• The weird and wacky marketing strategies that help Liquid Death, Taco Bell, and GoDaddy stand out
    Its never been a more complicated time to be a marketer, but connecting with consumers in a meaningful way is as important as ever. For brands like Liquid Death, GoDaddy, and Taco Bell, that sometimes means embracing another product or experience entirelythink: an adult diaper for concerts, celebrity-created goggle glasses, or a live experience for taco fans.Of course, not every risk pays off. But when a weird idea works, it can really work, as marketers from the three brands shared during a panel discussion at the Fast Company Grill at SXSW.The power of an idea that can transcend channels and reach and connect with consumers is really important, said Taylor Montgomery, Taco Bells chief marketing officer in North America.When Taco Bell dreamed up its first Live Mas Live event in 2024, Taylor recalled how the team didnt know if anyone would watch or like an event for tacos modeled after the Apple tech launches. Live Mas Live was just cool and weird enough to work, however, so Taco Bell held its second such event earlier this month in Brooklyn, ensuring a vast majority of invitees were diehard fans, he added.It is a way to invite consumers in to have a relationship with the brand and for us to be just really real and raw and vulnerable and authentic, Montgomery told the audience. We try to stay really anchored on whats in it for the fans.The comedic connectionComedy can be a good entry for finding a new audience and converting them to fans. Liquid Death has done several collaborations with not-obvious collaborating brands and even launched items that have very little direct relevance to the brands lineup of beverages.Late last year, Liquid Death collaborated with Depends on a limited-edition, metal-inspired $75 Pit Diaper so that music fans wouldnt have to brave the bathrooms at a concertand it sold out within hours, said Dan Murphy, senior vice president of marketing.Its also found success with past collaborations on new products with brands like Yeti, E.l.f. Beauty, and Van Leeuwen Ice Cream.The goal, Murphy said, is to combine Liquid Death with an unexpected brand to reach a new audience and have fun. Often, the result is a parody of marketing or humorous content that doesnt smell like an ad and creates engagement with consumers and the media, he added.The metrics you should look for are saves and shares, Murphy said. If somebodys going to go back and watch that again, if somebodys sharing that with a friend, theres that viral coefficient that is telling you youre doing it right.Revising the playbookGoDaddy took a similar approach with a Super Bowl ad this year that followed actor Walton Goggins using the companys artificial intelligence-powered tools to launch a small business: Walton Goggins Goggle Glasses. As with Liquid Deaths diaper, consumers can actually buy the sunglassesand the ad marked the companys return to the biggest advertising day of the year after an eight-year hiatus.Our take was if were going to show back up at the Super Bowl, weve got to do something wacky and weird enough that people get pulled into the story, but the story has to be true, has to be authentic, and ultimately its got to be about the evolution of the products that were selling, said Fara Howard, chief marketing officer at GoDaddy.For people who may recall the controversy-laden ads that made GoDaddy a household name in the first place, this years ad illustrated the transformation journey the brand has been undergoing for several years.Being bold, taking risks has been what put us on the map to begin with, Howard said. Using that playbook, but in really different ways, has been our strategy.Finding what worksOf course, not every weird idea resonates with consumers. Murphy said thats why Liquid Death opts for a small bets approach that helps it de-risk because it instead churns out a lot of content that often costs about $30,000.Brands with much larger budgets often miss the mark by mistaking their idea for more than it is.Its very easy internally to think your content is great when its really not, when its just an ad, Murphy said. People dont like ads.Liquid Deaths goal is to be the funniest thing in your feed on a given day, Murphy said, and the marketing team workshops ideas with comedians using a Hollywood-style writers room approachwhich means keeping the non-funny operational people out of the room. Likewise, Howard said its important to know whose feedback isnt a necessary part of the creative process.All youre going to do is make a saltine cracker, she said. If you ask everyone, do you like it, do you like it, do you like it, do you like it? And you take their feedback. All youre going to do is water down the work.Finally, its important not to get stuck looking backwards but to forge on when an idea doesnt work, Montgomery said. Despite a lot of hype around Taco Bells launch of a Cheez-It Crunchwrap Supreme, it didnt deliver what consumers wanted, but he said the company found success with other ideas.There are always going to be setbacks; listen to the consumer, but just keep swinging, Montgomery advised marketers in the audience. If youre not failing, youre not trying.
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  • Top KitchenAid Promo Codes and Coupons
    Get 50% off select appliances, 15% off most regular-price items, free delivery, and other great savings today on WIRED.
