• Upwards and onwards: vertical extension in Paris, France, by Mir Architectes
    A modest vertical extension on Rue du Petit-Musc by Mir Architectes embodies the vision of the City of Paris for a greener and more socially just futureRue du PetitMusc is a narrow, semipedestrian street on the southern edge of Le Marais. Now hyped and pricey, theParisian neighbourhood which is characterised byitslate medieval urban fabric combined with grand17thcentury architecture was onceconsidered an eyesore. Its slums (andthecommunities who inhabited them) were earmarked for destruction by the likes of LeCorbusier and his infamous Plan Voisin. Donot be fooled by the chic surroundings, froufrou and 8filter coffees, Le Marais meaning the swamp has historically been akey battleground for the urbanism of Paris.A far cry from the grand destructive gesture of yesteryear, Mir Architectes recent extension project expresses the municipalitys political, architectural and ecological vision for the Paris of tomorrow.I meet Mir Architectes founder Nicolas Gaudard in front of a banal sevenstorey building, typical of the Parisian social housing architecture of the 1930s: beige bricks, concrete balconets, uninspired artdco elements punctuating the facade. Sturdy and decent, but boring. From the street, you see nothing of its extension; Ieven briefly wonder if I got the address right. But walk through the black wroughtiron front door, a small lobby withrows of letter boxes, stored prams anda wheelchair, then a brandnew door made ofglass and European spruce that leads to acourtyard, and you will discover abrightwhite threestorey extension sitting on top ofatwolevel older brick building.To extend a construction upwards has been a relatively common practice over thecenturies in Paris, to the extent that thedesign has its own name in French: surlvation, meaning vertical extension. Insettings where density is less of a constraint, extensions tend to be horizontal, taking space from the back gardens in Londons terraced houses for instance, butin Paris they often go up. This is not only thecase for individual houses in the banlieue where they grow like mushrooms on top of modest bluecollar dwellings taken over by welloff gentrifiers but also for buildings incentral Paris already composed of several storeys. Since the 18th century, in waves that matched changes in regulations, excrescences have popped up on top of buildings just look up as you walk along the Seine river, for instance, and you will easily spot a mix of clever designs and grotesque protuberances. The most striking example isPlace Dauphine, a 17thcentury square by the Pont Neuf, where vertical extensions were added in the 18th and 19thcenturies with some buildings subject to successive surlvations over time.For the project on Rue du PetitMusc, thechallenge set by Paris Habitat, one of thesocial housing providers for the city, wasto redevelop a vacant twostorey workshop from 1932 sitting at the back ofaninner courtyard into eight housing units, by retrofitting the existing building and vertically extending it. The sevenstorey residential building facing the street was notto be touched, and its inhabitants would remain in their homes for the duration of theconstruction work. Building extensions, either on top of or next to existing, livedin accommodation, can quickly becomea painful process for occupants. Gaudard saysthere were very few complaints here and, after pausing for a couple of seconds, corrects himself: Actually, we had none.The construction phase benefited from the layouts of the front building where all living rooms and bedrooms look onto the quiet street side, while windows looking down into the courtyard belong to the kitchens and bathrooms, and are all fitted with frosted glass. This not only ensured that the works were relatively quiet for inhabitants, but also removed any possible issues of overlooking in a city where addressing density, privacy and affordability in housing are key challenges of architectural design.Paris is full to the brim, of buildings and people: 90 per cent of its surface area is built up, and with more than 20,000 inhabitants per square kilometre the city proper has apopulation density higher than Mumbai, Lagos, Cairo or Seoul. To build more housing for the Parisians we need to explore all available solutions, explains Marion Waller, the general director of Pavillon delArsenal, the centre for architecture and urbanism of the City of Paris. Surlvations are the result of a multifaceted decision process; if a building needs to be retrofitted to improve its energy efficiency for instance, a surlvation might allow funding of a retrofit while creating new housing units.On Rue du PetitMusc, the former workshop was almost completely stripped back, explains Gaudard, and fitted with new wiring, plumbing and insulation. Retrofitting and lowcarbon strategies are at