• Christmas and New Years travel 2024: These are the best and worst times to be on the road this holiday period
    This weekend is when many Americans consider the holidays to be in full swing. Its the final weekend before Christmas, which takes place on Wednesday this year. That means many Americans will be getting in their cars over the upcoming days to visit friends and familiesand their travel is expected to continue throughout the holiday season.If youre one of those journeying by roads to see loved onesor just want to avoid the busiest times on the pavementyoull want to pay attention to the data below from AAA and insights provider INRIX. The companies have revealed the best and worst travel times by road over the upcoming holiday period, which AAA defines as from Saturday, December 21, to Wednesday, January 1.During that time, AAA says 107 million people will travel 50 miles by car. Thats up from last years 104.5 million auto journeys during the 2023 holiday period but still a million less than those during the 2019 holiday period.Best times to travel by car this holiday periodAccording to INRIX data, the best times to be on the road between now and January 2 are:Friday, December 20: Before 11 a.m.Saturday, December 21: Before 2 p.m.Sunday, December 22: Before noonMonday, December 23: Before 11 a.m.Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayWednesday, December 25(Christmas Day): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayThursday, December 26: Before 11 a.m.Friday, December 27: Before 2 p.m.Saturday, December 28: Before 11 a.m.Sunday, December 29: Before 11 a.m.Monday, December 30: Before 2 p.m.Tuesday, December 31(New Years Eve): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayWednesday, January 1 (New Years Day): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayThursday, January 2: Before 3 p.m.Worst times to travel by car this holiday periodIf you need to be on the road but hope to avoid congestion during the holiday period, these are the expected times when traffic will be at its worst:Friday, December 20: 1 p.m.8 p.m.Saturday, December 21: 4 p.m.8 p.m.Sunday, December 22: 3 p.m.8 p.m.Monday, December 23: 1 p.m.6 p.m.Tuesday, December 24 (Christmas Eve): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayWednesday, December 25(Christmas Day): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayThursday, December 26: noon5 p.m.Friday, December 27: 3 p.m.7 p.m.Saturday, December 28: 1:30 p.m.7 p.m.Sunday, December 29: noon6 p.m.Monday, December 30: 5 p.m.7 p.m.Tuesday, December 31(New Years Eve): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayWednesday, January 1 (New Years Day): Minimal traffic impact expected all dayThursday, January 2: 4 p.m.8 p.m.As for the worst travel day? That would be Sunday, December 22, according to INRIXtransportation analyst Bob Pishue.Holiday travel expected to hit record in 2024Despite AAAs expectation that there will be a million fewer auto journeys this year than the record in 2019, the organization says 2024 will actually be the busiest holiday travel period on record when all primary means of transport are taken into account, including car, air, and other (which includes bus, train, and cruise).In total, AAA expects 119.33 million people to travel over the holiday period. Thats up from the 116.07 million people last year and upjust barely, at a 0.1% increaseover the record number of travelers in 2019, which totaled 119.3 million.This year, AAA says it expects the following numbers for three different modes of transportation:Auto: 107 millionAir: 7.8 millionOther (bus, train, and cruise): 4.47 millionIn total, the expected number of travelers over the 2024 holiday period represents a 2.8% growth over the 2023 holiday period.