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  • Amazons God of War Series Has Already Had a Second Season Ordered
    Whether Sony will find the sort of success with its upcoming PlayStation adaptations that it has with HBOsThe Last of Usremains to be seen, but it certainly has irons in the fire. For instance, aGod of Waradaptation has been in the works at Amazon Prime for a while, and it seems the series is starting off in confident fashion behind-the-scenes.Speaking recently in an interview with Katee Sackhoff, Ronald D. Moore the newGod of Warshowrunner offered an update on the shows progress, and revealed that Amazon has already ordered two seasons for the adaptation.Right now Im working on the adaptation of this videogame called God of War, its a big title in the gaming world that Amazon has ordered two seasons of and they asked me to come in, Im literally in the writers room and thats my new thing, he said.Last October, it was announced that Amazon Prime had rebooted theGod of Warshow, with Moore, best known for his work onStar TrekandBattlestar Galactica, announced as its new showrunner, andprevious showrunner Rafe Judkins and executive producers Hawk Ostby and Mark Fergus departing the project.Meanwhile, leaks have claimed that a newGod of Wargame set in Greece and starring a young Kratos is also in development. Read more on that through here.
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  • S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl Patch 1.3 is Live With Over 1,200 Fixes and Improvements
    The latest patch for GSC Game Worlds S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is live, bringing over 1,200 fixes and changes to the game. The patch notes are so extensive that youll have to go to the developers official website to read them in full.Major improvements include more polished behavior against mutants when behind or on top of props and smoother movements for them. NPCs have improved reactions to footstep audio as well. Arch Artifacts have also seen a significant rebalance. For example, Weird Water offers decreased radiation protection, Weird Flowers ability to mask smells has increased, and Weird Ball increases stamina gain while dampening the increased weight when shot.A-Life Encounters are also slightly rarer, while various Anomalies have seen a slight rework to their damage. Unique weapons discovered in missions are now more durable, and bugs like being able to stack effects from non-equipped Artifacts permanently have been fixed. Check out the patch highlights below.S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 is available for Xbox Series X/S and PC. Its seen over six million players thus far. Check out our review.Patch 1.3 NotesAI and CombatMade mutants movements during combat smoother.Improved the reaction of NPCs to the sound of footsteps.Polished ambush behavior for mutants, when Player is hiding behind or on top of props.Fixed an issue where mutants didnt attack other NPCs once Player was in the safe zone.BalanceArchartifacts rebalance:Weird Water: decreased radiation protection.Weird Nut: increased bleeding degeneration speed, further slowed down healing with equipped artifact.Weird Flower: Increased smell masking effect.Weird Ball: increased stamina gain, increased maximum weight of the artifact, but slowed down weight gain when being shot.Weird Kettle: Debuff received from consuming food is now not random, and corresponds to specific type of food.Non-Stop Limited Edition energy drinks now have an additional special effect when used with Weird Kettle.Made A-life encounters a bit more rare on average.Nerfed base anomaly damage protections for combat armorsBuffed anomaly damage protection for science suitesSlightly reworked anomaly damage for different anomaliesIncreased damage from destructible explosive props.Fixed an issue where the Weird Flower artifact was initially in a dried state instead of an active one after being picked up.Increased overall durability for unique weapons found during missions.Bug Fixes, Crashes, and PerformanceFixed a bug that could let players permanently stack the effect of unequipped artifacts.Fixed a bug that could prevent players from being able to use sprint after chaotic movement.Fixed an issue that caused some psy-phantoms of blind dogs to have misleading trails.Fixed the crash caused by zombification of NPCs.Fixed an issue when looting some story NPCs could block the mission.Fixed an issue when players could be locked inside the Ranger Station.Fixed an issue that could permanently keep visual effects of sleepiness if the save was made during a Main Quest line.Fixed issue with light from the flashlights in cutscenes.Fixed an issue where high ranked NPCs were able to spawn at Rookie Village location.Phantom stalkers that appear under the influence of Psy-effect no longer can damage other NPCs by throwing grenades.Fixed an issue where the HUD would sometimes appear transparent after closing the inventory or finishing a cutscene.Fixed visual bugs on character costumes (texture stretching caused by awkward animation poses).Fixed memory leaks issues when navigating inventory/looting menus (e.g. opening Player stash at Rostok).Resolved issues where NPCs got stuck in one place and obstructed player movement.Fixed the issue when the output device was resetted after restart of the title.Fixed