• I compared skiing and snowboarding as a beginner. There were 8 differences that made me decide to stick with one.
    In 2022, I headed to my first ski lodge, where I attempted a few beginner runs on a snowboard.The reporter's first day on a snowboard ended in a hike down the mountain. Monica Humphries/Business Insider To kick off 2022, I planned a trip to a Colorado ski resort with friends.In the weeks before the trip, I debated skiing versus snowboarding. I was unfamiliar with both and determined to take a class. Procrastination got the best of me, and by the time I signed up, all the ski lessons were full.Snowboarding classes were still available, so the decision was made for me.My first day on the slopes was a hilarious disaster. My friends and I didn't pick up the sport as naturally as we had hoped. The day ended up with us walking down a run instead of snowboarding down it.Even though I didn't finish my first day as a snowboarding pro, I did understand the appeal. It was fun to be challenged by something new and spend the day outdoors. The next year, I decided to give skiing a shot.The reporter holds skis and a snowboard. Monica Humphries/Business Insider The following winter, I headed to Colorado's Winter Park Resort for a work trip.I planned to take Amtrak's Winter Park Express trainto the resort. Once there, I'd spend two days on the slopes. I was itching for another new experience, so I booked aski lesson one day and tried snowboarding the next day.This time, I didn't procrastinate. I booked the ski lesson a few weeks in advance and was eager to compare the two sports. Here are the major differences I noticed. Let's start with the gear. Snowboard boots were much more comfortable than ski boots.The reporter gets fitted for ski boots and snowboard boots. Monica Humphries/Business Insider My first time snowboarding was with a friend who grew up skiing.As we each stepped into the massive snowboard boots, she exclaimed how comfortable they were. To me, they felt awkward and bulky, but she promised that they were far more comfortable than any pair of ski boots she ever wore.A year later, I finally understood what she meant.The ski boots I wore were coated in a hard plastic shell, which meant my feet didn't have much flexibility inside the shoe. They also had two awkward bumps at the front and back of each boot for ski clips, making it feel like I was never walking on a flat surface.Simple tasks like walking downstairs were challenging. Meanwhile, my snowboard boots had a softer and cushier interior and the bottoms were completely flat.I didn't mind wearing the snowboard boots all day, but I couldn't wait to get out of the ski boots. On skis, you face down the mountain. On a snowboard, you're perpendicular.Side-by-side images of the reporter skiing and snowboarding. Monica Humphries/Business Insider One of the biggest differences between the two sports is where your hips and chest face the mountain while you're skiing or snowboarding.I knew there would be a difference, and I was curious which way I would prefer to face either straight downward on skis or perpendicular on a snowboard.While skiing, my hips and chest were directly facing forward. This allowed me to use my peripheral vision. I could tell if anyone else was coming down the mountain on my left or right.On the snowboard, however, my hips were perpendicular to the slope. This made looking behind me slightly easier, but I had a larger blind spot on my snowboard that made peripheral sight more uncomfortable.Of course, neither skiing nor snowboarding gives you complete 360-degree views, but I felt like my vision was overall better on skis especially as a beginner. Navigating on flat surfaces is exhausting on a snowboard.A snowboarder skates on a flat section of a run while skiers in the background push themselves using poles. Monica Humphries/Business Insider Between lift lines and catwalks on runs, I had to learn to navigate on flat surfaces while snowboarding and skiing.After trying the two, I learned skiers have it way easier.That's because most skiers, myself included, use poles. With my poles, I could push myself on flat patches and propel myself forward.Snowboarders, on the other hand, don't have poles. I needed to prioritize momentum during any flat area, and if I ended up coming to a stop, I needed to unclip my back foot and skate around.Skating on a snowboard was utterly exhausting, and after trying skiing, I longed for the ease of poles. I fell a lot more learning to snowboard.The reporter in a patch of trees after falling on her snowboard. Monica Humphries/Business Insider Before my first snowboarding lesson, I crowdsourced advice and tips.Every single person told me to prepare to fall. A lot.I went into the class expecting my fair share of topples, but I had no idea just how often I would find myself on the ground.During the four-hour snowboarding class, I fell dozens of times. When I hit the slopes, I was on the ground more than I was standing.When I went into my skiing lesson, I expected the same number of falls. During the four-house lesson, I didn't fall a single time.I did attempt a green run later that day and fell a few times, but it still didn't come close to the number of falls I took during my first day of snowboarding. Getting on and off lifts was easier on skis.A family of skiers gets off a lift. Monica Humphries/Business Insider Another place where I struggled as a beginner snowboarder was getting on and off the ski lifts.When the lift ends, it doesn't stop moving. Instead, skiers and snowboarders must hop off their seats and ski or snowboard down a slight decline to the start of their run.Again, ski poles were a major advantage in this situation. When I got off a lift on skis, I felt sturdy and confident. I never fell.Getting off a lift on a snowboard, however, seemed like a skill within itself. I had to keep my balance while pushing off the lift. The result was fall after fall.On my first day of snowboarding, I didn't successfully get off one single lift without falling. Meanwhile, I navigated lifts easily on my first day of skiing. Different parts of my body ached after both skiing and snowboarding.The author rests and straps into her snowboard. Monica Humphries/Business Insider Before trying skiing and snowboarding, I didn't realize how hard the sports would be on my body.After snowboarding, my wrists were aching from falling forward onto my hands all day.My calves were also not prepared for snowboarding. While on a snowboard, you use the toeside and heelside edge of the board to turn. After many toeside turns, my calves burned.Skiing was also a hard workout. "Pizza-ing," which is when