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  • Raffles rug by David Mrugala for Azmas Rugs
    Dezeen Showroom:Indian company Azmas Rugs has extended its experiments with mathematics and design to its most complex creation yet, the Raffles rug, devised by designer David Mrugala.Part of Azmas' Tessellations collection, the Raffles rug features a feather- or frond-like pattern that is superimposed against itself to produce a sense of movement and avoid the monotony of repetition.The Raffles rug is one of Azmas Rugs' most complex designsThe rug was Azmas Rugs' most expensive pieces to make so far, because it is handknotted from wool and silk with a dense 100 knots per square inch.As well as adding to durability and comfort under foot, this approach gives more clarity and definition to the pattern, similar to having more pixels in an image.The rug is handknotted with 100 knots per square inchMrugala is a German architect, designer and educator who runs Thedotisblack, a research platform that aims to innovate design through generative drawings made with code.His work combines visual narratives, natural science studies, sound analysis and data visualisation interests that are shared at Azmas Rugs, which translates these digital arts to ancient weaving techniques in Rajasthan, India.Product details:Product: Raffles rugDesigner: David MrugalaBrand: Azmas RugsContact: azmasrugs@gmail.comMaterial: wool, silkColours/finishes: multiDimensions: 1860 x 2780 millimetresDezeen ShowroomDezeen Showroom offers an affordable space for brands to launch new products and showcase their designers and projects to Dezeen's huge global audience. For more details email showroom@dezeen.com.Dezeen Showroom is an example of partnership content on Dezeen. Find out more about partnership content here.The post Raffles rug by David Mrugala for Azmas Rugs appeared first on Dezeen.
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  • "Friction is at the heart of creativity" says panel at The New Standard talk
    Promotion: brands and studios must be willing to embrace difference and tension while creating space for dialogues, said panelists at a talk about collaboration hosted by Dezeen in New York.The talk took place at the offices of The New Standard in SoHo, a design collective founded in London, UK that includes Universal Design Studio, Made Thought and Map Project Office.They were joined by sports brand New Balance's global marketing director Chuck Mauro and Brooklyn Museum contemporary art curator Kimberli Gant to discuss the need for a new era of collaboration in the design and art worlds.Universal Design Studio, Map Project Office and New Balance are currently working together to create a series of flagship stores around the world for the athletic brand where each New Balance store "will draw on authentic storytelling, offering an elevated and meaningful retail experience", according to the designers.Dezeen hosted a panel discussion with The New Standard at its offices in New YorkThe speakers at the talk reflected on the creativity generated in their work together, arising from spirited conversations. They voiced their concerns around the risks of designers talking in echo chambers and avoiding conversations with disagreements.It was the second in a series of talks put on as part of a collaboration between Dezeen and The New Standard, the first of which took place at the Ace Hotel in Brooklyn during NYCxDesign in May.Moderated by Dezeen's US editor Ben Dreith, the panel included Universal Design Studio principal Jason Holley and Made Thought strategy director Michaela Crompton.It was moderated by Dezeen US Editor Ben DreithAccording to the panellists, creating space for an honest exchange of ideas and expression is essential to the success of companies in an era of complex problem-solving and the proliferation of brand partnerships."I don't think creativity can happen in a vacuum," said Crompton."I think I have good ideas, but great ideas come from conversation and dialogue and interconnectivity between different disciplines and different teams, and I think being together under one group is a really important component there."Crompton added that creating spaces for vulnerability and honest exchange within and between companies is essential to fostering these dialogues.The panel covered the necessity for collaboration in the new era of design and artHolley agreed, adding that a certain degree of tension and friction underlying different viewpoints and approaches should be prized in order to create good work."Engaging with others who have different perspectives, different opinions can be uncomfortable," he said. "That friction, for me, is at the heart of creativity."He went on to say that finding common ground and languages should always be the first step when embarking on any collaborative venture. He cited an example where his studio worked on a project with tech firm IBM, where the parties had to use visual metaphors to understand each other's disciplines.Mauro, who has partnered New Balance with a number of distinct brands for collaborative ventures, also said that making space for different perspectives is important, but emphasised the need to "let go" of control and take risks.The panelists discussed the need for vulnerability and friction in collaboration"There are some brands that don't take any risks at all, and then they either fail or become part of a meme," said Mauro."Risk is really everything," he continued, adding that brands should