• Americas never-endingobsession with milk, explained in 8 charts
    The past few years have violated many of my assumptions about human progress. Twenty-year-olds are going MAGA. More and more Americans say that women should return to their traditional roles in society. For some reason, we have decided to gamble with bringing back once-eradicated deadly diseases. And now, add to the list: Cows milk is back. Sort of.Last year, US dairy producers sold about 0.8 percent more milk than in 2023, according to US Department of Agriculture (USDA) statistics, the first year-over-year increase since 2009, when milk prices were historically low. That may not sound like much, but its a big deal for the dairy industry, which has seen a sustained drop in both per capita and total US milk consumption over the last few decades. Raw milk, which has not been pasteurized to kill pathogens, has seen double-digit growth, a concerning trend given its potential to spread life-threatening infections, though it still makes up a very small share of overall milk sales. Meanwhile, non-dairy milks the kind made from soybeans, oats, almonds, and other plants have stumbled, declining by about 5 percent in both dollar and unit sales over approximately the last year, according to data shared with Vox by NielsenIQ and data reported elsewhere from the market research firm Circana.A small uptick in cows milk intake is, obviously, not tantamount to the calamities that have been unleashed over the last six weeks in American politics. But it does likely sprout, at least in part, from the same vibe shift thats given us butter-churning, homestead-tending tradwives, an unscientific turn against plant-based foods, and a movement to destroy public trust in vaccines.After achieving ubiquity in the 2010s and early 2020s, plant-based milks may have lost their cool, nonconformist quality much like how, after more than a decade of liberal cultural supremacy, embracing authoritarian revanchism now feels like countercultural rebellion. The problem is that cows milk is not, unfortunately, just a harmless dietary preference its land-intensive, water-intensive, climate-warming, and incredibly cruel to cows. Dairy cows contribute more than 10 percent of US methane emissions, a super-potent greenhouse gas, and their land use, while not nearly as great as that of beef farming, is still high, occupying land that could otherwise be freed up for carbon-sequestering ecosystems. To mitigate climate change, our dairy consumption needs to go down, not up. Its too early to tell whether the growth in milk sales is a temporary blip or a genuine turning point; Dotsie Bausch, executive director of Switch4Good, a group that advocates for moving away from dairy consumption, told me shes optimistic its the former. And all this comes amid another important shift: Americas top coffee chains, including Starbucks, Dunkin, Dutch Bros, Tim Hortons, and Scooters very large buyers of milk have all in recent months dropped their extra charges for adding plant-based milks to drinks, a change that animal rights groups, led by Switch4Good, had demanded for years. That change makes it anywhere from 50 cents to $2 less expensive to choose plant milks over cows milk, and will likely nudge some customers to choose more planet-friendly plant-based options. Still, while economic incentives do matter for milk consumption, as were increasingly seeing, theyre not the whole story. Why dairy milk is becoming more popularIf you really think about it, its weird that we drink dairy milk the milk that cows, like all mammals, make for their babies. Theres no compelling reason to think humans need to drink milk after infancy, much less the milk of another species. Nevertheless, thanks to many years of pseudo-scientific theories that exalted drinking-milk to permanent and unquestioned superfood status, as culinary historian Anne Mendelson put it in her book Spoiled: The Myth of Milk as Superfood, cows milk consumption became practically compulsory in the US, peaking in 1945 at 45 gallons per person, or about two cups per day. And thats only counting straight cows milk, not other dairy products made from it like cheese, butter, or ice cream, which added a lot more ice cream consumption peaked in 1946, at 23 pounds per person. After World War II, fluid milk intake plummeted, falling to less than half a cup per person per day on average in 2019. Its important to keep these trends in perspective, however: More than 90 percent of US households still buy cows milk, while less than half buy plant-based milk; plant milk sales are still way lower than sales of cows milk. And even as cows milk in fluid form became less popular, overall dairy intake in the US has only increased since the 1970s, driven by growing consumption of cheese, butter, and yogurt. So why might drinking cows milk be coming back? The most persuasive hypotheses boil down to three things: price, perception, and protein. The first one is pretty obvious: Consumers are angry about inflation, struggling with high grocery bills, and switching to lower-cost options. Conventional dairy milk the kind that makes up more than 90 percent of the cows milk market and comes in clear, hard-plastic jugs with brightly colored caps is generally cheaper than any plant-based milk you can get. The cheap soy milk I buy is still more than twice the cost by volume of the cheapest cows milk at my grocery store. If you know anything about how resource-intensive cows milk is to produce, its low cost might seem counterintuitive. Part of that is because the costs are externalized elsewhere: Cows have been bred to produce immense volumes of milk over the last century, which has brought down the cost while taking a heavy toll on their welfare. Most milk today comes from mega dairies, which benefit from economies of scale by confining thousands or even tens of thousands of cows in one place, but these operations are known for spreading pollution and foul odors to nearby communities. Dairy is also much higher in greenhouse emissions than plant-based foods with comparable nutrition, and much more water-intensive, contributing to water scarcity in arid Western states like California, the nations top dairy producer. But the dairy industry, as well as those that grow crops to feed cows, gets to use all that water at low cost, a classic tragedy of the commons, UC Davis agricultural economist Richard Sexton told me.Soy milk, while far less resource-intensive than dairy, has higher manufacturing costs, and hasnt benefited from the decades of US government-subsidized R&D that have lowered the cost of cows milk, nor