-- Happy Lunar New Year!Issue #256: the United States of Breakfast, midlife crises, and having funBy Adeline DimondI was a lonely kid. My mothers friend clocked this right away, and one day she grabbed my chin and made me face her. You will find your people, she said, not breaking eye contact.And I did, but perhaps not all of us were so lucky. A few weeks ago The Atlantic reported that were more alone than ever (a condition not to be confused with loneliness). From 2020 to 2023, in-person socializing declined by more than 20 percent, but the decline started long before that. Possible causes: cars (allowing us to move further away from each other), a decline in public spaces, television, smartphones and surprising no one political debate on the internet, and not, say, during your kids soccer game. (For more on this, see our issue on the so-called male loneliness epidemic.)While I felt sort of queasy reading the article, I couldnt help but rebel a little bit and think, Yes, sure, of course and yet it seems there is no better time in history to find your people. Exhibit A: Benjamin Rivers, a video game developer, and his friend set out on a road trip (think very specific buddy film in written form) to a retro game convention, or, as Benjamin describes it, what two middle-aged nerds do to bond and get away from it all.At the convention they marveled over collectible games, broadcast video monitors (now highly sought after, who knew?), and a complete-in-box Super Nintendo. Benjamins haul included Wii games: Trauma Center: New Blood and Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love. But thats not the important part. Whats important is that Benjamin has clearly found his people.Put another way, this is a story about two geeks (said with great affection) who found a community of others like them because they leaned into their shared love of something extremely specific. Stories like this abound. I believe all of us can all find our people. The first step is simple: Identify something you love, the more specific the better. A simple search (yes, even on your much maligned smartphone) will lead you to people who nerd out just as hard as you do over whatever it is you nerd out about. I guarantee these weirdos are waiting for you. What else were readingThough the phrase midlife crisis wasnt coined until 1965, its birth came with the Industrial Revolution and the rise of a middle class searching for meaning against the backdrop of looming death. For much of history before then, midlife was enjoyed and celebrated. (The Conversation U.S./Wise and Well)The U.S. might be divided in many ways, but on one thing all 50 states agree: Breakfast is awesome. (Linda Lum/Tastyble)Loved this writers reflection on Lunar New Years traditions and luck: Each year, as the Lunar New Year approaches, I think of my fathers American dream and our Chinese cultural obsession with luck and fortune. (Andrew Tsao/The Narrative Arc) Your daily dose of practical wisdomWhen it comes to any creative project, fun will take you farther than desire ever could (Niklas Gke/The Writing Cooperative).
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  • Capcom stands by fiscal outlook with Monster Hunter Wilds on the horizon
    Capcom says the impending launch of Monster Hunter Wilds will enable it to achieve its goals for the current fiscal year.As noted in the company's fiscal report for the nine months ended December 31, 2024, net sales fell by 16.3 percent year-on-year to 88.9 billion yen ($572.7 million).Operating income declined by 35 percent over the same period to 31 billion yen ($199.8 million), while profit decreased by 33.4 percent to 23.1 billion yen ($148.8 million).The Japanese company has suggested the decision to launch Monster Hunter Wilds during the fourth quarter of the fiscal year means that downturn was expected."Due to the timing of the upcoming fourth-quarter release of Monster Hunter Wilds, a major new title in the companys flagship series, resulting sales volumes were 30.53 million units, representing a decrease compared to the same period of the previous fiscal year when Street Fighter 6 was released," it explained."However, catalog unit sales increased from 26.7 million units in the same period of the previous year to 28.61 million units."Capcom insists it remains on track to achieve its full-year earnings forecast, and noted it has also been working diligently to enhance its slate of intellectual properties by leveraging transmedia initiatives including film and television productions.Monster Hunter Wilds is currently slated to launch on February 28, 2025. The last mainline entry in the series, Monster Hunter World, topped 25 million sales in six years to cement its position as Capcom's best-selling title ever.With another entry in the franchise preparing to launch, Capcom is forecasting net sales of 165 billion yen ($1.06 billion) and profit of 46 billion yen ($296.4 million) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025.
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