• Expelled! is the most fun you can have being accused of attempted murder
    My first run in Expelled! was a completely miserable affair for our poor protagonist, Verity Amersham, a scholarship student at Miss Mulligatawneys School for Promising Girls. The entire playthrough took just a few minutes; I was escorted to Miss Mulligatawneys office, dressed down, and booted out. This was just my first attempt, and I soon found myself starting the events of the morning over and over again, completely invested in discovering the secrets of the school, my fellow students, and the events of the murder.Expelled! is a follow-up to Overboard!, a visual novel about murdering your husband and getting away with it. Overboard! is based around moving between the rooms on a ship and interacting with the other patrons aboard on a strict schedule, eliminating evidence as to your guilt or winning allies to vouch for your moral character. Expelled! follows the same format around the academy, but with a new morality mechanic: Certain choices offer evil points, and reaching lower morality ranks opens up new, hurtful options in scenes.The game opens with a mysterious meeting between Verity and Louisa Hardcastle, the star of their hockey team and a far more popular girl. She uses Veritys beat-up hockey stick to smash a treasured and heroic window, then flings herself through it. Its an attempt to frame Verity for murder, though Louisa survives, and I immediately have to start proving my innocence: removing forensic clues, hiding the hockey stick in a place it wont be found, and dealing with any witnesses who stumble upon the scene.My first run was sin-free, and all it earned me was getting hauled up to Miss Mulligatawneys office and accused of the attempted murder. My cries of innocence only garnered a stern lecture from the headmistress about how a woman cant make her way in this world without a spine and some gumption. I interpreted this as a challenge and set about being the worst version of Verity possible. You want gumption? Ive got gumption: Im shoving my classmates into thorny rose bushes, insulting junior classmates, and leaving my roommate stuck under the bed like a cad.Veronica, the protagonist of Overboard!, was often an absolute devil in that game. I know that over the course of many playthroughs, I took a special delight in manipulating events so Veronica could chuck nosy old ladies and sobbing waifs alike into the sea. But Verity is a much less powerful protagonist; shes ultimately beholden to the whims of her class schedule, the schools staff, and the social caste system. Furthermore, shes on a scholarship; shes a lower social class than her peers, which matters very much in 1922. Verity is expected to show up to class, follow directions from her teachers, and follow the schools rules and regulations. Pissing off a teacher can lead to an early game over, and if I play hooky, I could miss out on a crucial conversation.Miss Mulligatawneys School for Promising Girls is packed full of secrets: a talking statue, a hidden labyrinth, mysteriously locked doors, and a medicine cabinet with a vial of cyanide. Its a much juicier setting to explore than Overboard!s ship, and the students are equally fascinating. Theres a dark history to this school, and it takes multiple runs to uncover them all. Luckily, Verity keeps a diary full of all the juicy gossip she picks up between playthroughs, and so I start each new cycle well armed with more information and avenues of inquiry.Some of the mysteries I uncover are benign is the snooty French student secretly pretending to be Belgian? and others are grave. How did one of my classmates become pregnant? Whats up with my roommates ramblings around violence, death, and calamity? Why are there compasses on one teachers wall that look like they could be used as stakes? Each playthrough of Expelled! took about 20 to 40 minutes, but I found myself jumping into one more run when another ended, eager to check a new conversation option or pester a particular peer.There were a few times where I felt like a piece of information should unlock a new interaction and felt annoyed at the absence of what seemed like an obvious choice. Id learn a juicy piece of information and hurry over to ask the Latin teacher about it, or intimidate a junior student, only to find that my personal logic didnt translate into an in-game option. When youre on a tight schedule, these moments can be frustrating, but there are usually other avenues to explore.Before long, Im swaggering up to Miss Mulligatawneys office and telling her exactly what the situation is, and she begrudgingly admits that Verity makes the perfect fall guy. I can now spend the day finding a better target to frame, a process thats easier said than done. Not everyone is willing to talk to me, let alone vouch for me. Some girls need to be threatened, blackmailed, or removed from play through surreptitious means.By the time I figure out how to avoid getting Expelled!, I feel like I understand the game and Im in charge around here. Then I get another bad ending, and Im back to the beginning with a new set of goals. Its a fantastic mystery, built like a series of Russian nesting dolls. Ive had a lot of fun just going through Veritys day again and again, skipping classes to dig through every room and interrogate every student. This is a delightful onion, and each layer is more intriguing than the last.Expelled! was released March 12 on iOS, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PC. The game was reviewed on PC using a code provided by Inkle. Vox Media has affiliate partnerships. These do not influence editorial content, though Vox Media may earn commissions for products purchased via affiliate links. You can findadditional information about Polygons ethics policy here.