an issue where a guide NPC was missing at Yaniv hub after unlocking Prypiat region.UI Update: Fixed localization issues, improved stability, resolved visual bugs in widgets, corrected text corruption, and SFX for a smoother experience.Also, almost 100 crashes and EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION errors were fixed.Main and Side Quests, Open World EncountersFixed an issue where player could not complete Escape from the Cage mission via the stealth path due to NPCs with high perception level.Fixed an issue where the player could destroy the Jammer before the start of the In the Name of Science mission.Fixed an issue where the Escape from the Chemical Plant objective did not complete if the call from the Strelok or Scar was interrupted by a loudspeaker during the Escape from the Cage mission.Fixed an issue where no new journal objective appeared and Dark Times mission was stuck after killing Jarl NPC.Fixed an issue with Eye of the Storm mission not progressing after reaching the Generators.Fixed an issue where side mission A Big Score was not progressing if emission happened while Player was at the Car Park.Fixed an issue when Player is not able to loot Fausts body after receiving a call from Scar during Visions of Truth mission.Fixed an issue where Foma NPC could become invincible during the Chasing Ghosts mission.Fixed an issue where an encounter mission with Headlight NPC near Bulba Arch anomaly was not starting after completion of Nightingales Hunt mission.Fixed an issue where Yaryk Mongoose was hostile to the player during the For Science! mission.Fixed an issue when the Snork collar was not counted as collected if snork was killed not by a player character during the In the Name of Science mission.Fixed an issue where Korshunov could disappear at the start of 2nd phase of bossfight during the Down Below mission.Fixed an issue where All That Is Left mission didnt cancel after Mateus death, resulting in redundant markers on artifact location.Fixed an issue where Akopyan was non interactable at the car park during A Big Score mission.Fixed an issue where plank bridges leading to Faust cell were collapsed for Players first arriving at Noontide base during Hot On The Trail mission.Fixed an issue where a Chemical Plant encounter mission with wardens shooting fleshes was stuck after luring mutants out.Fixed an issue when Jumper and Bluish sometimes was dead during Hot on the Trail mission.Fixed an issue when the door to forestry was locked during Extreme Simplicity mission if Player was encountering the emission while leaving the swamps.Fixed an issue when a quest NPC was able to be distracted by A-life enemies during the Three Captains mission.Fixed an issue where the bayun in collar was at the Detention Center instead of the Boathouse location during the A Minor Incident mission.Fixed an issue where the player could not progress through the mission if Heart of Chornobyl artifact was looted directly to the artifact slot from the Streloks body.Fixed an issue where Richter could be non-interactable at the Slag Heap location during the Back to the Slag Heap mission.Fixed an issue where Doctorant Shcherba could be dead for some players during the In Search of Past Glory mission.Fixed errors with some mission markers being not displayed correctly.Fixed an issue that could stop the progression of Escape the Chemical Plant mission.Fixed an issue that made players able to sell the key from the Northern Checkpoint which makes it unavailable to pass through.Fixed issues with Help Solder and Talk to Solder mission objectives.Fixed an issue where interaction prompt for dialogue with Richter could be missing after defending Yaniv during the The Boundary mission.Fixed an issue when Richter stops at the beginning of the path through the river during the Through the valley of the shadow of death mission.Fixed an issue where the doors to underground tunnel and Location D could be closed during the Once More unto the Breach mission.Fixed an issue where the player could stay in a closed location after a cutscene in the Dangerous Liaisons mission.Fixed an issue where the dialogue with prof. Ozersky was unavailable if the player killed Spark NPCs during the A Minor Incident mission.Fixed an issue where Dalin could be missing at the infirmary at the Chemical Plant location during the Escape from the Cage mission.Technical UpdatesAdded multiple new death screens that vary based on the cause of the death.Improved facial animations in the mainline.Improved audio obstruction for mutants sounds.Improved the positioning of various sounds.Added a new night music theme for Slag Heap.Added music for the elevator in SIRCAA.Added missing localizations for tutorials.Added descriptions that explain what is the difference between armor-piercing and expansive ammo.Improved some bullet-caused decals.Improved the visibility of enemies at nighttime by increasing the intensity of the NPC flashlights.Improved the shadows cast by the players flashlight.Several attachments and upgrades have been moved from point of no returns end game sequence to Prypiat stashes.Updates and fixes of NPC movement and shooting animations.Added option to change Melee weapon attack button in control settings.Added additional idle animations for NPCs with weapons drawn.Added new VFX animals and a new type of a visual anomaly.
