• Fast radio bursts originate near the surface of stars
    Bursting with data Fast radio bursts originate near the surface of stars Single burst shows neutron-star-like features, a source close to the star. John Timmer Jan 3, 2025 7:30 am | 4 Artist's conception of a magnetar launching a fast radio burst from its surface, with magnetic field lines shown in green. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Artist's conception of a magnetar launching a fast radio burst from its surface, with magnetic field lines shown in green. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Story textSizeSmallStandardLargeWidth *StandardWideLinksStandardOrange* Subscribers only Learn moreWhen fast radio bursts (FRBs) were first detected in 2007, they were a complete enigma. As their name implies, these events involve a very brief eruption of radio emissions and then typically silence, though a few objects appear to be capable of sending out multiple bursts. By obtaining enough data from lots of individual bursts, researchers gradually put the focus on magnetars, versions of neutron stars that have intense magnetic fields.But we still don't know whether a magnetar is a requirement for an FRB or if the events can be triggered by less magnetized neutron stars as well. And we have little hint of the mechanism that produces the burst itself. Bursts could potentially be produced by an event in the star's magnetic field itself, or the star could be launching some energetic material that subsequently produces an FRB at some distance from the star.But now, a rare burst has provided indications that FRBs likely originate near the star and that they share a feature with the emissions of pulsars, another subtype of neutron star.A lucky sightingBoth of these conclusions are based on the observation of a single FRB, termed FRB 20221022A, that was detected in October 2022. It was picked up by CHIME (Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment). That observatory was built to look at radio emissions from different sources, but it turned out to be capable of staring at a very broad chunk of the sky and extremely good at identifying FRBs.The event was relatively easy to localize, allowing it to be associated with a specific galaxy that is relatively nearby, at least in cosmological terms (about 200 million light-years away). Its proximity was critical for a couple of reasons. First, it meant that the radio waves that arrived at Earth were intense enough to allow various analyses of the properties of the burst. The second is that the photons of the burst spent relatively little time traveling in the space between galaxies. Instead, most of the influence matter has had on these photons comes from materials inside a galaxyeither the galaxy that hosts the source or within our own Milky Way.One of the two papers published on Wednesday looks at the polarization of the photons in the burst itself, finding that the angle of polarization changes rapidly over the 2.5 milliseconds that FRB 20221022A lasted. The 130-degree rotation that occurred follows an S-shaped pattern, which has already been observed in about half of the pulsars we've observedneutron stars that rotate rapidly and sweep a bright jet across the line of sight with Earth, typically multiple times each second.The implication of this finding is that the source of the FRB is likely to also be on a compact, rapidly rotating object. Or at least this FRB. As of right now, this is the only FRB that we know displays this sort of behavior. While not all pulsars show this pattern of rotation, half of them do, and we've certainly observed enough FRBs we should have picked up others like this if they occurred at an appreciable rate.ScatteredThe second paper performs a far more complicated analysis, searching for indications of interactions between the FRB and the interstellar medium that exists within galaxies. This will have two effects. One, caused by scattering off interstellar material, will spread the burst out over time in a frequency-dependent manner. Scattering can also cause a random brightening/dimming of different areas of the spectrum, called scintillation, and somewhat analogous to the twinkling of stars caused by our atmosphere.In this case, the photons of the FRB have had three encounters with matter that can induce these effects: the sparse intersteller material of the source galaxy, the equally sparse interstellar material in our own Milky Way, and the even more sparse intergalactic material in between the two. Since the source galaxy for FRB 20221022A is relatively close to our own, the intergalactic medium can be ignored, leaving the detection with two major sources of scattering.Comparing models of scattering sources with the data from FRB 20221022A, the researchers do detect two sources of scintillation, and match those to the two galaxies.The scintillation pattern indicates that the interstellar material of the source galaxy is acting a bit like a lens that is resolving the event. And that provides some indication of the distances involved. The researchers find that there are only two realistic options: Either the FRB was launched from relatively close to the source object and the scattering material was within the galaxy, or the FRB was produced at a distance from the source object, and the scattering material is mainly outside the galaxy. Since the latter is less probablethere tends to be far more material inside galaxiesthis suggests that the FROM is the product of events near the source object.This would rule out scenarios where an object ejects material that later produces the FRB by colliding with something else. And it's definitely consistent with the pulsar-like behavior seen in the other paper. And both are consistent with a magnetar's intense magnetic fields being the key to driving these events.Is this typical?While the data regarding FRB 20221022A seem pretty clear, The key question here is whether this particular FRB tells us much about all the other FRBs we've observed, including those from repeating sources. It remains entirely possible that more than one type of event produces something that looks like an FRB, and the details are hard to resolve because we're seeing inconsistent things across different observations. Still, we're definitely seeing progress in extracting more from observations, so it seems a clearer picture of things is inevitable.Nature, 2025. DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-08184-4, 10.1038/s41586-024-08297-w (About DOIs).John TimmerSenior Science EditorJohn TimmerSenior Science Editor John is Ars Technica's science editor. He has a Bachelor of Arts in Biochemistry from Columbia University, and a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. When physically separated from his keyboard, he tends to seek out a bicycle, or a scenic location for communing with his hiking boots. 4 Comments
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  • 7 Private Cloud Trends to Watch in 2025