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  • Ninja Swirl by Creami review: This might be the ultimate home ice cream maker
    The original Ninja Creami became a viral hit a few years ago when it took the tech from $5,000 commercial ice cream makers and distilled it into something you could buy for less than $200. As good as the Creami is at whipping up sorbets, gelatos and smoothie bowls, theres still one classic frozen treat it cant do: soft serve. But now theres a new addition to the family, the Swirl by Creami, and with it Ninja may have just created the ultimate all-in-one home ice cream machine. Design and features Instead of engineering a brand-new, multi-purpose device, Ninja basically took the existing Creami and bolted a soft serve module on the side. And then it tacked on a big handle, so you still get that physical sensation of pulling it down to dispense your icy creation. That might seem a bit crude from a design perspective, but lets be honest, the Swirl isnt going to win any beauty pageants. More importantly, its a rather straightforward and effective approach. Thats because when youre not making soft serve, you can simply spin a batch of regular ice cream with one of the machines two included pint containers. However, if you are going for something smooth and fluffy, things get a little more complicated. In addition to the standard paddle lid, the Swirl has a special top you need to use when making soft serve. The machine uses a new pint container that has a clever but somewhat tricky built-in nozzle for dispensing said soft serve. You need to keep the twist cap on its bottom closed for traditional scooped desserts, but open for soft-serve. And you better not forget, because if you dont seal it all the way while freezing your ice cream base, its going to get stuck. Thats no good because the container wont fit in the machine unless the pint is fully closed, so youre going to chip away at the parts that are stuck until it does. Unfortunately, if youre not planning on making soft serve, you cant use the classic Creami pints because those arent compatible (though like before, the Swirls lids and containers are dishwasher safe). A potential hurdle with the Swirls design, especially for people who live in apartments or places with small kitchens, is that it's about twice as big and heavy as a standard Creami. Its 15.1 x 10 x 17.5 inches and weighs 20 pounds. This means youll have to find a decently large place to stash it, unless you live in a mansion, because this thing isnt going to live on your countertop. Modes: The world is your ice cream Sam Rutherford for Engadget One of the best things about the Swirl is that it can do practically everything the Creami can and more. Thats because, in addition to the standard ice cream, lite ice cream, gelato, sorbet and milkshake modes, there are new options for frozen yogurt, fruit whip, frozen custard and so-called Creamifits. Most of these are self-explanatory, but a few warrant further explanation. Fruit whips are mostly frozen fruit with a bit of sugar that are blended into something akin to a healthier sorbet (like those delicious pineapple Dole whips). I also appreciate that theres a dedicated mode for frozen custard, which is even richer and creamier than traditional ice cream (often due to the inclusion of additional egg yolks). Since it's hard to find outside of southern and midwest states, this is another welcome addition. Finally, Creamifit is a new term for high-protein concoctions that frequently feature ingredients like whey, cottage cheese or Greek yogurt. They effectively turn workout shakes into frozen treats. Sam Rutherford for Engadget When youre ready to whip up a batch, Ninja made things simple by dividing the machines functions into two main categories: one for regular scooped treats and one for soft serve. The label you wont see is the one for smoothie bowls, which is a setting thats available on older models. I found that omission wasnt a big deal because depending on the type of texture youre looking for, the milkshake or Creamifit settings are viable replacements. Another improvement over the original Creami is that Ninja updated the Swirls blending modes so that you get the right consistency without needing to re-spin. And in my testing, Id say the company nailed it. Oftentimes with its predecessor, I would have to put ice cream in for a second go before I was happy, but not so with the new machine. That goes for both soft serve and regular scooped desserts. Furthermore, the