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  • Elbow Grease Games runs prototype mixer for its first accelerator class
    Elbow Grease Games (EGG) has completed its first ever EGG Prototype Mixer with 10 game startups presenting to a crowd of game investors and publishers.Read More
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  • Nvidias GTC 2025 keynote: 40x AI performance leap, open-source Dynamo, and a walking Star Wars-inspired Blue robot
    Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang unveils 40x faster Blackwell platform, Vera Rubin roadmap through 2027, open-source Dynamo software, humanoid robotics AI, and GM partnership at GTC 2025, positioning the company to counter DeepSeek's efficiency challenge.Read More
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  • NVIDIA Open-Sources cuOpt: An AI-Powered Decision Optimization EngineUnlocking Real-Time Optimization at an Unprecedented Scale
    Every day, organizations face complex logistical challengesfrom optimizing delivery routes and managing supply chains to streamlining production schedules. These tasks typically involve massive datasets and numerous variables, making manual or traditional computational methods inefficient or impractical. The pressure for businesses to improve efficiency, reduce operational costs, and enhance customer satisfaction underscores the need for more powerful optimization tools. However, many existing optimization solutions either lack real-time capabilities or come at prohibitive costs, making them inaccessible to smaller companies and individual developers.NVIDIA announces the open-source release of cuOpt, an AI-powered decision optimization enginemaking the powerful software free for developers to unlock real-time optimization at an unprecedented scale. Initially available only as proprietary software, cuOpt combines GPU acceleration with advanced algorithms to rapidly solve complex optimization problems. Now, as an open-source tool, cuOpt allows broader access, enabling businesses and developers from diverse industriesranging from logistics to healthcareto integrate state-of-the-art optimization solutions directly into their workflows without incurring high licensing costs.At its core, NVIDIA cuOpt leverages parallel processing capabilities of GPUs to accelerate computations, significantly surpassing traditional CPU-based optimization methods. The software uses algorithms designed specifically to exploit GPU architecture, solving complex combinatorial optimization problems such as vehicle routing, job scheduling, and resource allocation far faster and more efficiently. By utilizing advanced heuristics and metaheuristicsincluding evolutionary algorithms, tabu search, and simulated annealingcuOpt achieves substantial reductions in compute times, empowering real-time decision-making capabilities that were previously unattainable. Additionally, cuOpt integrates seamlessly with popular AI and data science frameworks, such as Python and RAPIDS, facilitating ease of use and adoption.Real-world performance insights underscore the transformative impact of cuOpt. According to NVIDIA, enterprises using cuOpt have reported dramatic improvements in their operational efficiencies. For instance, early adopters have experienced up to 20 times faster optimization compared to conventional CPU-driven solutions. This speed enables organizations to dynamically adjust routes and schedules based on real-time data, significantly reducing operational costs and improving service delivery. Moreover, cuOpts scalability ensures consistent performance improvements even as problem sizes grow exponentially, allowing organizations to confidently tackle increasingly complex optimization scenarios without sacrificing speed or accuracy.In conclusion, NVIDIAs decision to open-source cuOpt represents a major milestone in democratizing advanced optimization technologies. By making this powerful tool freely available, NVIDIA has opened new doors for innovation, enabling businesses of all sizes and individual developers to leverage cutting-edge optimization capabilities. The wide availability of cuOpt encourages collaboration and continuous improvement within the community, setting a new standard in real-time decision optimization and operational excellence. Ultimately, organizations adopting cuOpt stand to significantly enhance their efficiency, responsiveness, and overall competitive advantage in an increasingly data-driven world.Check outthe Technical details and Project Page.All credit for this research goes to the researchers of this project. Also,feel free to follow us onTwitterand dont forget to join our80k+ ML SubReddit. Asif RazzaqWebsite| + postsBioAsif Razzaq is the CEO of Marktechpost Media Inc.. As a visionary entrepreneur and engineer, Asif is committed to harnessing the potential of Artificial Intelligence for social good. His most recent endeavor is the launch of an Artificial Intelligence Media Platform, Marktechpost, which stands out for its in-depth coverage of machine learning and deep learning news that is both technically sound and easily understandable by a wide audience. The platform boasts of over 2 million monthly views, illustrating its popularity among audiences.Asif Razzaqhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/6flvq/IBM and Hugging Face Researchers Release SmolDocling: A 256M Open-Source Vision Language Model for Complete Document OCRAsif Razzaqhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/6flvq/ByteDance Research Releases DAPO: A Fully Open-Sourced LLM Reinforcement Learning System at ScaleAsif Razzaqhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/6flvq/A Coding Guide to Build an Optical Character Recognition (OCR) App in Google Colab Using OpenCV and Tesseract-OCRAsif Razzaqhttps://www.marktechpost.com/author/6flvq/Cohere Released Command A: A 111B Parameter AI Model with 256K Context Length, 23-Language Support, and 50% Cost Reduction for Enterprises