make sure at least some values align. "Letting go is a necessary part of collaboration."Crompton added to Mauro's point, reiterating the need for vulnerability. "True collaboration is a vulnerable act," she said "It requires you to throw down your ego, throw down any sort of posturing."It was attended by New York creativesGant stressed that company culture is important and that certain parameters need to be set in order to create space for dialogue between staff and collaborators."When you're going working with a lot of people, you don't always get the time to actually listen to them and take the feedback and make things better," she said. "Unless you're in a culture, in a situation, that allows for that."Gant spoke about her work on an exhibition showcasing the archive of film director Spike Lee, saying that "listening" to the needs of all actors involved in a large project was an essential aspect.Universal Design Studio principal Jason Holley and Made Thought strategy director Michaela Crompton were joined by New Balance global marketing director Chuck Mauro and Brooklyn Museum contemporary art curator Kimberli GantShe also cautioned against top-down collaboration, emphasising the need for dialogue amongst people at all levels of a project.Latching onto the point about complex systems, Holley noted that the architectural fields tended away from embracing the "messiness" that is inherent to multi-party projects."Architecture as a discipline has, unfortunately, retreated from an engagement with the messiness of the world, the messiness of people."The panelists discussed informality and embracing messinessCrompton reiterated a need for messiness and informality in open collaborations."There's something to be said embracing the messiness," she said."Embracing informality doesn't always have to be a creative review, which sounds intimidating. It can be a kick around for a chat, a conversation, sharing ideas and listening to each other.""Increased the messiness a little, throw stuff at the wall and see what you get."The New Standard is a creative collective comprising renowned design studios Universal Design Studio, Map Project Office and Made Thought.The photography isby Louis KassamPartnership contentThis article was written by Dezeen for The New Standard as part of a partnership. Find out more about Dezeen partnership contenthere.The post "Friction is at the heart of creativity" says panel at The New Standard talk appeared first on Dezeen.
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  • Heatherwick Studio arranges "unexpected three-dimensional urban landscape" around tree-like park
    Architecture practice Heatherwick Studio has completed a commercial district in Xi'an, China, containing a series of cascading volumes and a vertical park.Located south of the city's historic centre, the Xi'an Centre Culture Business District is characterised by ceramic tiles chosen by Heatherwick Studio to honour the city's craftsmanship and ceramics.Encompassing 155,000-square-metres, the district comprises a retail podium, along with offices, apartments and public spaces including green areas, plazas and terraces.Heatherwick studio has completed a district in Xi'an"Here in Xi'an, we were excited to create a commercial district which gave the city an extraordinary new piece of public space," Heatherwick said."Instead of simply making different buildings, and paving and planting the spaces between them, there was the opportunity to craft an unexpected three-dimensional urban landscape on many levels, where citizens of the city can promenade and meet each other," he continued."The goal of the whole project was to find a joyful and contemporary way to respond to the history of Xi'an, and bring people together."Ceramic tiles were used to clad the cascading volumesA network of streets link to a large central plaza, where the Xi'an Tree vertical park serves as a gathering point for visitors.Rising 57-metres from its basement level, the tree contains 56 stepped terraces or "elevated petals", which are connected to a central staircase.Gardens hosted on each terrace werre designed mimic the biomes of the ancient Silk Road.Read: Heatherwick Studio reveals plans for island park with "floating islets" in SeoulSurrounding the central plaza are a series of interconnected volumes unified by tile-clad exteriors and cascading rooftops informed by the roofs of the city's temples.More than 100,000 tiles crafted by local makers were used for cladding the facade, columns and beams of the structures to create a "sensory experience" at ground level."Pursuing our interest in people's human scale experience of places, we also had the chance to integrate many special constructional details, to help make the project as engaging as possible for people to walk around," Heatherwick said.Rooftop gardens are on top of the volumesInside, the volumes have similarly stepped details integrated into the design, and are fronted with large glazed openings overlooking the central plaza.Additional spaces include lush rooftop gardens hosted atop the volumes, which are interspersed with variously-shaped skylights that draw light into the spaces below.Glazed openings overlook the central plazaElsewhere, Heatherwick Studio is set to complete the Hanwha Galleria shopping centre and a public park with "floating islets" in Seoul.The photography is by Qingyan Zhu.The post Heatherwick Studio arranges "unexpected three-dimensional urban landscape" around tree-like park appeared first on Dezeen.