Swirl is quieter too. Granted, its still rather loud at about 80 decibels from around six feet away. But compared to the basic Creami (around 82db), which routinely sent my three-year-old son running out of the kitchen when I used it, its a small improvement. So while you won't want to watch TV in the same room, you can at least still have a conversation. Soft serve: Tasting is believing If you want to make soft serve, after using the standard paddle lid (left) to spin your ice cream base, you'll need to attach Ninja's dedicated soft serve lid (right) before slotting the entire pint into the opening on the left side of the machine. Sam Rutherford for Engadget If you can handle the Swirls more involved process, the rewards are worth it. This thing really can produce soft serve thats just as good as what you can buy from your local shop or friendly neighborhood truck. In fact, Id argue that your creations might even be better because you can control what goes in them. Sure, you can follow recipes. But just like its predecessor, the magic of the Swirl is that as long as you follow a few basic guidelines, you can kind of throw anything together and it will taste divine. Thats exactly what I did for my first test batch. Like a lot of parents, I try to minimize food waste as much as possible. Instead of tossing out some old strawberries and pineapple chunks at the end of the week, I diced them up, added a splash of lime juice and mixed everything with a third of a cup of sugar. After letting the fruit macerate for a bit, I simply stuck them in the Swirls pint container and froze it overnight. The next day, I set the machine to the fruit whip setting, spun it and then swapped in Ninjas soft serve lid before pulling down on the handle. Goddamn, it was good. Sam Rutherford for Engadget The consistency of the fruit whip was super smooth without any big ice crystals, The flavor was like a tropical fruit bowl exploded in my mouth. But the best part is that it cost almost nothing to make, because its ingredients probably would have ended up in the trash in a lot of households. Next, I whipped up some basic chocolate soft serve (using this recipe from Ninjas Test Kitchen) because thats my three-year-olds favorite flavor. Instead of using regular whole milk, heavy cream and cocoa powder, I swapped those out for Fairlife chocolate milk. Not only does that increase the amount of protein, this brand is also lactose-free. This resulted in a super fluffy soft serve with an almost marshmallow-like mouthful that everyone in my family enjoyed (including my lactose-intolerant wife). It was a classic done right. After that, I tried freestyling another recipe by chopping up some maraschino cherries (get Luxardo if you can) and adding those plus some of their syrup to some Fairlife milk and coconut cream. The Swirls soft serve setting does a great job of adding lots of air to the ice cream while blending to help ensure a light and velvety texture, but just to be safe I also added a quarter teaspoon of xanthan gum to the mixture. I blended everything up as normal, pulled down the lever and voila: a super rich and dense, but not heavy, cherries and cream treat. But perhaps my most rewarding creation was a matcha soft serve that was the best Ive ever had. My wife drinks matcha every day, so over the years shes turned me into a bit of a snob myself. I know right away when places like Starbucks use poor-quality powder that tastes like day-old grass cuttings. By combining some decent ceremonial matcha with lactose-free milk and cream using this recipe, I was able to make her soft serve with unmatched taste and texture. Thats normally incredibly hard to find since most ice cream shops dont have a ton of non-dairy options. Wrap-up Compared to the original Creami, the Ninja Swirl is significantly larger and a bit more complicated. Sam Rutherford for Engadget Homemade soft serve is kind of like ice creams white whale. Machines that whip up churned desserts have been around for years, and there was even one built into the counter in my grandmas old house. But soft serve often requires specialized equipment thats incredibly cost-prohibitive to own, especially since these are single-purpose machines. Ninja has changed that with the Swirl. Not only can it create delicious concoctions that rival what you can buy from a store (and for way cheaper), it can handle pretty much any other frozen treat you can think of all in one gadget. That said, there are a few knocks against the Swirl. The first is