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Southern California wildfires likely outpace ability of wildlife to adaptarstechnica.comburnout Southern California wildfires likely outpace ability of wildlife to adapt Even species that evolved with wildfires, like mountain lions, are struggling. Liza Gross, Inside Climate News Jan 21, 2025 10:35 am | 3 A family of deer gather around burned trees from the Palisades Fire at Will Rogers State Park on Jan. 9 in Los Angeles. Credit: Apu Gomes/Getty Images A family of deer gather around burned trees from the Palisades Fire at Will Rogers State Park on Jan. 9 in Los Angeles. Credit: Apu Gomes/Getty Images Story textSizeSmallStandardLargeWidth *StandardWideLinksStandardOrange* Subscribers only Learn moreAs fires spread with alarming speed through the Pacific Palisades region of Los Angeles Tuesday, Jan. 7, a local TV news crew recorded a mountain lion trailed by two young cubs running through a neighborhood north of the fire. The three lions were about three-quarters of a mile from the nearest open space. Another TV crew captured video of a disoriented, seemingly orphaned fawn trotting down the middle of a street near the Eaton Fire in Altadena, her fur appearing singed, her gait unsteady.Firefighters are still struggling to contain fires in Los Angeles County that have so far destroyed thousands of homes and other structures and left more than two dozen people dead. Fires and the notorious Santa Ana winds that fuel their spread are a natural part of this chaparral landscape.But a warming world is supercharging these fires, experts say. Climate change is causing rapid shifts between very wet years that accelerate the growth of scrubland grasses and brush, leading to whats known as excessive fuel loading, that hotter summers and drier falls and winters turn into easily ignited tinderbox conditions. The area where the fires are burning had the singularly driest October through early January period we have on record, said climate scientist Daniel Swain during an online briefing last week.Its too soon to know the toll these fires have taken on wildlife, particularly wide-ranging carnivores like mountain lions. But biologists worry that the growing severity and frequency of fires is outpacing wildlifes ability to adapt.State wildlife officials dont want people to provide food or water for wild animals, because it can alter their behavior, spread disease, and cause other unintended effects. What wildlife need right now, they say, is to reach safe habitat as fast as they can.Wildlife living at the interface of urban development already face many challenges, and now these fires have deprived them of critical resources, said Beth Pratt, California National Wildlife Federation regional executive director. Animals that escaped the flames have lost shelter, water, and food sources, all the things they need to survive, she said. The fires are even wiping out many of the plants butterflies and other pollinators need to feed and reproduce, she noted.Connecting isolated patches of habitat with interventions like wildlife crossings is critical not only for building fire resilience, Pratt said, but also for protecting biodiversity long term.Mountain lions and other wildlife adapted to the wildfires that shaped the Southern California landscape over thousands of years.Many animals respond to cues that act as early warning signs of fire, using different strategies to avoid flames after seeing or smelling smoke plumes or hearing tree limbs crackle as they burn. Large animals, like mountain lions and deer, tend to run away from advancing flames while smaller species may try to take cover.But now, with major fires happening every year around highly urbanized areas like LA, they cant simply move to a nearby open space.Daniel Blumstein, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of California, Los Angeles, and others have exposed animals to fire-related sensory cues in experiments to study their responses.A variety of different species, including lizards, hear or smell these cues and modify their behavior and take defensive action to try to survive, said Blumstein.If youre a lizard or small mammal, he said, getting underground in something like a burrow probably protects you from fire burning above you.But the magnitude and rapidity of these sorts of fires, and the rapidity of these fires particularly, you cant do anything, said Blumstein. I expect lots of wildlife has been killed by this fire, because it just moved so fast.Helping wildlife during emergenciesWildlife experts urge California residents not to provide food or water for wildlife during emergencies like the LA fires. Attracting wildlife to urban areas by providing food and water can have several unintended negative consequences.Fire events often leave many concerned citizens wondering what they can do to help displaced or injured wildlife, said California Department of Fish and Wildlife spokesperson Krysten Kellum. The agency appreciates people wanting to help wild animals in California, she said, offering the following recommendations to best help wildlife during emergencies:Please DO NOT provide food or water to wildlife. While this may seem well intentioned, the most critical need of wildlife during and after a wildfire is for them to find their way to safe habitat as quickly as possible. Stopping for food or water in fire zones and residential areas poses risks to them and you. Finding food and water in a specific location even one time can permanently alter an animals behavior. Wildlife quickly learns that the reward of receiving handouts from humans outweighs their fears of being around people. This often leads to a cycle of human-wildlife conflicts, which can easily be avoided.CDFW also advises leaving wild animal rescue to trained professionals. If you find an orphaned, sick, or injured wild animal after a fire event, report the sighting to local CDFW staff by emailing details to R5WildlifeReport@wildlife.ca.gov. You can also contact a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. For a list of licensed rehabilitators, visit the CDFW website.Just as human defenses didnt work against flames fanned by winds moving 100 miles an hour, he said, things animals might do might not be effective for something traveling so fast.Tuesday night, Jan. 7, Blumstein saw the Eaton Fire burning in the mountains around Altadena, about 30 miles northeast of his home in the Santa Monica Mountains. When he woke up later in the night, he saw that the whole mountain was on fire.You cant run away from that, he said.An evolutionary mismatchThe Los Angeles region is the biggest metropolitan area in North America inhabited by mountain lions. City living has not been kind to the big cats.If they dont die from eating prey loaded with rat poison, lions must navigate a landscape so fragmented by development they often try to cross some of the busiest freeways in the world, just to find food or a mate or to avoid a fight with resident males.Its a lethal choice. About 70 mountain lions are killed on California roads every year, according to the UC Davis Road Ecology Center. The Los Angeles region is a hotspot for such deaths.Roads are the highest source of mortality in our study area, said Jeff Sikich, a wildlife biologist with the National Park Service who has been studying the impacts of urbanization and habitat fragmentation on mountain lions in and around the Santa Monica Mountains for more than two decades.Sikich and his team track adults and kittens that they implant with tiny transmitters. In 2023, one of those transmitters told him a three-month-old kitten had been killed on a road that cuts through the Santa Monica Mountains.The kittens caught on video following