from the dairy industrys scale efficiencies. The cost of the soy used to make soy milk is also shaped by competition with other, much larger, uses of soybeans, Sexton said. Most soy grown in the US is fed to farmed animals, while another chunk is used to make subsidized biofuels. Why soy milk rulesSoy milk, which has been consumed in East Asia for centuries, is almost too good to be true but at just 1 percent of the US milk market, it doesnt get enough credit. Its packed with protein and (assuming you get a fortified variety) essential nutrients, low in saturated fat, and much lower in sugar than milk.The federal governments Dietary Guidelines for Americans recognize fortified soy milk as an appropriate substitute for cows milk. I think its an even better choice, kinder to both the planet and to cows. If you havent had it before, soy milk might taste different from what youre used to, but it has a satisfying, full-bodied texture and nutty flavor. And dont worry about whatever you may have heard about the supposed dangers of soy its been debunked. Its literally a bean, and we can all use more of that in our diets.But look closer at the data, and the price explanation for dairy milks rebound becomes a lot more complicated. Organic milk sales grew by 7 percent by volume from 2023 to 2024 about 19 times faster than conventional milk did over the same period. And organic cows milk is significantly pricier than conventional; often, its more expensive than plant-based milks. Lactose-free milk, which is also costlier than regular milk, saw huge gains, too, with many new buyers switching from less-expensive plant-based milks. One factor might simply be taste and feel, Chris Costagli, vice president for food insights at NielsenIQ, told me. Consumers seem to be trying to incorporate more fats in their diets: Rich, full-bodied whole milk, which has been rising in popularity as low-fat milks decline, may be gaining appeal compared to almond milk, the most popular plant milk, which is runny and low in calories.And then theres the hazier but crucial element of consumer perceptions in other words, vibes. Americans are increasingly skeptical of so-called ultra-processed foods, an ill-defined, unrigorous concept that I covered back in December. Most plant-based milks fall into that category, putting them on the wrong side of todays culture war, which has swung toward the regressive and anti-modern. Consumers find the ingredient lists of cows milk which is often just milk and added vitamins simpler and easier to understand than those of plant milks, Costagli said, and they also might feel that theyre getting a better value. The first ingredient on dairy milk is milk. The first ingredient on plant-based is water, he said. Thats true but cows milk is also overwhelmingly comprised of water. A more detailed ingredient list might look like this: Water, milk fat, casein, whey, lactose, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, estrogen, progesterone, Insulin-like Growth Factor 1. Novel foods suffer from the perception of being unnatural and mechanized regardless of their actual health impacts.Im reminded of what 20th-century philosopher Walter Benjamin wrote in his essay The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, arguing that in an era of mass production, objects lose their aura, or uniqueness and authenticity. Cows milk, particularly the kind thats marketed as unadulterated and close to the source, like organic, appeals to a sense of lost aura by promising to reconnect consumers with something ancient and primal a living, breathing animal, the very opposite of a machine. But this fatally misunderstands the nature of modern dairy farming, which one could reasonably define as the process of turning an animal into a milk-making machine. Organic dairy does have some standards that are better for animal welfare, including a requirement for cows to have access to pasture for at least 120 days per year, although organic dairy has been gamed and industrialized to such an extent that it often resembles conventional mega dairies. More fundamentally, though, theres no guarantee that organic dairy cows are treated humanely because both organic farms and conventional mega dairies rely on the same business model: Putting cows through repeated, taxing cycles of insemination, pregnancy, and lactation, separating them from their calves so that humans can take their milk, and then sending them to slaughter at a young age when their health and productivity decline. Organic dairy is not meaningfully better for the environment, either. Got soy milk?Theres one more factor we need to consider to understand whats happening in the cows milk market: Americas obsession with protein. Most types of plant milk, including oat, almond, and coconut, are significantly lower in protein than cows milk. That might explain why sales of soy milk which is higher in protein as a share of calories than either whole, reduced fat, or low-fat cows milk have remained stable, while low-protein almond milk has seen the steepest declines. Some companies have even introduced ultra-filtered cows milk thats higher in protein than regular milk. The Coca-Cola-owned milk brand Fairlife, which has seen massive growth in recent years thanks to the popularity of its high-protein products, was recently the subject of an undercover investigation by the animal advocacy group Animal Rescue Mission. The group found appalling animal abuse at two Fairlife supplier farms in Arizona, including cows and calves being beaten, dragged, chained, and shot. A 2019 investigation found similar abuse at another Fairlife supplier, and Coca-Cola in 2022 settled lawsuits alleging that it falsely advertised Fairlife milk as coming from humanely raised cows. The mistreatment of animals depicted in the recent videos is unacceptable. Effective immediately, our supplier, United Dairymen of Arizona (UDA), has suspended delivery of milk from these facilities to all UDA customers, Fairlife told Vox in a statement. We have zero tolerance for animal abuse. Although we operate as milk processors and do not own farms or cows, we mandate that all our milk suppliers adhere to stringent animal welfare standards, and we expect nothing less.So what kind of milk should people drink if they care about nutrition and animal welfare? The perfect milk for most people is made of soybeans. Soy milk is not just high-protein, but also lower in saturated fat than any type of cows milk except skim, much lower in sugar (make sure you get an unsweetened variety), and even has fiber, which, unlike protein, Americans are actually deficient