the heart of this projects philosophy and anessential component of Mirs ethos. Butconserving the twostorey building alsoenabled the architects to tap into a regulatory loophole: the two groundfloor flats, designed for residents with disabilities, would not have been granted building permission if they hadbeen part of a newbuild because they are too close to thefront building, meaning that they do not haveenough direct view ofthe sky.Conserving the twostorey building alsoenabled the architects to tap into a regulatory loopholeThe retrofitting and adaptation of the existing structure gives a coherence to thesite, yet the showpiece remains the extension. The new massing could have been slightly claustrophobic, as the three storeys added on the Lshaped building seal the courtyard off almost entirely, while the othertwo edges are formed by the tall sevenstorey building that fronts the street, and an equally high blind partywall made ofstonesblackened by time and pollution. Butthesurlvations vivid white coating illuminates the space and makes it look spacious in comparison tothe stuffiness and obscurity so typical of inner courtyards in Paris. The texture of the primer, made of atraditional mix of sand and lime, is visible tothe naked eye and adds character to thefacade, while its marriage with larch andspruce evokes the preHaussmann architecture of Le Marais.The superstructure is described by the architect as a wood box perched on top ofmetallic poles running 20 metres into theground and set in concrete, to give the extension its own foundations. Hempcrete was injected into the wooden walls. This insulating material also allows natural perspiration, letting humidity in when the flats are too dry and out when they are too damp. Although the two months required forhempcrete to dry proved a real challenge forthe projects timeline, Gaudard praises hempcrete as a natural and healthy material that absorbs indoor airborne pollutants. Itremains misunderstood by architects andcontractors, regrets the founder of Mir, andundervalued in the ecological appraisal of buildings.Click to download drawingsBeyond the Citys active policy to increase the number of social housing units across the city with a target of 30 per cent of Paris housing stock by 2030 Waller insists that what distinguishes Pariss efforts is the architectural quality of the social housing commissioned. She explains that these are projects where we dare to experiment, in the most noble and positive understanding of the word, for instance by using ecological materials. The surlvation on Rue duPetitMusc illustrates this ambition, asitactively seeks to transform the professions view on hempcrete: thanks toaresearch grant secured by the thermal engineers ofthe project, LM Ingnieur, probes have beenplaced in the walls and willmonitor theperformance of hempcrete in the comingyears, to improve understanding ofthe way the material ages.At 4,000 per square metre instead of aballpark figure of 3,000 if it had been builtwith cheaper nonlocal and more carbonintensive materials, the increased cost is significant, especially for a social housing provider, but the building tops allecological credentials, as demanded bytheclient. Indeed, surlvation is not sustainable in itself. It does deliver more real estate without encroaching on unbuilt spaces that can be saved for public use and the planting of trees, for instance, but it canbe used to build luxury commercial amenities and housing for the few, instead ofthe many reinforcing the image of Paris as a playground for the superwealthy. Asforany newbuild, it is the design choices materials, sourcing, construction techniques that determine its carbon footprint. What makes the Mir extension commissioned by Paris Habitat exemplary isthe alignment of its social ambitions, ecological credentials and design ethos.What makes this extension exemplary isthe alignment of itssocial ambitions, ecological credentials and design ethosThese decisions are part of a wider and longerterm strategy for Paris to build the greener and more socially inclusive future described by Waller. The City has spent the last two years redesigning its Plan Local dUrbanisme or PLU, the citywide document that determines the regulations and philosophy of planning for the decade to come. Approved in November 2024, it sets out a bioclimatic strategy for Paris, as Mto France (the public agency in charge of weather forecast and climatology) predicts the citys temperature could increase by a staggering 5.3C by the end of this century. Upward extensions will not be the miracle solutions for a city that has virtually no room to grow, but they constitute a versatile tool for city makers. The mix of modesty and intelligence demonstrated by Mir and their clients in order to build affordable homes is an inspiring endeavour that sets a promising path for the future of Pariss development.
