• Intricate tattoos on 1,200-year-old mummy revealed by lasers
    Tattoos from the pre-Columbian Chancay culture of coastal Peru. These tattoo scales are on the forearm of mummified human remains seen under white light. Kaye et al. 2025ShareLasers are typically used to remove tattoos from the skin with mixed results. These tight beams of light can also reveal the ink that once decorated 1,200-year-old pieces of mummified skin. Using a newly developed laser technique, an international team of researchers identified the intricate tattoo designs on mummified human remains that date back to Perus Chancay culture. The findings are detailed in a study published January 13 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Get the Popular Science newsletter Breakthroughs, discoveries, and DIY tips sent every weekday. By signing up you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.Humorous pottery and complex tattoosThe Chancay culture was a pre-Hispanic civilization that lived in the valleys of present day coastal Peru from about 1000 to 1470 CE. It was likely absorbed by the Inca Empire, when this larger and more powerful group expanded into Chancay land.Chancay pottery was not particularly ornate and most artifacts are simple black-on-white pieces with colors. Some Chancay vessels also depict humorous scenes. Like the Inca, Ancient Egyptians and some cultures from Europe, the Chancay practiced both tattooing the skin and mummification, which preserved body ink. These tattoos appear to be surprisingly more complex than the designs seen on their pottery.Art and location of the Chancay culture. (A) Drawing of a human ceramic figure depicted with body art similar to the mummified remains in Fig. 2. (B) Example of textile art. (C) Location of modern Chancay along the coast of Peru. Artifacts from Arturo Ruiz Estrada Archaeological Museum Collection. CREDIT: Kaye et al. 2025. Mummy meets laserIn the study, the team used a new technique originally developed to study dinosaur fossils called laser-stimulated fluorescence (LSF).Our imaging work involved scanning a laser line back-and-forth over the mummified human remains in a dark room, Michael Pittman, a study co-author and archeologist from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, tells Popular Science. This caused the skin of the remains to glow in the dark, vividly backlighting the otherwise hidden details of the original tattoo.LSF was developed by Pittman and study co-author Thomas G. Kaye from Foundation for Scientific Advancement in Arizona. When applying it to the tattooed and mummified skin, it allowed them to see exceptionally fine-line tattoos with incredibly narrow details. The tattoos depict intricate shapes and geometric designs. According to Pittman, some of the tattoos in the study even exceed the artistic precision that is seen in known examples of Chancay pottery, textiles, and rock art.We were most surprised by just how detailed the Chancay tattoos could be, says Pittman. The 0.1 0.2 millimeter lines we discovered are finer than any line a standard #12 modern tattoo needles can produce, so the level of skill and effort that was required from the Chancay artist really blew our minds.Unknown symbolismWhile this study expands scientific understanding of Chancay artistic expression, it raises larger questions about the role of tattoos. These markings may have been used as status symbols or as spiritual emblems.The significance of the tattoos we studied is still being actively studied, but in revealing such unexpectedly detailed tattoos, we show that the Chancay went to special lengths to design and produce certain tattoos suggesting that the significance of their tattoos probably varied, says Pittman.Applying this laser technique to other ancient mummified remains from around the world could offer more insight to ancient tattoo arts.We plan to image other ancient tattoos from around the world using this new technology as we believe it opens up an exciting new frontier to finding other impactful insights into the history of this important artform, says Pittman.
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  • Lasers reveal hidden patterns in tattoos of 1,200-year-old Peru mummies
    A new method for imaging tattoos reveals intricate designs on Chancay mummies from Peru.