you point your skis into a triangle to stop, can strain your knees. That's the technique I was taught, and by the end of my first day on skis, my knees were sore from all the "pizza-ing."Either way, my body was exhausted by the end of my first day on both a snowboard and skis. The biggest difference I spotted between the two was learning how to stop.The base of the Winter Park Resort in Colorado. Monica Humphries/Business Insider My biggest concern with learning how to ski and snowboard was learning how to stop.If I wanted to do either of the sports safely and comfortably, I knew I needed to be confident in my ability to brake quickly and effectively.Luckily, this skill took little time to learn on a snowboard. With my board perpendicular to the slope, I could put downward pressure on my heels and immediately stop. While I wasn't able to get down mountains on my first snowboarding day, I was able to feel comfortable stopping.This wasn't the case for skiing. Anytime I picked up any speed, my "pizza-ing" maneuver wasn't strong enough to slow me down. Instead, I spent my first day stopping by intentionally falling over.I'm sure it's a skill I could learn on skis, but the confidence I had with stopping on snowboards was enough to stick with that sport instead. Everyone told me that "snowboarding is harder to learn but easier to master, while skiing is easier to learn and harder to master." So far, I think the saying rings true.The author snowboarding at the Winter Park Resort. Katie Sproles After two winters in Colorado, I imagine I've heard the phrase close to a hundred times from friends. And I've recited it nearly as much to others.That's because after trying both, I'm starting to understand why it's said so often.While my first day on a snowboard last year was disastrous, my second day went much smoother. By the end of day two, I could get down blue runs, and after about five days, I felt confident navigating on the heelside and toeside edges of the board.I'm not quite as confident yet with skiing. I've skied only one day, and although I fell far less than I did snowboarding, keeping my feet perfectly parallel seems like a skill that would take months, if not years, to master. After trying both, I think there's nothing like gliding down a snowy mountain on a sunny day regardless of whether you're on skis or a snowboard.The author holds a snowboard. Monica Humphries/Business Insider The two sports have their pros and cons.Since I've spent more time on a snowboard overall, I'm sticking with that for now. I'm aiming to master using my toeside edge, and my fingers are crossed that I'll be on black runs sooner rather than later.
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  • My son doesn't believe in Santa, but his older sister does. I'm not telling either of them the truth.
    My son is 6, and my daughter is 9 and they can't agree on whether Santa is real At a mall, they both asked me which one was true, whether Santa was real or not. I told them he lives in your hearts because I didn't want to tell her the truth. Walking past yet another mall Santa during the Christmas shopping season, my 6-year-old son wondered aloud, "I don't think that is actually Santa. How could he be in so many places at once?"My 9-year-old daughter, without missing a beat, announced, "That's him. That's Santa. I know it is."I could see what their brains were doing. My son was growing up, piecing something together, and standing on the cusp of an older version of childhood, and seemed moments away from figuring it out. My daughter, however, was fighting a very different battle: a desire to stay young.I knew this day would comeBoth of my children have tender hearts crying if the wind blows too hard or at a particularly moving scene in a "PAW Patrol" movie but my daughter has always been acutely aware that she is aging. When she was a toddler, she would tear up at pictures of herself as a baby, nostalgic for a time she didn't even remember.I knew this day would come, but I couldn't have been more wrong about how it would play out. I have learned, though, that the vast majority of the time, when I plan or worry about something, I am usually wildly off-base. So, I try to exercise the kind of mindfulness I have learned as a mother: to take in the growth of my children one day at a time. Do not make plans, I tell myself, for what might not even happen.I could sense, though, walking through the mall, my children wanted only to intensify this conversation. My son pointed out all of the Santas we have seen, while my daughter, in her increasing frustration, kept saying, "Well yeah, that's how Santa works!" By the time we got to the car, they were practically screaming at each other, and when they both turned to look at me, I knew what was coming."Santa's not real, right Mommy?" my son asked."Yes, he is. Tell him he is real, Mommy," my daughter said, tears in her eyes.She's such a sensitive childI know when my daughter and I go for walks every night with our dog in our neighborhood to steer her away from the litter of kittens we have seen frolicking in the doorway of an old barn. She is worried they don't have a mother and no one will take care of them in the winter. She is so sensitive she used to cry when we took the books back to the library. She is also a straight-A student, tests off the charts, and is enrolled in the gifted class for language arts at her school. When we play board games, checkers, or Mario Party, I no longer go easy on her since she is so strategic she usually beats me. Her mind is a whirling dreamscape that allows her to write stories full of far-fetched ideas interlaced with similes, metaphors, and unique perspectives I would kill to have in my own writing. For most of her life, she thought IHOP was a chain of trampoline parks.I think she knows the truth"Santa lives in your hearts," I said.They looked at me, a little stunned, taking this in, but they seemed satisfied. My son literally shrugged, and my daughter looked visibly relieved. We got in the car, and the conversation drifted elsewhere. We discussed dinner plans, what characters we were going to be in Mario Party, and whether it really was essential for them to bathe as often as I requested.I suspect she knows the truth, the same way she knew COVID-19 was happening. I hadn't told her, but I gathered she figured it out a few nights into the first lockdown when she looked up at me and whispered, "I feel like there's a monster outside." I didn't tell her the truth then either: it's not one, but many, and there will come times when you have to fight so hard, harder than you ever possible, for what you believe is right in your heart.