in. If you get a fortified variety, like the leading soy milk brand Silk, you also get calcium, vitamin D, and other essential nutrients. If youre accustomed to cows milk, soy might just taste different. Myths about adverse health effects from soy have been debunked; unless you have an allergy, theres no reason to be afraid of it. To the contrary, soy is simply a bean, and one of the best sources of protein out there. Soy milk is also unequivocally better for the environment than dairy, isnt made with animal abuse, and as a plus, wont help start the next pandemic. The US federal dietary guidelines recognize fortified soy milk as an appropriate substitute for cows milk. Despite this, it is, strangely, the official policy of the US government to promote cows milk consumption and protect it from changing consumer preferences an outdated vestige of 20th-century agricultural policy that punishes plant-based foods at a time when we most need them. Seen in this light, the perceived resurgence of cows milk may really just be one more example of the re-entrenchment of the status quo. Although its seeing a bit of a renaissance, cows milk has never not been mainstream. The truest form of cultural rebellion has always been to simply avoid it. And please, whatever you do, dont drink raw milk. This story originally appeared in the Processing Meat newsletter. Sign up here!Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More:
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  • You can now get a PS5 console for 11 a month but there's a catch
    TechYou can now get a PS5 console for 11 a month but there's a catchIf you've not picked up a PlayStation 5 console yet, you can do so now via a leasing commitment, as well as PS5 Pro, PSVR 2, and even a PlayStation Portal but it won't suit all gamersdailystarBookmarkShareTechByLloyd CoombesGaming Editor17:34, 6 MAR 2025BookmarkPS5 fans will have lots to play soonPlayStation is running away with this generation again (at least until the Switch 2 makes its debut), with Sony's PS5 console handily beating Microsoft in terms of systems sold. If you've not picked up the white monolith for yourself yet, doing so now gives you access to some of the best games of the last few years, like Astro Bot, and updated versions of classics like The Last of Us. It's also easier to get a console than ever after supply constraints early in the generation have been fixed, but Sony has another way to get a PS5 under your telly. PS5 rental program kicks off in UK and Japan Fans are desperate to see Insomniac's Wolverine As spotted by Gamespot, Sony has partnered with Raylo, a leasing firm, to help players rent a PS5 console for as little as 10.99 per month. It's already proving popular in Japan, with allocation via a similar plan reaching capacity. It's not just the digital PS5, either. The version with a disc drive starts at 11.99 monthly, with PS5 Pro 18.95 a month. Other options include a PlayStation VR 2 for 18.49 or a PlayStation Portal for a 6.49 monthly fee. These are on 36-month contracts (three years). Flexible monthly fees are also available, but these are considerably pricier, starting at 21.95 for a PS5 Digital. Naturally, this all comes at a cost. You'll end up paying a little more than you would do in one lump sum and you also won't technically own the console while you're paying for it. At the same time, while there is an allowance given for 'wear and tear', any major damage will incur fees. "Your lease ends when you return your device, after your chosen lease term," the site explains, or gamers can buy their device outright after their term is over. For more on PlayStation 5, be sure to check out a leak that suggests Gears of War could be on the platform as soon as this year, and all we know about the recently revealed Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 + 4 Remaster. For the latest breaking news and stories from across the globe from the Daily Star, sign up for our newsletters.Story SavedYou can find this story in My Bookmarks.Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right.More On
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  • Apex Legends and Star Wars studio's latest secret game cancelled before we got to see it
    Wondering what Respawn Entertainment is up to? So were we, but it looks like we'll be waiting a little longer as the team behind Titanfall and Apex Legends has reportedly shut down its next projectTech17:08, 06 Mar 2025Updated 17:09, 06 Mar 2025Apex Legends still pulls in plenty of playersThere are a few studios that simply don't miss when it comes to video game releases. Rockstar is up there, of course, as is Insomniac Games and Nintendo, but Respawn Entertainment has also felt like a surefire hit manufacturer.The studio was formed of former Call of Duty devs, and its debut game, Titanfall, kicked off the universe in which its popular battle royale Apex Legends is set.Then there's the small matter of Star Wars, which saw the studio pivot to a third-person action-adventure with the very good Jedi Fallen Order, before Jedi Survivor was even better. Sadly, though, the studio's next big hit is less clear, as one project was cancelled earlier this week.Respawn still has Apex LegendsPosting on LinkedIn, former Executive Assistant and Production Coordinator Emilee Evans explained that the project has been cancelled.The unannounced incubation project I was a part of for the past year was canceled this week, Evans explained, before adding that they're looking for a new role (thanks, Dexerto).It's not uncommon for game developers to run "incubation projects" that test new gameplay concepts. Some end up growing into full-scale titles, while others are left on the cutting room floor, and it sounds as though that's sadly what happened to whatever Evans was working on.Respawn had another project cancelled in January of 2024, which was planned as a new first-person shooter in the Star Wars universe, but it's thought that this most recent cancellation was for another FPS working on a new IP.Article continues belowRespawn's Apex Legends has been a particularly popular battle royale, standing out in a crowded genre, but players have complained about a lack of new content in recent months. The game has a peak of more than 620,000 players on Steam as per SteamDB, but more recently hit between 100,000 and 150,000 players on the platform throughout a day, which, admittedly, is still very impressive for a game that launched in 2019 before hitting Steam in 2020.For the latest breaking news and stories from across the globe from the Daily Star, sign up for our newsletters.