    There are better and worse ways to approach private cloud, which some companies are learning the hard way. While its tempting to repatriate some things from public cloud to private cloud, its better to do it with applied cloud learning versus a traditional infrastructure mindset.Im seeing people increasingly wanting to find additional efficiency on premises. If I was to pick a word for 2025, it would be, optimization. Everyones under a lot of pressure. Theyre trying to bring in new compute capabilities to their data center, including GPUs to support AI and more storage to support the data activities related to AI and [analytics], says Hillery Hunter, CTO and GM of innovation at IBM and an IBM Fellow. [P]rivate cloud is often used as a vehicle to reset the efficiency of an environment.However, the on-premises environment may include many IT silos supporting different lines of business and equipment purchased for specific projects. When theres not a consistent control plane, the aggregate utilization of all the systems is lower than it needs to be because only certain applications or workloads run on configured environments. The goal now is to optimize that for better efficiency."[A] private cloud environment that is virtualized and offers container support can be used as a migration destination, still on premises, but then you have more people sharing a more consistent set of resources, says Hunter. Youre having people develop to a common set of templates in terms of the kind of system configuration. And while it takes work to get to that kind of environment, it can have huge payoffs in terms of the security [because] the configurations are much more consistent, the compliance overheads are lower and the speed to get new capacity added to the environment.Related:Following are some more private cloud trends in 2025.1. Repatriating workloadsA lot of organizations are repatriating workloads to private cloud from public cloud, but Rick Clark, global head of cloud advisory at digital transformation solutions company UST warns they arent giving it much forethought, like they did earlier when migrating to public clouds. As a result, theyre not getting the ROI they hope for.We havent still figured out what is appropriate for workloads. Im seeing companies wanting to move back the percentage of their workload to reduce cost without really understanding what the value is so theyre devaluing what they're doing, says Clark. If theyd given more forethought into what they were taking to the cloud and what to bebringing back, theyd be in a better place. [T]hey don't really understand what theyre moving back and theyre comparing apples and oranges.Related:A key factor is understanding the business value and being able to communicate that in business terms. All too often, organizations are randomly choosing what to put in private cloud as opposed to thinking critically about what workloads are where and why. In the worst cases, the organization has lost the operational skill to manage and operate things in their own data center, but they havent considered this issue.2. Hybrid environments will become even more popularTrevor Horwitz, CISO and founder at cybersecurity, consulting, and compliance services provider TrustNet believes private cloud strategies will evolve as companies seek more control over data security, regulatory compliance, and operational flexibility.I expect to see more organizations embracing hybrid and multi-cloud environments and integrating private clouds with public cloud resources to keep data flexible yet secure, says Horwitz in an email interview This shift is driven by the need for resilience and vendor flexibility, and zero-trust frameworks make this possible by securing data across multiple environments. As the regulatory landscape tightens with laws like GDPR and CCPA, private clouds will become essential for companies handling sensitive data to ensure compliance and control over data sovereignty.Related:3. Real-time monitoring and machine learningRoy Benesh, chief technology officer and co-founder of eSIMple, an eSIM offering, believes private cloud will continue to be in high demand, especially in sectors like healthcare and finance that have stringent data protection regulations.I think businesses will depend more on real-time monitoring and machine learning to strengthen data protection as they use private clouds to satisfy security requirements, says Benesh in an email interview. In my experience, private clouds can have drawbacks, too, such as high upfront expenditures and the requirement for knowledgeable administration. Thiscanbe particularly difficult for smaller businesses to handle.4. AI and automationArtificial intelligence and automation are also set to play a crucial role in private cloud management. They enable businesses to handle growing complexity by automating resource optimization, enhancing threat detection, and managing costs.The ongoing talent shortage in cybersecurity makes [AI and automation] especially valuable. By reducing manual workloads, AI allows companies to do more with fewer resources, says Trevor Horwitz, CISO and founder at cybersecurity, consulting, and compliance services provider. My advice is to prioritize adaptability. Be prepared to shift your strategy as business needs evolve, especially as technology advances. Mastering the private cloud is about building an agile, secure, and sustainable infrastructure, meeting todays demands while preparing for whats next."5. Multilayer cybersecuritySecurity affects all aspects of a cloud journey, including the calculus of when and where to use private cloud environments. One significant challenge is making sure that all layers of the stack have detection and response capability.You have to protect each layer separately -- network, cloud, host, server, and application. They're not "defense in depth. Each component -- NDR, CDR, EDR, SDR, and ADR -- protects against a different set of threats, says Jeff Williams, founder and CTO at runtime application security company Contrast Security. The biggest code-to-cloud technology gap is the lack of application detection and responseand application security monitoring (ASM) to create visibility and protection for their biggest asset -- the application estate. In the last year, this area saw 100% growth in attack traffic, outpacing all other threats.If organizations have visibility into who is attacking their applications, what attack vectors they are using, which systems are being targeted and which attacks are successful, they can prioritize remediation efforts and compensating controls.Take a look at the new EU Product Liability Directive (PLD). It creates no-fault liability for any software defect, including vulnerabilities, just like any other product, says Williams. This means regardless of whether a company follows best practices, does all the right testing, meets compliance requirements, etc., they are completely liable if their users are harmed by a breach, says Williams.6. Data sovereignty and regulatory complianceRising concerns around data sovereignty and regulatory compliance will drive private cloud adoption in specific industries, such as financial services and healthcare, as companies seek more control over their data. Organizations are already diversifying their cloud footprints across different public clouds to optimize costs and increase resiliency.Efficiently operating a complex hybrid cloud environment requires both infrastructure and security teams to have the right set of skills and experience, says Loris Degioanni, founder and CTO at real-time cloud security firm, Sysdig. Enterprises will need to invest in personnel who know how to scale and secure a private cloud, challenges that are often more complicated than in public cloud deployments.Its important to understand when a private cloud is a good choice for deployments and when its not. Organizations should understand which cloud better serves their use cases and emphasize proficiency in shifting workloads between public and private clouds. Private cloud mastery also means gaining the ability to optimize costs and manage cloud infrastructure efficiently.7. VMware exodusRandy Armknecht, global cloud engineering practice lead at business consulting firm Protiviti, expects to see more organizations reevaluate their use of VMware given the 2024 licensing fiascos. The acquisition of VMware is the primary driver.RedHat OpenShift is a common topic of discussion among organizations considering new options, says Armknecht. Now is a great time to refresh the private/hybrid cloud strategy and ensure that the technology, the licensing and the overall alignment to business objectives is clear for all.