their mom near the Palisades Fire are probably about the same age.Lions living in the Santa Monica Mountains are so isolated from potential mates by roads and development, Sikich and other researchers reported in 2022, they face a high risk of extinction from extremely low levels of genetic diversity.We dont have many lions radio collared now, but there is one adult male that uses the eastern Santa Monica Mountains, where the Palisades Fire is, Sikich said. I located him on Monday outside the burn area, so hes good.Most of the animals dont have radio collars, though, so Sikich cant say how theyre doing. But if they respond to these fires like they did to previous conflagrations, theyre likely to take risks searching for food and shelter that increase their chances of fatal encounters andif these types of fires persistextinction.We learned a lot after the Woolsey Fire that happened in 2018 and burned nearly half of the Santa Monica Mountains and three-quarters of the Simi Hills, said Sikich.Sikich and his team had 11 lions collared at the time and lost two in the Woolsey Fire. One of the cats just couldnt escape the flames, Sikich said. A second casualty, tracked as P-64 (P is for puma), was a remarkably resourceful male nicknamed the culvert cat because hed managed to safely navigate deadly roadways to connect three different mountain ranges within his home range. P-64, an adult male mountain lion, travels through a tunnel under Highway 101, heading south toward the Santa Monica Mountains in 2018. Credit: National Parks Service P-64, an adult male mountain lion, travels through a tunnel under Highway 101, heading south toward the Santa Monica Mountains in 2018. Credit: National Parks Service The cat traversed a long, dark tunnel under Highway 101, used by more than 350,000 cars a day, to reach a small patch of habitat north of the Santa Monica Mountains. Then he used another tunnel, made for hikers and equestrians, to reach a much larger open space to the north. But when the fire broke out, he didnt have time to reach these escape routes.Sikich could see from P-64s GPS collar that he was in the Simi Hills when the fire started. He began heading south, but ran smack into a developed area, which adult males do their best to avoid, even without the chaos of evacuations and fire engines.So he had two options, Sikich said. He could have entered the urban area or turned around and go back onto the burnt landscape, which he did.A few weeks later, Sikich got a mortality signal from P-64s radio collar. We didnt know at the time, of course, but when we found him, he had burnt paws, he said. So he died from the effects of the fire.The cat was emaciated, with smoke-damaged lungs. His burnt paws hindered his ability to hunt. He likely starved to death.When the team compared collared cats 15 months before and after the fire, they saw that the surviving cats avoided the burned areas. Lions need cover to hunt but the area was just a moonscape, Sikich said. The loss of that habitat forced the cats to take greater risks, likely to find food.Mountain lions tend to be more active around dawn and dusk, but after the fire, collared cats were more active during the day. That meant they were more likely to run into people and cross roads and even busy freeways, Sikich and his team reported in a 2022 study. On Dec. 3, 2018, National Park Service researchers discovered the remains of P-64, who survived the flames of the Woolsey Fire but died a few weeks later. The lion was emaciated and likely starved to death, unable to hunt with burnt paws. Credit: National Park Service On Dec. 3, 2018, National Park Service researchers discovered the remains of P-64, who survived the flames of the Woolsey Fire but died a few weeks later. The lion was emaciated and likely starved to death, unable to hunt with burnt paws. Credit: National Park Service We expect animals, in the long run, to adapt to the environments in which they live, said Blumstein, who contributed to the study. In California, they adapted to coastal chaparral fires but not to fires in a fragmented habitat dominated by development. And when animals adapt to something, there can be mismatches between what they see as attractive and whats good for them, he explained.Historically, being attracted to dense vegetation might have been a good thing, but if the only dense vegetation left after a fire is around peoples houses, that may not be a good thing, he said.Two cats tracked after the fire died of rodenticide poisoning and another was killed by a vehicle.The cats also traveled greater distances, which put young males at greater risk of running into older males defending their territory. The cat who died on the road was the first to successfully cross the 405 interstate, the busiest in the nation, from the Santa Monica Mountains into the Hollywood Hills. Sikich knew from remote cameras that an adult male had lived there for years. Then after the fire, surveillance footage from a camera in a gated community caught that dominant male chasing the young intruder up a tree, then toward the freeway.He tried to head back west but wasnt lucky this time as he crossed the 405, Sikich said.Add climate change-fueled fires to the list of human activity thats threatening the survival of Southern Californias mountain lions.Counting on wildlife crossingsWhen the Woolsey Fire took out half of the open space in the Santa Monica Mountains, it placed considerable stress on animals from mountain lions to monarchs, said Pratt of the National Wildlife Federation. These massive fires underscore the urgent need to connect isolated patches of habitat to boost species ability to cope with other stressors, especially in an urban environment, she said.Studies by Sikich and others demonstrated the critical need for a wildlife crossing across Highway 101 to connect protected habitat in the Santa Monica Mountains with habitat in the Simi Hills in the north. It was at a tunnel underneath the 101 connecting those two regions that Sikich first saw the culvert cat, the lion with burnt paws who perished in the Woolsey Fire.More than 20 years of research highlights the importance of connectivity in these fire-prone areas, he said, so animals can safely get across the freeways around these urban areas.Pratt helped raise awareness about the need for a wildlife crossing through the #SaveLACougars campaign. She also helped raise tens of millions of dollars to build the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing, aided by P-22, the mountain lion who became world-famous as the Hollywood cat. P-22 lived his life within an improbably small 8-square-mile home range in LAs Griffith Park, after crossing two of the nations busiest freeways.The crossing broke ground in 2022, the same year wildlife officials euthanized P-22, after they determined the 12-year-old cat was suffering from multiple serious injuries, likely from a vehicle strike, debilitating health problems, and rodenticide poisoning.Wildlife crossing and connectivity projects dont just address biodiversity collapse, they also boost fire and climate resilience, Pratt said, because they give animals options, whether to escape fire, drought, or roads.Thinking of fire as something to fight is a losing battle, she said. Its something we have to coexist with. And I think that we are making investments that are trying to take out a reliance on fossil fuels so that the conditions for these fires are not so severe, she said, referring to Californias targets to slash greenhouse gas emissions within the next 20 years.Even with the inbreeding and lethal threats from cars and rat poison, Sikich sees reason to be hopeful for the Santa Monica lion population.For one thing, he said, were seeing reproduction, pointing to the mom with kittens seen above the Palisades fire and new litters among the females his team is following. And the amount of natural habitat we do have is great, he said, with plenty of deer and cover for hunting. Thats why we still have lions.This story originally appeared on Inside Climate News.Liza Gross, Inside Climate News 3 Comments0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·139 Visualizações
