• Another Unnecessary Texas Chainsaw Massacre Reboot May Be on the Way
    Horror remakes and reboots are just part of the Hollywood genre landscape these days; sometimes, a fresh eye applied to familiar source material can yield a triumphant win, one recent example being Evil Dead Rise. More often, though, the cash-grab intentions shine through everything else. One of the most frequently burned franchises is also one of horrors oldest: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The most recent attempt to recapture that 1974 Tobe Hooper magic was a total bust, much like the attempts that preceded it, but that doesnt mean someone else isnt going to give it another try. At least theres an intriguing movie star attached to Deadlines report about Leatherface and companys potential return: Glen Powell. Hes a native of Austin, Texas, where Hooper famously shot his two Chainsaw movies, and though he hasnt done too many horror projects, he did break out on the TV horror-comedy series Scream Queens. Deadlines story is less update, more speculation, but theres clearly some motion around a Texas Chainsaw remake if one of the big trades is digging into it. According to the story, studios and filmmakers alike have approached Verve, which has repped the rights for the slasher series created by Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel since 2017, about a fresh project involving cinemas most famous cannibal crew. However, a Verve representative was very light on details when speaking to the trade; they said a a multimedia strategy for the seminal horror franchise is in the works, but that Verve has not officially submitted the property into any filmmakers, producers or buyers packages are preemptively being brought to Verve.One of those packages is apparently the one involving Powell (as a potential star and producer) and writer-director J.T. Mollner, who made 2023 serial-killer tale Strange Darling, though its very early days on this; no contracts or attachments as of yet, and the Mollner/Powell combo is but one interested party of many. Well keep you posted if we hear any more about Chainsawwhich stands at nine movies total in the franchise, though we like to pretend only the first two existnews. But in the meantime, do you think this series needs a new movie or should people just stick with the Hooper classics? Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.
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  • The Best Moment From DCs Sonic Crossover Is Left Unsaid
    Even before it hit comic shelves this week, people went crazy for a leaked image of Batman and Shadows first encounter in the pages ofDC x Sonic #1. For good reason: its wonderful in the best way a crossover can be, utterly absurd and yet at the same time completely sincere in its conviction. But the best part of their brief dynamic in the issue is what comes after. The overall premise ofDC x Sonic #1, by Ian Flynn, Adam Bryce Thomas, Matt Herms, and Becca Carey, is par for the crossover course. Darkseids shown up in Sonics world in a little planetoid-sized version of his own face, seeking the Chaos Emeralds as a way to divining power beyond even the Anti-Life Equation itself, and immediately starts flinging parademons about the place. Suddenly, Sonic and all his pals find themselves fighting back with new allies in the form of the Justice League of America. The pairings are similarly obvious, but still fun: Knuckles and Superman bond over their belief in their respective duties; Cyborg and Tails geek out over tech; Sonic and Flash, naturally, are cocky hotheads who try to one up each other as the fastest being alive, man or hedgehog. And then of course, like two emo kids beelining for the same corner at a party, Shadow and Batman gravitate toward each other. Well, more accurately, they gravitate toward not wanting to be part of a large group. Adam Bryce Thomas, Matt Herms, and Becca Carey/DC Comics This is where the now-viral moment comes from in the issue, when Shadow, already sick at the prospect of a team up at the best of times, walks away from the thought of having to cooperate with all these new heroes. And of course, Batman absolutely nails the reason as to why, exploring the kinship between the Dark Knight and the Ultimate Life Form in a way that is both empathetic, but also tactical, ensuring that he makes it clear he sees Shadow for who he is, and that there are places for people like them at this broader table.It is a great moment, even beyond the inherent absurdity of Batman and Shadow the Hedgehog talk about the Waynes and Maria and its some form of comic book canon. Like I said, good crossover stories relish in the fannish absurdity of moments like this but do so by delivering them with sincerityand thats exactly what this moment is. Its not a joke over how similarly brooding Shadow and Batman are, its not a joke to mention the parallels between Bruce losing his parents and Shadow losing Maria, like fans