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  • Samsung has made its own Nintendo Switch that can fold in half
    Maybe this could be the basis for the Nintendo Switch 2 Lite? (Samsung)A new gaming handheld from Samsung takes more than a couple of pages out of Nintendos book, but it does have a unique gimmick of its own.Ever since the Nintendo Switch came out in 2017, other companies have been eager to capitalise on the new handheld gaming market it opened up. Valves Steam Deck may be the most notable example, but youve also got the likes of the Asus ROG Ally and Lenovo Legion Go.Sony is rumoured to be getting back into making portable devices, following the launch of its PlayStation Portal, and even Microsoft is interested in making a dedicated Xbox handheld.Now, Samsung has thrown its hat into the ring, with the Samsung Flex Gaming device, which looks near enough identical to the Switch but boasts a foldable screen.Said device is only a concept device for the time being, but Samsung demonstrated a working model earlier this week during MWC25 an annual tradeshow for the mobile communications industry in Barcelona.As you can see from the image and a separate video by an attendee, the overall design blatantly cribs from the Switch, while the folding aspect is reminiscent of the Game Boy Advance SP and Nintendo DS handhelds.Neither of those had a foldable screen, but the similarity is obvious. It even wisely has two indents for the control sticks to snugly fit into, when the consoles closed, and theres directional and face buttons embedded around the edges.We do have to wonder how noticeable the crease in the screen is when its fully flattened out assuming it can be. The screenshot and video footage only ever depict it opened at an angle, which could suggest the 7.2-inch OLED screen will always be creased even when playing games; something that may prove a bit distracting.Theres no guarantee Samsung will ever release the console and it may just be a proof of concept, from their point of view.More TrendingSeeing other companies pump out their own handhelds may convince Samsung to take its own shot, but there are signs the market already peaked in 2023. Plus, the Switch is undeniably dominating the handheld space (even with flagging sales), with the Switch 2 expected to pick up the reins when it launches later this year.Speaking of the Switch 2, were almost surprised Nintendo itself didnt come up with the idea of a foldable screen first, since it sounds like the sort of gimmick it would incorporate into a new console.So far, the Switch 2 is notably lacking any kind of weird gimmick, of the sort that has defined past Nintendo consoles, which has been a point of contention amongst some.That said, its controllers look set to have computer mouse functionality, its speculated to be playable even when upside down, and we still dont know what that mysterious new button on one of the controllers does. The only thing that has a shot at toppling the Switch is the Switch 2 and even thats not guaranteed (YouTube)Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Your information will be used in line with our Privacy Policy
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  • Best new mobile games on iOS and Android March 2025 round-up
    Best new mobile games on iOS and Android March 2025 round-upNick GillettNick GillettPublished March 6, 2025 6:00pm Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light key art (Feral Interactive)GameCentrals round-up of the most interesting mobile games of the month include an excellent Tomb Raider spin-off and the almost self-explanatory Stair Quest.This months mobile releases include the touchscreen ports of first person shooter I Am Your Beast and Tomb Raider spin-off Lara Croft And The Guardian of Light, along with all-new roguelite Stair Quest in what has proved to be an unusually iOS-orientated month.Grand Mountain Adventure 2iOS & Android, free full game 7.99 (Toppluva)Although were long past the golden age of video game snowboarding, with 1080 Snowboarding, SSX Tricky, and Amped now distant memories, Grand Mountain Adventure 2 does a superb job of bringing the sport and its close relative, skiing to mobile.Its perfect miniature recreation of mountain life has you picking your way through ski lessons and boarders of all standards, along with roads to cross and multiple varieties of ski-lift when you get to the bottom of runs.Its at least as much about exploration, across several huge and detailed mountains, as it is about time trials and pulling off tricks, and its touch controls are wonderfully intuitive. All thats missing is the glhwein.Score: 8/10The Art Of Fauna: Nature PuzzlesiOS, free full game 7.99 (Klemens Strasser)With beautiful artwork sourced from the Biodiversity Heritage Library, Art Of Faunas succession of jigsaws chops up animal pictures into a jumble of rectangles, getting you to reassemble them onscreen.While jigsaw solving is usually down there with hidden object games, in terms of low effort cash grabs, this has been developed with considerable love and attention, its moves feeling satisfying to make and the soundtrack and background sounds of nature supplying an almost hypnotic experience.You can flip each picture over for a text description of the animal whose puzzle youre solving and 20% of the games revenue is donated to nature charities, making you feel even better for playing it.Score: 7/10 Stair Quest the world under the stairs (Nord Unit)Stair QuestiOS, 2.99 (Nord Unit)With a simple art style and well-engineered platforming and shooting action, Stair Quest is a roguelite set on a vast holy staircase, each of whose steps forms a procedurally generated level.The onscreen controls work well with its heroes slightly floaty jumping style and its polished, has a warmly surreal sense of humour, and theres a huge amount to unlock and upgrade as you make your way upwards.If there is a complaint, its that progress proves exceptionally grindy, with stingy portions of loot buying only incremental upgrades. It makes momentum too slow after the opening few hours, but with a little rebalancing this has the makings of a great mobile game.Score: 7/10Lara Croft And The Guardian Of LightiOS & Android, 7.49 (Feral Interactive)Originally released in 2010, this is a spin-off game featuring Lara Croft which