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  • Standout Food, Drink & Kitchen-Related Designs Spotted in 2024
    Sure, our food supply has been poisoned by large corporations, and we're hooked on sugary drinks that make us sick. Can design help? Maybeor we can just stay in our lane and design more stuff for you to buy! Shiny shiny! Here are the food, drink and kitchen-related designs that jumped out at us in 2024.Mbino, by Metaform Architects, is a beautiful espresso cup made by combining digital fabrication with handwork. When bad UX is the point: This no-handle coffee mug, by British design collective Ma3t, was designed for rock climbers. NASA's zero-gravity drinking cup was prototyped in space. A fine example of form follows function: These stange glasses for Klsch beer. A vice-friendly design classic: Joe Colombo's Smoke Glasses. Another industrial design classic is Spanish industrial designer Rafael Marquina's no-drip oil cruet. Italian industrial designer Corrado Dotti designed these elegant, double-walled Cilindro oil cruets, which appear to float. This stunning, minimalist glass bottle is by RISD grad Peter Ivy. Old-school package design: Japanese bamboo spice vessels. These Vk serving trays, by industrial designer Dgg Gumundsdttir, were inspired by the Icelandic environment. An eye-catching design detail: The knurled Buster + Punch handles on this Staub cookware. Cloche, by industrial designer Guillaume Bloget, is a low-tech, designey food smoker. Also low-tech and involving flame is this Bola Grill Master, a design for a barbecue grill with height-adjustable cooking surfaces. The Tibetus Technical Bridge-Console, by Italian brand Snaidero, is an overhead rail system for kitchen islands. If you're obsessive about your toast, perhaps Mitsubishi Electric's sealed, insulated $270-$500 single-slice toaster is for you. There are a lot of surprisingly innovative design features in this 1963 GE refrigerator.From Japan, this Mirable Kitchen is faucet can clean dirty dishes without soap, using micro-bubbles. From China, Boelon's hi-tech "luxury" kitchen sink has some crazy features.In the UK, Costa Coffee has rolled out an autonomous, small-footprint 24-hour coffee shop in kiosk form. Back in America, SeaWorld has been selling burgers where the cheese comes in syringes. (Next step is we inject it directly into our bodies.) A collaboration between Serve Robotics and Wing Aviation combines robots with drones for food delivery.UK Supermarket chain Tesco's laser-etched avocados save on packaging waste. Always wanted to disaster prep, don't know where to start? Costco sells these 150-serving emergency meal buckets. Lastly, Unnecessary Design Studio has created this object to harvest burrito waste for taco fillings.
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  • Top 10 EDC Tools Of 2024
    Everyday Carry (EDC) items have become essential companions for those who value practicality, efficiency, and style. In 2024, the world of EDC continued to evolve, providing us with innovative solutions that perfectly blend form and functionality. We have curated a collection of the top 10 EDC designs of 2024 incredible products that redefine convenience and utility.These EDC designs highlight the innovation and creativity driving the industry forward. These products offer practical solutions for everyday challenges, combining functionality with style to meet the diverse needs of modern users. Whether youre an adventurer, a professional, or someone who values convenience, theres an EDC tool on this list thats perfect for you.1. Olight Baton 4 LED FlashlightNamed the Olight Baton 4 LED Flashlight, this EDC looks typical but it isnt. It is equipped with a 5000 mAh charging case, which is the true star of the design. It features a flip-top design which is quite easy to open and close with one hand. You can put the flashlight inside the case to charge it, or you can flip open the cover and press the side button to switch on the flashlight when its in the case.This feature is quite commendable, as you dont need to lose time. The EDC is blessed with a small cylindrical body, and it emits a brightness of 1,300 lumens and a throw distance of 170 meters. It is also equipped with small LED indicators for brightness level and remaining battery charge.Why is it noteworthy?The case also has dual charging functionality. You can charge your phone like a power bank as well. So, you dont need to carry different chargers for your flashlight and phone. This may not sound like a major feature, but it is great for adventurers who often find themselves outdoors in the dark. Having a dual-functional product helps them have more space in their bag for other tools!What we likeYou can have a reliable source of light without removing it from the case.Since it is dual-functional, you dont need to carry multiple chargers.What we dislikeThe charging case only works for Olight flashlights, specifically Baton 4 or Baton 3 models.2. 