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  • Robert Eggers on Why Nosferatu Is a Great Twisted Christmas Movie
    This Christmas, there are many options at your local cineplex. There are lions, hedgehogs, witches, demigods, and more. But the coolest choice, the sexiest choice, is the vampire. This week, filmmaker Robert Eggers unleashes Nosferatu, a long-awaited, highly anticipated film inspired by the iconic 1922 film by F. W. Murnau. Bill Skarsgrd stars as the sinister Count Orlok, who creeps his way into the lives of newlyweds Thomas and Ellen (Nicholas Hoult and Lily-Rose Depp). Its a dark, atmospheric, but entertaining film from a filmmaker who has, even with just three films under his belt, developed a very well-earned reputation. With The Witch, The Lighthouse, and The Northman, Eggers has cemented himself as a meticulous, visual filmmaker with a flair for the historic and gothic. Nosferatu is maybe his most Eggers film yet, but its also coming out at Christmas, a very commercial time. io9 spoke to Eggers via video chat a few weeks back and that struggle between art and product is where our conversation began. This interview was edited for length and clarity.Nosferatu director Robert Eggers. Focus Features Germain Lussier, io9: I love your films because not only are they entertaining, theyre so meticulous, beautiful, and often just weird. Im wondering, at any point in the process do you wrestle between artistic impulses and commercial viability? Robert Eggers: Well, this film from the get-go was intended to be my most approachable movie. Maybe you know this and maybe you dont but the main creative producer on this is Chris Columbus of Home Alone and Harry Potter fame. And Chris has been a mentor to me since we met during post-production of The Witch. But he knows that we are very different filmmakers and thats part of why we get along creatively, and I think its such a nice match. And Jarin Blaschke, my DP and I, we meticulously storyboard the movies. Well, we work with a storyboard artist, but we meticulously plan all the shots. And Chris was combing through the storyboards, looking at them all very carefully, and would occasionally say, Wheres this story beat thats in your script? You need this here. And Chris, being a master of orthodox Hollywood storytelling, was often like an antidote to me and Jarins arty-farty inclinations to tell this story as well as I wanted to, because he was there to make this the best Robert Eggers movie it could be, not to Chris Columbus-ify it. But also, with this film, I had incredible support from Focus Features, who gave me tons of creative control.io9: And I think we get a hint that this was supposed to be more commercial because a year ago when the film was announced, Focus was like Robert Eggers, Nosferatu, coming out Christmas Day. And thats always kind of a big deal, a Christmas release. Were you part of that conversation, and does a prime release date like that change your thinking at all? Eggers: Yeah, I mean, I was part of the conversation, but ultimately that was the date that they pitched to me, and I embraced it with a lot of excitement. Obviously the film takes place, by the midpoint, around Christmas time, and theres a Christmas tree, and theres conversations about Christmas, and theres a scene where theres a music box that plays O Tannenbaum and it originally was playing like a Mozart piece, and when we got the Christmas release date, I was like, Lets put O Tannenbaum in there.Willem Dafoe in Nosferatu. Focus Features io9: Thats awesome. Now, Willem Dafoe is in the film whom youve worked before. Clearly hes incredible but he also has some history with this world being in Shadow of the Vampire. Did you guys discuss that before and how much did those conversations come into this movie at all? Eggers: I love that film, and its a great movie, but theyre sort of unrelated. But obviously, we both recognize its cool for audience members who are in the know to know that he is sort of hunting himself in this movie.io9: Is there anything in this film youre able to accomplish that youre particularly proud of, or that was particularly difficult, either technically in terms of story and tone? Eggers: I mean, theres a lot of things. One thing, for me personally, I dont know how audiences will experience it, but I feel like the long unbroken takes, the owners in this film, are a little less heavy-handed and a little bit more invisible. Thats my impression, maybe Im wrong. Im very proud of the atmosphere of the cemetery. That was something I really, really, really wanted. One of the very few things that Focus was wringing their hands about was my insistence to never shoot in anything but gloomy weather because were standing around waiting for a cloud cover and that can be very tense. But the graveyard was an example of the necessity of that way of working. And the Transylvanian village scene was incredibly complicated to cast and to costume and to block. There are some actors, mostly non-actors, some professional dancers, and everyone speaking a different language from a different country. It was very complicated, but I like how that turned out.Lily-Rose Depp in Nosferatu. Focus io9: Thats so cool. I also know you love to research and that plays a big part in all your films. How deep did you dive into the Counts backstory, both for yourself and for Bill? Do you