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  • In Chimera, Erin Milez Lovingly Chronicles the Everyday Chaos of Parenthood
    The Years Are Short (2024), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 24 x 30 inches. All images courtesy of the artist and Monya Rowe Gallery, New York, shared with permissionIn Chimera, Erin Milez Lovingly Chronicles the Everyday Chaos of ParenthoodFebruary 27, 2025ArtKate MothesMundane tasks like washing the dishes, eating dinner, or getting some shuteye take on wild and chaotic proportions in Erin Milezs uncanny paintings. She portrays characters and a home that reflects her own experiences of starting a young family.Repetitive motifs and overactive handstheir connection to a body often unclearcultivate a sense of routine, perform chores, and provide affection. They go about their daily routines like the seasons, repeating on an accelerated 24-hour cycle, Milez says.Hot & Cold (2024), oil on panel, 24 x 18 inchesThe artist draws on the physically and emotionally transformative experience of parenthood in her solo exhibition Chimera at Monya Rowe Gallery. The title reflects the name of a fire-breathing monster in Greek mythology that was part-lion, part-goat, and part-dragon. The term chimera is also sometimes used to describe a grotesque beast or a figment of the imagination. Milez says:I see my feeling of metamorphosis reflected in various places: in Lucy Jones explanation of matrescence and becoming chimeras, never being singular again, even on a genetic level; in Tetsuya Ishidas work, though his embodies a more hopeless and dehumanized transformation in laboring tasks; in Nightbitch where Amy Adams is transformed into a dog because of the primal and physical demands of creation and mothering.Tetsuya Ishida, for example, is known for portraying humans merged with machines and banal objects in surreal, alienating scenes. Milez also references the physicality and strength depicted WPA-era works, like the laborers bodies in murals by Diego Rivera or Stanley Spencer. The latter was known for large-scale depictions of everyday workers like Port Glasgow shipbuilders on the River Clyde, who people rhythmic, heaving scenes of the round-the-clock toil.In Milezs paintings, quotidian scenes are reframed into elaborate juggling acts. In many cases, the scenes themselves literally frame the activity, like the green tiled sink in Hot & Cold that mirrors a material form with clasped hands. In Receptacle, numerous hands, handles, and objects swirl around an unwieldy trash bag, and stuffed wooden compartments overflow with nostalgia in The Years Are Short.Life & Death II (2024), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 40 x 30 inchesMilez illuminates the emotional rollercoaster of parenthood, invoking its discomforts, uncertainties, disorganization, and above all, devotion. In Goodnight, Lion, a sleepless mother squishes into a crib to help her chld sleep, evoking wildlife in a zoo.Occupying a space somewhere between chaos and nurture, Milez observes the complicated and continually changing dynamics between family members and self, says a statement for Chimera. Milez is not afraid to portray the seemingly monstrous, but it is never gratuitous and always mitigated by beauty and reality.Chimera continues through March 29 in New York City. Find more on the artists website and Instagram.Goodnight, Lion (2024), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 24 x 30 inchesReceptacle (2024), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 30 x 24 inchesLife & Death I (2024), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 40 x 30 inchesNot Lazy Susan (2024), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 30 x 24 inchesHeavy Mama (2024), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 48 x 36 inchesVariables (2025), oil, acrylic, and flashe on canvas, 16 x 12 inchesNext article
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  • Would you hop on this driverless electric city bus?