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  • The Fourth Wing Books are Dominating Amazon's Kindle Best Sellers List in 2025 So Far
    The Empyrean series had a big new release with Onyx Storm earlier this year and now all three of the books are topping Amazon's Kindle best sellers list for 2025. The popularity of these books really kicked when Fourth Wing was first published in 2023 largely thanks to Booktok. Since then, this romantasy series has grown big enough to top most best seller charts.The fact that the release of Onyx Storm has brought so many new readers to the series is a testament to the viral nature of Rebecca Yarros' writing. It has just the right mix of fantasy and romance to entrance such a broad spectrum of readers. Now that a Fourth Wing TV series has been greenlit at Amazon, the Empyrean series has the chance to become more popular than even the Harry Potter book franchise if it plays its cards right.The Physical Editions Are Popular TooOnyx Storm (Deluxe Limited Edition)The Empyrean series dominates the Kindle charts, but it also sits in Amazon's top selling physical books list for 2025. Both the deluxe edition of Onyx Storm and the standard edition are in the top 10 and Fourth Wing remains in the top 25. Only now that Suzanne Collins' new Hunger Games book has officially been released has Onyx Storm dropped to the second biggest fiction book on the list. Though with seemingly more people just getting into the series with Fourth Wing, we could see that change again before the end of 2025.Fourth Wing and Iron Flame are Part of Kindle UnlimitedKindle UnlimitedSee subscription options.See it at AmazonThe first two books in the Empyrean series are currently free on the Kindle app if you have a Kindle Unlimited subscription. If you want to get into the series, you can log on to your Kindle account and download both Fourth Wing and Iron Flame before they are no longer available with your subscription.Jacob Kienlen is a Senior SEO Strategist and Writer for IGN. Born and raised in Portland, Oregon, he has considered the Northwest his home for his entire life. With a bachelor's degree in communication and over 7 years of professional writing experience, his expertise is spread across a variety of different topics -- from TV series to indie games and popular book series.
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  • CISA Warns of Active Exploitation in GitHub Action Supply Chain Compromise
    Mar 19, 2025Ravie LakshmananVulnerability / DevSecOpsThe U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on Tuesday added a vulnerability linked to the supply chain compromise of the GitHub Action, tj-actions/changed-files, to its Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) catalog.The high-severity flaw, tracked as CVE-2025-30066 (CVSS score: 8.6), involves the breach of the GitHub Action to inject malicious code that enables a remote attacker to access sensitive data via actions logs."The tj-actions/changed-files GitHub Action contains an embedded malicious code vulnerability that allows a remote attacker to discover secrets by reading actions logs," CISA said in an alert."These secrets may include, but are not limited to, valid AWS access keys, GitHub personal access tokens (PATs), npm tokens, and private RSA keys."Cloud security company Wiz has since revealed that the attack may have been an instance of a cascading supply chain attack, with unidentified threat actors first compromising the reviewdog/action-setup@v1 GitHub Action to infiltrate tj-actions/changed-files."tj-actions/eslint-changed-files uses reviewdog/action-setup@v1, and the tj-actions/changed-files repository runs this tj-actions/eslint-changed-files Action with a Personal Access Token," Wiz researcher Rami McCarthy said. "The reviewdog Action was compromised during roughly the same time window as the tj-actions PAT compromise."It's currently not clear how this took place. But the compromise is said to have occurred on March 11, 2025. The breach of tj-actions/changed-files happened at some point before March 14.This means that the infected reviewdog action could be used to insert malicious code into any CI/CD workflows using it, in this case a Base64-encoded payload that's appended to a file named install.sh used by the workflow.Like in the case of tj-actions, the payload is designed to expose secrets from repositories running the workflow in logs. The issue impacts only one tag (v1) of reviewdog/action-setup.The maintainers of tj-actions have disclosed that the attack was the result of a compromised Github Personal Access Token (PAT) that enabled the attackers to modify the repository with unauthorized code."We can tell the attacker gained sufficient access to update the v1 tag to the malicious code they had placed on a fork of the repository," McCarthy said."The reviewdog Github Organization has a relatively large contributor base and appears to be actively adding contributors through automated invites. This increases the attack surface for a contributor's access to have been compromised or contributor access to have been gained maliciously."In light of the compromise, affected users and federal agencies are advised to update to the latest version of tj-actions/changed-files (46.0.1) by April 4, 2025, to secure their networks against active threats. But given the root cause, there is a risk of re-occurrence. Besides replacing the affected actions with safer alternatives, it's advised to audit past workflows for suspicious activity, rotate any leaked secrets, and pin all GitHub Actions to specific commit hashes instead of version tags.Found this article interesting? Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to read more exclusive content we post.SHARE
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