guys know how and when he changed, how he developed his powers, or is that stuff kind of superfluous? Eggers: No, no. In trying to make this story my ownthis story thats been told so many timesI wrote a novella when trying to break the script and the novella had lots of backstories to learn about different characters. And the epilogue was a long backstory of Orlok that I gave to Bill as part of his preparation. That will never be shared because the mystery of the enigma is better for an audience, but it was important for Bill to have that history. io9: So never a thought to put that in at all?Eggers: No, I mean, as much as this fleshes things out that arent fleshed out in the Murnau film, a certain degree of mystery is important. io9: This is a story youve been wanting to tell for a long time and even got close at some point. What about this version now is different from a version you may have made after The Witch or earlier in your career? Eggers: You know, my intentions have not really changed once I wrote that novella and once I broke that script. The script has gotten tighter and just more honed, but my vision for what the movie would be has not changed. But Im glad it took a long time. Ive grown a lot as a person, certainly as a filmmaker. My collaborations with my creative head of departments have become even more fluid and were more extensions of each other. And also I ended up with this completely fantastic cast. The filming of Nosferatu. Focus io9: Oh a fantastic cast, which is something that makes all the vampire movies unique. Its also one of those genres that, you know, we have vampire comedies, we have vampire horror, vampire drama, we have everything. What is it about the genre that makes it so malleable and what do you love about it?Eggers: Yeah, I mean, it is crazy how malleable the vampire is and how theres room for Anne Rice and room for Blade and room for Count Chocula and room for all this stuff. But Ive been asked this question a lot, but the best that I can come up with is sex and death. Its a combination of sex and death. io9: Last thing, recently Focus, revealed a $20,000 Nosferatu coffin bed, which Im sure you know. Do you have one? Do you want one? What do you say to someone who buys one? What are your thoughts?Eggers: Um. [Laughs, thinks, pauses]. Congratulations. io9: [Laughs] Exactly. Well, congratulations to you, sir, on a fantastic, beautiful movie.Nosferatu is in theaters December 25. Want more io9 news? Check out when to expect the latest Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek releases, whats next for the DC Universe on film and TV, and everything you need to know about the future of Doctor Who.
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  • GD House / Adarq - Andr David, Arquitecto
    GD House / Adarq - Andr David, ArquitectoSave this picture! Ivo Tavares StudioHousesTorres Novas, PortugalArchitects: Adarq - Andr David, ArquitectoAreaArea of this architecture projectArea:372 mYearCompletion year of this architecture project Year: 2023 PhotographsPhotographs:Ivo Tavares StudioManufacturersBrands with products used in this architecture project Manufacturers: JUNG, Margres, Allsfor, CIFIAL, Cortizo, JNF, KERLITE, Ofa, SiemensMore SpecsLess SpecsSave this picture!Text description provided by the architects. The GD house is located in an urban area of Torres Novas, on a plot of land with an area of around 21 640.00 m2 and a construction area of 372.00 m2. It is built from a pure volume, with a clear and clean geometry, where the gestures and openings on the facades reveal the visual permeability and the interior/exterior relationship through large openings. The openings thus result from the abstract absence of continuity/discontinuity of the faade, creating a house with a unique and purely abstract identity, which allows you to contemplate the Castle, the city of Torres Novas, and the Serra de Aire.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!The volume rising to the east reveals the entrance to the house. Entering the living space, the distribution atrium allows a visual extension framed by the Torres Novas Castle. The courtyard, the house's generating element, mediates the social space from the private space and the east-facing patios guarantee privacy and natural lighting and ventilation for spaces such as the kitchen and sanitary installations. The program includes two types of spaces with different characteristics. The social spaces are organized spatially by the common room, which establishes a perfect framework with the landscape, the kitchen, which dialogues with the living room and the courtyard, and the private spaces such as the bedrooms, suite and office. This project thus establishes an intimate relationship between two levels of space mediated by a courtyard that frames the Torres Novas Castle and the landscape.Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!Save this picture!A contemporary dwelling is integrated into an urban context with close respect for the landscape and context that allows for a harmonious dialog between built and nature.Save this picture!Project gallerySee allShow lessAbout this officePublished on December 24, 2024Cite: "GD House / Adarq - Andr David, Arquitecto" [Casa GD / Adarq - Andr David, Arquitecto] 24 Dec 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed . <https://www.archdaily.com/1023881/gd-house-adarq&gt ISSN 0719-8884Save!ArchDaily?You've started following your first account!Did you know?You'll now receive updates based on what you follow! Personalize your stream and start following your favorite authors, offices and users.Go to my stream