    Published February 27, 2025 6:00am EST close Would you hop on this driverless electric city bus? Driverless buses are powered by artificial intelligence. Could self-driving electric buses be coming to a city near you?Cambridge, U.K., is taking the lead in testing a revolutionary public transit system that could transform urban mobility. The Alexander Dennis Enviro100AEV, equipped with Fusion Processing's cutting-edge CAVstar automated drive system, is poised to change how people move around the city, offering a sustainable and efficient alternative to traditional buses.So, forget what you think you know about public transit. This could be a sneak peek at the future of commuting, potentially disrupting the way we think about public transportation in the U.S. and beyond.STAY SAFE & IN THE KNOW AT NO COST! SUBSCRIBE TO KURTS THE CYBERGUY REPORT FOR FREE SECURITY ALERTS & TECH TIPS The Alexander Dennis Enviro100AEV (Alexander Dennis)Autonomous electric bus unveiledFusion Processing and Alexander Dennis just unveiled the first Enviro100AEV autonomous electric bus. The vehicle combines the best of both worlds: a fully electric powertrain for zero-emission operation and Fusion Processing's intelligent CAVstar automated drive system.Powered by AI, the CAVstar system provides the "brains" for the bus' self-driving capabilities. Notably, the Enviro100AEV features an impressive energy consumption rate of just 0.54 kWh/km. For context, this metric, standard in many parts of the world, represents energy consumption per kilometer traveled. This demonstrates the bus' high efficiency. It also supports up to 1.2 GWh of warrantable energy throughput, indicating its robust design and longevity. The Alexander Dennis Enviro100AEV (Alexander Dennis)From test track to city streetsSo, what's next for this self-driving bus? First, it's off to the test track to calibrate the CAVstar system. This ensures the bus can handle everything the road throws its way, all while maintaining top-notch safety and efficiency. Once the testing phase is complete, the bus will move to Cambridge, where safety drivers will receive training to supervise the operations. The plan is to launch public services later this year at the Cambridge Biomedical Campus. The Alexander Dennis Enviro100AEV (Alexander Dennis)Why Cambridge, England?Cambridge is the perfect place to test out this technology because the Cambridge Biomedical Campus is a hub for world-class biomedical research, patient care and education. The Enviro100AEV isn't just about self-driving; it's also about sustainability. As an electric bus, it produces zero emissions, helping to create a cleaner, greener city. The hope is that autonomous buses like this will not only improve the efficiency of public transport but also make it more environmentally friendly.WHAT IS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)? The Alexander Dennis Enviro100AEV (Alexander Dennis)What's the big deal?Why should you care about self-driving buses in Cambridge? This project provides a glimpse into the future of urban transportation, showcasing how technology can improve efficiency, reduce emissions and potentially transform how we design and manage our cities. The involvement of NFI Group through Alexander Dennis, a company with a significant presence in the North American market, suggests that the lessons learned and technologies developed in Cambridge could eventually find their way to cities across the United States. The Alexander Dennis Enviro100AEV (Alexander Dennis)The Connector Project: A collaborative effortThis development is part of the Connector project, an initiative backed by Innovate UK and spearheaded by the Greater Cambridge Partnership. It's a team effort, with Fusion Processing, Alexander Dennis, IPG Automotive, dRisk and Gamma Energy all pitching in. Plus, the U.K. government's Centre for Connected & Autonomous Vehicles is providing funding and guidance.GET FOX BUSINESS ON THE GO BY CLICKING HERE The Alexander Dennis Enviro100AEV (Alexander Dennis)What they're sayingJim Hutchinson, CEO of Fusion Processing, is understandably excited:"This is a landmark achievement for Fusion Processing and our CAVstar system. We are proud to play a pivotal role in revolutionizing public transport with autonomous technology."Councillor Elisa Meschini, chair of the Greater Cambridge Partnerships Executive Board, added,"The Connector project positions Cambridge at the forefront of innovation by trialing autonomous vehicles on our roads... This initiative not only paves the way for more sustainable and efficient travel but also highlights the power of collaboration in shaping the future of public transport."Jamie Wilson, head of concepts and advanced engineering at Alexander Dennis, said,"The completion of the first Enviro100AEV is a great milestone for the Connector project as we now enter a phase of vehicle testing to ready the technology for public services."Kurt's key takeawaysThe unveiling of the autonomous electric bus in Cambridge marks a significant step toward the future of public transportation. This project highlights the power of collaboration and innovation in creating sustainable and efficient mobility solutions. As the bus undergoes testing and prepares for public service, it paves the way for a potentially transformative shift in how we get around our cities.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPWould you feel comfortable riding a bus with no driver? What factors would be most important to you in trusting the safety of this technology, both as a passenger and as someone sharing the road with it? Let us know by writing us atCyberguy.com/Contact.For more of my tech tips and security alerts, subscribe to my free CyberGuy Report Newsletter by heading toCyberguy.com/Newsletter.Ask Kurt a question or let us know what stories you'd like us to cover.Follow Kurt on his social channels:Answers to the most asked CyberGuy questions:New from Kurt:Copyright 2025 CyberGuy.com.All rights reserved. Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson is an award-winning tech journalist who has a deep love of technology, gear and gadgets that make life better with his contributions for Fox News & FOX Business beginning mornings on "FOX & Friends." Got a tech question? Get Kurts free CyberGuy Newsletter, share your voice, a story idea or comment at CyberGuy.com.