Untangling Enterprise Reliance on Legacy Systemswww.informationweek.comWhile the push for digital transformation has been underway for years, many enterprises still have legacy technology deeply ingrained in their tech stacks. In many cases, these systems are years or even decades old but remainintegral to keeping a business operational. Simply ripping them out and replacing them is often not a plausible quick fix.It's actually quite hard to fully demise previous versions of technology as we adopt new versions, and so you end up with the sort of layering of various ages of all the technologies, says Nick Godfrey, senior director and global head, office of the CISO at Google Cloud.Given that continued use of legacy systems comes with risk, why are legacy systems still so common today? How can enterprise leaders manage that risk and move forward?A Universal ChallengeIn 2019, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified 10 critical federal IT legacy systems. These systems were 8 to 51 years old and cost roughly $337 million to operate and maintain each year.Government is hardly the only sector that relies on outdated systems. The banking sector uses COBOL, a decades-old coding language, heavily. The health care industry is rife with examples of outdated electronic health record (EHR) systems and legacy hardware. One survey found that 74% of manufacturing and engineering companies use legacy systems and spreadsheets to operate.Related:If we talk about banking, manufacturing, and health care, you would find a big chunk of legacy systems are actually elements of the operational technology that it takes to operate that business, says Joel Burleson-Davis, senior vice president of worldwide engineering, cyber at Imprivata, a digital identity security company.The cost of replacing these systems isnt simply the price tag that comes with the new technology. Its also the downtime that comes with making the change.The hardest way to drive the car is when you're trying to change the tire at the same time, says Austin Allen,director of solutions architecture at Airlock Digital, an application control company. You think about one hour of downtime you can be talking about millions of dollars depending on the company.A survey conducted by commercial software company SnapLogic found that organizations spent an average of $2.7 million to overhaul legacy tech in 2023.As expensive as it is to replace legacy technology, keeping it in place could prove to be more costly. Legacy systems are vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches. In 2024, the average cost of a data breach is $4.88 million, according to IBMs Cost of a Data Breach Report 2024.Related:Evaluating the Tech StackThe first step to assessing the risk that legacy systems pose to an enterprise is understanding how they are being used. It sounds simple enough on the surface, but enterprise infrastructure is incredibly complicated.Everybody wishes that they had all of their processes. and all of their systems integrations documented, but they don't, says Jen Curry Hendrickson, senior vice president of managed services at DataBank, a data center solutions company.Once security and technology leaders conduct a thorough inventory of systems and understand how enterprise data is moving through those systems, they can assess the risks.This technology was designed and installed many, many years ago when the threat profile was significantly different, says Godfrey. It is creating an ever more complex surface area.What systems can be updated or patched? What systems are no longer supported by vendors? How could threat actors leverage access to a legacy system for lateral movement?Managing Legacy System RiskOnce enterprise leaders have a clear picture of their organizations legacy systems and the risk they pose, they have a choice to make. Do they replace those systems, or do they keep them in place and manage those risks?Businesses are fully entitled -- maybe they shouldn't [be] -- but they're fully entitled to say no, I understand the risk and that's not something we're going to address right now, says Burleson-Davis. Industries that tend to have lower margins and be a little more resource-strapped are the likeliest to make some of those tradeoffs.Related:If an enterprise cannot replace a legacy system, its security and technology leaders can still take steps to reduce the risk of it becoming a doorway for threat actors.Security teams can implement compensating controls to look for signs of compromise. They can implement zero-trust access and isolate legacy systems from the rest of the enterprises network as much as possible.Legacy systems really should be hardened from the operating system side. You should be turning off operating system features that do not have any business purpose in your environment by default, Allen emphasizes.Security leaders may even find relatively simple ways to reduce risk exposure related to legacy systems.People will often find, Oh, I'm running 18 different versions of the same virtualization package Why don't I go to one? Burleson-Davis shares. We find people running into scenarios like that where after doing a proper inventory [they] find that there was some low-hanging fruit that really solved some of that risk.Transitioning Away from Legacy SystemsEnterprise leaders have to clear a number of hurdles in order to replace legacy systems successfully. The cost and the time are obvious challenges. Given the age of these systems, talent constraints come to the fore. Does the enterprise have people who understand how the legacy system works and how it can be replaced?You end up with a very complex skills requirement inside of your organization to be able to manage very old types of technologies through to cutting-edge technologies, Godfrey points out.A change advisory board (CAB) can lead the charge on strategic planning. That group of people can help answer vital questions about the timeline for the transition, the potential downtime, and the people necessary to execute the change.How does that affect anything downstream or upstream? Where is my data flowing? How are these systems connected? How do Ikeep them connected? What am I going to break? asks Curry Hendrickson.Allen stresses the importance of planning for a way to roll back the implementation of new technology. What's the strategy for rolling back if it goes wrong? Because that's arguably the most important piece of this, and many times it will go wrong, he says.To reduce the chance of the implementation failing, the transition team needs to consider how the new technology will interact within the IT or OT environments. How is that different compared to the legacy system?[Understand] what it is that new system needs, [put] some of those changes in place before you implement the new system. That way the new system has every opportunity to be successful, says Allen.After pouring resources into modernizing technology, some enterprises make a fundamental mistake by forgetting to include the end users in the process. If end users arent prepared or willing to adopt new technology, that initiatives chances of success drop.One good example [is] introducing almost anything into a clinical setting and not including doctors and nurses. It is the guaranteed, number one way to fail, says Burleson-Davis.Curry Hendrickson also warns of the potential for vendor lock-in as enterprises examine ways to adopt new technology. You could get yourself into a scenario where you're so excited and you have this great environment, it is so flexible and then all of a sudden you're using way too many of this vendors tools, and now it's going to be a real problem to move out, she explains.This kind of technological transformation is often a multi-year project that requires the board, CISO, CIO, CTO, and other business leaders to agree on a strategy and consistently work toward it.There are going to be inevitably short-term trade-offs that have to be made during that transformation, during the journey to that north star, says Godfrey. The key to enabling that or unlocking the opportunity is thinking about it as a kind of organizational transformation as well as a technological transformation.0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·137 Visualizações