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  • Tricks for the Best Composites In Resolve's Color Page [Boris FX]
    Effectively use multi-input effects in DaVinci Resolve, focusing on tools like Primatte Studio and Color Link. Ben Brownlee walks through the process of keying a greenscreen shot, explaining the limitations of the Edit page and why it's beneficial to switch to the Color page for advanced compositing. // K E Y P O I N T S //* Use multi-input effects like Primatte Studio and Color Link in DaVinci Resolve for advanced compositing.* Understand why switching from the Edit page to the Color page allows for more flexible workflows.* Work with alpha channels, connect nodes, and maintain fine details like hair in keyed footage.* Combine foreground and background layers while keeping them separate for color correction and additional effects.* Discover how to use Color Link to quickly match colors between foreground and background.Ben shares tips on how to work with alpha channels, connect nodes, and maintain fine details like hair when using Lightwrap. He also shows how to combine foreground and background layers while preserving flexibility for further adjustments, such as color correction and light wrapping.You learn how to efficiently use the Color Link effect, a quick and effective way to match colors between foreground and background elements. Ben provides step-by-step guidance on how to ensure your composite maintains key details while using multiple multi-input effects in Resolves node-based system.This tutorial is ideal for users looking to enhance their compositing skills, overcome limitations in the Edit page, and optimize their workflow when working with complex visual effects. Join Ben in exploring the power of DaVinci Resolves Color page to achieve professional-level results.For more Continuum tips and training, visit borisfx.com or join the Discord channel.// U S E F U L L I N K S //Find out what Continuum has to offer: https://borisfx.com/products/continuum/ Pulling the Perfect Key in Resolve : https://borisfx.com/videos/?tags=host:Blackmagic%20DaVinci%20Resolve,product:Continuum&amp ;amp;search=perfect%20key // D I S C O R D C H A N N E L //https://www.borisfxdiscord.com/ #resolve #VFX #keying
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  • Best Trainers in Skyrim
    The leveling system is Skyrim is pretty unique, focusing on increasing individual skills to gain general levels. To do this, youll have to actually practice each skill, or you can use the help of a trainer. The training system can be a great way to help you increase some tricky or high level skills, so its worth doing, even if you have to wake a trainer up in the middle of the night. So in order to help you on your training journey, heres a list of some of the Best Trainers in Skyrim.
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  • How BioShock 4 Could Determine Whether a BioShock Remake is Needed
    One determining factor for a potential BioShock remake lies with the series' upcoming and currently untitled BioShock 4, as whether the first game should be remade depends on whether the next one starts fresh or continues the original trilogy's story. First released in 2007, BioShock has unquestionably become regarded as a classic within the gaming community thanks partly to its unique setting, characters, themes, and most especially its infamous plot twists. With an expanded overarching storyline culminating in its last game, BioShock: Infinite, it seemed that the BioShock series was over despite its popularity.
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  • Horse.exe Stopped Working (Game Fails #185)
    A special glitchy horse edition of Game Fails.
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  • Best Ultra League teams to use in Pokmon Go
    The Ultra League in Pokmon Gos Go Battle League and its 2,500 CP limit is where more regular Pokmon have their time in the spotlight, compared to the almost Legendary-dominated Master League and lower levels of the Great League.In this League, every Pokmon has a chance to make a splash but thats not to say there are some strong team recommendations to make, and some genuine strategy to be had.Heres our picks for the best Ultra League team, and where the meta is right now.What is the Ultra League meta right now?The Pokmon Go Ultra League is filled with a mixture of great Legendary Pokmon and some more unassuming entries, like starter evolutions and some other surprising picks. Its a great melting pot, but the amount of Pokmon eligible for it mean that the rankings are actually pretty susceptible to fast changes.Just recently at the Toronto Regionals, the new Pokmon Cursola made its way to the very end of the Go Tournament (in the Tournament standard Great League, mind), while some familiar favorites seem to have fallen out of favour.Some of the biggest recent changes to moves include the damage reduction of Body Slam, which meant that Swift has come out ahead as the better Fast Move for many Pokmon. Meanwhile, some popular picks got access to new moves, such as Lickilicky now being able to learn