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  • New Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 7 leaks suggest major changes to its design - and I'm all for it
    Fresh leaks suggest that Samsung's upcoming foldable will feature a sleek, thinner design along with a larger 8.2-inch display.
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  • I ditched my Roomba just hours after testing this new Roborock vacuum - here's why
    The Roborock Saros 10R stands as one of the brand's dual-flagship robot vacuum and mop combos, delivering exceptional performance.
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  • U.S. Govt Demands Millions Of Google, Apple And Meta User Accounts
    GETTYgettyOver the last ten years, the number of user accounts handed over to the U.S. government by Google, Apple and Meta has increased by more than six times.An analysis by Proton has revealed that the companies have handed over data on 3.1 million accounts to the U.S. authorities over the last decade, providing data including emails, files, messages and other highly personal information.Between late 2014 and early 2024, the number of accounts shared by Google jumped 530%; by 675% at Meta; and 632% at Applealthough this last was partly due to an atypical second half of 2022, when the company shared over 300,000 accounts.The number of U.S. data requests, said Proton, has gone up rapidly and consistently over the last ten years, regardless of which political party has been in the White House."In the past, the government relied on massive, complex and legally questionable surveillance apparatus run by organizations like the NSA. But thanks to the advent of surveillance capitalism, this is no longer necessary," said Raphael Auphan, COO of Proton."All thats required for the government to find out just about everything it could ever need is a request message to big tech in California. And as long as Big Tech refuses to implement widespread end-to-end encryption, these massive, private data reserves will remain open to abuse."The level of U.S. government data collection is substantially higher than that of most other countries. Indeed, in the last 12 months for which data was available, Google and Meta received more requests from the U.S. governmentnearly half a millionthan the rest of the Fourteen Eyes Surveillance Community combined.The second highest number of requests from Meta and Google, from Germany, was 174,664, and from France 60,738. At the bottom end of the scale, the figure for Norway was just 704.And the U.S. figures dont include Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Content Requests to Meta and Google, which have also increased by 2171% and 594% respectively in the same time period."FISA Content Requests are particularly concerning as they are issued by secretive courts with little oversight and cannot be legally refused by the companies," the researchers said.Last year, a journalist for The Times requested her data from Metaand received 20,000 pages, including 20,000 interactions with websites and apps that werent even directly connected to her Meta accounts."To be clear, we are not faulting big tech companies for complying with lawful, limited data requests. Every company must comply with the laws of the land that governs them," said Proton editor Richie Koch.They can't, he said, apply end-to-end encryption or even minimize user data collection without destroying their ad-based business models."To protect their users privacy, these companies would have to fundamentally change how they make money, which is not something they have ever shown any appetite for," he said.