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  • The Download: feeding the world with poop, and 2024s performing stories
    This is today's edition ofThe Download,our weekday newsletter that provides a daily dose of what's going on in the world of technology. How poop could help feed the planet A new industrial facility in suburban Seattle is giving off a whiff of futuristic technology. It can safely treat fecal waste from people and livestock while recycling nutrients that are crucial for agriculture but in increasingly short supply across the nations farmlands. Making fertilizer from the nutrients that we and other animals excrete has a long and colorful history; for generations it helped Indigenous cultures around the world create exceptionally fertile soil. These systems fell out of favor in Western culture. But, if researchers and engineers across several companies get their way, that could be about to change. Read the full story.Bryn Nelson This story is from the forthcoming magazine edition of MIT Technology Review, set to go live on January 6its all about the exciting breakthroughs happening in the world right now. If you dont already, subscribe to receive future copies. If youre interested in poops wider scientific potential, check out the latest entry in our Jobs of the Future series: stool bank manager. Pediatric gastroenterologist Nikhil Pai is helping to treat children with a common bacterial infection of the large intestine by transplanting healthy stool into a patients guta highly effective, albeit unconventional, treatment. Read the full story. Here are MIT Technology Reviews best-performing stories of 2024 MIT Technology Review published hundreds of stories in 2024, covering everything from AI, climate tech, and biotech, to robotics, space, and more. As the new year begins, take a look at a small selection of the stories that resonated most with you, our readers. Read the full story. Abby Ivory-Ganja Unveiling the 10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2025 Each year, MIT Technology Review selects the top ten breakthrough technologies that will have the greatest impact on how we live and work in the future. In the past, we've selected breakthrough technologies such as weight-loss drugs, a malaria vaccine, and GPT-3 (the precursor to ChatGPT). Amy Nordrum, our executive editor, will join our news editor Charlotte Jee to unveil the new list live during an exclusive Roundtable discussion for subscribers at 12.30pm ET today. Register here to be among the first to know.The must-reads Ive combed the internet to find you todays most fun/important/scary/fascinating stories about technology. 1 A US appeals court has struck down net neutrality rules Its the end of a nearly two-decade effort to regulate broadband providers. (NYT $)+ Net neutrality has been in danger for a while, truthfully. (The Verge)+ Its bad news for the Biden administration as it prepares to hand over to Trump. (WP $)2 Car rental app Turo is under scrutinyBut concerns over the apps safety practices are nothing new. (WSJ $) + The app was used to book vehicles used in both the New Orleans attack and Las Vegas Cybertruck explosion. (NYT $)+ Turo staff have been pulled off vacation to respond to the aftermath. (Bloomberg $)3 Nick Clegg is leaving Meta The former British deputy prime minister is making way for prominent Republican Joel Kaplan. (Semafor)+ Its part of the companys desire to align itself with the incoming Trump administration. (WSJ $)+ How tech is turning MAGA. (Economist $)4 Yandex has been ordered to hide maps of a Russian oil refinery In response to repeated attacks from Ukrainian drones. (Reuters)+ The Ryazan refinery was hit four times last year alone. (Bloomberg $)+ The uneasy coexistence of Yandex and the Kremlin. (MIT Technology Review)5 Apple has agreed to settle a $95 million class-action lawsuit Over claims the company violated user privacy by sharing Siri recordings. (WP $)6 Several Californian AI laws have gone into effectA new year means new regulations. (The Information $) + There are more than 120 AI bills in Congress right now. (MIT Technology Review)7 Our understanding of genetic diseases is changingCell mutations suggest were far more genetically varied than we previously realized. (The Atlantic $) + DeepMind is using AI to pinpoint the causes of genetic disease. (MIT Technology Review)8 African content creators are struggling to make money But it appears as though the tide may be slowly turning. (The Guardian)+ What Africa needs to do to become a major AI player. (MIT Technology Review) 9 Get the new year off to a starry start Theres a meteor shower due tonight! (Wired $)10 How to build a more sustainable refrigerator A new kind of heat-absorbing crystal could hold the key. (New Scientist $)+ The future of urban housing is energy-efficient refrigerators. (MIT Technology Review)Quote of the day He is quite clearly the right person for the right job at the right time! Nick Clegg, Metas outgoing chief policy executive, wishes his replacement Joel Kaplan the best in a post on X. The big story Is it possible to really understand someone elses mind? November 2023 Technically speaking, neuroscientists have been able to read your mind for decades. Its not easy, mind you. First, you must lie motionless within a fMRI scanner, perhaps for hours, while you watch films or listen to audiobooks. If you do elect to endure claustrophobic hours in the scanner, the software will learn to generate a bespoke reconstruction of what you were seeing or listening to, just by analyzing how blood moves through your brain. More recently, researchers have deployed generative AI tools, like Stable Diffusion and GPT, to create far more realistic, if not entirely accurate, reconstructions of films and podcasts based on neural activity. So how close are we to genuine mind reading? Read the full story. Grace Huckins We can still have nice things A place for comfort, fun and distraction to brighten up your day. (Got any ideas? Drop me a line or skeet 'em at me.) + Of course The Cures Robert Smith is an iPod fanatic.+ Japan may be associated with tasteful minimalism, but theres always room for a bit of clutter.+ Meet the people who release 3,000 pounds of confetti into New Yorks Times Square by hand every New Years Evethen clear it all up.+ How to start a healthy habit, and, crucially, stick to it. ($)
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  • Generative AI search: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2025
    WHO Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, Perplexity WHEN Now Googles introduction of AI Overviews, powered by its Gemini language model, will alter how billions of people search the internet. And generative search may be the first step toward an AI agent that handles any question you have or task you need done. Rather than returning a list of links, AI Overviews offer concise answers to your queries. This makes it easier to get quick insights without scrolling and clicking through to multiple sources. After a rocky start with high-profile nonsense results following its US release in May 2024, Google limited its use of answers that draw on user-generated content or satire and humor sites. Explore the full 2025 list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies. The rise of generative search isnt limited to Google. Microsoft and OpenAI both rolled out versions in 2024 as well. Meanwhile, in more places, on our computers and other gadgets, AI-assisted searches are now analyzing images, audio, and video to return custom answers to our queries. But Googles global search dominance makes it the most important player, and the company has already rolled out AI Overviews to more than a billion people worldwide. The result is searches that feel more like conversations. Google and OpenAI both report that people interact differently with generative searchthey ask longer questions and pose more follow-ups. This new application of AI has serious implications for online advertising and (gulp) media. Because these search products often summarize information from online news stories and articles in their responses, concerns abound that generative search results will leave little reason for people to click through to the original sources, depriving those websites of potential ad revenue. A number of publishers and artists have sued over the use of their content to train AI models; now, generative search will be another battleground between media and Big Tech.