Rollout (which lets face it, it should have known all along), and Clefable now having access to Draining Kiss.Meanwhile, the huge shake up as part of Season 20 was almost more infamous for nerfs than buffs, with huge changes to moves like Counter, Body Slam, and Wing Attack, all having far reaching consequences for some particular favorites like Gliscor and Annihilape.While Ultra League is very different to Master League, the two cups do share a lot of the same threats, and most Ultra League teams will need to be prepared for Zygarde (Complete Forme) in one way or another. The need for a sturdy Water-type Pokmon with high attack is the reason for the prevalence of Shadow Feraligatr and to a lesser extent Azumarill. But whichever way you go about it, make sure you have something that can switch into Zygarde.One of the best things about Ultra League is that some favorite Legendary Pokmon who maybe cannot drop their CP below 1,500 for Great League have found a niche for themselves among more powerful picks. Youll see sturdy Pokmon like Registeel, Cobalion, and Cresselia all over this cup if you decide to dip your toes. And with that let us guide you through the top picks.Ultra League best team suggestionsWith the caveat that you may struggle to get a couple of the Legendary Pokmon on offer here, these Pokmon our the top picks for the Pokmon Go Ultra League:Feraligatr (Shadow), Drapion, ElectivireGastrodon, Clefable, SteelixLets go through them separately.Feraligatr, Drapion, and ElectivireIf youre wondering why you are seeing Feraligatr everywhere in competitive Pokmon Go battles, its because it gained Shadow Claw earlier in 2024. This fantastic Fast Move helps Feraligatr to gain energy quickly, while hitting some consistent Ultra League threats like Giratina and Cresselia.It also uses Charged Moves like Hydro Cannon and Ice Beam to take care of some other huge threats like Skeledirge and Talonflame. While having Shadow Feraligatr is preferable, the regular old version still has enough attack power and access to the same moves, so will fill a similar role in your team with little problems.A surprising pick for the top tiers, but Drapion including the Shadow version - is helping to round out a lot of teams in the Ultra League meta right now. It has access to Poison Sting, a decent STAB powered Fast Move, as well as the recently buffed Ice Fang if you want to catch your opponent out.Then, charged moves Crunch and Aqua Tail have fantastic coverage across some of the Ultra League regulars. The reason it works well alongside Feraligatr is because it resists Grass-type moves, as well as Ghost, and Psychic threats like the omnipresent Giratina. Feraligatr is a great lead to get some damage in, and then Drapion can often soak up the remaining picks.Finally, rounding out the team is Electivire, who is here to deal with your opponents Feraligatr or Azumarill. Ideally, you want to be using Shadow Electivire, to get that extra Attack boost. Either way, Electivire can use the Fast Move Thunder Shock for some great quick damage, while Charged Moves Wild Charge and Ice Punch round out the package.Naturally, Electivire is mostly aiming at Water-type Pokmon, but a well-timed Wild Charge can also ruin the prospects of an opposing Talonflame. Plus, Ice Punch means it can stand a chance against Pokmon like Zygarde or Gliscor if it gets backed into a corner. A bulky Pokmon that can still hit hard, dont count Electivire out.This teams best moves, IVs, and alternative suggestions:PokemonTypeFast MoveCharged MovesIVsFeraligatrWaterShadow ClawHydro Cannon/Ice Beam0/15/15DrapionPoison/DarkPosion StingCrunch/Aqua Tail0/15/15ElectivireElectricThunder ShockWild Charge/Ice Punch0/15/15Shadow Feraligatr alternatives: Feraligatr, Azumarill, and TentacruelDrapion alternatives: Galarian Weezing, Dragalge, and NidoqueenElectivire Alternatives: Bellibolt, Zapdos (Shadow), and Magnezone (Shadow)Gastrodon, Clefable, SteelixA cute little slug you wouldnt want to hug, Gastrodon has made a huge dent in the Ultra League thanks to its great movepool and lack of weaknesses. It is only weak to Grass-type moves (though it is very weak to Grass), and it has some key advantages, such as STAB Ground-type moves which will hit Poison-type Pokmon like Drapion extremely hard.In fact, its rare for players to even run a Water-type move on Gastrodon, because thats not really what its aiming for. Usually, run this Pokmon with Mud Slap, Earth Power, and Body Slam, and it is a powerhouse. It even gets the jump on some of its Water-type contemporaries, like Tentacruel. It may not look like much, but Gastrodon has carved out a very good niche for itself.While Ultra League isnt quite dominated by Dragon-type Pokmon in the same way that the Master League is, they are still a constant threat, and thats where a powerful Fairy-type like Clefable comes in. It doesnt have the best Attack, it has a respectable 216 Stamina to keep it on the field for longer.The power of a STAB-boosted Fairy Wind or Moonblast are definitely scary stuff, but luckily Clefable was one of many Pokmon to enjoy the recent boost to Swift, helping to round out its offensive capabilities. Clefable is a menace for some Dragon-type Pokmon like Guzzlord, Giratina, and more.Finally, Steelix helps to add some more bulk to this team and act as a wall for the more offensive foes. It has access to Thunder Fang and Dragon