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  • Little Girls Are Harming Their Skin With Anti-Aging Products
    Little girls are harming their skin by using anti-aging products encouraged on social media.gettyPreteen girls taking an interest in skincare may initially sound like a fun, healthy trend. And its big business: in 2023 American families with tweens aged 6 to 12 purchased 27.2% more skincare, while familes with teens aged 13 to 17 purchased 28.6% more.But when girls as young as 8 show up at doctors offices with allergic reactions, rashes, irritant dermatitis because they are using anti-aging products meant for 40 year old women, we have a problem. Driven by the viral #SephoraKids social media trend, little girls are harming their skin with anti-aging products. And the harms dont stop there: both body image and how girls form community are also being influenced by the skin care trend.Social Media And Anti-aging Products For Little GirlsHow can an 8 year old think her skin needs highly irritating products like tretinoin or ferulic acid for wrinkles she doesnt have? Initially, watching skincare videos from kid skinfluencers is about fun and community.15 year old Ellie and 14 year Noe Etheridge told WATE 6 that they enjoy trying new skincare products. Its fun and it makes you feel clean and good about yourself. But sometimes you can get carried away and take that too far,said the Etheridge girls.The video below shows social media clips of these young skinfluencers, and they are shockingly young. In order to avoid encouraging these young skinfluencers, I have not linked directly to their social media.For other girls, the anti-aging social media trend is no fun at all. At 10 years old, Scarlett Goddard Strahan was so worried about getting wrinkles that she and her friends watched hours of skinfluencers on TikTok and Youtube. In order to achieve a flawless, glowing complexion, Scarlett used facial cleansers, mists, hydrating masks and moisturizers. But these products were not made for her young skin, and her skin began burning and blistering, leaving marks that lasted months.I didnt want to get wrinkles and look old, Scarlett told the Associated Press. If I had known my life would be so affected by this, I never would have put these things on my face.How Anti-aging Products Can Harm Young SkinWhat 8 year old social media skinfluencers dont know is that they are spreading harmful misinformation to other kids their age.When kids use anti-aging skin care, they can actually cause premature aging, destroy the skin barrier and lead to permanent scarring, Dr. Brooke Jeffy, a Scottsdale, Arizona dermatologist told the AP.One of the reasons young skin looks young, i.e. plump, moisturized and smooth, is because it has good barrier function. But when kids use irritating anti-aging products, they can dry out their skin, create breaks in the barrier, and set off redness and irritation.This break down in the barrier then lets outside substances and microbes in and the immune system goes wild. Immune cells release chemical messengers to promote inflammation. The process recruits fibroblasts, the cells that lay down scar tissue.Now here is where things really scary. One of the key processes in skin development from infancy to adult skin has to do with collagen. As anti-aging gurus will tell you, collagen is a large molecule that help gives skin its firm smooth appearance. In infants and young children the skin is full of small bundles of collagen. As the skin transitions to adulthood, fibroblasts work to cross-link those collagen bundles.During inflammation, such as wound-healing and scar formation, fibroblasts lay down relatively disorganized structures. Now imagine activated fibroblasts in the skin of a young girls face, potentially cross linking collagen bundles prematurely and in a disorganized way. And if the girl keeps using the irritating products, prolonged inflammation is known to cause ongoing inappropriate fibroblast activity.How Anti-aging Videos Can Harm Young MindsYoung skinfluencers are everywhere, and some girls are finding that bonding over skin care routines has become a key price of entry to community. According to 14 year old Mia Hall, who saves her $20 a week allowance to buy products at Sephora with friends, skin care was the only way she felt she could fit in.Its like a trance. You cant stop watching it, Mia told the AP about the social media skin care videos. So when they tell me, Go buy this product or, I use this and its amazing, it feels very personal. Getting what they have makes me feel connected to them.But this product peddling has its dark side: Mia feels jealous and insecure when she sees other girls her age who look very pretty or have an amazing life.Rutgers University psychologist and author of The Body Image Book For Girls, Charlotte Markey told the AP that detailed beauty tutorials send vulnerable young girls the message that they are a never-ending project to get started on now. The message is: you are not OK the way you are.Protecting Young Girls From SkinfluencersLike most problems caused by social media, protecting young girls from the harmful misinformation peddled by