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  • Path Of Exile 2: How To Find A Use For The Relic In Act 2
    One of the side quests that appears in Act 2 of Path of Exile 2 is called "Ancient Vows." This quest only pops up once you find one half of an ancient Relic. Unfortunately, the quest doesn't offer anything else in the way of information aside from telling you to find another Relic to place on an altar.If you've been scratching your head trying to complete this quest and find the other half of the Relic in PoE 2, don't worry any further. We have you covered with the guide below.How to find find a use for the Relic in Path of Exile 2To fully complete the Ancient Vows quest, you need to find two separate halves of a Relic. Once you have the two halves, you need to place them both in an altar located in the Valley of the Titans region in Act 2.Continue Reading at GameSpot
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  • Marvel Rivals' Season 1 Content will be a Tough Act to Follow, But That's Okay
    Marvel Rivals has hit the ground running, building on its successful Season 0 with an ambitious and content-packed Season 1. This update introduces a wealth of new features, beginning with The Fantastic Four as central protagonists. Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman are already available, while The Thing and The Human Torch will join later, pushing the games roster to 37 heroesnearly rivaling Overwatch 2. Adding four heroes in one season sets a high bar for future updates, though developers have clarified that Season 1s size is intentionally double that of future seasons.
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  • [REDACTED] - An epic platformer (Rated: T or M) (Engine Undecided)
    Inspired directly by drop kick in a SPICY-TWIST of a way you'll never see coming unless you join the crew to help make this gem in the rough of a platformer come to fruition!!!This project will incorporate aspects from some of the greats of platforming in a true homage gone whacky parody. Some of the characters will have move-sets we've come to know and love but other characters will be HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL AND ZANY. That's a lot to be said in a game where Zane is the name of the game.
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  • How to swap between battle passes in Marvel Rivals
    Swapping between battle passes in Marvel Rivals is a great way to get seasonal rewards from a previous season if youve existed the current. These battle passes offer a ton of value, adding new skins, sprays, emotes, and more to the game every season.In this Marvel Rivals guide, well walk you through how to swap between battle passes, and answer if youre able to gain access to any of the cool cosmetics you mightve missed in seasons past.How to swap to an old battle passe in Marvel RivalsSwapping to an previous seasons battle pass is simple in Marvel Rivals, if you know where to look.From the main menu, go to your battle pass screen, located under the season tab. From there, look to the top right of your screen to find a button labeled Nexus. Hit the button and youll see the above screen (which was captured at the start of season 1).From here, in this Nexus area, youre able to navigate between the current season and older seasons that you own. Simply click on the old battle pass to open it up and check the rewards.While thats great for just buying an old reward and heading back to the latest battle pass, you can actually pin an old battle pass to your account if you want to work on it for a few days or weeks. This will cause the older battle pass to appear next to the current season in the seasonal menu.To do this, open up the old battle pass and look for the pin button on the left side of the screen. Select it and youll be good to go the next time you open the battle pass menu.Can you purchase expired battle passes in Marvel Rivals?Unfortunately, there is currently no way to purchase expired battle passes in Marvel Rivals. If you purchased the paid luxury version of a Marvel Rivals battle pass during the season it launched, it will never expire, and you can always go back to work on it the next time you have a bunch of time to play. But if you end up taking time away from the game or dont purchase a battle pass before it expires, its gone forever, as free battle passes cant be recovered.NetEase Games could rectify this in the future with a limited time sale on old battle passes or the ability to go back and make a purchase you mightve missed. But, unfortunately, nothing like that has been announced for the game so far, so make sure to keep an eye on the timer if youre on the fence about a battle pass that has cosmetics you really want.For moreMarvel Rivalsguides, heres everything you need to know about theMidnight Features event, a list of all knowncodes, and a look at the gamesroadmap.