tellingly does not have Tomb Raider in its title. Played from an isometric view it looks and controls quite differently from the main franchise.Theres combat right from the start but it also has plenty of puzzles, and this outing can be played solo or with a co-op partner online who joins the game as reanimated Aztec god Totec.Coming with all three tranches of DLC, this is another roaring success from the team at Feral Interactive and a welcome return for a spin-off that is considerably more entertaining than some of the mainline entries.Score: 8/10 PGA Tour Pro Golf a nice quiet game of golf (HypGames)PGA Tour Pro GolfiOS, included with Apple Arcade subscription (HypGames)PGA Tour Pro Golf is the Apple Arcade version of the free-to-play series, featuring its trademark high production values and massive array of clubs and golf balls with various buffs, now scrubbed of all its microtransactional shenanigans.It may not bear much resemblance to actual golf, with its pared-back focus on just taking shots in head-to-head matches and tournaments, but its instantly addictive and very enjoyable.The interface is silky smooth, rounds are quick and rewarding, and without the need to try and profit from you, unlocks arrive frictionlessly, making for a pleasing golf-themed mobile distraction.Score: 7/10I Am Your BeastiOS, free full game 9.99 (Frosty Pop)More TrendingReleased last year on PC and consoles, the mobile version of I Am Your Beast remains a brutal, cel-shaded first person shooter whose quick fire levels beg to be repeated, to perfect your performance and earn higher grades.Shot through with a dark sense of humour, its text-only but fully voiced cut scenes precede each level and create a pleasing atmosphere of cynical ultra violence.The mobile version is solid enough but the touch controls arent up to the job, despite generous auto-aim, meaning youll need to use a Bluetooth controller to navigate its twitchy, fast-moving scenarios.Score: 7/10Emailgamecentral@metro.co.uk, leave a comment below,follow us on Twitter, andsign-up to our newsletter.To submit Inbox letters and Readers Features more easily, without the need to send an email, just use ourSubmit Stuff page here.For more stories like this,check our Gaming page.GameCentralSign up for exclusive analysis, latest releases, and bonus community content.This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. 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  • The Wild Trailer for the CWs Powerpuff Girls Reboot Has Leaked Online
    Do you recall when the CW announced its plans for a live-action Powerpuff Girls series in 2021? If your answer is no, it is understandable given that the soft reboot series pilot was reworked, one of the leading actresses left the project, and the show was ultimately canceled in 2023. Despite the tumult surrounding the shows cancellation, a trailer leaked online, offering the world a glimpse of what might have been. Today, Lost Media Busters, a YouTube channel whose whole deal is uncovering lost and unreleased media, uploaded a video of the CWs Powerpuff Girls. (Just as this post was being published, the clip was removed, with a note that Warner Bros. had blocked it on copyright grounds.) The series wouldve starred Agents of SHIELDs Chloe Bennet as Blossom, Descendants Dove Cameron as Bubbles, and singer Yana Perrault as Buttercup. Joining them wouldve been Scrubs Donald Faison as Professor Utonium, Robyn Lively as Sara Bellum, and Nicholas Podany as Joseph Jojo Mondel Jr. (aka Mojo Jojos son). The three-and-a-half-minute trailer, narrated by Tom Kenny, follows the titular girls as the 20-somethings basically grow up as Disney Adults; Bubbles has a drinking problem while the rest rebel in their own ways against their cookie-cutter heroic images in Townsville. Somewhere down the line the girls mess up and Mojo Jojo finally kicks the bucket. In the fallout of whatever the girls did to cost Mojo Jojo his life, Blossom runs away from home, Jojos son becomes the major, Buttercup becomes a firefighter, and Bubbles kind of coasts by as a failed influencer. When the girls reunite seven years after killing Mojo Jojo (its really unclear whether theyre actually responsible or not), theyre forced to join forces once more when Jojos son seeks patricidal revenge by machinating a plan to end the professors life. The plan involves manipulating the minds of Townsvilles denizens, causing the professor to lead them into uncontrollable riots. The end of the trailer teases that the girls would have spent the rest of the series trying to clear their fathers name, uncover who set him up, and save the day. CW Whether the video has been copyright claimed and scrubbed from the internet by the time youre reading this, it should be mentioned that the Powerpuff Girls live action show certainly looks like well, a CW show, with a plenty of awkward actor blocking and shoddy CGI that YouTubers like Rocket Jump couldve done a better job actualizing. But that isnt to say that the show didnt have any defining characteristics that wouldve made it worth a pity watch.Key among them is its assortment of millennial-branded humor occasionally hitting the mark, such as Bubbles being down to clown with the Juggalos of the Insane Clown Posse, Jojo Jr. having an intense dislike for Blossom, and Buttercup no longer supporting Townsville. Having typed all that out and rewatched the trailer, the above is certainly grounds for cancellation. Still, it probably wouldve gotten eaten up by viewers on the entertainment value of hate-watching it. Prior to Bennets departure from the show, CW Chairman and CEO Mark Pedowitz told Variety the network still had faith in the project and was considering reshoots because its initial pilot felt a little too campy.It didnt feel as rooted in reality as it mightve felt. But again, you learn things when you test things out. And in this case, we felt, lets take a step back and go back to the drawing board, Pedowitz said. Unlike most shows and films that are completed but never see the light of day, we were fortunate to glimpse what the CWs Powerpuff Girls show might have looked like. However, it is certainly intriguing to consider what the show could have been like if they had not intended it to be as campy as the leaked trailer suggested. Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.