8-in-1 EDC ScissorsMulti-functional tools dont need to be large to be useful, and the 8-in-1 EDC Scissors prove this ideology with their compact design. The scissors will fit comfortably into the palm of your hand, combining eight essential functions, including scissors, a knife, a lid opener, a can opener, a cap opener, a bottle opener, a shell splitter, and a degasser.Despite its small size, this tool offers the functionality of an entire toolbox, making it an indispensable companion for any situation. They provide a comprehensive solution for everyday tasks, all within a palm-sized package, so you dont need to carry multiple tools with you, the 8-in-1 EDC Scissors do the needful for you.Click Here to Buy Now: $59.00Why is it noteworthy?The scissors oxidation film adds rust resistance and a sleek black finish, enhancing their durability and aesthetic appeal. This tool is perfect for those who need to solve problems on the go without carrying bulky equipment. Its compact size and multi-functionality make it a must-have for anyone who values efficiency and convenience.What we likeCan fit it into your bag or pocket for quick access.Merges eight tools into one, offering utility.What we dislikeMay not handle heavy-duty cutting tasks.Multiple functions might be confusing for some users.3. All-In-One ScrewdriverDubbed the All-in-One Screwdriver, this unique and one-of-a-kind tool will make twisting and spinning tasks feel more like play than work. It is equipped with a smooth swivel action that needs only finger strength to operate, on account of its ball-bearing mechanism. The detachable spinner wheel increases torque, which supports faster rotating speeds.The screwdriver includes 20 SUS420 Stainless Steel bits coated with Titanium Nitride, ensuring durability and versatility for various tasks. It is quite easy to use, merging top-notch functionality with an intuitive body, while the smooth swivel action allows for effortless operation.Click Here to Buy Now: $99.00Why is it noteworthy?The detachable spinner wheel enhances performance for larger screws, making it a clever element. The inclusion of 20 high-quality bits ensures that users are equipped for any task, making this tool an essential addition to any toolkit. Its ability to transition seamlessly from manual to electric operation further highlights its adaptability and efficiency.What we likeSmooth swivel action reduces the effort required for use.Includes 20 high-quality bits for various applications.What we dislikeMay not be suitable for heavy-duty professional use.Keeping track of multiple bits can be challenging.4. AirTag CarabinerCalled the AirTag Carabiner, this little product gives you the ultimate peace of mind as it keeps your belongings secure and easily locatable. The metal carabiner is made from Duralumin composite alloy, which is known for its lightweight yet robust properties. The alloy is used in aircraft, spaceships, and boats.You can easily attach the carabiner to bags, bikes, or umbrellas, and pair it up with an Apple AirTag to ensure you never lose track of your important items and belongings. This product perfectly merges strength, lightweight design, and Apples AirTag technology.Click Here to Buy Now: $119.00Why is it noteworthy?Made from high-quality materials, it offers durability and reliability in various environments. The ability to keep track of your belongings effortlessly makes it an ideal choice for busy individuals. Its versatility and strength make it suitable for both everyday use and more demanding conditions, providing a practical solution for keeping your valuables safe.What we likeMade from strong, lightweight Duralumin alloy.Compatible with Apple AirTag for easy tracking.What we dislikeRequires an Apple AirTag for full functionality.This may not suit all style preferences.5. Wuben X2 ProThe Wuben X2 Pro Flashlight is designed to meet diverse lighting needs with its compact, durable, and powerful design. Featuring four LED groups, it delivers an impressive 1,500 lumens, piercing through the darkest environments. The side light offers a versatile 400-lumen beam, along with RGB/UV lights for emergency signaling and navigation.Its innovative composite lenses combine spotlighting and floodlighting, making it a versatile tool for any lighting challenge. The compact design makes it easy to carry, while its multiple lighting modes cater to various situations, from emergencies to tactical missions.Why is it noteworthy?It delivers a powerful performance and offers versatility. The flashlights