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  • Long-acting HIV prevention meds: 10 Breakthrough Technologies 2025
    WHO Gilead Sciences, GSK, ViiV Healthcare WHEN 1 to 3 years In June 2024, results from a trial of a new medicine to prevent HIV were announcedand they were jaw-dropping. Lenacapavir, a treatment injected once every six months, protected over 5,000 girls and women in Uganda and South Africa from getting HIV. And it was 100% effective. Explore the full 2025 list of 10 Breakthrough Technologies. The drug, which is produced by Gilead, has other advantages. Weve had effective pre-exposure prophylactic (PrEP) drugs for HIV since 2012, but these must be taken either daily or in advance of each time a person is exposed to the virus. Thats a big ask for healthy people. And because these medicines also treat infections, theres stigma attached to taking them. For some, the drugs are expensive or hard to access. In the lenacapavir trial,researchers found that injections of the new drug were more effective than a daily PrEP pill, probably because participants didnt manage to take the pills every day. In 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration approved another long-acting injectable drug that protects against HIV. That drug, cabotegravir, is manufactured by ViiV Healthcare (which is largely owned by GSK) and needs to be injected every two months. But despite huge demand, rollout has been slow. Scientists and activists hope that the story will be different for lenacapavir. So far, the FDA has approved the drug only for people who already have HIV thats resistant to other treatments. But Gilead has signed licensing agreements with manufacturers to produce generic versions for HIV prevention in 120 low-income countries. In October, Gilead announced more trial results for lenacapavir, finding it 96% effective at preventing HIV infection in just over 3,200 cisgender gay, bisexual, and other men, as well as transgender men, transgender women, and nonbinary people who have sex with people assigned male at birth. The United Nations has set a goal of ending AIDS by 2030. Its ambitious, to say the least: We still see over 1 million new HIV infections globally every year. But we now have the medicines to get us there. What we need is access.
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  • The US surgeon general says alcohol causes cancer — and needs a warning label like cigarettes
    Dr. Vivek Murthy, the US Surgeon General, has released a report warning that alcohol causes cancer.It is the third leading cause of preventable cancer in the US, after smoking and obesity, he said.The report follows a growing number of studies showing the potential harms of drinking alcohol.The US Surgeon General wants to see cancer warnings on wine, beer, and spirits.Alcohol is a leading cause of cancer, but less than half of Americans recognize it as a risk factor, Dr. Vivek Murthy said in an advisory published Friday.This is in contrast to the 89% of Americans who are aware of the links between smoking cigarettes and cancer, according to a 2019 survey of US adults aged 18 and older carried out by the American Institute for Cancer Research.Alcohol consumption is the third leading preventable cause of cancer in the US, after tobacco and obesity.Research has found that drinking alcohol leads to an increased risk of seven cancers, including breast, colorectal, esophageal, liver, mouth, and throat and larynx, the advisory said.The risk increases the more a person drinks, and for certain cancers like breast, mouth, and throat, the risk can start to rise at one or fewer drinks a day, according to the advisory.Warning labels on alcoholic drinks haven't changed since the '80sMurthy recommended updating warnings on packaging to raise awareness of alcohol's link to cancer. "Health warning labels are well-established and effective approaches to increasing awareness of health hazards and fostering behavior change," the advisory said.Currently, health warning labels on alcoholic beverages mention general "health risks," as well as instructing pregnant women and those about to drive or operate machinery not to drink. They have not been changed since 1988, The New York Times reported. Ian Hamilton, an associate professor at the University of York's Department of Health Sciences, who researches drug use, policy, treatment, and prevalence, told Business Insider that there is a general lack of understanding of the role alcohol plays in several types of cancer. "Many people aren't aware of this, so having this clearly laid out and explained is a welcome development," he said.This story is developing. Please check back for updates.
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  • I worried about who would care for my child with significant medical needs. I gave her 3 siblings to help when I'm gone.
    I always thought I'd only have two kids.My oldest has significant medical needs, and I wanted her to have lots of siblings to help her.I know there will be times when I can't care for her, but her three siblings can step in.I always wanted children but never imagined having a big family. I assumed, wrongly, that I would have two happy and healthy kids.Kids who would keep me up at night worrying about mundane, average concerns like whether they ate enough vegetables as toddlers, stayed out too late as teenagers, or didn't call me often enough when they moved away.My job, I thought, was to launch my children into the world as independent adults.My first child has significant medical needsAll of that changed when my first daughter, Claire, was born.She came into the world quiet and struggling to breathe. From her first moments, she required intensive support to manage a myriad of complex health conditions. As the months wore on, Clarie did not progress along a typical timeline. She didn't crawl, sit up, or babble at the same time as other babies.With each milestone she missed, her future looked increasingly bleak. Instead of wondering where she might one day go to college, I worried that she would never be able to live on her own.As Claire grew, it became clear that she would always need help with basic tasks most people take for granted. She was unable to feed, dress, or bathe herself. Worrying about who would take care of her when her father and I were no longer around to care for her consumed me.She has a team to support herAs Claire got older, the amount of care she needed to get through each day was staggering. She has one-to-one aides at home and school and works with physical, occupational, and speech therapists almost daily. She sees several doctors a month.Claire needs help with every area of her life, from taking her medication to brushing her teeth. She can't walk steadily or speak. Claire is a joyful young woman who loves the same things a lot of teenagers enjoy: going to the movies, being near water, flipping through fashion magazines, and eating big bowls of ice cream.Yet, she requires a tremendous amount of support and attention to be able to live at home and be a part of our community. So many people are a part of making sure she stays healthy and can thrive, and I call them "Team Claire" for short.I wanted her to have an army of siblings on her sideAll of the support Claire has in place is hard-won. It is a struggle to ensure the delicate balance required to keep her healthy and happy stays in place. Resources for home care are scarce, specialists are hard to see, paperwork is crushing, and there is an ever-present threat that services will be cut.Managing Claire's care is a part-time job. It is rewarding and necessary but often time-consuming and frustrating. Claire's father and I, naturally, shoulder this responsibility and fill in the many gaps. But we are not immortal.When Claire was young and the amount of support she needed became apparent, I knew she would need a big family to help her when I could no longer. We first gave Claire a brother, one who still adores her. I know he will do everything he can for his big sister, but I didn't want him to have to shoulder this immense responsibility alone.Eventually, I had another daughter, a sister who was born to nurture. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up, a career aspiration borne in part from wanting to help other kids like Claire. However, as the weight of the responsibility I would eventually leave on their shoulders grew, I thought about adding another child to our family.I decided to have a fourth childAs years went by and I grew older, I knew the day I could no longer care for Claire would inevitably come sooner than I would like. I worried that the burden on Claire's two siblings, each with their own full lives and aspirations, might interfere with their ability to spread their wings and start their own families.I began thinking about whether it made sense to have a fourth child, someone else, to love and help care for Claire. Even though I knew having a baby would pull me in even more directions, eventually, I decided it was the right decision for Claire and for our family.That fourth child, now 10, has protected his sister from the start and is the perfect bookend to our family. While I don't know what the future holds, I am glad Claire has three siblings who adore her. I sleep better at night knowing that my four kids will always be a team and rally around their sister and each other.