that making soft serve results in about a quarter cup of ice cream getting stuck inside various components, like the space between the bottom of the pint and the nozzle. Thats not a big deal, but if youre trying to cut down on food waste by turning leftovers into dessert, its a bit unfortunate. The Swirl is also big and bulky, and at $350, its nearly twice the price of a standard Creami. Sam Rutherford for Engadget My biggest gripe is that the Swirl isnt available in a deluxe size like you can get with its predecessor. A pint of ice cream is enough for a couple of people, but if youre making soft serve for a crowd, the Swirls 16-ounce containers mean youll have to spin up a second batch. And with the Swirls pints and lids going for $35 a pair, thats an added expense if you plan on using this thing for entertaining. When asked, Ninja wouldnt comment if a larger model is on the way, but I would be shocked if a deluxe version doesnt make an appearance at some point. So, if you like what the Swirl can do but want a machine with more capacity, you may want to hold tight for now. The final issue is that with the Swirl launching only a couple of years after the Creami came out, some folks may be feeling buyer's remorse about the original. I dont see it that way. The previous model is still a surprisingly versatile device thats affordable and doesnt take up a ton of space in your kitchen. While the Swirl adds a major but not truly essential branch of desserts to its repertoire, it also brings with it a higher cost and added complexity. But for anyone who has fond memories of enjoying a silky smooth frozen cone on a hot summers day (ideally, after a round of mini golf), the Ninja Swirl is bringing that magic into your kitchen in a way we havent seen before.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/home/kitchen-tech/ninja-swirl-by-creami-review-this-might-be-the-ultimate-home-ice-cream-maker-180015294.html?src=rss
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  • Eero Pro 7 review: Paying to be sold a subscription
    Many years ago, I reviewed the Eero Pro 6E, which was a delightfully easy device to get along with. The hardware was powerful, unobtrusive and fit into my home pretty well, to the point where I had no complaints about living with it. But all of the good was undone by Eeros constant arm-twisting to get you to pay for its monthly subscription. With an app that exists as little more than an advertisement and with so many basic features paywalled, I couldnt in all good conscience recommend it. Thankfully, the advent of Wi-Fi 7 and the new Eero Pro 7 means Eero has a shot to make good on its previous errors and turn my opinion around. Which, itll take, right? For Engadgets mesh Wi-Fi testing methodology, please read our mesh Wi-Fi buyers guide. Hardware Daniel Cooper for Engadget Since its birth, Eero has built its Wi-Fi nodes as rounded-off boxes that sit unobtrusively on side tables and bookshelves. Sadly, the sheer volume of stuff required to make Wi-Fi 7 work is bigger than the traditional body will allow. (The vanilla Eero 7 is actually lacking 6GHz support, which is why its in the older chassis, but has some gall pretending its a proper Wi-Fi 7 device.) Consequently, the Pro 7 ditches the classic body for the same casing found on Eeros super-flagship Max 7. The vertical design is better for keeping the components cool without a fan, but it is noticeable, especially with prominent branding, defeating the point of making the gear anonymous. Each node is identical, clad in piano gloss white and measuring 7.1 inches tall and 5.8 inches wide. Turn it around and youll find the USB-C power jack, reset button and two 5G ethernet ports with a theoretical top speed of 4.7 Gbps. The coterie of wireless radios (2x2 2.4Ghz, 2x2 5GHz and 2x2 6GHz) promise to reach the heights of 3.9 Gbps. Tucked inside are the usual smart home integrations including Zigbee, Thread, Matter, Amazon Connected Devices, Alexa and Bluetooth LE 5.0 Installation Eeros promise of frustration-free setup isn't an empty one, and it remains the easiest mesh system to set up. Download the Eero app, hand over your Amazon login and plug in your cable modem, and everything else is taken care of within minutes. Each node was up and running two minutes after being plugged in, and most of the 15-minute set-up time was schlepping between rooms. Once each node is ready, youll get a notification telling you your placement is good for signal strength. This is useful since some meshes wont, and