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  • Theater-Like Audio for Just $100, Amazon Fire TV Soundbar Makes It Possible
    Looking to upgrade your TVs audio without breaking the bank? Amazons Fire TV Soundbar offers a compelling solution for anyone seeking better sound quality than their TVs built-in speakers can provide. This compact soundbar delivers enhanced audio with dual speakers, DTS Virtual:X support, and Dolby Audio processing, all while maintaining a sleek, space-saving design that fits perfectly into most entertainment setups. For those tired of straining to hear dialogue or missing the impact of action scenes, this could be the affordable solution youve been searching for.Amazon has reduced the price of their Fire TV Soundbar to $100, down from its regular $120 price point. While the $20 savings (17% off) might seem modest, its a significant discount on an already affordable soundbar that brings premium features to the budget-conscious consumer. Considering the technology packed into this slim device, its an impressive value proposition at this price point.See at AmazonBeef up the sound and settle in with something more cinematicSetup couldnt be simpler a single HDMI cable connects to your TVs HDMI eARC/ARC port, ensuring your audio stays perfectly synchronized with the on-screen action. At 24 inches long and just 2.5 inches tall, the soundbar maintains a low profile while delivering impressive audio performance. This compact design ensures it wont overwhelm your TV stand or entertainment center, making it suitable for spaces of any size.The sound quality punches above its price point, with dual speakers providing fuller sound and enhanced dialogue clarity. The addition of DTS Virtual:X technology creates a convincing three-dimensional soundstage, while Dolby Audio processing ensures youre getting the most from your contents sound mix. Whether youre watching movies, sports, or your favorite TV shows, youll notice a significant improvement in audio quality compared to your TVs built-in speakers.Bluetooth connectivity adds another layer of versatility, allowing you to stream music directly from your phone or tablet. This feature effectively transforms the soundbar into a capable music speaker when youre not watching TV, making it a dual-purpose audio solution for your living room or entertainment space.At $100, the Fire TV Soundbar represents excellent value for anyone looking to enhance their TV audio experience without the complexity or expense of a full home theater system. Its combination of easy setup, solid performance, and smart features makes it an attractive option at this price point. Whether youre a casual viewer or someone who loves to immerse themselves in their entertainment, this soundbar offers a significant upgrade to your TVs audio capabilities without putting a major dent in your wallet.See at Amazon
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  • Aspirin Might Be the Next Big Thing in Fighting the Spread of Cancer
    Every day, around 29 million people in the U.S. take a low dose of aspirin as a blood thinner to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attacks and strokes. Aspirin prevents blood clots by stopping thrombocytes, also called platelets, from clumping together. Current research suggests aspirin may have another pharmacological benefit the prevention of cancer progression.Previous studies have shown that people taking low-dose aspirin had lower chances of metastasis in breast, bowel, and prostate cancer, inspiring researchers at the University of Cambridge to uncover the mechanism behind this effect. Their study, published in Nature, demonstrates how aspirin could reduce the metastasis of certain cancers by stimulating the immune system.What Is the Metastatic Stage of CancerMetastasis occurs when cancer cells break away from the original tumor and spread to other parts of the body. Since 90 percent of cancer deaths occur once this latest stage (stage 4) is reached, metastasis is the most lethal aspect of cancer. Even patients treated in the early stages of their disease can still develop metastases months or even years later due to cancer cells that spread early, remain in a latent phase, and escape elimination during treatment.The study of metastasis is crucial for preventing severe cancer outcomes. One approach is to attack cancer cells at their most vulnerable state the moment the primary tumor releases single cells to initiate the metastasis process. At this stage, the immune system, which typically struggles to attack an established tumor, has a better chance of targeting individual cancer cells. This knowledge could be instrumental in future treatments.How Aspirin Led to a New DiscoveryCombining their understanding of metastasis's weak point with recent findings on aspirin, the Cambridge research team discovered that aspirin enhances the immune system's ability to recognize and kill metastatic cells. This effect is achieved through aspirins ability to reduce the production of thromboxane A2 (TXA2), a blood clotting factor that suppresses T cell function. T cells, a key component of the immune system, are responsible for fighting infections and destroying cancer cells.The study demonstrated that mice given aspirin had a lower frequency of metastasis compared to a control group. This finding provides mechanistic insights into aspirins anti-metastatic activity and paves the way for the development of more effective immunotherapies.It was a Eureka moment when we found that TXA2 was the molecular signal activating this suppressive effect on T cells. Before this, we had not been aware of the implications of our findings in understanding aspirins anti-metastatic activity. It was an entirely unexpected discovery that led us down a different path of inquiry than we had anticipated, said Jie Yang from the University of Cambridge in a press release.A New Window of OpportunityHowever, aspirin, like all medications, should not be taken without caution. Professor Ruth Langley, from the MRC Clinical Trials Unit at University College London and lead researcher of the Add-Aspirin clinical trial, emphasized in the press release, in a small proportion of people, aspirin can cause serious side effects, including bleeding or stomach ulcers. Therefore, it is important to understand which cancer patients are likely to benefit and always consult a doctor before starting aspirin.Taking both safety and effectiveness into consideration, future clinical trials will be needed to test aspirin in treatment regimens for early cancer metastasis. This approach is particularly attractive due to aspirins low cost and widespread global availability, in contrast to expensive antibody-based therapies that require lengthy approval processes before patients can access them.Most immunotherapies are developed to treat patients with established metastatic cancer, but when cancer first spreads, theres a unique therapeutic window of opportunity where cancer cells are particularly vulnerable to immune attack. We hope that therapies targeting this window of vulnerability will have tremendous potential in preventing recurrence in patients with early-stage cancer at risk of metastasis, said study lead author Rahul Roychoudhuri from the University of Cambridge in the press release.Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:Having worked as a biomedical research assistant in labs across three countries, Jenny excels at translating complex scientific concepts ranging from medical breakthroughs and pharmacological discoveries to the latest in nutrition into engaging, accessible content. Her interests extend to topics such as human evolution, psychology, and quirky animal stories. When shes not immersed in a popular science book, youll find her catching waves or cruising around Vancouver Island on her longboard.