skinfluencers requires legal protections, parental involvement, and correct information.Legal efforts to protect young girls from anti-aging productsCalifornia assemblymember Alex Lee of San Jos is currently trying for the second time to get a bill passed banning the sale of anti-aging skin care products for shoppers under the age of 18.The beauty industry is cashing in on the Sephora kids phenomenon where children are buying and using adult anti-aging products, said Assemblymember Lee in a statement. Kids dont need anti-aging products. The beauty industry knows that We have to stop the beauty industry from exploiting our youth.Parents can protect their daughters from social mediaSkin-damage driven by social media skin care videos is just the latest of many dangers to girls on social media. Parents have many reasons to take an active role in protecting their girls. It can be hard to know where to start, but in a prior article for Forbes I detailed three ways parents can protect their kids from social medias mental health effects.Correcting the record on anti-aging products and kidsMany parents assume that the products their children are using have been tested for safety. However, both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and European Medicines Agency, do not require testing of cosmetic products such as anti-aging creams on children. Such testing is only required when a product is labeled as a product for children.Therefore, doctors are trying to get the word out to the public about the dangers of anti-aging skin care products for kids. The Connecticut Childrens Medical Center, UCLA Health Reports and the British Association of Dermatologists are just a few of the health experts warning that children who use anti-aging products could experience irreversible skin problems.A pediatricians skincare advice for kids and teensWhen it comes to their skin, kids and teens need only simple, inexpensive skin care routines. As a pediatrician, heres what I recommend (I have no financial connection to these brands):For kids without acne:1. A gentle cleanser such as the inexpensive drugstore brand Cetaphil cleanser or glucoside foaming cleanser from The Ordinary.2. A light, non-irritating moisturizer such as drugstore brand CeraVes AM and PM facial moisturizers. Bonus: the AM version contains sunscreen.3. If using a moisturizer without sunscreen, apply a light sunscreen.For kids with acne:1. An over the counter benzoyl peroxide face wash, such as over the counter differin.2. An adapalene gel, such as over the counter differin.3. Follow with a light moisturizer and sunscreen.If your child needs more help with their skin, maybe check with your pediatrician or dermatologist before you head to Sephora.
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  • Instagram could launch a separate Reels app amid uncertainty over TikTok's future
    In context: With the continuing drama surrounding TikTok's future in the US showing no signs of resolving itself, rival social media sites are trying to offer users a viable alternative. Instagram is one such platform that is reportedly considering spinning off Reels as a separate app to take advantage of a potential TikTok-free social media landscape in the country. According to unnamed insider sources cited by The Information (via Reuters), the plan was reportedly discussed by Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri with staff earlier this week. However, the company has not officially confirmed or denied the report, with its spokespersons refusing to speak to the media about the subject.The news about a possible separation of Reels comes amid reports that Instagram users were bombarded with a range of violent and adult content this week. According to some users, the graphic videos showed school shootings, stabbings, beheadings, rape, and gory accidents. Meta has since apologized for the "error" and claimed that it has now fixed the problem for good.A separate Reels app wouldn't be the first time Meta had announced new products "inspired" by its competitors. Earlier this year, the company ripped off ByteDance's CapCut app to launch its own video-editing application called "Edits." In 2018, Zuckerberg's firm released another video editing app called Lasso, but it was eventually shut down due to low consumer uptake.TikTok was banned in the US after President Biden signed a bipartisan law last year, requiring its Chinese owner to sell the app to an American entity. The ban went into effect on January 19, just a day before Donald Trump took office for his second term as POTUS. Following the ban, the app was removed from Apple's App Store and Google's Play Store, and US-based TikTok users were unable to access it for almost a whole day.However, just hours after the ban came into effect, Trump was inaugurated and overturned it via an executive order that gave TikTok's owner ByteDance 75 days to comply with the new law and find an American owner for its US operations. Trump also said that the US government could take a 50 percent stake in TikTok as part of a joint venture with various US tech firms.TikTok returned to the Google and Apple app stores earlier this month.