just expect you to troubleshoot the poor performance down the line. The app did tell me Id get faster speeds if I moved the nodes closer to each other, but given the layout of my home, that would mean placing them all in the same damn room. Performance Eeros bread and butter performance is never an issue, especially once the mesh has settled down after the first day or so. Much of what worked with previous versions remains in place here, and for home use, its excellent. My office, which is some distance away from any node, was still able to pull down 250 Mbps in artificial speed tests. The smart TV in this room was able to stream a 4K movie without any lag or buffering, letting me dance past the pre-roll ads. I cant imagine anyone wanting to throw out their Wi-Fi 6E system in favor of this, because you wont see a massive uplift in performance. When I tested the Eero Pro 6E, I was easily getting speeds in my office around the 250 Mbps mark anyway. There are noticeable improvements in lag and reliability that cant be sniffed at, but youll only notice them if youre upgrading from really old gear. If you are upgrading from an older Eero system, its worth keeping hold of that hardware to bolster your network. Every Eero node is capable of integrating with its older peers, even if you may find performance is degraded as a consequence. I grabbed a Pro 6E node and placed it in a notorious signal dead spot at the end of my home, just for the hell of it. Naturally, the older nodes are slower but, even so, the loss isnt that painful. When Id connected to the 6E node and ran speed tests, I was still pulling down 200 Mbps. App and Eero Plus When I wrote Engadgets mesh Wi-Fi buyers guide, I spent months testing hardware from all the big names. Some were easy, some were fussy and some were designed for network engineers with no consideration for general users. None of them, however, irked me as much as Eeros app, which is a textbook case in seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. Essentially, half of the splash screen is an ad for Eero Plus, the companys subscription product. And Eero puts so many basic features behind a paywall that its impossible to recommend. But Im getting ahead of myself. Eeros app is tidy and well-designed, offering a single pane listing each node and its signal strength. The icons signify how well the nodes are connected to each other, but theres no sense of the networks topography. Below it is a pane that tells you what devices are on the network right now, although it struggles to name many common products (including those owned by Amazon). Youre also unable to set traffic priorities for your device, which would be useful when Im recording a podcast or on a Zoom call. Daniel Cooper for Engadget Take a look at this screenshot of the Activity Pane, and notice how empty it is, showing you just the top speeds and quantities of data up- and downloaded. Each one links to another pane with some more detailed information, but even so, the visualizations are more or less pointless. This speaks to the big issue with Eeros software setup and business model more generally. I imagine Engadget readers break into two camps: People who know DHCP has something to do with their internet but wouldnt touch it for fear of breaking something, and the people who have burned into their fingers muscle memory. Eeros pitch probably irritates both since it robs you of even your most basic agency to run your own damn Wi-Fi. For instance, you can set your Wi-Fi name and password, and set the same for your guest Wi-Fi but beyond that, oh boy. You can collect devices into groups, letting you set time limits for, say, your kids consoles or computers. You can set your DHCP to manual or Bridge mode, set a reservation or port forward and deactivate support for IPv6. And, uh, thats about it. That is, unless you spring $9.99 a month or $100 a year for Eero Plus, which then opens up the toolkit. For that, you get the ability to set a mobile hotspot as an internet backup if your Wi-Fi should go down. Subscribers will also get access to parental controls, historical data, ad and app blocking, the companys advanced security suite, DDNS and content filters. Plus, youll get a subscription to Guardian VPN, Malwarebytes and 1Password thrown in, too. Look, I get it. All hardware companies even ones owned by Amazon need to ensure they have multiple revenue streams to keep the lights on. And Im sure there are lots of people who feel the added charges are probably worth it for peace