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  • How to see the upcoming blood moon total lunar eclipse
    A total lunar eclipse over Tokyo, Japan on November 8, 2022. Yoshikazu Tsuno/Gamma-Rapho via Getty ImagesShareOn the night of March 13 into March 14, skygazers across North Americaalong with many other parts of the worldwill get the chance to see a total lunar eclipse with a red ghoulish hue. This is basically the opposite of a solar eclipse, like last years spectacular event. Heres what you need to know to catch all the mid-March lunar action.How can I watch the lunar eclipse?Happily, catching a lunar eclipse is a significantly more straightforward task than figuring out how to see the solar equivalent. Basically, at any given moment, half of the planet is looking toward the moonand if you happen to be on that half of the planet during the night of the eclipse, you need only look to the moon to see the show.As far as this eclipse goes, youll need to be in the planets Western Hemisphere.If youre in North America, NASA says that this is when you should begin to look skyward:1:09 a.m. EDT: The moon begins to enter the earths umbra (i.e. its shadow.) At this point the red coloration will be hard to see because it will be overpowered by the sunlight reflecting from the uncovered portion of the moons disc.2:26 a.m. EDT: Totality begins! The entire moon is covered by the earths shadow, and the characteristic red coloration is on full display. If you want to take photographs, get out the telescope, or just bask in the strange red moonlight, youll have around an hour to do so.3:31 a.m. EDT: Totality ends. The moons disc begins to pass out of the earths shadow, and the red color of the occluded region begins to fade.4:47 a.m. EDT: The moon exits the moons umbra. It will remain in the penumbra (partial shadow) for another hour or so, but the effect will be subtle and difficult to see.Lunar eclipse vs. solar eclipseA solar eclipse happens when the moon passes directly between the Earth and the sun. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth passes directly between the sun and the moon.In both cases, the body in the middle casts a shadow onto the one furthest from the sun. In a solar eclipse, this results in the shadow of the moon sweeping across the Earths surface, plunging whatever falls completely within this shadow into a brief period of darkness. Get the Popular Science newsletter Breakthroughs, discoveries, and DIY tips sent every weekday. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.Since the Earth is much bigger than the moon, the planets shadow covers the moon completely during a lunar eclipse like the one next week. You might expect this to result in the moon disappearing completely from the sky, but that isnt what happens. Instead, the moon remains visible, but its color changes, deepening from its familiar silvery-white into a deep, blood redwhich explains why lunar eclipses are also referred to as blood moons.Why does the moon appear red in a lunar eclipse?During a lunar eclipse, the only light that reaches the moon is light that has traveled through our atmosphere. Since red light is the most likely to emerge on the other side that is what illuminates the moon, making it appear a rusty color.But why the red light? To answer this question, we need to consider a key property of light: its wavelength. Understanding wavelength can help answer lifes other pressing questions, such as, Why is the sky blue?, Why are sunsets so colorful?, and Why is my neighbors stereo so annoying?.Like any other wave, light waves have peaks and troughs. The distance between two such peaks (or troughs) is the lights wavelength, and this figure can tell us a great deal about a waves properties.The visible light spectrum. CREDIT: NASA. The most familiar consequence of lights wavelength is whether we can see it or not. Our eyes are sensitive to some wavelengthsspecifically, waves with wavelengths between 380 nanometers and 750 nanometers, which we call the visible spectrum. At one end of this spectrum is violet light, with a wavelength around 380 nanometers. At the other is red light, with a wavelength extending up to about 750 nanometers.Wavelength is related directly to other important aspects of a light ray, like its frequency and the energy it carries. Broadly, the lower the wavelength, the more energy a light ray carries. This, in turn, determines another property that will be important for understanding the moons color: the angle at which light is refracted when it moves from one medium into another.A classic demonstration of this phenomenon is shining white light into a prism. While white light appears colorless, it actually contains a mad jumble of all possible wavelengths. When the beam enters the prism, each wavelength is refracted at a slightly different angle. The same thing happens when the light emerges, and the resultas anyone who studied high school physics and/or is a fan of Pink Floyd will knowis the appearance of a lovely colorful spectrum, sorted neatly by wavelength.[ Related: Hubble just captured a lunar eclipse for the first time ever. ]During a lunar eclipse, no direct sunlight reaches the moon. However, we can see the moon, so some light clearly strikes its surface. So where does that light come from? Well, just like a prism, the Earths atmosphere refracts light. Some of the light that arrives from the sun is refracted toward the moon, allowing us to see the moon during a lunar eclipse.The immediate question, of course, is why that light is red. The basic answer is that blue light has a relatively hard time making it through the Earths atmosphere, while red light passes through relatively untouched.Why does red light travel through the atmosphere more easily?A phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering makes it so that red light has a better time reaching Earths atmosphere than blue light. Since the atmosphere is a relatively thin halo of gases, its interaction with light is much more complicated than the interaction between a beam of white light and a prism. In the atmosphere, the key interactions are between individual photons and gas molecules.The photons are bounced around between gas molecules like tiny atomic bumper cars.This process might sound somewhat abstract, but it also explains something humans have been wondering ever since they first looked skyward: why is the sky blue? If you look carefully at the spectrum created by a prism youll see that red light emerges at the top of the spectrum, on a trajectory closest to that of the original ray. Blue light, by contrast, bends sharply.Something similar happens in the atmosphere.The shorter a lights wavelength, the more likely it is to interact with the substance through which it is traveling. This means that blue light is more likely to be scattered than red light. The situation is not unlike the way that while earplugs block out the higher end sounds of your annoying neighbors stereo. The low bass frequencies still remain all too audible.The result is on display when we go outside on nice days. The skys blue coloration results from blue light being scattered by the atmosphere.Where is this red light when the moon isnt being eclipsed?We technically see this red light twice a day at sunrise and sunset. During these times, the light needs to travel farthest through the atmosphere to reach an Earth-based observer.In a way what were really seeing when we gaze up at a deep red blood moon is the same light that makes our sunsets so spectacular. Or as NASA puts it, the color of a lunar eclipse is as if all the worlds sunrises and sunsets [were] projected onto the Moon. Gorgeous.