Tail as effective Fast Moves, while it can utilize Breaking Swipe and Psychic Fangs as its Charged Move.This very defensive-focused creature is a good pick against Clefable, Drapion, and Tentacruel, meaning it can soak in a few attacks from some of the most common picks in this tier. Its also relatively easy to get hold of, making it a fantastic pick for anyone who is hoping to finally break into the Ultra League.This teams best moves, IVs, and alternative suggestions:PokemonTypeFast MoveCharged MovesIVsGastrodonWater/GroundMud SlapEarth Power/Body Slam0/15/15ClefableFairyFairy WindSwift/Moonblast0/15/15SteelixSteel/GroundThunder FangPsychic Fangs/Breaking Swipe0/15/15Gastrodon alternatives:Quagsire, Whiscash, and GolurkClefable alternatives:Florges, Whimsicott, and Galarian WheezingSteelix alternatives:Registeel, Ferrothorn, and ExcadrillIn summary, the main thing to remember with the Ultra League is that it has probably the widest pool of possible Pokmon, so while the rankings are important, dont get boxed in. Try out different teams, swap moves around, and try your best to surprise your opponent more than anything.While the Master League is all about that max 15/15/15 IV spread, that generally wont get you far here. For any Pokmon with a max CP above 2,500, you instead want a 0/15/15 IV spread (use the search string 0-1attack&3-4defense&3-4hp) for a very specific reason.A low Attack stat allows you to get the highest IV spread before you hit the CP cap, as a higher Attack will instead bump up the CP. So yes, it may seem counter intuitive, but low Attack works great as long as those other two stats are pumped to the max.Good luck, and happy battling. If you want some more Go Battle League tips, we also have some Great League best team recommendations.
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  • Best Great League teams to use in Pokmon Go
    The Great League is the perfect place to start dabbling in Go Battle League if you havent tried competitive battling yet in Pokmon Go.While the other leagues have their thrills, they can get bogged down with rare Legendary Pokmon, XL Candy requirements, and a lot of Community Day exclusive moves.Great League is the nearest thing Pokmon Go has to a level playing field, and while it still has its quibbles, it is a great place to learn the competitive ropes, try out some Pokmon, and enjoy some battles with friends.We explain the best Great League team to get you started in Pokmon Go, and where the Great League meta is right now.What is the Great League meta right now?While the Ultra League and Master League have not had much in the way of new Pokmon for quite some time, the lower ceiling of the Great League means that any new addition has a shot. And boy, a few new Pokmon have really made an impact.Despite only being added recently, Galarian Corsola is taking the Great League by storm, ending up as a mainstay in the recent Toronto Regionals. Plus, another new addition Morpeko was originally so powerful it had to be banned from competitive play, though it has now returned after some tweaks.Finally, Starmie learned Psywave and Surf, rounding out the Pokmons movepool and adding to the Pokmons already impressive resume.While Great League is all about Pokmon below 1,500 CP and is something of a pint-sized free for all, there are also several different takes on the Great League in the upcoming calendar. For the sake of brevity, this guide is just a general Great League guide for the standard format in the foreseeable future.Finally, when it comes to move for both the Great League and Go Battle League as a whole, Season 20 and Season 21 saw some major changes for competitive Pokmon Go, especially some move buffs with increased damage for Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, and Fire Punch. Meanwhile, some move additions have made a large impact such as Bibarel learning Rollout and Gliscor learning Sand Attack, if either of those are in your team preference.Great League best team suggestionsWith the lower CP limit of 1,500, you should be able to get most of these Pokmon with little problem. Heres our best team suggestions for the Great League:Clodsire, Galarian Corsola, PangoroMandibuzz, Diggersby, and PrimeapeLets go through them separately.Clodsire, Galarian Corsola, PangoroOh Clodsire, first in most of the rankings, and first in our hearts. While the new evolution of Paldean Wooper has an unassuming look in its eyes, its actually a huge threat. This is mostly down fantastic defensive typing and stats, as well as access to some pretty handy moves. The dual Poison and Ground-type makes Clodsire a menace for a lot of common threats like Azumarill and Drapion.You want to run Poison Sting as a Fast Move to generate energy quickly, then follow up with Charged moves Sludge Bomb and Earthquake. Just like in the mainline games, Earthquake is just one of the best offensive moves across the board, only furthered by STAB bonus here. However, if you are running into problems with Pokmon like Talonflame, you can run Clodsire with Stone Edge instead of Sludge Bomb, but Earthquake has to stay.The introduction of the regional form in Pokmon Sun and Moon has firmly rooted itself as a favorite feature among the community, and maybe no other Pokmon has utilized this feature as cleverly as Galarian Corsola. Taking inspiration from the bleached coral on the shores of Australia