clapping for her to get got in Sonic 3. This is just these two people sizing each other up, recognizing their strengths, and figuring out a way to navigate that recognition. So yes! Its great. But its not the best Batman/Shadow moment in DC x Sonic #1.Theres one brief, tiny bit shortly after thats even better.Once Shadows convinced by Bruce its worth playing nice with the rest of the League to stop Darkseid, Sonic, his allies, and the Justice League start pairing off and going off on their separate missions. We get a really fun set of panels as we see Team Sonic and the League really start bondingand theyre talky panels, filled with back-and-forth dialogue as each side of the crossover starts to find friendship and commonality with each other. And then you get to the last panel of the page, Batman and Shadow zooming away on bikes. And its silent. The only noise is to communication the rumble of their bikes engines. Adam Bryce Thomas, Matt Herms, and Becca Carey/DC Comics Its the perfect encapsulation of them as a pair, and why they are so different to their respective allies. Its such a fun contrast to the rest of the bouncy, breezy dialogue across the page prior, to be hit with this panel of almost-nothing, but it speaks to how Bruce and Shadow alike dont need the bonding or the pleasantries: they already got their estimations of each other sorted, they have a job to do, and theyre doing it. What else needs to be said? Its the moment that really gets who they are, and who they would be to each other, that again is that perfect crossover mix of funny and yet spot-on in its sincerity. All the gags and charm in DC x Sonic are great, but its little moments like this that are already making it click as a fantastic crossover. Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.
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  • Heres What Would Happen If You Walked Through a Black Hole
    Black holes are enigmatic yet simplistic astronomical forces at the center of science fiction and scientific discovery alike. At the center of our universe, a supermassive black hole with a mass equivalent to 4 million suns lies: Sagittarius A.Though humans at least to our knowledge have never come into contact with a black hole, the potential encounter has long been a source of both regimented research and casual curiosity. The outcome would depend on many factors, mainly the mass, or size, of a black hole. So, what would happen to our bodies if we walked through one? Walking Through a Black HoleIn general, the scientific community agrees that if a person were to come into close enough contact with a large black hole, its gravitational pull could cause spaghettification, essentially stretching a person into an infinitely long and infinitely thin noodle.But if a small black hole were to pass through a person, it could send a fatal supersonic shockwave akin to a gunshot wound, destroying tissue and pulling interconnected cells apart as it makes its way through the body. Then again, a person could die from a black holes radiation, which would feel like a fireball burning from the inside out. There are multiple ways to die by black holes at least, in theory. But to understand how these forces would affect the human body, first, we must explore the science of black holes. What Is a Black Hole? A black hole is a simplistic astronomical feature compared to planets like ours. To describe and characterize Earth, for example, one would need to consider what it is made of, its shape and mass, how much of the planet is covered in water, and the makeup of its atmosphere. Black holes, on the other hand, are characterized by three things: mass, spin, and charge. Sarah Gallagher, a professor of astrophysics at Western University in Ontario, Canada, said that two black holes of the same mass, spin, and charge are indistinguishable from one another. They're just the same black hole, says Gallagher. So, in that sense, even though black holes are extremely exotic, they're quite simple in describing them. A black hole is an astronomical object that NASA describes as a gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it. Types of Black HolesThere are two main classes of black holes observed: stellar-mass black holes that can be dozens of times larger than the sun, and supermassive black holes that can equate to billions of solar masses. Gallagher points to escape velocity to understand the mechanics of a black hole. If you're on the surface of the earth, and you go straight up, you have to go fast enough so that you can overcome the gravity from the earth, or escape speed, says Gallagher. Earths escape speed is 11 kilometers per second, meaning that a rocket needs to propel at least that fast to escape Earths gravity. Something more massive, like the sun, requires a greater speed of about 600 kilometers per second. If a planet is massive and dense enough, then the speed to escape is the speed of light. Once the escape speed becomes the