Monster Hunter Wilds 15 Endgame Things to Spend Dozens of Hours With
So youve finally beaten Monster Hunter Wilds, having cleared the final High-Rank boss and eager for more challenges. Of course, that was only really the tutorial theres still plenty to do in the end game, whether its weapon crafting, grinding for Decorations, or indulging your fashion sense. Here are 15 things to do after finishing Monster Hunter Wilds that will easily keep you occupied for dozens upon dozens of hours. Spoilers inbound, so beware.Arkveld Armor SetsThis is pretty much a given since the Arkveld and Guardian Arkveld sets are two of three Rarity 8 armor sets in the game. However, you should grind out the Arkveld set as soon as possible because it has a healthy amount of Decoration slots (three level 3, four level 2 and five level 1 for the Beta set) alongside skills like Weakness Exploit and Convert Element (which is ideal for Dragon-focused weapons). It also has Hasten Recovery, which restores health as you keep attacking a monster, though it varies based on the weapon.The Guardian Arkveld set will take a bit more time to obtain and may not seem worthwhile given its lower number of Decoration slots, even on the Beta set. However, it offers Flayer and Weakness Exploit, the former ideal for creating wounds and the latter increasing Affinity for attacks against weak points (with a bonus on top against wounds). You also get Decimator, which restores a good chunk of health when destroying a large monsters wounds.Artian WeaponsThe first Artian Weapon, the lowest rarity, can be crafted before reaching the end-game proper. Unlike Rarity 8 weapons, Artian Weapons require different materials, specifically Blades, Discs, Tubes, and Devices (their state varies depending on the rarity). Though many Artian Weapon types support the same materials, there are some exceptions a Broken Blade cant be used to forge an Artian Hammer, after all. Each material must also be the same rarity no mixing and matching a blue Disc with a purple Blade or Orange Tube.Artian Elements and BonusesBut thats not all, as Artian Materials also have different elements and one of two bonuses Attack Infusion or Affinity Infusion, the former raising the max Attack of the weapon. The latter increases its Affinity or critical hit rate.You can combine materials with the same element to create a purely elemental weapon with a high Affinity, high Attack or some mix of the two. But what happens if you combine a Thunder material with Dragon or Ice? If one of the materials elements differs from the others, only its bonus will be taken into account. Combining two Thunder elemental materials and one Dragon material still produces a Thunder weapon. However, if all three pieces are different elements, then a weapon with no element is produced, which can be ideal for Raw damage.It can seem like a waste, especially with the high costs of reinforcing the Artian Weapons. But if you have wildly differing materials with different bonuses, its not the worst idea. Gather all the different elemental Attack Infusion materials for a high-damage raw weapon, for example (though ensure the Affinity from your gear is high enough). Alternatively, go with three of the same element for maximum elemental damage.Farming Artian MaterialsWhether youre starting the end game or several hours in, farming Artian Materials gets time-consuming, especially if you want specific elements and the highest bonuses. Tempered Monsters are your ticket, but theyre not the same (sorry, Tempered Chatacabra). To obtain the highest rarity Artian Materials, you need to participate in 7-star or higher hunts, which usually means Tempered versions of Gore Magala, Arkveld, Jin Dahaad, Rey Dau, Uth Duna, and Nu Udra.InvestigationsThe most effective way of farming all of these is through Investigations. When these Tempered Monsters appear, hover over the target and save it as an Investigation. This will give multiple copies of the same quest that you can attempt again and again for the same rewards. You can also find Investigations through Field Survey, so ensure you check the tab and spend the Guild Points necessary to unlock your preferred hunt.Target FarmingWhat if youre not quite ready to tackle high-difficulty Tempered Monsters and want to farm lower-rarity Artian weapons instead? What if theres a specific material that you need from a monster? Investigations are once again the answer. Best of all, you can check if the material in question will drop as a reward. Select the Environment Overview and the target in question, then Create Quest and hover over its rewards. It will highlight all the drops and allow you to more efficiently target