A cosmic shape could explain the fundamental nature of the universewww.newscientist.comPhysicsPhysicists have created a 3D shape called the cosmohedron, which can be used to reconstruct the quantum wavefunction of the universe - and potentially do away with the idea of space-time as the underlying fabric of the universe 21 January 2025 Is space-time the fabric of the universe, or is there something deeper?Shutterstock/Mohd. AfuzaWhat is the structure of our physical reality? Physicists have long imagined space and time interweaving into space-time, the metaphorical fabric that underlies the cosmos. But there may be something even more fundamental. Instead of space-times three spatial dimensions and one of time, the physics of our world could be encoded into a set of odd geometrical shapes and studying them may chart a new, space-time-free path towards a theory of everything.The idea is that space-time somehow has to go, that it has to0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·140 Visualizações
A new company plans to use Earth as a chemical reactorwww.technologyreview.comForget massive steel tankssome scientists want to make chemicals with the help of rocks deep beneath Earths surface. New research shows that ammonia, a chemical crucial for fertilizer, can be produced from rocks at temperatures and pressures that are common in the subsurface. The research was published today in Joule, and MIT Technology Review can exclusively report that a new company, called Addis Energy, was founded to commercialize the process. Ammonia is used in most fertilizers and is a vital part of our modern food system. Its also being considered for use as a green fuel in industries like transoceanic shipping. The problem is that current processes used to make ammonia require a lot of energy and produce huge amounts of the greenhouse gases that cause climate changeover 1% of the global total. The new study finds that the planets internal conditions can be used to produce ammonia in a much cleaner process. Earth can be a factory for chemical production, says Iwnetim Abate, an MIT professor and author of the new study. This idea could be a major change for the chemical industry, which today relies on huge facilities running reactions at extremely high temperatures and pressures to make ammonia. The key ingredients for ammonia production are sources of nitrogen and hydrogen. Much of the focus on cleaner production methods currently lies in finding new ways to make hydrogen, since that chemical makes up the bulk of ammonias climate footprint, says Patrick Molloy, a principal at the nonprofit research agency Rocky Mountain Institute. Recently, researchers and companies have located naturally occurring deposits of hydrogen underground. Iron-rich rocks tend to drive reactions that produce the gas, and these natural deposits could provide a source of low-cost, low-emissions hydrogen. While geologic hydrogen is still in its infancy as an industry, some researchers are hoping to help the process along by stimulating production of hydrogen underground. With the right rocks, heat, and a catalyst, you can produce hydrogen cheaply and without emitting large amounts of climate pollution. Hydrogen can be difficult to transport, though, so Abate was interested in going one step further by letting the conditions underground do the hard work in powering chemical reactions that transform hydrogen and nitrogen into ammonia. As you dig, you get heat and pressure for free, he says. To test out how this might work, Abate and his team crushed up iron-rich minerals and added nitrates (a nitrogen source), water (a hydrogen source), and a catalyst to help reactions along in a small reactor in the lab. They found that even at relatively low temperatures and pressures, they could make ammonia in a matter of hours. If the process were scaled up, the researchers estimate, one well could produce 40,000 tons of ammonia per day. While the reactions tend to go faster at high temperature and pressure, the researchers found that ammonia production could be an economically viable process even at 130 C (266 F) and a little over two atmospheres of pressure, conditions that would be accessible at depths reachable with existing drilling technology. While the reactions work in the lab, theres a lot of work to do to determine whether, and how, the process might actually work in the field. One thing the team will need to figure out is how to keep reactions going, because in the reaction that forms ammonia, the surface of the iron-rich rocks will be oxidized, leaving them in a state where they cant keep reacting. But Abate says the team is working on controlling how thick the unusable layer of rock is, and its composition, so the chemical reactions can continue. To commercialize this work, Abate is cofounding a company called Addis Energy with $4.25 million in pre-seed funds from investors including Engine Ventures. His cofounders include Michael Alexander and Charlie Mitchell (who have both spent time in the oil and gas industry) and Yet-Ming Chiang, an MIT professor and serial entrepreneur. The company will work on scaling up the research, including finding potential sites with the geological conditions to produce ammonia underground. The good news for scale-up efforts is that much of the necessary technology already exists in oil and gas operations, says Alexander, Addiss CEO. A field-deployed system will involve drilling, pumping fluid down into the ground, and extracting other fluids from beneath the surface, all very common operations in that industry. Theres novel chemistry thats wrapped in an oil and gas package, he says. The team will also work on refining cost estimates for the process and gaining a better understanding of safety and sustainability, Abate says. Ammonia is a toxic industrial chemical, but its common enough for there to be established procedures for handling, storing, and transporting it, says RMIs Molloy. Judging from the researchers early estimates, ammonia produced with this method could cost up to $0.55 per kilogram. Thats more than ammonia produced with fossil fuels today ($0.40/kg), but the technique would likely be less expensive than other low-emissions methods of producing the chemical. Tweaks to the process, including using nitrogen from the air instead of nitrates, could help cut costs further, even as low as $0.20/kg. New approaches to making ammonia could be crucial for climate efforts. Its a chemical thats essential to our way of life, says Karthish Manthiram, a professor at Caltech who studies electrochemistry, including alternative ammonia production methods. The teams research appears to be designed with scalability in mind from the outset, and using Earth itself as a reactor is the kind of thinking needed to accelerate the long-term journey to sustainable chemical production, Manthiram adds. While the company focuses on scale-up efforts, theres plenty of fundamental work left for Abate and other labs to do to understand whats going on during the reactions at the atomic level, particularly at the interface between the rocks and the reacting fluid. Research in the lab is exciting, but its only the first step, Abate says. The next one is seeing if this actually works in the field.0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·144 Visualizações