innovative lens design sets it apart from traditional models, providing both focused and wide illumination. This combination of features makes it a reliable and indispensable tool for anyone in need of a versatile lighting solution.What we likeDelivers up to 1,500 lumens for bright, clear lighting.Offers multiple modes for different situations.What we dislikeRequires regular charging for optimal performance.Multiple modes may require a learning curve.6. CraftMaster EDC Utility KnifeThe Craftmaster EDC Utility Knife is more than just a tool; its a statement piece for the discerning adult. With its clean, metallic form and minimalist aesthetic, this utility knife combines functionality with style. It features a tactile rotating knob for deploying the OLFA blade and a magnetic back for docking on metal surfaces.The accompanying metal scale includes both metric and imperial markings and a blade-breaker for easy maintenance. It is blessed with a sleek and nifty design and practical features. The Craftmaster EDC Utility Knife has an appealing metal exterior which also provides a reliable grip.Click Here to Buy Now: $79.00Why is it noteworthy?The OLFA blade ensures precision cutting, while the magnetic back allows for convenient storage, and the dual-scale ruler adds to its versatility. The knifes ability to blend functionality with aesthetics makes it an attractive choice for those who appreciate both form and function in their tools. Its compact size and thoughtful design make it a valuable addition to any EDC collection.What we likeCombines aesthetics with practical functionality.Magnetic back allows for easy docking.What we dislikeRequires regular maintenance for optimal performance.This may not be suitable for larger cutting tasks.The flashlight is pretty compact, so it can be easily misplaced if not handled carefully.7. Heritage Craft Unboxing KnifeNamed the Heritage Craft Unboxing Knife, this innovative tool merges ancient inspiration with modern design. It is carved from a block of metal and is inspired by Paleolithic hand axes. The tool exudes beauty and mystery and features wave-like patterns that enhance its visual appeal.The knife also provides a secure grip, making it a functional art piece that will look great on your desk or workspace. It is milled from a solid block of aluminum, which demonstrates the materials weight and luster, creating a luxurious and fascinating unboxing experience for the user.Click Here to Buy Now: $99.00Why is it noteworthy?The knifes design ensures no over-penetration occurs, making safe package opening achievable. It has a striking and attractive form that makes it an instant conversation starter. It grabs attention, and makes for a stylish and lethal addition to your workspace, as it seamlessly merges functionality with art.What we likeCombines functionality with a visually striking form.Designed to prevent over-penetration during use.What we dislikePrimarily suited for unboxing tasks.Best appreciated when displayed prominently.8. WootzCalled the Wootz EDC, this pocket tool is an excellent companion for adventurers who need versatility and compactness in their EDC tools. It is made using high-carbon stainless steel and weighs around 1.9 ounces. It is easy to carry, as it doesnt add any extra and unnecessary weight to your baggage.The tool can carry out the basic BBQ functions and more, making it the perfect tool for outdoor adventures or backyard grilling. It successfully merges a lightweight design with multifunctionality, as you dont need a whole bunch of different tools to carry out your tasks. It is equipped with a folding blade, and it functions as a bottle opener!Why is it noteworthy?Its high-carbon stainless steel construction ensures durability, making it suitable for demanding environments. This tool is perfect for those who want to minimize their gear while maximizing functionality, providing a reliable and versatile option for everyday use and outdoor adventures.What we likeEasy to carry without adding bulk.Handles a variety of tasks with ease.What we dislikeThis may not cover all specialized needs.Small size may limit leverage for certain tasks.9. Precision Sakura Metal PuzzleDubbed the Precision Sakura Metal Puzzle, this lovely all-metal puzzle takes on the shape of Japans iconic cherry blossoms. It is designed to challenge your mind and is built from mirror-finish stainless steel. The puzzle pieces fit together with a 0.004mm gap, so the lines between them are nearly invisible.The puzzle provides a satisfying challenge and also serves as a stunning decorative piece for your desk and shelf. It is a unique tool that helps sharpen your mind while adding a unique and textured element to your space. It showcases an intricate design that poses an