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  • www.techspot.com
    Highly anticipated: The "Half-Life 3 confirmed" catchphrase might not be around for much longer. There's been a slew of speculation that the 18-year wait since Half-Life 2: Episode 2 could soon end, and that the mythical Half-Life 3 is in the final stages of development. Getting fans of the iconic FPS series excited is Valve's new update to Deadlock, its third-person shooter MOBA. Buried within this update is a mention of HLX, which is widely believed to be an in-development name for Half-Life 3.HLX has appeared in other recent updates for Valve games, including Dota 2 and Counter-Strike 2. What's different on this occasion is that it appears alongside a mention of FSR3.Valve watcher Tyler McVicker believes that if AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution upscaling technology really is being used in the HLX build, it would be a sign that development is nearing completion."You don't use FSR until you're nearly done with a game. Those AI post-processing systems are not supposed to be used for development," he notes in a video on his YouTube channel.There have been other signs that Half-Life 3 will be with us at some point this year. On New Year's Eve, Mike Shapiro, the actor who voiced G-Man and Barney Calhoun, posted a video in which he says he hopes the next quarter-century delivers as many unexpected surprises as the previous 25 years. "See you in the New Year," he promises. The post also uses the #Valve and #Halflife hashtags, which appear to be more hints as to what's coming.McVicker also dove into the recent Dota 2 update. His datamining uncovered a new set of code in a file called AI_baseNPC.fgd, which is not actively used by the popular MOBA. It includes references to machinery and alien blood, which are believed to be related to Half-Life 3. The code itself relates to a common optimization technique in games where AI complexity and behavior can be scaled based on distance from the player, something McVicker says is further evidence of Half-Life 3 development nearing completion. // Related StoriesThe latest discoveries follow reports from reputable leaker Gabe Follower in December that Valve had been conducting friends-and-family playtesting for HLX over the previous few months. McVicker believes the discoveries since then suggest the testing went smoothly, and that an official announcement might not be too far away.There have been rumors and claims that Half-Life 3 was close to completion for many years, all of which turned out to be false alarms. But the sheer number of signs over the last few months strongly suggest 2025 will be the year that the long wait ends.
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  • Legendary actor Gene Hackman passes away at 95
    Just over two decades after retiring from Hollywood, legendary actor Gene Hackman has passed away at 95. The bodies of Hackman, his wife, Betsy Arakawa, 65, and their dog were found in their home in Santa Fe, New Mexico.Via ABC News, the Santa Fe County Sheriffs office performed a welfare check on Hackman and Arakawa on Wednesday, February 27, when the couple was found. No cause of death has been disclosed at press time.Recommended VideosHackmans career began with small roles in the late 50s before he broke into film in 1961 with an uncredited role as a policeman in Mad Dog Coll. Ten years later, Hackman landed the part of Detective Jimmy Popeye Doyle in The French Connection, which earned him the Oscar for Best Actor for 1971. Two decades after that, Hackman won another Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in Clint Eastwoods Unforgiven, which is widely regarded as one of the best westerns ever made.Please enable Javascript to view this contentOne of Hackmans most popular roles was his turn as Lex Luthor in Superman, which he reprised for Superman 2 and Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. Hackman was a versatile performer who could effortlessly take on comedic roles in films like The Birdcage, while taking more serious roles in The Conversation and The Firm. Some of his best-known films include The Poseidon Adventure, Scarecrow, Under Fire, Enemy of the State, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Runaway Jury.The final movie of Hackmans career was the comedy Welcome To Mooseport in 2004. During his retirement, Hackman wrote two novels, Payback at Morning Peak and Pursuit. But for most of the last 21 years, Hackman and his wife lived outside of the spotlight.
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