Stylists share 6 sneaker trends that are in right now and 4 that are outwww.businessinsider.comStep into some gum soles.A lot of different styles of sneakers can have gum soles. Mauricio Santana/Getty Images Personal and celebrity stylist Kim Appelt sees gum-bottom sneakers which feature grippy, neutral-colored soles as a "monstrous trend" at the moment.The pop of tan can be found on Adidas gazelles and Hogan beige-suede sneakers, to name a few.Appelt said adding this touch of neutral goes along with the general fashion trends toward browns and natural colors.Adidas sambas are here to stay.Sambas have been popular for a few years now. Christian Vierig/Getty Images Adidas sambas have been a popular choice across aesthetics for years, and that doesn't seem to be slowing down in 2025.Ceila "CQ" Quarles, the designer of CQ Studios who's styled multiple musicians and rappers, said the sneakers have a timeless look and a "killer silhouette.""It's a throw-on shoe you can put on whenever, wherever," she told BI. "It's a little basic, but you can't go wrong with it."Runners aren't just for jogging.Running shoes have made their way into the fashion world. andersphoto/Shutterstock Celebrity stylist Sandra Okerulu said running shoes aren't just for the sporty crowd.The trend really grew around the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and offered people a comfortable, more supportive footwear choice."You need flexibility," she told BI. "That's why this switch happened; because we're thinking longevity."With athletic footwear becoming mainstream, fashion brands like Betsey Johnson and Steve Madden are even making fun options that can be worn with both street clothes and gym attire.On is somewhat of a new kid on the block.On sneakers are getting big. 2p2play/Shutterstock With comfort taking the front seat this year, CQ suggests looking into On's Cloudtilt sneakers.With endorsements from and collaborations with celebrities like Zendaya, the shoe has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. The stylist thinks it has the power to keep trending through 2025, especially because the shoes are designed to be comfortable."Comfortable shoes are typically timeless," CQ told BI.Consider grabbing a pair from Onitsuka Tiger.The artistic, multicolor sneakers have risen in popularity. Mila Gruber/Getty Images Appelt said Onitsuka Tiger's classic sneakers will likely trickle into the top trends this coming year.The Japanese brand has several styles to choose from, all featuring its signature abstract checkerboard-like stripes in fun colors.The professional stylist recently bought multiple pairs herself on a trip to Tokyo and sees the chic shoe making its way to the US in droves in 2025.Asics are a comfortable choice.Asics have become standard office wear for some. andersphoto/Shutterstock With dad-style shoes coming back in fashion, Asics continues to be in the spotlight.It's been producing comfortable shoes for decades, but beyond brand loyalty, its modern lines have made it more of a fashion staple."People are obsessed with being cozy all the time," CQ said, noting the more fashion-forward Asics Sportstyle collection may be especially popular throughout 2025.On the other hand, it's time to take a breather from wild prints.Cheetah print may be in style, but you don't need it on your shoes. andersphoto/Shutterstock In recent years, it wasn't uncommon to spot cowhide, snakeskin, or zebra stripes on shoes, but Okerulu said that fad is dwindling.Although animal print cycles in and out of fashion all the time, it's less practical on shoes, which should ideally be versatile enough to work with outfits across your wardrobe.Step away from the chunky Converse.Classic Converse will likely come back in fashion soon, but some niche styles are done. Jeremy Moeller/Getty Images Both Appelt and CQ said they're seeing the Converse craze start to die after the brand's resurgence in 2020. This is especially true for its ultra-trendy Run Star Motion platforms.Appelt clarified that the brand itself, which has been around since the early 1900s, has longevity and will eventually circle back into style."It's the platform we can leave behind," she told BI.Wedge sneakers belong in the past.The style has become a bit dated. Simon McGill/Moment Editorial/Getty Images Many have a love-hate relationship with sneaker wedges, and Okerulu still doesn't think the shoe has enough buzz to really come back in style."People try to inch back on it, and I don't think that's going to work," she said. "Consumers are looking for something that's more realistic."The style kind of defeats the purpose of a good, sturdy sneaker. You certainly can't take it from the gym to the office.Nike Dunks perhaps aren't as popular as they once were.Nike Dunks had their moment. Jakub Porzycki/NurPhoto CQ said people seem to be switching out their Nike Dunks for more elevated shoes especially after the brand made the shoe less of a collector's item by producing droves in a myriad of colors."They're just not hitting like they used to," she said. "It used to be people lining up around the block for them. That is not the case anymore."0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·135 Visualizações
Photos show inaugural gowns first ladies have worn over the last 100 yearswww.businessinsider.comGrace Coolidge, 1925Calvin Coolidge and Grace Coolidge. AP Grace Coolidge was all smiles in a gray dress and top hat to match President Calvin Coolidge's during his second inauguration.Grace Coolidge was an immensely popular first lady whose friendliness balanced Calvin Coolidge's reserved nature, according to the White House.Lou Henry Hoover, 1929Herbert Hoover and Lou Henry Hoover. AP Photo Lou Henry Hoover wore a velvet dress with a zig-zag pattern to Herbert Hoover's inauguration.In May 1929, she became the first first lady to appear in Vogue, Katherine A.S. Sibley wrote in "A Companion to First Ladies."Eleanor Roosevelt, 1933Eleanor Roosevelt. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images The shade of Eleanor Roosevelt's inaugural gown became known as "Eleanor Blue" at President Franklin D. Roosevelt's first inauguration.Eleanor Roosevelt's dress and matching wrap were made of velvet, The New York Times reported. Her gowns were designed and made entirely in the US.Eleanor Roosevelt, 1937Eleanor Roosevelt. Keystone-France/Gamma-Keystone via Getty Images Eleanor Roosevelt chose a white Sally Milgrim design for her husband's second inauguration.Eleanor Roosevelt, 1941Eleanor Roosevelt. Edward Steichen/Conde Nast via Getty Images She wore another ivory dress for Franklin D. Roosevelt's third inauguration in 1941.Eleanor Roosevelt, 1945Eleanor Roosevelt. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Eleanor Roosevelt wore a pink lace gown to her husband's historic fourth inauguration.In 1951, the 22nd Amendment was ratified, placing limits on the number of terms a president could serve.Bess Truman, 1945Harry S. Truman and Bess Truman. AP Photo No inaugural ball was held when President Harry S. Truman was sworn in shortly after Roosevelt's death in 1945. Bess Truman wore a matching skirt suit set with a ruffled blouse when her husband took the oath of office.Bess Truman, 1949Bess Truman, left, with members of the Truman family. AP Photo/stf In 1949, Bess Truman wore a fur coat to her husband's second inauguration. Later, for the inaugural balls, she wore a gray satin dress with a silver feather pattern.Mamie Eisenhower, 1953Mamie Eisenhower and Dwight Eisenhower. AP Mamie Eisenhower wore a pale-pink de soie inaugural gown which was embroidered with over 2,000 rhinestones.Mamie Eisenhower, 1957Mamie Eisenhower. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Mamie Eisenhower's 1957 inaugural gown, designed by Nettie Rosenstein, was embroidered with pearls, crystals, and topaz.Jacqueline Kennedy, 1961Jacqueline Kennedy. Hulton Archive/Getty Images Jacqueline Kennedy attended the inaugural balls wearing a sleeveless off-white silk chiffon gown with a matching cape that she helped design in collaboration with Ethel Frankau of Bergdorf Custom Salon.Lady Bird Johnson, 1963Lyndon B. Johnson and Lady Bird Johnson consoled Jacqueline Kennedy after Johnson was sworn in as president. Universal History Archive/Universal History Archive/Universal Images Group via Getty Images After President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, his vice president, Lyndon B. Johnson, took the oath of office in a haphazard ceremony aboard Air Force One. Lady Bird Johnson wore a simple dress with a pearl necklace.Lady Bird Johnson, 1965Lady Bird Johnson. White House Photo/LBJ Library When Lyndon B. Johnson was reelected in 1965, Lady Bird Johnson wore a bright-yellow gown ordered from Neiman Marcus.Pat Nixon, 1969Pat Nixon. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images Pat Nixon also wore a yellow inaugural ball gown. Hers was made of silk satin and featured Swarovski crystals.Pat Nixon, 1973Pat Nixon. Bettmann/Getty Images Pat Nixon wore a turquoise gown designed by Adele Simpson for President Richard Nixon's second inauguration.Betty Ford, 1974Betty Ford and Gerald Ford. Bettmann Archive/Getty Images There were no formal inaugural festivities after Richard Nixon resigned and President Gerald Ford became president in 1974. Betty Ford wore a blue skirt suit for his swearing-in ceremony.Rosalynn Carter, 1977Rosalynn Carter and Jimmy Carter. Peter Bregg/AP Images Rosalynn Carter's blue chiffon inaugural gown, designed by Mary Matise for Jimmae, was the same dress that she wore to Jimmy Carter's inauguration as governor of Georgia.Nancy Reagan, 1981Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Nancy Reagan wore a one-shouldered lace gown over silk satin to the 1981 inaugural balls. The dress and gloves were designed by James Galanos. Her beaded shoes were from David Evins.Nancy Reagan, 1985Ronald Reagan and Nancy Reagan. Courtesy Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Nancy Reagan wore another James Galanos gown for her husband's second inauguration. The white chiffon gown was embroidered with glass beads that reportedly took more than 300 hours to apply by hand.Barbara Bush, 1989George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite Barbara Bush wore a royal-blue gown with a velvet bodice to the inaugural balls. The dress' designer, Arnold Scaasi, called her "the most glamorous grandmother in the United States," according to the Smithsonian.Hillary Clinton, 1993Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Jim Bourg/Reuters Hillary Clinton wore a violet beaded lace sheath gown with a blue velvet silk overskirt to the 1993 inaugural balls. The dress was designed by Sarah Phillips and made by New York theatrical costume designer Barbara Matera Ltd.Hillary Clinton, 1997Hillary Clinton. Wally McNamee/Corbis via Getty Images For Bill Clinton's second inauguration, Hillary Clinton wore an ivory gown with metallic embellishments by Oscar de la Renta.Laura Bush, 2001George W. Bush and Laura Bush with their daughters Jenna Bush and Barbara Bush. Brooks Kraft LLC/Sygma via Getty Images Laura Bush attended inaugural balls in a red gown by Texas designer Michael Faircloth. The dress was made of Chantilly lace embroidered with crystals over silk georgette.Laura Bush, 2005Laura Bush and George W. Bush. Jason Reed/Reuters Laura Bush chose a silver Oscar de la Renta gown for the 2005 inaugural balls.Michelle Obama, 2009Michelle Obama and Barack Obama. Mark Wilson/Getty Images Michelle Obama wore a custom white inaugural gown by Jason Wu. The dress was made of white silk chiffon and sparkled with organza flower embellishments containing Swarovski crystal centers.Michelle Obama, 2013Michelle Obama. Rick Wilking/Reuters She wore Jason Wu again in 2013, this time choosing a red cross-halter strap gown.Melania Trump, 2017Donald Trump and Melania Trump. Kevin Dietsch - Pool/Getty Images Melania Trump wore an off-the-shoulder white gown with a slit accompanied by a thin burgundy ribbon to the inaugural balls. The dress was designed by Herv Pierre in collaboration with Melania Trump.Jill Biden, 2021Joe Biden and Jill Biden. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images There were no inaugural balls in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but Jill Biden did change into a white dress and matching cashmere coat by Gabriela Hearst for the small evening celebrations. The coat was embroidered with flowers representing every US state and territory.Melania Trump, 2025Donald Trump and Melania Trump. JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images At the 2025 inaugural balls, Melania Trump wore a strapless white gown with black trim by Herv Pierre, who designed her first inaugural gown in 2017. A black choker and white heels completed the look.0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·122 Visualizações
6 things we learned from Day 1 about how Trump will governwww.vox.comThe dizzying array of executive actions President Donald Trump issued on Monday, the first day of his second term, show that he is increasingly willing to push the envelope, challenging both laws and norms in an effort to get the government to do what he wants.His pardons of January 6 rioters are far more sweeping than many predicted. His immigration actions go much further than those he took in his first term, some in ways that seem blatantly illegal. And he laid the groundwork to push out many federal government employees who he thinks might get in his way.Other actions raised more questions than they answered. Trump punted his promised tariffs off to February, and mostly avoided weighing in on major foreign policy hotspots. And its still very unclear what, exactly, is going on with Elon Musks DOGE.But we arguably got a lot more insight into what Trumps second term will bring on his first day than weve gotten in the past year. Hes rushing headlong into some confrontations while holding off, for the time being, on others. Heres what we learned.Just over a week ago, soon-to-be-Vice President JD Vance opined that nonviolent trespassers prosecuted for entering the Capitol on January 6, 2021, should be pardoned but that days violent rioters obviously should not be.Trump had other ideas when he issued his sweeping clemency for those he called the J6 hostages. He did separate out 14 members of two far-right groups, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers, who had been convicted of seditious conspiracy, commuting their sentences instead of giving full pardons. But all other individuals convicted of offenses related to the Capitol chaos that day received full unconditional pardons including those who assaulted police officers, and including the Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio.Trump, it has always been clear, was delighted by the storming of the Capitol on January 6; he doesnt care that his supporters assaulted police, terrorized members of Congress, and threatened to hang his own vice president. What mattered to him was that they were his supporters. So he handed them a get-out-of-jail-free card, even to those who violently tried to overthrow democracy. 