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  • The Mediterranean diet was rated the healthiest way to eat in 2025. Here's how to know what diet is best for you.
    The Mediterranean diet holds an eight-year streak of being the healthiest diet per doctors and dietitians.Along with similar diets like DASH, it's rich in whole, plant-based foods like legumes and veggies.Weight loss drugs have shaken up the diet industry, but healthy eating is still key for longevity.The Mediterranean diet has been named the healthiest way to eat for the eighth year in a row.Based on traditions in countries like Italy, Greece, and Turkey, the eating style swept the top spot in 12 categories (out of 21 total) for healthy eating in 2025, including Best Diet Overall, according to annual rankings from US News & World Report.The Mediterranean diet earned a 4.8 rating out of 5 in the rankings.It's rich in foods like whole grains, legumes, and leafy greens with fewer processed foods and refined sugars and a flexible approach to eating.Rounding out the top four, the DASH diet, flexitarian diet, and MIND diet offer a similarly relaxed approach to eating nutrient-dense whole foods. They also align with simple, affordable ways to eat for a longer life, research suggests.While it's not news that eating more veggies is good for us, the new insights offer a road map on using the latest research to find the diet that might work best for you and how to avoid pitfalls in the diet industry, even as popular meds like Ozempic have shaken up how we think about eating and weight loss.Healthy diets that are easy to followThe top diets for healthy eating focus on whole, unprocessed foods, typically plenty of plant-based foods like fruits, vegetables, and grains, along with some seafood and lean proteins. They also don't follow a strict meal plan or rules, offering a lot of options and flexibility, although they discourage generally ultra-processed foods with a lot of added sugar, salt, and fat.These were the top picks from the experts, listed in order from highest-rated to fourth place overall:TheMediterranean diet is known for flavorful dishes full of herbs and olive oil, along with whole grains like farro, lots of legumes like chickpeas and beans, and fatty fish such as salmon and sardines. It's similar to eating habits in Blue Zones where people live longer, healthier lives on average.TheDASH dietTheFlexitarian dietTheMIND diet was developed with the help of Harvard researchers to incorporate elements of Mediterranean and DASH eating specifically for brain health. It focuses on incorporating more servings of berries, nuts, and whole grains to your diet while cutting back on red meat, fried food, and sweets.Diets to avoidWhile there was no single worst diet across all categories, short-term or quick-fix plans ranked lower along with more restrictive eating plans that eliminate many food options, as did plans with big claims not backed by strong scientificDiets that ranked low on the list were:The Body Reset diet is a 15-day plan from a celebrity trainer. It includes three phases, a lot of smoothies, and major calorie restriction.The Autoimmune Protocol diet is an elimination plan that involves avoiding foods that might cause irritation. However, it can be tough to follow because of the long list of foods to restrict, which includes cutting out tomatoes, beans, potatoes, grains, nuts, seeds, dairy, eggs, and caffeine.The SlimFast diet is a weight loss program based on meal-replacement shakes and bars, which can be expensive, restrictive, and difficult to maintain.The Optavia diet is a low-carbohydrate weight loss program based on pre-packaged foods, which may be helpful short-term but can be hard to follow over time since it relies on specific products and cuts out many foods.How to find the best diet for youTo compile the rankings, a panel of medical doctors, registered dietitians, and researchers evaluated 38 diets on factors like sustainability, nutritional completeness, and potential health benefits and risks.This year's report rated each diet from 0 (worst) to 5 (best) across a range of categories, from overall best diet to best diets for gut health or mental health, and for managing specific conditions such as menopause, inflammation, high cholesterol, and IBS.A key point is that none of the diets achieved a perfect score not even the Mediterranean diet.That's because personal details play a huge role in how well a diet can work, Gretel Schueller, managing editor of health at U.S. News, previously told Business Insider."There's no one-size-fits-all," she said. "You have to consider lifestyle and preferences."Factors to consider include:which grocery staples you can reliably access on your budgethow much time you have to cookwhich cooking skills you can realistically use on a regular basisfoods that you and your family enjoy eating"At the end of the day, it's about 'can I do this in the long term,'" Schueller said.