speed of light, that means nothing can escape because nothing is faster than the speed of light, says Gallagher.In other words, a black hole requires that the escape speed be equal to or greater than the speed of light, 300,000 kilometers per second. How a black hole would impact a person depends mainly on its size. Smaller Black Holes and the Human BodyRobert Scherrer, a professor of physics at Vanderbilt University, suggested in a pre-print study last month that a hypothetical, early universe, small primordial black hole would feel like gunshot wound.At first, Scherrer started looking into whether the gravitational force of a black hole could disassociate human cells but found that a shockwave passing through the body would be much more destructive and is analogous to a gunshot wound.And we know exactly what gunshot wounds do to the body, says Scherrer. Smaller black holes cause gravitational forces to be localized over a much smaller area, so if one were to pass through a person, it would exert force on their cells. Scherrer adds that the impact of a primordial black hole would also cause a shockwave. A shockwave comes from any high-velocity object passing through your body, it sends out a sonic wave if it's going faster than the speed of sound, says Scherrer. Both a bullet and a primordial black hole would emit a shockwave upon impact to act in similar ways but at very different speeds. According to Scherrers calculations, a black hole would travel at about 125 miles per second much faster than a bullet, which is measured in hundreds or thousands of feet per second.Though theres no evidence that primordial black holes exist, theres also no way to prove they arent moving through the solar system without our knowledge.Luckily, primordial black holes are sufficiently rare, and youre unlikely to encounter either kind, says Scherrer. Larger Black Holes and SpaghettificationMuch larger supermassive and stellar black holes both of which are known to exist would destroy a human through their gravitational pull, or tidal force. The force of gravity is not uniform, rather, it decays with distance, says Scherrer, adding that as a person gets closer to the black hole, these extreme tidal forces would pull them apart.If a person were to lie down with their feet closest to the black hole, the stronger gravitational pull would rip them apart, pulling harder at the feet than at the head. This is known as spaghettification, a gravitational force that acts on the entire body to stretch a person infinitely long and infinitely thin, says Scherrer. Hawking RadiationHawking radiation is a theoretical phenomenon that suggests black holes emit thermal radiation, leading to their gradual evaporation over time. This radiation could also harm a human who comes into too close contact with a black hole. Avi Loeb, a professor of science and founding director of Harvard's Black Hole Initiative, explains hawking radiation as a lightbulb that creates its own energy before evaporating into a fireball. And thats exactly how radiation from a black hole could kill you. Radiation from a larger primordial black hole would feel like a body being torn apart, says Loeb. Its a feeling that is similar to encountering a dark ghost, something that you cant see but is inside you, says Loeb. A smaller black hole passing through a human would cause an experience more like a giant fireball that would feel like being burned from the inside out, says Loeb.Should we be Concerned?While theorizing the impacts a black hole would have on the human body is a thought-provoking experiment, experts agree there is no need to lose sleep. Its not like we have to worry about a primordial black hole wiping out humanity, says Gallagher. The probability of being hit by a primordial black hole is negligible, says Loeb. Even if each of the 100 billion stars like our Sun hosted 8 billion human-like beings, only one would be killed by a primordial black hole every 20 years. Medical insurance companies can ignore these risks, even if they were to open branches on all the habitable planets to serve the entire Milky Way Galaxy, they don't need to worry about the primordial black holes killing human-like beings, says Loeb. Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:NASA. What Are Black Holes?Cornell University. Gravitational Effects of a Small Primordial Black Hole Passing Through the Human BodyAria Ballistic Engineering Inc. Firearm Ammunition: Understanding Grains and Feet per SecondHarvard University. Black Hole Initiative Madisons reporting focuses on marine and environmental issues, climate change, and novel scientific discoveries related to health and technology. Raised on an island in southeast Alaska, Madison is now based in western Montana. Her writing has been featured in Time, Snopes, Business Insider, Mountain Journal, EcoWatch, and Alaska Magazine, among others. When not writing, Madison teaches yoga, raises chickens, and fosters adoptable dogs and cats.