2) Its Stephen Millers America nowTrumps Day 1 executive orders were most numerous and detailed on the topic of immigration. The president revived previous hard-line administration policies, such as a refugee admissions freeze, deportation orders, and border wall construction. He also rolled back some Biden policies intended to let more migrants come in legally if they followed an orderly process, ending Bidens parole program and shutting down an app created for migrants to schedule appointments to make asylum requests.But on some fronts, Trumps orders already went much further than he did in his first term and showed a newly emboldened willingness to defy legal caution. For instance:He ordered that the US military would now be responsible for the mission of closing the border. He used a public health emergency rationale to shut down the asylum system even though theres no public health crisis at the moment. He ordered that federal prosecutors recommend the death penalty for any unauthorized immigrant convicted of a capital crime.He fired several top officials in the US immigration court system, including the systems acting head.And he declared that despite what the Constitution says, birthright citizenship would no longer apply to children born in the US to unauthorized immigrants or visa-holders (unless one parent was a US citizen or lawful permanent resident).Most of these will likely be the subject of lawsuits, with the birthright citizenship order generally believed to be highly unlikely to withstand court scrutiny (the ACLU already sued over it). And all of these have the fingerprints of Stephen Miller, the anti-immigrant hardliner who now once again wields immense power as deputy White House chief of staff and Homeland Security adviser.Trump and Miller likely think aggressive and seemingly illegal policies like the birthright order are worth a shot and may have some effect at deterring future migrants from coming even if theyre eventually struck down. Whats clear is that Trumps team is not asking for permission to do sweeping restrictionist policies theyre going as hard as they can right out the gate.3) The groundwork was laid for a civil service purgeThough Trump fired some federal employees Monday, the first day did not seem to bring a mass firing of federal bureaucrats, but the groundwork was laid for something like that to happen in the future.First off, Trump restored what was previously known as his Schedule F executive order, issued in late 2020 shortly before he left office (it was never really implemented and Biden soon revoked it). The idea behind Schedule F now rebranded as Schedule Policy/Career is to reclassify various important civil servant jobs as exempt from civil service hiring rules and protections, making it easier for those workers to be fired.Secondly, Trump took aim at part of the federal workforce known as the Senior Executive Service (SES). These are, basically, the top jobs at agencies in the civil service, which liaise with the political appointees to run things. Trumps order demanded plans from his agencies for making SES more accountable (easier to fire). His order also said hiring for SES jobs would now be done by panels composed mostly of political appointees, rather than civil servants as is currently the case.Third, the Office of Personnel Management issued a memo letting agencies hire unlimited Schedule C appointees another class of political appointees that dont go through the civil service hiring process. And fourth, another order instructed Trump appointees to come up with plans for reforming the civil service hiring process itself.Altogether, this shows an intense focus from Trumps people on wresting agency authority away from civil servants and toward greater numbers of political appointees and though mass firings havent happened yet, it may be only a matter of time.Since Trump announced he would appoint Elon Musk to chair a new Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), its been unclear what exactly this supposed new department would be or how it would work.A Trump order Monday made the unexpected announcement that, in fact, an existing part of the executive branch the US Digital Service, set up during the Obama administration to modernize government IT would become the US DOGE Service. Now, this executive order laid out a surprisingly limited mission of modernizing federal technology and software, rather than DOGEs previously announced remit of overhauling government spending, regulations, and personnel. Liberals on social media crowed at this apparent demotion for Musk.I wouldnt be so sure about that. Reports on Musks planning, and public statements from people in contact with his team, suggest they are planning to go very big indeed, in ways that havent yet been revealed. With a new report that Musk is likely to get a West Wing office, its hard to believe hes scaled back his grand ambitions. 5) Trump wants to reshape the US energy industryTrump has long vowed to roll back Bidens efforts to fight climate change and unleash fossil fuel production, so its no surprise that he withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, gave the green light to drilling in Alaska, and tried to roll back funding for green energy projects in Bidens Inflation Reduction Act. He also pursued his longtime vendetta against the wind energy industry with an order halting all wind energy permitting for projects on federal lands and in the ocean.Yet Trumps Unleashing American Energy executive order made another big policy move it aggressively took aim at the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), a longtime bugaboo of Republicans, and even some Democrats, who view it as a major reason why its become so difficult to build things in the US. In theory, NEPA makes the government consider the environmental impact of projects; in practice, critics argue, its convoluted process makes projects more time-consuming and bogs them down with delays. Trumps order proposes taking NEPA enforcement out of the hands of the Council of Environmental Quality, rescinding existing regulations about it, and coming up with a new and more streamlined process for how to enforce the law and ease permitting.6) Lots remains TBDWith Trump doing so much on his first day, its also interesting to read tea leaves about what he didnt do.On economic policy, he issued a brief, vague order instructing agencies to try and lower the cost of living, and he signed a trade order that had lots of phrases like undertake a review of and investigate the feasibility of. But he did not issue the Day 1 tariffs that he promised for Canada and Mexico (in a press conference, he set a new deadline of February 1 for that). Translation: His tariff policies are not yet ready for prime time, and perhaps still the subject of wrangling among his economic advisers over how sweeping they should be.On foreign policy, too, Trump issued a brief and vague America First Policy Directive for his first confirmed Cabinet appointee, Secretary of State Marco Rubio. He also announced hed pause foreign aid for 90 days and designate Latin American drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. But he did little about the rest of the world, not making any big Day 1 announcements on, for instance, Ukraine, Israel, or China.We shouldnt read too much into these omissions perhaps Trump is simply waiting until his team is confirmed and in place. But, notably, those are two areas where his coalition is genuinely torn between tariff superfans and skeptics who fear economic disruption, and between internationalists and isolationists. To find out what Trump will do on these topics, well just have to wait a bit longer.Youve read 1 article in the last monthHere at Vox, we're unwavering in our commitment to covering the issues that matter most to you threats to democracy, immigration, reproductive rights, the environment, and the rising polarization across this country.Our mission is to provide clear, accessible journalism that empowers you to stay informed and engaged in shaping our world. By becoming a Vox Member, you directly strengthen our ability to deliver in-depth, independent reporting that drives meaningful change.We rely on readers like you join us.Swati SharmaVox Editor-in-ChiefSee More: Politics0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·133 Visualizações