farm certain materials. Every Investigation, even for the same monster, can yield different rewards, so double-check before spending Guild Points to save the Investigation.Multi-Target HuntsSpeaking of Investigations, keep an eye out for multi-target hunts, even if some are less difficult. They offer tons of rewards, be it Decorations, Artian Materials, or monster materials. The higher-difficulty hunts even provide a nice bump to your Hunter Rank, much more than taking down a single Tempered Monster would.Artian Weapon UpgradesCrafting your ideal Artian Weapon is only the first step you can also reinforce it, further adding to its stat bonuses while increasing elemental damage and even weapon sharpness. It can seem arduous initially since youll need 15,000 points worth of the highest rarity reinforcement material, Oricalcite, to fully reinforce an Artian Weapon. This is where the Smelting Foundry in Oilwell Basin comes into play.By providing materials to the blacksmith, you can exchange materials for the necessary reinforcement materials. The higher the rarity of the material like Rubies and Gems the more reinforcement materials you can obtain in return. Even if youre not swimming in high-level materials, this is still a great place to dump the magnitudes of other resources in exchange for reinforcement ore.Min-Maxing Artian UpgradesWhats the point of obtaining more reinforcement materials if you have the ideal Artian Weapon? Well, remember those bonuses obtained on fully reinforcing a weapon? Those are seemingly randomized. You could thus reroll for better versions of your current weapon, min-maxing for different stats depending on your desire.Upgrading ArmorHeavy Armor Spheres are essential for fully maxing out a high-rarity armor sets defenses. And while obtaining them from hunts seems all too slow, theres a better way. Speak to the Smelting Foundry in Oilwell Basin once more and exchange your monster materials for different kinds of Armor Spheres. Once again, the higher the materials rarity, the more youll obtain, so keep an eye out for those shiny drops.Melding MasterWyverian Melding returns, once again allowing you to exchange Decorations for other Decorations. Its unlocked upon meeting the Melding Pot Master in Suja, the Peaks of Accord, just across from your camp. You can meld specific Decorations or toss in your unwanted jewels for random Decorations Ancient Orb Sword provides Attack-focused Decorations, while Ancient Orb Armor provides Defense-focused Decorations. Its also possible to meld specific Artian Materials to cut down on some of the RNG from hunting.Multi-Skill DecorationsYoure not just after the simple level 1 or 2 Decorations like Critical Eye, Divine Blessing, etc. Instead, multi-skill Decorations are one of the big chase items in Monster Hunter Wilds. You could obtain a Decoration that grants three points in Critical Element but a multi-skill Decoration that also provides one point in Slugger for 20 percent more stun power? Its even ideal for maxing out elemental damage on weapons while also having another skill for quality of life. Of course, you dont want to miss out on Decorations like the Mastery Jewel since preventing sharpness loss during critical hits is massive.Rarity 8 Weapon CraftingThe highest rarity Artian Weapons come with three level 3 slots, providing incredible customization. So why even go for Rarity 8 weapons when some of them like Guiding Artorius only have one level 3, one level 2 and one level 1 slot? For starters, the base attack and Dragon element damage are much higher than an Artian Weapon. Furthermore, it has Guard Level 3, ideal for decreasing stamina depletion against attacks (like, say, Arkvelds Big Bang Attack). The use case scenario will vary depending on certain fights, but the regular weapons are by no means rendered obsolete by the Artian class.FishingOkay, but how about a break from all the hunting? Why not engage in some fishing? After you get the Fishing Rod, speak to Kanya in the Scarlet Forest Base Camp. Complete her quest which involves catching any fish, and youll receive Sushifish Scale and Honey. Additional side quests will provide new lures for catching other fish. On top of different materials and items, they can also be cooked in meals. And given the changes to fishing this time, its a fun side activity.Layered ArmorWhat good are all these armor sets without a transmog feature? Thankfully, Layered Armor returns in Monster Hunter Wilds, unlocked by crafting High Rank armor sets. Once this is done, go to the Appearance tab and select Equipment Appearance to assign different helms, chest pieces, gloves, and so on without affecting your equipped armor skills.