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  • Sugary Drinks Disrupt Human Organs as They Pass Through the Body
    Weve been warned repeatedly that sugary beverages are bad for us and are associated with a variety of diseases, But the hows and whys have perhaps not been communicated clearly. So, before you reach for that next can of cola, consider this study in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry that shows the effects such drinks have on individual organs, as well as overall physical, molecular, and metabolic processes in the body.Taking a closer look at sugars impact throughout the body takes on some urgency as multiple studies have shown increasing consumption of sugary drinks globally. That pattern, if sustained, could lead to growth in metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity around the world.How Sugar Affects Individual OrgansAlthough researchers in India used mice while studying the effects of sugary beverages on the body, their methods closely mimic how we consume sweet drinks and should closely mirror the effects on human organs. The scientists fed mice solutions that contained 10 percent sucrose. They then examined its effects organ by organ.The first and perhaps most significant impact they saw was in the small intestine, which appears to play a major role in systemic glucose imbalance. Excessive sucrose consumption appears to cause a "molecular addiction" in the intestinal lining, according to a press release. Essentially, the intestine gives priority to glucose absorption, putting uptake of essential nutrients like amino acids and fats in the back of the queue. This resulting nutrient uptake imbalance then causes some downstream effects. It first disrupts energy metabolism. Then it causes problems in other organs and tissues, including the liver and muscles.Potential Medicine for Metabolic DisordersWhen the liver absorbs excess sugar, it doesnt appear to change gene expression to combat it. Instead, the organ triggers insulin resistance within it. That, in turn boosts glucose production by the liver that furthers metabolic imbalance.Skeletal muscles are also affected. They demonstrate processing and using the excess glucose, further exacerbating metabolic issues.The authors note that the studys implications are twofold. First, it provides evidence of exactly how excess sugar interferes with key organs in the body that affect metabolism. Second, it provides some targets for medicine for people with metabolic disorders.This article is not offering medical advice and should be used for informational purposes only.Article SourcesOur writers at Discovermagazine.com use peer-reviewed studies and high-quality sources for our articles, and our editors review for scientific accuracy and editorial standards. Review the sources used below for this article:Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry. Consumption of sucrose-water rewires macronutrient uptake and utilization mechanisms in a tissue specific mannerBefore joining Discover Magazine, Paul Smaglik spent over 20 years as a science journalist, specializing in U.S. life science policy and global scientific career issues. He began his career in newspapers, but switched to scientific magazines. His work has appeared in publications including Science News, Science, Nature, and Scientific American.
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  • A terrifying fate may lurk inside the Milky Way
    All good things come to an endeven the Milky Way. Our home galaxys demise isnt estimated to occur for at least another 4 or 5 billion years, when astronomers believe it will start colliding with its neighbor Andromeda. However, a new analysis of a more distant galaxy is hinting at another dramatic outcome. Instead of being annihilated from without, the Milky Ways cosmic destruction could begin from within.A chaotic, energy-spewing spiral galaxyThe spiral galaxy 2MASX J234532680449256 is located nearly 1 billion light-years away from Earth, and measures about three times the size of the Milky Way. Like our own galaxy, a supermassive black hole lurks at its center. But while our Sagittarius A (Sgr A*) currently exists in very cosmically quiet, dormant conditions (for a black hole), the one inside J234532680449256 spews chaotic, 6 million light-year-long jets of energy. Thats what an international team has discovered using data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope, the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, the Atacama Large Millimeter Wave Array, and multi-wavelength analyses.According to their study published March 20 in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, these findings are challenging conventional notions of how galaxies operate, and what forces they are capable of unleashing.Colour image of J23453268-0449256, which is 300,000 light-years across, as captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. It is shown alongside a depiction of our own Milky Way galaxy, which is three times smaller. Credit: Bagchi and Ray et al/Hubble Space Telescope Simply put, experts previously believed a galaxy like J234532680449256 couldnt survive under its own conditions. The roiling gamma, cosmic, and X-rays documented coming from its black hole are almost only seen in elliptical galaxies. Based on traditional theory, these powerful radio jets should be disrupting the spiral galaxys comparatively delicate structure. However, thats not the case at all for J234532680449256. The galaxy appears pretty stable, with well-defined spiral arms, an untroubled stellar ring, and a bright nuclear bar.This discovery is more than just an oddityit forces us to rethink how galaxies evolve, and how supermassive