First-Ever Documented Supersonic Winds Are Ripping Through This Exoplanetgizmodo.comBy Passant Rabie Published January 21, 2025 | Comments (0) | Artists Impression Of Supersonic Winds On Wasp 127b ESO/L. Calada The farthest planet from the Sun, Neptune, is the windiest place in the solar system, with winds that whip through at speeds reaching more than 0.3 miles per second (0.5 kilometers per second). Thats a relatively pleasant wind speed compared to a giant, puffy planet located around 500 lightyears away from Earth. Supersonic winds on this exoplanet, designated WASP-127b, travel at a mind-bending 5.5 miles per second (9 kilometers per second). The speed of sound on Earth is roughly 0.21 miles per second (0.34 km/sec), making these winds supersonic by our terrestrial standards. The recently discovered extraterrestrial jet stream is the fastest ever measured on a planet, providing new insight into extreme weather that pummel other worlds. Using European Southern Observatorys (ESO) Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, a team of astronomers measured the extremely powerful winds that are raging on the equator of WASP-127b. At speeds of up to 20,500 miles per hour (33,000 kilometers per hour), the jet winds move at nearly six times the speed at which the planet rotates, according to a study published today in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics. An animated visual of the exoplanet reveals a gnarly scene as the winds pummel the equator of WASP-127b with extreme ferocity. Part of the atmosphere of this planet is moving towards us at a high velocity while another part is moving away from us at the same speed, Lisa Nortmann, a scientist at the University of Gttingen, Germany, and lead author of the study, said in a statement. This signal shows us that there is a very fast, supersonic, jet wind around the planets equator.Astronomers discovered the exoplanet in 2016, a gas giant thats slightly larger than Jupiter with a fraction of its mass, making it rather puffy. WASP-127b takes a little over four days to orbit around its star, a yellow dwarf, or G-type star, which are typically less massive and cooler than our Sun. Ever since its discovery, scientists have been probing the planet to learn more about its weather patterns. The team behind the new study used VLT to trace the planets composition by measuring how the light of its host star travels through its upper atmosphere. The results revealed the presence of water vapor and carbon monoxide molecules in the planets atmosphere. The speed at which this material moved through the atmosphere, however, uncovered a rather odd double peak, according to the study, which meant that one side of the atmosphere is moving towards us and the other away from us at high speeds.This is something we havent seen before. Based on their measurements, the researchers concluded that extremely powerful winds dominated the planets equator, appearing to squeeze the gas giant as parts of its atmosphere move in opposite directions. This is something we havent seen before, Nortmann said. As the study also revealed, the planets poles are cooler than the rest of it, and it experiences slightly different temperatures on its morning and evening sides. This shows that the planet has complex weather patterns just like Earth and other planets of our own System, Fei Yan, a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China, and co-author of the study, said in a statement. Scientists are learning more about planets that orbit stars other than our own, analyzing the atmosphere of other worlds with extreme precision as a way to piece together our own origin story. Understanding the dynamics of these exoplanets helps us explore mechanisms such as heat redistribution and chemical processes, improving our understanding of planet formation and potentially shedding light on the origins of our own Solar System, David Cont from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, and a co-author of the paper, said in a statement.With more than 5,000 exoplanets discovered so far, weve still got a lot of learning to do.Daily NewsletterYou May Also Like By Isaac Schultz Published January 15, 2025 By Isaac Schultz Published January 9, 2025 By Isaac Schultz Published January 8, 2025 By Isaac Schultz Published January 8, 2025 By Isaac Schultz Published January 2, 2025 By Ed Cara Published December 26, 20240 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·151 Visualizações
Forget Amazon Fire TV Devices, the Roku Ultra 2024 Has Been Slashed to Its Lowest Pricegizmodo.comDo you have plan for how to the watch the big game? With the Super Bowl around the corner, you want to make sure you have the best quality experience streaming the game. Roku has you covered. Right now Amazon has the Roku Ultra 2024 streaming player on sale in a limited time deal. This is Rokus premium streamer and for the time being, Amazon has it going for 21% off. That amounts to a $21 discount off of $100, bringing it to a new low price of just $79.See at AmazonPremium StreamerThe Roku Ultra 2024 is your ultimate streaming player. It supports not only 4K content, but also HDR10+, Dolby Vision, and Dolby Atmos so you can experience cinema quality picture and sound right from your living room. Super-speedy streaming is to be expected with Wi-Fi 6 support and the Ultra is 30% faster than any other Roku player.Each Roku streaming player supports Bluetooth and is compatible with Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa so you can incorporate it into the rest of your smart home. The remote does have its own built-in voice assistant to help you find the content youre searching for with ease.Speaking of the remote, its also got its also rechargeable so you dont need to worry about pesky batteries. The buttons are backlit which means no fumbling around in the dark when trying to navigate the apps. Of course you can always just say Hey Roku and navigate with the voice assistant. If you cant find the remote, Roku even has a lost remote finder. Ill give you a hint, it probably feel down between the cushions of your couch.The home screen is fully customizable so you can keep your favorite streaming apps at the ready. And did you know Roku has originals? I didnt! Along with the other apps you may be subscribed to like Hulu, Netflix, Disney+, and Max, youll be able to switch over to watch the free hit Roku Originals such asDinner Budget Showdown,Celebrity Family Food Battle,Martha Cooks,Emeril Cooks, wow, I guess its just a whole lot of cooking shows, huh?Get your snacks ready and let your friends know your living room will be the place to watch the game this upcoming Super Bowl Sunday all thanks to the aid of the Roku Ultra 2024 streaming player for the reduced price of just $79. Thats a $21 savings you can put toward making a great buffalo dip.See at Amazon0 Comentários ·0 Compartilhamentos ·144 Visualizações