interesting mental challenge.Click Here to Buy Now: $299.00Why is it noteworthy?Its high-quality construction ensures durability, while the nearly invisible lines between pieces add to its aesthetic appeal. Completing the puzzle provides a sense of accomplishment, and the finished piece serves as a beautiful decoration. This puzzle is perfect for those who enjoy both mental stimulation and artistic expression, offering a rewarding experience that goes beyond traditional puzzles.What we likeMade from durable stainless steel with a mirror finish.Doubles as a stunning decorative piece once completed.What we dislikeMay be difficult for those new to puzzles.Primarily serves as a mental challenge and decoration.10. SlashSay hello to Slash the worlds smallest blade. It is a fine Tungsten blade that youll even forget you have. It is an EDC tool that lives on your keys. Tungsten is the hardest metal on the earth, and the inner blade is made from it a metal that can only be scratched by a diamond. It features a curved push point and no edges.The Slash can be perfectly held by your fingers and stored on your keys always. It is small enough to fit perfectly in your pocket but powerful and strong enough to handle any cutting task that may come your way. It makes for an excellent and reliable tool for those who need one on the go.Why is it noteworthy?It can effortlessly slice through boxes and packages, score lines in leather, slice through paper and card and cut or mark tough materials. It is perfectly curved to the shape of your finger, so using it is easy, intuitive, and a total breeze. It is equipped with self-tightening silicone, which has been uniquely made to reinforce the closure by pushing against the inside of the lid, to procure a secure and fitted fastening.What we likeCompact and fits perfectly in your pocket.Made from the hardest metal on Earth.What we dislikeSince it is really small, it can be misplaced if not looked after properly.The post Top 10 EDC Tools Of 2024 first appeared on Yanko Design.
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  • The Ethereal Escape: A Masterpiece of Elegant Luxury
    A project by NK Interior, the Ethereal Escape is where elegance meets tranquility. From the soft curves to the interplay of natural light, every detail plays its part in redefining modern luxury. This space blends minimalist aesthetics with organic elements, creating a personal retreat that gives residents a break from the chaos of the world.The thoughtfully designed living area uses oversized, modular sofas. These take up a good portion of visual estate but remain low to the floor to maintain the sleek vibe. The coffee table uses both stone and metal, forming a sculptural central piece. Finally, a modern linear fireplace is seamlessly integrated into the wall.The dining area uses a sleekbut statementmarble dining table. The sculptural dining chairs are modern yet sophisticated. Together, the curved silhouettes of the table as well as the chairs add warmth to the space. A minimalist pendant light, hanging in quite an organic manner, keeps the ambiance visually interesting.The kitchen uses an elongated island, with three barstools placed at one end. The minimalist artwork brings the otherwise neutral space to life.We see large floor-to-ceiling windows giving outdoor views. But thats not it! The outdoor space can be enjoyed just like the living roomwith a mug of coffee on a sectionaltoo.Next comes the elegant outdoor terrace. It is coveredfor protection from weather elementsbut the glass ceiling panels still create an airy vibe. A plush, oversized sofa dominates the terrace. A black coffee table forms the focal point, while individual modular lounge chairs offer some more seating space. We especially love the large potted plants making the ambiance all the more outdoorsy.The bedroom is as cozy as a minimalist space gets. The bed, with a plush, minimalist frame, looks lived-in. A sleek C-shaped table offers functionality, while the modern marble nightstands add luxury to the interior. Simultaneously, the wooden flooring factor in warmth.The bathroom in the Ethereal Escape is spacious and sleek. A double marble vanity adds the luxe factor, while the freestanding bathtub creates a spa-like ambiance. The modern shower cubicle uses black hardware, instantly drawing the eye.
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  • Get limited-time free content for Unreal Engine
    The Fab Store has resurrected the UE Marketplace's Sponsored Content Program.
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  • The Grinch comes for Beyonc in ridiculous album art recreations
    Sabrina Carpenter Grinch will haunt my dreams for years to come.
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