of mind. But you need to know that Eero's competition offers these features without asking for more money. Google's Nest Wi-Fi includes parental controls and security updates in addition to guest networks. Though Nest hasn't launched a Wi-Fi 7 product yet, so it's not an equivalent comparison, the Eero Pro 6E was similarly limited with Amazon pushing a Plus subscription. If a company wants to charge me $700 for a product and then hold basic features back to wring another $100 a year out of me, Im hostile by default. Price and the competition The Eero Pro 7 is available in one, two or three-node packs, priced at $300, $550 and $700 respectively. Wi-Fi 7 systems are currently priced for early adopters, and youll spend big at whichever company you opt to buy from. Im not going to do a direct apples-to-apples comparison here as there are a number of notable spec differences between various Wi-Fi 7 routers. For instance, Netgears Orbi 770 has a longer broadcast range and faster wireless speed but slower ethernet ports and can only handle half as many connected devices as the Pro 7. At this early stage, youll be looking at what specs to prioritize depending on your homes specific needs. So I cant say if the $900 Orbi 770 is a better fit for you than the $700 Eero Pro 7. If youre looking to upgrade and have your heart set on Eero, then it might be worth looking at last-generation hardware. At the time of writing, a three-pack of Eero Pro 6Es are priced at $550, and the performance it offers is pretty darn impressive. It has the same issues as its successor, but the backwards-and-forwards compatibility is a useful bonus. And Wi-Fi 6E is a major upgrade over whatever Wi-Fi youre probably using at home right now. Wrap-up There are so many things to like about Eeros mesh Wi-Fi systems that it galls me so much I cant recommend them. Theyre really easy to set up, really easy to use and the performance you get out of them, in terms of both speed and reliability, is staggeringly good. Im quite fond of the hardware design, even if they are a bit more attention-grabbing than the older models. And I do think $700 for a whole-home Wi-Fi 7 system is pretty good when other companies are asking for a grand or more right now. Thats especially true for folks who arent interested in messing with every knob and dial to fine-tune their internet to the nth degree. This hardware passes the would you be able to hand this to your technophobe family member test with flying colors. Unfortunately, I cannot get over how aggressive the nickel-and-diming is, to the point of holding back features that Id say should be free. Id argue that every router should offer at the very least, basic parental controls and some sort of URL blocking or content filtering. Even if you dont use them, that those features would be held back to milk recurring revenue out of you is rough. If you were standing at a car dealership and someone tried to sell you a sedan with three wheels the fourth is thrown in with CarSubscriptionPlus for just $9.99 a month! youd walk away in disgust.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/home/smart-home/eero-pro-7-review-paying-to-be-sold-a-subscription-171502767.html?src=rss
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    New APIs, tools and SDK look to help businesses build AI agents with OpenAI.
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    Severance star Dichen Lachman doesn't know when filming will start on the hit show's third season.
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  • Masters of the Air VFX Breakdown by Rodeo FX
    Rodeo FX takes flight with Masters of the Air, delivering breathtaking visual effects that bring the skies of World War II to life. From intense aerial dogfights to vast cloudscapes, their VFX work seamlessly blends historical accuracy with cinematic spectacle.A major challenge was recreating authentic B-17 bombers in action, combining photorealistic CGI with intricate destruction simulations. Explosions, gunfire, and mid-air collisions were meticulously crafted, ensuring every frame captured the tension and danger of aerial combat.Beyond the action, Rodeo FX also enhanced vast landscapes, wartime environments, and atmospheric details, immersing viewers in the eras gritty realism. With stunning digital craftsmanship, Masters of the Air showcases VFX at its most immersive, transporting audiences straight into the heart of history.The post Masters of the Air VFX Breakdown by Rodeo FX appeared first on Vfxexpress.