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  • A whole new thing that could end the world
    Were all inured to sensationalist headlines about some disaster or another on the horizon. So I dont blame anyone who was exhausted when they saw last month that dozens of scientists were warning in the journal Science that mirror bacteria could bring about a catastrophic ecosystem collapse and even mass extinction. After all, we already have looming threats like H5N1 to worry about, and more generally we live in an age that, as Adam Kirsch put it recently in The Atlantic, feels like apocalypse, constantly. The mirror bacteria news hit the same week we were told that a widely read study about how our black spatulas were killing us was really just the result of a math error. It can be hard to tell which concerns are deathly serious and which are just headlines that will be forgotten a month later.But having done a lot more reading about the mirror bacteria situation, Im here with bad news: Its real, and its really serious.RelatedHow AI could spark the next pandemicMore than 35 scientists, including leading researchers across half a dozen different fields, came together in a December technical report to argue that ongoing work on mirror bacteria could trigger a mass extinction. The catastrophe it warns about is plausible, if mind-bending. And its not one of those situations where the skeptics are coming from outside the field: Many of the leading scientists who worked to invent mirror life have now become convinced such work would be incredibly dangerous. In fact its one of the rare cases where experts have become more concerned as theyve learned more, instead of less so.But theres also good news: Now that we are aware of the risk, catastrophe shouldnt happen by accident. At this point, mirror life is mostly theoretical it would take decades of work to actually create it. So as scientists come to look more closely at the risks, they can bring about a stop to this work, with very little cost to other essential research. And with scientists from across many disciplines expressing their concern, theres a good chance that we can just agree, as a world, to do the right thing and just not go there. Which is ideally how we should be handling new existential risks.Mirror life, explainedThink about the letter R, and its mirror image, the letter . No matter how much you spin the letter R on a two-dimensional page, youll never get an . If you build a protein meant to link up to an R, a wont fit, and a molecule will turn out differently if its using an R or a as a backbone. This story was first featured in the Future Perfect newsletter.Sign up here to explore the big, complicated problems the world faces and the most efficient ways to solve them. Sent twice a week.Thats the core concept behind mirror life, though in three rather than two dimensions. The amino acids that compose the proteins that make up all life on Earth can form from atoms in two different mirrored ways, colloquially left- and right-handed forms. But while the molecules are around in both forms, all life on Earth builds proteins only out of left-handed amino acids (and most other biomolecules, like DNA, also come with a handedness thats why the spiral helix of DNA always goes one direction.)This poses a tantalizing scientific puzzle: Couldnt you, in principle, build mirror life life made out of the right-handed amino acids? It would be an enormous engineering project, involving work we dont yet know how to do. But in principle, it ought to be possible. We have already built mirror proteins, and mirror enzymes that can read mirror genes. What could possibly go wrong?The question is what would happen after you succeeded in building mirror life. At first it was assumed that mirror bacteria would be effectively harmless, because they cant digest most of the normal-handed molecules that make up all existing life. Sure, they could eat simple nutrients, which do not have the handedness property. But would that be enough to let them multiply and spread?Many scientists initially assumed that it wouldnt be, meaning that mirror life would be safely self-limiting, unable to spread too far because it would be unable to digest the rest of life, human beings very much included. But as they studied the possibility further, experts became worried that this wasnt true. Unlike previous discussions of mirror life, we also realized that generalist heterotroph mirror bacteria might find a range of nutrients in animal hosts and the environment and thus would not be intrinsically biocontained, the Science report found. So mirror bacteria would be able to find enough to eat after all. Even worse, existing life would struggle to eat them. That means that creating mirror bacteria could be kind of like introducing an invasive species to an ecosystem (in this case, the entire planet) where it doesnt have any predators. Without anything initially evolved to eat or counter it, it could probably spread rapidly. Invasive species can be very hard to eradicate, even if they dont reach very high populations. Mirror bacteria might well be like this: a new species of globally distributed environmental bacteria, alongside the multitude of existing ones.But how catastrophic would the introduction of this new invasive species be? Humans (and other animals and plants) are exposed to environmental bacteria all the time, and these arent usually an issue unless, for example, you have a damaged immune system. So a team of immunologists worked on the question of whether our immune system would respond appropriately to an invasion by mirror bacteria. Worryingly, they concluded that it probably would not. While some of our immune defenses function without any specific targeting of a particular pathogen, many of them only work by locking onto the invading pathogen which we wouldnt be able to do for mirror bacteria. And the scientists didnt just find that it might make humans sick. For the exact same reason, it might make everything else sick every animal, even plants might be vulnerable (though there would be substantial variation in exactly how susceptible any species would be).The result, according to the December report in Science, could be terrifying. We cannot rule out a scenario in which a mirror bacterium acts as an invasive species across many ecosystems, causing pervasive lethal infections in a substantial fraction of plant and animal species, including humans., the authors found, saying a plausible result was unprecedented and irreversible harm. It is hard to overstate how severe these risks could be, immunologist Ruslan Medzhitov, one of the co-authors of the technical report, warned in a statement sent to me. Living in an area contaminated with mirror bacteria could be similar to living with severe immunodeficiencies: Any exposure to contaminated dust or soil could be fatal.Were not going to do itTo be clear, there were plenty of good reasons to consider making mirror life. Its inherently incredibly cool, Kate Adamala, a synthetic biologist at the University of Minnesota, told the New York Times, of the effort to make mirror bacteria. If we made a mirror cell, we would have made a second tree of life. Indeed Adamala and three other scientific colleagues are the recipients of a 2019 grant in which they explained that they seek to design, construct, and safely deploy synthetic mirror cells. But as they looked into it more, through collaboration on the 299-page technical report, she and her colleagues became convinced that it just wasnt worth it: All four have now joined the call in Science for work to be halted. Were saying, Were not going to do it, Adamala told the Times.The US government, which funded Adamala and her colleagues work toward building mirror life, is also adapting in response to this warning. We appreciate the efforts of these scientists to identify and assess potential future risks of this type of synthetic organism, Advances in the life sciences and associated technologies now empower scientists in ways that were barely imaginable just a few decades ago, a spokesperson for the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy told me. These advances have remarkable potential for benefit and, as these scientists have made clear, also the potential for causing significant harm. Given the potential risks, we will work with and across the global research community to avoid and mitigate risk while protecting the potential benefits of research in other applications of synthetic biology. The U.S. government is beginning a deliberative process to review scientific assessments on the implications of mirror life and, as appropriate, develop or revise relevant federal biosafety policy.For that reason, I think this can be read not as a doom-and-gloom headline to start your year on, but as a hopeful story. An enormous number of talented people across different relevant disciplines came together and tried to figure out if there was a problem. They figured out that there was, and changed their course. Its too early to declare victory, of course. But if its a story of a looming challenge, its also a story of people stepping up to it well before any catastrophe might ensue.Happy New Year!A version of this story originally appeared in the Future Perfect newsletter. Sign up here!Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More:
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  • Never pay a medical bill without asking these questions first
    Your doctor orders blood work or requests you get a biopsy, or maybe your kid broke a bone and you need to rush to the emergency department. A few months later, a bill arrives in the mail with an astounding figure. Despite the federal No Surprises Act made into law in 2022 which prevents providers from saddling patients with huge bills for out-of-network services many Americans have felt the shock of a medical bill.About half of American adults report difficulties affording health care costs, according to KFF polling conducted in 2022, and about 41 percent carry some form of medical debt. A 2021 Census Bureau analysis found that about 14 million people owed more than $1,000 in medical debt, while 3 million Americans owed more than $10,000. KFF surveys also show that excessive medical debt disproportionately affects those who are uninsured, Black and Hispanic adults, and people with lower incomes.The expense of medical care in the US, paired with a lack of transparency around how much these services will cost and why, can add to the shock and terror that comes with a medical bill; one in four adults said they skipped or delayed medical care in the last 12 months because of the cost, according to the KFF survey. Moreover, a staggeringly high bill at the start of a new year, when health insurance deductibles reset, can add insult to injury. Because new deductibles are often higher than the previous years, you might not be prepared to shoulder more out-of-pocket costs.However, patients have tools and negotiating power to reduce these costs both before services are rendered and after they receive a bill. While many patients may resign themselves to paying the bill, there are a bevy of other cost-cutting options to exhaust first. You should never ever pay any medical bill right away, says Caitlin Donovan, the senior director of the Patient Advocate Foundation.Unfortunately, the responsibility is solely on the patient or their guardian to advocate for themselves; hospitals and medical providers will often not readily offer cost-reducing alternatives. And despite the No Surprises Acts relatively recent protections for emergency care, many people are unaware theyve been inappropriately billed, while some providers flout the legislations rules. Knowing the right questions to ask can help patients reduce or even avoid huge medical bills.What to ask while youre still at the hospital, doctors office, or pharmacyThere are questions you can ask providers and pharmacists before you get a test, procedure, or prescription filled to ensure youre not paying more than you need to. In emergency situations, some of these questions wont apply since there may not be time to shop around when it comes to lifesaving care. In non-emergency circumstances, the first thing a patient can do to avoid a large bill for something as simple as an office visit is to visit providers that are in-network with your insurance if you have it. Your insurance carriers website or app will have a search tool for in-network providers. Also check the list of accepted insurances on the physicians website. If youre still unsure if a doctor is in-network, call your insurance carrier and speak with a representative.A lot of the time when we see people with really big bills, says Casey Schwarz, the senior counsel for education and federal policy at the Medicare Rights Center, its because theyre trying to access something thats either not covered or out of network.These bargaining tactics require a significant amount of time and energy, and are made considerably more difficult when youre not feeling well or English isnt your first language. Under the Affordable Care Act, patients who speak limited English are entitled to a free qualified interpreter and translated medical documents. Health care providers must inform patients that they offer interpreting services. When booking an appointment, tell the scheduler you will need an interpreter during your visit.For non-emergency procedures and appointments at in-network physicians, here are some financial questions to ask before you leave the office.How much will this cost?Since 2021, federal law has required all hospitals to list pricing information online for services, such as blood work or X-rays, provided during inpatient admission and outpatient visits. These posted costs include the insurance prices and cash prices that is, to pay without using insurance which are often lower than insurance prices. However, studies found many hospitals did not list their prices, or if they did, the data was confusing and inconsistent. A review from the price transparency nonprofit PatientRightsAdvocate.org found that fewer than 20 percent of the countrys largest hospitals clearly listed all of their prices for the 300 most common services for every single insurance carrier.You should be able to access the price list on the hospitals website (which can be a tricky process in itself; the New York Times has some tips on how to parse the data) but if you cant, get in touch with the billing department to ask for the price. Make sure youre looking at a spreadsheet of costs and not using the estimator tool, which Cynthia Fisher, the founder and chairman of PatientRightsAdvocate.org, says produces inaccurate estimates.Everybody should know what is that discounted cash price, Fisher says. What is my insured rate? How does my insured rate compare to other insurance rates? And guess what? You have the right to not accept that insurance rate if its egregiously higher. In practice, this means informing the billing department that you do not want to use your insurance and will pay out of pocket.Beyond the listed prices within hospital systems, if you are uninsured or will probably pay cash, health care providers must provide you with a good faith estimate in writing before youre treated, says Dawn Greene, the advocate manager at medical bill advocate service Resolve. These estimates include the cost of the procedure and any associated costs, like lab tests or anesthesia for a surgery. Should your final bill total $400 or more over the estimate, you can file a dispute with the provider. Those disputes should start with a call to the billing department.For those with high-deductible insurance plans who are generally healthy and have historically never hit their deductible, it may be cheaper to pay cash, without using insurance, for a procedure or medication.Lets say that you have a serious medical issue, youre going to be taking a lot of expensive medicines all the time, and youre for sure going to hit your deductible. Its better to go through your insurance so you can hit your deductible sooner and then you dont have to pay for anything, says Carolyn McClanahan, founder of financial planning firm Life Planning Partners. But if youre a normally healthy person, and you just come down with something short term, then if you have a high-deductible plan, it is probably better to pay cash.Check online databases like Healthcare Bluebook and Fair Health Consumer, which provide fair price estimates for many kinds of office visits and procedures based on your location, to make sure youre being offered a fair price. The online tool Solv provides patients the costs for common procedures in their area if theyre not using insurance.Should the listed cost for your insurance carrier or the cash price be beyond what you can spend, ask to see the financial assistance or charity care policy. People dont realize how many of them actually qualify for financial assistance from hospitals, Donovan says. Each state or hospital will have their own eligibility requirements for financial assistance. In New Jersey, for example, patients are eligible for free care if they have a family income of up to 138 percent of the federal poverty level. (The poverty guideline for a single person is $15,060 in 2024 and $31,200 for a family of four.) Even if you make more than that, you could still be eligible for a discounted rate.If youre still not comfortable with the price, you can research costs at other hospitals to find one that fits your budget. This can be time-consuming and frustrating, especially if youre sick. While Donovan is not a proponent of shopping for care, she says patients can save money on imaging costs by opting for X-rays, ultrasounds, MRIs, and CT scans at