Get 180+ free modular 3D assets for creating fantasy interiors

Epic Games has made game art outsourcing firm Laertes Studios‘ kit of modular 3D assets for creating fantasy interior environments available to download for free.
The appropriately titled Fantasy Interior Environment kit comprises 182 individual assets, including furniture, books, lamps, a fireplace, pots and pans.
The asset pack forms part of Epic’s free Unreal Engine Marketplace content for February 2024, and will be free until the end of the month.
In addition, Laertes Studios has made a separate asset pack, Stylized Fantasy Environment (Unreal Engine), which comprises 29 exterior assets, available free on Gumroad for the month.
Over 200 modular 3D assets for creating medieval and fantasy environments
The Fantasy Interior Environment kit consists of 182 individual 3D meshes with up to four LODs. Textures are provided at 1,024 x 1,024px or 2,048 x 2.048px resolution.
The Stylized Fantasy Environment (Unreal Engine) kit consists of 34 individual 3D meshes, again with LODs, and 1,024 x 1,024px or 2,048 x 2.048px textures.
System requirements and availability
The Fantasy Interior Environment kit is available free via the Unreal Engine Marketplace during February 2024. It is compatible with Unre