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  • Were not in a recession yetbut analysts warn tariffs could push us into one
    Mondays sell-off on Wall Street sent consumers into a panic as talk of a recession continued to heat up. Most S&P 500 stocks are now in correction territory, and the trade war with Canada, Mexico, and China continues to heat up. Tuesdays trading, meanwhile, was something of a roller-coaster, with stocks yo-yoing and finally settling at another loss.The Dow fell 478 points, or 1.14%, with the Nasdaq index slipping 42 points (0.75%) and the S&P 500 largely flat, losing 32 points.Heres the good news. Despite all the negative news and Mondays sell-off, were not in a recession yetand its far from a sure thing. Consumer spending recently posted its first drop in nearly two years, but its still in a very healthy range.That said, the whiplash youre feeling is far from unjustified. Three weeks ago, stocks were at or near all-time highs, and few economists were talking about a recession. These days, its seemingly all anyone can talk about.What the analysts sayGoldman Sachs on Friday increased its odds of a recession over the next 12 months from 15% to 20%, writing in a note to clients that we see policy changes as the key risk. Put another way: Goldman is keeping a close eye on tariffs. If Donald Trump is willing to back off of them as recession risks increase, the firm wrote, a recession can be avoided. If not . . .If the White House remained committed to its policies even in the face of much worse data, Goldman Sachs wrote, recession risk would rise further.Mark Zandi, chief economist of Moodys Analytics, is less optimistic, however. He currently puts the odds of a recession at better than one in threebut he agrees tariffs are the trigger.The risks of a U.S. recession starting in the coming year are uncomfortably high and rising, he wrote Monday in a post on X. I would put them at 35%, up from 15% at the start of the year. For context, the typical recession probability is 15%the U.S. economy historically suffers a recession every 6 or 7 years on average. The economy will likely suffer a downturn if the Trump administration follows through on the tariff increases it has announced and maintains those tariffs for more than a few months.JPMorgan is the bear of Wall Street on this particular topic, putting the odds at 40%.Trump himself stoked fears on Sunday, when he said, I hate to predict things like that, when asked about the prospect of a recession, adding there is a period of transition.What to watchTechnically, a recession can be declared after at least two consecutive quarters of declining economic output. So it would be July before any recession calls could be formalized. The effects of an economic downturn could be felt sooner, though.The numbers to watch to get a sense of where the economy is going are employment (which has seen employers add between 150,000 and 200,000 jobs per month since December), wage growth (which has been outpacing inflation for almost two years) and consumer spending (which showed a 2% drop in February).Keeping up with the fast pace of change in tariffs can be exhausting. On Tuesday alone, Trump threatened to raise tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum imports to 50% following a decision by the Ontario government to impose a 25% tax on electricity exports to the U.S. By mid-afternoon, however, Ontario suspended its surcharge and Trump later walked back his escalation.So, rather than monitoring the day-to-day minutia, experts say its best to keep an eye on how widespread Trumps tariffs end up being.Tariffs themselves, depends how you use it, JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon told Stanford Graduate School of Business in an interview released last weekend. [When used] as a tool or kind of a weapon to doin some casesgood stuff its very modestly inflationary, I mean youre talking about 0.1% or 0.2%. Now if you put 25% tariffs on all imports, thats a lot more. That could be, in my view, quite recessionary and inflationary.
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  • Manchester United announces plans to build the worlds greatest soccer stadium
    Manchester United unveiled plans on Tuesday to build the worlds greatest soccer stadium.A proposed 100,000-seater arena would replace its iconic Old Trafford home and surpass Wembley as the biggest in the United Kingdom.Manchester United is the worlds most favourite football club and, in my view, is the biggest and deserves a stadium fitting of its stature,part owner Jim Ratcliffesaid.Ratcliffe, who is one of Britains richest people, said the new venue could be a tourist attraction in the manner of the Eiffel Tower.We have 1 billion people around the world who follow Manchester United. They will all want to visit this stadium, he said.Designed by British architect Norman Foster, the first released images of the stadium include three giant tentpoles that would be seen from 40km away. They support a surrounding covered area, which he describes as arguably the largest public space in the world.Wembley is currently the biggest stadium in the U.K., with a capacity of 90,000, and is home to Englands national soccer team.Twickenham, which is home to the national rugby team, holds 82,500.Old Trafford is the countrys biggest dedicated soccer stadium with a capacity of just over 74,000, but is dated in comparison to the likes of the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London, which regularly hosts NFL games.Old Trafford, which was bombed during World War II, has been home to United since 1910.Under the plans, the 20-time English champion said it would build next to its current ground, meaning it would not need to relocate during the construction process. It is estimated