and other real world location, Galarian Corsola takes on a ghostly white complexion and the Ghost-type.Also, yes, you may be wondering why Galarian Corsola is here instead of its evolution Cursola, and its to do with the way the stats are spread out. Because Galarian Corsola has high Defense and Stamina but low Attack, it can level up pretty far before hitting the 1,500 CP cap. However, Cursola swaps its bulk for Attack, ultimately making it much more frail.Galarian Corsola is pure Ghost-type, sadly leaving it some glaring weaknesses to Ghost and Dark-type Pokmon, which is where counters like Mandibuzz, Morpeko, and Pangoro come in. But, STAB moves such as Astonish and Night Shade take out some opponents like Gallade, and the second Charged Move Power Gem is here for Flying-type threats such as Jumpluff, Talonflame, and Mandibuzz.Finally, like a lot of teams, Pangoro is here to deal with a teammate, as it will help you take down any opposing Galarian Corsola. The Mighty Pangoro is dual Fighting and Dark-type, giving it resistances to Ghost, Psychic, Dark, and Rock-type Pokmon. STAB boosted Fast Move Karate Chop quickly builds energy and causes problems for other Dark-type Pokmon like Malamar.Then, a mixture of Charged Moves with Close Combat and Night Slash put pressure on common foes such as Diggersby, Dunsparce, and Bibarel. Your main problem is going to be finding a Pancham with the ideal IV spread of 0/15/15, as it currently only hatches from Eggs.This teams best moves, IVs, and alternative suggestions:PokmonTypeFast MoveCharged MovesIVsClodsirePoison/GroundPoison StingSludge Bomb/Earthquake0/15/15Galarian CorsolaGhostAstonishNight Shade/Power Gem0/15/15PangoroFighting/DarkKarate ChopClose Combat/Night Slash0/15/15Clodsire alternatives: Drapion (Shadow), Toxapex, and NidoqueenGalarian Corsola alternatives: Decidueye, Drifblim, and DragapultPangoro alternatives: Machamp (Shadow), Primeape (Shadow), and GreninjaMandibuzz, Diggersby, and PrimeapeDark And Flying-type competitor Mandibuzz has some great coverage, and solid Attack stats to back it up. STAB Snarl and Dark Pulse are a huge problem for Galarian Corsola, while Aerial Ace helps to catch some Grass-type threats like Jumpluff.A lot of people may be tempted to swap Mandibuzz for Pangoro, and they do fill very similar roles, so its mostly up to you how you want to pick. For this team, Primeape makes a good teammate to fill that offensive Fighting-type role left by Pangoro, helping to take out bulky Normal-type threats like Dunsparce and Diggersby.Speaking of Diggersby, the Normal and Ground-type rabbit Pokmon has risen up the ranks recently thanks to the increased power of moves like Fire Punch. Use Quick Attack to gain energy quickly, then thankfully Diggersby has a pretty impressive Attack stat to take care of some of the bulkier opponents.Charged Move Fire Punch helps with some of the Great League Steel and Grass-type threats such as Steelix and Jumpluff, while Scorching Steps is a fantastic pick for the second Charged Move. This Ground-type move is fantastic, and helps Diggersby get some key wins over Pokmon like Drapion, Clodsire, and Morpeko. Just be careful as it has a whopping four weaknesses.Finally, rounding out this team is the humble Primeape. Another pick where you want the lesser form rather than an evolution, the reason for Primeape over Annihilape is because while the former can learn Karate Chop, the latter can not. This powerful move Fast Move generates energy quickly, and really helps to take down bulky Normal-type threats, but if you dont already have a Primeape with this move its going to cost you an Elite TM.Rounding out this package, Primeape also has the Charged Moves Rage Fist and Close Combat, which are likely the best picks. But, if you want to catch your opponent out, Ice Punch can occasionally be a viable option. Still, the STAB Fighting-type power of Close Combat is phenomenal at taking out opponents like Mandibuzz, Dunsparce, and Diggersby.This teams best moves, IVs, and alternative suggestions:PokmonTypeFast MoveCharged MovesIVsMandibuzzDark/FlyingSnarlDark Pulese/Aerial Ace0/15/15DiggersbyNormal/GroundQuick AttackFire Punch/Scorching Sands0/15/15PrimeapeFightingKarate ChopRage Fist/Close Combat0/15/15Mandibuzz alternatives:Umbreon, Galarian Moltres. and Honchkrow (Shadow)Diggersby alternatives:Clodsire, Lickitung, and Hippowdon (Shadow)Primeape alternatives:Pangoro, Machamp (Shadow), and Gallade (Shadow)In summary 0ne of the most exciting things about Great League is that there are just so many viable options. Weve picked a select few here, but there are still some massive threats such as Malamar, Bibarel, Starmie, and even Miltank. It means you can experiment, and all without spending too much Candy to get them up as close as possible to that ceiling of 1,500 CP.Meanwhile, as mentioned, while Master League demands as close to perfect IVs as possible, here you want to find Pokmon with 0 Attack IVs and high Defence and Stamina to get your Pokmon as high level as possible before hitting the CP limit.Finally, keep an eye on new additions to the Pokdex, as this league is the most malleable of the bunch, and each new addition has a chance of shaking up the rankings even more. If you want some more Go Battle League tips, we also have some Ultra League best team recommendations.
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