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  • Highly expressive ancient puppets found in Salvadorian pyramid
    The Bolinas figures were found in a Salvadorian pyramid. Credit: J. Przedwojewska-Szymaska/PASIShareA collection of 2,400-year-old ceramic puppets found atop a Salvadorian pyramid are forcing archaeologists to rethink the countrys historical connection with its Central American neighbors. Three of the figures were made of fine clay and had adjustable heads with holes in them that may have been controlled using a string, much like a marionette puppet. They also had uniquely carved faces with expressions that seem to change depending on the angle they are viewed from.These remarkably well-preserved Bolinas figures are similar to others found at the Mayan burial site Takalik Abaj in Guatemala. The researchers argue these connections suggest the culture behind the puppets in El Salvador may have communicated and interacted with others in the region. The findings were published this week in the journal Antiquity.This discovery contradicts some prevailing notion about El Salvadors cultural backwardness or isolation in ancient times, University of Warsaw archaeologist and paper author Jan Szymaski said in a statement. It reveals the existence of vibrant and far-reaching communities capable of exchanging ideas with remarkably distant places. Get the Popular Science newsletter Breakthroughs, discoveries, and DIY tips sent every weekday. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.Figures resembles others found across pre-Columbian Central AmericaBolinas figurines refer to various human-modeled statues created throughout the Middle and Late Preclassic (1000350 BCE and 350 BCE250 CE) along the coast of Guatemala and western El Salvador. These figures come in various sizes and are normally made of light cream or reddish-brown paste. The vast majority of previously discovered Bolinas figures depict females wearing clothes. That wasnt the case for these findings. All three of the larger figures recently found in El Salvador were nude, and researchers suspect one of them is malea rarity for the medium.The figurines were uncovered on the top of the San Isidro pyramid structure in El Salvadors western Department of Sonsonate. The area had not previously been excavated. Researchers say they made their way to a part of the ancient pyramid that resembled a funeral depot but with no human remains inside. Instead, they stumbled upon five figurines which they carbon-dated to around 400 BCE. That date roughly corresponds to the Middle Preclassic era when nearby cultures, like the Maya, were on the brink of creating large hierarchical societies.Three of the largest figurines were roughly a foot tall, while the other two were around 18 centimeters tall. The taller figurinesone depicting a male and two depicting femaleshad adjustable heads with matching sockets that connected them to their bodies. At first glance, the objects resemble dolls or even more advanced action figures with movable parts. And yet, researchers say their clay bodies were likely too delicate to function as toys. Each of them also had small holes drilled into them, large enough for a string to pass through. Researchers believe the figurines creators used a string to control them, allowing them to move and rotate their heads. Rather than toys, researchers believe the figurines were more likely an early type of puppet used in ritualistic funerary performances.Credit: J. Przedwojewska-Szymaska/PASI The puppets faces were intricately carved and feature visible tongues and ornate tattoos. Researchers say their facial expressions also look noticeably different depending on the angle. From above, the figurines almost appear to be grinning, but the face looks disdainful when viewed head-on. The expressions appear fearful when viewed from below. Szymaski believes these variations were intentional.This is a conscious design, perhaps meant to enhance the gamut of ritual performances the puppets could have been used in, Szymaski said.And while the pressured puppets lacked any carved jewelry or hair, Szymaski told Science he believes its possible these large figurines were also once adorned in wigs and clothes made of cloth or straw. The figurines creators, Szymaski argues, may have dressed them up in costumes intended to represent different characters, either real or mythic.They are clay actors, Szymaski told Science. When you hold them in your hand, sometimes they even look creepy because of their vivid expressions,You shift your gaze just a little bit and it seems like, oof, this thing almost moved, he added.Credit: J. Przedwojewska-Szymaska/PASI The puppet discovery sheds new light on an area of Central America that has historically been difficult for archaeologists to research. The countrys densely populated areas make it more difficult to conduct excavations than in some of its more sparsely inhabited neighbors. Various large-scale volcanic eruptions over the past two thousand years have also damaged or destroyed many Pre-Columbian artifacts and ruins.Very little is known about the identities and ethnolinguistic affiliations of the creators of ancient settlements that predate the arrival of Europeans in the early 16th century, Szymaski said This gets worse the further back in time we look.But the figurines close resemblance to those found in Guatemala suggests that a shared culture and civilization may have existed in both areas. Other artifacts found in the San Isidro pyramid structure, such as jade pendants, have also been discovered at excavation sites in modern Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama.
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