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  • Why TikTok refugees are flocking to Xiaohongshu
    This decision is partly UX, partly political in the wake of the proposed TikTok ban.Continue reading on UX Collective
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  • The Best Way to Clean a Keyboard (If You Dont Have Compressed Air)
    My keyboard, perhaps like your keyboard, gets rather dirty. From working on it and traveling with it to eating food over its precious surface, it is my fault debris accumulates among its keys. And yet, I dont have a compressed air canister or a keyboard cleaning kit on hand. To rectify this situation, I spent a little time looking at quick and easy keyboard cleaning hacks, and found what worked best for me.Clean your computer keyboard with the humble toothbrushAfter much searching, I discovered there are two often-recommended methods for cleaning keyboard crevices in the absence of compressed air: One involves using an old toothbrush, and the other involves a small, soft brush, such as a makeup brush. I have both of those items easily on hand, but I recognize a sizable chunk of people will not have quick access to a makeup brush, so I opted for the toothbrush.My concern was that if I got the toothbrush a little wet, it would damage the keyboard, but after reading more, I learned that solid debris, like crumbs and dirt, can be removed easily with dry bristles. I would only need to wet the brush if I came to any sticky spots. First things first: Turn your computer off and disconnect its charger. I also laid down a paper towel to catch any dirt. I started by thinking I could just quickly sweep the toothbrush across the keyboard and the bristles would catch and dislodge dirt, but this was not the case; I had to go row by row, angling the brush so the bristles were taut and the tip dipped into the tiny spaces around each key. This took longer than I anticipated and each row required multiple swipes and drags of the brush to get all the crumbs out. It did work, though: Crumbs started piling up in the gaps between key slots and I was able to brush those easily onto the paper towel.Unfortunately, it didnt work as well as Id hoped. I ultimately did have to wet the bristles ever so slightly and try again. I put five droplets on the brush. (Yes, I counted. I live to serve my readers and this computer cost a lot of money, so I didn't want to cause any damage.) Then I shook it out a bit and felt it to be sure it was just a little damp. From there, I repeated my process of dragging the tip along the rows and noticeably more dirt became dislodged. Once Id collected several piles of debris, I wrapped my toothbrush in a wet wipe and swiped them up. It looked much better, but when I turned the computer back on, the backlighting on my keyboard revealed a few crumbs that hadnt been eradicated. I dry-brushed these, which was much easier with the light coming from behind the keys, and pushed them onto my paper towel.You can see my ultimate keyboard-brushing result at the top of this page. Keyboard cleaning conclusionsOverall, this worked great, though it was more time- and labor-intensive than I was expecting. It requires precision, patience, and focus, but it's time well-invested.When pitching this story, Lifehacker managing editor Meghan Walbert let me know that she uses a Q-Tip for routine keyboard maintenance. She says when used regularly, it can remove dust from around the keys, preventing that debris from eventually falling into the cracks and requiring more effort to remove. Consider keeping some Q-Tips on hand for spot cleaning between sessions with the toothbrush. Compressed Canned Air Duster for Computer - iDuster Disposable Electronic Keyboard Cleaner for Cleaning Duster, 2PCS(3.5oz) Compressed canned air duster (set of two) $13.49 at Amazon $14.99 Save $1.50 Shop Now Shop Now $13.49 at Amazon $14.99 Save $1.50 If you want to pursue the toothbrush method, there's one more thing to keep in mind: Some brushes are better for this purpose than others. I used what I had on hand, which was one of the ones with extra-large rubber bristles surrounding the normal bristles, and I don't recommend that. Rather, look for some with hard, firm bristles and no extra rubber or silicone parts on the head, like these. If all you have is the kind with the rubber bits, don't dismay. I was able to do this just fine with one of those, though it was a tad more challenging.
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  • Samsung introduces new sleep-tracking metrics that take advantage of SmartThings enabled devices
    Samsung just announced new sleep-tracking tools available via the companys Health app. This includes a new analysis tool that leverages other SmartThings enabled devices. Each morning, users receive a sleep environment report that takes factors like temperature, humidity, air quality and light intensity into account.The app will also let folks automatically adjust room settings via the aforementioned connected devices. This should help people create the ideal sleep environment.Theres another tool called sleep time guidance that suggests the optimal bedtime and wake-up time for each individual user. This is determined by analyzing sleep patterns, nightly habits and room conditions. Finally, the app now includes a new mindfulness tracker that helps manage mood, breathing and stress levels.The company also made some announcements regarding the Galaxy Ring, just ahead of Samsung Unpacked on January 22. New sizes of the smart ring will be available for purchase on that date, which include two larger variants. This brings the number of available ring sizes to 11, with three color options. Additionally, the device is coming to new regions. These countries include Greece, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan and many more.This news likely indicates that there wont be a Galaxy Ring 2 announced at Unpacked. Instead, the event should focus on new smartphones and (of course) AI junk, er, I mean tools.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/home/smart-home/samsung-introduces-new-sleep-tracking-metrics-that-take-advantage-of-smartthings-enabled-devices-182052999.html?src=rss
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