freestanding clinics outside of hospital systems. So if its not urgent, its worth looking for the cheapest facility. You can call and ask for their rates over the phone, Donovan says.How can I lower the cost of this medication?Your doctor probably wont know the exact cost of medication when theyre prescribing it especially when it comes to what your insurance will or wont cover but theyll know if there is a generic brand or even an over-the-counter medicine available that will undoubtedly be cheaper. You can even ask the pharmacist if there is a generic or OTC version of the drug they can give you instead. Sometimes [doctors] prescribe pain medicine thats actually equivalent to three Advil, 600 milligrams, Fisher says. Why pay for an expensive prescription when you probably have it at home in your medicine cabinet?Fisher recommends asking the pharmacist the price of the medication if you were to pay cash versus if it were to be covered through insurance. Often, the cash rate is much lower, she says. You can also ask the pharmacist if they have access to any discount cards or coupons from the drug manufacturer, Donovan says. Keep in mind that discount cards cannot be used with insurance.Platforms like GoodRx offer price comparisons for medications at pharmacies near you and provide coupons for discounted medications. You wont be able to use your insurance with GoodRx coupons. Mark Cubans platform Cost Plus Drugs lists discounted drug prices; your doctor will have to write the prescription to the companys pharmacy partner, which will then mail you the medication. Cost Plus Drugs accepts Capital Blue Cross, Rightway, and other select insurances. Again, paying cash for these discounted options may be considerably cheaper than going through insurance.Patients with Medicare are unable to use coupons from the manufacturer for drugs. However, many people are eligible for the Medicare Savings Program, which reduces drug costs down to a flat rate, says Schwarz, of the Medicare Rights Center. You can apply for the Medicare Savings Program through your state Medicare agency. There is an additional Extra Help program, which also reduces drug costs, that patients can enroll in through the Social Security Administration.If you were prescribed medication for an ongoing or extended period of time, ask your doctor at your annual checkup if the medication is still necessary, McClanahan says. Eliminating or lowering the dosage of a drug will also lower your expenses. However, you should never defy your doctors instructions to take name-brand medication or scale back on dosage in order to save money.Do I really need this test or procedure?Sometimes doctors will order a litany of tests in order to diagnose a potential issue. The costs for even routine blood work can add up, depending on the labs ordered. Tell your physician youre concerned about the cost of the tests, Donovan says, and ask something along the lines of, Im worried about finances. Are we getting a lot of value added for these tests? For example, Donovan was told she would need monthly ultrasounds during one of her pregnancies a considerable expense. I was like, That seems like low-value, high-cost care, she says. The physician quickly said the monthly ultrasounds werent necessary unless she experienced any complications.Heres the thing about providers, Donovan says, as soon as you sound like you know what youre talking about, all of a sudden theyre going to treat you like you know what youre talking about.McClanahan suggests inquiring about what exactly the doctor is hoping to see in the test. If they cant answer that question, do you really need that test? she says.Can we keep the conversation limited to what the billing department would consider a preventative visit?As a part of most health insurance plans, preventative services like annual checkups, immunizations, and common screenings are free. However, after reviewing a doctors notes from an appointment, some billing departments will categorize or code a free preventative visit as another type of appointment entirely, resulting in a bill. A doctor simply asking you how you feel emotionally can change the coding of a visit. So many people come to us with that very same problem, Fisher says.Fisher says patients should feel empowered to tell their doctor, This is my annual checkup. Lets keep our conversation within the bounds of that type of visit, while theyre in the exam room with their doctor.If youre being asked to pay while on the way out of the office, remind the person asking you for money that you were here for a preventative visit and to change the code on the visit. If you receive a bill in the mail weeks later, call the doctors billing department and explain the situation: The appointment was coded incorrectly and you should not be charged. You may need to call your insurance company as well.How to negotiate a medical billOpening a medical bill and seeing an astronomical number can come as a shock. After the procedure or appointment, patients must double-check the accuracy of billing departments and exhaust all other options to lower the bill before paying. Heres where to start and what to ask for.Can I see an itemized bill?Its estimated that about 60 percent of medical bills that are issued have errors, says Greene, of Resolve. Always ask to see an itemized bill to make sure youre being charged correctly. Were you double charged for something? Charged for a service you did not receive? You can also compare the costs on your bill with the hospitals posted prices to ensure youre not being overcharged.If they say a CT scan is $5,000 on their website and theyre charging you $6,000, then you know that theres an issue with the billing and you bring that to the hospitals attention, Greene says.If youre going through insurance, compare the bill with the explanation of benefits (EOB) you received from your insurance. The explanation of benefits outlines what costs your insurance will cover. Never pay any bill until you get that, Donovan says, and then you just compare that amount on the EOB to the amount youre being billed. If those amounts dont match ... you should start making phone calls. Theres no hard and fast rule on who to call first your insurance or the providers billing department but make sure youre bringing up the issue with both of these departments, Donovan says. Even if your insurance denies claims for medically necessary tests or procedures as ProPublica reporting found is common at Cigna you should appeal the rejection.Fisher recalls a patient who came to PatientRightsAdvocate.org to help dispute a $15,000 EpiPen charge from a hospital visit. Once the patient alerted the hospital of his insurance carrier, the price dropped to $4,900 still considerably higher than the $70 he would have spent at a pharmacy with a prescription. The patient referenced the hospitals price list and found the maximum the hospital could charge patients for an EpiPen was $600 without insurance, and $300 if he used his insurance. He wrote a letter to his insurer and the hospital showing that they way overcharged him, Fisher says. They both wrote back saying that there must have been a glitch in the system. The patients bill for the EpiPen was eliminated, Fisher says.If you feel like youve been erroneously charged after an emergency room visit and are hitting a wall with both the provider and the insurance company, reach out to the No Surprises Help desk by phone at 1-800-985-3059 to discuss the legislations protections. Referencing the fair market price listed at Healthcare Bluebook and Fair Health Consumer can also be a useful negotiating tool to lower your bill.Can I get on a payment plan?Hospitals are usually willing to work with patients to receive any amount of a bill, Donovan says, so you should negotiate a payment plan if the lump sum is too large after checking for any errors. Consider all of your other expenses before agreeing to a monthly payment amount. If the billing department employee youre speaking with isnt receptive to your needs, Donovan suggests ending the conversation and calling back in a day or so you might get an employee whos more amenable. (This advice works for any of the interactions you may have with the billing department.) Again, ask to see information about financial aid as well because you likely qualify for some amount of assistance.The nature of the American medical system requires a lot of patients: ensuring theyre staying in-network, double-checking bills for errors, advocating for low-cost care. Organizations like the Patient Advocate Foundation and Resolve work with patients to negotiate their bills with hospitals, so dont be afraid to ask for help.Patients have the right not to be discriminatorily overcharged, Fisher says. No one should accept medical debt.Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More:
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