it would then take around 12 months to disassemble Old Trafford.British billionaire Ratcliffe paid $1.3 billion for an initial 25% stake in United last year and made a new stadium one of his priorities.Today marks the start of an incredibly exciting journey to the delivery of what will be the worlds greatest football stadium, Ratcliffe said. Our current stadium has served us brilliantly for the past 115 years, but it has fallen behind the best arenas in world sport.The possibility of redeveloping Old Trafford was considered but an entirely new construction was the preferred option.United has not set a start date yet but Foster said building work, which could include pre-fabricated parts and a Meccano type construction, could mean it is completed in five years.Timings would likely rely on government involvement in what United wants to be part of a wider project to regenerate the surrounding Old Trafford area. It said it would be worth 7.3 billion pounds ($9.4 billion) to the U.K. economy, and the U.K. government has already voiced its support for the project.Our long-term objective as a club is to have the worlds best football team playing in the worlds best stadium, United chief executive Omar Berrada said.Managerial great Alex Ferguson said the club must be brave and seize this opportunity to build a new home, fit for the future, where new history can be made.The announcement came days afterthousands of United fans marched in protestagainst the clubs ownership in the face of cost cuts, ticket price rises and ongoing failure on the field.United is majority owned by the American Glazer family, which also owns the NFLs Tampa Bay Buccaneers.Upon investing, Ratcliffe vowed to return the once-dominant club back to the summit of European soccer after more than a decade since it last won the Premier League.But his first year in charge of soccer operations has been turbulent. United endured its worst-ever Premier League season last year and is on course to set a new low this term, with the team currently languishing in the bottom half of the standings in 14th position.James Robson, AP soccer writer
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  • How to disable AI-Driven Search and Spotlight in macOS Sequoia
    Search and Spotlight use Apple Intelligence in macOS Sequoia to suggest results to user queries. Here's how to turn it off.In macOS Sequoia you can turn off AI-enabled searches.With the release of macOS Sequoia 15.3 and iOS 18, Apple added a number of new Apple Intelligence features to both operating systems.In macOS, Apple Intelligence can now interact with both Search and Siri, as well as with ChatGPT (which gets installed as an extension if you enable it). Continue Reading on AppleInsider | Discuss on our Forums
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  • Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist Update Adds New Game Plus
    Shortly after its release, developers Adglobe and Live Wire confirmed thatEnder Magnolia: Bloom in the Mistwould be adding boss rush and New Game Plus modes with a post-launch update. That update has now arrived.Patch 1.1.0 has gone live for the acclaimed Metroidvania action-adventure title, with a boss rush mode now available in the Memories menu- where, incidentally, players can now also have rematches against every boss theyve encountered in the game. Boss rush and boss rematches both also give Fragments as rewards.The aforementioned New Game Plus mode, meanwhile, is unlocked only after youve seen a specific ending, and will feature a new Relic upgrade level to keep your progression going. Beyond that, the update also adds new items in the gallery to purchase with Fragments, a couple of bug fixes, and more. You can check out the full patch notes below.Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mistis available on PS5, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Read our review of the game through here.PATCH NOTES 1.1.0:New features:Test your skills by challenging the new Boss rush modeUnlocked by defeating all the bosses in the game.Accessed by the Memories menu, Boss rush tab from any rest point.Clear times and best attempts are saved as records.Receive Fragments by clearing the challenge. The number of fragment received depends on the selected difficulty.Boss rematch featureAccessed by the Memories menu, Bosses tab from any rest point.Receive Fragments by clearing the challenge. The number of fragment received depends on the selected difficulty.Carry over your progress and explore a harsher world with New Game +Unlocked by clearing the game and seeing a specific ending.Start the game from the beginning while keeping your parameters, skills and items.All enemies will be of higher difficulty, starting the game on a chapter higher than the previous maximum, and bosses will have more aggressive patterns.Items related to quests will not carry over.Items that were obtained previously will be replaced by either Material or Junk in New Game +.Items that were not previously obtained can still be obtained in New Game +.Items that were replaced in New Game + will be placed again when carrying data over a second time.New Relic upgrade level (++)Relics that were upgraded to the + level can be upgraded again to the ++ level at the relic refinery.Upgrading a relic to ++ will further increase its effect or lower its slot cost.Relics that could not be upgraded before are still not upgradable.Other additionsAdd a set logic to Skill, Equipment and Relics to easily switch between equipmentsAdd new gallery items and costumes obtainable by spending Fragments.Adjustments:Adjust some events to make scenario specific triggers a bit easier to understandBug fixes:Translation fixesSmall visual and gameplay fixes
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