How to complete the Dyadic Ascension quest in Destiny 2
The Dyadic Ascension quest in Destiny 2 is how youll unlock the upgraded Intrinsic Perks for the craftable Heresy Exotic, the Barrow-Dyad submachine gun. To unlock these upgrades, however, youll need to comb through the Dreadnaught looking for Taken Osseous Fragments in The Nether activity.If you dont have access to this quest yet, or the Barrow-Dyad Exotic, make sure you complete The Taken Path quest and the Derealize mission. Dyadic Ascension will be waiting for you at the slab in Eris apartment once those are both complete.In this Destiny 2 guide, well walk you through where to find all of the Taken Osseous Fragments in Heresy, as well as what the Moment of Clarity quest step refers to.Update (March 12): Weve added info about the Moment of Clarity step.Where to find Taken Osseous Fragments in Destiny 2Steps 2 and 4 of Dyadic Ascension ask you to hunt down six and then 12 Taken Osseous Fragments inside the Dreadnaught (these steps are collective, so its six per step, not 18 total).These are little collectibles, similar to the ones you found during The Taken Path, and they show up on your radar once youre close to them making them easy to spot if you know the general locations, which well give you below. As of this writing, there appear to be 18 of them six in each of the main Dreadnaught areas.Steps 1 and 3 require you to unlock certain perks on the Mastery of Resolve reputation track. Step 1 requires you to hit rank 5 with the Shaping Slab, which will net you the Steel Your Nerves perk. Step 3 will ask you to hit almost max rank, rank 9, to get the Unbreakable Will perk.Rank 5 is extremely quick to hit, and you should be there, or close to there, if youve finished the seasonal story thus far. Rank 9 is a bit more of a grind, but you can manage to get it pretty quickly if you play The Nether and get some of the secret chests inside each time.Below, well tell you where to find the Taken Osseous Fragments in each of the three main areas. Youll unlock the Panic Response II and Panic Response III Intrinsic upgrades when you finish steps 2 and 4 respectively.Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragment locationsThere are six Taken Osseous Fragments scattered around the Hall of Souls, often in places that are easy to fall off of, so make sure you have revive tokens on hand or Strand grapple equipped.Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragment 1When you spawn into the Mausoleum from the Trenchway and you have that long, chitinous bridge to the left of the main arena, head right and through the doorway. Youll find a Taken Osseous Fragment hiding behind some of the big stone slabs in the hallway.Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragment 2After Taken Osseous Fragment 1, through the main weapon chamber with the Tormentor, jump down and back when you reach the next bridge to find a Taken Osseous Fragment resting below the platform.Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragment 3Across the same bridge for Taken Osseous Fragment 2, past The Ravenous enemy, jump along the big pillars and land on a lip to your right, where youll find another Taken Osseous Fragment.Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragment 4Continue jumping on the slabs from Taken Osseous Fragment 3 and round the corner. Walk forward from where you land, and instead of jumping up to the next platform, look under it to find a cylinder with a Taken Osseous Fragment resting on it.Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragment 5From Taken Osseous Fragment 4, take a left and run through the next chamber until you reach an exit barred off by Taken energy. Facing the door, look to your left and youll find the final Taken Osseous Fragment for this area resting on a pillar.Hall of Souls Taken Osseous Fragment 6In the side, blue weapon room that houses the event where you have to interact with the Pyramid Crux to drop the shield, there is a back path under the platform thats blocked off from the front because of crystals. Go through the tunnel and youll find the Taken Osseous Fragment resting on the back side.Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragment locationsThere are six Taken Osseous Fragments in the Mausoleum, including one in the final boss arena.Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragment 1At the back of the area, across from the trench and near the infected ship, youll find a Taken Osseous Fragment glowing on top of a pillar.Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragment 2Near the opening of the trench but still on the upper floor, youll find a Taken Osseous Fragment hidden under the large tentacle on the left side of the room.Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragment 3Under the elevated platform in the middle of the room, youll find the third Taken Osseous Fragment glowing in a corner under the crumbled bridge.Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragment 4Inside the trench, on the way to the final boss, youll see a cliff of crystals to your right. There is a Taken Osseous Fragment resting on one of the crystals.Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragment 5In the boss arena, on the right side if youre facing the Ogre, youll find a Taken Osseous Fragment sitting on the back of a rock.Mausoleum Taken Osseous Fragment 6From the platform you spawn on the big, circular disk on the far right of the room if youre looking at the tentacle trench jump over the crystals behind you and hug the right side of the Dreadnaught wall. Youll find the Taken Osseous Fragments tucked in the corner on a little ledge.Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragment locationsThere are six Taken Osseous Fragments in the Trenchway, including three in the boss general area, so be careful as you explore.Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragment 1To the left of where the boss is standing, doing his ritual, youll see a Taken Osseous Fragment resting on a curled up lip of the Dreadnaught. Jump up the pillar to grab it.Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragment 2To the left of Taken Osseous Fragment 1, youll find another tucked into some rubble on the ground.Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragment 3Inside, where the pair of Subjugators typically spawn, youll find a rectangular platform. Jump onto it and youll find another Taken Osseous Fragment.Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragment 4Across the gap from Taken Osseous Fragment 3, youll find a large lip curled up on the wall. Jump up to it to get another Taken Osseous Fragment.Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragment 5Inside, on the far right side of the arena, youll find the area where Oryxs throne was back in The Taken King a circular outcropping. Use the invisible platforms to jump over and youll find a Taken Osseous Fragment embedded in a stone pillar.Trenchway Taken Osseous Fragment 6Outside in the Trenchway, on the far left side (looking from the inside area), on the platform you spawn into the Trenchway on when its your starting location, look to your right. Youll see a small lip with a Taken barrier doorway on it. Next to that doorway is a Taken Osseous Fragment. Jump down and grab it.How to get past the Moment of Clarity step in Dyadic AscensionWith the release of Act 2, youre able to get the Moment of Clarity upgrade on the Path of Resolve. To do this, you just need to get your reputation up to level 12 and pick up the Moment of Clarity perk at the Shaping Slab. The quest will then ask you to collect the rest of the Taken Osseous Fragments (which weve listed above). Youll also need to complete a single Expert difficulty run of The Nether. If youve already gotten all the fragments and done an Expert run, getting Moment of Clarity will auto-complete the final two steps of the quest and instantly reward you with the Panic Response IV Intrinsic Upgrade.The Barrow-Dyad Catalysts have also started to creep into the game as of Act 2, and also come from secret-adjacent quests.
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