black holes grow in them and shape their environments, Joydeep Bagchi, a study lead author and astronomy professor at Indias CHRIST University, Bangalore, said in a statement.One difference appears to be its ability to form new stars. Although the galaxy is surrounded by a halo of X-ray-emitting gas needed to make them, the supermassive black holes energy jets act like a deep space oven. This appears to prevent the halo from cooling enough to form new stars. Despite this stellar anomaly, J234532680449256 already hosts an untold number of stars.If a spiral galaxy can not only survive but thrive under such extreme conditions, what does this mean for the future of galaxies like our own Milky Way? wondered Bagchi.How our own galaxy would handle itThis type of scenario could begin if the Milky Ways black hole Sgr A* ever begins devouring a star, gas cloud, or even a smaller dwarf galaxy. Previously documented in other galaxies, these Tidal Disruption Events (TDEs) are as dramatic as they are powerful. But depending on their direction, there are scenarios in which any future life on Earth wouldnt survive the experience.If a hypothetical Milky Way TDEs cosmic rays lined up with the solar system, the effects would cause almost incomprehensible devastation. The energy beams could strip planetary atmospheres, irradiate DNA enough to cause genetic mutations, as well as destroy the Earths ozone and kick off dinosaur-level mass extinctions. While astronomers believe that the Milky Way hosted those kinds of radio jets in the past, the chance of it occurring any time in the near future is pretty slim.Regardless of the Milky Ways ultimate celestial fate, discovering and studying unique neighboring galaxies like J234532680449256 allows astronomers to learn more about our surprising, complex universe.Understanding these rare galaxies could provide vital clues about the unseen forces governing the universeincluding the nature of dark matter, the long-term fate of galaxies, and the origin of life, said study co-author and PhD candidate Shankar Ray. Ultimately, this study brings us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos, reminding us that the universe still holds surprises beyond our imagination.The post A terrifying fate may lurk inside the Milky Way appeared first on Popular Science.
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  • Long-term studies provide unique insights into evolution
    Nature, Published online: 19 March 2025; doi:10.1038/s41586-025-08597-9Long-term studies provide insights into the complex interplay between evolutionary process and pattern across multiple systems and timescales.
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  • Trumps return puts renewables at a crossroads
    Nature, Published online: 19 March 2025; doi:10.1038/d41586-025-00742-8Clean-energy research might be booming in Asia, but the energy transition has an uncertain future.
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  • Global sea levels rose a whopping 125 feet after the last ice age
    After the last ice age, sea levels rose rapidly over a period of about 8,000 years, new research reveals.
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  • Create Animated Fire Effects With Material Layering In Marmoset Toolbag 5
    Introduced in Marmoset Toolbag 5, material layering allows you to craft complex, blended multi-material effects for your meshes, with or without the need for UVs. While we previously shared an in-depth video tutorial from Marmoset, if youre already familiar with the basics and are looking to learn more, check out this new official guide that will walk you through creating animated fire effects.By layering procedural textures, keyframing UV transformations, and using displacement mapping, you can create a realistic fire without needing expensive simulations or pre-baked animations. Marmosets Lead Designer Joe Wilson will guide you through the process step by step, so download the project files to follow along and explore the scene setup in detail.Get started here andlearn more about vector layers, another new feature, inthis article.MarmosetEarlier this month, the sixth Marmoset Toolbag Library drop went live, featuring over 150 high-quality, unique assets in the Brushes, Materials, and Textures categories. This update is available for free to all users.Dont forget to join our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us onInstagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Create Animated Fire Effects With Material Layering In Marmoset Toolbag 5 appeared first on CG SHARES.
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  • Tutorial: Frame-By-Frame Effects For Games With OpenToonz
    Gabriel Aguiar Prod. is a well-known VFX for video games tutorial creator who joined us last year to share his journey as a VFX Artist and a solo game developer, offering valuable VFX and Unity tips for beginners.If you havent seen his videos yet, his YouTube channel is an excellent place to start learning visual effects. For example, in this video, he explains how he created a frame-by-frame impact effect using OpenToonz, a free and open-source 2D animation software favored by Ghibli for its extensive customization options.Learn how to use OpenToonz for VFX to give fresh looks to your games or portfolio, and check out more of Gabriels tutorials below:Dont forget to join our80 Level Talent platformand ournew Discord server, follow us on Instagram,Twitter,LinkedIn,Telegram,TikTok, andThreads, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.Source link The post Tutorial: Frame-By-Frame Effects For Games With OpenToonz appeared first on CG SHARES.
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